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Current Plots Discussion: Actually Today's Episode

Message added by scarynikki12

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The rushing of Hope and Rafe pretty much assures that I will never respect or support that coupling. Knowing what has just happened to Hope, Rafe looks like a desperate predator taking advantage of an emotionally vulnerable woman. As for Hope, her declarations of love now have no real value. It makes her seem like she is more interested in having a man, any man in her life than she is legitimately in love.

Still have no idea why the show thinks we care about John's newly invented past, which we know will never stick.

  • Love 3

I enjoyed today's show.    And I'm going to say a couple of things I didn't think I would.


First of all, I'm not hating Jawn's storyline.  Now, I still think DH is pretty funny trying to do drama, and even funnier at his age to be playing Secret Agent Man - (Thank God he's wearing Spanz that moves with him) - but he was rather effective being devastated by Mom's betrayal.  I don't see how Vadim could be the Master Teacher, though, since he looks at least 10 years younger than Jawn.


Ciara - liked her today in her scenes with Hope.  I think this has been her best so far and I bought the mother/daughter dynamic.  Good job and I hope she finds a pace to let her improve some more.  


Hope and Rafe, underwhelmed.  But for me, that's Rafe.  He's not bad as a sidekick, but I"m still wondering about him in a frontline story.  His last, IMO, was with Sami and he was annoying as hell for me.


Sparkle......still reminds me of the DoubleMint gum commercial.  Gabi looked spectacular, just spectacular.  


The Basic Black trio scenes were nice, mostly as a promise of things to come.  


I have no trouble believing Brady is being influenced by Daniel's brain.  After all, he's been ruled by organs much smaller than that before.

And will again.

  • Love 12

For all I know, it's been five years since Bo died because while time in Salem already doesn't make sense... time in Salem in this particular story makes even LESS sense!

It reminds me of the book My Sweet Audrina where in the beginning she said days would take forever and then she'd blink one day and they said months had passed in that moment.

Edited by Petunia13
  • Love 4

I actually liked Ciera today. She showed a lot of life with KA. Maybe, nuCiera needs to work more with the vets to bring her A game. Unfortunately, when all the newbies are all together it's cringeworthy. Gabby looked amazing at the photo shoot and afterwards. It was nice to see Paul even if it was with a random day player. Finally, Jen Lilley should keep her hair this color and wear the yellow turtleneck and leather pants everyday. She looked HOT!

  • Love 7

PVR only recorded the first half hour.


Rafe needs to back off a bit. Hope has buried two husbands in the space of a relatively short time. She's already mourned Bo and didn't seem too grief-stricken with Aiden. Maybe she and Abigail can get together and compare notes. Rafe seems to have a hero complex or one of rescuing women. Who are more than capable of rescuing themselves.


Wonder when the building housing Stefano's remains will blow up.


I've heard that donated organs do carry a residual energy of their previous body, so it's likely that Brady may have some Daniel sensitivity. It doesn't usually last that long.

  • Love 3

I've come to realize that I have a girl crush on Camila Banus.  My gosh she's stunning.  And her and Casey Moss are stunning together.  More Gabi and JJ, please.


The photo shoot was fun.  Afterwards, however, when Theresa and Nicole were talking about Daniel and Nicole's previous relationship with Brady, the music was all wrong.  The tone didn't match the seriousness of the conversation and about ruined the whole scene.  The music people on Days are usually better than that.


So is that woman really John's mother or do we not know yet?  I missed most of their conversation but did catch the part where John said he just wanted to know where he came from.  That was sad and probably the first time I've ever felt sorry for John.  That's saying something, because I didn't feel the least bit bad for him when Theresa smashed his skull with the fireplace poker. 


Darlin, Hope loved Aiden very much.  It was a damn shame what they did to his character.  He was trashed for nothing.

  • Love 7

Deimos as Victor's brother works if he is a much younger half-brother or adopted.  And since Deimos did the awful thing to Vic by seducing his fiancee, I can totally buy Vic saying he has only 1 brother and cutting Deimos completely out of his life.


Anyway that's my backstory and I'm sticking to it.

When Maggie asked Victor about Deimos, Victor said that he was a product of their father's second marriage.

  • Love 2

The photo shoot was fun. Afterwards, however, when Theresa and Nicole were talking about Daniel and Nicole's previous relationship with Brady, the music was all wrong. The tone didn't match the seriousness of the conversation and about ruined the whole scene. The music people on Days are usually better than that.

So is that woman really John's mother or do we not know yet? I missed most of their conversation but did catch the part where John said he just wanted to know where he came from. That was sad and probably the first time I've ever felt sorry for John. That's saying something, because I didn't feel the least bit bad for him when Theresa smashed his skull with the fireplace poker.

Darlin, Hope loved Aiden very much. It was a damn shame what they did to his character. He was trashed for nothing.

So much love to your entire post!

Especially the music in that scene. Coupled with the bizarre dialogue, it was hilarious and awful. They fell asleep at the wheel for sure. I watched it by myself wondering if anyone else was hearing what I was...!

I also feel lousy for Jawn being this ignorant about his origins so late in life. And Drake's tears really sold the whole thing for me. Between him trying to show Marlena some love lately and this Momma storyline, he's almost starting to be likable. Funny how he and Theresa are the two characters the show has tried the most to redeem of late. I didn't think much of them back during the Poker Incident, and now they're rootable.

I missed the end of the Momma scenes though. Who is this Evil Dude and what does he want - to kill Jawn, to force him back into the ISA, or use him as an assassin...? And was Momma the willing lure?

I still miss Aiden too. Was Cosgrove going to leave the show because he wanted to, and that's why they trashed the character?

Did Theresa supposedly design Gabi's photoshoot dress? Because it didn't look like anything from the runway collection...

I like Gabi and JJ, but I fear for whatever front-burner storyline they eventually get. She's a convicted Murderer (does Eddie even know that yet?) and he's part of the Worst Family Ever. Can we just see them snuggle and kiss and get cozy on the sidelines for a couple of months?

I can't imagine the kind of grief you would get as a police cadet for dating a murderer...but then again, has JJ even started training yet?

Oh geez...now I'm flashing back to the Epic Sexy that was Josie Watts and Gary Sinclair on Another World. Training by day, bathtub by night...

Edited by DisneyBoy
  • Love 3

I've heard that donated organs do carry a residual energy of their previous body, so it's likely that Brady may have some Daniel sensitivity. It doesn't usually last that long.


In that case, Brady should stop bathing, start berating Nicole for every little thing, blow her off, demand she put herself second all the time, question her motives and all the while bone whatever isn't moving fast enough to get by.  


And smile with fake humilty as Salem treats him as the wrinkled, flea-ridden, AARP male counterpart to the Princess Abigail.

Cuz he was just that good.


Brady being an idiot, well, that could be residual energy from Daniel, but it would be hard to tell, since that's a usual state for him.

  • Love 8

I missed the end of the Momma scenes though. Who is this Evil Dude and what does he want - to kill Jawn, to force him back into the ISA, or use him as an assassin...? And was Momma the willing lure?

I still miss Aiden too. Was Cosgrove going to leave the show because he wanted to, and that's why they trashed the character?

Did Theresa supposedly design Gabi's photoshoot dress? Because it didn't look like anything from the runway collection.....


I'm also confused about the Evil Dude and the role of John's mother in the whole thing.  And what about Eduardo?  He's the one who had the information about John's long lost mom and is supposedly in trouble for not wanting to be an assassin anymore.


From what I remember, based on some comments Daniel Cosgrove made at a fan event of some kind, he did not want to leave and seemed upset he was let go and his character trashed.  The writers knew PR wasn't hanging around, so the consensus seems to be that Aiden was made into a bad guy to facilitate a Rafe and Hope hook up.  I don't really have a problem with Rafe but wish they would have brought on someone new for him and let Hope remain with Aiden.  He could have stayed the town's lawyer then, too, and been infinitely more interesting than Belle.


I agree about the dress.  It looked nothing like the NYE collection. 

  • Love 7

From what I remember, based on some comments Daniel Cosgrove made at a fan event of some kind, he did not want to leave and seemed upset he was let go and his character trashed. The writers knew PR wasn't hanging around, so the consensus seems to be that Aiden was made into a bad guy to facilitate a Rafe and Hope hook up. I don't really have a problem with Rafe but wish they would have brought on someone new for him and let Hope remain with Aiden. He could have stayed the town's lawyer then, too, and been infinitely more interesting than Belle.

I like Cosgrove as an actor, but sorry, he's an actor in the soap business. And sometimes people get written off because of story dictation. It happens. Even Ben got turned into a psycho just so Chabby could be cemented. Even Peter Blake and Patrick Lockhart were done similar way under Reilly's pen. DC's been on enough soaps to know this by now. Just be professional and do your job and don't complain IMO. The Aiden character had one too many holes for my liking anyway. He was sucha mystery through most of 2015, I'm not surprised he wanted to killed his wife on their wedding night. TomSell just didn't do him any favors as actor and maybe JG/DH looked at TomSell's leftover notes and didn't like the direction of Aiden or cared to write for him.

Hope's love life is moving so fast. Geez, even Nicole and Sami would take breathers when moving back and forth between men. The quick movement from Aiden to Bo and now to Rafe is a little weird to me, even by soap standards.

What back and forth has Hope done... Bo and Aiden are dead. So she's not juggling three men unless I've missed a few episodes the last 2 months. You talking about Sami... How long have you been watching Days? Sami bounced/juggling around between many of guys Austin, Lucas, Franco (whom once dated Hope), Brandon, Austin, Lucas, EJ, Rafe, and EJ. Sami stayed bouncing between the last 4 pairings without much breathing room for several seasons especially when she got preggers with Lucas and EJ's kids.

Anyhow, the only man that has been around her since both men died has been Rafe. No other man. She didn't start liking Rafe first, it was Rafe who started liking Hope first back in July '15. It's only now, at least by Wednesday and Thursday episodes she's been lightening up to Rafe being a possible romantic interest for her. As for Hope "being needy for a man" , maybe, there is a reason why she said that in the dialogue Thursday. Hope is 50-something. There are a lot of women that age who feel if they lost the love of their life. Problem is the writing has yet to have brought that up in the dialogue. Yet I definitely knew what she meant when she said that to Ciara on Thursday.

Lastly, If I recall, TomSell before they were fired were planning to do a Haiden/Rope triangle. Then they got fired and JG/DH kept some of their stories and potential pairings and rolled with it since. I don't know why many viewers think this whole Rope thing is out of the blue when it isn't. Have the current writers screwed up the timeline and moving this pairing faster than most, yes. But again it was being hinted at for awhile this was coming.

PVR only recorded the first half hour.

Rafe needs to back off a bit. Hope has buried two husbands in the space of a relatively short time. She's already mourned Bo and didn't seem too grief-stricken with Aiden. Maybe she and Abigail can get together and compare notes. Rafe seems to have a hero complex or one of rescuing women. Who are more than capable of rescuing themselves.

Wonder when the building housing Stefano's remains will blow up.

Has Hope really mourned Bo? She has PTSD (well that's what one can assume) and hasn't been to a therapist at all. And why the heck should she mourn the copycat killer Aiden? One can feel bad for Chase because that was his dad but as for Aiden screw him. Once he tried to murder her for her insurance policy "the love" they had were cancelled. He made the choice to want to turn into a psychopath instead of telling Hope straight up that Andre wanted his loan back and Hope dead in return. So, I'm Hope, Aiden wouldn't get one drop of my tears or sympathy.

As for the comparing notes part, Abifail is too busy being a happy family with Chad and TJ. Abifail could give a shit about cousin Hope (she barely cares about Jennifer) even though this past summer she was all distraught about Ben finding her pregnancy test in the trash and she had to call Hope for guidance and who was there to help cousin Hope! Speaks to Abifail's selfishness and where her mind is at.

I think the blow up with Stefano will probably happen in February Sweeps. These episodes have slowed down a whole lot since Stefano got capped. The writing isn't giving us all this filler for nothing. Heck, we probably won't see Kayla until February 1st.

Edited by BlackMamba
  • Love 1

In that case, Brady should stop bathing, start berating Nicole for every little thing, blow her off, demand she put herself second all the time, question her motives and all the while bone whatever isn't moving fast enough to get by.  


And smile with fake humilty as Salem treats him as the wrinkled, flea-ridden, AARP male counterpart to the Princess Abigail.

Cuz he was just that good.


Brady being an idiot, well, that could be residual energy from Daniel, but it would be hard to tell, since that's a usual state for him.


Brady already does that with Theresa. Daniel is just more of a good thing. 


Nicole does deserve better - a guy who isn't someone's leftover or a sloppy second. She is part of a possibly good up and coming business and that's the focus. She's learning how to finally put herself first. Not be jerked around by the not-so-saintly doctor's whims and projections.


BlackMamba, Hope did marry Aiden and she probably would have some unresolved feelings for him. She did receive the 'crazy' neighbour's warning about him, she checked in to his past a bit. Maybe it's not 'mourning' but some sort of acknowledgement that she loved him, married him/wanted to commit to a life with him, and was his wife for a few hours. Until Chase finds a family member with whom to live, or finishes high school and starts working/college, he's her stepson. Had Aiden been able to be be honest with Hope about his gambling debt and the DiMera connection, maybe things would have been different. It's strange that the Salem PD (with great sarcasm intended) didn't do any sort of investigation in to Aiden or checked his financial records/had some informant/snitch mention his owing money to the DiMeras or whatever loanshark they were connected to. And why he would copy the Necktie Killer, especially since he had shown very little behaviour that would link him to the murders in any way.


Absolutely, Hope needs a counsellor to help her deal with her trauma.

Edited by Frozendiva
  • Love 4

I thought DH did a nice job yesterday with John's reaction to his mama's betrayal! Maybe he just needs some good material that doesn't require him slobbering over Marlena. I don't know about that Maude, but I think she's the real deal and was threatened into helping Vadim snag John. She's an OLD lady, for goodness' sake. But I don't blame John for rejecting her, either, and I liked that the writers dispatched with that quickly and didn't have John lying on the floor unconscious for days. 


And where is KAYLA?? 

  • Love 7

Does anyone else think it's strange that Chad who is a part of the DiMera family and considered evil by most of the townsfolk, had to ask dear sweet Abs, the Horton princess, if she should be more worried about her mom?  And then Abby's dismissive "We'll go the doctor if things get worse."  OUCH!!  Damn, Jenn, that is one cold-blooded daughter you have there.


I'm already eye-rolling the angst the new Shawn is bringing to his scenes with his massively and unapologetically adulterous wife Belle--do not care about this duo or Phillip.

Edited by kitmerlot1213
  • Love 7

Belle likes that Shawn is blaming himself for their marriages woes. Ughhh. I knew it was coming.

Jennifer is becoming an addict. Uppers or downers?

Abigail doesn't want to believe cousin Hope would turn on the crazy switch.

Andre has found the place. Uh Oh.

Edited by BlackMamba
  • Love 1

Belle makes me so fucking sick. If you felt an "emptiness" in your marriage to Shawn why not have an adult conversation with him and try to fix things? I've never been married but I hear it actually takes some work. At the very least you could divorce him before you start spreading your legs to random men. I love that she still tries to make it seem like Shawn was at fault and she was just some poor miserable wife trapped in a loveless marriage. Phillip apparently doesn't have any self respect just like Shawn if he wants to get back with the woman who cheated on him with Shawn and then cheated on Shawn with him and then cheated on Shawn again with some other dude and is now humping him again while still married. What makes him think she won't heat on him again? She'll probably be back in Shawn's bed in a few weeks. This broke down triangle makes all three of these idiots look bad. Belle and Phillip are trash and Shawn is a wimpy loser.


Failure is a worthless daughter allowing her drugged up in pain mother to watch Plot Point Baby while she hangs out with Chad. She doesn't give a damn about Jen, she only sees her as a free babysitter. 


Rafe and Hope are thinking clearly at all. Why is Rafe constantly driving past the building where the body has been dumped when he knows Andre is suspicious? They should assume their homes and phones have been bugged and that goons are watching them. 

  • Love 4

I know Brandon Beemer isn't a great actor, but thank god for his sexy looks.

Phillip now meets Deimos. Deimos tells Phillip he cant get out of their plans.

Andre is in hardhat at the dumping location.

Fucking Jennifer walking around in six inch heels on a bad back. LMAOOO.

Andre has hit pay dirt. Daddy is now found (In Salem time that body has been there for like 6 hrs tops since last Tuesday).

Really good episode. Funny moments one has to catch and entertaining.

Edited by BlackMamba
  • Love 1

Belle makes me so fucking sick. If you felt an "emptiness" in your marriage to Shawn why not have an adult conversation with him and try to fix things? I've never been married but I hear it actually takes some work. At the very least you could divorce him before you start spreading your legs to random men. I love that she still tries to make it seem like Shawn was at fault and she was just some poor miserable wife trapped in a loveless marriage. Phillip apparently doesn't have any self respect just like Shawn if he wants to get back with the woman who cheated on him with Shawn and then cheated on Shawn with him and then cheated on Shawn again with some other dude and is now humping him again while still married. What makes him think she won't heat on him again? She'll probably be back in Shawn's bed in a few weeks. This broke down triangle makes all three of these idiots look bad. Belle and Phillip are trash and Shawn is a wimpy loser.


Failure is a worthless daughter allowing her drugged up in pain mother to watch Plot Point Baby while she hangs out with Chad. She doesn't give a damn about Jen, she only sees her as a free babysitter. 


Rafe and Hope are thinking clearly at all. Why is Rafe constantly driving past the building where the body has been dumped when he knows Andre is suspicious? They should assume their homes and phones have been bugged and that goons are watching them. 

IMo Phillip is not falling for Belle.  He fell for her two hundred fifty million dollars.

  • Love 10

Haven't seen today's episode yet, but this hits one of my buttons, lol. Having had a "bad back" off and on for years and years, I always look askance at someone with back issues wearing heels : )

Yeah, exactly.

Same way I have issues with "migraine sufferers" who bitch about said migraines ONLINE.

No, honey. It's a bad headache. If you had a real migraine, you'd be in bed, the air conditioning on 40, the curtains closed, the lights off...and occasionally unplug the fridge b/c it was too loud. 

  • Love 4

Yeah, when they showed her walking away down the hall in those heels...what were they thinking?  I wouldn't want her to take TJ up the stairs either, in those.


I'm really hoping Days is trying to show Failure for the entitled egomaniac she is, since we have Chad pointing out a couple of times she should care about her mother, and Jen and JJ saying you said you loved Ben, too, so  what's different this time.  She blatantly has chosen Chad over her mother several times.  Please, please, let her run into some consequences this time.  I will never, ever forgive her for not giving two fucks for her bestie Will.  Who got killed in her own damned apartment.  


Belle looks like she outweighs Phil by 30 pounds.  When he was kneeling he had a huge head on top of a scrawny body. 


I still like Ciera. 

  • Love 5

Does anyone know if there is a website that lists where soaps get their set pieces, like there is for the clothing the actors wear?  I really want that green pillow that's on Hope's couch.


Hope, Ciara and BB's Shawn do look like they're related.  VJ may not be that natural yet, but casting made a good call with her in the looks department.  I still miss Lauren Boles, though.


Andre is a cartoon but I do love him and Chad together, especially his exasperation with Chad.  How on earth did he know where to go to look for Stefano's body?


Abigail is one ice cold motherfucker.  And she has the most unattractive, sausage-fingered hands.  Every time there's a scene with her pawing all over Chad it just grosses me out.


Belle makes me so fucking sick. If you felt an "emptiness" in your marriage to Shawn why not have an adult conversation with him and try to fix things? I've never been married but I hear it actually takes some work.


It does indeed.  If Belle felt abandoned, and she told that to Shawn and he still ignored her, then there were other ways for her to deal with the situation besides cheating on her husband.  She acts like she had no other choice in the matter.  I'm just not liking Belle much at all, and her presence 1) makes me miss Sami and 2) makes me bitter over what's being done to Eric.

  • Love 5

Jesus, Belle is an absolute bitch. And wow, she remembers she has a daughter. It's Shawn's fault their marriage broke up?


"How did she get by the guards?"  "Oh, she probably snuck by them, that's how."  Uh ...


Not surprising that Chad cares more about Jennifer than Abigail does.


"Excuse me, sir, but you haven't paid us for the last two weeks."  LOL


Why was Andre wearing a yellow safety vest?


How on earth did he know where to go to look for Stefano's body?


One of his unpaid minions said that when he was following Rafe, he slowed down near mile marker 15, so Andre went down there to see what was around there.

  • Love 3

I'm working up a vivid dislike for Belle, that's for sure. I didn't mind her as much in previous visits, but I might wind up feeling for her the way others feel for Abigail! 


I'm walking that same path, Lastwaltz.  Being self centered and contemptous, as well as rather chillingly selfish isn't endearing herself to me.  

Funny how I can enjoy a character like Kate, who has done far more evil things than either Belle or Abigail, yet, she at least exudes some sense of self awareness and a - faulty, for sure - but evident concern for her loved ones.  


Belle is definitely going down the Abigail path for me.  

Oh so Belle says she felt an emptiness with Shawn. I'm sure she has been fulfilled and filled just nicely while in Vegas


Well, if she has been "fulfilled" by JPL then all I can say is that she has a very small appetite.....

  • Love 7

I normally don't wear heels at home. Maybe if I am just coming home from somewhere, before I have had the chance to slip them off. With back issues, Jen should maybe wear a small heel - like 1-2 inches at the most. I find most flats painful.


I found JPL's shirt being opened a bit sleazy. The Kiriakis men are normally well-dressed and groomed.


Belle does have a choice in her marriage. If it is empty, it's time to have an adult conversation with your husband about it. She is 50% responsible and needs to find what is missing within herself. Relationships do run their course. No need to behave like an entitled bitch and be a slightly older version than Abigail.


Abigail doesn't appear to be spending much time with her newborn or has much interest in him. No idea if she is on any sort of actual maternity leave from work.

  • Love 5

I'm working up a vivid dislike for Belle, that's for sure. I didn't mind her as much in previous visits, but I might wind up feeling for her the way others feel for Abigail! 


The last time I saw Belle she was a teenager, and unless my memory is failing me, she was a sweet, likable girl.   I find this Belle very unlikable. And I can see myself ending up disliking her the same way I dislike Abigail and wishing she'd go back to Maine, or anywhere other than Salem. 


I normally don't wear heels at home.


I don't wear any type of outdoor shoes in the house, but I guess we can't exactly expect soap opera characters to wear slippers!

  • Love 3

I don't know why many viewers think this whole Rope thing is out of the blue when it isn't. Have the current writers screwed up the timeline and moving this pairing faster than most, yes. But again it was being hinted at for awhile this was coming.

Has Hope really mourned Bo? She has PTSD (well that's what one can assume) and hasn't been to a therapist at all. And why the heck should she mourn the copycat killer Aiden? One can feel bad for Chase because that was his dad but as for Aiden screw him. Once he tried to murder her for her insurance policy "the love" they had were cancelled. He made the choice to want to turn into a psychopath instead of telling Hope straight up that Andre wanted his loan back and Hope dead in return. So, I'm Hope, Aiden wouldn't get one drop of my tears or sympathy.

So if you loved someone for over a year and loved their kid and divorced your Ex to be with this new person....and they tried to kill you and were then murdered, you would be like "Whatever fool!" and just shake it off? Unlikely.

I get that this is fantasy storytelling, but Hope was shaky as hell after the wedding and could have had at least a month of Getting Over This storytelling before getting with Bo. Then with Bo dying, she basically just needed a vacation and therapist 24/7 for the next three months. Having Rafe pant after her makes him FAR more creepy than cute. I know there was build up to him liking her a few months ago, but the fact that the show apparently has only been about 5 days long since October makes Hope's response to his flirtation really unbelievable. The fact that Ciarra, who wanted her parents to get remarried and is also supposedly morning her dad, would smile and ask her mom if she wants to get with Rafe makes me turned off by the writing worse than I've been since Will cheated. Hope just killed someone with Rafe!! To whom is that a turn on?

I pity KA because when she had to smile and look coy you can see how completely impossible that was to sell. She is a decent actress and you could tell that in the back of her head she was thinking "WTH is this nonsense about?" when Ciarra suddenly asked if she liked Rafe and she had to portray Hope as a schoolgirl with a crush.

Say what you want about Aiden, but we spent the better part of a year and a half watching him treat Hopewell and being quite genuine with the kids. I understand that they made a creative decision, but it didn't make any sense and I still miss the guy. Heck, now that I've seen some clips of original Roman, I understand why people are so frustrated about Josh and the way Roman has been written since Kristen brought him back to town.

And let's not forget, the show never had Hope find out what Aiden's motivations were, not that they made any sense. Still, its like the show has completely devalued Aiden now and has no use for him as anything other than fodder for Chase's eventual descent into evil.

Edited by DisneyBoy
  • Love 6

Has anyone even suggested that Aiden tried to kill Hope because he wanted her insurance money? It's like everyone has just accepted that this seemingly normal loving man tried to kill Hope because reasons and that's that. 


Having sex with your new husband and then the next day having sex with your ex husband - who happens to be his killer - is bad enough, but now she's ALREADY acting like maybe she has feelings for another man. This is not a good look for Hope. This is something Abifail would do. 

  • Love 10

Why oh why did Andre feel the need to don the snazzy vest and hard hat to case the abandoned warehouse of horrors. And where did he get them? Is there someone standing outside abandoned warehouses handing our appropriate gear for anyone interested? Hope and Rafe didn't bother getting in uniform.

This so called "place where no one will ever find his body" sure was easy to find.

What you wanna bet that when Andre and Chad move the few pieces of wood that is supposedly hiding the body from the world forever, that there will be nothing there?

Edited by Barton88
  • Love 3
Message added by scarynikki12

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