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Social Media: Whaa?

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you're the type of person who should be featured as an example for the masses as opposed to any of these fucksticks (not that you'd want to be...just sayin').

Agree. She is the kind of person that has endured some tough breaks in life. Not like these wenches on TM who merely became pregnant and continue their fuckery while acting as if they have it oh so bad!

  • Love 2

Thank you both so much but I didn't do anything special. I just did what I had to do. My kids weren't born into the best situation. I just tried to make up for that.

My life long love of dogs gave me my career. I became a certified dog trainer and did grooming on the side.

It provided a good life. I would have loved to have the money these girls have had but I wouldn't have sold my kids childhood for it.

Damn...this is getting dirty. With Jeremy saying he's done protecting her ass, hopefully he'll start talking and Corey will get his girls.

That would be the best thing for them.

Edited by Maharincess
  • Love 7

Thank you both so much but I didn't do anything special. I just did what I had to do. My kids weren't born into the best situation. I just tried to make up for that.

My life long love of dogs gave me my career. I became a certified dog trainer and did grooming on the side.

It provided a good life. I would have loved to have the money these girls have had but I wouldn't have sold my kids childhood for it.

Damn...this is getting dirty. With Jeremy saying he's done protecting her ass, hopefully he'll start talking and Corey will get his girls.

That would be the best thing for them.

That deserves the paychecks of all the girls combined!...if you're willing to gain an addiction to quaaludes, MTV will come a knockin'. ;-)

I am going to be on the edge of my seat come December. I wonder if Dawn will have to show up on behalf of Leah in court...oh, and Lee.

Edited by CaliforniaLove
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I am going to be on the edge of my seat come December.

Why does it have to be two months away? I can imagine the damage control that will happen between now and then. I want to know how many anxiety meds Leah popped in her mouth since yesterday? I like how she tried to move on from this mess by posting about not having cash for the toll booth. Those comments in response to her Tweet are pure gold.

  • Love 4

Squeal, soooo excited for this to play out. My goodness Leah, what the hell are you thinking? I am very aware of how we don't slut slam here on these boards, so this may be hard. Keep the info coming all, this is better than anything I watch on tv. Season 6, come on fast. I will admit that I thought for sure Janelle's life would implode first.

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It is a bit hard to understand the interview at times but this is the jist I got (remember it is Leah's sister talking so is pretty much damage control). Sorry if it doesn't make sense I am just typing as they crap on.


Jeremy & Leah are trying to work it out, he is home 1 day a week on Saturday night


Robbie does live with Leah's brother and was seen driving Leah's spare car around town, the gas station attendant told Jeremy and naturally he jumped to the conclusion they were banging


Robbie's sister married Leah's second cousin


Leah reached out because Robbie had nobody else to lean on


Leah, Dawn, Isaac and Robbie attended her uncles funeral 1.5 weeks ago and spent the night out of town together nothing sexual happened. Leah did not like that Robbie attended the 'family situation


The difference is Jeremy is there emotionally, physically and sexually for Leah where Corey never was. Robbie was there for her during her relationship with Corey so she 'went to him'


The divorce status on Facebook and twitter rant. Jeremy regrets is as he put it up not knowing all the facts. He is only human and was upset.


Just because Leah cheated once doesn't mean it will happen again


They have talked on and off about marriage counselling, sometimes it is good so they don't go


It is hard as she has 3 little one that she need to be there for and Jeremy is on the road. They have so much on their plate with Ali girl, they are young and are dealing with step parents


They are very good at keeping their private business private that is why the tweets yesterday were a big deal.


Robbie being married into the family makes it complicated


People see the worst so they blow the smallest things up and love to create drama.


Leah was giving Robbie advice on repairing his marriage.In hindsight Leah feels she should have told Jeremy that she was talking to Robbie but she didn't as it wasn't a big deal.


Leah is very honest, like with Corey she never tried to cover it up when it come out that she cheated she admitted to it. Leah never lied or denied it.

They don't blame Jeremy believing the rumours


Jeremy only works to take care of his family as he loves them all and he is very close to the twins


They will not name the website but apparently Corey was telling Jeremy that he witnessed Robbie jumping out of Leahs window.


About 2 days ago before the big blew up Dawn was moving and all the siblings are helping her move. Leah lives close to Jeremys family, Leah & Victoria came home from helping Dawn move, Isaac came later as he needed to stop for gas. Jeremy's dad saw Isaac on the deer cam and came running out in his underwear as he thought it was Robbie.


On Victorias post to facebook. She won't go into details but you know you just know when somebody wants out of something, you can tell by the way they act and speak to somebody. She may be wrong. He would act completely weird and not want to come home but she is not saying he doesn't love them.


Between Leah, Corey and Miranda. They get along on the most part if they need to argue they do it when the girls are in the car. There is a lot going on with the custody issue. Miranda is a bad influence on Corey's relationship with the girls because she doesn't like Leah & Corey meeting alone. She seems nice, Victoria has talked to her but to be honest Victoria doesn't like her, she won't go into details but her nieces have said stuff that makes her not like her. On the surface she is nice and is nice in front of people but doesn't think she is behind closed doors. Miranda wears the pants in the relationship and is too immature because she doesn't like Corey and Leah meeting alone, she wants to go to pick ups too. She is immature because if Corey wanted to do something with Leah he would just do it, she feels that Miranda feels that Corey still loves his ex-wife and has feelings. It looks likes Corey wears the pants but you can see that Miranda controls him as he didn't have an attitude until he meet Miranda.


Corey is an awesome dad and loves his kids, Miranda resents the relationship as she is not a mother and there is lot of attention on Corey & Leah's relationship. If she becomes a mum she might understand and she hopes that Miranda doesn't become one of those other step-parents that feel their children are more important. It will be hard to see what she like until she becomes a mum herself. Give her props for taking on a man with two children. The girls may be 4 but talk like they are 14 and tell Victoria everything, they are old enough to know when somebody doesn't like them.


Jeremy is in town tonight (Sat) and Leah is going to meet him to talk. They need to get together as people will tell him what he wants to hear and it is not true.

Leah wants her marriage not Robbie. Leah has a lot of baggage and this has put them in a rough spot.


His family and her family need to stay out of it and let them work it out. His family needs to tell him to work it out as Leah is his family as he has not had a chance to talk to Leah.


Jeremy & Leah have been through worse, like when she was confused about Corey but they moved past it. Leah will be honest even if it hurts somebody feelings and makes her look bad. They will get past it if people stay out of it. The Calverts have not been encouraging about them work it out, as his parents they should support Jeremy 100% and not drag him down.


Back to the night Isaac turned up late. Leah shares a driveway with Jeremys parents, Isaac came back after midnight and Lynn (Jeremy's dad) came over cussing about somebody coming in that late. He should of waited until the next morning to tell Leah he has a problem instead of telling her to get her arse out and talk to him. In summary they are not supportive and that is wrong and they should be telling Jeremy to work on his marriage.


Jeremy's family came out swinging first and Jeremy should put his marriage at number 1.


Leah & Jeremy are still learning about each other as they have only been married 3 years and most of that time they have been apart.It is clear that they are not divorcing and trying to work on thing.


The tattoo is for his baby as that is Addy's middle name. We are not used to this sort of drama from the teen mom world.

  • Love 6

So in summary


The Calvert's are bad and trying to destroy Jeremy's marriage

The Messers/Spears are good, they are working to keep the marriage together

The town of Elkview is bad as they spread rumours about poor sweet Leah

Miranda seems sweet but is really an evil witch and is a great actor


Now onto my WTF moments.

Jeremy and Leah are defiantly not divorcing and they are working things out but they haven't spoken until a meeting later that night after the interview.

Jeremy and Leah's new horse farm seems to be moving onto his parents property no wonder there hasn't been a peep about their fabulous new property. On a side note Leah is screwed if they don't work out, looks like back to a trailer again.

Leah and Jeremy have not done any marriage counseling even though at the reunion?? Leah said they had

Corey is still to blame for Leah cheating as you know he wasn't there  for her and she couldn't act like a decent human and stop a relationship before screwing somebody else, but is different this time as Jeremy is there sexually for her on his one night a week.

Miranda is the best actor in the world when she has filmed with the girls I have not seen anything but love. She does not allow Corey to do pickup or drop offs alone funny the majority I have seen he has been just that, Jeremy on the other hand has shown on camera more than once he does not trust Leah with Corey

Leah keeps her private life private except for the million tabloid interviews she does and the cryptic posts to twitter.

Victoria knows that Jeremy wants out of the marriage and has for a while but everybody needs to tell him to stick with it so Leah doesn't lose her wallet

  • Love 6

My favorite part is the refusal to talk about the one aspect of this that she ACTUALLY has anything to do with (the facebook rant) but 3 paragraphs about someone she says she has only met once (Miranda... And I know this is a recap so that's what the person who wrote it wrote not necessarily what she said... But it seemed to be pretty verbatim of what was said about Miranda).

I'm curious why Leah's sister even brought Corey and Miranda into this. Miranda resents the girls? Doesn't like them? Is immature and controlling? She must be a damn Academy award worthy actress, then, b/c I have seen nothing of this. If she truly resents the twins, why hasn't she had her own child with Corey then? I guess the Messers don't know a mature decision when they see one.  I hope Corey is aware of this and saving this shit for the court hearing. In fact, I don't know much about the law, but could this not be considered deflamation? Victoria needs to keep her mouth shut about people she doesn't even know that well and talk about her own trashy ass family. And no, sweetie, I don't think Corey for one minute still has feelings for Leah or else he would have taken her back the first go around.

Edited by HeySandyStrange
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Sometimes I love a trashy soap opera but I have to wonder if people help fake this shit for more magazine covers and more seasons. Nothing is off limits to keep their name in the news. Nothing is off limits for Mtv to exploit. Jenelle and Nipples split! Germy is divorcing Leah, the druggie! These people have turned in to huge famewhores and I wouldn't put anything past them to make more money. Sure is fun, though. The names alone like Cheetos, Nipples and Adderall are funny as hell. Oh, yeah, and Javi as Vagina Lips.

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Leah reached out because Robbie had nobody else to lean on


Yeah she reached out to him.  With her vagina.  lol 


I'm still listening to the audio but I think that what is really going on is that Germys family is on to Leah and her games, so they are on watch to see who is coming and going when Germy is out of town.   And that Leah's family is on damage control right now, Leah hasn't even talked to Germy.   She hadn't even made it to where he is to talk about things so how are they alright?   You know they're lying because they are trying to say she cheated on Cory because he wasn't there for her but Germy is.  How could that be when Leah was harping about exactly that when she go the infamous bacon slap.   She was running out there to try an convince him that nothing happened before he can get some info from Robbie or whoever.   Of course they don't like Miranda.  She's empowered Cory to the point that he isn't kissing Leah's ass and letting her have her way all the time.  She can talk all she wants about how they are ok but camo pants paranoia dont lie.   

Edited by Lexie
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Did I read correctly that Isaac (Leah's brother) lives with Robbie? I know Isaac's girlfriend is pregnant, but isn't Isaac still underage? What the heck is he doing living with someone with a recent arrest record for heroin?

(not to mention WTF is a married mother of three doing having anything to do with a guy with a heroin problem who she has cheated on her SO with multiple times in the past)

Edited by MyPeopleAreNordic
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I am absolutely positive there were other people who could reach out to Robbie without Leah having to. Please!!!


Last night I spent way too much time finding (stalking) all these people on facebook. Robbie, Isaac, and yes even the sister of Robbie who married into Leah's family. I got confused even typing all that.  Most of these pages are public but no good gossip could be found.  Bummer!

Edited by Mkay
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A thought just came to me on Leah being truthful with Corey about the cheating when he found out. From memory the cheating rumours first came about at the time of the wedding both Leah & Corey denied them on social media the story sort of went away until their wedding aired about 6 months later and within a few weeks Leah admitted to Corey that she had cheated. There was lots of speculation that Corey stole money from Leah and abused her that is what led to divorce until the episode aired. Most of the speculation was stated by Leah's mum and friend Amy from memory.

So if Corey first heard the rumours at the time of the wedding how did Leah own up right away and never lie to Corey.

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If this is to be believed Robbie did confirm the rumor himself back then and Leah denied it even after that.  

Here's how "honest" she was at the time about cheating on Cory.  


She was on twitter calling him a liar and a loser after he confirmed the rumor.    So clearly her sister is also a liar who is trying to cover for Leah.

It looks like there was a year in between when Robbie confirmed the rumor and Leah admitted it.  


OK magazine is probably blowing up Robbies phone right now.

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If Leah's sister is hearing anything negative about Miranda from the girls, my bet is that they are repeating what they hear from Leah.    


I can't take Leah's sister seriously when she wants to talk about what goes on at Corys house, when she is not even there and she does know (from the show at the very least ) about the problems at Leah's house, like screaming fights over money, Leah kicking Germy out of the car after fighting over something so ridiculous as camo shorts, Leah nodding off and talking complete nonsense, etc.   

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First of all, thank you CrazyChicken for taking one for the team by deciphering and posting that interview. :-)


I laughed and rolled my eyes so hard at the comment that Leah and Germy have arguments while the girlses are in the car because they think having the girlses in the car is safe-guarding them from it all. How fucking stupid can these people be? Do they think the girlses are spared from their drama? Just the other day we had the pleasure to watch Germy lash out and accuse Leah of cheating and giving away his camo shorts to the girlses daddy - WITH THE GIRLSES IN THE BACKSEAT!!! There was the other moment where Cory told Leah he didn't trust her talking to Cory - WITH THE GIRLSES IN THE BACKSEAT!!!  There was also that lovely fight that Leah instigated when the fab four met up to do the drop-off and Leah acted all defensive when Cory dropped the bomb about Leah not taking Ali to her therapy and all hell broke loose while THE GIRLSES WERE IN THE BACKSEAT OF LEAH'S CAR!!  Too many arguments have ensued with the girlses within earshot. There was another moment where Leah's daughter, I believe the evil twin, told Leah to stop arguing. Not sure of the details, but I do remember feeling so bad for the kids having to hear that mess.


Wow. The insanity that is brewing, unfuckingbelievable. Cannot believe how Miranda is thrown under the bus while all those fuck-ups called the Calverts and Messers are throwing stones in glass mobile homes. Nope. I certainly don't believe Miranda is the person she is being painted to be. I think she, along with Cory, is being slammed for daring to put their feet down with all the shenanigans that Leah has been dishing out. Leah, being the liar that she is, runs to anyone and everyone to tell them how horrible they are to her.


Thanks to you all for posting these links to the old articles. It really puts all of Leah's lies into perspective. It's one thing to remember she lied, it's another to just re-read and know the timeline to this clusterfuck that is Leah's world. What a fucking cesspool this bitch lives in.


The Calverts don't like Leah? That shit is funny right there! I bet they get the sense that Leah is a fucking gold-digger and a cheater who can't be trusted. I guess Germy has been doing exactly what Leah has been doing - running to his family and acting like the victim.

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GREATKAZU,[oops) they only said the kids are in the car when they argued, they must have omitted the part where they say that they are also in the car fighting.

Technically it was right. They are fighting and the girls are in the car. Lol. These people are idiots.

I second the thanks to crazychicken, I fried to listen to the interview but only lasted 5 minutes.

Did the interviewer ever call Victoria on her shit? There were so many lies and contradictions it would have been easy to call her on it.

Edited by Maharincess
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Yeah she reached out to him. With her vagina. lol

I'm still listening to the audio but I think that what is really going on is that Germys family is on to Leah and her games, so they are on watch to see who is coming and going when Germy is out of town. And that Leah's family is on damage control right now, Leah hasn't even talked to Germy. She hadn't even made it to where he is to talk about things so how are they alright? You know they're lying because they are trying to say she cheated on Cory because he wasn't there for her but Germy is. How could that be when Leah was harping about exactly that when she go the infamous bacon slap. She was running out there to try an convince him that nothing happened before he can get some info from Robbie or whoever. Of course they don't like Miranda. She's empowered Cory to the point that he isn't kissing Leah's ass and letting her have her way all the time. She can talk all she wants about how they are ok but camo pants paranoia dont lie.


First Leah has issues. So when you have no one to lean on you go to the guy you cheated with the first time and then again lean on him the second time?

Miranda is a good person. It's hard to find any person willing to go through this bullshit with anyone. And she accepted Ali and Alia has her own. It's hard having a kid with a medical disorder. And Miranda accept this and her Corys problems with his ex.

Germy should've seen this coming

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Leah's mom and Jeremy's mom go at it on Starcasm's FB page...Jeremy's mom posted she was going to call CPS. The post was later deleted. Hot damn!! What is going on with Leah that CPS is being threatened? LOL as if we don't already know.  Jeremy's mom also accuses Mama Dawn of covering up for Leah. Well, that is no surprise. We know she did that before.


I was remembering the camera man article who mentioned Leah being the worst mother and the dirtiest. There was mention of food and animal shit on the floor. I also remember Cory mentioning Leah wouldn't wash clothes. He would have to do it when he came home. The illusion I was getting was that the living conditions were a pig sty. Fitting for Leah since she is a vile pig.  I am guessing this, along with Leah being under the influence of meds may be what makes Jeremy's mom want to call CPS.



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