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Current Plots Discussion: Actually Today's Episode

Message added by scarynikki12

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Maybe Sami subconsciously realizes that EJ's death is the best thing that could've happened to her at this point. I'd prefer conscious realization but whatever. The EJ grief-a-thon got old for me two seconds after it started, and since it's starting to look like this exit won't end with an EJami reunion, I'm not going to get greedy.


I like Hope nowadays - and she especially earned points with me for never bothering to go lecture Sami about AbiFail when Jen wanted her to - but why did she get more time with Sami than Lucas got? Did KA pull rank or something?


I did laugh at there being a Sami/Ciara flashback. And really, I think Hope should've just sent Ciara off with Sami and hoped it would result in an attitude adjustment. Sneasel is a brat but Sami's three younger kids aren't, so I'm attributing Will to the teen parents factor. Hope has certainly had no luck with Ciara, so maybe try something else. I also laughed at Ciara mentioning how great she was as the stepsister in the Cinderella play. Yes, of course she played the evil stepsister! Snerk.

Edited by Black Knight
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I like Ciara.  Yes, she's a bit of a brat but she's a normal brat, a completely believable, normal brat.  That's something I can appreciate, especially since the kids on General Hospital are written as weird pod-children and are totally unenjoyable. 


It's so sad that this was the best exit story they could come up with for AS.

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What Sami should have said to the boring twit is, "I don't hate you.  You aren't worth my time.  


Free Theresa from this god awful SL.


Brady is still to stupid to live so he should kill Kristen, John, Marlena, and then himself.


Free JJ to.  That poor kid is surrounded by shrews, idiots, and vultures who are sucking the life out of him.



OH MY GAWD! Will someone please make Jennifer go away forever?!  Daniel, as far as I'm concerned, you dodged a major bullet. If you married Jennifer, your life would be nothing but misery and complaints and endless variations of "you don't love me enough!". What a fucking nightmare she is. It's no wonder Abigail is such a spoiled, entitled brat. 



Speaking of people who are falsely thought of as saints, Jennifer is just a miserable human being.  She always has a sour puss on her.  What happened to the girl I used to root for?  Someone mentioned karma, I hope it comes to her in spades for the way she treated Jack the last couple of times he came back.  She is so darn self-righteous.  She eavesdrops on a private conversation between her son and Dr. Dan, only gets a part of it and then barges into his office and runs her mouth.  I'm not a Dan the man fan but loved that he told her Kristen was none of her business and didn't back down and kiss St. Jennifer of the Hypocrisy's feet.  



I like Hope nowadays - and she especially earned points with me for never bothering to go lecture Sami about AbiFail when Jen wanted her to - but why did she get more time with Sami than Lucas got? Did KA pull rank or something?


I also laughed at Ciara mentioning how great she was as the stepsister in the Cinderella play. Yes, of course she played the evil stepsister! Snerk.


Watching Jenn's descent into further insanity was a real hoot today, wasn't it?  Barging in on Dan after eavesdropping - and doing THAT badly, too - and frothing at the mouth about his relationship with JJ was just...wackadoo.  Jenn is the one who pushed those two together - but of course that was when she was cleaning Dan's thong on a daily basis.  Now that she's being denied access to Big Sur, she's not quite as happy about it. 

There is something just a little bit creepy about her "interest" in JJ's sex life IMO.  Momma wants to know way more than any guy other than Norman Bates would want his mother to know.  It's bad enough that Abigail recounts her orgasms to mommy in detail but I swear Jenn wouldn't mind a bit if JJ did the same thing - and Paige also.  Jenn really doesn't understand about boundaries - or good taste.  That whole rant she gave Daniel about how she tried to rebuild the relationship but he always seem to torpedo it - did she really need to buy a clue that he wasn't interested anymore??  Or is it just impossible to her to believe that no man could resist her, or even worse, dislike her?  Other than proper clown attire and makeup, she's pretty clueless.


So Abigail was going to write Sami a letter, was she?  Was she going to address it "Dear Bitch", or "Worthless Loser", or "Your Husband Liked Me BEST", or any of the other endearing things she said to or about Sami after the affair became public?  Jar Jar is heading in the same direction as her mother.  They both should consider taking a class in how to decorate a padded cell because that's where they both belong.   As has been said, all Sami did was tell Abigail that she wasn't worth her time - I didn't hear any forgiveness there at all. 


THERE is the Brady I know and despise!  Right there, when he got so angry he grabbed Kristen and shook her.  She's an evil nutjob, no argument from me, and she's an evil nutjob I can't wait to see the last of.  But Bonehead Brady just loves to threaten women when he gets frustrated by having a brain the size of a pea, and since he feels that way a lot, there are a lot of women he's tossed around and verbally abused.  Notice that Brady doesn't do that to men nearly as much as he does women.  Besides being a bonehead the guy is a coward.  

Just like dear old dad.  I really detest Jawn and see no redeeming qualities in the guy at all, no matter his vet status.  He treats everyone with condescension, sneers out his conversations and seems to disregard his own sins while making sure no-one else is EVER allowed to forget theirs.  Yeah, I know Theresa boinked him with a crowbar but I've yet to hear him mention that he called her a worthless whore and then shoved her so hard she fell down and barely missed hitting her own head on the same poker.  He treated Marlena like crap and blamed her for Brady being an idiot, yet we've yet to hear him say that his plan to sleep with Kristen to "save" Brady was a stupid idea.  So now he's going to make Theresa pay. I'm all for her finishing off the job ASAP.


It's really nice to see Hope back doing something other than using her Cop Voice.  It's been far too long for her having nothing to do.  I swear that KA even LOOKS happier and more relaxed since TIIC are moving her forward, finally.  Of course, she has Ciara......and that kid is going to keep her on her toes.  I admit that I enjoy Ciara's brattiness.  There's a certain karma aspect to Hope having the next Horror of Salem. 

Edited by boes
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Lauren Boles really is a great little actor.  She's why I'd hate to see them SORAS Ciara, because then they'd lose her.


I forgot all about Jennifer's WTFuckery with Dr. Tan today.  Accusing him of sidling up to JJ as a way to rub their breakup in her face?  Narcissist!  Jennifer and Abigail and their attitude that the world revolves around them is so .... exhausting.  How can anyone stand to be around them and never call them on it?  Sami and Theresa (just today, by Anne) get told all the time how selfish and self-centered they are, but never those two.


Kristen is leaving soon, right?  Please someone say yes.

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Kristen is leaving soon, right?  Please someone say yes.


God, I hope so.  The actor can be good.  Sometimes in her role on Y&R she's been great.  Sometimes.  She's back there right now but the whole show sucks so I can't blame her.

But I had enough of Kristen about a third of the way through her last visit.  This one has been a bust from the beginning for me.

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So, AS & KA had no previous acting scenes before today? Where were the flashbacks? When AS first started was KA still there? I forget their timeline. I'm guess this was more a of a goodbye between friends/co-workers than characters, right? AS must have been exhausted from crying for 10 Days straight. Talk about an emotional wreck. Ken Corday really put her through the ringer for her last month. I guess he wanted his money's worth. LOLA!!

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AS must have been exhausted from crying for 10 Days straight. Talk about an emotional wreck. Ken Corday really put her through the ringer for her last month. I guess he wanted his money's worth. LOLA!!


I was rewatching the episodes where Chelsea ran over Zack, and I couldn't imagine how Kristian Alfonso managed to cry hour after hour, day after day, for I don't know how long, without making herself sick.

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Is it wrong that I was hoping Sami would smack Abifail one time before heading to Hollywood?    And while she's at it - can she go smack Jen too?    I want both of them knocked down a few pegs.


Nice scenes with Hope & Sami & while Ciara annoys me at times - it was fun seeing her to try to talk her way into going with them to Hollywood.


I'm no fan of Dr. Tan but seriously Jen - you're an idiot - why Dan would want to be with that shrew is beyond me (still wondering where the real Jen - no way this pod person is the same Jen from the 80's)


Brady is an idiot but I do enjoy his scenes with John & am glad he's finally going to find out the truth

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Oh, I do feel like AS is genuinely done with the show except for brief returns for the anniversary and holidays - I don't think she would have made this move if she weren't certain, and she's sounded very certain in her interviews, and the way she was crying during her goodbye with BD reinforced all that. But the show is probably hoping otherwise, and that continued repetition of "six months" screams of them leaving the door wide open in case AS should change her mind.

 There was an interview done with JS recently where he talked about how hectic and tiring the scheduling is (I'm paraphrasing so I might possibly be incorrectly summing up his words, but that's the impression I got from reading about how the taping schedule works. They seem to log in multiple days of episodes into one day? Maybe that affects the quality of the acting from various actors, who can have some really great days and then somewhat average ones on other days.) I wonder how much of the scheduling affected her decision to leave. I assume the actors are willing to tolerate bad writing, since this is, well, Days of Our Lives, but if the scheduling is taking a toll like that I can see why they'd want to get out when they have enough security and money to give them peace of mind.  She's a really busy person. I generally think of her as being more energetic than the average person and not needing much sleep to get by. But if the taping schedule  is affecting the actors like this, I thought maybe the show should reconsider how they do some of that stuff. Otherwise, the only people they're ever going to ever be able to hire are people like Ben or Eileen Davidson for short stints when she needs the money. I never thought AS would leave the show because I think she's shrewd enough to know how unkind the rest of the  industry can be to actors without some kind of permanent job, but when JS described how the scheduling works, I figured both were dunzo with this show.

Edited by bantering
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Why is this weeks promo about Theresa, raggedy ass Jawn, raggedy ass Dan, psycho rapist Kristen, and dumbass Brady? Did the promo person not know this was Sami's last week? 



Wasn't EJ killed like last week? Sami sure got over him fast, didn't she?


I think it's perfectly acceptable for Sami to only cry over EJ for two episodes. He doesn't deserved to be mourned anyway. Pour his (fake) ashes down the drain and be done with it. 

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I think AS recently said the one she doesn't miss about DOOL is remembering all the dialogue. I'm sure after 21 years she is enjoying just having her kids remember their time tables. It seems that most (well there's only 4 left) of the soaps double & triple up their tapings in a day. I've heard numbers like "they" do 7 or 8 shows a week. It sounds so insane that they do that. I guess the upside now is they get all of the dark weeks. In fact, I think GH is dark for 2 weeks now. I'm sure doing a normal 5 tape shows when you're 16 like AS was when she started is much different than doing this new schedule when your 38, married with kids.

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And having to do a hit prime time show, and being an author..., and doing commercials and print ads. That with the strenuous Days gig, being a wife and mom, and working out like crazy I'm pretty sure she never slept. Or had clones of herself.

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I always wondered if there was someone on this show who was heinous and nasty enough to ever in a million years make me sympathetic towards and root for Dingy Dan. Turns out that person is Jen. Whodathunkit? What a shrew! WOW!!! so nice to see Jen become unhinged right before my very eyes. She sounded like a frigging psycho Fatal Attraction freak talking to him. Dan better run home and make sure there isn't a bunny boiling on his stove. She was unbelievable talking about putting all this work and effort into trying to save a relationship that doesn't exist and Dan isn't even seem interested in rekindling. 


I don't even understand where she is going with the JJ thing. Is she saying that Dan should be playing runtelldat and tell her everything that JJ is confiding in him? JJ is over 18, in college, and has a right to his secrets and also the right to have an older male confidante if he so chooses. All was good in the hood with Dan being a surrogate dad to JJ not only when they were a couple but also when Jen thought there was a shot they were getting back together but now that that seems less and less likely, there's a problem. Oh and no her love for him is dead. LOL!


She is so obsessed with not being perceived as perfect. She is pissed because Dan doesn't see her as the perfect girl, perfect partner and the perfect parent. I noticed in her fantasy a while back when she come to Dan's apartment in some off white lacy getup, she envisioned Dan going on and on about how stunning and perfect she looked. 


Why does Dan owe her an explanation about any person or woman in his life, including crazy ass crazy Kristen. They are broken up, no matter how allegedly hard Jen is working (doing what exactly? parading around in ugly outfits with ugly hairdos) to mend their relationship. They are not married. Not a couple. Not dating. As sleazy and distasteful as I find Dan, he has the absolute right to sleep with whomever he chooses without checking with prisspot. She makes me so sick. 


Abby and Jen stroking each others feathers on how wonderful the other is? Pass the chamberpot!


Ciara? In real life I would want to slap the enamel off her teeth if a child sassed me the way she sasses adults on this show, but I am so thirsty for a non-cutesy perfect child with some personality on this soap that I don't mind her. Although I tire of the same pretty bad girl/seed prototype. Why not someone tomboyish, sarcastic, observant (Daria or Darlene from Roseanne) or someone geeky/nerdy. It is just always the same mold with this show - Sami jr.


Oh Brady. Evolution just passed him right on by didn't it. Can't wait for the fallout from this story to get under way and please soap gods no Theresa pregnancy. Although I fear with them showing us that her and Brady are pretty much making the beast with 2 backs on the regular it is almost a foregone conclusion.


I know it is story dictated but I am so sick of him running over to Kristen as soon as he gets a text. 


In my post from yesterday I wondered how many times we would be subjected to the JJ/Eve hand massage flashback and here it is twice in this episode alone and it only happened yesterday.


Why do I keep forgetting that Allie is the twin sister of Johnny? Why does she seem like she is several years older than him? I know girls mature faster than boys but the writers have me thinking Johnny is a 4 year old and Allie is like 9 or something.


And having to do a hit prime time show, and being an author..., and doing commercials and print ads. That with the strenuous Days gig, being a wife and mom, and working out like crazy I'm pretty sure she never slept. Or had clones of herself.


At one point I seriously thought AS was some type of robot. I just didn't see how she had the energy to do all this. At one point, her Days work did suffer a bit, but it wasn't like she was Judith Light to begin with. However, she did find refind her footing it appears. I'm sure she has a lot of help.  

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So, AS & KA had no previous acting scenes before today? Where were the flashbacks? When AS first started was KA still there? I forget their timeline. I'm guess this was more a of a goodbye between friends/co-workers than characters, right?


Hope was still "dead" when AS first started, and they've never had a lot of scenes together. Of course, so much of the last 20 years of DAYS was written by JER, who in his later years islanded everyone to an extreme degree. They do get on well and have never had any feuding that I recall like Sami has had with other family members. So I was fine with their dynamic yesterday, just puzzled as to why there was so much more screentime devoted to it than to Lumi. When anyone makes a list of Sami's top five relationships they think about when they think about Sami, Hope isn't one. I'm not sure Hope would even make the top ten. Kate, Lucas, Marlena, EJ, Rafe, Eric, Will, Nicole, John, Carrie, Austin, Brandon, Roman...yeah, Hope is not even close to making top ten.


I wonder how much of the scheduling affected her decision to leave. I assume the actors are willing to tolerate bad writing, since this is, well, Days of Our Lives, but if the scheduling is taking a toll like that I can see why they'd want to get out when they have enough security and money to give them peace of mind.


I definitely think DAYS's taping schedule is what prompted AS's departure; without it, I think she'd have stayed. All the soaps cram in more work now than they did in the past, but DAYS takes it to an extreme degree. The DAYS actors work super-long days in order to fit so much taping in. DAYS's argument is that the trade-off for the super-long days is that the actors get to have more weeks/months off in between so that they can do other projects, spend time with their families, etc. And I understand that argument, but I think it works better for young actors, who have the advantage of youthful resilience (I never thought about things like recovery time until I hit my mid-30s!) and are less likely to be married and have children and other serious time-sucking commitments.

Edited by Black Knight
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Please god let it be the last break up.  She flies in giving him orders and talking about his nefarious schemes to undermine her authority (as parent to adult children).  Then she is aghast that he thinks she doesn't trust him.

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Dingy start jumping up and down and doing cartwheels. Hell he should have sprayed some Raid on Judgy Jenn to see if she would croak and die, should be happy he's rid of that roach. Then he's going from a roach to a damn tarantula in Kristen.


Speaking of kill how exactly do you kill a Sneasel? I know a snake you bite its head off but what about a weasel? That way we can combine it so Sonny can kill a Sneasel. While Sneasel is gone, I can keep Sonny warm at night, I'm not his gender type but I'll do my best to do what I can lol. Sonny don't be upset just throw your hands in the air and wave 'em around like you just don't care and throw a parade or a free drinks night at the club to celebrate Sneasel leaving.


Excellent question Eyelash Rafe why is Sneasel going there for family or his career? I'm going with the latter because he wouldn't go if he wasn't offered a job, so don't care what answer he wants to give or pretty it up it will always be for his career. Lying Sack. 


Now Kayla wants to show up, didn't she tell Sami not to call her aunt anymore since she went after AbiFail?


Yawn is just grating, he thinks he's just above and beyond. Wrong!!!

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I always wondered if there was someone on this show who was heinous and nasty enough to ever in a million years make me sympathetic towards and root for Dingy Dan. Turns out that person is Jen. Whodathunkit? What a shrew! WOW!!! so nice to see Jen become unhinged right before my very eyes. She sounded like a frigging psycho Fatal Attraction freak talking to him. Dan better run home and make sure there isn't a bunny boiling on his stove. She was unbelievable talking about putting all this work and effort into trying to save a relationship that doesn't exist and Dan isn't even seem interested in rekindling. 


I don't even understand where she is going with the JJ thing. Is she saying that Dan should be playing runtelldat and tell her everything that JJ is confiding in him? JJ is over 18, in college, and has a right to his secrets and also the right to have an older male confidante if he so chooses. All was good in the hood with Dan being a surrogate dad to JJ not only when they were a couple but also when Jen thought there was a shot they were getting back together but now that that seems less and less likely, there's a problem. Oh and no her love for him is dead. LOL!


She is so obsessed with not being perceived as perfect. She is pissed because Dan doesn't see her as the perfect girl, perfect partner and the perfect parent. I noticed in her fantasy a while back when she come to Dan's apartment in some off white lacy getup, she envisioned Dan going on and on about how stunning and perfect she looked. 


Why does Dan owe her an explanation about any person or woman in his life, including crazy ass crazy Kristen. They are broken up, no matter how allegedly hard Jen is working (doing what exactly? parading around in ugly outfits with ugly hairdos) to mend their relationship. They are not married. Not a couple. Not dating. As sleazy and distasteful as I find Dan, he has the absolute right to sleep with whomever he chooses without checking with prisspot. She makes me so sick. 


Abby and Jen stroking each others feathers on how wonderful the other is? Pass the chamberpot!



THIS!  Standing ovation and a few whoo hooos to boot!  Daniel doesn't owe her any explanations for all the reasons mentions.   Maybe JJ doesn't talk to her because he doesn't want to, maybe he wants a man's point of view or  doesn't feel his mother can be objective.  If JJ were doing drugs, robbing banks or whatever, then yes, Dan should tell her. But just because she says so?  Nyeah, don't think so.  Jennifer is the most sanctimonious character on the show.  Her face is frozen in a look of contempt.  They should have kept Jack alive and killed off Saint Jennifer.  Daniel dodged a bullet today.

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I see I made the right decision in FFing the Jen and Dan scenes.


Now Kayla wants to show up, didn't she tell Sami not to call her aunt anymore since she went after AbiFail?


Yes, but Sami referred to her as Aunt Kayla in a scene a little while ago, so she obviously didn't take it seriously and I think we're supposed to take it as seriously as Sami did - just something said in the heat of the moment. I still laugh when I think about how Kayla was sitting at that table with her arms crossed like a petulant teenager while Sami talked, so I can see why Sami didn't take Kayla's words before she flounced off seriously.

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I actually hope Sami gets a quick goodbye scene with Jawn. I don't have any use for him but I was pleased when they FINALLY got around to being on good terms...only for the writers to ruin it again for no reason. 


I wish we could have gotten a whole episode of just Sami and Caroline. 


LOL at Dan crying over raggedy ass Jen. He should be happy that he doesn't have to deal with her rabies infected raccoon ass anymore.  

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You go, Jen!  Tear up that picture of Daniel!  That'll show him what he's missing out on.  She sucks.  I don't even like Dan, but I hope he finds someone fun to date.  Enough with the sourpuss.


I got a little something in my eye during the Caroline/Sami scenes. 


I assume Sami will say goodbye to Marlena tomorrow?  Will all the flashbacks be of Mar being hateful toward her?  And I wish Sami had punched Abby in the face yesterday in the HTS. 

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Will will be back in a month.


Today is a glorious day in Salem.  Let us all raise a glass with Anne in saluting the end of Dannifer.  And Jennie is leaving the hospital, too?  Anne will be delirious.  Now, whom will she set her Judgy sights on next?  Rafe?  Eric?  Aiden? (i can see her not giving a damn about her "cuz")  Brady?  And who's next for Daniel?  Kayla?  She needs a storyline.  Hope?  They could bring Chloe back.  I doubt if Marie Wilson is going to be here permanently.


And is Bristen really a thing of the past?  Will Brady finally buy a vowel and realize that she really is as nasty as he was saying she is?  Or will he run back to her now that he knows the truth about Theresa?


Will Sami say goodbye to Roman tomorrow?


Sonny needs a hug.

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OH MY GAWD! Will someone please make Jennifer go away forever?! Daniel, as far as I'm concerned, you dodged a major bullet. If you married Jennifer, your life would be nothing but misery and complaints and endless variations of "you don't love me enough!"t.

So basically Jack's life.

Then you die saving your kid and all they can do is endlessly trash you as the worst thing ever ever ever because the sum of your existence is something you did 30years ago and NOTHING ELSE!

Edited by shipperx
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I assume Sami will say goodbye to Marlena tomorrow?  Will all the flashbacks be of Mar being hateful toward her?  And I wish Sami had punched Abby in the face yesterday in the HTS. 

I'm sure it will be lots of Sami begging for her mom's attention while Marlena looks vaguely irritated that Sami is interrupting her quality time with John.  WORST MOTHER EVER!!


Agree with you all that Jennifer was out-of-her-mind crazy talking about Daniel's "betrayal" when they haven't been together for months.  I loved Dan's pained WTF expression while she was screaming at him. I don't know how he has time for doctor stuff when his office is a revolving door of emotional problems. Guy needs a lock.

So basically Jack's life.

Then you die saving your kid and all they can do is endlessly trash you as the worst thing ever ever ever because the sum of your existence is something you did 30years ago and NOTHING ELSE!

That's really the truth. Nobody can remember EJ's crimes but they can sure recall everything awful that Jack did. 

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I don't understand why Jennifer and Daniel are breaking up when they aren't even together. Jesus, this couple from hell.


Oh wait, it's so he can have sex with Kristen. And then reunite with Jennifer.  And then the secret about Kristen sex comes out. And then they break up YET AGAIN.


Ugh, ugh, ugh.

Edited by DanaMB
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Even in FF, this Jennifer/Daniel/Kristen/Brady/Theresa thing is really the most ridiculous ping pong. As DanaMB said, Daniel will now have sex with Kristen. And probably Brady will run straight from the hospital/Theresa back to Kristen, only to see her with Daniel, and this'll go on and on.


The only positive is that it seems like Theresa might possibly be free of Brady very soon. Unless they're going to do the same thing with her as they did with Nicole for months, make her cry and follow Brady around begging him to take her back. Please, no. Just accept the break-up, Theresa, and thank your lucky stars that you don't have to deal with the idiot anymore.


No Safe flashbacks? (I wasn't really a fan, but they did have their moments. Grace's death, Sami holding the gun on the two Rafes...and their Thanksgiving wedding was the most beautiful of all Sami's weddings IMO.) No Sami/Caroline flashbacks? Come on, show. They better be building up to the mother of all montages tomorrow. And I want my Kami!

Edited by Black Knight
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It finally occurs to me why I'm hating the Sneasel exit: Will and Sonny are acting more like two roommates rather than a couple who have yet to celebrate their first marriage anniversary. I think I speak for just about everybody here when i say that if I was lucky enough to have Sonny as my husband I would certainly make one of my top priorities making him happy and part of an equal relationship. Will obviously has no idea about what marriage is (and considering his upbringing that's not a huge surprise).


What upsets me is that they could do everybody a favor and do a recast of Will and either bring back Chandler or find somebody else to play Will (I still think Van Hansis would make a great Will Horton). I've given Guy every chance but it's obvious that it's not working because even Freddie today looked like he wanted to be anywhere else but acting in today's show

Edited by madhacker
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Sami and Caroline's scenes were everything, just everything.   Relationships like this echo what, for me, has always been the best thing about soaps, and too seldom seen anymore.  Nowadays we end up with crashes and spies and drugs and murder and gore galore, all at the expense of writing and storylines and characters that remind us through this medium of what is really true about people.  I've said it before and I'll say it again - Peggy McKay is a treasure.  She brings an authenticity to her portrayal of Caroline that catches at the heartstrings without being sappy in the least.  Yeah, I would have liked more, but regardless, I applaud the writers for at least not messing this up.  It may be me, but everybody seems to be just that much better when they share scenes with her.  Good job, Days!

And then we come to Jenn.....Wow.


I always wondered if there was someone on this show who was heinous and nasty enough to ever in a million years make me sympathetic towards and root for Dingy Dan. Turns out that person is Jen. Whodathunkit? What a shrew! WOW!!! so nice to see Jen become unhinged right before my very eyes. She sounded like a frigging psycho Fatal Attraction freak talking to him. Dan better run home and make sure there isn't a bunny boiling on his stove. She was unbelievable talking about putting all this work and effort into trying to save a relationship that doesn't exist and Dan isn't even seem interested in rekindling. 


I don't even understand where she is going with the JJ thing. Is she saying that Dan should be playing runtelldat and tell her everything that JJ is confiding in him? JJ is over 18, in college, and has a right to his secrets and also the right to have an older male confidante if he so chooses. All was good in the hood with Dan being a surrogate dad to JJ not only when they were a couple but also when Jen thought there was a shot they were getting back together but now that that seems less and less likely, there's a problem. Oh and no her love for him is dead. LOL!


She is so obsessed with not being perceived as perfect. She is pissed because Dan doesn't see her as the perfect girl, perfect partner and the perfect parent. I noticed in her fantasy a while back when she come to Dan's apartment in some off white lacy getup, she envisioned Dan going on and on about how stunning and perfect she looked. 


Why does Dan owe her an explanation about any person or woman in his life, including crazy ass crazy Kristen. They are broken up, no matter how allegedly hard Jen is working (doing what exactly? parading around in ugly outfits with ugly hairdos) to mend their relationship. They are not married. Not a couple. Not dating. As sleazy and distasteful as I find Dan, he has the absolute right to sleep with whomever he chooses without checking with prisspot. She makes me so sick. 


Abby and Jen stroking each others feathers on how wonderful the other is? Pass the chamberpot!


You said it perfectly.  Jenn really defies understanding.  I think Days has done something I've never seen on a soap - or any other show before, for that matter.  They written a character - two, actually, since Abigail is just like her - who is a total narcissistic  psychopath with a total inability to see anyone or anything beyond her own needs and desires.  The woman is totally NUTS.


When you sift through all the blather, it's clear that the whole reason she's "breaking up" with him is because he doesn't agree with her completely 100% of the time, and he doesn't praise her constantly, AND he doesn't allow her to make all the decisions.  Also, he dares to have relationships outside of her control and he has the gall to respect those relationships as something separate from her.  The NERVE of the guy, right??

Don't get the idea that I am in any way defending Dr. Pig Pen, because he's a nutjob too, just not as totally toxic, and certainly not as dangerous.  Jenn really is scary, and she proves it with what comes out of her mouth.  This woman wants the guy to abandon her son, even while acknowledging that JJ needs help, simply because Dan is the one he's turned to AND NOT HER.   To hell with what JJ needs, to hell with any sense of her son's privacy, she demands Dan kick him to the curb because of how it makes HER feel.  She's such a fruitcake.  And bullshit on her being a good mother.  Let her acknowledge feeling jealous that her kid is taking his secrets to someone else - everybody feels that way sometimes.  But only total nutjobs would prefer to see their loved ones floundering because the person they've went to for help no longer wants to delve into mommie's netherworld.  She's one mean woman, our  beloved Jenn.  

Oh - if she's so anxious to help JJ, then why couldn't she take a later flight and talk to him first?  Because she really doesn't give a rats ass about the kid, unless he can be used as an adornment, or as someone else in the chorus praising her. 

And Abigail is just as nuts.

In real life, most guys would run the other way once they got a whiff of how completely self-absorbed this mother and daughter can be, and they'd leave the country once they figured out they were even meaner when they didn't get their way.  Having men want to be with these women is about the most unrealistic thing about the show right now.  Jenn and Abigail are romantic leads the same way Sneasel is a writer and Sonny is happy.  NOT!


And speaking of Sneasel and Sonny.....poor Sonny.  It's bad enough that Sneasel is leaving him high and dry, but even worse that he's coming back.  


Jawn.....he's obviously better, since his "smell the fart" face is back in full force.  I hate to break it to him, but his time for muscle tee shirts is way past.  I would never doubt Brady's paternity, though.  Both he and Jawn are equally endowed with an inordinate amount of self-satisfaction.  Unfortunately, it's not based in reality.  


Dirty Dan and Kristen.......that mating going to be an update of a Mothra vs. Godzilla match, though of course without any of the charm and natural beauty.


And might it be possible for Show to come up with some OTHER word for men to throw at women that isn't Bitch or Whore??  I'm really tired of hearing Brady and Jawn open their yaps and spit those out.  

Edited by boes
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When you sift through all the blather, it's clear that the whole reason she's "breaking up" with him is because he doesn't agree with her completely 100% of the time, and he doesn't praise her constantly, AND he doesn't allow her to make all the decisions.  Also, he dares to have relationships outside of her control and he has the gall to respect those relationships as something separate from her.


Yes, this.  Besides Jenn's complete disregard for her son's wishes and feelings today, I was blown away by her pathetic attempts at manipulation.  Telling Dr. Tan she didn't love him anymore and that this time it was really over ... then in the next breath telling him that if he told her JJ's secret and Kristen's secret, then maybe she'd reconsider.  Ugh.


I can't believe this character is held up as a paragon of virtue and goodness.  She's just awful.  I wish Dan would've told her that JJ is an adult, and he wasn't going to abandon him because she was jealous of his and JJ's friendship.


Anyway, I don't know why they didn't show any flashbacks of Sami and Rafe and Sami and Caroline today.  Surely there was plenty to choose from.

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I used to think Bold and the Beautiful treated its female characters badly, but what makes Days worse is that it could treat the gals well and not be wildly out-of-synch with the tone.  The Hope / Ciara relationship, for example, could really be beautiful, or multifaceted, if the writers tried.  But making every woman on the show into a narcissist or a bed-hopping wacko leaves me little hope Ciara will become more interesting with time.


I am at the limit with Kristin and Brady.  Her sleeping with Dan is just BEYOND the limit.  First she attempts to kill him, now this?  He might be even dumber than Brady and John, given what he knows going into  her bed

Edited by DisneyBoy
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Eileen is leaving soon, right? Like, soon, please. Do they drink something in the water at Y&R that makes adult women behave like schoolgirls? Because watching Eileen the past week or so and Michelle Stafford over on GH I am just embarrassed for them both.

Edited by annabel
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I'm beginning to get very angry with the writers for what they've done to Jennifer's character. When I think about the adorable, feisty heroine she was in the 80s I can't believe it's the same person. I'm just glad she's "going away" for two Days weeks - -with any luck, that'll be a about a month of viewing time. 


Although Brady was listening just outside the door, I've been watching soaps long enough to suspect that he still may not have heard everything. He'll probably focus on John's dishonesty in not telling the truth about that night rather than blame Theresa. Blech, blech, blech. 


And c'mon, JJ and Paige -- I'm counting on you two to defy the odds here and get past everything. Until the next wrinkle, of course. 

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You said it perfectly.  Jenn really defies understanding.  I think Days has done something I've never seen on a soap - or any other show before, for that matter.  They written a character - two, actually, since Abigail is just like her - who is a total narcissistic  psychopath with a total inability to see anyone or anything beyond her own needs and desires.  The woman is totally NUTS.

It's really approaching Fatal Attraction levels of crazy with Jennifer. And Abigail is just as bad. I can't believe that these two are supposed to be the heroines of the show. They are scary as hell.

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Yes, this.  Besides Jenn's complete disregard for her son's wishes and feelings today, I was blown away by her pathetic attempts at manipulation.  Telling Dr. Tan she didn't love him anymore and that this time it was really over ... then in the next breath telling him that if he told her JJ's secret and Kristen's secret, then maybe she'd reconsider.  Ugh.


I can't believe this character is held up as a paragon of virtue and goodness.  She's just awful.  I wish Dan would've told her that JJ is an adult, and he wasn't going to abandon him because she was jealous of his and JJ's friendship.


Anyway, I don't know why they didn't show any flashbacks of Sami and Rafe 

Jen is not exactly familiar with the art of the deal is she? I hope she isn't in charge of negotiating hospital contracts. When I heard Jen's version of let's make a deal I LOLed! "even though we are already broken up and have been for months and months and I can't even get you to agree to sit down with me for a cup of coffee after putting on my prettiest Ma Ingalls dress, I won't break up with you if you tell me all my son's secrets."


Can't wait until her ass boards that plane and I am free of her sourpuss for 2 weeks. Bye Felicia!


Speaking of Bye Felicia! seemed like that is what Sneasel was saying to Sonny. I admit to sometimes zoning out during Will scenes but I never really recall them really talking it over. It appeared like Will just presented the idea to Sonny like it was something Will solely had to decide on. I don't remember them really talking about it like a married couple on whether Will should or shouldn't go. Will is so immature and insensitive. It did seem like he was just telling his roommate that he would be gone for six months and not to sublet his room while he was gone. 


I actually wound up fast forwarding parts of Sami and Rafe not because I dislike Safe or Rafe but because it wound up being a stroll down nightmare lane of shit that happened weeks ago right before EJ died. I really didn't need to hear about his friggin' ring and their re-marriage again. Another wasted opportunity.



This woman wants the guy to abandon her son, even while acknowledging that JJ needs help, simply because Dan is the one he's turned to AND NOT HER.   To hell with what JJ needs, to hell with any sense of her son's privacy, she demands Dan kick him to the curb because of how it makes HER feel.  She's such a fruitcake.  And bullshit on her being a good mother.  Let her acknowledge feeling jealous that her kid is taking his secrets to someone else - everybody feels that way sometimes.

Boes, you stated it succinctly. It enraged me even further that she admitted that this came off as selfish. She knows she is a selfish shrew and she just doesn't give a damn. This is all about her and how she feels.  The thing is what mother expects their 18 year old son to share all their secrets with them though? Only one comes to mind at the moment - Norma Bates. For those of you that don't watch Bates Motel that would be Norman Bates' mom from the pop culture iconic film Pyscho. Sounds about right.


I preferred the Dan from Tuesday better. His reaction was a bit more WTF is your major malfunction B! Yesterday he was a hand wringing, crying lil' bitch who was blowing smoke up Jen's ass. Telling her that he loved her, didn't want to break up when they aren't and haven't been together in eons and waxing poetic, but at least he still stood his ground when it came to keeping JJ's confidences.


LOL! at Dan conveniently leaving the door to his apartment ajar after Kristen came in. Makes it easier for Brady to barge in although it does appear that everyone in Salem seems to have a key to Dan's place. 


So Dan and Kristen bump uglies tomorrow? Medical facilities need to prepare for increased cases of hysterical blindness. 



The only positive is that it seems like Theresa might possibly be free of Brady very soon. Unless they're going to do the same thing with her as they did with Nicole for months, make her cry and follow Brady around begging him to take her back. Please, no. Just accept the break-up, Theresa, and thank your lucky stars that you don't have to deal with the idiot anymore.

The Theresa sequence of her coming out of her bedroom or bathroom looking a bit smug and satisfied and then showing back up in John's hospital room so defiantly confidant after previously slinking away and now refusing to give up Brady even though she knows that John knows she hit him with the poker tells me that she is holding a trump card. I have no spoilers to this effect but my guess is she is likely pregnant. I WILL HATE THIS DEVELOPMENT IF TRUE. Makes no sense why Theresa is being characterized as a poor unfortunate who needs to desperately golddig on Brady when her parents are stinky rich.  


This show is giving me less and less reasons to watch it.  The so-called heroines of the show Jen and Abigail are selfish righteous hypocrites who I find completely unrootable. The promising character of Chad sniffing around Abby. The return of Melanie. Eve stuck at the kiddie table with JJ and Paige. Nicole, played by the strongest actress on the show, stuck in limbo with a go nowhere 'love story' with Eric looking pathetic. Theresa probably stuck in an ugly pregnancy/custody storyline with Brady and John. I can't deal.

Edited by islandgal140
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The Theresa sequence of her coming out of her bedroom or bathroom looking a bit smug and satisfied and then showing back up in John's hospital room so defiantly confidant after previously slinking away and now refusing to give up Brady even though she knows that John knows she hit him with the poker tells me that she is holding a trump card. I have no spoilers to this effect but my guess is she is likely pregnant. I WILL HATE THIS DEVELOPMENT IF TRUE.




Hang on there a sec! I also noticed the self-satisfied grin of Theresa's and wondered until this moment what could have been behind it. Cannot believe I didn't think of the Pregnancy Angle (especially after I referred to my sage soap watching ways above, lol). And ack! I will also hate this development if you're right. 

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Jenn really defies understanding. I think Days has done something I've never seen on a soap - or any other show before, for that matter. They written a character - two, actually, since Abigail is just like her - who is a total narcissistic psychopath with a total inability to see anyone or anything beyond her own needs and desires. The woman is totally NUTS.

When you sift through all the blather, it's clear that the whole reason she's "breaking up" with him is because he doesn't agree with her completely 100% of the time, and he doesn't praise her constantly, AND he doesn't allow her to make all the decisions. Also, he dares to have relationships outside of her control and he has the gall to respect those relationships as something separate from her. The NERVE of the guy, right??.

All of which is to say that nothing has changed.

This is the same cow who told her husband with post traumatic stress disorder because he had seen a friend tortured to death right in front of him that she couldn't be there for him because he wasn't happy and she couldn't be with someone who wasn't happy, so he was on his own.

That was the day Jenn was officially dead to me.

And this was after years earlier when she flounced out of Africa because Jack dared to *gasp* work! So she was taking Abby and disappearing to Ireland, telling no one --not Alice or Jack-- where she went just to follow a sleezy Austrailian she barely knew... While having the nerve to paint that as Jack 'leaving' HER! (OMG he wasn't genuflecting to her diamond and gold plated glittering hoohah 24/7. He was 'neglecting' her. So it was HIS fault she ran off to Ireland chasing (yet another) grifter!)

The only thing different then than now was that Jack was so full of self loathing that whenever she'd scream about how he was failing her he'd either slink away in defeat thinking 'she's better off without me. She certainly says so often enough'. Or he'd jump through her endless array of impossible hoops saying 'yes dear, I know I'm not good enough to worship at your altar. I'll just stand by adoringly as you flaunt himbo du jour in my face thus giving you the constant supply of uncritical adoration that you crave."

Still the 'you're traumatized from being imprisoned, tortured, and divorced while captured by the Taliban. You aren't happy! I can't be with someone who isn't happy. You're on your own with your trauma. I'm going to moon over my dirty boyfriend that I took up with while you were in hell. See ya!' Was the last straw.

Edited by shipperx
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Good grief. If it wasn't for my wanting to see how they send Alison Sweeney off, I'd be happily ignorant of how TIIC are destroying beloved characters.


Boes, you stated it succinctly. It enraged me even further that she admitted that this came off as selfish. She knows she is a selfish shrew and she just doesn't give a damn. This is all about her and how she feels.  The thing is what mother expects their 18 year old son to share all their secrets with them though? Only one comes to mind at the moment - Norma Bates. For those of you that don't watch Bates Motel that would be Norman Bates' mom from the pop culture iconic film Pyscho. Sounds about right.

Jen, Jen, Jen, Jen... I know damn well that you had your share of secrets you were keeping from your parents. STOP expecting your adult son to run to you with everything. And while I'm at it, you work in a hospital. You practically grew up in that hospital. Your late husband was a journalist. After all this time, you should have some concept of a) doctor/patient confidentiality and b) protecting sources. STOP insisting Dan violate that basic right.


Oh, and Dan? Man up and remind her that you can't tell her what's going on with JJ, since you're seeing him as a doctor.

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You can tell the writers are scrapping the bottom of the barrel for shock value when Dirty Dan grabs Psycho Rapist Kristin and it turns to wild passion. And what the heck was that? EJ isn't gone 3 weeks and you can already tell they are trying to replicate his and Sami's angry sex. Sorry Days, it only works when the couple have chemistry together. 

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wow who knew that Adrienne was going to be the voice of reason today.....Now that the Sneasel is gone is it too much to hope that higher ups will use the opportunity to give Sonny a real storyline and give Freddie a moment to shine cause after all this bullshit the poor guy has earned it.


Also I never noticed how much Brady just towers over Theresa. Either she's really petite or he's just that huge (body wise).

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Wow, Brady. You wonder why people lie to protect your dumb ass. So, Kristen was telling the truth for once( For her own gain only)? You just forget her other lies and crimes? Friggin dumbass.

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Yawn tried to make Theresa look bad but he ended up looking just as bad in the process. What's with the sucking lemons face that he's constantly making? It's so irritating. He was so sure he was going to come out smelling like roses cause he can say to Brady that he did it to protect him and all that when he's doing nothing but lie just to get rid of Kristen and then Theresa. How it blew up in his face big time. If there was anytime for Brady to go all Hulk Smash it would have been now. He could have knocked Yawn right back into his coma.


Ewww RoboMar and Dentures R Us, that's a visit that I would be dreading if I was Sami. Wasn't feeling RoboMar's goodbye to Sami because she's been nothing but a horrible mother. No Sami tell RoboMar to stay in Salem and don't come to LA. Her send off could have been done a lot better than how the writer's wrote it, they knew well in advance that AS was leaving so had ample time to write her exit much better than what they did. I guess they're holding out hope that AS will return full time. They could have at least had Theresa visit Sami too, they're related. 


Adrienne is always a buzzkill.


Miss Rapey just when my opinion couldn't get any lower of her, I've just downgraded my opinion with the whole "Magnificent Jenn", geez what is she smoking? Miss Rapey and Dingy Hippie are disgusting. They're both losers. What's the best way to get over someone you've been crying about is to have sex with a rapist, according to Dingy Hippie's logic. Talking about how much he hates Kristen and can't stand being near her and blah blah blah but her HooHa is a different story. SMDH.

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