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Current Plots Discussion: Actually Today's Episode

Message added by scarynikki12

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It is interesting, isn't it, that they built that great cabin set and only used it for about a week ... but cut down the Brady Pub to a booth when it's a set that could be used several days a week forever.  The people running this show do make some strange decisions.

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I think the cabin story screams a change of direction that's been done by this soap too many times.   It's out of the ordinary they've had such a slow burn.  I think they were going for the stupid "twist" and realised they had a good relationship and people were liking Hope for once.  Maybe Hope insisted on it, who knows.  If PR has any common sense he will never say the words fancy face again. 

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I sort of admire Show for its unerring ability to have really STUPID ideas and then go with them.  I apologize to all Chloe/Nadia Bjorlin fans in advance, but IMO the only thing worse than Chloe is the actress who plays her.  On the shallow side, will somebody tell her it's okay to blink?  Or did she mistake superglue for her mascara?  I never liked her and absence doesn't seem to make my heart grow fonder.  

And STFU, Chloe.  It's pretty rich for this nutcase to accuse Nicole of being a clear and present danger.  She's a conniving, lying, humorless .....I'll say, 'person'....who no normal human being would trust to tell them the truth about the weather.   And she says Nicole is unstable and selfish?  Go jump in front of a bus, Chloe.

And what's all this crap about Nicole not being in touch?  I can easily believe Chloe doesn't read - or can't - but no way did she not hear about Nicole and Eric being slow-roasted like a pan of cashews a few short days ago.

Nicole should kick her in her overly-padded ass right out the door.  I am almost as tired of Nicole being trashed as Nicole must be.


I laughed out loud when Nicky opened the door and she just stood there staring in an overly tight dress. Turning around to show her ass. And then I laughed because she didn't seem to have any lines!  I HOPE she knows she's a parody of herself. 


Wasn't it sad to hear Brady go on and ON about how much work it is to take care of Tate, how much trouble it was to find a nanny - all while chowing down at Eric's place?  Yeah, poor Brady.  Having to stop by and wave at his son twice a day must really be a strain, especially if it interferes with the two times a week he stops in at work for 30 minutes.  Brady is a real work horse.  Or a horse's ass.  Whatever, I know the word 'horse' is in there somewhere, and i'm POSITIVE it's not matched up with the word 'hung'.

And while they're eating, Eric calmly describes to Brady the conversation he had with his good buddy God about Nicole.  No, that's not nuts.  At all.

I do not, in any way, mean to be insulting about religion or spirituality so I hope I don't offend.  I'm from a religious family, nuns and priests, and NONE of them EVER talk the way Eric does.  

I think he'd go really well witih a padded cell.  


Serena - go away.  Daniel, do the same.


Oh - are you all loving JJ doing the voice over for his own storyline?  I don't think Show meant it to sound this way, but JJ's voiceover sounds a lot like a parody of Dragnet.  Salem PD either hires retired Walmart greeters or refugees from Day Care.  It's the only police department in the country whose benefits involve hemorrhoid cream for one end of the spectrum and sippy cups for the other.   Oh, and they both get nap time.


Theresa, knock it off.  Eve, you too.  Jenn, fall down a well.  Maggie, swallow your own hair.  


Ann, get your own show.

Edited by boes
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I could see Chloe treating Nicole like this if they'd never been friends, Chloe has actual first person experience with Nicole's shit-stirring. I could even seen Chloe being wary of having Nicole in Parker's life, given Nicole's history of baby napping. I would be unhappy about it, since Nicole's past is always brought up in a way that other characters' are not, but I could understand it. But the show went out of its way to establish that Chloe had forgiven Nicole for the past and they had a really good friendship, and I hate to see that all ruined like this.  And for what? Daniel? 

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And Chloe is no saint, for god's sake. Remember when she tried to keep Carly away from Daniel a few years back? I forget the details, but she was certainly pretty sketchy herself. Just another manufactured roadblock for the twooo luvvv that is Dicole. Blech. 

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This is just another plot point of Tomsell, women fighting each other and calling each other name..For example a few months ago, they had Theresa calling Nicole names, it really bothered me because she does not have that type  history with Nicole...Nicole is clearly still an outsider in Salem after all this time...Chloe needs to take a seat..Poor Nicole....I want her  to be happy  with her own kids..I remember when Adrienne was having a hard time conceiving a child after having a miscarriage...I was overjoyed that she got 4 babies after all that drama...I want that for Nicole too...I want Eric to be the father of her miracle baby..I still hate that Tomsell had her miscarry her son by EJ, it was so cruel and unnecessary,but then again, everything that has to do with Tomsell's writing is cruel and unnecessary..

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I can see the thought processes of these writers now.  Fighting over worthless men is what women do.  Self-respect and self-esteem are not nearly as important as having some pathetic jackass treat you like crap.  {face palm}

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Well, since Daniel had a relatively restrained reaction to Nicole's confession and didn't call off their engagement, naturally they had to bring Chloe on to make Nicole feel bad. Nicole is not ever allowed to go a couple of days, much less a week, without being written to be crying and getting put down by someone.

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Wow, I was really impressed by Kyle when he was snowing Paige. Another great day player it would be a shame to waste.

I think it would have been *much* more interesting, though, if Kyle was being sincere when he told Paige his story. Then you could have the juxtaposition of the bad guy, the drug dealer, trying to become a better person and the good guy, the undercover not-at-all-a-cop, going further and further outside of the law to try and bring him down. I would have liked to see Kyle slowly rise on the moral scale while JJ, driven by jealousy and Horton entitlement, falls lower and lower, resorting to setting Kyle up for something he didn't do.

Did NOT enjoy the catfight at all. Damn, show, I can't believe you had Chloe tell Nicole that she's one of those people who just never cross the finish line, and that she'd be a bad wife and a bad mother. And my god, has Chloe always been this... blank? Vapid? Ah, I've got it -- poorly acted!

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I am upset that Sonny will not have a scene with his uncle Steve....Sonny, Steve, Jack, JJ and Joey having scenes together would be so awesome..The Johnson family together again....Bonus, if Stefanie, Abigail, Adrienne, Jo and the other Kiriakis Brothers are involved as well...The Johnson family coming together years ago, was what got me hooked on this show...Steve, Adrienne and Jack coming together was a joy to behold...Damn! Tomsell are not capable of writing that type of complex drama...Steve allowing himself to accept Kayla's love, despite his sketchy past..Adrienne a survivor of child abuse, falling in love with Justin, a man that  was considered too good for her by some, mainly Victor..And Jack, my beloved Jack, struggling with his identity, accepting his biological family, finding out that both his biological and adopted fathers were monsters..His belief that he is unworthy of anything good in life,  fighting against his dark impulses,reconciling what he did to Kayla, and through it all, Jennifer a beacon of light with her unwavering belief that he was worthy of love and happiness...Days of our lives has always had the best couples of all daytime...No other show can touch them...

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8/4/2015 Recap :)



Paige wants to know what JJ is doing at Kyle's house. Paige says she's there because Kyle invited her. JJ doesn't want to spoil the party and leaves. Paige wants to know what Kyle is doing because Kyle knew she was coming over and JJ is over there too and thinks Kyle is playing a joke on her. Kyle calms her down and says he'll explain everything. 


Now at TBD, they discuss about JJ and Paige knows that Kyle won't tell her what he does and she's not stupid. Kyle says he's not cool with what he does. Kyle admits to being involved with drugs and thinks if he met someone like Paige he would be a better guy and thinking it could still happen and holds her hand. Kyle says if he could stop dealing he would but he can't learn anything else and how his step-father says he's dumb as a box of rocks. Kyle says Paige has the best smile and glad Paige let him buy her breakfast which she's happy to as JJ arrives at TBD sees them and quickly leaves.


Kyle says he doesn't know why he can't keep a regular job and Paige says he's in sales and thinks there's a way she can help him. JJ is now in Kyle's house searching all over and opens the desk and finds a whole bunch of burn phones and thinks DEA can do something with them and JJ instead takes photos of the serial numbers instead of taking them as Kyle would notice.


JJ is still taking photos as a key is heard being placed in the lock and JJ hides behind one of the couches as Paige and Kyle arrive. Paige doesn't enter and Kyle asks what's wrong and Paige says she thought she heard something. (Last scene of the day)



Victor is on the phone at the park saying bastard won't know what hit him. Xander meets Victor at the park and Victor told Xander he's suppose to leave Salem. Xander says he can't until the charges against him are dropped and Victor says that he's not going to bail Xander out this time which Xander knows and says he's going to make it up to Victor and would like a chance to get his old job back. Xander knew Victor had his card declined and Victor says he drained every single last account Xander has even the ones that Xander thought Victor didn't know about. Victor says he let Xander live and there was a price to pay which Xander says yes and Victor says yes what and Xander says yes sir.


Victor is off the phone and tells Xander that it's time.



Xander is at TBD when the woman he spoke to at the park arrives and Xander wants to buy her a drink and a waiter at TBD tells him his credit card is declined.



Brady wants to know what happened and Theresa says she was with Eve apartment hunting and wearing 6 inch heels and stood up and twisted her ankle. Theresa says Eve took her to the hospital and her ankle is broken and she went to Dr. Lee who wouldn't give her a boot or walking cast for 4 to 6 weeks. Theresa apologizes to Brady and Brady says it all depends on how you look at the story. Brady knew that Theresa didn't want to move out and doubts she broke her ankle. Theresa says the CD has her x-rays and Eve can vouch for her but Brady wouldn't believe Eve. Theresa says Dr. Lee's number is on the CD and Brady can call him if he doesn't believe her. Theresa is ready to read the number but Brady doesn't have time as he has a board meeting to get to and Theresa offers to give him the CD but Brady declines and leaves.


Theresa receives a text from Anne and Theresa calls her and tells her everything went as planned and how she'll get the money to pay off Dr. Lee an talks about using Kiriakis money to do it. Theresa hangs up the phone and looks at the wine sitting a few feet away from her. Brady out on the foyer pretends to leave the house by slamming the door and opens the door to the living room. Theresa is on the couch and thought Brady was going and Brady makes up an excuse about the meeting time changed. Theresa asks Brady for some water which Brady gets for her. Theresa phone rings and it's her time to get Tate and Brady says he'll bring Tate down for her.


Brady brings Tate down and Theresa holds him and acts all cutesy with him and Brady helps her with grabbing a bottle as Theresa feeds Tate. Brady shows Theresa photos of Tate on his phone and Brady says people at the hospital probably tired of Brady showing them photos and Theresa tells Brady to keep taking photos and she'll do the same. Theresa is now burping Tate. Brady took a photo of Theresa with Tate now an Brady has to go and ask if Theresa will be alright and Theresa says she'll be fine and Brady leaves. Theresa tells Tate how they're going to be a family.



Eric meets Marlena at the hospital and Marlena says Eric looks different as he's smiling. So Eric explains briefly and he has a gift for Marlena which is a picture of Marlena, John, and think the third person is Eric and they talk about family, Sami and divorce.


Brady gets off the elevator and runs into Marlena and Marlena asks about Tate which Brady tells her and asks Marlena to come by and Marlena says she will when Theresa leaves. Brady says it will be a while as Theresa broke her ankle and Brady says that he and Theresa get along when they're dealing with Tate.



Dan comes in and breaks up the fight and wants to know what's going on. Nicole and Chloe talk back and forth on what's going on and Nicole says if Chloe says one more word she'll call off the wedding and Chloe says something about shutting up that gets Nicole and Dan to have a look on their face. Dan asks if Chloe came to Salem to start mess and Chloe says she's not going to let Nicole ruin Parker's life which Nicole says she's not going to do. Dan tells Nicole to go and take a walk while he speaks to Chloe. Nicole says she didn't mean what she said about cancelling the wedding which Dan knows and Nicole doesn't want Dan to trust what Chloe says


Dan says he told Chloe about the wedding and she seemed happy so what happened. Chloe says she was fine but she's not fine as Nicole isn't the right person to be a step-mom for Parker. Dan says Chloe doesn't know that and Chloe says she does know that. Chloe apologizes for the fight and says Nicole pushes her buttons Dan says Chloe is a button pusher herself. Chloe says it's all about Parker and knows she wasn't the best mother but she's grown up and says she won't let anything jeopardize Parker. Dan says Nicole is great with Parker and Dan won't share a life with anyone that isn't great with Parker. Chloe brings up Nicole's past with being right for other men. Dan says Nicole has changed and grown up and Chloe thinks Parker will get attached to Nicole and Nicole might break his heart. Dan says he wouldn't marry Nicole if she wasn't good around Parker and that his future is with Nicole.


Dan says he loves Nicole and trusts her and she's going to be the best step-mother to Tate. Parker arrives home and Chloe says she doesn't have to go back to Chicago for a few days and they can stay in Salem. She tells Parker that she has to talk to daddy about something first.


Nicole arrives home and Chloe says that Dan took Parker and Chloe would like to hear why Nicole thinks her and Dan are going to work this time. Nicole says Chloe has a right to know as she's Parker's mom. Nicole says everything Chloe said is true as she seen Nicole mess things up with EJ, Dan, and Eric an gets she wants to protect Parker and Nicole swears on her love for Dan that she'll work with Chloe to make Parker's childhood great. Nicole says she's going to be the best step-mother in the world and hope Chloe can forgive her or how she acted and wants to convince Chloe she's not that person anymore and wants to be friends with her again as she misses her an says the decision is up to Chloe.


Chloe does miss their friendship and she apologizes for being hard on Nicole and they hug.  Nicole says she doesn't have a lot of female friends so they should hang on to what they have which is each other. Chloe wishes Dan and Nicole all the best and happiness and can have what they didn't which is a long happy life. They hug again.



JJ is at the park looking at the key when Rory approaches him and asks what he's doing looking at a key. JJ says he found it and planned on doing something stupid which Rory said he would have done as he spoke to the dean of the school and blew off all his summer school classes. Rory says Summer is almost over and when is the last time JJ had any fun which JJ can't remember and JJ says he has a job andd classes start next week. Rory says he doesn't recognize JJ anymore and neither does Bev as Rory spoke to Bev and Bev said that all JJ does is about Paige.


JJ doens't want to talk about Paige and JJ says he's planning on blowing off work which Rory says great and they can go to the lake which JJ says he's going into work after all as he doesn't want to cancel on Sonny and he can plan his next move. Rory asks what's his next move and JJ says he'll Rory later and walks off.



Nicole and Eric meet at The Square and Nicole talks about Chloe and how she wanted a child of her own and says she has a relationship with EJ's kids and she's going to be a good step-mother to Parker. Eric says it's going to blow over and Nicole apologizes to Eric for using him as a sounding board and Eric says not to worry about it. Nicole says she's going to stop ranting and wants to tell Eric something and Eric says he'll go first as he wants to tell Nicole something.


Eric says he confided in Brady on what happened and that Brady will keep it a secret. Eric says he made peace with how things worked out and how Dan won't find out. Nicole says Eric won't have to worry because she told Dan everything. Nicole says she couldn't live with the secret anymore as she rather lose Dan than to keep him that way and it's why she came clean. Eric is surprised Dan didn't punch him in the mouth. Eric asks how she feels now and Nicole says she feels good besides wanting to strangle Chloe and Nicole says Dan forgave her and she feels lucky. Nicole's phone rings and it's a text from Dan and she has to go. Nicole says that Dan understands and walks off.


Dan & Parker meet Eric at the park and Eric is getting ready to leave but Dan tells him to stay. Dan settles Parker an Eric says Nicole told him and Dan says Eric doesn't have to worry and hopefully Eric will be part of their future.




I really wish writers would give Rory some purpose besides wanting to be a dumbass all the time. Blowing off Summer classes, I mean it won't be long before they write his character off as well. Rory asks JJ to hang out after JJ says he's going to call in to work and as soon as Rory mentions the lake JJ says he'll go to work instead. Why does Rory bother putting up with JJ. If I was Rory I would have just said fuck you JJ.


JJ continues to be a dumbass when Roman and Watts told his stupid ass to be patient, JJ instead breaks into Kyle's house and take photos of serial numbers on burn phones. They told JJ to let Kyle make the first move and JJ just doesn't seem to care or doesn't want to take it seriously enough and he really shouldn't be involved with going undercover because he's personally involved and only doing it because of Lima Bean.


Marlena, really you can't go over to Vic's house because Theresa is there. I know you don't like that she killed your precious Sleeping Pill Yawn but come on now, you can't act like an adult and just ignore Theresa. Just stay in your lab Mar.


Theresa this might be the best way to get Brady back by acting civil like she did with him today minus the foot "injury".


Chloe resolved that quickly, wow writers really know how to write angst. SMDH.


Episode was just one big BORE.

Edited by ShadowSixx
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Chloe had a few points, Sydney being one of them, except that Sami told Lucas in confidence that she was pregnant.  Lucas told Chloe in confidence because Chloe believed there was something going on between Lucas/Sami, and Chloe is the one who told Nicole.  The person who has a right to be angry about Nicole with Sydney is Sami, and Sami lets Sydney Skype with Nicole because Sami loves Sydney more than she hates Nicole.


I like the idea of Kyle slowly turning his life around for Paige, but Days doesn't do those kinds of SLs anymore.  Neither do other soaps.  Instead Kyle will be wasted to prop other characters, or if he was played by a really bad actor, he would stay on the show as a bad guy who is glorified and worshipped by everyone in Salem.

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I like your idea Tigerlynx,  about Paige and Kyle slowly falling for each other, While JJ falls for Bev would have been a good quadrangle to say the least..A Paige/Kyle/Bev/JJ  storyline would be good, add in Joey encouraging JJ's  dark impulses. it would be awesome..I loved JJ when he had the Johnson edge, he became a simpering wimp, when he fell for Paige and started singing the praises of the orange doctor...JJ and Joey being badasses together would be even great, if Steve and Jack were pulled into their antics..

Edited by Apprentice79
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if Rory doesn't want JJ doing something he doesn't want to do, why does he keep asking him to get high?


Nicole should consider who she's talking to (i. e., Sydney's uncle) when she talks about wanting a kid of her own.


I hope Jen Lilley's baby talk to Tate is just Theresa being annoying, and not the way she really talks to babies.  Eek. Are they really going to call him Tater Tot?


What is keeping Eric in Salem?

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What is keeping Eric in Salem?


Marlena. Remember when Serena wanted him to jet off to Hawaii and Eric didn't want to leave so suddenly because he has to tell his family. Marlena is possibly the only person keeping him in Salem plus I guess he's trying to see if he can get with a woman that doesn't use or manipulate him.

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Theresa this might be the best way to get Brady back by acting civil like she did with him today minus the foot "injury".

I've gotta say, though, that I liked Brady showing some presence of mind by trying to sneak and see if Theresa was really injured or just faking.  He acted a bit too quickly, but it was a good idea to at least try and see what was up.

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Every time I see someone say 'You made me better' or 'For you I can be a better person' I cringe. I think of those years watching soaps with my Mom and every time someone said that she'd look at me and go 'It doesn't work that way. A person has to get better for them... you can't be the reason they change for the better. It's too much pressure to put on someone and it's not a healthy relationship AT ALL.'


So, yeah, I'm sitting here as Kyle is schmoozing all over Paige and all I'm thinking is GO TO STANFORD YOU STUPID CHILD!!

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Nicole should consider who she's talking to (i. e., Sydney's uncle) when she talks about wanting a kid of her own.


This is par for the course with Nicole. There have been countless times when she's badmouthed Sami to Eric and Brady. Even while she was dating one of them. 


Every time I see someone say 'You made me better' or 'For you I can be a better person' I cringe. I think of those years watching soaps with my Mom and every time someone said that she'd look at me and go 'It doesn't work that way. A person has to get better for them... you can't be the reason they change for the better. It's too much pressure to put on someone and it's not a healthy relationship AT ALL.'


So, yeah, I'm sitting here as Kyle is schmoozing all over Paige and all I'm thinking is GO TO STANFORD YOU STUPID CHILD!!


I can't believe Paige wants to go down this road AGAIN. And so soon after what went down with JJ. The writers really have no idea what to do with this character. They didn;t bother giving her any other relationships besides JJ and Eve so now that she hates them there's zero reason for her to stay in Salem. 

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Eric and Brady didn't care that Nicole kidnapped Sydney.  Eric didn't care that Sami was hurt by Slappy, and neither did Kayla.


I wonder if Paige is going to be a casualty of Kyle's drug dealing, and JJ and the Salem PD's stupidity, and be killed.

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I wonder if Paige is going to be a casualty of Kyle's drug dealing, and JJ and the Salem PD's stupidity, and be killed.


I wouldn't be surprised. I honestly think she should just go to Stanford and be forgotten by Salem. I don't want to see Paige's death as further catalyst for Eve declaring war on Jennifer and Co and while KDP would absolute slay as a mother mourning the loss of her child... I kind of don't want that, either. It would hurt too much and I don't even care about Paige that much.

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I wouldn't be surprised. I honestly think she should just go to Stanford and be forgotten by Salem. I don't want to see Paige's death as further catalyst for Eve declaring war on Jennifer and Co and while KDP would absolute slay as a mother mourning the loss of her child... I kind of don't want that, either. It would hurt too much and I don't even care about Paige that much.

Exactly! Paige is Shane's granddaughter and she is a legacy child and should have a place on the show..




Edited by Apprentice79
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So was there a point for Chloe's visit other than to thankful she's no longer here?  Was Daniel just too tired to abuse Nicole so he called in reinforcements?  

Unless she's in town to admt that she messed with the paternity results and Parker really belongs to Philip, I don't see the point.


So Paige is an idiot and even Kyle the drug dealer is too good for her.  Nothing more tiresome than a continuous nag.  


I honestly have trouble remembering what the hell else even happened today, and I just finished watching it a few minutes ago.

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So was there a point for Chloe's visit other than to thankful she's no longer here?  Was Daniel just too tired to abuse Nicole so he called in reinforcements?  

Unless she's in town to admt that she messed with the paternity results and Parker really belongs to Philip, I don't see the point.


So Paige is an idiot and even Kyle the drug dealer is too good for her.  Nothing more tiresome than a continuous nag.  


I honestly have trouble remembering what the hell else even happened today, and I just finished watching it a few minutes ago.

I think the biggest problem with this show is all the stupid! ...and I agree...what is the point of most of these stories?


There isn't any what I call "soapiness" on this show anymore (and honestly most of the others still airing). Any good "soapy" story lines have all been replaced with "stupid". It's all plot point , characters be damned. I miss the days of characters telling the story...how they feel, what they do, how they react....its all crazy wacky out of character writing. None of it makes sense because everyone is acting out of character which can change on a dime. Not to mention so many just plain unlikeable ones....(I'm looking at you tan Dan, Jen, Abifail, Naggie ....oh the list goes on & on.)


There has to be better writers out there...heck the commenters here come up with so many better ideas & understanding of the characters.


OK...rant over (for now anyway).

Edited by RedRockRosie
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I do feel a little sympathy for Xander a little because Vic is still treating him like shit. I mean Xander was doing us a favor by trying to rid us of ole picklepuss Eeyore but before that Vic has always treated Xander like gum stuck to the bottom of his shoe but yet has no problem with Xander carrying out his dirty work for him and it seems Xander was doing a good job at it until Xander wandered into Dingy Hippie's territory. Victor got all stank because Xander upset Dark Roast. Oy. 


I don't understand why Victor got Xander released from prison if he was just gonna continue to treat him like dirt? Victor is acting like Xander is always in his way or screwing up his plans which doesn't seem to be the case at all. They should have kept Paul Telfer as the sexy Damon henchman. Victor treated Damon with more respect than Xander and Damon wasn't even related to Victor.

Edited by ShadowSixx
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Vic saved Xander so he could control him and it pisses him off that Xander went on to have his own schemes.  I'm sorry for him too but he's a murdering thief.


Today my head hit the pillow the moment I saw Dark Roast again.  Slappy was on 4x last week but I think Dingy is going on two weeks now?  So I kind of just listened.  I appreciate the recaps very much. 


Way too much Eeyore having the same conversations.  Are we supposed to be wanting him to get back with Nicky?  I don't get it but I sure as hell don't want anyone suffering Dingy's emotional abuse anymore. 

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The one good thing about the last two days is no Abifail - that is a positive - think we can go for three?


I do love Rory & wish they would give him more to do than just continually ask JJ to get high - I do hope we get some Steve/JJ bonding instead of seeing JJ slobber all over Dr. Tan.   I'm also all for JJ & Joey wreaking havoc all over town.


I do hope we get some Chloe/Brady scenes before she leaves town again - I used to love them (when Kyle Lowder was Brady)


Still hate that Theresa is doing all kinds of crazy shit just to keep Brady - they are a couple that makes absolutely no sense.   The only woman he's had chemistry with is Nicole & that's because she's a chemistry magnet (except for with Dr. Tan)



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Stefanie and Andrew need to come back to town..Especially Andrew, he has not been in town since he was a little boy..He should be around Eric and Sami's age..They used to play together...He could come back to town as an ISA agent determined to bring down Philip Kiriakis...It would be a nod to history, when his dad Shane came to Salem years ago, determined to bring down Victor and falling in love with Kim.... I always wanted Andrew and Abigail to get together or even Brady with Abigail..The show hinted that Brady and Abigail were destined to be together because they were born the same year..Plus, Jack and Isabella were great friends. He took her death really hard. Abigail took her first breath at the same exact moment that Isabella took her last. Her death was well-done..It was poignant..The writing was great back then...I knew that once IzzyB died, that John and Marlena were going to get back together....It was a changing of the guard...

The recast of Brady makes him too old now, to be with Abigail...Plus, Abifail is so unlikable now..Chad would work better with Theresa. I want to see Andrew interact with Victor, since he was once believed to be his son, thanks to Shane's psycho ex Emma...This is the 50th anniversary of the show, we should have been seeing old faces from the past coming and going for different storylines. Some could have been woven back into the show..The show missed a good opportunity to bring back Sonny's brothers when he got stabbed in the Spring..They could have come back to support their parents as their marriage was crumbling..I am pissed that I never saw Justin and Adrienne interacting with all of their boys..I saw that years ago, when Alex, Victor Jr, Joseph were toddlers and Sonny was in the womb..So it does not count...lol..I want to see the dynamic between the Kiriakis brothers as men...

Edited by Apprentice79
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Marlena, really you can't go over to Vic's house because Theresa is there. I know you don't like that she killed your precious Sleeping Pill Yawn but come on now, you can't act like an adult and just ignore Theresa. Just stay in your lab Mar.


So glad you wrote this.  I couldn't figure out what Theresa had done to Marlena (have they even shared a scene?) and forgot all about Theresa giving John a knock in the noggin with the fireplace poker.  It's John.  Who cares?

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So glad you wrote this. I couldn't figure out what Theresa had done to Marlena (have they even shared a scene?) and forgot all about Theresa giving John a knock in the noggin with the fireplace poker. It's John. Who cares?

I had the same problem!

And it's John, for god's sake! How many traumatic brain injuries has he had? (I still miss RoboJohn. I've got to find some YouTube of RoboJohn with Claire.)

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Never considered Chloe and Nicole real friends, because imo they were just in cahoots to keep Lucas and EJ away from Sami.

Huh? It's not always about Sami. 

Still, Lucas and Chloe never made sense to me. 


NB's dead-eyed stare aside, I liked the Nicole/Chloe reconciliation. As unlikely as their friendship was, I hated to see it tossed aside.

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Really, Show, it is just so damn entertaining to watch KM try and act--she likes to show Abby's angst by either rolling her eyes and looking annoyed or screwing her face up and pretending to cry.  And it is also riveting to watch Kayla fall all over herself to reassure dear sweet Abs while she ignores her actual flesh and blood niece Theresa.


Speaking of Theresa, I liked that she used Brady's antipathy for Xander as a way to keep Brady focused on protecting her and Tate.  Nothing like appealing to his caveman instincts :)


I also kind of love that Stephano and Clyde are only interested in Abby because of the land in Ireland and not because they actually think she's so amazing--they have a clear agenda in why they want their sons tied to that entitled harpy. 

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Huh? It's not always about Sami. 

Still, Lucas and Chloe never made sense to me. 


NB's dead-eyed stare aside, I liked the Nicole/Chloe reconciliation. As unlikely as their friendship was, I hated to see it tossed aside.

I never understood why Ken Corday broke up Lumi and Phloe..It never made any sense to do that..Philip and Chloe made sense and were so wonderful together..Lumi was always great. I shipped from the very beginning, when they were schemers plotting against Austin and Carrie..Lucas was so sweet and nurturing and Sami was so protective of Lucas....I loved them together since 1993 and it was heatbreaking what they did to them for Ejami.....

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8/5/2015 Recap :)



Brady arrives home outside the mansion when he runs into Maggie who wants to know if they found a nanny and Brady says yes and Maggie is now wondering if Theresa is moving out or glued to the couch. Brady says there's an issue. Inside the house Theresa is with Tate playing when she smells that he messed his diaper and Theresa calls for Emma when Brady and Maggie enter the living room. Theresa apologizes for them having to hear her shriek and Tate starts to cry. Maggie says she'll find Emma and takes Tate and leaves. Theresa sarcastically says that Maggie cares about her ankle and Brady says does Theresa expect sympathy. Theresa says she knows Brady and Maggie wants her out and Maggie returns as Emma has Tate and will take Tate to the garden. Theresa says she'll go and gets on her crutches and leaves. Brady says the timing of Theresa's injury is perfect and Maggie thinks they should look at the doctor's report. Victor arrives and is happy to run into Brady and Maggie as he says he has a solution and can't believe he hasn't thought of it before.


They walk out to the foyer and Xander enters the house in plain clothes and says Xander has financial issues and that Xander is there new landscaper and Brady says never. Victor tells Brady to relax and tells them all to go into the living room to speak and tells Xander goes to join but Victor tells him to stay put which Xander looks pissed. Victor tells them that Roman is putting a case together against Xander and how he'll stay with them until he goes to jail. Maggie says Dan wouldn't like having his engagement party there with Xander attending and Brady says Tate lives there.


Out in the foyer is standing around when Theresa approaches and says Xander's name which Xander and Theresa exchange looks. Theresa talks about his clothes and Xander compliments her crutches. Theresa figures that Xander is working for Victor now. In the living room Victor talks about it being safer with Xander around and they all go out to the foyer and Theresa pretends to act shocked that Xander is at the house. Brady gets in Xander's face and tells him to stay out of his way, out of the house and away from Tate or else he'll be sorry. Vic says he'll handle it and asks Theresa what happened to her and Theresa tells him about her ankle and Vic is surprised her kneecaps weren't the first to go. Victor tells Xander to leave and shuts the door in his face and Theresa wants to know what's going on.


Outside the henchman throws Xandder a shovel and tells him there's manure to clean up which Xander is pissed. In the foyer Maggie asks if this is the right thing to do and Victor says it's the right thing to do and Maggie says until it backfires. In the living room Brady says he's got it handled and Theresa says what Vic was thinking and that Xander is a psycho and hugs up on Brady andd says Brady will protect Tate.



Victor tells Xander it's time as he has to start making things up for Victor and Xander says he'll do anything and Vic doesn't care as he wants Xander to prove his worth as another henchman arrives and throws a pile of clothes in front of Xander.



Clyde is at the Square on the phone with Martin who tells Clyde that Kayla hasn't arrive yet and Clyde tells Martin to get the work done. Martin says he's ready to run the test but he has to wait on Dr. Brady and Clyde says for Martin to contact him with Dr. Brady arrives or else a city inspector will make another visit to his wife and kid and Dr. Martin says he got the message. Clyde hangs up and Ben calls out Clyde's name. Ben tells Clyde about proposing to Abby and how Abby made a mistake with Chad but Abby chose him. Clyde says that Abby may say yes sooner than Ben thinks.


Ben says does Clyde know a way that Abby will say yes and Clyde says Abby is a smart girl and will make the right decision. Clyde asks if Abby is at the hospital and Ben asks why and Clyde says that Abby could be at home waiting for him. Clyde tells Ben to check out the app which Ben is reluctant to do at first but does it for Clyde and it shows that she's at the hospital. Clyde says for Ben to call him when Abby gives him the thumbs up and to where they spend their honeymoon and Ben says for Clyde to not jinx it and leaves. Clyde says he's not jinxing he's helping.



Chad enters the DiMera living room on the phone as he bagged a 100M deal and Stefano calls him confident and wants to know if it has to do more with Abby. Chad asks if Stefano is having him followed and Stefano says he's observant and knows it's more than a business deal as to why Chad is being optimistic. Stefano wants to know everything or else he'll start spying on Chad. Chad says Stefano can send his spies because there's no change yet. Chad tells Stefano to stop pretending to care about his love life because Stefano just wants the piece of land Abby will inherit which Stefano says that Chad will benefit as well. Chad says if Abby leaves Ben for him he's going to have a talk with Abby and Stefano isn't going to like it.


Stefano asks what won't he like and Chad says he'll tell Abby everything and how Stefano knows about the land and has desires on it and how Stefano knew she would inherit it before Abby knew she would inherit it and how Chad will tell Abby it's her land and how the DiMeras have no claim to it. He says he's not EJ and doesn't keep secrets and if Abby comes to him they'll have an open and honest relationship which Stefano just laughs. Chad asks if he said something fun and Stefano says husbands and wives don't have honest relationships and for Chad to grow up. Stefano says Chad will not tell Abby about the land unless he's going to also tell her about something that starts with the letter R (didn't catch it). Chad says he's telling Abby about Ireland and Stefano says he'll lose Abby if he does which Chad leaves.


Stefano is on the phone saying the property in Ireland will be his no matter what.



Abby is at home going through paperwork and looks at the ring and flashes back to Ben's proposal. Abby's phone rings and it's Kayla who's asking her if she's coming into work and Abby says she is. Kayla asks if she's hesitant about the paternity test and Abby says no as she wants to get it done. Kayla says Abby sounds distracted which Abby flashes back to Chad declaring his love for her and Abby sheds a tear. Abby says she has to live with the results and Kayla says it'll be over soon as Abby is a strong woman and family loves her and how much love Abby will have for the baby. Abby says she'll be at the hospital as soon as she can. Abby takes the ring out of the box and starts to bawl. 


Abby is getting ready to leave when she looks at the ring and says she does love Ben but flashes back to sex with Chad. She puts her hand on the door and looks at the ring again and then leaves.


Abby arrives at the hospital and enters Kayla's office and Kayla ends her call and Abby says she's ready. Kayla says the test will take about 30 to 40 minutes and Abby says then she'll know. Kayla tells Abby about the test and how privacy will not be a problem and Kayla leaves. Abby just sits there and about to cry again.


Kayla is with Dr. Martin and tells him to contact her with the results and leaves. Dr. Martin says first things first and texts Clyde which Clyde receives and says for Martin to make him a grandfather. Dr. Martin is doing his work when a worker comes in and tells him he's needed and can't wait and Dr. Martin leaves.


Abby sitting in the office and flashes back to Chad and Ben about love and the wedding respectively. Abby sits on the couch and makes another cry face. Abby is waiting for the test as back in the lab a nurse comes in that left earlier and sees the unfinished test and she goes to complete herself. 


Kayla's phone rings and the results are ready and Kayla leaves to go and get them. Abby says she's not going anywhere. Abby is flashing back to more Ben and Chad telling her that they love her and Chad sex and she starts to make another cry face. Clyde is waiting on the results. In the lab Dr. Martin arrives and asks about the test and nurse said she did it and he wants the results right now but the nurse says Kayla picked up the results.


Kayla arrives back in her office and hands Abby the envelope. (Last scene of the day)



Paige tells Kyle that she thought she heard someone or something and asks if Kyle has a roommate. Kyle says he doesn't and they sit down and talk on the couch where JJ is hiding behind. Paige says the talk is going to take a long time. Paige shows Kyle a website for Kyle about professions that he can do which Kyle can't believe she went through all the trouble and with someone like her in his life he can change and Kyle believes he can change too. Kyle says something about being perfect and Paige and Kyle kiss. Paige backs up and Kyle apologizes and calls Paige beautiful among other things and they kiss some more.


They stop kissing and Paige says Kyle can look at the website as she has to go and Paige says Kyle can call her which Kyle says he will call tonight and Paige leaves. Kyle is going through stuff as JJ flashes back to moving things around on Kyle's desk and Kyle says what the hell. Which he's referring to a watch being scratched. Kyle's phone rings and talks briefly on the phone and leaves. JJ comes out of hiding and makes sure Kyle is gone and leaves.


JJ bumps into Paige and JJ calls her an idiot and Paige calls him an idiot for getting involved with Kyle and drugs and JJ says he can't believe she's with Kyle. Paige says JJ has no say in her life and JJ says for Paige to not come crying to him and Paige says JJ is the last person she would cry to. JJ leaves but tells Paige people don't change as look at him and walks off.



Chad enters TBD and sees Ben on the phone and Chad is about to leave but doesn't. Chad wants to talk to Ben about Abby.




Oh Theresa, don't try and use Xander in your schemes cause he won't hesitate to snap your neck.


I think Vic is really going overboard with what he's doing to Xander. I'm waiting for Xander to snap and just bash Victor with a shovel, throw Brady off a cliff and snatch Naggie's hair off and make her choke on it.


Then we have Jar Jar who once again can't stop with her stupid cry faces or her mating face, don't know what the hell it's suppose to be. KM really needs to stop trying to attempt crying because it doesn't work, she can't pull it off and really shows her limited range in acting. Nicole & Adrienne can cry at the drop of a hat and make it believable.


Finally a paternity test that's done right without the twist and all that.


I don't know what the word was that Stephono said to Chad on telling Jar Jar it sounded like ravioli but didn't want to write that in there. 


JJ, Lima Bean, Blockhead Brady, & Naggie need to go sit down somewhere or jump on a bed of spikes whichever is first.

Edited by ShadowSixx
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Watching KM's attempts at acting is funny, annoying, and cringe-worthy all at the same time. 


I love how Kayla calls Abifail to ask her if she's coming into work. Not demand that she show up, but ask. And then the rat had the nerve to say she lost track of time and faced no reprimand for being late. This dirtbag gets paid to do nothing and she doesn't even have the decency to show up on time. Disgusting. 



I don't know what the word was that Stephono said to Chad on telling Jar Jar it sounded like ravioli but didn't want to write that in there.


He said something that sounded like Ravello. It sounded like this is some girl that Chad dated/had sex with in the past. 

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I don't understand Victor's over the top hatred for Xander. He is a chip off the old block..He should be in awe of Xander's ruthlessness..Xander is to Eric and Nicole, what Victor was to Kim and Shayne..Both were rejected by the woman and vowed to make her pay for that....Victor tried to kill Shane several times and it was the reason why he was constantly tormenting the Brady family..Victor till this day has never gotten over Kim's rejection, and  their recent scenes together proved that fact...Kim was truly shaken by their encounter..That is why I find it so hard to believe that Andrew, Kim and Shane have not gone to the mansion to check on Tate and Theresa or at least put the fear of God in Victor...They know what Victor is capable of.....It is  these type of plot holes  that pisses me off about the writing of this show..It is  one plot  point after another...

Edited by Apprentice79
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