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Current Plots Discussion: Actually Today's Episode

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I think the idiot writers are trying to have it both ways with Sami/EJ.  They wanted them to be a couple, and still at war with each other which is dumb.  Once they had EJ lie to Sami about Kristen/Eric, trying to make her believe the sex was consensual when he knew Kristen had drugged and raped Eric, laughing and joking about Kristen raping Eric, and cheating on Sami, it should have been war.  Besides Sami looked more gleeful and happy when she went to see EJ at the jail, and told him what she did, than in the entire time she has been with EJ.  Since the writers went down this path, they should have seen it through to the end.  Kate and Sami toasting to the demise of EJ and Stefano before Sami moved to Chicago to head up CW would have been perfect.


They need to get all of the other characters off the same repetitive loop to.  Theresa, Brady, Eric, Nicole, Sonny, etc.  They have the same conversation with the same person over and over again, nothing changes, and then the next day it starts all over again.

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Question: with Sami and her kids leaving, who is still around and in Marlena's family?  Carrie is off the show....is it just Brady and Eric and Will??? And Jawn?


I forsee dark narrative times ahead for Doc.  Lord help us if they have her befriend Abby!!!

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They need to get all of the other characters off the same repetitive loop to.  Theresa, Brady, Eric, Nicole, Sonny, etc.  They have the same conversation with the same person over and over again, nothing changes, and then the next day it starts all over again.


This baffles me. Good dialogue costs the same as bad dialogue. This show leaves good drama in the dustbin in favor of lather, rinse, repeat, repeat, repeat. Why not have Eve and Theresa compare life with Daddy Shane, for instance? The fallout from Slappy Takes A Shower could have involved the entire cast in something other than "Three Cheers for Awesome Abby!" If there's one thing Salem knows about it's adultery/cheating. Maggie, Hope, Lucas, Kayla, etc could have supported Abby but at least grappled with their own memories of having a cheating spouse. 

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This baffles me. Good dialogue costs the same as bad dialogue. This show leaves good drama in the dustbin in favor of lather, rinse, repeat, repeat, repeat. Why not have Eve and Theresa compare life with Daddy Shane, for instance? The fallout from Slappy Takes A Shower could have involved the entire cast in something other than "Three Cheers for Awesome Abby!" If there's one thing Salem knows about it's adultery/cheating. Maggie, Hope, Lucas, Kayla, etc could have supported Abby but at least grappled with their own memories of having a cheating spouse. 

This is the most infuriating thing with this show. With very few exceptions (Sami comes to mind),  a character's history is very rarely consistently (ok, ever) mined for material, unless their past is directly relevant to the current storyline,  What you say above would have added some depth to a pretty awful story. Even though I disagreed with the comparisons made in the scenes, that little bit with Roman and Sami discussing Marlena's infidelity and its impact was a nice touch. Why not do that all around?

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This is the most infuriating thing with this show. With very few exceptions (Sami comes to mind),  a character's history is very rarely consistently (ok, ever) mined for material, unless their past is directly relevant to the current storyline,  What you say above would have added some depth to a pretty awful story. Even though I disagreed with the comparisons made in the scenes, that little bit with Roman and Sami discussing Marlena's infidelity and its impact was a nice touch. Why not do that all around?


This would have been awesome to see. And this, this is exactly what is wrong with soaps now.  One thing that differentiated soaps from sitcoms and cartoons was the continuity of storyline.  When something happens on a soap, it usually has lasting effect -- and history is used and referenced to facilitate new storylines.  This is what helps give the characters depth and creates a realistic 'world' within soaps.  When they stopped doing this, I dunno. 


So, I was also happy to see history being utilized with Sami and Roman's conversation.  It didn't even matter if I agreed or not with the comparison, because I was just so glad to see some real conversations happening.  Roman and Kate had a similar talk, either in the same episode or the one before, about their past.  This what I was hoping AS/Sami's last few months would be like; various characters reminiscing and confronting the past to offer the viewers some kind of closure. There's still time, so maybe it will still happen a bit before Sami's last day.  Even though John is far from my favorite character, I would love to have scenes with him and Sami, making peace or something.  They did get along once, when he was that robot.  lol  I miss Robot John.



eta:  I think John, more than anyone, would be the most significant relationship Sami could mend before she leaves.  More than Marlena.  She loved John so much as a child and felt very hurt and betrayed by him, which has basically driven her entire character. 

Edited by SwordQueen
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The repetitive dialogue is annoying, but IMO, it's got nothing on the late, unlamented Passions, which repeated its own dialogue every.  Single.  Episode.


I could never watch that show, so I don't know firsthand, but I've heard this before.  lol   So, I feel all *whew*, glad I dodged that bullet.


GG came from Passions, right?  Was he so ...blank...then, too?    Anyone else? 

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In order for Sami to have anymore meaningful scenes with her family the writers would have to acknowledge that EJ is not the most important person in her life and that she has a history that well predates him.


What is this history you speak of? People in Salem have histories? They have relationships? Next you'll be telling me that Daniel isn't a hero and Abby isn't awesome.


I hope we get a little Sami history in the week before she leaves. If the show can't pony up for a few meaningful flashbacks for Ali Sweeney's departure then I'm going to start believing they burned everything prior to 2013. I know I can't get any proper Sami/Roman flashbacks because of Rotox but Marlena, Lucas, Kate, Stefano, Caroline, Hope, etc are all still around. 

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I could never watch that show, so I don't know firsthand, but I've heard this before.  lol   So, I feel all *whew*, glad I dodged that bullet.


GG came from Passions, right?  Was he so ...blank...then, too?    Anyone else? 

He was pretty wooden until they actually paired him up with a different love interest for the last couple years of the show.  Rafe is like playing Hamlet to what GG, had playing Luis on Passions.  Him being on Days has actually made me like him as an actor, at least more than I did on Passions.  Rage is actually allowed to have somewhat of a personality even if its a limited one.

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What is this history you speak of? People in Salem have histories? They have relationships? Next you'll be telling me that Daniel isn't a hero and Abby isn't awesome.


I hope we get a little Sami history in the week before she leaves. If the show can't pony up for a few meaningful flashbacks for Ali Sweeney's departure then I'm going to start believing they burned everything prior to 2013. I know I can't get any proper Sami/Roman flashbacks because of Rotox but Marlena, Lucas, Kate, Stefano, Caroline, Hope, etc are all still around. 


Well, one of the Kates, anyway.

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Well, one of the Kates, anyway.

Well Deborah Adair who originated the role of Kate only played her for the first couple of years.  LK has played Kate since then.  Deborah's Kate had very little to do with Sami so 90% of their history and flashbacks are with LK's Kate.

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The only thing I liked about Abigail on Friday was her pretty purple shirt - other than that she needs to shut up - she's not the wronged party here - she went into that affair with EJ with her eyes wide open.


I did enjoy the Chad/Kate, Chad/Jordan scenes - I'm interested to see where the Jordan/Chad thing goes


I also enjoyed the Lucas/Sami scenes - I hope we get more of those before she leaves.

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He was pretty wooden until they actually paired him up with a different love interest for the last couple years of the show.  Rafe is like playing Hamlet to what GG, had playing Luis on Passions.  Him being on Days has actually made me like him as an actor, at least more than I did on Passions.  Rage is actually allowed to have somewhat of a personality even if its a limited one.


Oh my.  lol    Frightening if Rafe is the liveliest character he's portrayed.  Sometimes the only way I know he's even alive in his scenes is the fluttering of his eyelashes. 


Wish they had made Rafe gray, instead of white knight smug.  I think he could play that better. 

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Oh my.  lol    Frightening if Rafe is the liveliest character he's portrayed.  Sometimes the only way I know he's even alive in his scenes is the fluttering of his eyelashes. 


Wish they had made Rafe gray, instead of white knight smug.  I think he could play that better. 


The only thing tolerable about the FakeRafe story was GG's performance as a lout. I still have a clip of him telling Allie to get him a beer. Good times. 

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I can't believe this show propping one rapist while denouncing another character as a rapist.  Oh, I'm sorry...TWO characters.


Otherwise, I have been giggling like a child on Xmas morning.  STAY Susan.  Stay forever.  Never leave.


In one episode we get two references to Celeste, one to Sami on death row and Marlena being more likable than she has been in YEARS.



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I love, love, love Susan.  She might be giving him a plausible explanation for leaving Salem/Show.


I like Hope with anyone but Bo.  She and Aiden are cute but their entire storyline has pretty much taken place outside of anything else going on, it's like they have their own separate world and it's weird. 

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Don't think this question belongs in this post but I don't know where else to post it so here goes: does anyone know where James Scott is going after leaving Days? I haven't heard anything about his future plans which seemed odd to me.


He says he's taking "time off" to travel. 

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I love, love, love Susan.  She might be giving him a plausible explanation for leaving Salem/Show.


I like Hope with anyone but Bo.  She and Aiden are cute but their entire storyline has pretty much taken place outside of anything else going on, it's like they have their own separate world and it's weird. 


Based on the spaghetti and green mints it looks like their storyline is taking place in Olive Garden.

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He says he's taking "time off" to travel.


I think he is/was doing a movie too.


Surprise surprise Marlena wasn't terrible. 


Wait. WAIT. Sami has caused EJ so much grief? So Susan is just going to pretend like her son isn't a piece of trash deviant? 

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Susan has always loved EJ blindly, right?  It's just the way she is.  She can't see him for the "vampire" he is.


Still, it's ridiculous that in all these intervening years, we never got to hear EJ talk about how he was brought up, or why he wouldn't have deeply loved his mother for trying so long to protect him during the days when she was recruited by Stefano and tormented by Kristin.


Even though I've barely watched DOOL and don't know the half of what EJ's done, just seeing the attitude he was throwing Susan's way today makes me hate him.  What could she EVER have possibly done to make him so dismissive?  No hug?  No slight joy at seeing his mother?


I know she's a nut and annoying to live with, probably, but come on...she's so sweet!  EJ sucks and doesn't deserve to be rescued.


I would have preferred the dialogue from Susan today to suggest that EJ's been corrupted by the DiMerras more.  I know she probably wasn't kept in the loop on his raping Sami, etc, but I think her return would have played better with a little bit more "these people are warping you!!"  dialogue.  Because that's the only way the producer can justify Susan coming back to save her baby boy - if she has convinced herself the only thing evil about him is the people in his life now.


...and getting back to the rape subject, my head is spinning.  Rape was in almost every plot today, from Kayla and her patient to Eve semi-raping JJ by proxy, to Kristin getting off scott-free and EJ getting his happy ending.  No consistency between the storylines, either.


Rape and molestation has an impact on practically EVERYONE's lives these days.  How could the writers not handle the subject with more sensitivity?  Even if these aren't the same writers who cooked up the EJ/Sami rape, or the Kristin/Eric rape...I still place blame on them for continuing to re-use it as a twist for all their plotlines.  In real life rapists don't always end up paying for their sins.  You'd think on a soap, they could.


Or that if they couldn't handle the subject at all, that they'd have the originality to write something else.


As for the way these exits are being handled, maybe the producers hooked up EJ and Sami again to please the Ejami fans, and are killing him off to please the rest of us.


Think Susan will be around for a few weeks/as long as ED is?  I sincerely hope so.  I was figuring she'd only come by for one episode or two, to please ED and the fans (since the producers didn't care about  Susan back when ED was on for a full year), but from the way today played out, we might get her for the rest of the week, or through till EJ's funeral.


That would be fitting.  Susan should get to say goodbye to her baby boy, and maybe wave around some burning branches in Sami's face.


Think we'll get to see Susan impersonate Kristin?  I'm betting we will - notice how Marlena kept repeating how little Susan's looks have changed?


Wheeee!  Haven't been this happy with the show in a good long while (about Susan returning, at least).

Edited by DisneyBoy
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maybe the producers hooked up EJ and Sami again to please the Ejami fans, and are killing him off to please the rest of us.


I can only hope.  If they do kill him I'd love it if Sami comes to her senses and gives a disparaging eulogy at his funeral.

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Even though I've barely watched DOOL and don't know the half of what EJ's done, just seeing the attitude he was throwing Susan's way today makes me hate him.  What could she EVER have possibly done to make him so dismissive?  No hug?  No slight joy at seeing his mother?

With all due respect, you might be taking Susan a little too seriously.  She harkens back to the day when Days was campy and funny.  The humor is in the juxtaposition of the faces of these two completely different people.


EJ knows Susan' isn't capable of complex thought.  Don't hold your breath expecting her to read situations.  In fact, right now she thinks Jawn would just love, love, love to see her.  I 'm enjoying my Days humor where I can get it. Eating junk food on the sex couch?  Priceless.


When the first word out of Jawn's mouth was sooooonnn I wanted to slap him back into a coma.


Doesn't Eve have anything better to do than destroy Paige?  I thought she wanted to move and get that surgery. 

Edited by QuelleC
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With all due respect, you might be taking Susan a little too seriously.  She harkens back to the day when Days was campy and funny.  The humor is in the juxtaposition of the faces of these two completely different people.


EJ knows Susan' isn't capable of complex thought.  Don't hold your breath expecting her to read situations.  In fact, right now she thinks Jawn would just love, love, love to see her.  I 'm enjoying my Days humor where I can get it. Eating junk food on the sex couch?  Priceless.


When the first word out of Jawn's mouth was sooooonnn I wanted to slap him back into a coma.


Doesn't Eve have anything better to do than destroy Paige?  I thought she wanted to move and get that surgery. 


I was more than a little scared to see how Susan's return would come off and, thank dog, it was surprisingly entertaining. I wasn't expecting anything deep out of this because, it's Susan for heaven's sake. She's just there to deliver some camp. I'm savoring every last EJ/Sami moment. (I loved that Susan brought up Sami's execution, btw.) The scenes with Susan reminded me how much I like seeing JS and AS do light comedy. 


Time for John to have another coma, isn't it?


I can't help myself: I think Aiden is cute. This means the Hope/Aiden relationship should start sucking in about 6 months. Just wanted to warn ya'll.


Good old Jack. Still getting more screen time after death than he ever did while MA was on contract. Love that Awesome!Paige was listening in at Kayla's door while Kayla was having a private conversation. Especially since we all know Paige is about to be traumatized by the annual outing of the Jack is Rapist parade. For 20 years this went unmentioned but now, thanks to the utter ineptitude of the writing monkeys, it shows up every fall. 


On the bright side, Kayla has an office!

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I was more than a little scared to see how Susan's return would come off and, thank dog, it was surprisingly entertaining. I wasn't expecting anything deep out of this because, it's Susan for heaven's sake. She's just there to deliver some camp. I'm savoring every last EJ/Sami moment. (I loved that Susan brought up Sami's execution, btw.) The scenes with Susan reminded me how much I like seeing JS and AS do light comedy.

I agree totally.


Oh no, Paige gets attacked?  *puts fingers in ears*


Paige was listening outside Kayla's door and JJ was listening outside Daniel's door. 

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Paige was listening outside Kayla's door and JJ was listening outside Daniel's door. 


It's what really good, heroic, awesome people do. 


Why did they have to make JJ a wiener again? Couldn't he have retained his scandalous ways?

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They really need to move Eve away from anything having to do with Daniel and Jennifer.  Those two just make everyone and everything so tedious.


ED does such an amazing job playing Susan.  I bet she and everyone she's interacting with are having a blast. 


The scenes with Susan reminded me how much I like seeing JS and AS do light comedy.


Yes!  I don't like the character of EJ at all but love me some James Scott.  I'm going to miss seeing him every other day or so.

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Gee. I'm so glad the show is going to dig up Jack raping Kayla for a SPD yet again. We get it, Tomlin. Jack BAD! Dan good! The only way for JJ to keep the fair Paige is to denounce his father's evil ways and follow the light and truth of the sainted one. Either that or Paige will get raped and blame JJ.

I can see it now. Kayla shrieking "NO! He is nothing like his father! He is more like Daniel! Daniel should be his father!"

Then after Dan clears JJ(natch), he'll be all "Thanks.....dad!" Ugh. I just HATE the "bond" with JJ and Dan. If it can't be Jack, why not Steve? That would give Kayla something to do.

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Oh, you could tell EJ was trying to conceal a smirk a bit in there as ED did her Susan thing.  They do everything in one take, right?  That would explain the near-laughter that was sneaking through his performance.  And like I said earlier today, Marlena was practically GLOWING.  Haven't seen in that in ANY of her scenes in the longest time.


With all due respect, you might be taking Susan a little too seriously.  She harkens back to the day when Days was campy and funny.  The humor is in the juxtaposition of the faces of these two completely different people.



To be clear, I watched Susan/Kristin back in the day, and I know she's meant to be campy...but she was also written as a three dimensional human being back in those days, and she's now a BIG part of EJ's personal history, and the show has seemingly ignored that altogether.  She raised him, right?  He grew up with Susan and Edmund, correct?  I can't imagine she'd send him to "boarding school" the way all the other kids on this show are.  So no...I can't account for his disdain over his mother's presence.  Far as we know, he grew up in her loving (if odd) embrace with his kindly step-dad nearby.  At some point (feel free to tell me if I'm missing some of his persona history here), EJ learned he was Stefano's kid and abdicated to Salem to become Mr. EJ Wells....and never said a bad word about his mother from the time he arrived on this show, right?


In short: Susan's been a kind mother, and I can't see why EJ would be eye-rolling and talking down to her, even if he is smart.


The guy is a horrible human being and we know that...but I can't account for it.  WHY is EJ evil?  WHY did he do all sorts of horrible things after arriving in Salem?  Was it just because "he's a Dimerra!" or did they take the time to explain how much he hated living with his idiot mother?


There's a huge disconnect here.  When Susan left the show 15+ years ago, the audience would have assumed her kid would be raised with love and relatively good morals.  I don't see how EJ turned out to be a scumbag, nor why he'd act like such a jerk to his mother after seeing her today.


It's all about the in-story reasoning.  That's what I'm questioning here.  Far as I can tell, there's no justification for his attitude towards Susan.  Everyone loves their parents if they were good to them, even if they grow up and discover said parents are simple-minded.

Edited by DisneyBoy
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I was hoping EJ would be mortified so I could laugh at it. All you need to know about Susan is in the conception clip. She's for laughs but endearing.  Days did something right. I embarrass my son on a daily basis and trust me he wouldn't hug me if I showed up unexpected. Lots of people love their parents but don't emulate them.


EJ gave into the DiMera long ago. But he has more of a moral compass than Stefano and I've always attributed that to Susan. I thought EJ and Sami treated Susan with a great deal of respect given what she was asking.  He was surprised, I don't think he acted unreasonably at all. 


I loved it that Mar acknowledged her too. I forgot who the stepfather Evan was.

Edited by QuelleC
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I wonder if it's humanly possible for Dirty Dan to walk into the hospital - or anywhere - without doing that swagger walk of his.  I guess it's supposed to sexy and manly, but all I see is somebody whose thong must be riding up badly.  He's got the Ryan Lavery "my panties are too tight" walk down pat.  


I still like Paige, but Good LORD girl, if she's going to be working in the hospital she should put that boa constrictor dutch girl braid under something while she's there.  What probably started out as a personal statement has morphed into a growth that reminds me of the stinger on the monsters in "The Strain".


Eve can swallow her tongue now if it will keep her quiet.  She can whip it out whenever she's around Jenn or Abigail or Dirty Dan, that's okay, but she better leave JJ alone.  Her plan was stupid and it's going to blow up in her face, sooner rather than later.  I love me some Kassie de Pavia a LOT, and I can also love her being bad, but Eve as currently written is leaving me cold.  Leave JJ alone and go for a bond with Theresa and then I'm on board.  Or, if she spent her life torturing Jenn and Abigail......but JJ, nope.  At least not as the story has been written.  KdP is too good to be wasted like this.


I loved the way ED and AS played it when Susan was purifying the room from evil spirits, and Sami walked into her.  Their simultaneous screams were great.

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I loved the way ED and AS played it when Susan was purifying the room from evil spirits, and Sami walked into her.  Their simultaneous screams were great.


How did anyone keep a straight face during any of ED's Susan scenes? It was beyond ridiculous and just adds to DAYS' silliness. I can't believe anything that comes out of her mouth and her over the top performance is totally distracting. Yes, I know this has been a character long loved, but seeing it in action again, is downright painful.

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Eve, Eve, Eve...girlfriend, get a hobby and man of your own ( a fine example of a hobby), please.  This "plan" of yours is sad, and so stupid, it was figured out in mere minutes by the very teens you thought you'd get one over on.  You look pathetic, and that's Abby's domain.  She'll slap a [...] for that. 


Loved and missed Susan.  ED, JS, and AS killed it in those scenes.  However, I'm also perplexed as to why EJ is acting like a little punk to his mother.  As soon as he opened the door to her, he was already sighing and rolling his eyes.  I don't remember hearing that they had a poor relationship.  Is this one more thing TIIC just decided was now going to be a part of EJ's history?   I know she's kooky on a good day, and she surprised him, but he seemed to be holding her in contempt. 


So, this again?  I can't take another foray into "Jack: The Deadbeat Dad, Rapist Reporter".  TIIC are pulling shit out of their asses to create drama and conflict for JJ and Paige. 


Marlena/DH wasn't horrible. 

Edited by SwordQueen
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Just came back to the show after missing a few days. Who is the girl talking to Kayla? And did the already drop the hooker sets up JJ story since him and Paige figured it out already?

Never saw when Susan was first on,but it she does seem campy but fun.

Edited by callmebetty
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I am glad you saw EJ the same way I did today, SwordQueen.


callmebetty, it is worth the trip to youtube to see ED's original run as Kristin/Susan.  It was a storyline that ran for years and there are some wonderful channels that break each chapter up so you can watch it unfold at your own pace.  Search for The Pillow Baby and The Secret Room and you will find it all.  The best of Days, for my money...

Edited by DisneyBoy
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Loved seeing Susan again - she's always so much fun & it was nice seeing her with Marlena


I do like Eve but want her out of this stupid story with JJ & Paige - her plan's going to backfire on her & she'll lose her daughter in the process - I'm on board with her messing with Jen but not JJ - he's the only tolerable Devereaux left.


Not looking forward to them reliving Jack's rapist past again (especially since he's not around to defend himself) - yes he did a horrible thing to Kayla & she is the only one that can say mean things about him.


I would love for them to bring back Steve - I'd like to see Kayla have more to do than prop Dan.


Hope & Aiden are actually kind of sweet

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