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"The View": Week of 10/20/14

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As a Canadian, I'm still reeling from the events that happened this week: aside from Wednesday, there were 2 soldiers mowed down by someone not from Montreal which is where I live.  Both are now being linked to potential terrorist links and known to police who didn't act because they didn't have enough to go on.  And it's not something we're used to on home soil.  I just hope it doesn't becomes the norm.  (And don't get me started about the pictures about the corporal's dogs waiting for him to come home.  That did me in.) 


On a lighter note, Tom Bergeron was a mime?  I'm like Nicolle; they don't necessarily freak me out but I'm not a big fan of theirs.

Edited by mtlchick
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Recovering Catholics?  I can understand why Rosie O left the religion because they do not accept her lifestyle, but what is Rosie P's excuse?  I seriously doubt the Pope will appear on the view.

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Rosie and Rosie P may have more intelligence than the other bimbos who left, but they are not informed, and they are super biased, so they all failing along with Whoopi.   Nicole is not stupid or uninformed,  and she at least can take another side at times, unlike Rosie or Rosie P, who are the self-proclaimed know it all's with no background in anything.

Wow, so Nicolle is the only one who is informed on the panel? Interesting exclusion there. I personally see everyone but Whoopi as "informed" to varying degrees on most subjects. Which is unfortunate, since she's the moderator and talks the most. Of course, I'd still take her over someone's suggestion of Aisha Tyler... I don't see either of the Rosie's as any more or less biased than Nicolle.


I enjoyed how the co-hosts were open about the fact that they've had disagreements behind-the-scenes and on-air today. Nice difference from the past "We're all friends if we say we are" motto of the past.

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As a Canadian, I'm still reeling from the events that happened this week: aside from Wednesday, there were 2 soldiers mowed down by someone not from Montreal which is where I live.  Both are now being linked to potential terrorist links and known to police who didn't act because they didn't have enough to go on.  And it's not something we're used to on home soil.  I just hope it doesn't becomes the norm.  (And don't get me started about the pictures about the corporal's dogs waiting for him to come home.  That did me in.) 


On a lighter note, Tom Bergeron was a mime?  I'm like Nicolle; they don't necessarily freak me out but I'm not a big fan of theirs.



Seriously, I am saw the dogs of that soldier that was murdered, so horrible!   I have a feeling since we have implemented alot of security in aiports or other public places, terrorism will sadly become more like it is in Isreal, where evil jerks do horrible things randomly that you can't control. 


I am sure Rosie will have some excuse for all of this evil garbage.   She seems to have a lot of excuses and sympathy for the terrorists,and Monica, but she doesn't show any passionate sympathy for the families of those who had their family member's beheaded or mowed down, like that soldier in Canada.

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I enjoyed how the co-hosts were open about the fact that they've had disagreements behind-the-scenes and on-air today. Nice difference from the past "We're all friends if we say we are" motto of the past.


I had a good chuckle about Ro's time-outs remark, troublemaker that she is.


I refer to myself as a recovering Catholic, I think it's a pretty broadly used term.

Edited by NextIteration
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Rosie Perez was physically abused by nuns, plus the church is still hiding millions of dollars in cemetery bank accounts to avoid taking responsibility for their sexual abuse victims.  There are a million reasons she left the church, I am sure, I think I remember her citing how much money goes into the Vatican and not into the neighborhoods.  I think more people should have to explain why they continue to support the church financially, leaving it seems obvious to me.


"Recovering Catholic" just seems like repeating the same joke over and over.  I don't really remember it before Perez. 

Edited by Morbs
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Recovering Catholics?  I can understand why Rosie O left the religion because they do not accept her lifestyle, but what is Rosie P's excuse?  I seriously doubt the Pope will appear on the view.

I don't think someone needs an 'excuse' to leave any religion but I'd say if anyone had a reason it would be Rosie Perez.   She was declared a ward of the state and had a rather harrowing childhood a Catholic children's home/convent.  She talks about it in her book, which by the way I found to be a really well done story of survival - with humor and inspiration. 


ETA: I've been using the term 'recovering Catholic" since I first heard it twenty years ago.   I thought it was pretty common for people Rosie P and RO's (and my) age - especially those of us who where educated in the Catholic Church.


Edited [again] to clarify which Rosie I was talking about. 

Edited by Cosmocrush
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Last week, David T. Cole linked the GLAAD Media Reference Guide. It has the dos and don'ts of language referencing the LGBT community and LGBT people. As this show has a host who is a member of the LGBT community, I'd encourage posters to read the guide. We aren't going to be dinging people if they aren't using the terms out of malice. Times are changing and language with it. Thank you. 

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Not to trudge up the past, but the incident you are talking about regarding Rosie and Kelly Ripa from Rosie's first stint on the View had to do w/Clay Aiken covering Kelly's mouth on the air, which is rude in itself imo.  Kelly made a comment that she didn't know where Clay's hands had been, which to most viewers was her making a salacious comment on him being gay.  Kelly played it off that it was flu season and that was the reason she was mad that he did that, but the inflection in her tone when she called out Clay on the air for placing his hand over her mouth spoke volumes about what she really meant by her comment.  The one thing that Rosie wasn't expecting was Kelly to call into the View the next day on the air and get called out on it.  I get that Kelly, and more importantly her husband, hang out w/gay guys all the time it seems but back then I don't recall her and her husband doing that as much publically. 


Rosie fights for the rights and causes for the people she feels needs someone w/a public forum and loud abrasive mouth that can get the attention to that cause.

I wouldn't know what went on in the minds of "most viewers", but I never thought that Kelly was gay bashing Clay at the time by telling him to get his sweaty hands off her mouth. JMO, but I also highly doubt she started publicly hanging around gay guys to disguise a case of homophobia. It didn't take long for Sam Campion to come to her defense.

I can take or leave Kelly & LOVE Rosie -but I didn't feel too sorry for her that day. That was the type of accusation that could really damage someone's career.

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I agree with Rosie's views on gun control, but I didn't appreciate the tie in she made with what happened in Ottawa. (Or Chrissy Teigen, never heard her of her before. ) Because, guess what, we do have gun murders in Canada. Not on the scale of the US, of course. But if they had been comparing one of those stats with America and talking about gun control, that would have been okay. Compare Toronto to Chicago, for example. But what happened was an attack aimed at the very heart of our democracy, our Parliament and something as sacred as the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier. That doesn't happen every day in the States either. Not every Wednesday.

And I had a minor nitpick that they took the time to display a photo of the tweeter, but not the slain soldier. But I know I shouldn't look for insight or good analysis from a show like a The View. And I was feeling very emotional about the whole thing as I'm sure many Canadians were.

Moving on, I didn't miss Whoopi at all. And yes, Rosie never introduced the fill in host. I guess she forgot.

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On a much less serious note, just wanted to comment on their discussion about coloring being calming and meditative. I have a dear friend who is an intelligent, charismatic nurse educator - she and her husband are actively involved in their community, volunteer activities, etc. and she keeps crayons and coloring books in her house and like to color from time to time as a destressor which I always thought was a bit different and quirky. She has rheumatoid arthritis and just had joint surgery (has had over 15 surgeries since diagnosis in her late 20s) and I almost bought a new coloring book to put in a "speedy recovery" gift bag I'm bringing to her next week. Now I'm thinking I need to print out some information on zen tangle ( had never heard of it) and add some paper and colored pencils. I may even try zen tangling some picture frames as holiday gifts!

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Well, good for her if she was paid by the Republican party. Bill Clinton has millions and can appear at any time to endorse new politicians like he did for Obama, meanwhile Monica will never be able to get another job again (as the women discussed even last year on the show). I agree with Rosie O--he was the one who broke his marriage vows, he was the one in the position of power, so why she was the one forever ruined is beyond me.


The infomercials feel like something out of the 1950s.

I just have to doubt that it is impossible for Monica Lewinski to ever get any sort of job. Her family members have good connections, she's very bright, and some people would think her name and face visibility would be a plus. 

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I'm really glad that Annie Lennox had the opportunity to clean up the Beyonce/feminism remarks for her sake.  I'm not and never have been and never will be a fan of Beyonce, but it's pretty clear that Annie was taken out of context.  She's been bashed pretty hard over the remarks, and Annie is one of my all time favorites.  It was pretty cute the way that even RosieP was starstruck by her.




I just have to doubt that it is impossible for Monica Lewinski to ever get any sort of job.


Interestingly, the Washington Post just published the report about the treatment of Lewinsky immediately after the affair was leaked by Drudge, maybe?  She has profound PTSD about the whole thing.  I don't know, but I don't think that anyone that isn't close to her knows either.  I'm not defending her poor choices, but Ken Starr and his minions were terrible to her.

Edited by NextIteration
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I just have to doubt that it is impossible for Monica Lewinski to ever get any sort of job. Her family members have good connections, she's very bright, and some people would think her name and face visibility would be a plus.

If she truly wanted to help people, she already has a masters in Psychology an was living in Europe. She wants to be a celebrity . She could have worked with abused or victimized children instead of fixating on a sxandal from 20 years ago. She's Kardashian type, just like all of the so called viciims who posed nude, and loved the spotlight . Rosie finds her amazing? That is just sad. Too bad the soldier that we r in on his day off and was murdered was wasn't given the sympathy and airtime that Monica got or the supposed mentally ill terrorists got from Rosie . Edited by orangekit
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I'm with BW and Rosie with their sympathy towards Monica.  If an employer won't hire someone holding a beer in a FB photo, imagine what they think when her resume comes across their desk?  For any position, there will be countless qualified people up for the job, first impressions matter.  No company is going to take on that public scrutiny.  She doesn't deserve to be punished for life.  Having a felony or even a DUI can stop your application cold.


And of course Rosie feels sympathy towards the dead soldier in CA, that can't just be assumed?  She hasn't spoken out against murder and war enough to just assume she feels terrible about a young man losing his life?  The Ottawa shooter was a man who tried to rob a McDonalds with a stick.  I feel sympathy towards him and other mentally ill killers like James Holmes or Adam Lanza.  It's not excusing their crimes, it's realizing that labeling them as being "evil" like Nicolle does or calling them them a "monster" actually excuses their crimes.  Because if you're "evil" what else do you expect?  But because they are human, and inherently good, we should question what exactly lead them down this path.


And I'm with Whoopi: I love to color.  When I'm babysitting my niece and nephew I always encourage that pastime instead of board games or imagination play.

Edited by Morbs
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Rosie relates everything to herself and can't see outside of her own experiences. She has mental illness, so someone can murder innocent people and just be a fanatical sicko, and she makes excuses for them. She somehow relates her own sexual abuse to a woman who had multiple affairs with married men, and paid the price for playing the innocent victim while somehow saving a dress. I agreed with Rose and BW at first, until i saw she saved disgusting evidence. I think most see her as an opportunist. I think she always had a goal of somehow getting the president, or destroyin him with evidence if she didn't get her wish. She also bragged about getting presidential knee pads. Hardly a little innocent romantic. More like a trashy Kardashian type who still wants revenge now and to get revenge on Hillary because she didn't succeed in winning and destroying them.

Rosie has never expressed any real sympathy for soldiers who are killed. I despised Elisabeth , but Tosie was insinuating that our soldiers were terrorists. I think she needs to go live in one of those countries where the intention if those hurting people is to kill innocent people, so she understands the difference.

It's ine think to understand a point of view, but to make ecauses for people who behead and rape for fun. Maybe Rosie can invite some of them to her house and have tea, and do Zen paitnting and she'll solve the terror problem!

BW defending Monica makes sense since she wrote about her affair with no regard for the family of the man she had the affair with to sell books. She can relate to an opportunist who is lacking in concience enough to do a married man and then blab about it for attention an profit .

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Rosie has never expressed any real sympathy for soldiers who are killed. I despised Elisabeth , but Tosie was insinuating that our soldiers were terrorists. I think she needs to go live in one of those countries where the intention if those hurting people is to kill innocent people, so she understands the difference.

This is a seven year old topic but since internet content (and apparently myths) live forever, I'd suggest a quick search of Rosie O'Donnell and Fisher House at Fort Sam Houston as just one reason this isn't true.    Well, unless an official military website isn't considered a good source.  


Rosie just received an award of honor from returning vets...'

Not for the first time either.  Good for her. 

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Rosie has never expressed any real sympathy for soldiers who are killed. I despised Elisabeth , but Tosie was insinuating that our soldiers were terrorists. I think she needs to go live in one of those countries where the intention if those hurting people is to kill innocent people, so she understands the difference.


Time and time again Ro has put her money where her heart and her mouth are, in support of Fisher house and many other charities that serve the families of both the fallen and the returning soldiers with injuries.


This whole contention that she insinuated that the US Soldiers were terrorists misses her point, she wanted people to put themselves in the place of Iraqi civilians and consider what their perception was about the US Military invasion (Shock and Awe!). As in, to the Iraqis, it might very well be considered that the US Military were the terrorists.

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Barry Manilow will be on next week! As many may recall he has refused for years because the producers would not grant his request to NOT be interviewed with EH on the couch....anyone else, sure.

Edited by maggiemae
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Rosie has never expressed any real sympathy for soldiers who are killed. I despised Elisabeth , but Tosie was insinuating that our soldiers were terrorists. I think she needs to go live in one of those countries where the intention if those hurting people is to kill innocent people, so she understands the difference.



One of those countries? Like Iraq? Where over 100,000 innocent civilians were killed by US troops and bombings?

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Thanks Chicagocita....I added the "NOT" but glad you knew what I meant.

There was never, imo, a real discussion with EH....and that is why I like Nicolle...she is willing to engage in controversial conversations and be gracious even if she disagrees.

Edited by maggiemae
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I love love loved Nicolle when she was talking about how she yells at cyclists and cab drivers and inattentive nannies on the street.  That made me literally want to be best friends with her so we can rant at all the jerks riding their bikes like they own the street.  She and I may not agree on all of our politics, but I'll be damned if she hasn't made me like her.

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I stopped myself from posting yesterday, because I was so pissed off about Rosie's comments, that there were far too many expletives to make my point.  A day later, I'm still mad.  I respect her views on gun control, and I do understand what Chrissy whatshername was trying to say, but this incident isn't just another shooting and their comments are offensive.  Both of the attacks on members of our military this week were acts of terrorism.  Yes, both men who had been what journalists call 'radicalized homegrowns' had problems with drugs and mental illness, but they both had ties to terrorist groups and committed acts of terrorism on our soil.  While I'm sorry for their problems, forgive me if my sympathies lie with Warrant Officer Patrice Vincent, who was struck in a targeted hit and run, or with Cpl. Nathan Cirillo, who was shot from behind at close range while standing on guard at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier.  He was a reservist who was proud to be standing honor guard at a monument that honors all of our fallen soldiers, and he gets two shotgun blasts from behind.  Despicable and cowardly acts.  Not to mention the fact that this man was able to make it into the Centre Block of Parliament mere feet away from our Prime Minister and other members of government.  Our nation mourns and honours these men.   Sorry, not just another Wednesday.  

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Crissy T's comments reminded me of a Madonna concert I went to on 9/14/11, 3 days after 9/11. Most of the crowd was chanting USA at every opportunity. You could feel the tension/fear in the air, we were at Staples Center. Everyone around us was saying "what if they bomb this building? Release a toxic substance?" You get the picture. uMadonna was wearing a kilt made of the USA. At one point she started screaming "fuck all of you! You think you have the monopoly on fear? What about the Israelis who walk around with gas masks? What about (examples of countries whose citizens live with blatant terrorism everyday)? They feel what you are feeling everyday of their lives!" She went on a bit, I think she was trying to get the crowd to think globally. We all felt a change in the atmosphere after her rant, for the better we thought.

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Wow.  Either I'm in trouble, or The View's in trouble.  I enjoyed the show so much yesterday that I had to turn off early into it today.  I didn't miss the other two, one iota.  The discussion between Rosie and Nicolle was intelligent and dignified.  I know Natasha and Amy were pinch hitting, but I liked them both, and appreciated that they stayed completely silent during that discussion.  Not out of awkwardness, because it wasn't awkward, but out of sheer politeness, respect, professionalism and smarts.  Rosie O is a natural as moderator.  What a refreshing and welcomed change.


I don't understand why there's a popular opinion about Rosie "dishing it out but can't take it".  From what I've read in newspapers, magazines, and especially online, she takes more brutally insulting, horrible, humiliating, untrue, hate-filled hits than anyone else I can think of.  She takes it.  And I see her not dishing it out in comparison.  Case in point:  Bits.  What she did was true to form, and was reprehensible.  I recall (?) that Rosie responded somewhat, but nothing measurable at all to what Bits deserved for that (and that's probably a good thing - it's obvious Bits' career depends on staying relevant and it's sad that's the only way it can).  I will concede that Rosie has given it to those deserving of it - Donald Trump for one.  There are examples that would take pages here to note where she takes it and doesn't dish it out.


What I would hope to see measured, however, are Rosie's charitable contributions.  I have never known of a celebrity more committed to sharing their wealth.  She encourages others in her position to give - but make no mistake that while she's doing that she's giving more than anybody else.  You name it - time, money, she's there to give.  She genuinely wants to help those less fortunate.  She's the most kind hearted celebrity we are ever going to come across.


I see what she is saying about what happened in Ottawa.  I understand it.  She was truly heartsick with Colombine (I remember seeing her show then).  She is sick and tired of gun violence.  She is not defending terrorists.  She doesn't want violence to be answered with violence.  I remember saying myself after 911 that I didn't want their innocent civilians to be blown up because of it.  Is that defending terrorists?  No, it's not.  I know she feels grief about our wonderful soldier standing honour guard losing his life.  I agree with her that more must be done to address those in mental distress.  Even though I do understand what Rosie et al are saying, I do agree with those who do not liken this event to "just another Wednesday".  It's not just another Wednesday.  The capital city of a country was attacked, right there in the Parliament buildings, quite different from guns people insist on having in their own homes accidentally going off and killing someone.  But I'm not offended by it; I am hopeful that after all the uproar, there is more understanding, although I hope Rosie never, ever, caves in any way on her stance on violence and gun control.  And I was relieved when, while it was nerve wracking there for a while, one of our sons who lives and works in downtown Ottawa contacted us to let us know he was fine, knowing we'd be worried.  Our hearts are with the family of Cpl. Nathan Cirillo, and with all those families who have lost loved ones due to these horrific and violent acts of cowardice everywhere in the world. 



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I love love loved Nicolle when she was talking about how she yells at cyclists and cab drivers and inattentive nannies on the street.  That made me literally want to be best friends with her so we can rant at all the jerks riding their bikes like they own the street.  She and I may not agree on all of our politics, but I'll be damned if she hasn't made me like her.

I haven't seen today's show yet but I want to comment on marny's post about liking Nicolle even while disagreeing with her politics because I feel the same way.  Nicolle, at least on this show, is much more then "The Republican" at the table.  She's a working mother with a big career,  a wife, a girlfriend, and a little starstruck - all of which I find likeable.  When the topics do turn to political issues she's got the cred and knows how to have a respectful conversation without escalating it to a screechfest.  I think RO and RosieP, who both share thoughtful opinions as well, can learn as much from their relationship with Nicolle as she can from them.


Mostly, I like seeing professional women on my TV that can discuss different views with some experience, thoughtfulness and respect.   I'd like to see Whoopi, who isn't any dummy herself,  decide to do more than show up  and tell bathroom jokes.



I do agree with those who do not liken this event to "just another Wednesday".  It's not just another Wednesday.  The capital city of a country was attacked, right there in the Parliament buildings, quite different from guns people insist on having in their own homes accidentally going off and killing someone.  But I'm not offended by it; I am hopeful that after all the uproar, there is more understanding, although I hope Rosie never, ever, caves in any way on her stance on violence and gun control.  And I was relieved when, while it was nerve wracking there for a while, one of our sons who lives and works in downtown Ottawa contacted us to let us know he was fine, knowing we'd be worried.  Our hearts are with the family of Cpl. Nathan Cirillo, and with all those families who have lost loved ones due to these horrific and violent acts of cowardice everywhere in the world. 

Thank you to all my  Canadian friends here for explaining why they are upset about Rosie defending Christy Teigen's tweet.  I didn't get it at first because I felt like Teigen  was making a sardonic observation on gun control in the US... " or as we call it in america, wednesday."  but now I can see why so many felt it was inappropriate.  Like the guest host said, "Timing is everything." 


Gun violence happens in Canada but it's statistically rare compared to the states  so it often appears our neighbors to the north have the situation in hand and for the most part they do.    Yet  this wasn't an "ordinary act of gun violence" (wow - I can't believe I just typed that) but an attack on  the center of government for an entire country - terrifying.   Dreamboat, you must have so relieved to hear from your son. .  My wishes for peace go out to all the Canadian posters on this board. 


Today, the 11th planned school shooting since SandyHook took place in my local news area today - two children are dead and four more are in very critical condition and so the show remains unwatched on my dvr even though I was home.   The day was non-stop coverage of the tragedy or you know, Friday in America.   I didn't know my heart could still break over these horrific tragedies - but it can, especially when it's kids. 

Edited by Cosmocrush
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One of those countries? Like Iraq? Where over 100,000 innocent civilians were killed by US troops and bombings?

I'm with Rosie when she talks acout the Iraq war being wrong. I think most wars are unecessary . But, the intent of a terror is to kill innocent people . I'm sure many innocent people died during WW11, but should we have sat around talking to people who were putting children, elderly, and all jews in gas chambers? I'm sure the civil war caused innocent peope to die, but should we have allowed what was going in to keep happening?

Sorry but Rosie's seems unable to distinguish intent.

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But, the intent of a terror is to kill innocent people .


What was the intent of the Iraq war?


It had nothing to do with Al Qaeda or bin Laden. Or non-existant WMD's. Oil maybe.

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She has mental illness, so someone can murder innocent people and just be a fanatical sicko, and she makes excuses for them. 

That's not to say that all people who have a MI think that way and there are plenty of people who don't have an MI who think that way also. 

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What was the intent of the Iraq war?


It had nothing to do with Al Qaeda or bin Laden. Or non-existant WMD's. Oil maybe.


Oil only.


I too have been remiss in expressing my sympathy for our Canadian friends on the board, I can't imagine how it must feel except for remembering our 9/11 and how vulnerable that made me feel for our country.  It was a feeling of vulnerability though, not anger.


And now, here in America, most coverage of the perpetrator has been buried under the new NYC Ebola patient, the Washington State school shootings (which tangentially reached me as I texted a bestie to make sure that it wasn't her son's school), the new White House fence jumper, they guy with the hatchet that went after police officers in Queens, the confirmation that the remains found were Hannah the missing VA student and a shooting in CA that left two officers dead.  I think this, is where Tiegen's tweet came from, the timing was terribly inappropriate, but, she didn't deserve death threats about it.


I don't have the answers to any of this.  None of us wants to become inured to all the violence and troubles in our countries or in the world, but it seems like here in America the hits come daily, and sometimes in multiples.


Finally, the intent of terror is to terrorize, killing anyone is collateral damage to that.  It's a tactic, and I suppose one person's terror is not another's.  Bin Laden meant to terrorize America into financial ruin, and he was far more successful than he ever thought he would be I believe.  Trillions of dollars down the rat hole on two wars and a destroyed economy, civil liberties in ruins.  You know what else is terror?  When one's country gins up fear with threat levels to manipulate, whether it's Ebola or so called possible "planned terror attacks".


With the advent of ISIL/Al Qaeda/al-Nusra tweaking mentally vulnerable people into doing the unthinkable I'm not sure if fighting them over there is as effective as helping the mentally vulnerable here - but how to suss that out is difficult.  I think that is a large part of what Ro expresses.

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What was the intent of the Iraq war?

It had nothing to do with Al Qaeda or bin Laden. Or non-existant WMD's. Oil maybe.

I said I didn't agree with that war. The intent was oil . I was making a point that Rosie implies that all war and terror is the same. At times we have no choice such as the civil war or WW11, you can't have coloring sessions with Hilter, or medicate him or ISIS out of their actions
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I didn't know my heart could still break over these horrific tragedies - but it can, especially when it's kids.



I have no real words to say, that is, words that would help anyone or anything.  But I will say, please know that I was watching the coverage and crying right along with you all.  There are wounds that time won't heal.  And children being shot is one of them.  We can get over and move on from so many horrible things, but not that.  Ever.

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What was the intent of the Iraq war?


It had nothing to do with Al Qaeda or bin Laden. Or non-existant WMD's. Oil maybe.

I don't think the Iraq War was about oil...... It was about ego and not much else. Saddam Hussein put out a hit on Daddy Bush and this was the chance for Dubya to get back at him. I heard a few times that there were plans to invade Iraq even before the events of 9/11 took place. The Iraq war was about payback... and the attacks on 9/11 were just the excuse.

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I heard a few times that there were plans to invade Iraq even before the events of 9/11 took place.


Yes, there were plans to attack Iraq before 9/11, and they were all about OIL.  9/11 did indeed give them the green light to proceed.  Go read the hegemonic screed of PNAC.  Remember how we were told that the Iraqi invasion would pay for itself, because .... the OIL.  Please watch the Maddow documentaries Hubris, and Why we Did It (or something like that).


So the more we learn about the three attackers (Quebec, Ottawa and Queens) they all seem to have some small jihadist ties, but primarily were marginalized and known to be mentally off.  Some lone wolves appear to be sane and planful (Nadal at Ft Hood) and others just seem to just go for suicide by cop with "jihad" as a tangential reason.  I think this was the crux of the disagreement between Ro and Nicolle, in the end though, these disturbed people seem to be more of a threat - because they are more difficult to catch "planning" and prevent.

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What is Rosie's non-violent solution to dealing with people like this. I know the Iraq war was the cause a lot of this, but does she really think you can

talk to people who do this?


I really hate when people spout off their opinions about serious matters with simplistic , out of reality ideas.

Edited by marmalade
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What is Rosie's non-violent solution to dealing with people like this. I know the Iraq war was the cause a lot of this, but does she really think you can

talk to people who do this?


I really hate when people spout off their opinions about serious matters with simplistic , out of reality ideas.

Every problem has a non-violent solution...... what is sad is so many people have to die before the non-violent solution is tried.... one of my favorite quotes




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What is Rosie's non-violent solution to dealing with people like this. I know the Iraq war was the cause a lot of this, but does she really think you can

talk to people who do this?http://www.cnn.com/2014/10/26/world/meast/isis-beheading-torture/index.html?sr=fb102614isistorture11astorylink

I really hate when people spout off their opinions about serious matters with simplistic , out of reality ideas.

I don't think Rosie says that she has the solution. She is just saying that you don't solve violence by more violence.

And in response to your earlier post, she has not said that American troops ARE terrorists. She said that who you view as the terrorists depends on what country you live in. If you are a normal person, not a soldier or government official, and soldiers from another country come in and kill people in YOUR country, then you see it as terrorism. And you see it that way regardless of whether or not your country's people "started it".

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I love love loved Nicolle when she was talking about how she yells at cyclists and cab drivers and inattentive nannies on the street.  That made me literally want to be best friends with her so we can rant at all the jerks riding their bikes like they own the street.  She and I may not agree on all of our politics, but I'll be damned if she hasn't made me like her.

marny, I finally saw Friday's show. Yes!  I loved Nicolle saying she pounded on the trunks of NYC taxi's for almost running her over and telling the texting nannies that she "knows this child's mother."     A woman after my own heart.  Loved Rosie telling Nicolleshe's, "more badass than I ever thought."  too. 


Whoopi really needs to stop with the "uh huh" and the "yep" when anyone else is talking.  I could hear it off camera when Edward Norton was trying to speak.  We get it Whoopi: you are [were] a big Movie Stah who's seen and done it all.  Now please be quiet when someone else is speaking.  

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I'm not artistic enough to create designs a la zentangle but I can't say enough good things about colored pencils and stained glass coloring books with translucent pages. During/after a rough day, I spend thirty (or sixty, or ninety) minutes with that and then I'm "all better."

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