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Current Plots Discussion: Actually Today's Episode

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The writing has been horrible forever, however, since I hated Sami reconciling with EJ, I was amused by the, “Hollywood?  EJ who?” aspect of this SL.


There is no way Sami should be having any scenes with the boring twit.  The only thing that should happen is Sami posting a video on the internet of Slappy begging to be EJ’s mistress, and getting turned down.


Will should die in a plane crash on his way back to Salem.  Sonny will share custody of Ari with Lucas and Sami.  Will can return in a few years recast with a much better actor.

Edited by TigerLynx
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The other thing I really like about the "Hollywood? EJ who?" aspect, aside from my just not being interested in watching Sami cry over EJ, is that it gives me hope that this exit SL really isn't going to end with Sami and EJ being reunited. If the story were going to end that way, they would have Sami be consistently unhappy throughout all this instead of smiling and laughing and already moving on with her post-EJ life.

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So, JJ gives Paige an ice pack (without wrapping it in something? Really?) and a hand massage and... we're getting eyes all over? No. No, no, nonononono, NO!


I laughed out loud at Lucas', "I know that look. What did you do?" That is pretty much their relationship. While I feel rather cheated by the minimal flashbacks for their history, seeing the two of them so young was sweet.

Edited by caprice
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Could they make it any more obvious that JJ and Eve are going to bang?


The Sami/Lumi scenes and flashbacks were great but I would have preferred if they had gotten the whole episode. Or at least gotten Abifail, Ben, Paige, and Tamiflu's screen time. 

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"Strong, unique voice" GMAFB, talk about laying it on thick, he wrote ONE damn article. It wasn't that well written to begin with as I read it and was like reading a middle school essay paper. Writers really like to lay it on thick and not be subtle with the goal they're trying to accomplish.


Sick of the fake outs with DOOL but Grimace was still awful even in the fake out cause once again the one note expression. Grimace leave the actual threatening to people that know how to pull it off and be intimidating at the same time. Hers just looked empty and anyone would laugh in her face.


Oh cutie pie Lucas wasted first 30 mins on AbiFail, yikes. Don't get AbiFail's facial expressions cause her acting choices have been horrible. First scenes her facial expressions have been WTF for me. I couldn't understand what she was thinking or trying to get across. 


Nice seeing Lucas and Sami flashbacks which was like the only highlight to the show.


Sonny really needs to find another worker than BOllie because he keeps kissing AbiFail during work hours which is things that an employee should NOT be doing. Yet Sneasel thinks that Sonny should leave the club in BOllie and T's care. I think T would have more pull and rank and there's also Chad who owns the club so why would he leave it to BOllie or T? So hopefully the writers do create a story of Sonny branching his business out.


"Does it matter." Yes you simpleton Paige it does matter what she said as JJ has a right to know. Now she wants to take a break off the word of some woman she barely knows and once again holding JJ's past against him. This girl is a Creepazoid to the 10th power. JJ cut your losses and find a woman worthy of your looks and time cause it sure as hell isn't the Boring Bimbo. Feel sorry for JJ he's always surrounded in shrewish women being his crusty sister, raggedy mother, gruesome girlfriend, dumbass Bev. Please don't go there with Eve & JJ, that's nasty to the 100th power.

Edited by ShadowSixx
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I really looked forward to the Sami and Lucas interactions and flashbacks today and they made the episode.  The show should have spend more time on them, this is a couple/friendship/whatever of over 20 years but the clips they showed were great.


The rest of the show didn't even advance plot.  Same thing has been happening/same dialogue has been spoken for over three weeks.  


The only redeeming thing about Abby is that she's related to Lucas.  Other than that, she's become her mother--self-righteous and judgemental.


Can't stand Will.  Just can't.  He's always angry, always making faces and has learned a good deal of hypocricy and intolerance from cousin Abby.  Run, Sonny, run.

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So Sami thinks she's going to move to LA and be a star would HIDE her from Stefano? 

Hiding in plain sight perhaps? The more visible she is to the world at large, the less likely Stefano can take her out. Not that I am endorsing this storyline of course.


The network execs tonguing bathing Sami and especially Will has been vomit inducing. Good to know that writing one article in a magazine qualifies one to write scripts. I would have given this a pass if Will had written an unauthorized book about Ejami's jacked up life or something else and the execs wanted to option it and have him write the screenplay but this was just a bridge too far. 


Show seems to think that WE will think Abigail is good because Jenn says so.  And says so, and says so.  As does Maggie, Dirty Dan, Julie, Hope, Sneasel and even EJ.


Funny that none of us seem to buy it.

True that. In recent years this has always been my main issue with this show. Such a disconnect between what is said and what is shown. Such a disconnect between what they intend and what actually plays out on screen. The prime example being Sami/EJ/Abigail debacle but I could also throw in Dan, Jen, etc. but Abigail right now for me is the worst simply because they seem to be setting her up to be the young female rootable lead of the show, however won't know that for sure until Melanie shows up. Oy vey. This maybe too much for me. Couldn't stand Mel when she was on the show. I blame her character for the ruination of Nick. 


Doesn't seem like there are enough guys to go around on this show and the ones that are on this show aren't particularly dynamic or interesting with the exception of Chad who could very easily be ruined by Abby..

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Have been in hiding for the last month and have missed EJ's death.  So weird how EJ was taken out by a nobody like Clyde (even though he is mildly interesting) and WTF with Sami going to Hollywood?  Talk about coming out of nowhere, making no sense and having no build-up. EJ's exit was 7 years too late for me, but at least the Days of EJami's life will be over, even though I will miss Sami.  I'm hoping EJ stays dead, Rafe gets written out and Sami reunites with Lucas when the hourglass stops turning someday.


As a Wilson fan, I'm happy Will is leaving so Sonny can have a story of his own.  Let's hope one of his exes comes back to create some drama, even though I was hoping Will might get tempted while away from home.  Either scenario would be interesting for me to watch.  Sonny deserves better than Sneasel at the moment, and I hope Will takes Ari with him. 


I see the world is still revolving around KM/Abby, but at least she's back at the kiddie table with Chad and Ben where she belongs.  She was so affronted that Chad would ask Jordan out (as if Jordan looks like a gargoyle).  WTF.  Chad is so using Jordan to get between Ben and Abby and I hope he succeeds (cos I can't stand Ben), but then he needs to dump Abifail for Melanie.

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I am not a Sami fan.  I have thoroughly disliked her since I started watching the show.  She is a rude, self-absorbed, loud, drama queen. She lives on her nerve endings like a 7th grader and makes everyone around her seem like idiots for putting up with her bullcrap.  I will be so glad to see her back out the door.


Regarding the actor playing Will:  at least he doesn't smirk ALL THE DAMN TIME like the previous actor did.

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I want Sonny to have his own story, but I don't know about cheating.  If they want to create tension in the relationship, Will's issues are more than enough to do that on their own. I would like to see someone come along who makes Sonny realize what a big fat mistake it's been to marry Will, but not act on those feelings until he ends that relationship, much like Hope has with Aiden. Will's no Bo, that's for sure; I'm simply looking out for Sonny's reputation!  I fear cheating will make him the bad guy in the relationship (although cheating hasn't kept them from telling us how awesome Abby is) and he's not, not by a long shot.

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I don't really get the Hollywood storyline, but then again, I don't get anything on this show. I do feel Sami and EJ's end storyline has been rushed, but them's the breaks when I watch Days of Our Lives. I just have to deal, I think.


I can't believe I've now come to the position of relying on Melanie to give life to Abigail and Ben and possibly Will (since I guess they'll all be hanging with each other). And maybe she'll have to spread some brain power to Brady? What the heck....Chad can handle himself but the rest.....they're going to need Melanie's help! And I can't stand Melanie. What is happening to me???

Edited by bantering
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Agreed, shesajar. In addition to your excellent points, I also suspect that a SL of Sonny cheating would be made to be Will's story rather than Sonny's, so it wouldn't fix the root problem of Sonny never having a story of his own.


I think for Sonny to truly have his own storyline, it needs to be something that doesn't have anything to do with his relationship. Maybe something to do with his Kiriakis relatives? It would help bolster Sonny as a character...he's a Kiriakis, son of a supercouple, and yet feels almost as untethered as, say, Nicole, who currently has no relatives in town.

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I think for Sonny to truly have his own storyline, it needs to be something that doesn't have anything to do with his relationship. Maybe something to do with his Kiriakis relatives? It would help bolster Sonny as a character...he's a Kiriakis, son of a supercouple, and yet feels almost as untethered as, say, Nicole, who currently has no relatives in town.


What about bringing in one of his brothers?

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That's all we got for Lumi flashbacks? I feel ripped off. And I can't imagine how angry I'm going to be tomorrow...

Just how much of Sami's time tomorrow do they plan to devote to AbiFail?? Really, even one scene is too much. If it's half the episode, or god forbid the entire episode, I will scream!


I did tear up during their goodbye because it was so clearly AS coming through.


I like the idea of bringing on a Kiriakis brother. And they could kill two birds with one stone by pairing him up with Nicole. Not that I haven't liked Rafe/Nicole's recent interactions, but let's face it, GG is not close to AZ's level.

Edited by Black Knight
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I want Sonny to have his own story, but I don't know about cheating.  If they want to create tension in the relationship, Will's issues are more than enough to do that on their own. I would like to see someone come along who makes Sonny realize what a big fat mistake it's been to marry Will, but not act on those feelings until he ends that relationship, much like Hope has with Aiden. Will's no Bo, that's for sure; I'm simply looking out for Sonny's reputation!  I fear cheating will make him the bad guy in the relationship (although cheating hasn't kept them from telling us how awesome Abby is) and he's not, not by a long shot.



Actually I kinda hope that when Will gets back a week or so later Sonny finds out he was cheating frequently on him in LA then he goes completely Kirakis on his ass...


Will cheating on Sonny in Hollywood?  I guess it's possible, but who knew there were so many horny hamsters on the loose wanting to hook up with Sneasel?  I'm more interested in seeing what tiny little computer the studio provides for Will to type on.  I'm picturing something Fievel-sized.  If the screenwriting doesn't work, perhaps he can get work helping to make Cinderella's dress with the other rodents.  I think the studio went a little overboard offering Will a house with a pool.  Most of his ilk are perfectly happy living inside walls and rooting around in dumpsters.


I would love for Sonny to have his own storyline, and there's no reason he shouldn't.  With his background, and Freddie Smith's talent it would be great to see the Sonny character more prominent.  I too would prefer it to not be an infidelity storyline, but with this writing crew.......


I really looked forward to the Sami and Lucas interactions and flashbacks today and they made the episode.  The show should have spend more time on them, this is a couple/friendship/whatever of over 20 years but the clips they showed were great.


Lucas and Sami were by far the best part of the show today.  I too would have loved to have seen him and Sami with more airtime.  All that history, and the obvious ease of BD and AS just calls out for more than we got.  I didn't see any point at all for the Lucas and Abigail scenes today.  I admit I never see the point of any Abigail scene with anyone, but these today did nothing except waste time.

Nice of Abigail to tell Ollie how thrilled she was that he was getting money from Clyde, because, as she puts it "that's what fathers are for".  Nothing say paternal love like leaching off the parents the way Slappy does.


Eve and JJ......I may very well have a black out if that happens.  And it sure looks like it's going to.  Poor Lima Bean will turn right into a pickle when she finds out. 

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Man! Were Bryan & Ali young or what? I feel so old. They could have a lot more flashbacks & interacted more together though. If I recall, BD went to AS prom when she was in high school. They go way back. It's nice they are giving AS these goodbyes with her cast mates & friends. I guess the big bye will be with Deidre Hall. Has Galen already have his?

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No, Sami and Rafe haven't said goodbye yet.


You're probably right that DHer will be the last, but I'm hoping it'll be LK. Well, actually, I don't want a Kami goodbye - I want Kate to rush to the airport and board the corporate jet at the last minute, having realized that she and Sami should be fabulous in LA together, swishing around in their robes and clinking cocktail glasses.


Failing that, I will settle for Kate finally admitting that she cares about Sami, and not just because Sami's the mother of her grandchildren.

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I missed the episode(s) of the Jordan/stepdad confrontation. Could someone please fill me in on exactly what he is holding over her head? From what I can gather she killed her mother? How? Why?  And exactly what is she holding over his head? She alluded to something today. Thanks in advance.

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That's what I don't understand. If it was an accident, why not just admit to her brother and stop with all the angst!? This way Clyde can't blackmail her, right? There's got to be something more to his blackmail. Also, Jordan seems to be holding something over Clyde's head too. Damn DVR made me miss those episodes.

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Loved the Lucas/Sami interaction & flashbacks but really pissed that's all we got?    Really?   - we had to waste half the show with Lucas talking to Abifail - why?????? - the whole show should have been Lucas & Sami with flashbacks galore (although I'm glad we at least got some flashbacks - I was afraid we wouldn't)


And the Eve/JJ stuff creeped me out - please show - don't go there.


And Paige - you're an idiot for believing Jill over your boyfriend (who's the one telling the truth) - for a girl who's supposed to be smart - you're being pretty dumb.


I do hope we get more scenes with Chad & Sonny & I kind of enjoyed the kiss between Chad & Jordan (and I do hope he ends up with Melanie & not Abifail)

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I would like to see someone come along who makes Sonny realize what a big fat mistake it's been to marry Will, but not act on those feelings until he ends that relationship, much like Hope has with Aiden. Will's no Bo, that's for sure; I'm simply looking out for Sonny's reputation!  I fear cheating will make him the bad guy in the relationship


Almost everyone in Salem has cheated so I think Sonny could survive an affair story with his reputation mostly still in tact. Although, I don't think it would be such a bad thing if they made him a little darker and selfish. "Good" characters on this show end up like Jen and Abifail. The only thing I would worry about is if Kate went after him. She hasn't tried to kill anyone in awhile. 

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Grimace Sue's fake out scene had me going for a minute there. I did have one LOL moment when in the dream Bollie said to Grimace Sue something to the effect of you're lying it, I can tell by the look on your face. LOL! Seriously son?!? Chick always looks like she is trying to pass a kidney stone. Just stop. Wouldn't be surprised if these were the scenes were Days production realized Chrishell wasn't working out. The actor who plays Clyde is a pretty good actor. I will give him one thing over Stefano, his henchmen actually off people with one bullet. 


I feel completely short changed by the Lumi flashbacks. Seriously, 2-3 minutes of flashbacks with the character she derived the vast majority of her 21 years of storyline with? Shame on Days. Silver Lining - I did really like that they said that they loved and would miss each other.  Lucas spent half the episode stuck in a black hole vortex talking about absolutely nothing with Abby, who basically spent the scene looking at her watch and the door. What was the point of that exactly?!?


I wish they would stop saying that Sami is only going to be gone for 6 months. Is that for 50th anniversary purposes?


Isn't Sami the merry widow. EJ who?


The teen storyline is now officially painful for me. I so wish Jill would have just confessed all and been done with this mess. This shit is just the height of tedium. I do wonder if I would have found it more palatable if it weren't Eve masterminding the whole thing. If Jill hadn't been a prostitute hired by her and just a girl scheming because she wanted JJ for herself it might have worked better for me.


I was against it before but now in retrospect, I think I would have preferred a JJ boinks Eve story over this mess, although it looks like we are headed that way anyway. How many more times are we gonna be subjected to Eve's hand massage flashbacks?


Will cheating on Sonny in Hollywood?  I guess it's possible, but who knew there were so many horny hamsters on the loose wanting to hook up with Sneasel?



I would love for Sonny to have his own storyline, and there's no reason he shouldn't.  With his background, and Freddie Smith's talent it would be great to see the Sonny character more prominent.  I too would prefer it to not be an infidelity storyline, but with this writing crew.......


The show pretty much telegraphed a Sonny is gonna be unfaithful storyline in that scene where Sami was explaining to Will how she could possibly take back a cheating ass EJ and said that Will would understand if it ever happened to him to which Will vehemently proclaimed that "Sonny WOULD NEVER CHEAT ON ME!!" I was like umm Sonny is about to cheat on your weasly ass.

Edited by islandgal140
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That's what I don't understand. If it was an accident, why not just admit to her brother and stop with all the angst!? This way Clyde can't blackmail her, right? There's got to be something more to his blackmail.


Clyde's claim is that it wasn't an accident, that Jordan deliberately drove the car into the tree or whatever to kill her mother because they were arguing. He's basing this on something he saw when he arrived at the scene, but he hasn't really explained what makes him believe it to be murder rather than an accident.


I wish they would stop saying that Sami is only going to be gone for 6 months. Is that for 50th anniversary purposes?


Partly for 50th anniversary purposes, but I think mostly because they are hoping that after AS has time off, she'll decide to return on a permanent basis. That's the second reason, besides Sami's Merry Widow act this week, that I'm thinking that Sami and EJ will not reunite after all - if Sami comes back, it won't be with EJ. So if they send Sami off with EJ they just create something that has to be written away in six months (they hope). They can't just write that the couple broke up, because they have children and EJ would move back to keep living in the same town with his children (and because he's always been unhealthily obsessed with Sami). Killing him off yet again would be ridiculous. Far simpler to just have NotDeadEJ stuck in one of Stefano's compounds (why would Stefano release him anyway, knowing he would just go back to Sami, whom Stefano hates?) and if he ever comes back, it can be to throw a wrench in the works of whatever relationship Sami has moved on to.

Edited by Black Knight
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That's what I don't understand. If it was an accident, why not just admit to her brother and stop with all the angst!? This way Clyde can't blackmail her, right? There's got to be something more to his blackmail. Also, Jordan seems to be holding something over Clyde's head too. Damn DVR made me miss those episodes.

This is the dumbest secret ever. Even if she drove her mother into a tree deliberately, how the hell is Clyde gonna prove that unless Jordan is wanted by the police? And why would airhead Bollie believe him? Ugh. These two need to run away again and leave Clyde behind. 


Am I the only one who thinks Eve is setting JJ up for a Fake Rape accusation? All this talk about JJ's rapist dad, Eve falling down and hurting herself, and then this sexual attraction crap makes me wonder if Eve will seduce him and cry rape after. Because it wouldn't be Days if there wasn't at least one rape storyline happening.

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I'm still amused that they bothered to even show Kristen giving EJ that injection as if it will make him coming back to life somewhere down the road more believable, somehow.

I loved the Sami and Lucas goodbye. I love Lucas, but BD's not the best actor, so I'm convinced that he was really choking up at the end. Same with AS. I used to love those crazy kids! I've not loved Sami for the past 5 or 6 years, but these kind of goodbyes are just what I've hoped for. It sucks that they're being crammed into a couple of days when they've had months to show her reconciling these relationships.


Isn't this the second time that Will thought Sonny should just up and follow him wherever her was going? Didn't he pull the same thing when Gabi wanted to move to NY? I'm surprised Will's even taking Ari. Sonny's the best parent that kid has. I wonder if Will ends up leaving her with Grandma Sami when he comes back to town. 



Am I the only one who thinks Eve is setting JJ up for a Fake Rape accusation? All this talk about JJ's rapist dad, Eve falling down and hurting herself, and then this sexual attraction crap makes me wonder if Eve will seduce him and cry rape after. Because it wouldn't be Days if there wasn't at least one rape storyline happening.

I hadn't thought of that, but it's awful enough that the writers probably have. Eve is just terrible. If this is how they are going to write her, I'm glad that Charlotte Ross didn't come back. That makes it much easier to pretend that she's a totally different character.

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Partly for 50th anniversary purposes, but I think mostly because they are hoping that after AS has time off, she'll decide to return on a permanent basis. That's the second reason, besides Sami's Merry Widow act this week, that I'm thinking that Sami and EJ will not reunite after all - if Sami comes back, it won't be with EJ. So if they send Sami off with EJ they just create something that has to be written away in six months (they hope). They can't just write that the couple broke up, because they have children and EJ would move back to keep living in the same town with his children (and because he's always been unhealthily obsessed with Sami). Killing him off yet again would be ridiculous. Far simpler to just have NotDeadEJ stuck in one of Stefano's compounds (why would Stefano release him anyway, knowing he would just go back to Sami, whom Stefano hates?) and if he ever comes back, it can be to throw a wrench in the works of whatever relationship Sami has moved on to.

Oh Lawdd. Thanks for the explanation Black Knight but damn is this disappointing. I admit to not knowing what is going on with AS's career post Days but I thought she had other bigger better things lined up and her leave sounded way more permanent with the possibility for return being more like years rather than months, if at all, with the exception of the anniversary episodes. 


Will's enthusiasm and excitement over leaving his husband for 6 months was pretty gross. By all means be excited about a new job but damn express some angst or depression about being away from Sonny for such a long period of time.  Damn!



Am I the only one who thinks Eve is setting JJ up for a Fake Rape accusation? All this talk about JJ's rapist dad, Eve falling down and hurting herself, and then this sexual attraction crap makes me wonder if Eve will seduce him and cry rape after. Because it wouldn't be Days if there wasn't at least one rape storyline happening.


Kinda crossed my mind but I immediately dismissed it because it was so repulsive to me.  The handling of rape stories on Days is atrocious and the perpetrator never gets punished. Having a fake rape would I think really have me losing my shit. Frankly, I think false rape accusations can be just as if not more damaging. 

Edited by islandgal140
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Isn't this the second time that Will thought Sonny should just up and follow him wherever her was going?


In fairness to Sneasel, I don't think he thought that. He brought Sonny up very quickly to Sami, pointing out that Sonny's business is in Salem, and was firm that he couldn't commit to anything without talking to Sonny. Then it seemed like on the way home he started considering how it would be possible for Sonny to come out for six months with him, who could cover for him at the business...only he didn't know that Sonny was in the process of expanding the club, so that didn't work.


I'm surprised Will's even taking Ari. Sonny's the best parent that kid has.


Sonny just assumed Will would take Ari. That I didn't like - the two of them should have discussed where it would be best for Ari to be for the next six months. I know Sonny isn't a legal parent, but Gabi was very clear before she left that she considered Sonny to be one of Ari's fathers in every way that matters, and Will hasn't said anything that I recall to indicate that he sees things any differently than Gabi. And Sonny said that he would want to keep Ari should anything happen to both Gabi and Will (which both of them were also onboard with). If they feel it would be risky to leave Ari in the care of a non-legal parent, fine, I can understand that - but have the conversation and have that point made. It's an issue that has created difficulties for many same-sex families and so I would have been glad to hear it stated on TV.


I admit to not knowing what is going on with AS's career post Days but I thought she had other bigger better things lined up and her leave sounded way more permanent with the possibility for return being more like years rather than months, if at all, with the exception of the anniversary episodes.


Oh, I do feel like AS is genuinely done with the show except for brief returns for the anniversary and holidays - I don't think she would have made this move if she weren't certain, and she's sounded very certain in her interviews, and the way she was crying during her goodbye with BD reinforced all that. But the show is probably hoping otherwise, and that continued repetition of "six months" screams of them leaving the door wide open in case AS should change her mind.

Edited by Black Knight
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I always love a Lumi scene but was incredibly disappointed with the Lumi flashbacks.  Seriously Sami's most significant relationships on the show have been with Kate and Lucas and all we get is a small 3-4 clip flashback.  What about all the great scenes of them as teens when they were getting to know each other and becoming best friends.  What brought them together was that they were two screwed up lonely kids who found comfort in one another. 


I was hoping for a little reminiscing of their schemes.  Maybe a shout out to Jaime and how she used to try and get Lucas and Sami to stop scheming and do the right thing. 


As far as Sami leaving for 6 months, I think it is more for plot reasons.  It makes more sense for the character of Sami to agree to leave Salem for six months and then off screen decide to stay longer than it does for her to just abruptly leave Salem for good.


I'm going to assume that this is an unpopular opinion but I actually really appreciated that Sonny "assumed" Ari would go with Will.  I can appreciate that as much as he is involved as a co-parent that Will is the biological father, and that is something that pre-dates him and still holds weight.  I find Sonny to have a better ease with kids and he is great with Ari, but I don't believe he is a "better parent". I wouldn't of found it weird if Ari was staying with Sonny for this time apart but I do think she belongs with Will.

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No, that's exactly what Eve is thinking.  I didn't get a desire vibe from her at all, unless it's desire to ruin a kid's life.  And she'll say he broke her wrist too.


Clyde thinks it was murder because Jordan was unharmed.  Ollie was upset because Jordan told him that Clyde was driving and had purposely murdered their mother. She just admitted she lied about that, which is what shocked him.   His belief that Clyde killed the mom makes Ollie's recent acceptance of Clyde quite chilling.  

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OH MY GAWD! Will someone please make Jennifer go away forever?!  Daniel, as far as I'm concerned, you dodged a major bullet. If you married Jennifer, your life would be nothing but misery and complaints and endless variations of "you don't love me enough!". What a fucking nightmare she is. It's no wonder Abigail is such a spoiled, entitled brat. 

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Ugh to Hope today.  Can't believe she participated in the whitewashing of the murderous, drug-dealing rapist.  EJ shot a cop, blackmailed a town, raped her niece, tried to murder her cousin, had her husband's sister steal a kidney from a dear friend, drugged her pregnant niece to murder her children to save his fatha, beat another "friend" of hers to a bloody pulp, ruined Lumi's marriage.........good lord, she's a cop.   How does she make that pig out to be a saint.


Speaking of people who are falsely thought of as saints, Jennifer is just a miserable human being.  She always has a sour puss on her.  What happened to the girl I used to root for?  Someone mentioned karma, I hope it comes to her in spades for the way she treated Jack the last couple of times he came back.  She is so darn self-righteous.  She eavesdrops on a private conversation between her son and Dr. Dan, only gets a part of it and then barges into his office and runs her mouth.  I'm not a Dan the man fan but loved that he told her Kristen was none of her business and didn't back down and kiss St. Jennifer of the Hypocrisy's feet.


Sorry for the rant but sheesh.  Getting off my soap box now.

OH MY GAWD! Will someone please make Jennifer go away forever?!  Daniel, as far as I'm concerned, you dodged a major bullet. If you married Jennifer, your life would be nothing but misery and complaints and endless variations of "you don't love me enough!". What a fucking nightmare she is. It's no wonder Abigail is such a spoiled, entitled brat. 

I wish I could like your post a thousand times.  

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Ugh to Hope today.  Can't believe she participated in the whitewashing of the murderous, drug-dealing rapist.  EJ shot a cop, blackmailed a town, raped her niece, tried to murder her cousin, had her husband's sister steal a kidney from a dear friend, drugged her pregnant niece to murder her children to save his fatha, beat another "friend" of hers to a bloody pulp, ruined Lumi's marriage.........good lord, she's a cop.   How does she make that pig out to be a saint.

You mean you didn't enjoy all the golden reminiscing of EJ like he was Sami's treasured high school sweetheart? "Oh Hope, remember the time that EJ took me on that super-romantic car ride where he told me how much he liked me and how he would make me love him?!" " Oh, I sure do, Sami! Wasn't that your First Time with EJ?!" and then they collapse in girlish giggles. Barf. Hope needs to do her job and tell Sami that EJ was killed over his new drug dealing business. 


I wish I could like your post a thousand times back!

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You mean you didn't enjoy all the golden reminiscing of EJ like he was Sami's treasured high school sweetheart? "Oh Hope, remember the time that EJ took me on that super-romantic car ride where he told me how much he liked me and how he would make me love him?!" " Oh, I sure do, Sami! Wasn't that your First Time with EJ?!" and then they collapse in girlish giggles. Barf. Hope needs to do her job and tell Sami that EJ was killed over his new drug dealing business. 


I wish I could like your post a thousand times back!

I literally stopped watching the show when Sami jumped on her rapist's thingamjig while Lucas rotted in prison while protecting their son who shot the rapist.  If anything looked good, I watched on clips.  I hate when people who should know better, should be loyal to the victim not the abuser, praise said abuser.  Take Will, please.  He sings EJ's praises yet seems to forget that Lucas served time in jail to protect his butt when he shot EJ.  So many good characters where ruined to whitewash EJ's history.  So glad he's gone.

Edited by CookieBud
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Geez all Brady is good for is a good time, nothing more and nothing less. Just someone you can turn to for a FWB type thing and that's it. You don't want a relationship with him because he's so damn stupid. Once again goes running over to Kristen's house when he said beforehand that it was goodbye, doesn't want to see her anymore. He must still be doing drugs and drinking. 


JJ just needs to ask AbiFail about the broom closet she used to sex EJ up so he can take Dingy Hippie in there and the two of them can get it on.  IDK why writers won't have JJ talk to Lucas or even Sonny. Trying to make Dingy Hippie be a "father figure" to JJ is just nauseating and depressing. Why is JJ flashing back to Eve the Teen. Don't understand that unless they gonna have JJ sleep with her. Blech.


Gosh Jenn is just looking a H.A.M. (Hot Ass Mess). Who in the living hell is styling her? Do they hate her as much as the majority of us viewers do? She's leaving for a few weeks, I can only pray that she won't grace my tv for a few weeks. Judgy Jenn continues to make assumptions and be so self-centered to make it all about her once again. thinking Dingy is talking to JJ to get back at her. Judgy Jenn remove your head out of your crotch, so you can hear and smell clearly. Please let this be the end of Dannifer. 


Sami was straining to somewhat forgive AbiFail. Yea I would strain too, but Sami could have gotten in one good punch on her and then say, "Oh my hatred is all gone now." Let her go out with a bang with a good punch. Yea AbiFail would be beyond tacky for your raggedy ass to send Sami a note to say sorry about EJ's death. Seriously what Mistress book is AbiFail reading?? She reads the book processes it differently in her head.


Ciara is an annoying snot, Hope has more patience than me, cause I would have knocked that little bitch down a flight of stairs. No child should be talking to any adult that way and it would take every breath in me not to smack her. Also when Aiden gives her flowers she goes all this isn't enough and it speaks to Hope on her parenting that she's not admonishing or punishing Ciara for her nasty attitude and behavior.

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Ciara is an annoying snot, Hope has more patience than me, cause I would have knocked that little bitch down a flight of stairs. No child should be talking to any adult that way and it would take every breath in me not to smack her. Also when Aiden gives her flowers she goes all this isn't enough and it speaks to Hope on her parenting that she's not admonishing or punishing Ciara for her nasty attitude and behavior.

Thank You!

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Ciara is an annoying snot, Hope has more patience than me, cause I would have knocked that little bitch down a flight of stairs. No child should be talking to any adult that way and it would take every breath in me not to smack her. Also when Aiden gives her flowers she goes all this isn't enough and it speaks to Hope on her parenting that she's not admonishing or punishing Ciara for her nasty attitude and behavior.

I think Ciara is very entertaining but she is a horrible kid growing up to be a monster. If everybody thought Sami was a nightmare as a teen, they ain't seen nothing yet. Ciara will be the true master of all that is terrible.

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I wish Dan would have had Jen escorted out of the building by security. I'm sure patients all over the hospital were disturbed by her loud annoying ass.


The Sami/Abifail scenes were extremely unnecessary. Only someone as stupid and ridiculous as Abistank would ever think about sending an apology letter to the wife of the man she screwed. 

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I think Ciara is very entertaining but she is a horrible kid growing up to be a monster. If everybody thought Sami was a nightmare as a teen, they ain't seen nothing yet. Ciara will be the true master of all that is terrible.

I agree, she is fun to watch but the definition of a total brat.  And she always has been even when Bo was around.  Part of me actually likes the "idea" of Ciara being a bad kid considering she is the child of Bo and Hope.  I mean Chelsea could be a handful but you always knew she was acting out and was usually a sweet person.


I think I'm ready for a new teen scene. Ciara, Theo, Joey and Benjy's child all need to be SORASED for summer 2015

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This is the dumbest secret ever. Even if she drove her mother into a tree deliberately, how the hell is Clyde gonna prove that unless Jordan is wanted by the police? And why would airhead Bollie believe him? Ugh. These two need to run away again and leave Clyde behind. 



Clyde can have Tammy Sue arrested for taking off with Ollie, who was a minor.

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Sami and Lucas deserved way more flashbacks than they got.  Just because Days won't play them doesn't mean I can't watch scene after scene of Sami choosing Lucas and Rafe over EJ.


At least the writers finally remembered that Sami and Hope are close.


What Sami should have said to the boring twit is, "I don't hate you.  You aren't worth my time.  However, don't come anywhere near my children ever again.  I know you don't care if they get hurt.  I've heard you say it my self.  A conference room scene with you begging, and getting turned down is all over the internet."


Free Theresa from this god awful SL.


Brady is still to stupid to live so he should kill Kristen, John, Marlena, and then himself.


Just in case I haven't said this in the last 24 hours, Sami NEVER should have forgiven EJ.  Kate/Sami should have burned EJ, Stefano, and Kristen to the ground, and then Sami should have gone to Hollywood.


Free JJ to.  That poor kid is surrounded by shrews, idiots, and vultures who are sucking the life out of him.

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I have a question. Why was AbiFail almost about to shed a tear after her talk with Sami? Is she upset because she doesn't get to terrorize RoboMar's daughters by going after their men? There are no more women for her to target? She doesn't get to have a sparring partner to help carry her in scenes? I guess all that's left is to target who Hope or Theresa is dating or target who Judgy Jenn dates.  I just don't understand why she was almost in tears.


I mean EJ and Sami were front and center and there's nobody else on the canvas that's front and center that she can go after to give her all the attention. She can't target Kate because Kate's son is her uncle. Kate is the only top veteran left unless she plans on screwing Stefano, Victor, or get back at Grimace and start seeing Rafe.

Edited by ShadowSixx
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