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Social Media: Whaa?

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I think she's just tweeting that stuff to get Germys attention in hopes he'll want to work it out.   She's probably really pissed that she can't drag Cory into this and say he wants her back right now.  I wonder if she's starting to figure out that the games don't work as good if there's no other guy trying to wife her up at any minute.  

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I just tested it, and it looks as though if you choose 'it's complicated' for your FB relationship status, it still gives you the option to specify a person. Jeremy chose not to do so when he updated.


Yep. This is kind of what I was getting at earlier.  Maybe he just didn't want to draw extra attention to his post, because I'm sure Leah's got more followers than he does, but I still thought it was at least surprising he didn't list her.

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he was the one who pursued Leah and pushed her into having another kid, so his judgment has always been fucked in my eyes

Yes, and it was not only one kid, but two! She suffered that miscarriage first, she then ran back to Cory who decided he didn't want her nasty ass again. She then ran back to Germy and became pregnant again.


I can't wrap my head around the fact this fool pushed not for one pregnancy, but two with the chick who was ready and willing to drop her pants for her ex-husband whom she professed her love for on television, while she was living with Germy. All the while she was using the girlses and the family card as her manipulating tools when it came to trying to snag Cory back in her bed and later, when she had to walk back with her tail between her legs as she asked for her ring back from Germy.


These two are both at fault, but I agree, Germy went and pushed for a second try at having a baby with this imbecilic turd merely to secure her nasty ass to him. How's that working for you Germy?

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Blind item today.....



This Teen Mom was found passed out on pills at home while her kid(s) were screaming and crying and trying to "wake up mommy."

I was also thinking Amber. Pills were her poison of choice before too....and she did look out of it at that reunion mess. Wouldn't surprise me if she was using again.

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Leah is like that mom from the Sarah Jessica Parker movie. I think it's called "In the Best Interest of the Children". She's a hot mess. A terrible housekeeper, a drug abuser(allegedly), always chasing after a man, and tacky as shit.

This is not Leah. Leah aren't doon drugs, she is all bout her Jeremy and her girlses. This is totes not Leah. Leah she one of the most successful biznesswimmin down in there holler sellin her Mary Kay they is fine dunno what one hand is doon left or right. Damn it, the bottle ran out already?The haters is not well they wish they lookin half as shiny good as Leah. This is not Leah btw.

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No shocker there about Germy not wanting Leah to talk to her brother. The Robbie connection is just too much for him to handle. This is the same jerk who blatantly said on camera he had trust issues with Leah dealing with Cory - the girlses father. Sorry Germy, you have no room to cry foul.  How ya gonna feel when the next Mr. Leah comes into the picture and tells her he has trust issues with you? Cory is in Leah's life until the girlses turn 18. Get use to it fuckhead!  Leah is not only a manipulator, but she allows Germy to manipulate her as well. I guess she did what she had to do to keep things at peace between her and Germy. Looks like it didn't work.


So, Leah lent out one of her many cars to her brother who then lent it out to Robbie?

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It's weird that Jeff's all weepy about the show.


I couldn't tell if he was being sarcastic or not. I'm hoping sarcastic.  I'd hate to think Jeff or any of Corey's family really cared about the cameras, they seem like good people. If anything, I'd think he would feel overall it is best for the girlses (and the other kids) to stop being showcased on tv.

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