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Current Plots Discussion: Actually Today's Episode

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I can't make sense of this Hope storyline. I try. It doesn't ring true to Hope's characterization but clearly I missed a lot during my decades-long break from DAYS.

I don't remember Kayla having a son named Joey. I only remember Stephanie and Benji . Is Joey a retcon?

Joey was born on screen the last time Steve and Kayla were a happy married couple in Salem, this was about a little less than a decade ago.  He was SORASED with Theo, Ciara, and Chase.


Not sure if you know but Benjy was killed by Andre during the Brady/Dimera war, Colleen/Santo mess of a storyline.

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Also, unless he cheated on Kayla, Ava's "baby" would have to be at least in his early twenties, yet Steve keeps referring to it as a baby. Does he think that whoever got the kid possessed some magical potion to keep the kid a perpetual infant.

It just dawned on me that Jennifer's daughter had her baby in a bar, was there some explanation for that or are we supposed to just accept that as normal behavior.

Abigail had Thomas in a bar??? I thought she had him in the cabin...???

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So...I've wondered this for a decade or two....what is that special technique Roman uses when he talks?  You know...the one where....he inserts his own "stops" or periods, in the middle of otherwise complete sentences...like:


"Hope.  You  know. That we are here. To listen. To You. Admit to killing. Dr. Malcom."

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Abigail had Thomas in a bar??? I thought she had him in the cabin...???

OMG...I'm such an idiot!  Reading backwards, I get it now... You were saying she "had" him in a bar, like...she took him to a bar. LOL@me!!!

I think I'm losing my mind. The other day, when Andre was reading the text from dead Stefano, I thought the text read, "Hope Brady knows what I did."  Meaning, "I hope Brady knows what I did."  I looked at the screen, and said to myself...."isn't that odd...Andre is never going to believe Stefano talks like that...dropping pronouns and everything...."  LOL!!!! Never even dawned on me he meant "Hope Brady". 

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Here's the thing...

Hope'S story is a good one and its being handled well except that aiden should be in Rafe'S place especially as her lawyer.

They could still play the rafe crush angle..but aiden would have fit in better.

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It just dawned on me that Jennifer's daughter had her baby in a bar, was there some explanation for that or are we supposed to just accept that as normal behavior.

Yes, I do think we're suppose to accept it as normal behavior because she's not the only one that has bought a child into Club TBD. They had Ari's birthday party there recently, and I recall Daniel having Parker there once. There might have been other times as well but I just can't remember. Edited by Sidney
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So...I've wondered this for a decade or two....what is that special technique Roman uses when he talks?  You know...the one where....he inserts his own "stops" or periods, in the middle of otherwise complete sentences...like:


"Hope.  You  know. That we are here. To listen. To You. Admit to killing. Dr. Malcom."


Nothing that a fresh tube of polident, liberally applied, wouldn't fix.

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Abigail has probably already paid for the wedding dress! It can't just stay in a box til the next dude comes along a few months from now. It'll be out of style by then. She's in love with the fairytale and fantasy. Until the next DiMera comes along. Now that the DiMera numbers are dwindling, she may need to find a new source/family. No idea if she still has her job or if she's on maternity leave or what. Life without a constant man in your life isn't that bad. You get your own bed, access to the TV remote. Maybe she needs to figure out why she needs a man in her life at all times. Perhaps it's lonely talking to oneself and validating oneself. Raise the baby alone for a while.


I dunno, I've been watching this for too many years.

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Usually people super gorgeous dont have to be told its kinda obvious. And people don't usually tell super hot people that too their face since A they know and B they want to be seen as a human.

Like I can't picture if I was dating someone who looked like David Beckham or Paul Newman and gushing on their looks I'd sound like a twit. Even Liz Taylor who was one of the most attractive in her prime the men in her life wouldn't do that they'd simply propose marriage or buy her extravagant gifts ; ) lol

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Abifail has to have a man around all the time to tell her how amazing and breathtaking beautiful she is.

A pet parrot.

Narcissism. An addiction to validation and self-worth from a man. Can't be without one for five minutes. No signs of being as spunky and adventurous and independent as her mother was when she was her age.

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So...I've wondered this for a decade or two....what is that special technique Roman uses when he talks?  You know...the one where....he inserts his own "stops" or periods, in the middle of otherwise complete sentences...like:


"Hope.  You  know. That we are here. To listen. To You. Admit to killing. Dr. Malcom."


He's using the William Shatner acting method?


Edited by PatsyandEddie
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I still LOL at EJ telling Failure that she was breathtaking beautiful. 

IA.  I can not understand Will, Sonny and T singing how amazing failure is when she had just be caught in fornication.

I still LOL at EJ telling Failure that she was breathtaking beautiful. 

IA.  I can not understand Will, Sonny and T singing how amazing failure is when she had just be caught in fornication.

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Club TBD was named after its purpose ... Club to be determined. By day it's a coffee bar -at night it's a lounge bar. For guests the visit is "to be determined" meaning am to pm it's ok for casual meet ups or study sessions or grabbing something to go. After dark it can be ok for a romantic date or cruising. This is a paraphrased blurb description from the show runners I got from SOD.

It's probably not ideal at night for an infant especially when the husband of the owner was murdered by the moms fiancé and she never even reacted or showed remorse.

Edited by Petunia13
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Hope's confessing to a murder she didn't do. I still don't get this shit, Higley, I know it's you bitch throwing me off like this.

Phillip and Belle = Zzz.

Caroline is having her visions about Victor shes telling Justin that name is Deimos who will do him in.

Vincent Irizarry looks great in black.

Edited by BlackMamba
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Victor got relatives coming out the wood work. Is he Steven Frame???

Ugh, Lani. I'm still not feeling this girl. She's in every scene and it's like paint dry. She and Fynn can get on a merry horse they will not be missed.

Edited by BlackMamba
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Hope is using her pity card. Roman is softening and saying she needs a lawyer.

Phillip is flirting with Belle hardcore. Belle tells Hope not to say anything, pfft, too late. JPL is scene chewing again and now here's Claire.

Justin doesn't believe Caroline. And here's summers Eve. Justin and Eve are having a disagreement about parenting.

Deimos wants Victor to give him a job.

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Victor tells Deimos that hes as dead as to him as Alexander and Titus. Deimos wont be erased out the family again.

Claire has choice words for Phillip but Phillip is letting her know she can't force the issue of getting her parents back together.

Wuut.. Eve says Justin and Adrienne arent over when they had dinner. HIGLEY PUT DOWN WHATEVER YOU SMOKING. WHERE IS THIS COMING FROM??

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Someone explain to me how Hope confessing to killing Malcolm will help her get away with murdering Stefano? Unhinged Hope really should have taken a few seconds to come up with a plan before she killed Stefano. Instead of showing up at the mansion and yelling in front of Andre she should have lured Stefano somewhere and then killed him. Then it would look like any one of his many enemies did it. Even better if she could have found a way to frame Andre for the murder. 


This crap with Carolina is stupid but people really shouldn't be so dismissive of her. Are they forgetting they live in a place where Celeste was a psychic, people come back from the dead on a regular basis, and that Marlena was possessed by the devil? And she was right about Bo. 


I hope Deimos is able to put that asshole Victor in his place.


I guess Belle learned her mothering skills from Marlena. 

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I CALLED IT! Justin continues to be the worst attorney of all time. He dismiss all charges for the Malcolm murder.

Victor tells Phillip, Deimos will destroy family to get what he wants.

WHAT BELLE GOT BACK TO HER HOUSE FAST. Claire wants mommy time and Belle is like not now.

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Poor Eve. She keeps thinking about the vapid nothing Paige.

Claire is calling Shawn that Belle's in trouble.

Phillip and Deimos are working together from. what it appears.

Lani is jealous to see Rafe and Hope hug.

Overall this episode was filler and definitely was written by Higley today


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Roman told Justin, you believe her about as much as i do and Justin agreed.  But why is he such an ass. Especially to Caroline.


I hoped when Claire picked up the phone that it was Belle's and she'd see a message from Phillip and Know Belle was lying.  But I guess Claire already knows that.



Someone explain to me how Hope confessing to killing Malcolm will help her get away with murdering Stefano?

I thought I understood but I as asking myself the same question.  Not that I care much.  What annoyed me was Hope telling Roman everything that happened then repeating it all over again for Justin.  After we saw the whole thing go down in the first place, and all the discussions with Rafe and worried Hope faces, etc, etc.  After everything we never get to see on screen, why this?


Any day without Failure is a good day.  I rewatched Friday, which was disgusting but funny when JJ and Jenn were all "you said the same things about Ben."  But no resolution today to the cliffhanger with poor Kayla?  I know some of you were looking forward to the new actor but the storyline is stupid off the bat.  At first I thought he was supposed to be Xander. 

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Vincent Irizarry is delicious.  I'm very glad he's back on daytime.


However, they are wasting KdP.


This story with Hope makes no sense.  Was Rafe reasoning that she should confess to a murder she didn't commit to cover the one that she did?  Either way, it's confusing, muddled and stupid.

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Wow- I thought I was watching All My Children today

all dark wardrobe with suit jackets- check

bad attitude with anger issues- check

family issues- check

fighting with old men- check

sexy as all hell- check

me giggling like a stupid fangurl- check


Look, it's David Hayward! lol.


Just add in the narcissism, the brilliance, a heart somewhere under all the manipulations, calling out everyone in town who is self righteous, and there he is. Just change Victor for Adam Chandler and that's that. Now who will be his nemesis who the town loves ala Tad Martin? Too bad Bo is dead. He'd be perfect.

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Question: if Ava left town to avoid jail for sabotaging the plane which killed Shawn Douglas Sr; how come now she's back no one has arrested her or lynched her in Horton Square?

Because she said she was sorry and dying and this is Salem, where an apology and a claim of alleged imminent death equals a get out of jail free card. Remember, this is the town where rapists and murderers like Victor, Andre and Stefano roam free and act entitled, hell, it is known that Theresa tried to kill John twice, but his moron of a son is now magically "in luv" with her.

I for one am thrilled to have VI on screen. . I would have loved to see if VI sparked with KDP, but why keep actual talent around when we can get Taniel Down Under. I'd even love to see him tested with KA, MBE, LK and MR before the seemingly obvious choice based on current availability of AZ. I want actual chemistry rather than a randomly thrown together couple who are shoved down viewers throats regardless of chemistry, which seems to Days motifs operandi recently (Abby/Chad, Theresa/Brady, Hope/Rafe, Kate/Clyde, Kate/Eduardo, Belle/Philip/Shawn AGAIN!!! SWMNBN/Any member of the race, etc.).

FYI: There is no Shawn Douglas Sr. Shawn Douglas is named after Shawn Brady and Hope's father Doug (I'm blanking on Doug's last name).

Forgot to ask the following questions/statements: 1) Eve seriously believes that Claire is Juliard levels of talent, grief has clearly caused insanity. 2) How is it possible that JPL looks as old as, if not older than VI. Who was in his twenties when he joined GL as Lujack more than thirty years ago?

Edited by Happytobehere
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Eve has no business trying to get Claire into Juilliard without discussing it with her first.


Belle is being a bitch to her daughter.


Hm.  Philip and Deimos in cahoots, huh?


the Aussie disaster


Disaster?  The guy has hardly been on.  He's far from a disaster.  At worst, and I don't see it, a nonentity.

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Lani is jealous to see Rafe and Hope hug.


Is it jealousy or suspicion? I am starting to wonder if 

Lani will be the one to find out Hope killed Stefano and arrest her for murder.

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Wow- I thought I was watching All My Children today

all dark wardrobe with suit jackets- check

bad attitude with anger issues- check

family issues- check

fighting with old men- check

sexy as all hell- check

me giggling like a stupid fangurl- check

Look, it's David Hayward! lol.

Just add in the narcissism, the brilliance, a heart somewhere under all the manipulations, calling out everyone in town who is self righteous, and there he is. Just change Victor for Adam Chandler and that's that. Now who will be his nemesis who the town loves ala Tad Martin? Too bad Bo is dead. He'd be perfect.

How do I love thy post?

Let me count the friggin' ways!!

You hit every beat of my twisted, VI, AMC and DOOL lovin' heart.

Edited by boes
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Is it jealousy or suspicion? I am starting to wonder if

Lani will be the one to find out Hope killed Stefano and arrest her for murder.

Both! I personally don't care for the character. She has been a thirst bucket for Rafe's stick since she got in Salem.

Eve has no business trying to get Claire into Juilliard without discussing it with her first.

The baby can barely sing. I question Eve's mogul skills.

I was fangirling in the most embarrassing way watching VI today. They better not screw this up. Poor JPL, he's got to do scenes with him and his acting is going to look even worse.

Who knows under VI he might show improvement. JPL is slightly getting better playing Phillip, I just fear we're about to enter the Phillip Kiriakis hour real soon.

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Claire was awful with Kassie DePavia but great with JPL. I'm not sure why but I thinks better at playing a tough (mouthy) girl than a wall flower when she was with Eve. It's either that or they filmed this on two different days or months. She's miles ahead of the actress playing Ciera.

Vincent Irizarry hasn't changed in 20 years. Oddly enough, I didn't think he was good looking at all when he played Lujack on GL. He was all the rage then but he was so skinny and his nose was so big. It wasn't until later when he was on AMC where he grew into his looks. IMO!! I do have one question. Is Victor's brother, Deimos the father of Xander? If not, is he a made up brother that wasn't mentioned before?

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I was very sad to see the end of OLTL, but I did think that at least that meant my chances of ever seeing Jean Paul Lumpaleer or Farah Fath on screen would be minimal at best.    I thought that, maybe, if I visited a low rent carnival, then there was a chance I'd see them working a concession or something, but on screen again?  Nahhhhh.....


Yet there he is, with his Linda Evans hairdo and everything!  And just as blessed with talent as he always was - which means cursed with none.    He perfected the 'precocious pre-pubescent sexually ambiguous manchild' persona and he STILL plays every character the same way.  I'd say it was stretching it past believability for a grown woman to be interested in him, but then, there's Belle.

At least Farah Fath is still running that potato stand on the Santa Monica Pier and hasn't been rehired.


Belle.....who makes a joke of anybody thinking Sami is the most immature, self-centered, annoying sister.  By my count, Belle has that crown cornered, with Sami's other sister Princess in Waiting.   Belle smirks, swaggers, always talks in that aggrieved, whiny Valley girl way to everyone, is ready to run off to Vegas with Lumpaleer even after the WEEKS AND WEEKS OF STUDY she put in to get her law degree from Uncle Billy's WhizBang College of Law and Cosmetology.  And Claire?  Her teenage daughter recently uprooted and forced to live with Robo Mar and Grampaw Pull My Finger, that kid can be left at a moment's notice.  I hope Belle brings an extra gallon of dipilatory cream so she and Philip can share some quality time.


She and Abigail should be besties!!   Two such lovelies......


Victor has family literally popping out of the woodwork!  First Xander, who had some promise before he became unredeemable, now Deimos, who is already my favorite.  I can't wait for him to meet his nephew, Brady.  I BET Brady will try to impress him by counting to 100 and maybe even sing him the Alphabet song.  It's so cute when the little tyke tries to impress, isn't it?

Edited by boes
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Is Belle really going to go off to Vegas for the weekend with Phillip after her daughter practically begged her for some mommy time? She didn't even seem interested when she left Phillip earlier. I guess it was the realization that she would actually have to spend some time with her only child that changed her mind.

That dress she was wearing on today's episode was about the ugliest and most unflattering rag I've ever seen.

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Her dress was hideous and unflattering. 


I wonder who got Sami's clothes?  Her wardrobe was hit or miss but when it hit she looked amazing.



Vincent Irizarry hasn't changed in 20 years. Oddly enough, I didn't think he was good looking at all when he played Lujack on GL. He was all the rage then but he was so skinny and his nose was so big. It wasn't until later when he was on AMC where he grew into his looks. IMO!! I do have one question. Is Victor's brother, Deimos the father of Xander? If not, is he a made up brother that wasn't mentioned before?


Xander was the son of the other made-up brother but I don't remember his name.



Yet there he is, with his Linda Evans hairdo and everything! 


BWAH!!  He really does have the Krystle 'do going on.  It doesn't help at all that he's constantly making those stupid faces.  He was decent in his scene with Claire today since he wasn't mugging and pulling out all his tics, but then he was right back at it with VI and JA.  What is wrong with him?  

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I bet they let Ali Sweeney keep or buy her clothes. Maybe since she was such a lead they couldn't recycle it with other cast members.

When AMC ended the actresses who played Kendall and Greenlee bought their clothes. They also sell all props and stuff. One bought a lamp or picture frames too.

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So Justin made a point of stating the date on the video of Hope's lame confession as Jan 18, which was yesterday - a Monday.  However, later the same day, Belle brushed her daughter aside by saying she had to pack for her weekend trip.  Couldn't packing have waited a few more days!  Or will today's show suddenly be the weekend?  The Salem timelines drive me crazy!

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