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S05.E01: No Sanctuary


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I want Carol "I'm gonna need more guts" Peltier to be my new TV mommy.

Love the new opening credits.

I need to learn how to make brass knuckles out of my belt.

The reunions made me tear up...not even going to lie.

At least Maggie asked about Beth.


Thank Gawd this show is back...I missed it so.


*gets ready to watch Talking Dead* Holy shit! Is that MORGAN?!

  • Love 8

I was surprised by how good this episode was. I already loved Carol, but she is now officially my favorite character. Talk about kicking ass! I knew she was tough Carol now, but lmao she more or less took down Terminus by herself.


I was glad to see her use the "covered in zombie goo to stay invisible" technique. Ever since they used it in season 1 I thought it was weird that they didn't use it again.


Sam was the blonde guy whose throat was slit first. Rick and Carol met with Sam and his girlfriend in the episode where Rick banished Carol. The girlfriend had a bad leg and was eaten by walkers. Rick gave Sam his watch and then he never returned.



So that's where I'd seen that guy. He seemed familiar.


The Carol/Daryl reunion was perfect.

  • Love 10

Gah!  This episode was fantastic!


Carol rocked so much fucking ass!  Melissa McBride needs an award, stupid Emmy people!


I'm sorry all that bad shit happened to you, Terminus people, but two wrongs don't make a right.  It was delightful seeing you all get eaten!


That opening seeing was fucking brutal and I was sure poor Glenn was a goner.  So Rick and the guys breaking free and kicking ass was a joy.  Also, credits images - pretty damn freaky, what with the distortions and all that.


The "meat locker" that Rick and the guys had to walk through may have been the sickest thing ever on this show, and that's saying something.


That brief scene where Carol is in that storage room and finds Daryl's crossbow got to me.  All that stuff, all those people (especially the teddy bears). :(  Sorry, Tasha Yar, but Carol was being kind in letting the Walkers come in and eat you.  I would have cut off bits and pieces and tossed it at them.


Silly Terminus man.  You should never have underestimated Tyresse.  Especially now that Little Asskicker is around and needs protection (before she's able to actually kick ass, of course).


And Morgan Jones lives!  I actually thought that was Lee Everett, but no.  Clementine wasn't around and fans of the show might be pissed if the Telltale Games characters start getting incorporated.  Kenny alone might cause a drop in viewership.

  • Love 9

Morgan's back!!!! Oh my gosh, I'm dying. I was not expecting that. I knew Conan was going to be on TTD, so I thought it was the start of a spoof or something....then...BAM! So excited. 


Anyhow, I thought that was a great opener. I always love an episode where they can get so much story into such a short time, without making it feel rushed. I was hoping last season that they wouldn't drag Terminus out for several episodes, but nope. It's gone. Buy-bye. 


That was Fruit Hippie at the trough, right??? How in the hell did he end up there? Did the Termites go out and snatch up people too? Because it's not like he would have just wandered away from his gf.


Carol is a boss bitch. That's all I have to say. She's been one of my favorites since season 3 and she didn't fail me tonight. Rick was on fire tonight as well. The hipsters were definitely fucking with the wrong people. 


It was interesting to find out that the spec from last year, about the Termites starting out well-meaning, but turning "bad" out of necessity, was right. And it's really pretty sad. It reminds me of the Governor, and the pity I sometimes had for him. The ZA is crazy, because it can turn really good people bad. They swung a little too far to the bad side in an attempt to take their sanctuary back.


The room full of possessions was creepy as hell. All those teddy bears. Yuck. 


Speaking of kids....Tyrese is lucky he turned that shit around, because I was about to kill him for turning his back in the Cabin of Catharsis. I'm glad he got all the angst over Karen and Carol out, because I couldn't deal with mopey Tyrese again. 


The reunion at the end was absolutely beautiful. Carol and Daryl. The Grimes family. Tears were flowing freely over here. And I loved the shout out to Mika, when Carol noticed the smoke was black and said the fire definitely wasn't out yet. 


My show is back! Yay!

  • Love 13

What  a great premiere!


Loved seeing them bring back Penguin! 


Carol was badass! Loved her shooting, taking charge, blowing Terminus up, saving all their lives. Take that Rick! Rick who banished her but after she saves him is suddenly all smiles and hugging him. (Still not over that. lol)


Darryl and Carol's hug, awww. Now Darryl has to go find Beth.

  • Love 3

Best season opener ever.


Carol is a BOSS!!! Boss of the hot sauce!!


I became a complete loon when she set Terminus ablaze.


I mean what?!?! Not only did she tear the roof off the sucker, literally, mowing mofos down left and right, she had time to go to the lost and found and pick up Rick's watch and Daryl's crossbow. Carol completely owned this episode.


It was stone cold the way she left old Mary shot in the leg and opened the door to the walkers.


One thing that it brought to light and that always wondered was why the group don't always smear themselves with walker guts and blend themselves in especially when on runs in walker dense areas. Always bothered me especially since it worked s1 until it rained in ATL and they know damn well it worked well for Michonne and she didn't even bother to cover herself in walker guts.


Love Tyreese and he redeemed himself at the end but man did he annoy me making conversation with that dude. I was like why are you telling this random that baby's name. 


Another scene that had me losing my mind was Rick cutting himself loose and stabbing those two assholes in the kill room. 


MORGAN!!! Have to say didn't know what was going on at first. Thought it was some Talking Dead gimmick or intro because the film looked different or something but damn so glad he is back now that we are done with that mess that was Low Winter Sun. Morgan looked sane and together too. So that is a plus.


So glad to have my show back and a board to discuss it on.

Edited by islandgal140
  • Love 8

IMO the best episode since the series premier. 


My girl Carol was awesome.  I love her character flaws and all and I love Melissa McBride.  And the reunion with Daryl was perfect.


Damn, that was a great Terminus backstory.  I guess being raped and brutilized for weeks (months?) can warp people even more than the zombie apocolypse.  I didn't necessarily feel sorry for them after they victimized all of those innocent people, but at least it is explained a bit more.


Aaand Morgan!


  • Love 6
MORGAN!!! Have to say didn't know what was going on at first. Thought it was some Talking Dead gimmick or intro because the film looked different or something

I could not process that. I thought it was promo for a video game or the spin off or I didn't know what. I could not comprehend for several seconds that Morgan was really there. Very very interested in seeing what he's up to and what state his mind is in.

  • Love 4

Sooo I was not really grossed out by the whack and slash at the beginning.  Now if they were feeding them to bugs or something - ick!



One thing that it brought to light and that always wondered was why the group don't always smear themselves with walker guts and blend themselves in especially when on runs in walker dense areas.

Yeah the show is very inconsistent with this.  


Ooh, Morgan!  Everyone in the new world is a little crazy anyway.  Like some of you, I thought it was going to be Chris Hardwick or something when he took off the hood.

  • Love 1

That was wall-to-wall awesome, and then Morgan.  Holy shit, guys, it's on! 


I liked that Carol handled the Walkers in the woods without judging Tyreese for being a non-combatant, but I was disappointed in that he let that Termite mess with his head.  If they weren't going to kill him, Tyreese should have gagged him to prevent him yelling for help, if nothing else.  After that, Carol was seriously badass.  I loved how she planned from the start to use the Walker horde, and then a shout-out back to Guts in season 1 with Carol using cosmetic zombie goo and then blending in with the horde like Michonne used to do.  I honestly felt a chill when she brought down the fence.  Carol was not messing around.


The scene with Rick and the group making weapons was also insane.  They were not wasting any time.  Terminus gave themselves a break by using the smoke grenade but after that it was game over.  I loved that Rick was thinking all the way through that horrible butchering.  He had a weapon, he had a plan and Gareth gave him the time he needed before Carol took over with the distraction.  I was worried for Glenn because he was next and those guys were efficient.  The tables Carol found were heartbreaking, particularly the teddy bears.  The Termites were far gone and I didn't feel bad for any of them, even knowing that horrible things happened to them first.  Glenn had the right idea and I like that he was the conscience of the group.  His gesture didn't last long but he insisted on opening the door and hanging on to his humanity, to the group's humanity.  I also love that Daryl is still Rick's wingman, at his side, no hesitation. 


The reunions were amazing: Daryl and Carol, Carol and Rick - no questions and no recriminations, the Grimes family, Sasha and Tyreese.  Michonne needs to be reunited with her katana and Daryl with his poncho, and then I'll be happy.  Rick made Gareth a promise, and I hope he gets to keep it.  That episode was freaking awesome, and then Morgan showed up, looking less crazy, okay, a little less crazy.  Well, honestly, I don't care if he's still batshit as long as he's back.  Best Thanksgiving present ever. 

  • Love 15

Awesome episode, loved Carol she's a totaL badass. The reunion of Camp Dinner Bell was so nice to se. The Carol/Daryl hug was perfect. The Carol/Rick big was sweet and the Rick/Judith/Carl reunion was beautiful.

Only downside is after such a heartwarming episode I'm terrified of who will die next week...you just know it's going to go South soon.

Loved seeing Morgan again, I hope the show managed to lock the actor in for several episodes.

I still wonder if Eugene is on the level but I'll be honest I find him entertaining as hell anyway.

  • Love 5


When did this happen, how did you know this? Guess I need to rewatch or turn out the lights so I can see the dark scenes better.

They mentioned it on the Talking Dead.  I wouldn't have known if they hadn't.


LOL.  They just said that in the script when Carol leaves Mary in the candle room to be eaten by zombies it says "Dinner by Candlelight".

Edited by raven
  • Love 3

Glenn had the right idea and I like that he was the conscience of the group.  His gesture didn't last long but he insisted on opening the door and hanging on to his humanity, to the group's humanity.  


I could understand where Glenn was coming from, but I didn't think it was a good idea. It was one of those situations where you're damned if you do, damned if you don't. My  first thought when he suggested this was, how are the captured going to defend themselves? They didn't have weapons. We're they even strong enough to put up a fight? And as we saw with the one man that did come out of the boxcar, he not only didn't have any weapons (of course), but he was BSC, and just like expected quickly became zombie chow.

Edited by Enero

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