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Current Plots Discussion: Actually Today's Episode

Message added by scarynikki12

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  On 1/23/2016 at 12:34 PM, buffynut said:


I don't wear any type of outdoor shoes in the house, but I guess we can't exactly expect soap opera characters to wear slippers!

Once on AMC when Greenlee was depressed she hung out at home for a few days in a tshirt and leggings and pink fluffy slippers. It was very refreshing to see a character dressed like most of us are when we're at home.

  • Love 2
  On 1/23/2016 at 4:14 PM, LeftPhalange said:

Has anyone even suggested that Aiden tried to kill Hope because he wanted her insurance money? It's like everyone has just accepted that this seemingly normal loving man tried to kill Hope because reasons and that's that.

Having sex with your new husband and then the next day having sex with your ex husband - who happens to be his killer - is bad enough, but now she's ALREADY acting like maybe she has feelings for another man. This is not a good look for Hope. This is something Abifail would do.

I really miss slow burn romance where I would tune in for days and weeks just to catch moments and build up to characters falling for each other. I would get so invested and "ship". It is way too soon for Hope or Abigail.

  • Love 6
  On 1/23/2016 at 4:14 PM, LeftPhalange said:

Has anyone even suggested that Aiden tried to kill Hope because he wanted her insurance money? It's like everyone has just accepted that this seemingly normal loving man tried to kill Hope because reasons and that's that.

Aiden was normal and loving, I respectfully disagree. Remember how he changed his story two times about how his Meredith died claiming he wanted to protect Chase. The guy was just not trusting and suspicious even Meredith left a taped message behind how she thought Aiden would kill her some day and he told Hope she was an alcoholic. Aiden was a lawyer and I'm pretty sure he could be creative telling a good story if it could get him out of a jam. I still don't fully buy Chase killing his mother but I suspect the current writers will roll with it to blend with the kid's psychology. Yet whether Andre had control over him or not, Aiden made the choice to want to turn into a murder. He could had told Hope what Andre was plotting but instead he forged his name onto her IP and tried to kill her. That is no loving significant other if you ask me.

Again, Aiden was a man of mystery but I do think it will come out why he wanted to kill Hope. Days tends to be good when revealing current twist so I'm crossing my fingers it will come out because I sure don't want Days to get like GH or YR where Andre is going to "win" this when he set most of this in motion starting with Aiden.

  On 1/24/2016 at 2:57 AM, Petunia13 said:

I really miss slow burn romance where I would tune in for days and weeks just to catch moments and build up to characters falling for each other. I would get so invested and "ship". It is way too soon for Hope or Abigail.

I think all the rapid speed romances speaks to them not yet being renewed and also alot of the remaining soap opera audiences want instant gratification these days. Waiting for slow burn just doesn't keep viewers anymore. I watched the Roman and Marlena story on youtube several months ago from the early 80s and that was one of the best soap opera romances ever told. I see some of those elements in R/H but again the pacing is definitely fast. Yet I do think it is typical Days to merge a couple when villian or some evil doer is after the heroine of the show like Marlena or Hope. I can remember when Marlena was the number 1 target for Salem strangler, Roman was right there being a protector and Marlena was being hard-headed and stubborn at first until the SS killer finally killed Samantha then you saw the beginnings of their romance begin from that tragedy, but it was done really well because Roman was the new guy to Salem and knew their differences between each other. Edited by BlackMamba
  • Love 3

You know I was going to comment on that. I don't see soaps being around much longer. I think GH will go first then Days. B&B is the number one rated and watched telenovela in the world and there's already talk it will be online soon and syndicated. If that one thinks it will leave network tv I'm mentally preparing myself the others less successful might go. It seems show runners and network execs don't give a shit about feedback or retaining viewers, like at all, and it makes me wonder if they already mentally checked out of the genre, despite the pat comments they make.

It is sad. Soaps really give a lot to their audience and unite generations. It is a unique community. I had something in common with my grandma (RIP) and neighbors and strangers. We could talk about this and despite our differences know who Bo & Hope were, remember Marty's rape trial, snark on Erica's many marriages, laugh about Reva, ect. And for fans like us they were on everyday and it was like a reliable old friend.

When the great standards were extinguished it was a fact of life. But they were institutions and meant to go on and be daily and evolving. That's what makes it hard. It's not a 'who cares?' Or that's business. They weren't by nature meant to have an end.

  • Love 14
  On 1/24/2016 at 3:48 AM, Petunia13 said:

You know I was going to comment on that. I don't see soaps being around much longer. I think GH will go first then Days. B&B is the number one rated and watched telenovela in the world and there's already talk it will be online soon and syndicated. If that one thinks it will leave network tv I'm mentally preparing myself the others less successful might go. It seems show runners and network execs don't give a shit about feedback or retaining viewers, like at all, and it makes me wonder if they already mentally checked out of the genre, despite the pat comments they make.

It is sad. Soaps really give a lot to their audience and unite generations. It is a unique community. I had something in common with my grandma (RIP) and neighbors and strangers. We could talk about this and despite our differences know who Bo & Hope were, remember Marty's rape trial, snark on Erica's many marriages, laugh about Reva, ect. And for fans like us they were on everyday and it was like a reliable old friend.

When the great standards were extinguished it was a fact of life. But they were institutions and meant to go on and be daily and evolving. That's what makes it hard. It's not a 'who cares?' Or that's business. They weren't by nature meant to have an end.

Agreed with most of your post. B&B being the number 1 soap in Rome and Spanish countries wont help it stay on the air neither. Remember Santa Barbara which was arguably the most high quality and critically acclaimed soap for it's time won a lot of awards and praise but could never stay on the air because their ratings were sucked but they were popular in Spanish speaking countries and other developing countries. Even if these soaps transition to the web, how are they gonna pay the actors? You might can keep a vet or two but everyone will be newbies OLTL and AMC showed when it went to OWN after the Hulu debacle it still couldn't stay on.

Another reason why these soaps stop being popular the network heads like, your Brian Franz' for example, would sit in on meetings with other soap executives and writers and shoot down any story that could be remotely good. Kind of reminds me of Edmund Edwards from Soapdish. Bill Bell NEVER let the Franzies sit on his meetings because he knew what they their intentions were and that was push their own creativity down his throat.

And lastly these networks started shitting on the fans of the soaps and once you start playing with soap fans they tune out. Then all of them stopped being exciting and worth to watch. Even if soaps don't have the huge budgets anymore there is still no excuse the creativity and writing should pitfall. Funny though how the networks keep wanting to put on talk shows but ABC daytime has had a handful of them cancelled since ABC got rid of OLTL and AMC. Karma is definitely a bitch.

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  On 1/24/2016 at 3:48 AM, Petunia13 said:

And for fans like us they were on everyday and it was like a reliable old friend.


Clapping for your whole post, especially this.  I'll be really sad if soaps leave network tv because I probably wouldn't follow them online.  I'm a passive television watcher - it's always on while I do other things.  If I were going to watch on a computer or stream through a television, it'd feel like something that required dedicated watching only and I'm not sure I could do that.  As it is I have tons of shit recorded on the dvr that I still haven't watched.

  • Love 3
  On 1/25/2016 at 3:15 AM, Kitty Redstone said:

 As it is I have tons of shit recorded on the dvr that I still haven't watched.

I do too! Random "How its Made" episodes via my husband and tons of shit that I thought I'd watch. Then it gets to be this big thing for me --- do I delete them or not? Of course I'll watch Outlander....sometime.....ugh. They taunt me at night when I'm trying to go to sleep, then I build up weird resentment for the shows. First world problems, for sure -- now I resent myself for typing all of this : )

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Ciara is being very Ciara today, being matchmaker. I wish Lauren was in these scenes though she would be super adorable and delightful.

MEB must took her vacation during this time period or working on The Bay.

"Fatha! Fatha! It's me Andre."

Rocks all fall down on his head.

Abigail wants Chad to forget Andre and plan their wedding.

Ava's hair is cute today. Joey's little ass needs to be at school get away from Ava. Joey is really obsessed, least Ava is trying to get him away.

Steve has found Kayla, but it's her charm bracelet. LOL.

Why oh why would Chad want to move his new wife and child into Stefano's House of Horrors?  If I were Abigail, I'd only move in if I could tear out all the ghastly decorations, get rid of the furniture and repaint the walls and get rid of the garden...... and yeah, make sure Andre never darkens the doorway of the mansion ever again.  Chad is an idiot, it's going to be a complete disaster living in that mansion.  And Abigail should've just turned down the idea flat.  I would be in favor of razing down the mansion and turning the whole property into a parking lot.


Ok, I guess I'm a little upset that Stefano, the villain I love to hate, is finally dead and gone.  Thanks Joe Mascolo for such a memorable character.  I suppose they will make some changes to the mansion scenery now that Stefano is gone.  Well, I guess it could be a good thing........


I've just got back into DOOL so I was not at all familiar with Joey falling for Ava.  The scene of those two together, a teenage boy and a much older woman sitting together and making eyes at each other makes me want to throw up.  I wish someone could've passed by and called the cops to arrest Ava for statutory rape.


Is Ava really dying of Leukemia?  Boy, I really missed a lot of episodes!

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STFU Abifail. You didn't have any problems with the Dimeria mansion when EJ was living there or when you were baking cupcakes for Sami's kids or when you were fucking Chad in the garden.


Does Ciara know that the last two men her mom professed her love for died only two months ago? 


How convenient that millionaire Stefano was making mortgage payments instead of just buying the mansion outright. 


Chad is pathetic when he's near Abifail. 

  • Love 3


Is Ava really dying of Leukemia?  Boy, I really missed a lot of episodes!


No, she's faking it.  When she went to the hospital to get a blood test, she had a vial of somebody else's blood hidden under a fake flap of skin.


Why is Ciara organizing a country trip in the middle of winter?


It's surprising that Andre seems really broken up over Stefano's death.


Tamara Braun's scene with Joey was really good. But would they do a storyline with an older man and a teenaged girl?


It sounds like Ava may really have a kid.

  • Love 2

This Ava and Joey story is disgusting to me and the guy who play Joey can't act. I don't enjoy watching some older woman prey on the feelings of a boy. Are we supposed to root for them? He's underaged!


What the hell is wrong with this show? Why writing Chad and Abby like an older couple getting ready to settle down? They're in their 20s. They shouldnt even be strapped with this baby to begin with but this talk of having 3 more and moving into their dream house with no career talk in sight is nauseating. 

  • Love 7

Steve continues to be the source of everything that goes wrong in Kayla's life. Given that Kayla is my favorite, I really should hate Steve and want him gone from her life; but damn if SN doesn't sell the hell out of his love for Kayla. He makes me forget that I should really dislike his character and wish him gone.

Joey, however, continues to be a walking, talking, ode to idiocy. When he first came, we all wondered why Kayla would be shipping her son off to boarding school as that didn't jibe with the Kayla we know. Just as was the case with Joey's poisoning (which she never fully bought him being the innocent victim, unlike Steve), the boarding school idea appears to a case of Mother Knows Best, because Kayla knew that shipping that dumbbell far away from her was a good move.

SWMNBN remains on my screen in an awful story that is about as interesting as watching paint dry. As noted before, the problem is that Ava didn't work as a character the first time Higley tried to shove her down our throats and she is no more, compelling, or needed the second time around. Higley wants SWMNBN because she appears to hate Steve and Kayla (if it were just about the actress, TB could have been brought back as Nicole's sister), probably because she is incapable of creating a coupling that works on their level. I believe there is a hell-spawn because that would be Higley's way of screwing Kayla and keeping her creation as a plot point between a favorite couple. It is essentially swamp fetus part two, where Chelsea was faked into existence to create unnecessary angst for Bo and Hope. And we all know Higley's motto, if someone else has already done it, I can do a half-assed, bootleg version of it.

By the way, is it just me, or does it seem like the SWMNBN story got altered mid-filming, because almost no mention is made of the alleged illness; it's all now suddenly about her hell-spawn.

I would like to see Rafe and Hope fired, we all know they will never go to jail. If you feel your actions were warranted, or done in a moment of insanity, admit what you have done. Lani may not serve any purpose on the show thus far, but I would love for her to be the one to bring Hope and Rafe down.

Speaking of Lani, I'd rather see the show test a possible pairing with Shawn, but we know that will never happen, and not just because TIIC seem to find yet another go-round of Shawn/Belle/Phillip to be a good idea. I'd suggest testing her with Phillip, but no-one deserves to be saddled with JPL, with the possible exception of the now utterly awful Belle.

I liked the setting of the school, more life and outside the Salem bubble intereactions are needed.

Can someone tell me when we will be free of KM in the role of Jennifer's daughter, cause I still can't with her.

I wonder if Andre's concern for Stefano is real, or if it's rooted in concern that The Phoenix never officially included Andre in his list of children. We all know Andre plans to get the Dimera fortune back, I'm sure he is not doing it without the intention of getting a piece of that pie.

FYI -- Long-time fans of the show might be interested to know that Philece Sampler (Renee Dimera) was interviewed by the DishinDays panel. It was a great interview, and I recommend checking it out if you get a chance. Here's the link: http://site.afterbuzztv.com/shows/philece-sampler-interview-afterbuzz-tvs-the-voice-of/

Edited by Happytobehere
  • Love 8

I couldn't look at KA today. Between her leather vest with no shirt (during winter) and her bony concave chest it was downright disturbing. Doesn't she own a mirror at home or her dressing room at Days? I don't know how anyone doesn't think she has a eating disorder. I could understand if she was a young teen but she's in her 50's.

Edited by ByaNose
  • Love 7
  On 1/26/2016 at 3:20 AM, ByaNose said:

I couldn't look at KA today. Between her leather vest with no shirt (during winter) and her bony concave chest it was downright disturbing. Doesn't she own a mirror at home or her dressing room at Days? I don't know how anyone doesn't think she has a eating disorder. I could understand if she was a young teen but she's in her 50's.

No one really mentions it anymore because she's been looking that way for about 10 years. I know my friend and I watched DAYS when we were like 13 and had an entire discussion about how boney she looked. 

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  On 1/25/2016 at 7:16 PM, hippydoo said:

Why is Abigail looking at bridal magazines again? Couldn't she just use the plans she had from last month?


She was bigger then, now it's a second-hand dress that is probably poor etiquette to use for a wedding so close to the first one. It reminds her of Ben - the man she loved for ninety seconds. Best to use it for a third upcoming wedding. People will have forgotten it by then.

  • Love 4
  On 1/25/2016 at 10:00 PM, Rick Kitchen said:

It's surprising that Andre seems really broken up over Stefano's death.

It is, isn't it? Considering he seemingly wanted Stefano out of the way just after he was reintroduced... can't we get a little consistency?

I think I love Kayla the most now too. The actress is always so real and natural regardless of the dialogue or context. And she's gorgeous! Much more relatable than RoboMar. It helps that Kayla was back-burnered for so long and constantly seen, you know, actually doing her job. Mar is considered the star but she's not much of a heroine of late.

Team Kayla!

...how rich are the Holy Hortons that Abby and Jen can be off work and planning her second failed wedding and also thinking of buying a house?! I rather hate the lack of realism there. Most 20-somethings these days can't afford a down payment.

It's funny how for a couple that have been in each other's lives for like five years now, Chabby never reference any history the way other newly togethered couples on this show do. Did they ever get couple moments in the past? Do they have a special song or something?

Edited by DisneyBoy
  • Love 3
  On 1/26/2016 at 6:31 AM, DisneyBoy said:

...how rich are the Holy Hortons that Abby and Jen can be off work and planning her second failed wedding and also thinking of buying a house?! I rather hate the lack of realism there. Most 20-somethings these days can't afford a down payment.

It's funny how for a couple that have been in each other's lives for like five years now, Chabby never reference any history the way other newly togethered couples on this show do. Dud they ever get couple moments in the past? So they have a special song or something?


I'm sure Jen is off from work so she can recover from her injuries and I'm 100% sure that Chad would be the one paying for the house while being stupid enough to include her name on the deed.


Crabs barely have a history. I don't think they've been in each other's orbit for five years but even if they have they've only dated for a few months a couple of years ago. This is when she made Chad compete with another guy for her virginity. This competition was after she manipulated Austin into thinking he had sex with her and tried to break up his marriage. Following this, she had an affair with EJ and begged to be his mistress. 

  • Love 2

Oh, Days, I was so close to quitting you, but then you go and bring in Deimos Hayward, and I am intrigued anew.  I know I should probably be pessimistic about how Vincent Irizarry will ultimately be used, but I can't help but be curious about how his plot is going to unfold at this point.  I think the idea of pitting him against Victor and bringing him in with a revenge agenda is a good one--it's right in his wheelhouse and could be great if they can actually follow through with it without dumbing down all involved.


Unlike... whatever it is that they're doing with Rafe and Hope.  I thought Higley liked Rafe, but boy, she sure isn't doing him any favors in the competence department.  Blood left at the crime scene and driving past the place he hid the body on a daily basis--are we sure Rafe didn't just imagine that he worked at the FBI all those years?  Maybe they gave him some honorary apparel while he was touring the facilities and he misunderstood and thought he worked there?  It was particularly hilarious after his lines to Hope about knowing how to cover all of this up so very well that he would be the one who completely outed them to Andre.  And there was more unintentional hilarity to be had today with Andre in the construction site getting trapped in the demolition.  That was absurd on every level, and if that was all of the destruction Rafe was counting on, I think even less of his body hiding skills than I did before.  I'm not going to comment much on the impending Rafe-Hope romance save to say that it's way too much too soon on the Hope front.  If she's having psychotic breaks and shooting Stephano over the most recent loss of Bo, she's not really in a romantic place.  It would be great if the show tried to remember that and had Rafe keep it in his pants for at least another couple of months.


I wouldn't have minded Hope killing off Stephano so much if they had just actually used the plot they wrote and worked in the blackmail of Aiden to murder her, and I can't for the life of me think of why they wouldn't.  I have a feeling that we're never going to get that reveal at this point, which is a real shame.  I will be so irritated if there's a later reveal that someone else was responsible for Bo's captivity and Hope ends up feeling guilty about all of this--especially if that Aiden business never comes out.


I can't believe Chad wants to buy DiMansion and make it into his love nest with Abby.  At this point, I might have found it more convincing if she had floated the idea, because it's just weird to me that he would want to live there right now under any circumstances.  Not to mention how he has to know the whole Horton clan is going to feel about it, judgmental as that bunch is.  I have to attribute it to the need to keep using the sets, because I don't even know how to make that particular idea make sense.


It was nice to see Steve actually snapping out of all of the Ava-induced bullshit today and going after her hard for the truth.  It was also nice to see Kayla not being completely stupid or gullible the last time we saw her, but I'd like to see more of her at this point.  More Kayla is always good.  Joey, on the other hand... I really need him to stop chasing Ava.  It makes me cringe from both an acting and storyline perspective.  I reallllly hope that Joey finds out about the supposed Ava-Steve lovechild soon so he can cool his jets.  I  get why Ava keeps dangling herself in front of him, but it's just gross to me.


I actually find myself not minding the rest of the teen scene too much.  Chase and Theo seem decent, and Ciara is growing on me.  Claire does really resemble Belle.  I don't hate seeing them around as long as they don't become the overwhelming focus.


On the other hand... I am not liking this Phillip-Belle-Shawn business at all.  Phillip and Belle can have each other, and I can fast forward, but what is with the 180 on Shawn Douglas' part?  I'm actually finding Beemer decent this go around, but I am hating the direction of this.  Shawn does not need to be chasing Belle the cheater after sending her divorce papers.  If you want to pair them, show, go the other way, but I don't know how the show thinks Belle seems rootable at all right now.  Blowing off her daughter for a trip to Vegas to bang Phillip is not good behavior, and I just haven't seen much this go around to remind me of what I ever liked about Belle in the first place.  I did prefer Kirsten Storms in the role, but I think this is more about the writing than the acting--I just don't see much of the familiar Belle in this Belle right now.

  • Love 5
  On 1/26/2016 at 6:47 AM, LeftPhalange said:

Crabs barely have a history. I don't think they've been in each other's orbit for five years but even if they have they've only dated for a few months a couple of years ago. This is when she made Chad compete with another guy for her virginity. This competition was after she manipulated Austin into thinking he had sex with her and tried to break up his marriage. Following this, she had an affair with EJ and begged to be his mistress.

If she's not making 2 guys shes seeing compete for her like Chad & Cameron and Ben & Chad... she's seducing and chasing unavailable men. I don't know what she's trying to prove.

Edited by Petunia13
  • Love 3
  On 1/26/2016 at 1:56 PM, Petunia13 said:

If she's not making 2 guys shes seeing compete for her like Chad & Cameron and Ben & Chad... she's seducing and chasing unavailable men. I don't know what she's trying to prove.


She's trying to prove that she can use her stale cooch to get any man she wants - even if he's already taken - then discard them when she gets bored and needs some fresh dick.

  • Love 3

Ava blows. It doesn't help that she's played by TB who I don't care for at all and who plays character that people tell me are strong but always come off to me as clingy, whiny and pretty much intolerable. 


My ultimate fantasy ending for this bullshit? Yeah... Steve finds the baby and Ava uses that to keep him close. Only... it's not Steve's kid. She just told him that to lure him into her web because she knows very well this particular weak spot.


At this point, Kayla has had all she is going to take and Captain America kicks Ava right off a cliff. She turns a hose on Joey and tells him to get his shit together and make friends with a girl his actual age and then tells Steve she's not putting up with any more shit from his past. Period. If some woman decides to crawl out from under a bridge he'd better lock it down hard and fast.


Also this lost kid? No, he's not remotely interested in having any kind of relationship with the insane rake that calls herself his mother. Especially since he was adopted by a loving family and has a good life (guess what, Steve, oftentimes kids are adopted by wonderful people!) Hell, his parents didn't even know anything was wrong with the adoption. They went through the right channels. Steve blubbers his whole life story to Lost Kid who just goes 'Maybe you should see a therapist about all of that baggage? My parents love me. I play soccer at school. I play bass, too. I have friends and a great family... so I'm good. Or I was until you let that crazy lamp post manipulate you into completely upending my life... and why did she do that? Cause she's a loon? Dude... whatever...'


And then Steve goes back to apologize profusely to Kayla for buying into one second of Ava's crazy and then explains to Joey that the last thing he wants is to be hung up on a woman who is obsessed with his father... and oh, by the way, she's not dying. She used that to fuck with us. Just let that sink in about what kind of person she actually is. Then he takes Kayla out to a place where he can't wear a leather blazer or a bolo tie and call it 'dressing up' and she's all 'Okay, that's a start. But, seriously, next time this shit happens... either you take care of it or I WILL.'


Then all of Joey's friends can get a load of Ava and be all:


"She looks like a person made entirely of twigs!"

"She looks old. Dude... why are you into a woman old enough to be your mother? What is that even about?"

"Her eyes scare me."

And Ciara can be blunt and just go 'She's fucking evil! What is wrong with you?! INTERVENTION!!'


Is there other stuff happening? Yes, there is...


Like the Belle/Philip/Shawn? thing... where suddenly Shawn, who had had it with Belle's infidelity that he took himself back to Maine and filed for divorce, suddenly wants her back or something? Um. And, really, I wasn't entirely averse to the whole Belle and Philip thing given how obviously he's a rebound and they have a history and stuff. Belle seemed to acknowledge that she fucked up her marriage but it also wasn't going to paralyze her from moving on. But then Philip had to be all 'she's the one who got away' and now Shawn's being a moron. Actually, the only one I'm kind of digging at this point is Claire because I believe her anger at the whole fucking mess.


I don't care about what's going on with Abigail.


Although Jen getting addicted to pain killers is a delightful soap trope so bring that on.


I could deal with this heart transplant nonsense a lot more if it didn't involve the constant sanctification of Daniel. I mean... for fuck's sake. They did this on OLTL with Jenn Rappaport, too. You find yourself torn between characters acknowledging an important loss and the show bringing up a sucky character for months and years after they died. I will say, though, that Marlena's advice to Brady the other day was good... so of course that will get ignored.


The Hope stuff is so beyond convoluted at this point... I'm not quite at the point where I'm giving myself over to the insanity but it's getting close. It's moments away from being the most ridiculous, amazing thing ever. It just needs to that one push...

  • Love 5

Am I the only one cringing during all of the teen scenes? I know teens on soaps don't act any more realistically than the adults, but seeing them stand around with freshly ironed clothes making chit chat while some nondescript rock music plays in the background just makes it seem like they're at some stuffy corporate dinner party more than a house party.

And while I don't think any of the lead actors are bad and I want very much to give them a chance, I think it was a huge misstep to put Chase between Ciarra and Claire, who don't seem the least bit attracted to him or his type.

In short, I don't buy any of it. I would much rather be seeing scenes of Claire bonding with Eve over music then more of this high school stuff. Maybe I'm just too old now, but it's painful.

That said, I suppose it's better than Adrienne stringing Lucas along and arguing with Justin some more, so I guess I should be grateful.

On another note entirely, I wonder if they are going to bring back the full cabin set with the trees outside the front door and everything, or if they're going to pretend the cabin that Ben used is now the Horton cabin.

Also, Hope... Why are you trying to have sex with Rafe in the cabin where everybody else in your extended family has had sex? That's really really gross. Marlena gave birth there, Kristen and John got physical there, and those are only the instances that I remember...there must be more. And don't tell me for a second that hope and race aren't going to get physical at the cabin. At this point she's a grandmother and smart enough to know what happens when you get in close proximity on an isolated island with someone you're attracted to.

Edited by DisneyBoy
  • Love 3
  On 1/26/2016 at 7:24 PM, BlackMamba said:

I do like Ciara and Claire, niece/nephew relationship.

Joey is turning into a drunk over Ava. Sighs no.


Ciara and Claire are aunt/niece which cracks me up--there's about a year age difference between them :):) But I do like that they seem to be close--do not want them fighting over Chase.


How sad and lonely must Joey's life be that he's getting this upset over a soulless harpy like Ava?  But then again, we have Chad freaking out about Abby, so I guess there's plenty of stupidity to go around :)

  • Love 1

Oh cmon

  Reveal spoiler

. Editing you can do better!

  On 1/26/2016 at 7:33 PM, kitmerlot1213 said:

Ciara and Claire are aunt/niece which cracks me up--there's about a year age difference between them :):)

I actually have a nephew whos a year older than me. Im Ciara in that Edited by BlackMamba
  • Love 1

Was that a nail that Andre pulled out of his face? Eww....so I guess he will probably need a Tetanus shot now...

I'm just laughing at Andre right now. The dude ALREADY survived a building collapse. And a fall off a building. And at least one gunshot. And being impaled with a sword by his cousin(brother?). And drowning in quicksand. And being "mauled" (cuts anyway) by a tiger. Am I missing anything?

So this "Andre in pain" is laughable. So is his sudden "feelings" for Stephano. I never saw him as feeling any love for Strphano . More like him using Stephano for his own gain.

  • Love 5
  On 1/26/2016 at 9:35 PM, LeftPhalange said:

It took Hope long enough to go see Eric. I wonder how many days it will be before she visits Jen.

What maybe long to us as the viewer isn't long for the characters... The timeline is shifting every 7 days since Daniel died... So if we're talking about simple math we are probably on day 3 of January in Salem.... Daniel's funeral or whatever the fuck hes having is tomorrow (FINALLY).

Andre is a psychopath and he does not love anybody, not even Stefano. I find it laughable that he is crying over him. Back during his days as a serial killer working on behalf of Stefano, he took pleasure in killing people. They should have brought back Tony, instead of Andre. Andre is too evil to be a character with staying power. Andre killed Renee, Trista who was Marlena's cousin and he tried to kill Hope. He used to slash people with a knife and used to leave a feather behind as his calling card. He should not be on the show. It is why soaps are dying. The heroes lose and the evil villains always win. I always call it the Sopranofication of soap operas. They create these awful characters in the same vein as Tony Soprano. The idiots in charge forget that Tony was a monster and a loathsome piece of sh..t . The show never shied away from that and he was never presented as a misunderstood heroe. I hate the fact that Sonny from General Hospital and Victor from the Young & the restless are the heroes of the show. They are awful people that should be dead and off their respective shows.

Did you guys noticed how Ava seemed to take pleasure when Steve mandandled her. It was foreplay for that she-devil and she needs to go. I despise her continued presence just like Andre. They need to go.. Joey is pissing me off over his boy pain over Ava..Out of the teens, I am only interested in Claire and the actress should have been brought on to play Allie. Allie and Ciara fighting over Chase would have been a good storyline. The rivalry between the two Alice's was foreshadowed, when they were kids. Allie is needed on the show and she could have been helping her dad Lucas deal with the loss of Will. Perhaps Lucas falls of the wagon and she helps him through it. She also could have been helping Gabi with Ari. I just want to see more of Lucas. Bryan is so good and I miss seeing him and I hate that Lucas was marginalized for EJ and Rafe.

Edited by Apprentice79
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