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Current Plots Discussion: Actually Today's Episode

Message added by scarynikki12

Spoilers are not allowed in this thread. Period. Any posts that include spoilers (and casting information qualifies) will be removed. There are several other threads that allow spoilers so take that discussion to one of them.

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I don't get the Ann love, nor do I understand what is so great about Kate. I don't care for either actress, so my dislike probably starts there.

I love the Horton tree, I am glad Chase got an ornament; that poor boy needs to know people love him and want him around since he seems to have no family of his own. It reminds me of when OLTL totally missed the boat folding Riley into Nora's family when his murderous father either died or went to prison. It would have made sense for both of them. Instead, I think Riley went off to rehab, never to be heard from again.

Claire is not a good singer!! I heard a couple flats when she was singing with JJ today, so I don't get why Eve was gushing all over her the other day. I also hated how Eve kept calling her sweetheart, honey and beautiful, all terms she used to adress Paige. I love KdP, but her in this role is just not doing it for me.

Oh, ETA that I think Eve and Justin are so far very cute together, and since I also love Wally..

Edited by annabel
  • Love 2

I'll add my good wishes to you all - Merry Christmas!  I didn't watch yesterday's show until late last night after everyone left, and what a wonderful episode it was.


The gathering at Jenn's showed us the heart of the show - yeah, I could complain that I wished there was more, or that certain people weren't there, but the spirit was there and that came through loud and clear.  

When Hope gave Chase his ornament, and hugged him, well, that was it for me.   


Great Christmas spirit and I wish the same to you all.


And a great big HAPPY HOLIDAYS to radishcake, who puts up with us, joins in with us, and moderates with such a light touch.  Many thanks!!

Edited by boes
  • Love 10

Janice Barnes was a foster child of Maggie's who was murdered by Jack's Father Harper Deveraux.

Maggie's custody battle of Janice is what led to her alcoholism storyline.


The Chase ornament scene is one of those "have your cake and eat it too" moments that are a result of SORASING.  On one hand you are supposed to buy that Ciara and Chase have "grown" up with each other, but the emotional points of Chase being Hope's stepson are important and TPTB still want to show them.  So yeah if you buy the SORAS, Chase would of already had an ornament, he would have a close relationship with Theo the way Joey does.  Some things you just have to hand wave.

  • Love 3

When Hope gave Chase his ornament, and hugged him, well, that was it for me.

That made me swell up. Like Anna pointed out Chase needed to feel like he's part of the family. Him being emotional and surrounded with love made feel that. Love that Hope treats him like he's her son. I pray the writers don't go wrong with his character and turn into an asshole like Nick.

  • Love 2

So Christmas day in Salem consisted of....


-Phillip's new personality attempting to ass kiss Victor


-Abigail refusing to accept (once again) that a Dimera doesn't want her and throwing herself at him. The deja vu was strong for me today. 


-Steve and Kayla looking like fools, falling right into Ava's hand. And so help me if that final scene is the clue that this plot is going the ridiculous cliched way I hoped it wouldn't, then that's the final nail in the coffin for me to tune in. 

  • Love 3

Andre's suit was looking a little tight. Or maybe it's just bad lighting. 


So I see the trend of recasting characters and then giving them a personality transplant has continued on with Phillip. He was never this sleazy. 


There's been a huge improvement in the writing for Brady. Maybe he should have gotten out of the mansion a long time ago. Theresa has improved as well, but they need to give her some of her spunk and backbone back.


Abifail isn't Nicole, Sami, Kate, Marlena, John, Hope, Abe, or anyone else important. Why does she just get to waltz her useless ass into the Dimeria mansion, talk smack to Stefano and Adnre and then just walk out alive? They don't even know that she birthed a Dimera-demon spawn AND they're currently trying to keep Chad away from her so they can pimp him out to Belle. There is NO reason why they should let this loser get away with this. 


And ONCE AGAIN that rodent has put her hands on someone. Maybe some of the writers hate the character because they can't possible think having her go around assaulting people on a regular basis is a good look for her. She's disgusting. Btw, she said she knows something is wrong with him but she still slapped him. So she assaulted someone she suspects is having some type of psychological malfunction. That's great. 

  • Love 7

Merry Christmas, everyone!  I hope all of you are having a wonderful day.


Today's episode was mostly great, with lots of Steve and Kayla.  If TIIC are smart they will make these two the heart of the show.  I'm worried about the route the writers are taking with Ava, though.  Hopefully it's a fake out and she doesn't have a secret Steve baby stashed somewhere.  Wouldn't it have come out the last time she was in town anyway?


Theresa and Caroline were wonderful but they're scenes were too short.  It will be great if Theresa's work blows everyone away and Kate backs off a bit.  I don't expect Kate to become all warm and snuggly or anything ... just for her to tone down her disdain for all things Theresa.


The only part that fell flat of course included Abigail, who is back to violent, face-slapping self.

  • Love 6

Abigail got tossed a bone today by the writers. Since she's the one always getting slapped for not keeping her legs closed to married men, they allow her to go all Moonstruck on Chad. Wow, some heroine I'll tell ya! Poor Chad he's going to have a woman-child as a love interest. I'll cherish whatever chemistry he has with Belle, because I see it, too bad the writers are using Chelle as red herring just so Crabs can have a "happy union" soon.

Edited by BlackMamba
  • Love 5

I missed most of today's show, only saw the last 20 minutes or so.   And missed the last half of yesterday's show.


I just watched the last half of yesterday's show and got all teary again when the hung the ornaments. (I'd seen the spoiler video for this earlier in the week).


If I didn't know better, I'd think Abigail was all forlorn and distant due to the fact that not only Lucas, but also her brother, was missing a loved one because of her psychotic former fiance.   But I suspect those thoughtful looks, as well as the sad face at the end with the baby, were due to Chad dumping her.


I'm not really feeling nu-Belle at all.  I remember teen Belle (Kirsten Storms) having a sweet personality.  This version of Belle is grown up, of course, but she just seems so different from what I remember Belle being like.


I'm starting to really like nu-Chase.  He seems more comfortable in his acting shoes than nu-Ciara.


So I assume Ava and Steve were "a couple" at some point.  And ... gee surprise... another baby story!

  • Love 4

I resent Ava and her insipid presence in Steve and Kayla's lives. Joey is a dumbass, but I will give him a pass, since he is a hormonal teenager. However, if he starts to become disrespectful to his parents, on behalf of that cretin Ava. I will scream. It looks like it is Brady vs. Jarlena again. It was bad the first time. I do not wish to see that again featuring Steve, Kayla and Joey. Joey should have enlisted Stefanie's help in reuniting his parents and not that witch. Poor Kayla, she always suffers due to Steve.. I love their reunion, but Kayla always gives in to Steve. I wanted him to suffer for abandoning her like that.

Why is Ava a factor in their lives now? She is so unnecessary. This is Dena's work at her finest. God help us all. Her incompetence is still evident. Some things never change. Happy holidays to you all..I love talking to you guys on here. I know you guys have had to endure my rants about the show..lol.. I can't seem to quit the show. Steve and Kayla are still so awesome after all this time. They keep me watching..

Edited by Apprentice79
  • Love 8

So Christmas day in Salem consisted of....

-Phillip's new personality attempting to ass kiss Victor

-Abigail refusing to accept (once again) that a Dimera doesn't want her and throwing herself at him. The deja vu was strong for me today.

-Steve and Kayla looking like fools, falling right into Ava's hand. And so help me if that final scene is the clue that this plot is going the ridiculous cliched way I hoped it wouldn't, then that's the final nail in the coffin for me to tune in.

I'm right there with you. If Kayla is forced to accept Steve's bastard with the creature who kidnapped her daughter, tortured her and murdered her father, I'm out. Clearly, the idiots in charge remain clueless as to what people do and do not want. Besides, wasn't John the guy she was screwing towards the end of her run on the show? Do they intend to retconn that or will we get the reveal that Steve was cheating on Kayla with Ava after they reunited and all the evil she had done was known to all. If so, this would be a worse destruction of his character than when the former show runners had him abandon Kayla and Joey. Way to ruin the best thing currently on the show.

Also, really Steve, a motorcycle for Joey, cause there's no way that could blow up in your face.

JPL as Philip is just awful.

Abby continues to be awful.

Edited by Happytobehere
  • Love 4

So I assume Ava and Steve were "a couple" at some point. And ... gee surprise... another baby story!

Well, this isn't the first time their coupling has been told. The first time their "romance" was told was back in 2008. If Ava does have a kid with Patch, I'm curious if the current writers will rr-write something where Steve might have dipped back in the sack with Ava. And if she does have a kid, why not point the kid at John. I remember NuJohn and Ava had a quick fling. It wouldn't be a shock at this point if John has another kid by another woman. He's human baby making machine!

  • Love 4

So I see the trend of recasting characters and then giving them a personality transplant has continued on with Phillip. He was never this sleazy. 


There's been a huge improvement in the writing for Brady. Maybe he should have gotten out of the mansion a long time ago. Theresa has improved as well, but they need to give her some of her spunk and backbone back.


Abifail isn't Nicole, Sami, Kate, Marlena, John, Hope, Abe, or anyone else important. Why does she just get to waltz her useless ass into the Dimeria mansion, talk smack to Stefano and Adnre and then just walk out alive? They don't even know that she birthed a Dimera-demon spawn AND they're currently trying to keep Chad away from her so they can pimp him out to Belle. There is NO reason why they should let this loser get away with this. 


And ONCE AGAIN that rodent has put her hands on someone. Maybe some of the writers hate the character because they can't possible think having her go around assaulting people on a regular basis is a good look for her. She's disgusting. Btw, she said she knows something is wrong with him but she still slapped him. So she assaulted someone she suspects is having some type of psychological malfunction. That's great. 

This is all so spot on. 


My hubs was home and in the room while it was on today. Over the years he's picked up enough to know bits and pieces of the characters/show. Even he said, "Did they change Philip's character with the actor." LOL 


I hope KM doesn't give her next interview about how she learned so much about the mob by her on screen scenes with the Dimera's because once again what we are seeing is so far out. In the real world, a girl like Abs would be swimming with the fishes if she barged into a mob boss house, threw herself at the sons, and did her little hands slap thing.  Andre wheeling Stef away so they could have the room was just eye roll worthy.  Can we hope they kidnap the kid when they learn it's an heir? Maybe that will teach her to quit sleeping with mafia brothers. I really don't want to see some lovey dovey reunion when the baby turns out to be Chad's because at that point Abs should realize the extend of her involvement with this family for life and it shouldn't look pretty.  


If so, this would be a worse destruction of his character than when the former show runners had him abandon Kayla and Joey. Way to ruin the best thing currently on the show.

Exactly! Steve & Kayla are so cute and about the only thing I'm still tuning in for, but if they go the secret baby route I'm so done. 

  • Love 3

I hope KM doesn't give her next interview about how she learned so much about the mob by her on screen scenes with the Dimera's because once again what we are seeing is so far out. In the real world, a girl like Abs would be swimming with the fishes if she barged into a mob boss house, threw herself at the sons, and did her little hands slap thing.

Uh huh.

Abigail wouldn't had gotten two words out good enough before Andre regulated on her and Stefano would had pulled out a cigar smoking as she got what was coming next. Someone like a Andre would had beat her, assaulted her and got their men to dig a fresh grave in the woods several hundred miles from Salem and left her for dead. But since this is a genre for women no way that would happen unless it's Bob Guza and GH, Goodfellas and Sopranos - absolutely.

Edited by BlackMamba
  • Love 4

Uh huh.

Abigail wouldn't had gotten two words out good enough before Andre regulated on her and Stefano would had pulled out a cigar smoking as she got what was coming next. Someone like a Andre would had beat her, assaulted her and got their men to dig a fresh grave in the woods several hundred miles from Salem and left her for dead. But since this is a genre for women no way that would happen unless it's Bob Guza and GH, Goodfellas and Sopranos - absolutely.

Isn't that the truth.  What really irks me is that Days wants to do all this dark stuff--serial killer, honeymoon murder, someone dies once a month--yet they won't do a dark story where it fits most. 

  • Love 3

Isn't that the truth. What really irks me is that Days wants to do all this dark stuff--serial killer, honeymoon murder, someone dies once a month--yet they won't do a dark story where it fits most.


But, Days would be cancelled in 6 Months if they did this to the Sam McCall-wannabe though. Plus after Days has killed off several legacy characters over the last two years: Nick, EJ, Kristen, Will and Bo this show couldn't ill afford to let Abifail bite the dust.

Holy Shit Andre's jacket...it was like he put on David Spade's for a laugh.

New Phillip isn't working for me.

Claire sung several x on the show now and it's been painful. Everyone says how great her voice but it's like Abby's virtue, Sparkle's personality, ect. It's just annoying when something is nonexistent but I have to hear this bullshit. Saying it 357 x don't make it true.

Could have done without seeing Failure on Christmas Day. What a surprise this deranged animal is once again resorting to physical violence when she isn't being praised or rewarded. I don't even see why she felt entitled to assault Chad. She came to HIS home uninvited, he told her their relationship was over and he wanted no further contact, and stated if she couldn't abide his wishes he'd get a restraining order. Why is she so hysterical over him dumping her, more so than the multiple deaths of family and friends, or coping with almost being murdered, or being a new mom.

Theresa and Caroline's scene was so nice. We can have scenes that are genuine, and real, and advance story without some outlandishness.

Patch and Kayla were super cute as well and I like their house set.

Am I really supposed to take Ava as a threat seriously?

Edited by Petunia13
  • Love 3


But, Days would be cancelled in 6 Months if they did this to the Sam McCall-wannabe though. Plus after Days has killed off several legacy characters over the last two years: Nick, EJ, Kristen, Will and Bo this show couldn't ill afford to let Abifail bite the dust.

Hmm, I'm thinking ratings might skyrocket if they actually had the balls to go this route. 


failure is upset because she does not have a back up guy.

No doubt.  And if she's bad now, wait till Chad's "romance" with Belle heats up thus making him an "unavailable" man. She'll be horny as a toad and trying to climb him like a tree monkey like she did to his brother for sure. 

  • Love 3

Merry Christmas everyone!


This week's holiday shows have brought both good and not-so-good to the plate. 


The good:

-I love how the Horton's took Chase into their family.  The actor playing him is good, he always looks like a lost sad puppy who needs a hug desperately.  I dig it though, makes him someone you want to root for.  I want to see him and Claire together.


-The Horton Tree decorating is always special.  I look for that episode every year. It's actually a cool idea in real life to have an ornament for each family member.


-Justin looks hot these days.  Actually many vets are looking amazing:  Kayla, Adrienne, Steve, Bo (while he was there) and Hope always looks good.


-Nu-Ciara isn't a great actress, but I like her alright.  And she looks so much like Hope/KA.  Haha, they are both fans of leather pants, it seems.


-Hope killed it in the Horton Square sing-along scenes.  She looked so heartbroken and in emotional pain.  Not a word was said, but her face said it all.

-Love the patch/Kayla reunion so much!


The not-so good:

-I'm not sure if it is the writing or how KM plays it out, but Abby just seems like her priorities are all out of whack.  The only thing she seems to care about is how Chad dumped her.  I could understand it more if it was just the final straw after everything and that's why she was upset, but it doesn't seem that way.  She seemed fine with everything else until Chad dumped her ass.  She isn't fretting over the abduction, or how she was engaged to a killer and think she has a kid with him (she seems to have forgotten Ben completely, clearly never loved him).  That is all water under the bridge.  But OMG...Chad doesn't want her!  She was wallowing in a corner at the Horton Tree decorating about Chad, yet people like Will and hope/Ciara were truly mourning losses.  She doesn't seemed to involved with her new baby, the baby that could have died in that cabin, the baby who was celebrating his First Christmas.  Shouldn't she be celebrating him?  I wouldn't be surprised if she resents him for being the "reason" Chad doesn't want to be with her.  After all, priorities.  And her's is clearly this man and this man alone...


-Not feeling this Ava stuff.  I don't want to see her ruin what Patch and Kayla have,


-They had better not make Chase Theo's bully!


-I want to see Theresa wipe the floor with several people and not take their crap!

  • Love 7

And ONCE AGAIN that rodent has put her hands on someone. Maybe some of the writers hate the character because they can't possible think having her go around assaulting people on a regular basis is a good look for her. She's disgusting. Btw, she said she knows something is wrong with him but she still slapped him. So she assaulted someone she suspects is having some type of psychological malfunction. That's great. 


Seriously.  I had hoped that at the very least the new writing team just might decided that "Assault and Battery Abby" might be a look they'd retire, but nope, she's at it again.  Who on Show thinks this helps this character??   She's been hauling off and slugging people since at least back to the days when she dumped OldChad.  Since then it's been one open-hand slap all around the town for her.  

Just imagine any other character - any - doing the same and not being reviled, arrested, lectured, AVOIDED, but certainly not presented to the audience as the heroine.  

It was laughable that Show thought we'd buy her as fearless, walking into the Dimera mansion and verbally abusing Stefano and his pet monkey Andre, instead of thinking she's just some delusional, over-indulged, ego-inflated twit. And doesn't she have a preemie infant, just discharged from the hospital at home?  Who should be her primary concern?

And to top it off, she takes the baby to the hospital and manages to look miffed because Maggie is reading the Christmas poem instead of her.  


At least hair and makeup, and wardrobe still hate her, since she's still sporting her Zippy the Pinhead hairdo, and dressing in Frodo's castoffs. 


But, we had more Kayla and Steve, which makes up for a LOT.  Not much plot movement there, but even so it's a pleasure just to watch those two work.  Joey....ummm, let's just say I hope he's not planning on being a doctor like his mother, or a sleuth like his dad.......most of his brain appears to be in Sleep mode.


Caroline living at Victor's is wierd, and not in a good way.  But, not as wierd as JPL playing Philip as such a total lizard.  I almost felt like I had to wipe the hair oil off my hands off his scenes today.  


I'm boarding the Theresa Brady train, although I'm still on the last seat, near the exit. Brady's more tolerable than he's been in forever and Theresa's storyline is better, also.  So, if Show goes there, I'm okay with it.  But.....I have a feeling train will be derailed, and greasy Goldilocks will be involved.

  • Love 6

Merry Christmas everyone!


This week's holiday shows have brought both good and not-so-good to the plate. 


The good:

-I love how the Horton's took Chase into their family.  The actor playing him is good, he always looks like a lost sad puppy who needs a hug desperately.  I dig it though, makes him someone you want to root for.  I want to see him and Claire together.


-The Horton Tree decorating is always special.  I look for that episode every year. It's actually a cool idea in real life to have an ornament for each family member.


-Justin looks hot these days.  Actually many vets are looking amazing:  Kayla, Adrienne, Steve, Bo (while he was there) and Hope always looks good.


-Nu-Ciara isn't a great actress, but I like her alright.  And she looks so much like Hope/KA.  Haha, they are both fans of leather pants, it seems.


-Hope killed it in the Horton Square sing-along scenes.  She looked so heartbroken and in emotional pain.  Not a word was said, but her face said it all.

-Love the patch/Kayla reunion so much!


The not-so good:

-I'm not sure if it is the writing or how KM plays it out, but Abby just seems like her priorities are all out of whack.  The only thing she seems to care about is how Chad dumped her.  I could understand it more if it was just the final straw after everything and that's why she was upset, but it doesn't seem that way.  She seemed fine with everything else until Chad dumped her ass.  She isn't fretting over the abduction, or how she was engaged to a killer and think she has a kid with him (she seems to have forgotten Ben completely, clearly never loved him).  That is all water under the bridge.  But OMG...Chad doesn't want her!  She was wallowing in a corner at the Horton Tree decorating about Chad, yet people like Will and hope/Ciara were truly mourning losses.  She doesn't seemed to involved with her new baby, the baby that could have died in that cabin, the baby who was celebrating his First Christmas.  Shouldn't she be celebrating him?  I wouldn't be surprised if she resents him for being the "reason" Chad doesn't want to be with her.  After all, priorities.  And her's is clearly this man and this man alone...


-Not feeling this Ava stuff.  I don't want to see her ruin what Patch and Kayla have,


-They had better not make Chase Theo's bully!


-I want to see Theresa wipe the floor with several people and not take their crap!

I feel exactly the same. I particularly agree with the parts about Abby and Theresa.

  • Love 2
-I'm not sure if it is the writing or how KM plays it out, but Abby just seems like her priorities are all out of whack.  The only thing she seems to care about is how Chad dumped her.  I could understand it more if it was just the final straw after everything and that's why she was upset, but it doesn't seem that way.  She seemed fine with everything else until Chad dumped her ass.  She isn't fretting over the abduction, or how she was engaged to a killer and think she has a kid with him (she seems to have forgotten Ben completely, clearly never loved him).  That is all water under the bridge.  But OMG...Chad doesn't want her!  She was wallowing in a corner at the Horton Tree decorating about Chad, yet people like Will and hope/Ciara were truly mourning losses.  She doesn't seemed to involved with her new baby, the baby that could have died in that cabin, the baby who was celebrating his First Christmas.  Shouldn't she be celebrating him?  I wouldn't be surprised if she resents him for being the "reason" Chad doesn't want to be with her.  After all, priorities.  And her's is clearly this man and this man alone...


I said pretty much the same thing upthread about Abigail.  It's not all KM's fault that so many of us dislike Abigail, because the writer's keep making her do and say so many self-centered things.  I only saw the last half of yesterday's show, so I missed her barging into the Dimera mansion.  But it really bugged me that she looked so miserable at the ornament hanging, when I know it wasn't because Will, Paige and Bo were dead, but because Chad dumped her.  And yes, of course, that would make a person sad, but it's just another way of making it all about Abigail's misery. I really, really hope the writers backburner her soon, just to give those of us who need it, a break.

  • Love 3

I said pretty much the same thing upthread about Abigail. It's not all KM's fault that so many of us dislike Abigail, because the writer's keep making her do and say so many self-centered things. I only saw the last half of yesterday's show, so I missed her barging into the Dimera mansion. But it really bugged me that she looked so miserable at the ornament hanging, when I know it wasn't because Will, Paige and Bo were dead, but because Chad dumped her. And yes, of course, that would make a person sad, but it's just another way of making it all about Abigail's misery. I really, really hope the writers backburner her soon, just to give those of us who need it, a break.

A good ol fashion 6 month backburn with her and Chad could be amazing!!! Their fans can have all their Crabby lovey-dovey scenes and I can ffwd through them and finish the show maybe in 25 minutes instead of 36.

Edited by BlackMamba

The NO just keeps getting bigger with every Philip scene. I liked JKJ's Philip, even when he was acting like a privileged douche, but when we get lines like "I should have gotten him a coin" because Daddy liked Brady's gift better, I realize that Philip's at least a decade too old to be acting like a petulant brat. 


And then there's Brady even getting a gift for the old shit. I suppose I should like that he still cares even though Victor pulls these power play moves on him, but I'm apparently even more petty and shallow than Brady is.


Like most of you, I loved the Horton ornament scenes, even though it shines a big old spotlight on the fact that there are so few Hortons left on the show. And ohmygod...Maggie and Lucas, then Jennifer thanking Maggie for bringing Lucas? I'm not saying there were tears, but if I *was* going to weep, that would've done it.


Lastly, I don't know how I feel about Belle. I never had strong feelings about her, and since she's been back, I've not been all that impressed. However, coming out and saying that, while Shawn may have had some hand in their marriage ending, her cheating was the bigger sin. made me sit up and take note. Keep that kind of accountability up, and I might just get to like her.

  • Love 2


The only thing she seems to care about is how Chad dumped her.  I could understand it more if it was just the final straw after everything and that's why she was upset, but it doesn't seem that way.  She seemed fine with everything else until Chad dumped her ass.  She isn't fretting over the abduction, or how she was engaged to a killer and think she has a kid with him (she seems to have forgotten Ben completely, clearly never loved him).

I don't think needing him to keep watch as she had nightmares as she "seemed fine." She's been emotionally a wreck from before the Chad brainwashing. 

failure is upset because she does not have a back up guy.

She's also not only upset just because Chad dumped her, the writing is showing her clearly as knowing there's something wrong with him and refusing to just give up on him. She didn't give up when everyone thought he was a killer. He didn't give up on her when everyone including her mother thought she was just out of town with Ben.  He knew something was wrong and saved her life and that's what they're showing with this with her too. 


Real Chad would be appalled and disgusted with himself over his brainwashed actions. Is Abigail supposed to just be "ok, carry on with this new you" and not care about something that was clearly done to him at all? Just focus on herself? She'd probably be attacked for that too. 

  • Love 2

In theory, I like that Abigail isn't buying Chad's sudden change of heart. The execution is a little wonky, but I like that FINALLY, a character isn't just blindly accepting that their partner, or someone they supposedly know quite well, has done a complete personality 180. In a land where mind control and brain chips aren't unheard of, it's always bothered me that people regularly fall for it.

  • Love 4

Abifail doesn't even entertain the possibility that maybe, just maybe, Chad willing no longer wants to be with her. Maybe almost being killed again by her former fiance caused him to have an epiphany? Maybe every thing he's been through has pissed him off and he needs time to breathe? Nah, can't be. She's just that great. Maybe she could focus her energy on her newborn baby instead of sulking, whining, repeatedly assaulting Chad, showing up uninvited to people's home and yelling at them, and destroying property. She's spent shocking little time with her plot point baby who was just released from the hospital and was born only days ago. Instead of helping her son celebrate his first Christmas she was sulking in a corner, and not even because of every thing that's happened to her and her family, but because Chad told her to get lost. This just isn't a good look.

  • Love 9

Is Abigail supposed to just be "ok, carry on with this new you" and not care about something that was clearly done to him at all? Just focus on herself? She'd probably be attacked for that too. 

If Abigail and Chad had more of an epic history and she didn't just have a kid that they don't believe is his, then I could see her probing the personality change. But what does't work in this storyline, or at least work in Abs favor, is the fact that her priorities are completely out of whack. Her focus, her attention, should be directed at her newborn baby. Most women it comes naturally.  Once you have a kid it's no longer about you or some guy or anything else.  It wouldn't be quite as bad if someone would call her out on it, but as always, no one does.  The fact that she has the time to damage store windows and chase Chad all over town makes her look even more lame when she has a baby at home who requires lots of care and attention. Heck maybe Nicole should trying kidnapping it; it's not like Abs would notice he was gone. 

  • Love 9
If Abigail and Chad had more of an epic history and she didn't just have a kid that they don't believe is his, then I could see her probing the personality change.


The only personality change is Chad, they just spent the last 4 months with only Abby in the entire town believing in Chad, knowing that he wouldn't murder Will or 2 innocent women he didn't even know. Even when Chad didn't believe in himself.  It's not a far stretch she would  see through RoboChad. Marlena not seeing through it makes her look pretty stupid, she should have known better considering all the Dimera brainwashing she's been through.



Abifail doesn't even entertain the possibility that maybe, just maybe, Chad willing no longer wants to be with her. Maybe almost being killed again by her former fiance caused him to have an epiphany?

Based on him risking his life to save her and the baby. After declaring his love and how he'd do everything in his power for them to have their happily ever after. He's going to kiss her bye at the hospital, go to his appointment with Marlena, send her a sappy see you later text. Then an hour later have a completely robotic, cold, unemotional, different mentality and she should entertain that possibility he no longer wants to be with her? 


That would be stupid of her, it would also show she doesn't know him at all. Plus she's right! Andre did do something to him, so because she's not blindly being an idiot and believing brainwashed Chad, that makes it a bad thing? Because she's fighting to get him better and back to his normal self? Instead of abandoning the one person who knew she was in danger and risked his life to save hers, she should just be oh well and not care? 


Normal self Chad broke up with her before too and she didn't go around thinking Andre and Stefano did something. Because he was still behaving like himself where as this Chad is acting like a different person. She also did entertain the idea, the scenes with Jenn and JJ had Abby taking the blame for Chad breaking up with her and saying he was right. However, everytime she sees him she knows and sees him how he acted and knows there's something more going on.

Edited by Artsda
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The only personality change is Chad, they just spent the last 4 months with only Abby in the entire town believing in Chad, knowing that he wouldn't murder Will or 2 innocent women he didn't even know. Even when Chad didn't believe in himself.  It's not a far stretch she would  see through RoboChad. Marlena not seeing through it makes her look pretty stupid, she should have known better considering all the Dimera brainwashing she's been through.

I'm not saying she shouldn't notice his personality change; I'm saying that given that she now has a baby to take care of that it shouldn't be her top priority. Or obsession as she's starting to make it.  Chad is an adult; her baby is a newborn. For most women that wouldn't even be a choice. Grown ass man can take care of himself. Helpless preemie newborn needs a mother who is present--physically and mentally.   The timing of the plot is not flattering for her character and then KM's acting is not selling a woman who just gave birth. 

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I said pretty much the same thing upthread about Abigail.  It's not all KM's fault that so many of us dislike Abigail, because the writer's keep making her do and say so many self-centered things.  I only saw the last half of yesterday's show, so I missed her barging into the Dimera mansion.  But it really bugged me that she looked so miserable at the ornament hanging, when I know it wasn't because Will, Paige and Bo were dead, but because Chad dumped her.  And yes, of course, that would make a person sad, but it's just another way of making it all about Abigail's misery. I really, really hope the writers backburner her soon, just to give those of us who need it, a break.


I can blame KM for not making Abby more sympathetic though--Theresa can be horribly self-centered and yet Jen Lilley manages to make Theresa vulnerable and you find yourself rooting for her, despite some of her more misguided moments.  I want Theresa to succeed at the fashion show because JL has made me want good things for her character--we've watched her soften the character and while she's still has sharp edges, she is nowhere near the insane wolverine she was when she was snapping at everyone.  That takes a skilled actress to pull off--Abby is supposed to be a heroine yet there is an aura of unlikeability to her that is completely Mansi's portrayal.


And I'd like to wish everyone a Merry Christmas, a Happy Boxing Day and may we all have a lovely New Year!

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I can blame KM for not making Abby more sympathetic though--Theresa can be horribly self-centered and yet Jen Lilley manages to make Theresa vulnerable and you find yourself rooting for her, despite some of her more misguided moments. I want Theresa to succeed at the fashion show because JL has made me want good things for her character--we've watched her soften the character and while she's still has sharp edges, she is nowhere near the insane wolverine she was when she was snapping at everyone. That takes a skilled actress to pull off--Abby is supposed to be a heroine yet there is an aura of unlikeability to her that is completely Mansi's portrayal.

Exactly! Deidre Hall and Kristian Alfonso should get the Kim Zimmer Award every year for always getting shitty storylines on Days but are able to convey and portray their characters wonderfully throughout every awful writing regime that has written for them the last 25 years. KM is in her 4th year and her 3rd being front and center without a backburn. There is no excuse for her blandness at this point if she's going to be on my TV screen 4-5 times a week. None. Like you said, I'm not a big fan of the Theresa character but Jen Lily does her best to make her believable and an entertaining watch from time to time. It's all about making it work where the writing can be failing or lacking. Edited by BlackMamba
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