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Freak Show Speculation And Spoilers

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I'm looking forward to this but freaks well they freak me out. The pinhead in Asylum always made me feel a bit ugh and now there are going to be loads of these freaks.

I hope Chiklis is some sort of top hat wearing ring leader type. He'd be great for that.

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One of us, one of us, one of us! 

Really psyched about the setting, hoping at some point Taissa Farmiga will stop annoying the hell out of me, or they'll just keep her more to the background like in Coven.

More Kathy Bates! Yippie!

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Love Michael Chiklis and glad he is joining the next season of AHS. I wonder if Emma Roberts, Dennis O'Hare, and Gabourey Sidibe will be coming back too. Would also be cool to see James Cromwell and Zachary Quinto return.

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I love Michael Chiklis.  I hope they will actually include some real sideshow acts/performers.  The shit that can actually be done by humans is pretty gross/awesome, depending on how you look at it ;p

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Grossly awesome?  I believe it's been confirmed that Basset will be back.  I'd love to have Bates back, too.  How that crazy lady managed to make me feel sympathy for a character who was (even more so than her real life counterpart) a completely psychotic, tortuous racist is beyond me, but she did.  I still want my spin off of her and Queenie road tripping to all of the regional chain drive thrus. 

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I have mixed feelings about this theme. I keep having flashbacks to when my sixth grade teacher showed us "Something Wicked This Way Comes". I know the ideas are not entirely similar, but that's what I keep going to.

I have high hopes for a death by carousel.

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They need to being back Pepper from Asylum. She would be an awesome character for this upcoming season. Since it is set in the 1950s and Asylum was set in the 1960s, maybe they can even explore some more of Pepper's backstory.

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There are actual "circus people" that live in Central Florida (Gibsontown, on the west coast of FL just north of Sarasota). They hang out there in the winter months. I'm hoping they will at least have some of those local folk as background players for the upcoming season. And Pepper would be a good addition too!

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I really LOVE this idea!  I love anything sideshow/carnival related and I am a bit of carny history buff.  I just hope Ryan Murphy stays somewhat true to the art of carnies and how things where back in the 50s.  I know he has a tendancy to sensationalize stuff simply to make it more enjoyable/gruesome/compelling for the viewing audience.

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I love a good horror flick and most of AHS had me happily peeking at the screen between my fingers.  (Try it, it really works!)  But the torture in S.3 pushed the line for me and then Salem zoomed right on past.  Did not enjoy.


So now I'm worried.  The whole point of freakshows in the first place was to elicit a gross-out reaction.  And of course Ryan is going to use a hydraulic lift to set the bar for Season Four.  And if we're talking about the '50's, there weren't any statutory protections, much less any townie interference based on moral outrage or the as-yet-uncoined  term "political correctness."   Basically, there must've been a lot people living in hell on the carnival circuit, even without jolting it up a few notches for optimal viewer squick.


You have to WANT to peek for the system to work.



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The one thing I'm either dreading/ looking forward to watching in Freak Show is what fresh hell Ryan is planning for Evan Peters. I honestly don't know who he enjoys torturing more, Evan or Chris Colfer from Glee.

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I worry for Evan also lol. It's funny he was at one of those Comic Con's a few weeks ago and a fan asked him about his X-Men experience. He said it was a blast and he loved all the lighter fun comedy stuff he got to do as opposed to the screaming,crying,and torture stuff he has been doing on AHS. 

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I expect a lot of ripping off or homages to Dean Kootzs Funhouse and the book Geek Love .

Maybe something from the book & movie Something Wicked This Way Comes.  Now of course if he really wants to bring the fun he could go with Killer Klowns From Outerspace!  But I guess thats more circus then sideshow *shrug*

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It does seem that the emphasis on the freak show aspect will avoid completely retreading the ground Carnivàle covered years ago, if it's less supernatural omens and more body horror.

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Teaser trailer for Season 4.


I am not liking the clown; I have an irrational fear of clowns.  Well, my friends tell me its an irrational fear.  I think they're wrong, they're perfectly rational fears because clowns are evil.

Thank god it was fanmade. I, too, am very rationally terrified of clowns. (shudder)

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I'm looking forward to this but freaks well they freak me out. The pinhead in Asylum always made me feel a bit ugh and now there are going to be loads of these freaks.

. . . and I don't think that was even a real pinhead, a real pinhead couldn't learn lines, just someone who had an oddly-shaped head who could pass.  If pinheads give you the creeps, don't ever watch Tod Browning's Freaks -- they're so amazing -- I can't take my eyes off them. They're mesmerizing -- like simple, innocent lambs who have to kind of be herded.

Edited by goodogcarl
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According to rumors and fans who have been stalking the set this is report.


Kathy Bates and Michael Chiklis are a divorced couple whose son is Evan Peters. Michael will now be married to Angela Basset's character. Evan might be playing the Lobster Boy. Michael will be the strong man.

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. . . and I don't think that was even a real pinhead, a real pinhead couldn't learn lines, just someone who had an oddly-shaped head who could pass.  If pinheads give you the creeps, don't ever watch Tod Browning's Freaks -- they're so amazing -- I can't take my eyes off them. They're mesmerizing -- like simple, innocent lambs who have to kind of be herded.

Yeah, it wasn't a real pinhead; it was a regular (that seems weird to say, but I can't think of a better way to phrase it at the moment) actress who played Pepper.  She had an article in EW describing how she became Pepper.  It's crazy what makeup can do.


I am cautiously optimistic for this season.  I think because of the movie Freaks, carnivals in general just freak me out - I haven't actually been scared or disturbed by any of the seasons except Asylum, but I think this one, if done correctly, will leave me very unsettled.

Edited by Princess Sparkle
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I like most of the main cast this season: Lange, Bates, Conroy, Bassett, O'Hare, Paulson, and Evan Peters, so I am excited to watch, especially with the addition of Michael Chiklis and Patti LaBelle. Not so sure about Emma Roberts as her character was really annoying last season. I haven't heard of the other 2 actors whose names are on the poster: Finn Wittrock and John Carroll Lynch. Wonder what characters they play. I hope Jamie Brewer and Gabourey Sidibe are back too.

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Guest Accused Dingo

I am hoping this is more Asylum (i will even take Murder House) and less Coven. I like most of the main cast and the setting looks right for spooky ass shit.

Edited by Accused Dingo
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Please tell me that's NOT the music they'll be using in the intro.  I love the creepy intro music they used in Seasons 1 - 3 too much to let it go.


I'm cautiously optimistic.   All 3 seasons started out SO ENTERTAINING then towards the end the storyline went in too many directions, too convoluted.  (with the exception of Murder House.)


PLEEEASE Ryan Murphy don't take this into 10,000 different directions !! 



I'm especially looking forward to this season, because of an experience I had in the late 60s as a very young impressionable girl.
I BEGGED my Father to take me into one of the sideshows at the local carnival.  (sideshow =  freakshow.)   he was reluctant because he felt it was really exploitive.(he explained it to me in 'child' speak of course.)  I still begged him, I wanted to see the "Wildman of Kilamanjaro"    My Dad relented.    We went into the freak show and let me tell you - it scarred me for life.   It was a mentally disabled man CHAINED up.   I was aware and mature enough to realize this. The poor man chained up screamed when we all looked at him & we all screamed back and ran out.   I cried all the way home.  My Dad saying he was sorry all the way home. 


Edited by jnymph
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I sincerely hope the chained man was in on the deal.  Not to say he wasn't being exploited but I'm hoping it was his job to scream and carry on whenever somebody came in and that he was treated like a person the rest of the time.  It might have been that way. 


A doctor I know told me he once went into a sideshow to verify whether a certain sideshow attraction was on the level and he said that he looked carefully and indeed a woman had the ability to blow smoke rings from her vagina.  I think it meant she had rediculous muscle control.  I know he wasn't kidding. 

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I sincerely hope the chained man was in on the deal. Not to say he wasn't being exploited but I'm hoping it was his job to scream and carry on whenever somebody came in and that he was treated like a person the rest of the time. It might have been that way.


I am glad you put it that way MDKNIGHT- after all these years I never even thought of that. (Doh!) he very well may have been in on the deal & understood his role. I'm gonna assume that was the story, so that my scar from that day will heal considerably. Thanks!

I hope this won't be a rip off of HBOs "Carnivale"


Bring on the Freakshow !

Edited by jnymph
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The trailer looks good. What kind of freak is Evan Peters' character supposed to be? Can't tell from the trailer.



I believe he's the son of the Strongman and the Bearded Lady.  In the poster, he looks to also be a strong man, which, heh.

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