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Current Plots Discussion: Actually Today's Episode

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Hope, quit calling him "Daddy".  You're in your 50's, he should be buried -alive, if necessary.  But the "Daddy" thing, sort of icky at her age IMO


If Hope calling her father "Daddy" bothers you, then I suggest you never watch Wendy Williams' show. At 51, she still calls her mother "Mommy"...and she's a real person, not a soap character.

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That Bo and Patch reunion won the day for me. But before that, Patch's response when coming to and finding his limbs chained up, "Hey, Dude." God, I love this character. I LOVED that twinkle in Bo's eyes and Patch's delight that he was there. These two just kill me. 


Jenn, Jenn, Jenn. They bring you out after weeks, put you in a pretty dress, and then make you behave like a tone-deaf mother of a little boy. JJ's not only over 18, his life experience makes him at least 30, for god's sake. He's a gutsy, good kid -- and he's going to do what he wants to, Roman is spot-on. And Abigail -- I'm not a hater at all, but for god's sake, woman, JJ is your brother. Show a little support and don't dismiss him like he's 12. Blech. 


I like the vibe between Gabi and JJ a lot. He had my heart when he was describing Paige to Gabi.

But isn't she short-term? 

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Abigail presents herself as some moral guidepost.

She's more of a hitching post. Or a scratching post. But the show is really bad -- terrible, I'd say -- at making characters' moral reputations line up with their behaviour. But that's a familiar rant for me, so I'll stop now.

Edited by Sandman
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If Hope calling her father "Daddy" bothers you, then I suggest you never watch Wendy Williams' show. At 51, she still calls her mother "Mommy"...and she's a real person, not a soap character.

No Wendy Williams for me even on a bad day.

Edited by boes
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I like the vibe between Gabi and JJ a lot. He had my heart when he was describing Paige to Gabi.

But isn't she short-term? 

I saw an interview with her and she said she was there for at least a year.


I missed the last 3 episodes and probably won't watch them online.  Anything major happen I should know about?


Does Gabi know Paige is her half-sister?

Did Shawn just show up at the end?  Or did he have actual scenes with someone?

Is Chad still in a coma?

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Gabi found out about Eddie and Paige on Thursday.

I didn't care much for this week. Monday was a big day, but the rest bored me.

How I wish there was one single happy thread playing out. The Basic Black storyline is all we got, and it seems to be back-burnered until after the 50th.

But then, I also don't know what happened to the Johnny Be Good story either. How are we supposed to care about Mar and John getting hitched again if we don't actually see them overcoming their past relationship problems?

Edited by DisneyBoy
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Does Gabi know Paige is her half-sister?

Did Shawn just show up at the end?  Or did he have actual scenes with someone?

Is Chad still in a coma?

Yes Gabi found out from Rafe.  Shawn walked into the pub and hugged Hope. He's in the scene with her, Aidan, Doug&Julie.

Chad's still in a coma.

Friday, he apparently wakes up.


Abigail presents herself as some moral guidepost



Wanting your little brother to not drop out of college isn't a moral guidepost, it's wanting your little brother to get an education and have his degree first. She also wanted him to mourn Paige and be in the right mind set first before taking on a job that has him in the line of fire daily and use of a weapon. Becoming a cop based on emotional decisions is going to get himself killed or shot. 


 Abigail said they'd be ok with him being a cop after he took some time for mourning Paige and after he finished school. It also wasn't that long ago when he was being arrested for drugs, doing drugs, dealing drugs, stealing prescription pads, vandalizing the town square etc.. etc..

Edited by Artsda
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Not to be a Debbie Downer, but I don't think I'd start celebrating yet about that rating increase if I was the Days exec. (If they even care since it often seems Corday does not.)   I think it's to be expected that rating will increase in the weeks surrounding the big 50th. (Heck it would be a real downfall if they didn't). But the real test is if they can sustain their increased ratings.  They had a higher week because they killed off a main character (Will) and temporarily brought back a long time vet (Sami).  Replying on shock tactics only pumps the ratings for so long.  Using the 50th to get back old viewers isn't a bad marketing tool at all, but you also have to write stories and use characters that will sustain those viewers. Otherwise the ratings will either take a major nose dive after the big celebration or a steady decline in the months that follow. 

Edited by Peanut6711
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SO let me get this straight, Adrienne has lived in Victor's mansion the entire time she was humping Lucas and divorcing Justin? Victor seems to think most women are whoreslutbitches so why hasn't he said anything to Adrienne and kicked her out of his house? She doesn't want to be married to Justin anymore, doesn't want him in her business, and doesn't even seem to like him, so why is she still living in his family home? Why can't she get her own place? Does she not have her own money? Does she even have a job? What does she do all day? This women is so insufferable.  

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Victor seems to think most women are whoreslutbitches so why hasn't he said anything to Adrienne and kicked her out of his house?


He did, but Justin told him to knock it off.  Good points about her apparently not working, until she did the accounting at TBD Friday.  I wonder if Sonny and Chad are paying her?  And who's running now that Sonny's gone and Chad is out of commission?

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If they had to get rid of Will and Sonny and Psycho Doll, how great would it have been for Sonny to arrange for T to take over and hire Rory to tend bar?  But instead they'll bring in someone new or we won't see much of TBD.  It looks like the pub has a full set again.


Really stupid for JJ to quit school when in about 6 mos he'll be halfway through. 


The daddy thing bothers me to but it reminds me of her hopping on the back of Bo's bike while Doug stands there and sputters.  It actually bothers me more when Mary at 15 calls Donna Reed mommy.


Bo and Patch all the way.  And I don't even like Bo.  Steve is Steve in a leather jacket so I'm ok with it.  Just not that leather jacket.


Adrienne went up a few points with me when she was with Lucas and smiling.  She lost them all when she failed to move out of the mansion. It would have been nice for Kayla to mention Adrienne needs more frequent mamms and a scan of her ovaries asap.  Angelina has the braca gene and had a double m and hysterectomy.

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Abby was channeling Beetlejuice with that dress on Friday.  Her baby bump sure grew fast.  That's gotta be an alien in there!


So am I to assume that since Chase is suddenly a teen that Ciara will be now too?  Such a shame, that little actress is great and has awesome mother/daughter chemistry with KA.


Patch and Bo were great together.  I still wish Patch and Adrienne will have a scene together soon.  And why do they dress Adrienne so dowdy?


Still chuckling over Nicole and Dan's bizarro dance number the other day.  Whhh...why?!


The other day when Abby was "crying" over Chad in the hospital.  "Did you do all these things because of me?  Because I'm just that wonderful that men flip their lid and kill for me?"  If she thinks that of herself anyway, maybe she needs to look Ben's way since he clearly has lost it because of her.  I think Rafe is onto him finally.


Speaking of Rafe...I have actually kind of liked him lately.  I like him flirting with new cop.  He almost seemed kind of cute in those scenes.  I don't usually find him cute either.  Maybe he is slowly winning me over.


I like JJ and his new independent thinking.  Hope he does become a cop, and I like the idea of him and Gabi.  

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I must say that Reckell & Nichols haven't aged a day since the 80's. I wonder what their secret is.

I can honestly say I will not be moving to Salem anytime soon if JJ is a cop. I think Jen has a reason to be afraid. That kid is a doofus who shouldn't be issued a gun. When is Abby getting killed off? I mean Ben is going to kill her, right? Wishful thinking?

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Probably wishful thinking.

Did I miss it, or did Justin explain to Sonny at length why he felt Chad - his partner and friend - had killed Will? I feel like there was a whole conversation there needing to take place. Doesn't Sonny want to spend time with Ari and see justice done for Will? Heck, was Sonny even aware of the multiple murders??

I want to say its too bad Sonny isn't sticking around longer, but we have 47 storylines all going at once and I wouldn't want to see him stay just to cry over and over.

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I hope Ben's not done with crazy yet, because there's a few more stops he needs to make before he's done.  I'll send him neckties if he needs them.


Hope, quit calling him "Daddy".  You're in your 50's, he should be buried -alive, if necessary.  But the "Daddy" thing, sort of icky at her age IMO.


I'm betting Eduardo knows all about Ben, or at least very strongly suspects.  His interactions with Ben were just a bit off.


I'm in the JJ/Gabi camp, too.  I don't know if Camilla Banus brushed up on her acting while she was gone but I think she's gotten better.  If they do get together, then Ari will have Jenn as a sort of grandmother, too.  That would be interesting if Sami were around.......



Oh, if I forgot to mention it, kill Abigail.  That's my new signoff tag.


boes, I enjoyed your entire post but I decided to highlight my favorite parts!


Ben does need to make a few more neck tie stops and I vote for Daniel and Abby being the first two :)


It is disconcerting to hear an adult woman in her 50's call her father "Daddy"--it's not cute or little girl like, it's gross.  Now my brother and I, who are both in our 40's call our mom "Mommy" but we do it as a family joke. 


I also thought that Eduardo was acting strangely with Ben too like he was purposely baiting him--that would be kind of awesome.


JJ and Gabi  are adorable together and Camilla B. is actually very pretty and a very good actress who can cry on cue--take that KM :)


And until the writers tone down the smug, Abby needs to be off my screen.

Edited by kitmerlot1213
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Is Days not available on xfinity on demand? I missed Fridays and been working since then like a mad woman.

Also I wonder if the "mommy" "daddy" "sissy" thing regardless of age is a cultural or family tradition thing. My family does it but agree it sounds silly and weird.

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Abby was channeling Beetlejuice with that dress on Friday.  Her baby bump sure grew fast.  That's gotta be an alien in there!


I like JJ and his new independent thinking.  Hope he does become a cop, and I like the idea of him and Gabi.

I'm glad I'm not the only one who thought she looked further along than three months. I guess they're going to SORAS Abby's fetus along with half the kids in Salem.

I'm interested in just why JJ thinks he'd make a good cop. It would have been nice if Roman would have pointed out that the boy really would be better off completing his degree... even if it is from Salem We Regularly Cancel Half Our Classes U.

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I would like to see the people of Salem have more varied employment. They're all independently rich mega moguls or working for the ISA/Cops or Doctors.

Eric the priest, Theresa the designer and Marlena the therapist have the three most unique jobs (on paper anyway).

Edited by DisneyBoy
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Considering the Salem PD is incompetent, JJ would make as good a cop as anyone on the force. Baby Ari would make as good a cop as anyone on the force.

I had to laugh that a big part of Ben's plan to frame Chad was for the police to figure out clues that he planted. Dude. Although I guess that kind of worked. Why they didn't csi his apartment and discover half of Chad's skull on the bedspread though...

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Well, Jennifer does PR (when she works), and Abigail allegedly works for that charity that Clyde funded.  I wonder what's going to happen with that now that Clyde is off to jail in Florida.

Abigail would have more luck with a job in "the oldest profession."  I'm sure she'd show up for work a lot more often and it would be something she'd certainly enjoy doing. ; -)  She could offer a Married Man special or a Repeat Dimera reduced price. LOL

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Abigail would have more luck with a job in "the oldest profession."  I'm sure she'd show up for work a lot more often and it would be something she'd certainly enjoy doing. ; -)  She could offer a Married Man special or a Repeat Dimera reduced price. LOL


Why would anyone pay for her services when they could get them for free by pretending to be in a relationship. 

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I liked the Shawn D/Hope scenes today, they felt very believable as an adult son conversing with his mom--Shawn clearly adores his parents and wants them together but he doesn't want to admit that his dad ran out on his mom, which is how it all appears.  And the Bo/Steve scenes were also very believable as two old friends/partners in crime and I love how Steve's a Bo/Hope shipper--too funny :)


As much as I'd love to see Bo or even Shawn punch Aiden out for lying to Hope, I really want Hope to bring the beat down when the time comes.  She and GH's Anna Devane were always the most believable to me as tough women who know self-defense and can kick butt.

Edited by kitmerlot1213
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These scenes with Shawn D are awesome and so real....except for his 180 turnaround in the span of five minutes. But still, great stuff.

I'm not understanding the Bo stuff. After Caroline returned to Salem, he left for Europe or the rainforest - on opposite sides of the globe - to help sone team search for plants - suddenly, he's a botanist? - and Victor didn't know? And at what point did these other "tell us about the formula!" guys get a hold of him??

Julie's "it's your bachelorette party!" was adorable lame.

Edited by DisneyBoy
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Shawn D was great and awesome until the scene in the park and then he's team Aiden in 4 seconds. I loved when he said to Aiden's face he was no Bo Brady.


The wedding is tomorrow and Will was buried like yesterday? Wow Hortons, we wait a year after a loss of a family member before having a wedding. The wedding is also tomorrow and nobody planned anything for Hope at all? No shower or party, they just threw it together last minute and where's best man Rafe with a bachelor party? Isn't that his job?


Bo and Steve together I loved. They're the true super couple pairing. "Umm Bo, you can call this one my bad." LOL


Joey is smart if he can code the lights to turn off, so he just needs to start applying that smart.

Edited by Artsda
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I'm not understanding the Bo stuff. After Caroline returned to Salem, he left for Europe or the rainforest - on opposite sides of the globe - to help sone team search for plants - suddenly, he's a botanist? - and Victor didn't know? And at what point did these other "tell us about the formula!" guys get a hold of him??

I'm finding this a big problem with the new writers. They disregard necessary conversations and explanations in favor of action scenes or in this case a gas leak. I did like Steve's lines about "gossiping" and "my bad."


Aiden had to have just reached to the lowest of the low today. He meets the woman's son for the first time, comments about family, and then makes the final decision to off her.  Low. Very Low.


Kayla’s rant today showed one thing…this girl is so sexually frustrated it’s not even funny. Boy I hope Steve takes care of that when he gets back to town.

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I haven't read or seen any spoilers to this effect, but I think from the way it is being played that Aiden will try and fake Hope's murder, Romeo and Juliet-style. He clearly loves her and is just telling Andre what he wants to hear.

It's a rather smart concept, I suppose, but it all boils down to how this plays out with Bo added into the mix. If Bo interferes and Aiden ends up having to try and convince people he was faking the murder so he could run off with his Bride, I doubt they will believe him.

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So here's my fantasy: Aiden tries to kill Hope. She pulls some badass self-defense moves and saves her own life. As she's dragging him out of the house in handcuffs - only then does Bo show up.

Then the writers can do whatever they want.

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Kayla’s rant today showed one thing…this girl is so sexually frustrated it’s not even funny. Boy I hope Steve takes care of that when he gets back to town.

Sadly, that scene rang all too true. In far too many cases, parents take their anger and frustration towards their ex and apply it to the child who looks/acts like the ex. Joey got the brunt of it today and I really liked his being honest with Kayla about his fears that the father he longs to be close to simply won't return one day. I also loved Joey asking his mother not to label him a carbon copy of his dad, at least not when it comes to the bad parts. It shows growth on his part from merely a petulant teen and let's us viewers know that prior to Steve's return, Kayla probably did focus on Steve's good qualities so that Joey wouldn't feel bad about his dad and possibly himself by extension.

Loved Bo inquiring about whether Kayla was still ready to kill Steve or if Steve managed to sweet-talk his way back into Kayla's good graces. Steve's deflection with the gossip comment, which was naturally followed by Bo noting it must be bad if A) Kayla hasn't forgiven and B) Steve won't talk about because he hasn't figured out a way to dig himself out of the doghouse. Yet another reason PR not remaining on canvass sucks, the thought of Bo as the middleman/mediator between the immovable force and the irresistible object is worth it's weight in gold.

The timeline on the show is beyond nuts. Will was just buried. Hope and Aiden are set to marry tomorrow, even though the bicentennial, when they are supposed to get hitched is still, being discussed as if it is a few weeks off. Bo and Steve are trapped in a gas leak in Mexico, so how are they supposed to make it back in time to stop tomorrow's wedding. Did I lapse into a stress and stupid storyline (I'm looking at you Abigail, Lani, Ben, Taniel, etc.) induced coma and miss a week or two of the show?

I'm not feeling the Lani character yet, can't tell if it's the actress or the lame writing. Still mad that she naturally has a connection to Salem's resident black person (yeah Abe put in an appearance and actually had a scene with Kayla, who he has been good friends with for like 30 years, and he was allowed to demonstrate why he has moved beyond the Salem Police Duuhpartment )

Signing off with my new anthem -- TP steals every scene he is in. Now if we could just get Matthew Ashford and Renee Jones back -- would love to see Lexie butt heads with Andre.

Edited by Happytobehere
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Sadly, that scene rang all too true. In far too many cases, parents take their anger and frustration towards their ex and apply it to the child who looks/acts like the ex. Joey got the brunt of it today and I really liked his being honest with Kayla about his fears that the father he longs to be close to simply won't return one day. I also loved Joey asking his mother not to label him a carbon copy of his dad, at least not when it comes to the bad parts. It shows growth on his part from merely a petulant teen and let's us viewers know that prior to Steve's return, Kayla probably did focus on Steve's good qualities so that Joey wouldn't feel bad about his dad and possibly himself by extension.

Loved Bo inquiring about whether Kayla was still ready to kill Steve or if Steve managed to sweet-talk his way back into Kayla's good graces. Steve's deflection with the gossip comment, which was naturally followed by Bo noting it must be bad if A) Kayla hasn't forgiven and B) Steve won't talk about because he hasn't figured out a way to dig himself out of the doghouse. Yet another reason PR not remaining on canvass sucks, the thought of Bo as the middleman/mediator between the immovable force and the irresistible object is worth it's weight in gold.

The timeline on the show is beyond nuts. Will was just buried. Hope and Aiden are set to marry tomorrow, even though the bicentennial, when they are supposed to get hitched is still, being discussed as if it is a few weeks off. Bo and Steve are trapped in a gas leak in Mexico, so how are they supposed to make it back in time to stop tomorrow's wedding. Did I lapse into a stress and stupid storyline (I'm looking at you Abigail, Lani, Ben, Taniel, etc.) induced coma and miss a week or two of the show?

I'm not feeling the Lani character yet, can't tell if it's the actress or the lame writing. Still mad that she naturally has a connection to Salem's resident black person (yeah Abe put in an appearance and actually had a scene with Kayla, who he has been good friends with for like 30 years, and he was allowed to demonstrate why he has moved beyond the Salem Police Duuhpartment )

Signing off with my new anthem -- TP steals every scene he is in. Now if we could just get Matthew Ashford and Renee Jones back -- would love to see Lexie butt heads with Andre.


Great post!  All of it.  And oh, do I agree with you about TP.  There's just something so wonderful about the way he delivers his lines.  He's so delightfully unhinged, so low down evil that there's no mistaking it for anything else.  This is one character that can never be made into a pussy cat, unless said pussycat has nine inch nails.  Mesmerizing!


I have hopes for Sal Stowers, the new cop, but mainly because of the actress.  She was on the lamentably short-lived PP AMC reboot, and I thought she was quite good.  Her having an instant connection to Abe is so predictable, but I'm willing to see where it goes.  Abe needs SOMETHING.  Show has underutilized him terribly, and made him both boring and stodgy in the bargain.  Guy needs something to give him life.  Let's see if Show messes it up, like I'm afraid they will.


Otherwise, although I enjoyed today's show, it was inconsequential as far as storyline advancement.  But as you say, the Kayla/Joey stuff was good.  I get that the actor portraying Joey is raw, but for me, anyway, there's an underlying sweetness and sorrow to his portrayal.  I'm willing to give him a chance to grow into the role.


Shawn Douglas as portrayed by Jason Cook was good to see.  I sure wish he was going to play the role fulltime.


And I'm going to mark this in my calendar because I don't know if I'll ever say it again, but Julie was GREAT today.  Being the voice of reason in the pub, and then her expressions, and letting the air out of the balloon at Hope's was very funny.  Good job.


And once again, I appreciate Joe Mascolo for even being on set, because he really doesn't seem well.  No matter how I feel about Stefano, vets like Joe deserve a lot of respect for the work they give us.

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Great seeing Jason/Shawn Douglas back and I particularly enjoyed the side-eye he gave to Aiden. I thought it out of character for Hope to run crying from the Pub, but at least she and Shawn had a one-on-one in the park. I think he's just biding his time with Aiden so as not to cause a fuss -- yet. I'm sure he'll be around when Bo pops back in and it'll be great to see them in scenes together, too. 

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I had a hard time seeing Jason Cook as a grown up. This is going to take some getting used to. (Thinking that made me feel old, typing it out makes me feel even older!)


I almost wish they wouldn't bother showing Aiden as being conflicted. In theory, I like it, as I like the character, but this just makes me feel sad for him, and I like my soap emotions to be black and white. I"m still hoping that he'll have a breakdown and confess everything to Hope, and together they'll fight the Dimeras, then she'll dump him because she does *not* have time for this kind of bullshit in her life. But that totally craps on Bo coming to the rescue, which, while predictable and a little too paternalistic than I'd like, is something I'm looking forward to.


Andre? Please stay, and never, never change.

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What did Abigail say about Cameron...?

I can't think of anything more horrible then being in a room with a bunch of aunts and grandmothers while a man is stripping.

Of course, Abigail was well enough to be there. Paige's funeral, not so much. *eye roll*

You can tell you're watching a program aimed at women when the bachelor party is stripper-free and significantly more tame than the party the women are having. These producers sure know their audience!

Caroline is killing it this episode! And I love how creepy and awkward Jennifer is.

Of course Abigail has to stroke the stripper's arm in passing...this girl is unbelievable!

The actor playing Doug is also killing it. He's so natural and believable as the father with one too many in his system. I'm going to MISS Daniel Cosgrove something fierce.

The stripper is a friend of Caroline's, but pushes Abi into her? What a piece of work....

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That was a fun episode.

Aiden was great this episode, you could see how shaken up he was when he really thought it was Dimera goons who had kidnapped him.

Steve and Bo's lines are great, I kind of hope they don't return and they just go off on adventures together we get to see.

LOL at hitting the stripper stealer with the bottle, the girls did good. Abigail being pushed just seemed anvil-ish to me on top of all the "she's not feeling well" scenes. They're totally setting up her having a medical crisis.

What did Abigail say about Cameron...?

That the stripper used to work with him, good nod to history.
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I am enjoying seeing Shawn again. He still looks great. I was in HS when he and Belle and Chloe and Philip had their things so the transition is fine for me. I thought his anger and sass was a bit strange since as far as he knows his dad left his mom. She's still young and beautiful it's only natural men would come around and she'd move on - as Steve told Bo.

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