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Bethenny Frankel: Skinny Girl

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14 hours ago, realityplease said:

Who appointed this woman to voice opinions about everyone & everything? She now claims (without proof or facts) that she knows the "secret" background to the Kyle/Kathy sister feud. She bad-mouths Harry/Meghan (who I presume she doesn't know well - much less met) & in her "Barnacle Bethenney" persona, gloms onto & slams anyone of celebrity status - whether she knows them or not.  She badmouths any & all housewives & claims knowledge of every topic ever known.  Her efforts to stay in the public eye are blatant efforts at click-bait.

For Pete's sake - she "invented" a mass-produced cocktail. Good for her. But she didn't cure cancer. Her charitable efforts are never anonymous & without fanfare for herself.  (So hard to say, as someone did above, that she's the most charitable housewife. No, she's the one that's most vocal about it.) She exploits her own daughter so she can present herself as mother of the year - while destroying or eliminating her daughter's relationship with the dad & grandparents.   

Her mind's like a hamster wheel - constantly trolling for a topic to glom onto - even if it doesn't involve her - so she can publicize her "opinions."  I liked her when she was witty. But now that she's always self-agrandizing, mean, nasty & biting - not at all.

She's grown increasingly frantic recently, IMO.  She must carry the camera with her everywhere.  Given the failure of Business is Personal,  and the (I assume) low ratings of Money Court, she's determined to keep herself in the public eye.  The only way is social media, Tik Tok, Instagram stories, etc.  Whether it be pasta sauce, GOOP, Prince Harry, the Kardashians, every type of makeup, she has an opinion.   While walking on the beach, her supposedly relaxing place, she is filming something.  Every trip to Miami, Italy, Arthur Ave in the Bronx, etc,  must be documented, with Bryn by her side in most cases.  It must be so tedious to be with her. 

Side note, I've noticed she doesn't seem to be hawking HSN products anymore.  Has that venture gone south?    

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I read somewhere that Bethenny would have been lucky if the critics had described her recent "Money Court" show as "not great" - instead of drubbing it as they did.  But once again, she's tone-deaf to her own faults/mistakes - while trashing others.  And once again, she's the self-appointed maven on everything, including half-time performances. Watch "Barnacle Bethenny" latch onto the latest thing.  She thinks the world wants her opinion? What an ego! 

Who is she to even opine?  HER voice is a whining screech - no way can SHE sing.  Comparing Rihanna to Pink?  In what way? Should a pregnant woman should swing from ropes?? I have no idea if Bethenny has musical ability, knows what it takes to put on a performance, what her musical tastes are, or if she even listens to music -- but she DOES like to listen to the sound of her own voice.

Edited by realityplease
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She has nothing going but social media now.  Everything else flopped:  Money Court, Business is Personal, HSN jeans (all her ugly jeans are on clearance and she hasn't mentioned new appearances).   So she has to be "controversial" now to get attention.  I don't think its working.   Where are the deep meaningful podcasts empowering women.  Last podcast guest was Snooki, 😅.

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4 hours ago, weaver said:

She has nothing going but social media now.  Everything else flopped:  Money Court, Business is Personal, HSN jeans (all her ugly jeans are on clearance and she hasn't mentioned new appearances).   So she has to be "controversial" now to get attention.  I don't think its working.   Where are the deep meaningful podcasts empowering women.  Last podcast guest was Snooki, 😅.

Hey, Frankel:

Go to sleep! Go to sleep! Go to sleep!

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How the heck is she reviewing the brand by just layering product on top of product not in an order they are meant to be used?  I will say she's glowing.  Of course that is from the light hitting all of the various oils she slathered on her face.  She will do anything for a buck and to try to convince people that she is both youthful and relevant. 

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Watching a Bethenny clone in training.  Disturbing to watch - and I admit I couldn't watch to the end.  Just a frantic layering of oils, one on top of another. 

Obviously B is trying to put Bryn out there as a future influencer - though Bryn's "opinions" were either voiced by Bethenny or heavily suggested to Bryn by Bethenny.  Bryn is barely a tween, after all, & all too suggestible!  Why would anyone take the word of a child slathered in oily products likely formulated for mature skin? Or at least more mature than a tween's, because if these products are used into teen-dom - likely to cause zits galore!!

Edited by realityplease
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On 2/17/2023 at 2:50 PM, realityplease said:

Watching a Bethenny clone in training.  Disturbing to watch - and I admit I couldn't watch to the end.  Just a frantic layering of oils, one on top of another. 

Obviously B is trying to put Bryn out there as a future influencer - though Bryn's "opinions" were either voiced by Bethenny or heavily suggested to Bryn by Bethenny.  Bryn is barely a tween, after all, & all too suggestible!  Why would anyone take the word of a child slathered in oily products likely formulated for mature skin? Or at least more mature than a tween's, because if these products are used into teen-dom - likely to cause zits galore!!

Yes, it's obvious what Bethenny is doing. She already pushes Brynn for a career as an "influencer" which requires no skills, but can be lucrative.


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5 minutes ago, HunterHunted said:

I think we all remember when Bethenny filed all of those Bryn and Brynnygirl trademarks.

Welcome back! We missed you so much. I hope everything is okay now.

Do we predict that Bryn will begin asserting herself any time soon? I feel like that should have happened about 1-2 years ago. 

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Thanks! I'm good.

Until relatively recently, Bryn was prohibited from being on tv and social media because of the endless custody battle. So she kind of missed the age to be an adorable precocious child star influencer. I think Bethenny is likely to push it in about 2 - 3 years. This is around the time Bryn would be finishing her freshman year of high school. I cannot think of a more dangerous time for this to happen. A teen going through high school and puberty with an oversharing mother with massive looks and body issues. This will likely lead to just bad things. It has the potential  to be as bad as anything Rinna or Kim Zolciak has ever done to their daughters.

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On 2/20/2023 at 4:14 PM, HunterHunted said:

Thanks! I'm good.

Until relatively recently, Bryn was prohibited from being on tv and social media because of the endless custody battle. So she kind of missed the age to be an adorable precocious child star influencer. I think Bethenny is likely to push it in about 2 - 3 years. This is around the time Bryn would be finishing her freshman year of high school. I cannot think of a more dangerous time for this to happen. A teen going through high school and puberty with an oversharing mother with massive looks and body issues. This will likely lead to just bad things. It has the potential  to be as bad as anything Rinna or Kim Zolciak has ever done to their daughters.

You think it can't get worse and then it does.   In Aspen, "mommyandme"  24/7.  


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4 hours ago, weaver said:

You think it can't get worse and then it does.   In Aspen, "mommyandme"  24/7.  


Bryn is in hostage-mode. Frankel is a control-freak, and is controlling every aspect of Bryn’s life.

Yeah. This won’t backfire, Frankel.



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1 hour ago, Bossa Nova said:

I hope Bryn gets to see her grandparents from Pennsylvania (Jason's parents). 

I hope they are well and in her life. 

They were such nice down to earth people.


Anybody hear anything current about them ?

I agree.

Hmmm… I thought that Frankel finally ground Hoppy down, and he gave up. He saw that the custody battles were harming Bryn?

So I don’t believe Bryn spends time with Hoppy’s parents anymore.


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3 hours ago, hoodooznoodooz said:

I agree.

Hmmm… I thought that Frankel finally ground Hoppy down, and he gave up. He saw that the custody battles were harming Bryn?

So I don’t believe Bryn spends time with Hoppy’s parents anymore.


They are never mentioned.  I suspect Bryn doesn't see them.  How could rural PA compete with Aspen, Miami, Hamptons, Positano, etc.   

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Bethenny is on instagram posting about about another illness that she has. She claims to have Pots Syndrome, at least this is what I think she said.  She is blaming this for the way her face looks. She said that she is suffering from severe dehydration.  I think she makes up these illnesses as she goes along. Remember her fish allergy? She recently posted a recipe for a dip that she was making and she poured a bunch of worchestershire sauce in the dip.  Um Bethenny this sauce contains anchovies. Most people with fish allergies can't have this. But then she also raved about a restaurant in NYC that had the best tuna salad ever. 

She'll do and say anything for attention. 

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17 minutes ago, 65mickey said:

She is blaming this for the way her face looks.

She looks more like Bernadette every single day.

17 minutes ago, 65mickey said:

She said that she is suffering from severe dehydration.  

She's definitely severely dehydrated, parched, and ever thirsty.

17 minutes ago, 65mickey said:

Remember her fish allergy? She recently posted a recipe for a dip that she was making and she poured a bunch of worchestershire sauce in the dip.  Um Bethenny this sauce contains anchovies. Most people with fish allergies can't have this.

I actually have a friend with a fish allergy who was inadvertently consuming a lot of anchovy products. She used Worcestershire sauce and loved Thai food. I told her both had a ton of anchovies in them. This was a surprise. She never had a reaction. I suspected that she might be allergic to flaky fish, but not oily fish or there is something about the fermentation of anchovies that eliminates the allergens.

There's no explanation for the tuna.

Edited by HunterHunted
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5 hours ago, hoodooznoodooz said:

I agree.

Hmmm… I thought that Frankel finally ground Hoppy down, and he gave up. He saw that the custody battles were harming Bryn?

So I don’t believe Bryn spends time with Hoppy’s parents anymore.


Nope, Jason finally gave up which is awful.

Is Brynn even allowed to have friends her own age?

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18 hours ago, HunterHunted said:

There's no explanation for the tuna.

Absolutely no explanation for the tuna. She once said she's only allergic to fish with scales, but news flash, tunas do in fact have scales. I guess technically they're not a scaly fish but I think the fish allergy is very much a crisis of convenience for her.

And then I'm like, you do realize that you can ski in fantastic places that do not have the altitude of Aspen. Stowe is absolutely lovely and luxurious and if the altitude is affecting your hydration so much that you need medical intervention, perhaps you should consider resorts a little lower in the atmosphere and closer to home.

(Side note the Winter House kids do not ski at Stowe, they ski at nearby Smugglers Notch.)

I actually wonder if things are rocky with Paul right now, because she seems to pull the drama when her personal life is falling apart, like HOW CAN YOU LEAVE ME WHEN I'M SO SICK (alternatively, how can you hold me as an EMOTIONAL HOSTAGE when I'M HOMELESS AND LIVING OUT OF A LUXURY SUV AND HOTELS).

And the irony of it all? Her face actually looks better with a little bit of fullness. Not sure about that one cheek that seems to be dropping into her jaw, but still. 

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What do you all think of Bethany's brand SkinnyGirl? I heard of it before I ever watched RHONY. I was kind of surprised when she brought up her mother's eating disorder and how Jules triggers her. 

I don't know if some of these women were the most sensitive toward Jules. It reminded me a bit of how the women treated Crystal Minkoff on BH. My eating disorder was so many years ago, but even thinking about it can still get me emotional. I wouldn't say it out loud myself, but I'd probably be triggered being around Jules too because it hits too close to home. But then I'm also surprised Bethany uses skinny in her branding given how she grew up. I guess she's a smart business woman since her brand has done so well, but I don't know if I love promoting "skinny." I wish her low cal stuff had a different name tbh. Her products do have very cute packaging. 

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On 2/23/2023 at 3:54 PM, 65mickey said:

Bethenny is on instagram posting about about another illness that she has. She claims to have Pots Syndrome, at least this is what I think she said.  She is blaming this for the way her face looks. She said that she is suffering from severe dehydration.  I think she makes up these illnesses as she goes along. Remember her fish allergy? She recently posted a recipe for a dip that she was making and she poured a bunch of worchestershire sauce in the dip.  Um Bethenny this sauce contains anchovies. Most people with fish allergies can't have this. But then she also raved about a restaurant in NYC that had the best tuna salad ever. 

She'll do and say anything for attention. 

Just something random, I used a lot of Worchestershire sauce in a recipe and had a very bad reaction the next day.  I think it's the anchovies.  Thankfully there are a million substitutes that I can use instead.  I threw the sauce out.  I have random food intolerances (like raisins, sauerkraut, something about fermentation that I don't understand.)

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Wow! That picture's really scary.  Scarier is why anyone in their right mind could think someone that looks like THAT would know a "winning" concealer from a loser.  For some reason, Bethenny decided she's a make-up maven.  She's not.

Lately, she's scrounging around the bottom of the barrel for content.  Recently "Barnacle" Bethenny latched onto Anna Wintour's failure to invite the Kardashians to the Met Gala for a Page 6 comment that Wintour has "squeezed that lemon" & now discarding the Kardashians.  So now Bethenny is an expert on Wintour, the Met Gala &/or the Kardashians. Like the old saying, "Those who can, do - those who can't teach."  She'll opine about anything & since not getting attention for her own doings, she's desperately latching onto other people - even those whose deeds have NOTHING to do with HER. 

Edited by realityplease
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She slaps the makeup on so fast and rough and doesn't really do wear tests.  I think she as bored af up there in the ritzy suburb and this is all she's got.  No more show, no more HSN.    She's really into  this skin care and makeup review stuff and when anyone questions her she shuts them up with a retort.   She has the thinnest skin imaginable.  

Her eyebrows look so high in that picture, as if her eyes might have been "done."  

I bet she is jelly because Jill went to Vanity Fair AND Elton's post Oscar parties.  

The other day she was talking about the stuff she takes for hair growth and it reminded me that Skinny Girl used to make a hair, skin, and nails supplement.   Guess that failed too.  

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6 hours ago, Kiss my mutt said:

Beth is on Instagram complaining about the mean comments that are made about her that Brynn reads on TikTok. Gee, what could be the solution?

Oh, I don't know - maybe stop making yourself the maven of absolutely everything & stop making mean, nasty comments about other people -- to which other people respond negatively???

And maybe stop putting your tween daughter alongside you on some of your "reviews" and "comments" because it might expose her to mean comments as well? You know, like maybe stop grooming her to be a fame-whore (oh, excuse me, "influencer") like yourself & protect your child from the public somewhat??


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On 3/30/2023 at 6:03 AM, weaver said:

Here is yesterday's.   Beth coaching Bryn on mentioning the designer. 



Bryn has her own IG account which is tagged by Bethenny at the bottom of the reel. The account was created a year and a half ago, and there are no photos of her father. There are photos of Paul, her mother's bf/fiance.

Edited by ZettaK
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Bethenny showed her watch (gold with pave diamond dial and diamond bezel Rolex Rainbow- this would go for more than $100,000 even on eBay where she says she buys her watches, etc.), her Saint Laurent slides from Teej (which I assume is TJ Maxx- the chain has some stores with high end designer clothes, accessories and jewelry), and Hermes Jige Elan clutch on that IG reel which she posted at the same time on TikTok as somebody mentioned above. 

But she bought cosmetics, beauty products, etc. from the Dollar store (which she showed to us on another reel) to stay in touch with the masses.

Edited by ZettaK
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18 hours ago, ZettaK said:

Bethenny showed her watch (gold with pave diamond dial and diamond bezel Rolex Rainbow- this would go for more than $100,000 even on eBay where she says she buys her watches, etc.), her Saint Laurent slides from Teej (which I assume is TJ Maxx- the chain has some stores with high end designer clothes, accessories and jewelry), and Hermes Jige Elan clutch on that IG reel which she posted at the same time on TikTok as somebody mentioned above. 

But she bought cosmetics, beauty products, etc. from the Dollar store (which she showed to us) to stay in touch with the masses.

That’s Bethenney alright, always keeping it real!

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19 hours ago, ZettaK said:

Bethenny showed her watch (gold with pave diamond dial and diamond bezel Rolex Rainbow- this would go for more than $100,000 even on eBay where she says she buys her watches, etc.), her Saint Laurent slides from Teej (which I assume is TJ Maxx- the chain has some stores with high end designer clothes, accessories and jewelry), and Hermes Jige Elan clutch on that IG reel which she posted at the same time on TikTok as somebody mentioned above. 

But she bought cosmetics, beauty products, etc. from the Dollar store (which she showed to us) to stay in touch with the masses.

Don't we all have our driver take us to the Dollar Store so we can shop while wearing a $100k watch and our fuzzy house slippers? I know I do.

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Couple of weeks ago, Skinny Girl graced us with yet another one of her mighty insights - this time re: eating disorders (while clutching a prop ice cream carton as an accessory). In Bethenny Frankel's world, only tweenagers are susceptible to pressure to have "perfect" bodies, not middle-aged women;

"Bethenny Frankel doesn’t believe Gwyneth Paltrow can promote disordered eating with a “middle-aged mom” audience. “When people are talking about eating disorders … her base isn’t tweens,” Frankel, 52, said while holding a carton of ice cream she promised to eat “soon.”


She's obviously kissing Paltrow's ass (in hopes of getting her on the podcast, probably) but what a fucking stupid thing to say -  esp. since she claimed, back in the day, to have had food issues herself (while insisting that's over, and she "never diets or exercises to lose weight" now.  Sure, Jan).

Edited by film noire
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Page Six printed some mighty unflattering candid pics of B in St. Barths.  B always wants to keep it real, no filter, no retouching.    But she took  umbrage about Page Six publishing these pics.  What did she do to offend Page Six? She usually counts on them to print her PR announcements.  

From B's IG.  

"P.S. This is the day that the @pagesix paparazzi did me DIRTY and posted the most wretched photos of me. If I could use them without being sued on top of already being violated, I would. It’s like when something tastes gross and you tell someone to taste it. From my wrinkly knees to my horrific expression, it’s one for the ages."


Edited by weaver
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13 hours ago, weaver said:

Page Six printed some mighty unflattering candid pics of B in St. Barths.  B always wants to keep it real, no filter, no retouching.    But she took  umbrage about Page Six publishing these pics.  What did she do to offend Page Six? She usually counts on them to print her PR announcements.  

From B's IG.  

"P.S. This is the day that the @pagesix paparazzi did me DIRTY and posted the most wretched photos of me. If I could use them without being sued on top of already being violated, I would. It’s like when something tastes gross and you tell someone to taste it. From my wrinkly knees to my horrific expression, it’s one for the ages."


Keeping it real? No filters? You can barely see her face on some recent videos/photos because of the filters and the flattering lighting.

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