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S03.E01: The Calm


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Well, I watch enough TV to know I should have seen that coming. But - DAMN IT!!!!! I feel like a sucker. Sigh.

Leaving that BS aside, I though the episode was pretty good. I did like Oliver fighting himself, but it will never beat Dean vs. Dean on SPN! I am not a major Olicity shipper, so I appreciate they are not going full force into the relationship there. I can appreciate a slower burn and/or obstacles.

I am trying to be open-minded about Laurel. I appreciated Katie Cassidy when she was on Supernatural, so I know she can do better. Hopefully Sara's death will bring out something we have not seen and give the actress some meaty material to work with.

Can you tell I am an optimist?

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I was actually starting to like Laurel in this episode,   And then they had to go and kill Sara, just so Laurel can be the one to become the Black Canary. Really, really bad move, show.


(If nothing else, it puts paid to Oliver thinking it makes a difference if the woman he is with can defend herself or not.)

WEll Felicity hacked all his tech. I think that's illegal....

After he hacked into QC's files, using the advice Felicity gave him not knowing what he was going to do. No wonder she was mad.


I like Brandon Routh, but Ray came across as smary in this one.

  • Love 3

And geez, how many MORE people are they going to sacrifice at the alter to Oliver's manpain?

more for Laurel's pain. I think this death is more for Laurel than Oliver...


After he hacked into QC's files, using the advice Felicity gave him not knowing what he was going to do. No wonder she was mad.


I like Brandon Routh, but Ray came across as smary in this one.

True. lol

Edited by ban1o
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They fridged Sara because they wanted Laurel to become BC and they wanted the mystery of who killed her to be part of the arc.


I don't even care who killed her because in my mind it will always be Laurel's fault. 


I also found this premiere boring. I'm indifferent to Olicity, Ray is smug stalker, I don't like baby storylines, Waller is still boring and I don't care about the Hong Kong people, Vertigo 2.0 wasn't any better than the first one and was way to easy to take out and most of all everything felt rushed. 


I don't even care if Sara comes back in flashbacks because they are meaningless now that she's dead.


My Wednesday's are now free for shows that I couldn't watch during their original airdate.

  • Love 4

So, obviously the EPs are aware that people have issues with Laurel because they've said as much in multiple interviews.  When they mentioned how people were anxious for her to strap on the fishnets and start fighting crime, I just thought that they were talking out of their asses.  Turns out they really believe this!  I'm really kind of scared for the future of this show since they claim that they know what mistakes they made last season and are working this season to rectify those mistakes.  So, should I expect OG Team Arrow to disband, Felicity to die in a fire, and Oliver and Laurel to get back together?  WTH show?!


I'm not even that big of a Sara fan, but I certainly didn't want her to die.  I certainly didn't want her to die so that Laurel could take her place.  That ending ruined the episode for me and really kills the excitement I had for this entire season.  Damn!  I don't think I can let this go. 


So, for the people that were willing to give Laurel a chance this season: Did that ending change your mind at all?

  • Love 8

More for Laurel's pain, I agree.  But this is still a MAJOR loss for Oliver too.


Considering this show has struggled in the ratings, they managed to do something to further antagonize their fanbase.

yeah I'm thinking Flash will be the higher rated show this season lol. I was hoping there would be away for Laurel to become Black Canary without killing her off. But whatever.

Felicity, this season or the next.

I mean, I'm not coping with Sara's death at all but if they kill Felicity they can kiss their show goodbye because the ratings will tank hard. Seeing that they don't care what it takes to make Laurel the BC, we better start praying for Felicity :(


Ugh...I'm going to go and watch Criminal Minds to stop thinking about the mess I just witnessed.

Edited by kdm07
  • Love 6

So, for the people that were willing to give Laurel a chance this season: Did that ending change your mind at all?


Midway through the show, I was thinking I might be able to deal with her this season, but that ending killed it. I don't care about her pain, I don't care about her evolution, I just plain don't care. 


On another note, I wasn't so busy squealing over the Olicity date that I missed Oliver mention when he decided to come home. Orly?

Edited by KenyaJ
  • Love 9

So, for the people that were willing to give Laurel a chance this season: Did that ending change your mind at all?

In large part yes. I have a feeling, that we're gonna get Bride-esque  rampaging from Laurel. Especially since they had Laurel chant the mantra "Once you let the darkness in it never leaves" (or whatever the actual quote is) last season. I do not trust them to not come at Laurel-as-Canary in a way that uses what Laurel is supposed to already be good at and incorporate that into Laurel's Canary.


We may end up with a Canary similar to David E. Kelly's "vision" of Wonder Woman-- a "hero" who physically hurts mortal henchmen in a hospital bed while the cop with WW lets her add physical injuries to said henchman. They keep showing the blip of Laurel twisting some hospital gowned person's arm. Am I supposed to go 'YAY! Get 'im Laurel!" ?  Oliver was a straight-up killer, but he didn't feel the need to go looking for mooks  laid up in the hospital.


This is not to say I don't get Laurel's headspace. This is the most I've posted in here for any episode, let alone within an hour. I'm ready to knock heads on Sara's behalf.  I just don't trust the writers and PTB to get us past Laurel's rampage and into a space Ollie's letting himself enter. I have watched the show before, so I remember what they had Laurel do and say. Consistency is not their strong suit with Ms. Lance, Esq.  There should have never been Sara or they should have had Laurel try before something like this. Those last minutes felt like I was flipped off. Not the way to start a season.

  • Love 2

I have some questions relating to the vertigo. Firstly, how did Oliver shake off the effects so fast the second time he was dosed? I assumed at first that the dart hadn't penetrated the leather or that he'd taken some sort of antidote but we saw it did affect him briefly as Vertigo morphed into Oliver again. I get that it was supposed to be some sort of facing your fears and overcoming them thing but he should still have been disoriented even if he wasn't hallucinating. Also, vertigo was addictive and the come down was awful last time - if it's been altered to that extent then is it even still vertigo? And finally, what's the point of altering a drug so all it seems to do is show people what they're afraid of? It's not really a big selling point for the mass market is it? I can see where it would be a useful weapon & a 'dare' drug for idiots who want to 'prove' themselves maybe but not much in the way of repeat business.

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How many more popular characters will be killed off to prop Laurel?

Preach on sista, preach on! (a round of applause)

you know what the sad thing is? i kind of liked Laurel this episode. and then she had the convo with Sara and KC was smiling in a very happy way, but i thought: ha, girl is just happy to see her sister who wouldn't be. and then Sara died. And i realized, nope; this is the jacket scene all over again.



I have some questions relating to the vertigo. Firstly, how did Oliver shake off the effects so fast the second time he was dosed?

My 2 cents on this:

Because he faced his own worst fear the first time and as Vertigo said before he died "you have already made you decision"

Oliver chose the Arrow over Oliver. his deepest fear was being Oliver Queen, so he chose to be someone else: Arrow. therefore the fear was taken off, cause as far as he is concerned Oliver Queen no longer exists, therefore he is no longer something to be afraid of.

Edited by foreverevolving
  • Love 8

Well, I won't have to rush home on Wednesday nights to make sure I catch this show. Thea's gone, Moira's dead, and now Sara? Really?


At least it wasn't Felicity, because I fully expected her to die in Oliver's arms.


I don't have a great deal of vitriol to expend, because I really did expect someone I liked to die tonight. With that in mind, it made it difficult for me to enjoy anything that happened in this episode. OK, I admit the porcupine flatulence was cute, but really, this episode kind of cemented why this was never appointment television with me.


This show has the same failing as Supernatural; they keep killing off all the good characters.

  • Love 3

What was that dumb song the bad guy kept humming?  It's stuck in my head now.

In the Hall of the Mountain King from the Peer Gynt Suite by Edvard Greig.  Peer Gynt and Greig are Norweigan, Storemare is Swedish. I guess they thought it close enough.


I'm so upset they killed Sara.  If they were willing to kill her so that Laurel could become the Black Canary, they're willing to kill Felicity so Laurel can have Oliver..

Edited by statsgirl
  • Love 8

I have some questions relating to the vertigo. Firstly, how did Oliver shake off the effects so fast the second time he was dosed? I assumed at first that the dart hadn't penetrated the leather or that he'd taken some sort of antidote but we saw it did affect him briefly as Vertigo morphed into Oliver again. I get that it was supposed to be some sort of facing your fears and overcoming them thing but he should still have been disoriented even if he wasn't hallucinating. Also, vertigo was addictive and the come down was awful last time - if it's been altered to that extent then is it even still vertigo? And finally, what's the point of altering a drug so all it seems to do is show people what they're afraid of? It's not really a big selling point for the mass market is it? I can see where it would be a useful weapon & a 'dare' drug for idiots who want to 'prove' themselves maybe but not much in the way of repeat business.


Yeah, I had the same questions about Vertigo. Unless they also sold a drug to get you OFF the trip, who in the hell would ever buy it again?


And I think we're to believe that he shook off the effects so quickly the last time because he was no longer afraid of being Oliver Queen because he had already decided he wasn't going to be Oliver Queen.

Edited by apinknightmare
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Actually though this death could increase ratings. It was shocking.

I hope it does. I hope the show does great and the rest of the fans get what they want and are super happy to counterbalance the way my heart was shot up with arrows, fell off a building, crash landed on a car, slumped to the ground and died in the street, cradled in the arms of my most apathy-inspiring relative. I'm not bitter. I'm in that place past bitter that just wants to return the equilibrium to the battle between good and evil (tv).

  • Love 13

They packed way too much into this episode. Really should have taken more time (how many commercial breaks were there??).


You know I think I liked a lot in that episode….but all I can think about right now is how I have no faith in the writers. I can't with Laurel. I feel like nothing is safe on the show. 


You know, I can admire that they go balls to the wall with storytelling, they aren't afraid to go big. I mean, putting all their eggs in the Laurel basket? That takes balls. The only problem is that their "big" thinking only involves killing people to further other people's arcs, and you can only do that so many times before it gets tired and lazy and stupid. This? It was tired and lazy and stupid.

  • Love 13

Damn, an accidental click on the wrong tab spoiled me so I figured if Sara's death was spoiled, I may as well go all in. I've got 45 minutes before it airs on the West Coast. Ah well, I'm glad I can prepare myself. Haven't even seen it yet and I can't believe it is anything other than a monumentally stupid decision. 

Edited by calliope1975
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Wasn't my favorite ep but the premiere was solid...the ending was awesome..looking forward to how Oliver and Laurel react.

I liked Sara but wasn't that invested in her. 


I missed part of the beginning...were there any Thea mentions?


she just texted Oliver to let her know where she was - the Amalfi Coast (he keeps asking her to send pictures, but she doesn't).

  • Love 2

Pretty awful way to start the season.


Diggle being sidelined for the sake of Roy? Check. And no doubt Diggle's season storyline will be about putting himself in danger and forcing Lyla into a nagging wife role.


Oliver being all, "I can't put the people I love in danger!" which is clearly Oliver at his worse. Don't even get me started with Olicity.


And then Sarah being killed so Laurel becomes the Canary *Shudders*. I honestly don't give a fuck about what happens in the comics.

I care about the show and the characters I've grown to love on the SHOW. When they sacrifice the show's better characters to fit the comics... smh. 

  • Love 7

Damn, an accidental click on the wrong tab spoiled me so I figured if Sara's death was spoiled, I may as well go all in. I've got 45 minutes before it airs on the West Coast. Ah well, I glad I can prepare myself. Haven't even seen it yet and I can't believe it is anything other than a monumentally stupid decision. 

If it makes you feel any better, the 59 minutes before it were all right. A little clunky and hastily edited and not very cohesive, but all right.

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I honestly really loved the episode, and then the ending happened. If the goal of the showrunners was to make me resent Laurel more than I already do, then I must say that they succeeded. Well done, EPs, well done. On TWOP (cries) I said that if the EPs sacrificed Quentin to give Laurel a storyline I'd call them The Goughlar 2.0. It wasn't Quentin, but it's the same damn thing. Congratulations on your new nickname, EPs.

  • Love 7

Pretty awful way to start the season.


Diggle being sidelined for the sake of Roy? Check. And no doubt Diggle's season storyline will be about putting himself in danger and forcing Lyla into a nagging wife role.


Diggle wasn't sidelined in this episode imo. Roy barely had any dialogue in this episode. He was like a monkey lol.

Edited by ban1o
  • Love 2

I was actually starting to like Laurel in this episode,   And then they had to go and kill Sara, just so Laurel can be the one to become the Black Canary. Really, really bad move, show.


(If nothing else, it puts paid to Oliver thinking it makes a difference if the woman he is with can defend herself or not.)

After he hacked into QC's files, using the advice Felicity gave him not knowing what he was going to do. No wonder she was mad.


I like Brandon Routh, but Ray came across as smary in this one.


All of this.  I completely expected the show would revamp Laurel in her transition into BC (which I was pretty neutral about, to be honest), but I never expected they were going to fridge Sara in the freaking premiere to do it.  It makes me that much less interested in Laurel's journey than I already was because it feels like it's shoved down our throats and I HATE when writers do that.


As I expected, I still have no use for Brandon Routh.  I know every thinks he's so funny but his attempts at comedy always seem so heavy-handed and fake to me and Ray is creepy and arrogant right out of the gate.  Not looking forward to 15 mores episodes of this character (ugh).


Now that I've somewhat calmed down from my initial WTF reaction I have to say I did enjoy the episode overall.  Diggle was an all-star MVP dropping truth bombs all over Starling City.  Although I have to say I didn't like him backing off crimefighting at the end.  Also, Oliver hugging him was one of the greatest "Awwwww!" moments ever.


Too little Quentin usage!


I'm indifferent to Roy...hoping that changes if I have to see him in the lair week-to-week.


Oliver and Felicity were the perfect mix of adorable, sexy, and angsty.  Stephen did some incredible acting work in that restaurant scene--probably some of his best work on the show, IMO.

Edited by NumberCruncher
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