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Current Plots Discussion: Actually Today's Episode

Message added by scarynikki12

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Jordi Vilasuso sure is pretty.  So Dario and Brady have a rocky history?


While Steve is an idiot for giving in to Ava, I hope he and Kayla are able to work their way back together.  Ava is the absolute worst


While I'm very disappointed in all the rape, rape and more rape, the needless destruction of Chase, and the corruption of Hope and Rafe, I'm still loving VI and am looking forward to JV/Dario.  I'm also grateful for the swing away from four days of week of Abigail.  Hopefully the new co-head writer will be able to breathe new life back into this show.

  • Love 5

Turned on the tv just in right in the middle of the Steve/Kayla emotion. I had immediate tears. These two can really bring it! Totally gut wrenching. These two are the best actors on this show right now IMO. Im not sure how I feel about Steve right now, but I adore SN (and MBE too). Regardless of how the storyline plays out, and the crappy things that happen to them, SN and MBE are just glorious to watch!

And Ava. Just ..ick. I am really trying not to be judgmental of the actress. I've never been a TB fan (I caught her a bit on GH back in the day), but the poor girl just looks ...ill ..to me. I seem to recall reading, years ago, that she may suffer from some autoimmune disease ? (maybe it was Chrons or Lupus, I so can't remember) as a result, I just look at her tiny little frame, and feel sorry for her.

  • Love 6

I liked seeing emotion in a man. Steve brought it. No shame in Kayla seeing him not in a good place and in an ugly cry. He owned what he did.


I thought Ava's box delivery was some sort of pregnancy test.


Brady's California adventure seemed a bit lacking in that the beach was empty. Where are all the tourists? Dario seems likely as a new love interest for Paul. The LA beach bar seemed underwhelming.


Yes, Theresa, hop on a plane to LA. Good idea. Brady will be away for a couple of days to do something that has nothing to do with you. Insecurity is very ugly; as is codependence. Nicole, you aren't much better. Brady is a big boy, maybe, and can deal with stuff on his own. If he wanted your assistance, he would have asked you to come along. Whatever compels him to find this 'Summer' person that Daniel knew, is his to deal with - alone.


Belle, please go suck some lemons. Philip, your daddy is using you.

  • Love 6

My only experience with this Jordi person was when he was on AMC trying to get with Kendall and pretending he wasn't and he always looked like his pants were painfully too small. I did not like him AT ALL. Was he the original actor in this role?

MBE has terrific legs!! I could have done without the little hip-placed pocket flaps, but the pink was great on her. I would have liked Theresa's dress if it was an inch or two longer and didn't stand out like she was wearing a crinoline.

Why does Brady keep taking his sunglasses OFF when he thinks there is something he wants to see better? Dude, you are on a beach. Sunglasses are your friend.

  • Love 2

What the fudge?

Days isn't available any longer on Xfinity on demand dvr?

My service provider doesn't offer it either (neither did Optimum when I had them), I assume it is NBC because they literally have every crappy show they air -- sometimes cancelled shows. I hate it because I accidentally deleted yesterday's episode when I was distracted and am now stuck having to watch through the app, which I hate because it limits ff -- I only want to rewatch Steve and Kayla scenes.

  • Love 2

Other than the pure pleasure it is to watch two pros at work, I'm so ready for Kayla and Steve to jointly bury Ava alive and if her spawn IS alive, to destroy any documention that might lead it to Steve.  There should be nothing to remind anyone in Salem that Ava ever existed.  God knows that won't be hard with Joey.  He's got the brain capacity of  my first computer.  

On a completely unrelated note, I'm ready for Stepanie to come back.  Especially with all we're seeing onscreen right now, ALL IS FORGIVEN, PLEASE COME HOME.


Nicole, leave Brady alone.  Theresa, do the same.  Brady, don't move.  Just stay sitting in the sand as the tide rises.  Let it cover your head.  Stay sitting there and hold your breath.  It will go out in a couple of hours.  Drowning couldn't possibly make him any dumber.

And Summer's Eve, running into the oceah?   Keep going.  Salem has exceeded it's current quotient of crazy, no room for any more!



Jordi Vilasuso sure is pretty.  So Dario and Brady have a rocky history?


While Steve is an idiot for giving in to Ava, I hope he and Kayla are able to work their way back together.  Ava is the absolute worst


While I'm very disappointed in all the rape, rape and more rape, the needless destruction of Chase, and the corruption of Hope and Rafe, I'm still loving VI and am looking forward to JV/Dario.  I'm also grateful for the swing away from four days of week of Abigail.  Hopefully the new co-head writer will be able to breathe new life back into this show.


Jordi IS  pretty and IMO gets prettier the older he gets.  How nice to see a guy who isn't manscaped within an inch of his manly bits.  I like the actor so whatever he's going to be doing, or whoever, I'm all for it.  Especially if he irritates Rafe.  Bonus!!


I think Marlena was used well today. She was there for Belle and supportive even when the slight movements of her face conveyed what we all felt, Little Miss Belle is full of more ish than a little bit." At this point, aside fro a story that reveals Belle suffered some sort of head trauma that is altering her personality, I can't get behind anything Selfibelle says, thinks, feels or does.

Show is clearly screwing with me. It gives me Victor and the Oompaloompa talking about Deimos, but I get no actual Deimos. I guess they said this episode was all about misery and no joy would be allowed to be had anywhere.


I felt sorry for Marlena today.  She's not done so well in the kiddie sweepstakes, no matter who is at fault.  Sami and her will never have any more than, at best, a fitful relationship.  Eric has all the personality of a Ken Doll and Belle is the Bride of Chucky.  BTW, Belle is going to have to do a whole lot more than throw herself a pity party to get me to care.


Love the Oompaloopma name for Philip as played by JP Lumpaleer!  It's perfect.  Victor is delusional if he thinks Deimos is going to be fooled by Shari Lewis' hand puppet, Lamb Chop.

  • Love 8

Yep, my guts were wrenched all right. SN has my undying love, and so does MBE. There was a moment when her back was turned to Steve as he was 'splaining and she was just so gutted, but turned around and set her chin like Kayla does and it was perfect. Pros at work. 


I do forget what Brady had to do with Dario, can anyone fill in? They have Melanie in common, but that was years and husbands/engagements apart. OH! Did it have to do with Arianna and Brady's breakup? Or her untimely death, I can't remember which came first. I'd rather hang out in that LA beach bar some more. And that song is becoming earwormy for me (dammit!). 

  • Love 6

There was more emotion in their scenes today than I have seen all week in all the other scenes combined.  You can tell MBE and SN really trust each other and they are so raw and true in their characters.  Plus, I wish the two of them could show some of the other actors on the show, "this is how you cry. This is how you rip your character's guts out (in a good way).  This is how you show emotion."  

Yes, it was a joy to watch great acting on this show yesterday. 

  • Love 8

SWMNBN needs to die violently, immediately and irrevocably. I can't with the character or the actress, SWMNBN should never have been brought back. We can thank Higleypoo for this disaster of a story that as was noted up thread served to only ruin what had been the one bright spot on he show. I so want Kayla to be able to punch that creature's lights out, but we know that will never be allowed to happen.

So we get BlackPatch st the start of the show and I know it was to give Steve a sounding board to prompt him to tell Kayla. However, it just served to remind how he did absolutely nothing (not following his cretin of an ex, notifying the police who are related to Kayla, like Roman and Hope, conducting an actual investigation with his BlackPatch cohort who he is supposed to be opening a detective firm with) to rescue Kayla other than deciding to sleep with SWMNBN. I felt a little sympathy for Steve seeing how much pain he was in and how deep,his fear of losing Kayla was, then he started recounting his rationale, and I was like, "STHU, do you know how ridiculous you sound now." All I was left with was aching for an emotionally devastated Kayla (who by the way told Steve to pack and leave, yet in her house he remains). At some point enough is enough and everyone reaches their breaking point, in real life, this would be that point for Kayla. I'm not saying she can't work to forgiveness and then love with Steve again, but right now, if Kayla stays with Steve, she will be relegated to little more tha the punching bag in an emotionally abusive relationship. In this scenario, absent the physical abuse, Steve is just like his father who emotionally abused and manipulated Steve's mother into staying with him. We know the show seems to hate women, but even this is just too much. When Higley did this same crap story on OLTL, it worked better, if you want to call it that, because it lasted longer. We saw Todd and Blair in jeopardy from Margaret. Todd denied her rape sex requests until there was literally nothing else he could do. We did not get that here and the end result is that the character of Steve has been lessened.



It's frustrating as hell because the Todd/Blair/Margaret story had the audience hard core rooting for Todd and Blair to triumph and reunite (never mind how that ultimately worked out...) Neither one of them had done anything to this nut Margaret. Sure, N!Todd flirted with her briefly and took her out for drinks as a means of getting back at Kevin Buchanan but she's the one who felt uncomfortable about it and then 'broke up' with him... only to come back several months later deciding they were in love and she could totally raise his children and he looked at her like 'Wait, what? Where is this even coming from?"


So she was the obvious villain of the piece. We never got scenes of her weeping uncontrollably after her schemes didn't work like they did with Ava in the hotel room. Seriously, was I supposed to be moved by that? Why should I give two shits that this lunatic who has done all of this damage feels bad because some meal ticket baby she thought she had with Steve and never actually knew herself is dead? (Allegedly.) I wasn't feeling sorry for her at all. But in my defense... fuck that chick! Why should I feel bad?


The Blair/Todd situation was different in that it had been months of N!Todd tied to a bed, trying to escape, almost getting rescued, etc etc before he was at the end of his rope. And he knew that Blair was in trouble because she told him so... she was tied up in the trunk of a car, in a parking garage, in February, in Pennsylvania and slowly freezing to death. Todd gave in because, at that point, he knew it was the only thing he could do. Blair told him to do whatever he had to do to survive... and then when he hid the whole rape thing from her (still not sure why he did that) she found out and wasn't the least bit angry with him for it because a) she knew he had been held hostage by the nutbar for months b) she had seen with her own eyes that he was tied to a fucking bed c) she knew Margaret was crazy having had to bust into a room with an axe to keep Margaret from stabbing her daughter to death d) she'd kidnapped Jack for a brief period just so show that she could and e) she had told Todd to do whatever he had to do. Blair got it because all of that shit.


This stuff with Steve... they glossed over way too much. We knew that Ava was responsible for Kayla's disappearance because we saw it but we didn't know anything after that. For all we knew (and Steve for that matter) Kayla could have been being well taken care of, just out of the way to make Steve worry. I know they had the opening scene where Steve seemed to be trying to get a clue while Ava was sleeping on the couch, handcuffed to the table but that really wasn't enough. Especially considering the number of people in Salem who could have helped. (Did I mention that in the OLTL version of this, Margaret murdered N!Todd's assistant when she tracked Margaret down and then when Blair went to the police for help they told her to go shit in her hat? Okay, not those exact words but they basically told her that there wasn't any proof of wrong doing or that Todd had been kidnapped. Oh, yeah, they also accepted the filing of a restraining order that Margaret put on Blair and, you know, were not only of no help... but actively against Blair trying to find her man. I really thought Blair and Todd had a great civil suit on their hands when all was said and done...)


In a town that is literally riddled with cops and ISA agents (current and former) all of whom like or love Steve and Kayla and have no use for Ava it was flat out lazy lazy lazy to play it out the way they did. And even though the sex was coerced it didn't help matters to have Steve be an active participant in the whole thing (Todd dreamed of Blair singing to him and looked like he was in massive amounts of pain whenever Margaret touched him) and then having him in bed with her afterwards like it was normal or something. The second he was done he should have been out of that bed and dressed or heading to the shower.


Sadly, I think Kayla has every right to be fucking enraged at Ava AND Steve. Steve she'll forgive but she deserves her pounds of flesh from Ava. That insane rake owes Kayla for a LOT of damage over the years.

  • Love 9

I'll be the pain in the ass.  But I don't know why we're constantly discussing years old plots at length on old soaps I've never watched in the Current Plots discussion.

Because it's the same story. It's the same story done by Higley on both shows and the comparison is about showing how, amazingly, the version on OLTL was better because the feeling of desperation was drawn out over a longer period of time as opposed to... Three days here? And Steve had an embarrassment of riches in regards to getting help which we never really saw him attempt to utilize.

It's a compare and contrast situation involving a lot of the same elements by the same writer. How could this have been made more tolerable? It's all there in what came before.

  • Love 5

It's frustrating as hell because the Todd/Blair/Margaret story had the audience hard core rooting for Todd and Blair to triumph and reunite (never mind how that ultimately worked out...) Neither one of them had done anything to this nut Margaret. Sure, N!Todd flirted with her briefly and took her out for drinks as a means of getting back at Kevin Buchanan but she's the one who felt uncomfortable about it and then 'broke up' with him... only to come back several months later deciding they were in love and she could totally raise his children and he looked at her like 'Wait, what? Where is this even coming from?"


So she was the obvious villain of the piece. We never got scenes of her weeping uncontrollably after her schemes didn't work like they did with Ava in the hotel room. Seriously, was I supposed to be moved by that? Why should I give two shits that this lunatic who has done all of this damage feels bad because some meal ticket baby she thought she had with Steve and never actually knew herself is dead? (Allegedly.) I wasn't feeling sorry for her at all. But in my defense... fuck that chick! Why should I feel bad?


The Blair/Todd situation was different in that it had been months of N!Todd tied to a bed, trying to escape, almost getting rescued, etc etc before he was at the end of his rope. And he knew that Blair was in trouble because she told him so... she was tied up in the trunk of a car, in a parking garage, in February, in Pennsylvania and slowly freezing to death. Todd gave in because, at that point, he knew it was the only thing he could do. Blair told him to do whatever he had to do to survive... and then when he hid the whole rape thing from her (still not sure why he did that) she found out and wasn't the least bit angry with him for it because a) she knew he had been held hostage by the nutbar for months b) she had seen with her own eyes that he was tied to a fucking bed c) she knew Margaret was crazy having had to bust into a room with an axe to keep Margaret from stabbing her daughter to death d) she'd kidnapped Jack for a brief period just so show that she could and e) she had told Todd to do whatever he had to do. Blair got it because all of that shit.


This stuff with Steve... they glossed over way too much. We knew that Ava was responsible for Kayla's disappearance because we saw it but we didn't know anything after that. For all we knew (and Steve for that matter) Kayla could have been being well taken care of, just out of the way to make Steve worry. I know they had the opening scene where Steve seemed to be trying to get a clue while Ava was sleeping on the couch, handcuffed to the table but that really wasn't enough. Especially considering the number of people in Salem who could have helped. (Did I mention that in the OLTL version of this, Margaret murdered N!Todd's assistant when she tracked Margaret down and then when Blair went to the police for help they told her to go shit in her hat? Okay, not those exact words but they basically told her that there wasn't any proof of wrong doing or that Todd had been kidnapped. Oh, yeah, they also accepted the filing of a restraining order that Margaret put on Blair and, you know, were not only of no help... but actively against Blair trying to find her man. I really thought Blair and Todd had a great civil suit on their hands when all was said and done...)


In a town that is literally riddled with cops and ISA agents (current and former) all of whom like or love Steve and Kayla and have no use for Ava it was flat out lazy lazy lazy to play it out the way they did. And even though the sex was coerced it didn't help matters to have Steve be an active participant in the whole thing (Todd dreamed of Blair singing to him and looked like he was in massive amounts of pain whenever Margaret touched him) and then having him in bed with her afterwards like it was normal or something. The second he was done he should have been out of that bed and dressed or heading to the shower.


Sadly, I think Kayla has every right to be fucking enraged at Ava AND Steve. Steve she'll forgive but she deserves her pounds of flesh from Ava. That insane rake owes Kayla for a LOT of damage over the years.

This is simply brilliant as it sums up everything that was wrong with this story. We know Steve viewed the sex as coercive because of Steven Nichols' performance, and not because of anything written. As is, the story actually plays more like a man wh was looking for the excuse and took advantage when it happened, only to feel dread when common sense and fears of his dimwitted son caused him to fear that his dirt would be revealed. Aside from the Blair/Todd/Margaret comparison, this story was made worse because even at his most infuriating always viewed Kayla as the center of his universe. He would have been screaming from the mountains that she was in danger and needed help. In noting his ISA connections, he failed to utilize them, even though he did so in his search for Bo. He made no attempt to bring John into the mix, aside from their partnership, John was Roman throughout the first go-round of Steve and Kayla, he knows better than anyone, what they went through and based on this, their friendship and his role as Kayla's brother, John would have helped in a minute. As was the case with the search for Bo, Steve could have turned to John for help. How about turning to Victor for some underworld connections for help in discovering any place in proximity to Salem that Ava could have hid Kayla, with Steve bringing back Bo before he died, Victor's newfound respect for Kayla, his own dislike of Ava and a belated sense of loyalty to his dead son, you mean to tell me that Vicotr wouldn't have helped the friend Bo considered and brother, and the sibling Bo loved the most? But yet again, no effort was made. As you noted, even in the midst of her crazy, the show appeared to be trying to make people care for SWMNBN. Kayla and Steve were used as props to justify the presence of a character the current head writer wanted to shove back down viewers' throats because failed to regurgitate her up far enough the first go round.

This is why I will be intently focused on how the show plays what's coming. I never hated or even disliked Steve, even when he was brought on as Bo's antagonist. I saw more there and thought his anger towards Bo was justified and as we saw more, I realized he was more angry at the loss of his relationship with Bo than he was about Britta, or even his eye. But this storyline made me actively dislike Steve. SN made me start to melt on Friday, and I want to get back to the love I've always had for this character. I do however feel strongly that Kayla should be granted full agency and be allowed to stand on her truth. She is more than hurt, she is justifiably anger with Steve. He needs to let her have space to process and feel this anger, which is not just rooted in what happened and the lie, but the fact that after swearing him out of her life forever, she allowed Steve back into both her and Joey's life fully and now both she and her son have been damaged by his presence in her life. He not only lied and did whatever with that thing; he made her doubt her own good judgement; which means that she is questioning the very agency to writers so often deny her.

  • Love 6

Victor would have been a perfect option. With everything that Kayla did in order to ensure that Brady got the heart transplant, Victor stating his admiration for Kayla's guts, nerve and gumption and knowing that she was on her way to answer for the huge risk she took that saved Brady's life... Victor should have been the first call Steve made.

And, again, neither Steve nor Kayla are outsiders in Salem. They are beloved by pretty much everyone. Neither one are consistently on the wrong side of the law (sure, Steve used to be but that was a long time ago.) And Ava has a history of no-goodniking to the point that there is only one person (who is not a hormone addled teenaged boy) who saw her return to Salem as a good thing. Everyone else who saw her immediately wondered what she was up to.

Wouldn't it have been better to see enraged Hope going after Ava for endangering Kayla so soon (presumably... I still have no idea how long it's been since Bo died. 100 years? Longer? He died right after coming home from the Civil War right?) after losing Bo? Wouldn't it have been better to see her teaming up with Steve and vowing "No lame ass sleazeoid is going to stroll back into Salem and do something horrible to MY best sis-in-law! Not while I have life left in me! Who does she think she is? A DiMera?!"

And couldn't the hostage thing have lasted a bit longer? An overnight gig with Steve calling one nameless dude doesn't offer the amount of desperation required to buy him full on making out with Ava in the living room and then fucking her about 12 hours later. I buy that Steve was grossed out and horrified by it all but I'm not completely down with the "I had no choice!" argument. It just didn't play that way.

As for Ava... She's got to go. Begone, you mean thing. I cannot abide her cache of emotion which swings between smug delusion and sniveling delusion. She's not even a very believable villain hence the sheer amount of dumbing down and other bullshit that has been required to make her a legitimate threat. This is not Cersei Lannister we are dealing with. Ava has no real substance to her.

Get rid of her and spare us all.

Edited by Dandesun
  • Love 6

It seems like Kayla & Steve are on an island. The only person I've seen talking to Steve is John. Where is Adrienne? Where is Roman? Where is Caroline? Does anyone know they are back? It just seems disjointed to me. Summer drowned, right? This is the end of the storyline, right? No? Ugh! nuDario was okay. He has a serous five o'clock shadow. I'm guessing he'll hook up with Nicole in California (or whereever they are) and, then he'll follow her to Salem. I guess they could work together. Two good looking people getting it on. LOL!!

I saw Sean Christopher on H50 on Friday night. He's on that show more than he is on Days. Isn't he on contract to Days? Why is he wasted as Paul? I know there can only be on gay character on the show but there's got to be something for him to do. If they aren't going to use him why keep him on contract? Corday sucks.

  • Love 3
And couldn't the hostage thing have lasted a bit longer? An overnight gig with Steve calling one nameless dude doesn't offer the amount of desperation required to buy him full on making out with Ava in the living room and then fucking her about 12 hours later.


I'm so torn about this, because yeah, they totally failed to justify it.  But on the other hand it was already the longest three weeks of my soap viewing life in many years, and I have to ask myself, did I really need the writers spending additional time and energy justifying getting Steve and Ava into bed?  They wanted it to happen, it happened, and part of me is perfectly happy to move along to the payoff in the situation.  Especially for those of us who watched the endless version of this story in 2008, which was sort of like this, except it was Hope in danger instead, with Kayla relegated to talking about potato chips and pregnancy cramps for two months, while Steve was lying about his past with Ava and then fake romancing her, only with latent feelings... I'm not going to call foul on the short cuts.


It seems like Kayla & Steve are on an island. The only person I've seen talking to Steve is John. Where is Adrienne? Where is Roman? Where is Caroline? Does anyone know they are back? It just seems disjointed to me.


Don't get me started on Caroline and her visions of everyone except her daughter.


They did see Roman, and spent thirty seconds catching him up on Ava kidnapping Kayla, claiming she had Steve's baby, Steve leaving town to help her find it, Ava lying about her leukemia, the baby dying, and Kayla getting freed and Steve coming back to town.

  • Love 2

1) An overnight gig with Steve calling one nameless dude doesn't offer the amount of desperation required to buy him full on making out with Ava in the living room and then fucking her about 12 hours later. I buy that Steve was grossed out and horrified by it all but I'm not completely down with the "I had no choice!" argument. It just didn't play that way.

2) As for Ava... She's got to go. Begone, you mean thing. I cannot abide her cache of emotion which swings between smug delusion and sniveling delusion. She's not even a very believable villain hence the sheer amount of dumbing down and other bullshit that has been required to make her a legitimate threat. This is not Cersei Lannister we are dealing with. Ava has no real substance to her.

Get rid of her and spare us all.


1) This is why I have a serious issue with Steve in this story. I can't believe that he was desperate to find Kayla when he did nothing to find Kayla. Despite SN trying to convey otherwise, the writers did not give him material that supports his contention that he was desperate and felt he had no choice.

2). Precisely this. Ava is at best an ineffectual gnat to be swatted away. Her importance stems from the power Steve granted her in both this and her her initial incarnation. The character is a text book example of a writer propped character. I don't know whether it is the actor, the writers, or the combination, but Ava never worked, she was never able to stand on her own to feet and prove her worth as a character. She was a bad retread of Marina, and she should have met the same end when she failed to work as a character the first go round.

  • Love 3

1) ... the endless version of this story in 2008, which was sort of like this, except it was Hope in danger instead, with Kayla relegated to talking about potato chips and pregnancy cramps for two months, while Steve was lying about his past with Ava and then fake romancing her, only with latent feelings... I'm not going to call foul on the short cuts.

2) Don't get me started on Caroline and her visions of everyone except her daughter.

1) This proves my point that Ava is important because Steve has made her important; which further serves to undercut his poorly written justification that slept with Ava because he had no other options rather than what was actually conveyed on screen, that being that Steve slept with Ava because a part of him wanted to sleep with Ava.

2) Kayla has always been shown to be an afterthought to her parents, except when they needed her strength to pull the family together, and for her to be the one child they never had to worry about. I always found it funny that both Shawn and Caroline initially hated Steve and felt he was no good for her, but it was their passive aggressive neglect of Kayla that produced the person who could see the worthiness in Steve. I for one will never forget the time when Caroline wanted Kayla to end her relationship with Steve not because of any concern about Kayla but because of how the relationship impacted Carolinne and would make her life more inconvenient. I mean heaven forbid Caroline has to give Kayla more than a fleeting thought.

Edited by Happytobehere
  • Love 6
1) This proves my point that Ava is important because Steve has made her important; which further serves to undercut his poorly written justification that slept with Ava because he had no other options rather than what was actually conveyed on screen, that being that Steve slept with Ava because a part of him wanted to sleep with Ava.


The justification was poorly written, but it didn't come across to me that he wanted it, either.  They could have built up to it by showing him lusting after Ava or remembering her fondly (easily done, with a dozen sexy flashbacks from last time in the can).  But they didn't soften the ground like that at all.  And I think the implication ends up being that Steve didn't use other resources to look for Kayla because he wanted to sleep with Ava, which I didn't get (and which of course would be beyond unforgivable).


Last time they showed some latent feelings, but this time really has been different.  After the kidnapping resolved in 2008, we had Steve crying by her bedside while she was detoxing from the pills and going back to see her, even when Kayla asked him not to.  Even when she skipped town, he didn't fully reject her.  But SN gave me literal chills yesterday when he talked about hating her.  We saw him reject her and her dead baby, which would be almost out of character for him under other circumstances.  They may not have put enough work into the justification, but I didn't really see the other picture painted clearly, either.

Edited by lska
  • Love 6

The justification was poorly written, but it didn't come across to me that he wanted it, either.  They could have built up to it by showing him lusting after Ava or remembering her fondly (easily done, with a dozen sexy flashbacks from last time in the can).  But they didn't soften the ground like that at all.  And I think the implication ends up being that Steve didn't use other resources to look for Kayla because he wanted to sleep with Ava, which I didn't get (and which of course would be beyond unforgivable).


Last time they showed some latent feelings, but this time really has been different.  After the kidnapping resolved in 2008, we had Steve crying by her bedside while she was detoxing from the pills and going back to see her, even when Kayla asked him not to.  Even when she skipped town, he didn't fully reject her.  But SN gave me literal chills yesterday when he talked about hating her.  We saw him reject her and her dead baby, which would be almost out of character for him under other circumstances.  They may not have put enough work into the justification, but I didn't really see the other picture painted clearly, either.

Exactly. The story as written is grey. It should not be. The writers wrote it that way because Higley loves Ava and has no use for Kayla. In Higleypoo's delusional, demented mind Steve and Ava are the couple who deserve to be together and Kayla is the evil interloper standing between their glorious love (sound like anyone else we know). Think of all that you said, then think of this story in the hands of one of Days' many lesser actors than SN. How would the story have played out or come across then?

  • Love 4

The last few posts are perfect, thank you Dandesun and Happy, Byanose, and Iska. I bet we've collectively put more thought into this horrible storyline than Higley.


I agree it happened too fast, so that it felt more like infidelity than coerced sex. Though what we saw of the actual sex was rough, and I guess that was supposed to convey Steve's disgust and hatred. I understand biology and all, but I still don't understand how he was able to do it. I don't know, but I hope I don't have to think about this at all for much longer. 

  • Love 6

It seems like Kayla & Steve are on an island. The only person I've seen talking to Steve is John. Where is Adrienne? Where is Roman? Where is Caroline? Does anyone know they are back? It just seems disjointed to me. Summer drowned, right? This is the end of the storyline, right? No? Ugh! nuDario was okay. He has a serous five o'clock shadow. I'm guessing he'll hook up with Nicole in California (or whereever they are) and, then he'll follow her to Salem. I guess they could work together. Two good looking people getting it on. LOL!!

I saw Sean Christopher on H50 on Friday night. He's on that show more than he is on Days. Isn't he on contract to Days? Why is he wasted as Paul? I know there can only be on gay character on the show but there's got to be something for him to do. If they aren't going to use him why keep him on contract? Corday sucks.

Where is her beloved Abigail and Jennifer?

The other thing I forgot to mention was that I found Steve's text to Ava kind of hilarious. U R A DEAD WOMAN The way SN was punching the phone with his fingers I could actually buy that he had absolutely no use for proper spelling.


In other news... every time I see the name "Summer" mentioned I shift over to Game of Thrones and think it's about Bran's direwolf.

  • Love 6

I tuned it for for just a few scenes because the rest of the show can DIAF for all I care, most especially Ciera's rape. The only silver lining is that those scenes showed she can actually act. But I have had it up to here with all the Days women being raped, starting with Julie, Laura, Kayla, Adrienne, Jennifer, Sami (both by Alan and EJ), Jan...I'm sure I'm scratching the surface. 


SN and MBE brought it as few others can. Can Ava die now? The character is terrible and I cannot understand why she was brought back in the first place nor why her portrayer won an Emmy. Because she should have flunked out of Smell the Fart Acting 101.


GV and MR were smoking and while I always knew MR was a great actress, my goodness, GV is just amazing to watch. What he does with just his eyes. While Jack and Jennifer will always be my favorite, I could really see Eric and Jennifer together, but I'm sure it's not to be.

Edited by CountryGirl
  • Love 5

AZ looks gorgeous even when dressing down.


Was Brady's "hotel room" like a bungalow on the beach?  Or did they carry wet, dripping semi-conscious body through the lobby?


Kayla was on fire today, but I'm sure they're setting her up for something bad to happen to Ava.  I also had to laugh that the two police officers who arrived to deal with the Kayla/Ava situation were Kayla's brother and her nephew.


Is Summer the woman whose risque photos were stolen from Fynn?

  • Love 3

I'm having trouble keeping up.  I said way back when, what, two weeks ago, why didn't Steve Call Hope.  Hope has seemed in her own bubble forever.  I love that even though I don't keep up on media because of spoilers, Steve and Mary Beth talked about how much they love working together and they, for me at least, have elevated everything above the AvaDaster that is nothing more than a rerun of Krazy Kristin.  I'm starting to reappreciate the old Dimera krazy Andy brought back.


And I still like Ciara. Hope was way worse when she started, before she changed her voice.

  • Love 2

It's crazy that someone thought it would be a good idea to do this stuff with Brady while the premonitions with Caroline is still going on. This isn't Passions. Then again, this is the same show that thought it would be a good idea to have Ciara raped the week after Steve/Ava happened. 


I'm not sure how they're going to redeem Chase, if that's they're goal. Jack at least had Steve and Adrienne. Chase is going to be hated by everyone. 

  • Love 2

We are just burned out on Abby en masse.

I hope I am quoting correctly.


This says it all.  If I had net seen the past 2 years of Abby and Chad v 1.0, EJ, Cameron (1 and 2 right) Ben 1.0, Ben 2.0...  I may be more kind, but...


It's been a three fucking year long chem test for Kate Mansi.  Just because Billy Flynn has the chops to make her seem tolerable and bring out the best, does not mean she is actually tolerable.


This Ciara rape nonsense is SICKENING.  (Though the new actress got me with her "dream")  "Seriously, like 6 weeks ago we were in the 5th grade!"    She won me over with that whole thing.  I am starting to really feel her (especially her NightHope N'Ope outfit)  But  - now I have to see her be raped? 


NOOOO.  Let her be a teen.  Wasn't seeing her dad come back from the dead only to die again enough?  How bout being kidnapper or the Aiden thing?  Nope, not enough.  Quick - write a rape.



  • Love 6

I'm not sure how they're going to redeem Chase, if that's they're goal. Jack at least had Steve and Adrienne. Chase is going to be hated by everyone. 

I don't think they intend to redeem Chase. Given that this material is being written by Josh Griffith, it has a 99% chance of ending in a bloodbath. I suspect that's why they hastily aged Ciara (and by extension, Chase) again to "18 in 2 weeks" today. It might just prompt backlash if they were to depict a 16-year-old boy being murdered in cold blood. Now that Chase is an adult, they can merrily kill him off and the fans will roar their approval since death is seen as the appropriate penalty for rape.

Edited by Aymery
  • Love 1

UO.  I'm over the Soras.  It's been four months now. I'm glad she turned goth instead of the greedy earring kid.  Who would walk in Failure's footsteps and with full knowledge.  Current Ciara brings some hurt and innocence. As much of a fenom little Ciara was, she used the absence of her dad to control Hope and I didn't like it one bit. 

Edited by QuelleC
  • Love 2

Geez, has Tamara Braun ever played a character with even just one ounce of likability? Every character she plays turns out to be so wretched. I'm not sure if I'd take it as a compliment if I were the go-to person for woman with no scruples whatsoever.  Even in a Hallmark movie, this lady would   probably turn out to the psycho in a flower shop to be avoided at all costs. 

Edited by bantering
  • Love 7

Andre you creep. I'm glad Chase does feel bad but I'm not looking for instant redemption for him. Even though Days loves their redeemed rapists as love interests. I think VJ is doing a good job showing Ciara is not sure how to deal with this. I hope she tells Hope soon. Or maybe Theo because he will tell someone.

I could not hate this Summer story more. But if it finds Theresa's backbone in the middle of it I will be happy.

Ava please go away.

  • Love 2

Wow. I've been too busy the past several days to watch the show or even visit the boards, so imagine my surprise when I watched today's episode and saw Ciara flashing back to...WHAT??? So now on top of everything the writers have done to make Chase wrong, he's a rapist now? I came to the boards hoping that she was just having a bad dream, but nope, it looks like soaps have gone there...again. 

There is just nothing I'm liking about this show right now. Like someone else I read upthread, I think I'm going to tune out for awhile. I guess I can check in on the boards periodically, but there's a difference between a show that's "fun to hate" and a show that's just painful to watch. I'm afraid I've gotten there with Days for now.

  • Love 4

Strange, based on Friday's and today's show, you would think that Steve actually knows people in Salem that he could have gone to for help instead of screwing Ava, but please continue your pity party which is all about you.

Joey is *special* but he works with Theo and for now, I'm good with him.

Kayla should have been allowed to bash Ava's head into the ground until she was no more. Then she should go to her house, clock Steve and put him out, since he didn't seem to process when Kayla told him to pack his stuff and get out.

Kayla smack to punch of and attempted strangling of Ava is the best thing to happen on this show in quite some time.

I like Hope and Ciara's relationship even if Ciara isn't the best actress.

The actor playing Theo continues to impress.

The Taniel's Heart Goes On story has done the impossible. It has turned AZ into a ff moment.

Brady really isn't that rest when given anything that's supposed to have depth to it -- the craptastic story isn't helping, but his acting really isn't impressing me.

Hated Marie Wilson on ATWT and I'm hoping this is a short-term gig.

  • Love 3

I'm not sure how they're going to redeem Chase, if that's they're goal. Jack at least had Steve and Adrienne. Chase is going to be hated by everyone.

Well thats the point of rape. You should be hated when you commit it nor should you forget the crime if you manage to still keep breathing.

The thing is the only person I can see coming into his orbit that could save him from himself will probably be Claire. Least that's the vibe I got a month when they were listening to music together. Seems like they the show is already setting Claire up being the next Blaire (hence why we got those Olivia/Kassie scenes in early February). I dunno or doubt Chase will be as dicky as Todd that part we have to wait for.

Salem flips on a dime anyhow. I bet good the Salemites will be pissed he raped Ciara but when they hear Andre was the devil on his shoulder it's gonna add to more angst and hate for the Dimeras. Yeah it could be another who dun it, Hope pulls an Alexis Davis and jump in car and runs Chase off the road. Or Theo could have Chase hanging over bridge and flip him to his death.

This show is so gross.

I know Stefano was evil and a murderer and worse but was he ever as squicky as Andre? I shuddered at his conversation with Chase today.

How long have you been watching Days? Andre has always been more disgusting and sinister than Stefano! He even killed his sister and brother. Andre has no limits to his evil behavior.

Is this end of her storyline? Ava cannot get off my tv quickly enough. Have never understood why ANYONE thinks TB is an interesting or good actress.

Well feel free to judge me any time. I like TB. But Higley did her no favors bringing her back this go around if this was the storyline she would saddle her with that is nothing more but a rerun of 2008 just Joey is 17 years SOASRED. Edited by BlackMamba
  • Love 1

And Ava. Just ..ick. I am really trying not to be judgmental of the actress. I've never been a TB fan (I caught her a bit on GH back in the day), but the poor girl just looks ...ill ..to me. I seem to recall reading, years ago, that she may suffer from some autoimmune disease ? (maybe it was Chrons or Lupus, I so can't remember) as a result, I just look at her tiny little frame, and feel sorry for her.

Interesting - when I saw her in Patch!Romp 2016, I thought - Damn, that is the best female body I think I have ever seen.  Would others care to weigh in?  (no pun, yada yada)

Did Josh Taylor have extra marbles in his mouth today?  That was painful. 


I will forever mourn what could have been with Chase.  There was no reason to ruin his character.  It would've been great if he had discovered Andre's role in his father's death and - with Ciara's help - insinuated himself into Andre's life in order for them to play a long con on him, and somehow getting revenge.  But no.  Instead Days uses Chase and Andre to push more misogyny on their audience. 


ETA:  Stella Rose, I'm with Kayla and think TB is scrawny.

Edited by Kitty Redstone
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