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Current Plots Discussion: Actually Today's Episode

Message added by scarynikki12

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She was only trying on the gown earlier while Aiden was spying through the window, the gala was scheduled before the wedding.

So Hope was working with Rafe as Chad woke up, went home to try on her wedding dress, then magically changed into 60s wear to attend the gala, danced and fretted, then came back home again to change into the wedding dress and do her hair, then returned to get married?


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How many months pregnant is Abifail supposed to be? Shouldn't her stomach be bigger by now, especially since there's an alien baby in there?


Does Victor ALWAYS have to be hateful and nasty? 


Caroline telling Hope that marrying Aiden would be the biggest mistake of her life is a bit dramatic. If Bo comes back and Hope decides she wants to be with him she can get an annulment or divorce. 

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Steve said they were in Kansas.



Yeah. You can tell because dried cornstalks were coming in through the windows. Because nothing says Kansas like corn!


Did they ever specify what kind of storm got them? Was it a TORNADO? (Despite those being pretty much done by mid-October.) 

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bannana, on 03 Nov 2015 - 2:41 PM, said:bannana, on 03 Nov 2015 - 2:41 PM, said:

I have no sympathy for Abs because all this time if she thought Chad was innocent then the only logical conclusion is that Ben is guilty.  She's a doofus.

Uh, how could she have figured out it was Ben, exactly?  It's perfectly reasonable for her to think Chad's innocent without suspecting Ben.  No one else has, after all.  So if she is a "doofus," then so is everyone else.

Edited by Bryce Smith
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And who is Lani's mother?  Someone we know?

Tamara Price was a character that was paired with Abe back in the 80's, I wanna say like around 85ish? . She was played by singer Marilyn McCoo. Physically they did a great job casting because the actress playing Lani looks just like her.

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Uh, how could she have figured out it was Ben, exactly?  It's perfectly reasonable for her to think Chad's guilty without suspecting Ben.  No one else has, after all.  So if she is a "doofus," then so is everyone else.


I didn't say that she thinks Chad is guilty, but rather that she believes he is innocent.  And if Chad is innocent, then everything Ben said about the fight with Chad is a lie, which should make her suspicious of him.  Why would he lie about the fight with Chad?  And there are many other clues that she has ignored.  However, I grant you, everyone else is a doofus, too; only Rafe seems to be suspicious of Ben.

Edited by bannana
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I loved the Hitchcockian creepy music playing when Caroline came to talk to Hope. Kudos on that.

Also loved the wink Aiden gave Hope as she came up the aisle. So fuck you show for ruining and taking away a good character.

Ben was definitely creepy. Did he take abagail to the EJ Sex shack?

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I didn't say that she thinks Chad is guilty, but rather that she believes he is innocent.  And if Chad is innocent, then everything Ben said about the fight with Chad is a lie, which should make her suspicious of him.  Why would he lie about the fight with Chad?  And there are many other clues that she has ignored.  However, I grant you, everyone else is a doofus, too; only Rafe seems to be suspicious of Ben.

Sorry.  I meant to say "innocent," but the word "guilty" was in my mind when I wrote that.  I meant Abigail could believe that Chad was innocent while not suspecting Ben's guilt.


Also, up until now, Ben had done a decent job covering his tracks.  He'd been very careful.  So again, no reason for her to be suspicious.  Her or anyone else.


And as much as I wanna believe it, I've seen no proof that Rafe suspects Ben.  It looks like it, but he's never said a word about it.

Tamara Price was a character that was paired with Abe back in the 80's, I wanna say like around 85ish? . She was played by singer Marilyn McCoo. Physically they did a great job casting because the actress playing Lani looks just like her.

And THIS is why, in spite of everything, I already respect Josh as a writer over the last two writers.  They're actually honoring history by connecting Lani to someone who really is from Abe's past.

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Tamara Price was a character that was paired with Abe back in the 80's, I wanna say like around 85ish? . She was played by singer Marilyn McCoo. Physically they did a great job casting because the actress playing Lani looks just like her.

Hmmm... I was watching around that time, but I don't remember anything about Abe and Tamara.  I even checked Wiki to see if I could read about their history, but there's nothing there.



And THIS is why, in spite of everything, I already respect Josh as a writer over the last two writers.  They're actually honoring history by connecting Lani to someone who really is from Abe's past.


I agree.  Much better than John's new "history" that brought us Paul.

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And as much as I wanna believe it, I've seen no proof that Rafe suspects Ben.  It looks like it, but he's never said a word about it.

True, Rafe has has his doubts about Chad's guilt but still Rafe's not out there actively searching for the real killer or looking into anyone else like Ben. He's just carrying on like they've caught Chad and that's that. Even despite Marlena also not believing Chad's guilty, they're not doing anything to show they care there's still a killer out there. 


Abby figured out the timestamps of the photos and knew something was off. Chad figured out and put together the pieces that it was Ben. Which makes him the smartest in town. Both of them are smarter than Rafe. 

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Abigail actually put two and two together.


It was really unfair of Bo to put stopping the wedding on Caroline.


Oh, of course Bo is on a motorcycle.


"Suckers!"  OMG!  LOL


How did Ben get an unconscious Abigail out to the Horton cabin on Smith island without being seen?  Don't you have to take a public ferry out there?


No motorcycle helmets, huh?

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Will put two and two together and ended up dead!


Abbifail should have been suspicious of Ben because of all of his bizarre behaviour and anger issues, not to mention his creepy father.  But if she truly believed Chad was innocent, then she should have suspected Ben then.  Maybe she did, but they didn't show us.


I think Rafe dropped the ball, because he was suspicious of Ben's version of the fight story, and questioned why Chad would go after Ben like that, but he didn't warn Abs, as he should have.  But he did indicate his suspicion.

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Hold on... If Lani is the result of a relationship that took place in 1985, shouldn't she be at least older than Brady? With the SORASing that happens on this show she should probably be about 45, not 22ish! Unless her mother put Abe's swimmers on ice...

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Saleisha Stowers, the actress who plays Lani is 29 (she was a winner on America's Next Top Model about 8 years ago).  All of the SORASing and deSORASing makes storylines wonky, but the actress is the right age for her character and Abe's storyline. She does look young though, gives Theresa someone her age to hang out with.  


SORASing always confuses me.  For kids that grew up in real time and then are suddenly teenagers are they essentially the same personality or did some dark thing happen to them. Like when Brady was aged and came back angry at Marlena. Then did Cierra and Chase have traumatizing tween years we missed or was Aiden Cierra's father figure 9-16? 

Edited by Cocka doodle dont
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Cocka doodle dont, on 03 Nov 2015 - 6:08 PM, said:

Yeah! She had the worst ANTM makeover. I called her mophead because of it. I knew she looked familiar and had to look her up.

Many other ANTM fans (mostly those who came from the former TWoP) called Sal (who went by her full name, Saleisha, at the time) "Tootie" since her makeover resembled Tootie from The Facts of Life.  She's been widely considered one of ANTM's worst winners, mainly due to the fact that she was kind of a mean girl on that show.


So far, I've been willing to give her a chance outside of ANTM, and I'm happy to say she's winning me over since I even rarely think about her time on the show.

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I must have missed the "suckers" comment. Can someone please fill me in?

When everyone thought Caroline was hallucinating the phone call from Bo, she assured them she was fine, and basically acknowledged that must have hallucinated it.  And they wanted to get her a plate of food etc, so that she could recover her brain.  She played along, and then left the mansion, saying to herself:  Suckers!

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She came as Rafe's plus one.

No, she specifically asked Rafe if he was going because she was invited and didn't want to go by herself. So somehow, someway, somebody managed to invite her. Where did they mail the invite to, "Random black chick who is so obviously going to be revealed as Abe's heretofore unknown daughter."

I get we're supposed to be all Caroline's right, don't do it Hope, but I find myself siding with Julie who proclaimed Hope a saint. Caroline's constant interference and guilting of Hope is not cool. Has it ever occurred to Caroline that Hope might have moved on and aside from being glad that Bo didn't abandon his family and is fine, that she might actually want to be with Aiden. This might shock Caroline and the writers, but Hope is not Bo's property. This alone makes Aiden being written off insulting. Regardless of who Hope winds up with Aiden could have remained on canvass as a viable non-Brady/non-Horton character. I mean isn't he the only other lawyer in Salem aside from Justin. This is not a jab at Caroline, but rather the continuing storyline that the women must sacrifice anything and anyone for men who repeatedly show themselves to be less than deserving, or they are written as being awful people.

We see it repeatedly with Bo and Hope; John and Marlena (although they seem to be correcting this one, decades late, I might add); Justin and Adrienne (Justin gets to cheat, not apologize and then Adrienne is the villain for being pissed and moving on -- I know more is going on about people's dislike of her character, but I wonder if Adrienne would have been written as so unlikable if there was no need to deflect from Justin's ish; Kayla apparently only exists as an extension of Steve because she literally has no one in her life when she and Steve are uncoupled. I can already see the big push for Kayla to just allow Steve back into her life because of this Bo mess, even though she has been provided with no explaination for being dumped with a small child to care for, other than Steve has decided he wants her back. Her feelings and hurt will be irrelevant be use Steve found Bo, so he gets a get out of relationship jail free card (I hope I'm wrong, but I doubt it). In the show's eyes, Kayla appears to be little more that Steve's personal doormat, who gets to question nothing. This isn't new either. Anyone who remembers the Marina storyline disaster remembers that Kayla was allowed to be upset for like three week, then she had to forgive Steve for his past that took her dream wedding away and resulted in her being a murder suspect. She had to forgive Jack to accommodate Steve (even her marriage to Jack was a Steve dumped me and says I should marry Jack, so I guess I'll marry Jack storyline). Kayla was made to suck it up when Steve and Billie thought it was appropriate to meet at her family business. She says nothing about the fact that her father died, her brother nearly died and she was in a plane crash because of Steve's past. Now anyone who has read my posts knows that Steve and Kayla are my all time favorite couple, not just of Days, but any soap, but Kayla's lack of agency really irks me as you can tell. She is an attractive, intelligent, gainfully employed in a legitimate career, and a giving person, but the show seems to think that outside of being with Steve, her only use is to be an Abby prop. Heck Marlena, Hope and Adrienne got to have their temporary Mr. Wrongs before they accept the rightness of their men and take them back never to mention the ways they have been wronged.

The only exceptions to the Days the women must bow down trope is Jack and Jennifer, but that appears to be more about some dislike of Matt Ashford then an anomaly and Lucas, who they have just decided is the town sap/place holder guy. If either actor/character hadn't seemingly made the ish list of TPTB, Jennifer and Sami would be no better off than Hope, Marlena, Kayla and Adrienne.

Edited by Happytobehere
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I think the new Chase should be paired with Paul.


I would support this if it led to Sparkle being sent to prison for statutory rape and off my screen.


Speaking of rape, are we supposed to forget that Theresa accused an innocent man of rape and now he's (presumably) in prison? 

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Speaking of rape, are we supposed to forget that Theresa accused an innocent man of rape and now he's (presumably) in prison?

This is why I will never support any storyline that tries to tell me I should root for someone who quite frankly, I have seen be nothing but despicable, self-serving and entitled since my return.

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I think the new Chase should be paired with Paul.


That particular pairing didn't cross my mind, but the new Chase is pinging all over town.


I guess Sparkle is too new to town to be invited to the big party?  Boo.


Of course Bo is on a motorcycle! I'm totally ready for him to ride into town to rescue Hope.

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I’m sorry but this 50th is just lame. No flashback and the most farcical wigs and costumes imaginable.  Hope, Kayla, Theresa—all attractive women did not look so today.


If Bo on the motorcycle w/Steve on the back doesn’t come riding down this aisle to break up this wedding I’m going to be sorely disappointed over the incredible missed opportunity and visual.  I'm already figuring the show doesn't have the money for the Bonnie Tyler song. ;-)


Speaking of Bo, I hope all of his lame ass family and friends who don’t believe Caroline or Steve feel like total shit when he comes back.  Carolina had a real call on her phone; they call it back; no one answers—well of course that rules out it’s not Bo??? WTF!


The treats of today’s episode though was the actual nod to the show’s history w/Abe and Tamara Price. Too bad MM couldn’t have made a cameo. Bonus points if the show could have scored her and Gloria Loring for a duet.


Also, Abigail handcuffed to the Horton cabin bed and it’s not for kinky sex with a Dimera—Priceless!  Can we just leave her there for all eternity?

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When everyone thought Caroline was hallucinating the phone call from Bo, she assured them she was fine, and basically acknowledged that must have hallucinated it. And they wanted to get her a plate of food etc, so that she could recover her brain. She played along, and then left the mansion, saying to herself: Suckers!

Thank you! Geez, they are so gullible...

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LeftPhalange, on 03 Nov 2015 - 7:18 PM, said:

Speaking of rape, are we supposed to forget that Theresa accused an innocent man of rape and now he's (presumably) in prison? 

Given everything else Xander did and didn't go to prison for, I'm not bothered by him going down for something he didn't do.

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Yeah! She had the worst ANTM makeover. I called her mophead because of it. I knew she looked familiar and had to look her up.  I'm starting to warm up to the character Lani, but was skeptical at first.

We used to call her tootie car parts and I despised her on ANTM because she was clearly Tyra's favorite and so many girls who were modelesque got cut in her favor...She was on season 9 and it was actually the season where most of the girls looked and acted like Models..Saleisha was out of her league and Tyra sold her a pipe dream of being a high fashion model. She won that season. Other girls in her season went on to have successful modeling careers.. However, She was good on All My Children online....Shehad tough material, but she delivered superbly....

Edited by Apprentice79
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I'm not defending her but confused cuz it's been a minute. Who were the other girls who were modelesque who were cut in her favor?

Ok you're right Heather and Bianca were so beautiful and unique looking. But most seasons the models don't lionlike models like just average or even plain people, which I think is the appeal to the audience.

Edited by Petunia13
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No, she specifically asked Rafe if he was going because she was invited and didn't want to go by herself. So somehow, someway, somebody managed to invite her. Where did they mail the invite to, "Random black chick who is so obviously going to be revealed as Abe's heretofore unknown daughter."

I get we're supposed to be all Caroline's right, don't do it Hope, but I find myself siding with Julie who proclaimed Hope a saint. Caroline's constant interference and guilting of Hope is not cool. Has it ever occurred to Caroline that Hope might have moved on and aside from being glad that Bo didn't abandon his family and is fine, that she might actually want to be with Aiden. This might shock Caroline and the writers, but Hope is not Bo's property. This alone makes Aiden being written off insulting. Regardless of who Hope winds up with Aiden could have remained on canvass as a viable non-Brady/non-Horton character. I mean isn't he the only other lawyer in Salem aside from Justin. This is not a jab at Caroline, but rather the continuing storyline that the women must sacrifice anything and anyone for men who repeatedly show themselves to be less than deserving, or they are written as being awful people.

We see it repeatedly with Bo and Hope; John and Marlena (although they seem to be correcting this one, decades late, I might add); Justin and Adrienne (Justin gets to cheat, not apologize and then Adrienne is the villain for being pissed and moving on -- I know more is going on about people's dislike of her character, but I wonder if Adrienne would have been written as so unlikable if there was no need to deflect from Justin's ish; Kayla apparently only exists as an extension of Steve because she literally has no one in her life when she and Steve are uncoupled. I can already see the big push for Kayla to just allow Steve back into her life because of this Bo mess, even though she has been provided with no explaination for being dumped with a small child to care for, other than Steve has decided he wants her back. Her feelings and hurt will be irrelevant be use Steve found Bo, so he gets a get out of relationship jail free card (I hope I'm wrong, but I doubt it). In the show's eyes, Kayla appears to be little more that Steve's personal doormat, who gets to question nothing. This isn't new either. Anyone who remembers the Marina storyline disaster remembers that Kayla was allowed to be upset for like three week, then she had to forgive Steve for his past that took her dream wedding away and resulted in her being a murder suspect. She had to forgive Jack to accommodate Steve (even her marriage to Jack was a Steve dumped me and says I should marry Jack, so I guess I'll marry Jack storyline). Kayla was made to suck it up when Steve and Billie thought it was appropriate to meet at her family business. She says nothing about the fact that her father died, her brother nearly died and she was in a plane crash because of Steve's past. Now anyone who has read my posts knows that Steve and Kayla are my all time favorite couple, not just of Days, but any soap, but Kayla's lack of agency really irks me as you can tell. She is an attractive, intelligent, gainfully employed in a legitimate career, and a giving person, but the show seems to think that outside of being with Steve, her only use is to be an Abby prop. Heck Marlena, Hope and Adrienne got to have their temporary Mr. Wrongs before they accept the rightness of their men and take them back never to mention the ways they have been wronged.

The only exceptions to the Days the women must bow down trope is Jack and Jennifer, but that appears to be more about some dislike of Matt Ashford then an anomaly and Lucas, who they have just decided is the town sap/place holder guy. If either actor/character hadn't seemingly made the ish list of TPTB, Jennifer and Sami would be no better off than Hope, Marlena, Kayla and Adrienne.

I'm giving you a virtual standing ovation for this post...all of it. It is rather irksome that this show still tends to cater to the male half of the supercouples when it comes to both storyline and characterization. It was a huge problem back in the 80s and it's rather shocking that 30-ish years later it still continues to be the case. We see it happening with this whole Bo/Hope/Steve/Kayla/Caroline storyline. Of course Steve and Bo will turn out to be right all along and Kayla and Hope will both be left with egg on their faces for ever doubting them because heaven forbid these women be allowed to be upset that they were left to raise their children alone without being called bitches and shrews. Don't get me wrong, I love Bo and Steve to death, but could we just for once allow their better halves to be right about something? Better yet, can we give them a storyline that's actually centered around them instead of in reaction to what's happening to their ex-husbands?

Sorry, this is clearly a sore subject with me.

Edited by NumberCruncher
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I'm not defending her but confused cuz it's been a minute. Who were the other girls who were modelesque who were cut in her favor?

Ok you're right Heather and Bianca were so beautiful and unique looking. But most seasons the models don't lionlike models like just average or even plain people, which I think is the appeal to the audience.

When she was on the bottom 2 with Victoria..She should have gone home instead of Victoria. Sal had the worst picture of that group...Tyra hated Victoria because she was a smart girl..Jenna, Lisa, Heather, Victoria, Bianca and Ebony were better models than her. Tall and statuesque girls. Those girls did not need the show to become working models..They should have walked into an agency in New York. They would have gotten signed.  I know that Ebony quit, but  it was after Tyra and the judges went after her repeatedly for not having personality. .They never went after Sal like that.. She was Tyra's pet and she had to win at all cost..Plus, it was time for a Black girl to win and She was the special snowflake picked by Tyra..Before anybody gets upset, I am Black..Tyra has issues with Black women, she likes you to be hood rat or one with a sob story like Saleisha that she can save...If you are strong, intelligent, Black woman that does not fit into a stereotype, she has no use for you....

Edited by Apprentice79
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Saleisha Stowers, the actress who plays Lani is 29 (she was a winner on America's Next Top Model about 8 years ago).


Stowers was also, for those who never saw it, very good on the online "All My Children" as Angie's daughter Cassandra.

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Really Days, another child for Abe? 


We did this storyline fifteen years ago and it was far more compelling with Brandon being Abe's son.  Why don't you recast and bring Brandon back, now that Sami and Lexi are gone, he will basically be a new character.  Nicole could also use her brother back on canvas. 


Or let's focus on Abe's other child Theo.  Have they SORASED him as well?  If so, is he still autistic?  It would be interesting to see an autistic teenager portrayed on television.


Why couldn't they have made Lani, Wendy and Jonah's daughter? Or made her Jett's sister and still kept her a relative to Abe and Theo. 


Incredibly lazy storytelling.  This is what Days is known for nowadays.

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I'm giving you a virtual standing ovation for this post...all of it. It is rather irksome that this show still tends to cater to the male half of the supercouples when it comes to both storyline and characterization. It was a huge problem back in the 80s and it's rather shocking that 30-ish years later it still continues to be the case. We see it happening with this whole Bo/Hope/Steve/Kayla/Caroline storyline. Of course Steve and Bo will turn out to be right all along and Kayla and Hope will both be left with egg on their faces for ever doubting them because heaven forbid these women be allowed to be upset that they were left to raise their children alone without being called bitches and shrews.

I am also giving a standing ovation for that wonderful post and agreeing that it is a problem that irks me as well. I don't understand how the show could have John, for example, ready to hop into bed with Kristin behind Marlena's back and never have to offer a concrete explanation for his logic to his own wife. In the case of Bo and Steve, it's worse because children were being abandoned in addition to marriages being ruined.

Not only are the writers incompetent at writing out actors who don't want to be part of the show anymore, but they are equally inept at playing out the emotional bruises they so willingly inflict upon their characters and especially their married couples. That's why this anniversary has a Deadbeat Dad theme to it.

I personally don't want to see Kayla fall into Steve's arms again just because he brings Bo back. I also don't want to see John get a free pass on several years of being an asshat...

At least when they pulled this kind of crap on Another World with Carl's return, it was justified by the fact that the series was ending and both he and Rachel were so old that it didn't make much sense to make a huge fuss over the fact that he left the series after trying to kill her and mess up her family company ( stories the producers invented to get back at the actor). They just claimed he had had a brain tumor and couldn't account for his actions and left it at that. The big difference though, was that Rachel's children Matt and Amanda were permitted 5 seconds of outrage that Carl was just walking back into their living room and their mother's life without any consequences.

Wouldn't it be so much more interesting if Marlena, Hope and Kayla were allowed to have some scenes where they discussed their frustration over being abandoned by their husbands?

I'm pretty amazed that these three strong career women didn't find themselves eventually more attracted to equally strong, stable and mature men. All of the male love interests on the show are aged teenage fantasies of the bad boy. If you are getting goosebumps that your 60 year old husband is finally deciding to choose you instead of some wild adventure on motorcycle, you have the definition of a failed marriage.

It will be interesting to see how they play out Hope's reaction to Bo's return and whether or not they have her immediately thrilled that he's well and still loves her...

Edited by DisneyBoy
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Or let's focus on Abe's other child Theo.  Have they SORASED him as well?  If so, is he still autistic?  It would be interesting to see an autistic teenager portrayed on television.


Yep, they did. The new actor debuted today but literally if you blinked you missed him.  I really hope they do focus on his autism.

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Show gave me a lot to love today, a lot.  


I love me some Victor, horror that he can be sometimes, and has been in the past.  But when he takes on his idiot grandson, all I do is revel in the beauty of his truth and how utterly inarticulate that lunkhead is in response.  Now, I'd rather he liked Theresa, or at least was nicer to her, considering his history with her mother, but if that's the only route show will take so we can hear Victor say to his nearest and dumbest, 


I know I shouldn't interfere, but on your own you make such GOOD decisions.
I really can't believe this.  I thought you were an idiot with Chloe, etc. etc. etc.


Julie's tribute was - to be British about it - simply smashing.  She hit all the right notes, with what she said about Alice and Tom, and especially when she remembered those who had so recently been killed and the impact that has had on everyone.  Good work by the directors, too, in the camera work to showcase the response and feelings we saw on people's faces.  Those pros can say a whole lot without saying one single word.

And Marlena's speech, too, hit me in my soap sweet spot.   As did Jenn's.

This stuff is the reason I"ve watched soaps for past 45 years, not the explosions and killings and weird happenings.  Oh, they can be fun, but what's kept me watching are the feelings, the layers characters acquire, the history that only soaps, with their longevity, can call upon.  I think so much of that was jettisoned in the past 15 or so years, too much, on all the shows, but I think Days has held on to it better than most, certainly better than any of the remaining shows - IMO.  

It's what keeps me coming back.

Good job, on that front, today.


I know that the Bo and Steve show is a popular one, and I get it.  It ties exactly into what I was talking about above.  I mildly like it, don't hate it, but I'm anxious for SOMETHING to happen to get them to town and end the "adventure".  Get 'em with the folks they care about, who care about them.  

I'm also annoyed as some of you have mentioned, that Bo and Steve are now going to get a free pass and make the women who love them feel like idiots, when Steve DID abandon Kayla and the kids for years, and Bo took off on some DiMera mission, deliberately leaving Hope and Ciarra and everyone else behind.  I know, it's been rewritten that this was really a search for a cure for Caroline, but I remember what I saw and what they said and there is only so much revision I can stand.

After the hugs and all, I'd like Kayla and Hope to ask them where they intend on staying because it will NOT be with them.


I love Caroline, but Good LORD somebody should have locked her in the basement today.  


What else, what else...oh yeah, Ollie Ben and Abigail.....




And, how can I say this.....




That's IT!!

Edited by boes
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The speeches especially Julie's and Jen's hit all the right notes : ) very heartfelt and simple.

I think Brady has been looking so handsome in the party scenes. He should do that hairstyle and and wear vintage tailored formalwear year round. Shawn is cute too.

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Yep, they did. The new actor debuted today but literally if you blinked you missed him.  I really hope they do focus on his autism.


I must have blinked, because I missed him too.  Course I'm still not used to seeing the new Ciara and Chase, so I overlooked them too in the croud.

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I read recap tweets from hour ahead peeps and it's not spoiling anything to say to you: THIS SHIT IS BORING AS HELL.


Who cares if Bo makes it there in time or not?

He's leaving again anyway. There's not real payoff with Bope. Peter Reckell isn't staying long term or even mid term.

What a waste.

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Happytobehere, great post.  


I'm tuning back in to see the old favorites for the 50th but I have a question that may tie in to your comments:


Has Kayla always been a doctor?  I've been watching on-and-off since the '80's.  I first saw Kayla when she was on the docks with "Patch" and they were doing their little push-pull dance, their courtship, the cigar band engagement ring, her becoming mute, sign language, etc.  So, when I tuned back in at some point during the intervening years, I was surprised to see her as an M.D.


Now, a retcon or one-month medical school, I can understand.  This is a soap opera, after all.  But, if she's been a doctor the whole time and I, a fairly dedicated viewer for years, somehow missed it, maybe it's because of the lack of focus on these women and their lives outside their men.

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Kayla was a nurse back in the day, and sometime between 1989 and a couple of years ago when I started watching again she became a doctor. I don't know if she was in medical school on camera or if she just showed up back in town as an MD.

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Frequent lurker, first-time poster.  Actually, it's my first time posting in these forums, though I suspect it won't be my last now that I actually have an account.  Of all things, it's this current plot with Aiden and Hope that is dragging me out of my lurk-dom.  It's honestly driving me away from the show, because I don't think I can take watching this plot play out to its likely conclusion.  Every day gets a little worse.  It's definitely not the acting.  Daniel Cosgrove in particular is giving a fantastic performance, but that's just making this all the more stomach-turning watching it slowly unfold.  This Aiden-under-the bus storyline feels like a huge mistake to me, and that's partially due to how good Cosgrove is.  There were so many good, soapy ways this could have been written with Bo coming back, and they chose just about the crappiest one thus far.  The simplest one would be not changing Aiden's character in the first place and move forward:  let Hope happily move towards marrying good-guy Aiden (while still evincing some feelings for Bo) while Bo is fighting his way to reach her before the wedding.  That's such a dramatic situation--say that Bo makes it to the wedding, does Hope still go through with it?  If he shows right after the wedding, does it change anything?  A writer could play with that dynamic for a long time, and it sets up a love triangle where both sides are rootable.  If the writers are hell-bent on a Bo-Hope reunion, Hope could still end up choosing Bo, Aiden could stick around for someone else or leave town with a broken heart, etc.


However, I realize new writing regimes often want to eliminate the characters created by previous regimes, for financial as well as creative reasons, so let's hypothetically say that they absolutely must get rid of Aiden.  There are some other easy options, even to let Bo have his hero moment.  You could have the Dimeras using a hired killer to kill Hope as the necktie killer to clear Chad's name--you could even have them planning to frame Aiden because of some previous conflict/tension (heck, if they want to toss in the whole taunting Stephano/stealing his checkbook while he was in the hospital as a motive, they could even use that).  Bo could save the day at the last second, and you could have Aiden killed in the crossfire without ever needing him to be a bad guy.  And kind of an idiot, when you think about it.  This whole "debt" business was just so poorly written.  The Dimeras buy up his debt, change the amount he owes arbitrarily to one gazillion dollars, and Aiden thinks his best choice in this situation is to murder Hope for insurance money?  This is how he thinks he is going to save himself and Chase?  I won't even go into all of the other options he had at his disposal, and given that he genuinely seems to love Hope even now, none of this makes any kind of sense.


Now we have Caroline and this "Bo is coming home!" and "Marrying Aiden is a huge mistake!" business.  I realize that this is supposed to be some kind of an anvil that Hope is making a mistake, but it's just ridiculous.  We won't go into the fact that Hope has been through this ad infinitum with Caroline in the past (not to mention just about everyone else in her orbit), thereby making this really tedious.  More importantly, Hope's response to this news should basically be "So what?" at this point.  She never thought Bo was dead (for whatever reason, the show never went there that I can recall), so logically he would come home someday whenever his mission/wanderlust/what have you was over.  Presumably she decided it was over when she divorced him, so his presence should be irrelevant to her (I know we're going to get Bo's "explanation" when he shows up, but that's information Hope doesn't have at his point). 


As several of you insightful posters have mentioned, this is also just terrible for Hope's character.  Just based on what I'm seeing on the screen, I feel like they're probably going to "wipe away" everything Bo did (even with the retcon, he chose to leave and not tell her his real reasons or what he was actually doing, and he kept that up until whenever he was captured, which is not exactly great behavior).  On the other hand, Hope is going to be punished for the great crime of moving on from Bo.   Greeeat.  She's going to feel so foolish, as will Kayla and everybody else who supported Hope being with Aiden, which is going to disgust me, I know.  I've always liked Hope and rooted for her.  After the whole Chelsea-killing-Zack thing, I liked Bo a whole lot less, and I really didn't need to see them together after that, but I wouldn't mind it if they were if the endgame here for the anniversary if it weren't being done so shoddily.


Lastly, I have to say that having Aiden go murderous at the same time Ben is in the throes of the serial killer reveal was not great planning.  In one case, the acting is compelling in spite of the writing.  In the other case, I'm getting bored and feeling nothing.  "Chad made me do it" is coming across to me more like whining than anything. 


I apologize for the lengthy post.  I needed somewhere to vent all of these thoughts I have, and you guys seem like a nice welcoming bunch.

Edited by Spooky Kitty
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Pretty good episode today in terms of dramatic tension. I get that Caroline was crossing the line a bit, but I thought Kayla's rudeness towards her mother was a bit much considering her mother seemed on the brink of death or mental collapse just a few weeks ago. If anybody gets to interrupt the wedding and make a scene it's someone who just received an experimental drug and is watching her daughter in law remarry without even investigating what happened to her husband. The logic at play in Salem these days regarding Bo having left town isn't working for me. As others have said half the town would have gone looking for him... if they had established that most of the people who knew him now thought less of him, I might understand. But its like everybody cares...only they're too lazy to look into it.

Frankly, I applaud Caroline for not letting everyone bully her. Her chutzpah even makes me capable of appreciating her dress now!

Aiden's vows were heartbreaking, Chad's desperation was palpable and even Abigail was turning in a decent performance today. Although I really have to ask - was it so difficult to grab the pepper shaker within reach and whack out the doorknob to get yourself free!? When your life is on the line Abi, it shouldn't be taking you half an hour to break a damn door knob. Just pretend it's Sami's head and take a swing!

At first I thought Bo getting arrested for speeding made a bit of sense, but then I realized that any halfway decent cop would take a look at this guy and understand something was very wrong from all of the bruises and scarring.

And it doesn't make much sense for Bo to be screaming about Hope getting married - obviously it would be better if he got there before the ceremony, but if he gets there afterwards it's not like she's going to say "too bad, so sad" and just ignore him. They are technically divorced already anyways! At this point getting home safely without getting caught by the bad guys should be the plan. I'm surprised rescue workers didn't come across the plane and then track Steve and Bo...

I am really enjoying Eve and Justin, so Justin's new attitude does make me concerned for Eve's happiness in the long run. The writers keep turning him into more of a jerk with every passing day.

...and welcome Spooky Kitty. Love your comments. No matter what happens, the writing has made things so no one will be happy.

Edited by DisneyBoy
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