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S02.E09: You're Grounded

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What I like about Amy is that she doesn't ever seem to complain when the charter guests ask for something that is offered as part of their services while on the trip.  If a slide is an option, and they want to use the slide, then you shut up and just put out the slide.  If you don't want anyone to use it, then don't offer it in the charter package.  If the guests want a birthday party, and you are the only person there to set up the table, put out the decorations and schlep things from the bottom deck to the top deck because the other stewardesses decided that was a great time to leave you alone to cover all the guests, then you do your best to handle it all without stopping to bitch about the charter guest asking for a drink.  Amy gets that, and I thought she did a beautiful job of providing service with a smile, and voicing her irritation about being left alone to do everything away from guests ears.  Kate would have been furious that the guests had dared to order a drink when she was clearly busy and harried, made some remark like, "I was just trying to prepare for the birthday party YOU requested, but you want a drink NOW?  Okaaaaay...", and then would have halfassed the drink in some passive-aggressive attempt at revenge.


I thought in spite of their rough-edged exteriors these guests seemed friendly, and enjoyed themselves without being obnoxious or overly demanding.  Sure, it would have been nice if they had used utensils while eating their exquisitely prepared lamb chops, instead of just grabbing the handles and gnawing on them like turkey legs at the Ren Faire, but hey...you can't expect everyone who charters a yacht to know when it's appropriate to use a knife and fork.  At least they didn't fling the bones over their shoulders Henry VIII-style.  That tip was very generous, and I'm glad that in the end they really did seem to have a fun trip.


Putting someone's panties on display on television without their knowledge is SERIOUSLY bad form, and I hope very much that was an agreed-upon shtick.   Yes, a thong that says "Give Me Diamonds" is worth ridicule, but if the woman they belonged to wasn't in on the joke, then that's pretty uncool.  It's one thing to know your trip has been discounted because it's being filmed for a TV show, but it's quite another to expect the crew to rifle through your crotchless panties and hold them up for the camera.

Edited by Irritable
  • Love 17

Kelly seems very immature and needy. He has a lot of baggage, maybe from his childhood and as someone else posted here from the war. He's real quick to play victim. He and Jennice may be headed for Codependent Heaven.


Kat 'n Kate are the I Think I'm Brigette Bardot twins. The seem to believe their overly processed messy hair is attractive, but all I can hear when I watch them is my mother's voice saying "Go comb that wild head of hair." I cringe when I see them around food with that mess.


The captain said the big tip got split 10 ways. I wonder if part of it went to the unseen crew.


Since we saw the primary discussing the dinner menu with Ben, I have to assume that was producer-driven just so we could see the primary's girlfriend ask for something different and Ben throw a tantrum.

Edited by pasdetrois

I think the hero tonight was Captain Lee.  He sat down and explained things to them like the immature brats they are, bringing up "Pretty Woman" as a reference.  If I were the captain, I wouldn't have given Kate and Kat a red cent and told them to check their racist/classist attitudes at the door.  These guests looked like POC, maybe Hispanic or Italians, and so what that they're from New Jersey?


I think Kate is nothing but a bitter, nasty woman.  She got into yachting, hoping to meet and marry a rich man, but that hasn't happened and now she's pushing, or over forty and no prospects are in sight.  Someone should have told Kate that the days of rich men marrying "stews" went out with bell bottom pants.  And showing that woman's underwear on TV, not good, I wonder what type of underwear Kat wears, or if she even wears underwear.  I think Kat is a nasty drunk who will probably end up on "Celebrity Rehab" if that show ever comes back.


Like I said, if I were the captain, I would have given most of the tip to Amy and Jennice, and maybe Ben, although he threw a fit regarding the food, what a fucking prima dona he is.


Someone needs to tell these people that they are in the SERVICE industry, and if they don't like their jobs then do something else

  • Love 7

More appalling behavior.


I wonder if Captain Lee's blog on Bravo will be another glowing endorsement for Kate and her high professional standards.


Amy has a weird brother thing going, but I haven't seen her ridicule or sneer at the charter guests even one time.  I'm giving her the Stew MVP.

 Captain Lee did not disappoint in his blog.  He pretty well called Kat and Kate out on their behavior, service failures and treatment of Amy.  Every week it seems we have to hear about how the charter guests are somehow beneath Kate. Newsflash the type of charter guest she wants would own their own yacht-not leasing one for the week and paying to be on a reality show.   I don't find her that great of a supervisor or server.  I feel for Ben, because we are nearing the end of the season and with the exception of the day charter there always seems to be subpar service on behalf of the stews. Kate, I believe, would have been replaced by now or demoted. It is not that difficult scheduling activity, all three should be there for evening service, with one and maybe a second stepping out to do turn downs.  There are six cabins-it is turning down a bed and doing a little fluffery-with two it could not take more than half an hour.   What exactly does Janeece do-other than help the stews and squeegee?  Apparently slide assembly is above her pay grade.


As to the tips they split them between 11 people.  I believe there is a 1st engineer, another person working with the deckhands and Ben has an assistant.  We got a peek of the engineer and his associate during the docking disaster and every once in awhile you see Ben's assistant.

  • Love 1

I am relieved to hear Ben has an assistant. I too thought that was way too big of a job for one person.


Kate and her bitchy resting face (even on WWHL, ha!) is just a bitch. She looks like a bitch and sounds like a bitch. She IS bitter that she hasn't landed her rich husband yachting yet, preferably Leonardo DiCaprio whom she talked about. Good luck with all that. 


Showing the guest's panties on TV was appalling. Kat was laughing but also secretly wondering if she should invest in some crotchless panties of her own.


I like Amy the best. She can be annoying but she is at least nice. Kat clearly thinks there was nothing to apologize for in taking off with the guy Amy liked. She is a narcissist and full of herself. Not sure why. I find Kat painful to look at at times. Just not cute.


Jennice, what a lowlife. Suddenly having feelings for Kelley after her boyfriend dumps her. If I were him I would ask why his anger issues no longer matter??

  • Love 4

I caught part of WWHL last night (but was doing laundry so I missed about half of it).  Kate looked permanently pissed off as usual and I kind of tuned out/walked away when Andy made Kelley play that stripping game (of course Andy wanted to do that).  Are Kelley and Jennice still together?  Wondering what the status of that faux-mance is.  You know, with Kelley's "anger issues" and whatnot.

Edited by beesknees

I actually didn't mind Jennice getting with Kelley now that she and her boyfriend are together.  Jennice was in a "damned if you do, damned if you don't" type situation.  If you're attracted to someone and you have a boyfriend, you don't want to cheat, and then when you break up with said boyfriend, you get back with your crush, you're a lowlife?  I don't get it, I say rekindle that old flame.

Edited by Neurochick
  • Love 1

I actually didn't mind Jennice getting with Kelley now that she and her boyfriend are together.  Jennice was in a "damned if you do, damned if you don't" type situation.  If you're attracted to someone and you have a boyfriend, you don't want to cheat, and then when you break up with said boyfriend, you get back with your crush, you're a lowlife?  I don't get it, I say rekindle that old flame.


She can't win because (1) she encouraged the flirting, (2) she encouraged the flirting and then discouraged the flirting because he has "anger issues" (3) complained about his kiss to nearly everyone to the point it seemed like she was about to file a sexual harrassment claim, (4) his "anger issues" evaporated as soon as boyfriend basically said not interest in meeting you, (5) decides he no longer has anger issues and ignores the fact that he's a huge drunk baby and now wants him because boyfriend doesn't want her.


I think Kate is nothing but a bitter, nasty woman.  She got into yachting, hoping to meet and marry a rich man, but that hasn't happened and now she's pushing, or over forty and no prospects are in sight.  Someone should have told Kate that the days of rich men marrying "stews" went out with bell bottom pants.  And showing that woman's underwear on TV, not good, I wonder what type of underwear Kat wears, or if she even wears underwear.  I think Kat is a nasty drunk who will probably end up on "Celebrity Rehab" if that show ever comes back.



Did she not learn anything from George Clooney?  He dallies with a cocktail waitress and then marries a lawyer.  In my experience, rich men tend to want their mates to be well educated and do work other than the service industry.  At least until they hit their 50s and 60s and then a girlfriend on the side to use for sex.    


At my former employment, one of the secretaries was really pretty.  But she thought she'd just marry rich so she didn't finish school.  Marrying rich never happened. She dated a few wealthy people but they acted as though they were embarrassed to date someone who wasn't a college grad with a secretarial career so those relationships didn't last long.  


I'm sure there are some women in the service industry that can pull it off but in my experience those with money tend to want someone who is on that same level.

Edited by sasha206
  • Love 6

I have to say I was really pissed at this episode.


I don't believe dipshit Kate when she said she has been employed in the service industry for many years. I have and I know for a fact that working class people or people who risen from the working class are the best tippers. Not the rich types who expect everything and think a 10% tip is more then enough for the "service people." When I ran a bar it was the Con Ed guys and the plumbers who tipped not the lawyers and stock guys. 


The fact is they had contempt for these people is plain and simple because of their ethnicity. The Snookie remarks are a tell tale sign. Would Andy Cohen be cool with that it they said something similar about Jews or black people? I guess Andy thinks all Italians or Hispanics are low-lifes because of Theresa Giudice. 


To go into their personal effects and show their underwear on TV is beyond the pale. How they hell is that ok in anybody's world. These are paying guests. But even if they were on Bravo's dime that is just bullshit plain and simple.


The Captain should have withheld Kate and Kat's tip or at the least fine them half and then give it to Amy  because she seemed to be doing all the work and was the only one who performed professionally in this episode.


I hope that Kate never gets another job in the industry. Anyone that hires her is a fool.

Edited by Trooper York
  • Love 13

Ben has an assistant? I've never seen him/her. I've always thought that job was huge for one person. I know the stews help with service and with drinks, but all the food prep and planning and cooking and cleaning up....


If Ben has an assistant then there is really no excuse for meals to be 2+ hours late or bitching about not having enough people to serve. You turn the apron/ chefs jacket around to the clean side and send the galley rat out to serve the animals, er I mean guests.

  • Love 4

I have to say I was really pissed at this episode.


I don't believe dipshit Kate when she said she has been employed in the service industry for many years. I have and I know for a fact that working class people or people who risen from the working class are the best tippers. Not the rich types who expect everything and think a 10% tip is more then enough for the "service people." When I ran a bar it was the Con Ed guys and the plumbers who tipped not the lawyers and stock guys. 


The fact is they had contempt for these people is plain and simple because of their ethnicity. The Snookie remarks are a tell tale sign. Would Andy Cohen be cool with that it they said something similar about Jews or black people? I guess Andy thinks all Italians or Hispanics are low-lifes because of Theresa Giudice. 


To go into their personal effects and show their underwear on TV is beyond the pale. How they hell is that ok in anybody's world. These are paying guests. But even if they were on Bravo's dime that is just bullshit plain and simple.


The Captain should have withheld Kate and Kat's tip or at the least fine them half and then give it to Amy  because she seemed to be doing all the work and was the only one who performed professionally in this episode.


I hope that Kate never gets another job in the industry. Anyone that hires her is a fool.


I agree.


I think the people who bust their ass for a crew should be rewarded and those who didn't shouldn't.  Why should they, particularly Kelly, receive the same allotment as someone who busts their ass and treats the guests with respect?


It also amuses me that the people most likely not to be able to afford yachting and are instead working on one are the ones who are the most classist.

Edited by sasha206
  • Love 1

For the life of me, I don't see one physical feature that Amy and Kelley share.  Their coloring, skin types, eyes, nose, mouth, teeth...so completely different.  Most siblings I know have at least one thing you can see in both of them.  Even the half-siblings I know look more related than these two.  Odd.

And what has always bothered me is that Amy has a strong southern accent and Kelley has no accent. Now even given that perhaps Amy southerns it up for the "charm factor", I am sure she does truly have a bit of an accent yet her brother has none. Also, Amy is the oldest? I would like to know the age difference. Amy speaks as though she almost was like a mother to Kelley, yet they don't appear to be that far apart in age. I need to know more about the background of these two.

  • Love 2
Did she not learn anything from George Clooney?  He dallies with a cocktail waitress and then marries a lawyer.  In my experience, rich men tend to want their mates to be well educated and do work other than the service industry.  At least until they hit their 50s and 60s and then a girlfriend on the side to use for sex.   

At my former employment, one of the secretaries was really pretty.  But she thought she'd just marry rich so she didn't finish school.  Marrying rich never happened. She dated a few wealthy people but they acted as though they were embarrassed to date someone who wasn't a college grad with a secretarial career so those relationships didn't last long.



That is very true.  In my experience, wealthy, successful men want to marry women who are the same.  Today, the doctor marries another doctor or a lawyer; professionals marry professionals, at least that's what I have seen.  Besides, I can't see any wealthy man wanting to marry Kate, with that nasty facial expression of hers.


The fact is they had contempt for these people is plain and simple because of their ethnicity. The Snookie remarks are a tell tale sign. Would Andy Cohen be cool with that it they said something similar about Jews or black people? I guess Andy thinks all Italians or Hispanics are low-lifes because of Theresa Giudice.



I sensed that as well; I think they saw these "darker" people and felt, "why do WE have to serve THEM."  That's the kind of shit many black people experience at places like "Denny's," and a friend of mine got called the "n" word on the Queen Mary 2.  Yeah, I really see a wealthy man wanting Kate...NOT.

  • Love 3

I was a little happier with the captain this episode since he was more firm with the crew, but I still find him weak.  How did Kelly seriously earn that huge tip?  Or Kate and Kat?  These people are rolling their eyes at paying guests, judging them and moaning about having to do their JOB for them.  I'd cut that tip for those three, share it with the others who worked hard and teach them a lesson-- pull up your bootstraps and do what you're being paid to do, or suffer the consequences.  I'd bet on the next trip they'd be more serious about the work to make sure they get their part of the tip!


Kelly and Jennice make me ill to watch.  I feel like I need a good curb to throw up over while they're on my screen.   I'd rather see more of 'Snooky' and her group going down that slide than those two snuggling.  (and you know there HAD to be some wild moments on that slide we didn't get to see to make room for the Middle School Romance-- blahhhhh....)

  • Love 2

And what has always bothered me is that Amy has a strong southern accent and Kelley has no accent. Now even given that perhaps Amy southerns it up for the "charm factor", I am sure she does truly have a bit of an accent yet her brother has none. Also, Amy is the oldest? I would like to know the age difference. Amy speaks as though she almost was like a mother to Kelley, yet they don't appear to be that far apart in age. I need to know more about the background of these two.

I never thought of this!  But they are so different.  It makes me wonder if they're actually step brother/sister who were raised together from a young age.  Maybe Kelly's dad was from the north, moved to Texas, married a mother with youngish daughter and the son kept the non accent?  Kelly definitely has issues from something, whether it's in his past or from his military service time.  The way Amy watches over him makes me think it was something about the way he was raised.  Maybe the dad was hard on him, who knows. 

  • Love 1

Kate & Kat are absolutely disgusting, vile women. They are an absolute disgrace to any service industry, and don't deserve to even serve chalupas at Taco Bell. If this isn't at least somewhat scripted, they should be banned "Pete Rose style" from ever stepping foot on a boat. Oh, and Kat? Quit with the ridiculous accent. It's offensive to the British.

Ben continues to be a pretentious douche. I want to hire him as my personal chef & demand nothing but cheeseburgers for breakfast, lunch & dinner.

I'm so team Amy...and team Snookie.

  • Love 9

I actually didn't mind Jennice getting with Kelley now that she and her boyfriend are together.  Jennice was in a "damned if you do, damned if you don't" type situation.  If you're attracted to someone and you have a boyfriend, you don't want to cheat, and then when you break up with said boyfriend, you get back with your crush, you're a lowlife?  I don't get it, I say rekindle that old flame.


I'm with you on this except for one huge missing puzzle piece and that's Jennice's whole speech to Kelley about his "anger management" problems/issues.  Jennice made Kelley feel so badly because after she flirted and flirted and flirted with him he somehow decided that a kiss would be a natural progression in their friendship/relationship, Jennice starts with the vapors and pearl-clutching.


And, to top it off, instead of being mature about the whole thing and taking some responsibility for the direction their relationship was obvi heading toward, Jennice puts the entire blame on Kelley by saying something to the effect of "I would but ...  Your scary, scary anger problems are scary! and I can't have that in my life, I'm uber-sensitive to that kind of thing, and you're out of the running as BF material.  But oh, do you want a hug?  Can I hug you?  You sure?  You look like you could use a hug.  I have a boyfriend."   Jennice can take a seat with that shite.


Then, after your boyfriend unceremoniously dumps you over the phone, hanging up in your ear (no less) without even so much as a good-bye, is that when Kelley's profound "anger issues" magically disappear and he instantly becomes "boyfriend material" again?  What am I missing here.  I don't buy it.  I can't square that in my head.  That's why I was kind of wondering (I asked up thread) if J & K were still together in real-time. 


Now, I must admit after wandering on another gossip website and clicking on the NSFW picture of Kelley's unit (yes, I have that reserved seat on the hand basket to hell.  I did click on that pic) Jennice would be a fool to dump him.

Edited by beesknees
  • Love 3

Lets face it. Kate hated these people because they were Italian and they were chubby. What would you prefer? People that drink like fools and jump off the side of the boat endangering themselves and others or people who want to eat?


Just because Kate is anorexic doesn't mean that everyone else has to live on cigarettes and coffee. 

  • Love 8

And what has always bothered me is that Amy has a strong southern accent and Kelley has no accent. Now even given that perhaps Amy southerns it up for the "charm factor", I am sure she does truly have a bit of an accent yet her brother has none. Also, Amy is the oldest? I would like to know the age difference. Amy speaks as though she almost was like a mother to Kelley, yet they don't appear to be that far apart in age. I need to know more about the background of these two.

To throw in my 2 cents on this...my ex girlfriend had a very strong Southern accent while her brother (2 years younger than her & from the same parents) did not. They also didn't look alike. I agree that Kelly & Amy are weird, but not because of those aspects...I never saw my ex & her brother cry to each other on the regular.

  • Love 2

I'd cut that tip for those three, share it with the others who worked hard and teach them a lesson-- pull up your bootstraps and do what you're being paid to do, or suffer the consequences.  I'd bet on the next trip they'd be more serious about the work to make sure they get their part of the tip!


I don't think it would have been right for Capt. Lee to withhold the tip for that charter. It was the same with Andrew -- the other crew members were pissed he got his chunk of the tip, but Capt. Lee can't just say, "Yeah I know we agreed before this charter that you would get an equal share, but now I'm miffed at you so I'm changing the rules in the middle of the game and you get no tip." The guests leave the tip, and Capt. Lee is just the one that splits it up into envelopes and hands the envelopes to the crew. So if Capt. Lee said they were all going to get an equal share, then he's got to give them an equal share. He can't just haphazardly keep their money from them. If Capt. Lee wants to change the compensation plan, or specify certain actions that would result in forfeiture of the tip, then that's fine, but he'd have to do so before a charter starts, not just in the middle or at the end a charter.

  • Love 2

I felt sorry for Amy being stuck with everyone alone on the boat while Kat and Kate enjoyed scallops on the beach but, why did it take her so long to set the table for the birthday party?  I would think the guests would've been at dinner on the beach for at least 2 hours (including travel time).  Surely Amy could've set the table and done a couple of turndowns in that amount of time, yet she still seemed to be struggling with the table.


I think where the crew's snobbery came in was with the weight of the passengers.  There was a lot of narration about the amount of food this group ate, they even showed them requesting more food several times.  New Flash, for many people, when they go on an all inclusive vacation, they like to spend that vacation drinking and eating at will.  I saw their requests for snacks in between meals no different than requesting "green juice" every 10 minutes.  These people weren't models, they were normal rich people who wanted to enjoy themselves and the snobby staff had an issue with it.  I was so glad that Captain Lee seemed to understand the problem and admonished the staff at the end.

  • Love 4

I know, right?  I mean, seriously. If I had the coin to be dropping on chartering that yacht for a week you'd better believe I'd be eating and drinking myself into a food coma while sliding down that huge slide a million times.  And I would (respectfully, of course) have the crew catering to each and every whim.  I could care less if they didn't like it, or talked about me behind my back.  Have at it.  I'm good.

  • Love 8

I do know of a sibling pair off the top of my head that look literally NOTHING alike. Like Kelley and Amy, one has dark brown hair and brown eyes, one is blonde with blue eyes. No resemblance in features either and I know both kids are full blood siblings. Genetics can be fascinating.


I loved beesknees entire post about Jennice, spot on! I wish Kelley would give her the cold shoulder, I would love it! And hit on women when they're on land in front of Jennice. The part about her getting the vapors and pearl-clutching was so right and had me dying laughing!


Yes, Kate did detest these guests because of their eating with gusto (among other reasons like their ethnicity). Kate likely hasn't had a meal the entire charter. Honestly, it often looks like guests are starving on the charters-I never see appetizer foods just sitting around and they are always waiting hours for Ben's damn artistic meals. I am glad this charter got their money's worth with tons of food requests! I'm glad they used the slide too. Who wouldn't want to go on that thing??!

  • Love 2

Lets face it. Kate hated these people because they were Italian and they were chubby. What would you prefer? People that drink like fools and jump off the side of the boat endangering themselves and others or people who want to eat?

Just because Kate is anorexic doesn't mean that everyone else has to live on cigarettes and coffee.

Just because somebody is thin doesn't mean they are anorexic. That pisses me off when I see that and I see it being written about every thin woman on TV. I'm underweight and don't have an eating disorder.

Some people are just naturally thin.

I don't like Kate at all but would never accuse somebody of being anorexic simply because they are thin.

  • Love 2

Just because somebody is thin doesn't mean they are anorexic. That pisses me off when I see that and I see it being written about every thin woman on TV. I'm underweight and don't have an eating disorder.

Some people are just naturally thin.

I don't like Kate at all but would never accuse somebody of being anorexic simply because they are thin.

I don't mean to open a can of worms to a discussion on "society as a whole", but this is my opinion...

If I knew you in "real life", I'd never make such an accusation. As it stands, Kate signed up for a "reality show". "The Real World" & that random PBS show from the days of yore notwithstanding, reality shows have been a major part of our culture for almost 15 years. If you sign on to appear on a show, you leave yourself up to the scrutiny of many many people. It unfortunately "comes with the territory". I took the "anorexic" comment to be in jest to undercut a person who has shown herself (on reality tv) to be nothing more than a gold digging shrew who had no problem commenting on the food intake of people who paid tens of thousands of dollars to enjoy themselves on a yacht for a couple of days.

  • Love 2

I agree about her being on a reality show and opening herself up to criticism. I just wish people would get out of the mindset that thin equals eating disorder. It just kind of bugs.

I also agree that her comments about the food the guests were eating was out of line.

As long as a person is healthy, who cares?!

There are so many other things to snark on where Kate is concerned. Number one in my book is why does she never brush her damn hair?

Does she think the just rolled out of bed look is cute?

Edited by Maharincess
  • Love 3

I don't think it would have been right for Capt. Lee to withhold the tip for that charter. It was the same with Andrew -- the other crew members were pissed he got his chunk of the tip, but Capt. Lee can't just say, "Yeah I know we agreed before this charter that you would get an equal share, but now I'm miffed at you so I'm changing the rules in the middle of the game and you get no tip." The guests leave the tip, and Capt. Lee is just the one that splits it up into envelopes and hands the envelopes to the crew. So if Capt. Lee said they were all going to get an equal share, then he's got to give them an equal share. He can't just haphazardly keep their money from them. If Capt. Lee wants to change the compensation plan, or specify certain actions that would result in forfeiture of the tip, then that's fine, but he'd have to do so before a charter starts, not just in the middle or at the end a charter.

Then a captain is not very smart to let the crew know that they can slack off with no penalties (expect for being sent to their room, what a penalty!).  I think he needs to let them know next time that if they cant do the work, they don't get the pay (tips).  It would make the show more interesting for me to see them really hustle and make the trip a great one for the guests :)  I want to see lots of hors d'oeuvres!  Lots of fun on the slide!  Lots of side trips with entertainment on the pretty little beaches!  I can't believe they get thousands of dollars in a TIP for doing that job and then making fun of people's taste,looks, and lifestyles behind their backs.  I think it was obvious this crew (led by Kate and the chef) took one look at these people and judged them instantly, thinking there wouldn't be a good tip coming from them, and did a half-a## job.  Except for Amy, Eddie and the new guy (Logan?) who seemed to be working hard.

  • Love 4

For the life of me, I don't see one physical feature that Amy and Kelley share.  Their coloring, skin types, eyes, nose, mouth, teeth...so completely different.  Most siblings I know have at least one thing you can see in both of them.  Even the half-siblings I know look more related than these two.  Odd.

Not really. My brother and I look nothing alike. Not one physical feature. He looks just like my dad and I look just like my mom. It happens a lot with brothers and sisters. 

  • Love 1

Stupid question here.  How long are the charters supposed to be?  A weekend?  A week?  How expensive are the charters if the tips $10 - $20K?


I don't know what these people do for a living but typically the parties seem to be what, 10 guests?  I'm just trying to calculate how expensive it would be do to that.  And most of those that have chartered the boat don't strike me as particularly wealthy.

  • Love 2

The only group Bravo wouldn't accept talking crap about is LGBT. I never saw episode three last season because it was banned after it aired the first time due to that.


Kate sucks. She can't serve with a smile, and that's important when your "waitress" is serving your for three days straight. She can't coordinate for anything. Adrienne was a better chief stew. At least she treated Kat like crap for being drunk, unlike Amy who just gets treated like crap because she smiles too much.


I agree with the comment that Kelley should just hit it and quit it with Jennice. Unfortunately, he's got it bad and he won't be the one to break up with her. I like how Captain Lee said he couldn't believe Kelley was a Marine. I guess Lee was in the Corps.


Even though Ben has Kate figured out, he also kind of sucks at his job. He needs his own restaurant and some sous chefs to make the regular fare he's too important to make.

  • Love 4

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