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The Relationships Thread: The Cardiac Wing

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 Question: What are your thoughts on the romances of Port Charles? One of my favorites is Julexis. They may have had a dubious beginning with Alexis and Julian conceiving Sam in the back seat of a car, but their reunion has definitely made up for it, IMO, especially the kisses and Julexis sex-or rather, the start of it, anyway. Here's the thread to discuss the romantic relationships of Port Charles, from the sublime (Julexis) to the ridiculous (Patrick and Sabrina) and all those in between.

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Julexis is the only reason I haven't taken GH off my DVR. This gives me hope, that Frankie has learned the error of his editing ways.


Nancy Lee Grahn ‏@NancyLeeGrahn 17h

Julian and Alexis sex " not long enough" -Frank Valentini @valentinifrank (Exec Producer @GeneraHospital)

Sam's parents have hotter sex than she does.

  • Love 2

Is this the place where I can bemoan the great romance that never got the chance?  Cause I swear, I'd ring Ronnie's neck if I got my hands around it for not going there with Carly and AJ.  Sure, nine times out of ten, I loathe the slagbeast and bemoan most men who get trapped in her golden hoohaa (with the exception of Franco.  Bitch deserves whatever she get with that shit).  But seriously writers, did you not see the spark the first time Carly saw her first baby daddy on the docks?  Did you not see the Alan/Monica redux potential in all the times they interacted?  Did you not see how hot they were together with their hate sex?  And the number of places they could have hate-sexed around PC?  Did you not see the history they have together and the growth potential they had together?


Anyone?  Anyone?  Bueller?

  • Love 10

I hope that Olivia realizes that she is only a bed warmer until Sonny finds the next great love of his life or until he marries Ava to keep her quiet. I really can't understand why she is sleeping with the man who shot.her.son.in.the.chest.point.blank. Maybe at least with Olivia now living with him, he has a clue as to where he keeps his towels.

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In today's episode, were they trying to say than Snarly and the midget mobster are a couple for the ages?

I got that feeling too.  And you know what, I'd prefer Carly with Sonny right now.  They are horrible, they would contain their horribleness to each other.  And it doesn't look as stupid for her to be with him as it does with Franco.  Hell, I'm holding out hope they'll have to marry to cover each others asses.  Then they can both lose Michael if the truth comes out.

  • Love 2

I am not real sure what to make of this. Is ABC throwing us a bone? Are they trying to placate us after a billion calls to the comment line? Is this the old bait and switch?


Edited by TarHeelTeacher
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Just wanted to say, I absolutely love the title of this thread. I also really like the Julexis scenes/relationship, which tells you something - I'm approx. 20 years younger than the two characters. I like them so much more than any other "official" couple on the show. If the writing for Elizabeth and Nikolas would get good/believable, which I know it won't, then I'd be on board for that too. I think Nik has always felt an attraction for her aside from their friendship, that he never saw her as a sister (respected her as his brother's wife, great's love bestie, yes, that I buy.) At the moment it seems like Elizabeth is reluctantly sayng yes, she and Ric have a chance because Ric wants her and she has fears about actually being in a real relationship w/Nikolas. Liz can do SO much better than a guy who is obsessive and once nearly killed her.


I know the Guza writing regime isn't missed by many people, but he created Ric Lansing and Liz/Ric, and damn if I don't eat up YouTube clips of them from 2003-2004 like candy. If Ric weren't on the canvas, I could root for Nik and Liz. I wasn't watching when they originally cheated with Lucky, so I don't have the squigged-out factor it seems that many do when it comes to their pairing. I might enjoy them reaching some sort of peace of mind about the Lucky thing (although Nik seems to lack any sense of guilt about it). 


But Rick Hearst is my fave. I would watch him read the phone book. I am torn between being grateful we get Liz/Ric 2.0, and worrying that they will be wrecked by Carlivati and Co. I get that they have history and the history would facilitate them getting back together with a quickness, but there's so much I want to see them talk about that isn't ever going to happen. Ric seems defanged now--is that all an act? Did he find his zen in California? Did he hear that Elizabeth lost her son with Jason while he was away? RC doesn't do character development and their scenes together are FAR too short for my taste...

Edited by Princess Kelbop
  • Love 3

One thing I like about the Gay Love Triangle is that is has two men of colour in it. In real life, white gay guys who date interracially look (and act) more like FLuke than Lucas. It's fun on a wish-fulfliment level to see a Black or Asian man able to get facetime with someone so hot.  Having said that, there the whole thing is undermined by:

  1. a lack of chemistry in the Fecas dyad 
  2.  weak writng of both sides of the traiangle.  
Edited by Aqli
A part of me wants this Patrick/Sam/Robin/Jason thing to really happen because I think the fan wars would be off the charts and far more entertaining than the actual show. But really, the stupid Sam/Liz/Jason triangle was bad enough. I don't want Sam having to compete with Saint Robin because Jason really isn't worth having to endure that bullshit. Let Robin have Jason and Sam can move on with Patrick.


For all that people think Robin is a saint, her actions and the things she's done, in the moobster's, slagbeast's and Jason's eyes, prove to the contrary. Exhibit One, Michael's paternity reveal.


I don't want Jason Morgan back, but even if he does come back, he doesn't see Robin as a saint. And his feelings for her, the last time we saw them together, was that of friendship. He's not the kind of character that would suddenly fall in love with Robin again because she saved his life. She's done that how many times now?


And Robin isn't a character who jumps from one guy to another. I don't see her turning to Jason, IF she and Patrick divorce. I just don't see it happening. Not romantically anyway.


But that's being logical. And doesn't take into account Ron the douchetasticratbastardpigofafuckwit and his hack writing.

Edited by GHScorpiosRule
  • Love 2

As I recall, Robin telling AJ he was Michael's father was more to protect Jasbot, to take away the one thing Slagbeast had to keep Jasbot jumping through hoops. Slagbeast moved in with them, and destroyed Jason and Robin. Robin was seven before she knew who her parents were. Slagbeast was too stupid to think when someone knows your secret, leave them alone. The second time she told, it was that Spencer was Nic's. I was not watching. I did see it on YT. Robin didn't tell Patrick that Emma was his because he didn't want children.


I don't want Jason back unless he comes back as a Quartermaine, finds out Sonny shot AJ in the chest in cold blood, and reciprocates. Dead Sonny does it for me. I have always been a fan of Robin. but she is to dumb to breath with the way she cannot see the mob for what it is - killers and thieves etc. Even when Sonny shot her with Emma in the house.

Edited by stacey
Cleaning up punctuation
A part of me wants this Patrick/Sam/Robin/Jason thing to really happen because I think the fan wars would be off the charts and far more entertaining than the actual show.


Just imagine a Sam/Patrick/Liz triangle - the fanwars would go nuclear!


But really, the stupid Sam/Liz/Jason triangle was bad enough. I don't want Sam having to compete with Saint Robin because Jason really isn't worth having to endure that bullshit.


Neither, for that matter, is Patrick.


Someone on the episodes thread mentioned that a Michael/Sabrina or Morgan/Sabrina pairing would be interesting.  I like both these ideas, and find a Morgan/Sabrina pairing especially fascinating - after all the bullshit he has gone through, Morgan needs someone who would be loyal and devoted to him, and if there are two qualities that Sabrina has in spades it's loyalty and devotion...


Im not sure why, but I wanna see if BC & VA have chemistry.  Morgan sleeping with a DEA agent would be a great twist.  


Anyway, when I was driving home tonight the Neon Trees song "Sleeping with a Friend" came on and it made me think of Samtrick.  Someone should make a video of their scenes set to this song.  I would myself but I dont have [spinbitch]Cyber Skillz [/spinbitch].

Edited by Tiger

Just imagine a Sam/Patrick/Liz triangle - the fanwars would go nuclear!





Neither, for that matter, is Patrick.


Someone on the episodes thread mentioned that a Michael/Sabrina or Morgan/Sabrina pairing would be interesting.  I like both these ideas, and find a Morgan/Sabrina pairing especially fascinating - after all the bullshit he has gone through, Morgan needs someone who would be loyal and devoted to him, and if there are two qualities that Sabrina has in spades it's loyalty and devotion...


Sorry, but there is no way in hell I can buy that Morgan would ever find Sabrina interesting enough or sexy enough to be around. She'd be like a lap dog, same way she was for Patrick. BORING. I find Sabrina to be the exact opposite of interesting actually.

  • Love 3

I'll never understand why Robin telling AJ that Michael was his son is such a black mark against her. So what if she told him to spite Carly? AJ deserved to know that Michael was his. If Carly, Jason, and Sonny had had their way, AJ would never have known.


Sorry, but there is no way in hell I can buy that Morgan would ever find Sabrina interesting enough or sexy enough to be around.


Lauren wasn't exactly a ball of fire, and Ava was a rebound turned obsession. I don't know what those two really have in common except for enjoying the commotion their relationship causes. But yeah, Sabrina and Morgan would be more boring than Michael and Lauren.

Edited by dubbel zout
  • Love 6

I'll never understand why Robin telling AJ that Michael was his son is such a black mark against her. So what if she told him to spite Carly? AJ deserved to know that Michael was his. If Carly, Jason, and Sonny had had their way, AJ would never have known.


Word. (Is it hopelessly uncool to say 'word'? Oh, well, I've never been cool.) In my opinion, the biggest black mark against Robin's character is that she kept that secret for so long. She was in the wrong there, and I was relieved when she made it right by finally telling AJ the truth. If she was partially motivated by spite - and she was - so much the better. Carly was unrelentingly awful to Robin and disrespectful of Jason and Robin's relationship and Robin was under no obligation to eat that shit. Carly had it coming. Frankly, Jason did too.

  • Love 12

I'll never understand why Robin telling AJ that Michael was his son is such a black mark against her. So what if she told him to spite Carly? AJ deserved to know that Michael was his. If Carly, Jason, and Sonny had had their way, AJ would never have known.



Oh, I totally agree. Hell, I was cheering when she finally told AJ; also is the fact that while they were together, Robin kept urging Jason to tell AJ the truth. I only brought it up, because so many throw this particular stone at Robin--"not her Sekrit to TELL!" and "How DARE she break up a wunnerful family and tell AJ the TRUTH about Michael!' blah, blah, blah. Maybe it was a poor example, but  I've never understood the "Saint Robin" moniker that's been thrown at Robin as the insult it's supposed to be. One of the reasons I love her is that she's a good person. These days, I suppose being good, is akin to dull, boring, not interesting, no spunk, no nothing. Well Robin had plenty of that when she was with Stone and yes, even when she was with Jason and there was/is passion in her during her courting days with Patrick.

  • Love 7


Maybe it was a poor example, but  I've never understood the "Saint Robin" moniker that's been thrown at Robin as the insult it's supposed to be. One of the reasons I love her is that she's a good person. These days, I suppose being good, is akin to dull, boring, not interesting, no spunk, no nothing. Well Robin had plenty of that when she was with Stone and yes, even when she was with Jason and there was/is passion in her during her courting days with Patrick.


The current crop of writers don't know how to write "good" characters so whenever they try the characters just come off as boring, sanctimonious, self-righteous, and dull. I'm willing to accept that maybe Robin was interesting once upon a time, but not now. At least not to me. All I see now is dullness. The "bad"/grey characters are the ones who actually get to do something. 

And really, any "family" Robin is/was accused of breaking up was predicated on Carly willingly and maliciously, herself, destroying a relationship to her benefit to promote a family based on a lie, so I guess Carly should know better than anyone how Robin felt.


A sort of karma, perhaps.


Then again, Jason allowed this all to happen, so I think Robin losing him was a huge plus, but that's me.

  • Love 2

I'm feeling trolled. Absolutely. Trolled!!!

GH's FB page has a picture of Sam & Patrick asking if you think Samtrick would make a good couple. They even have pics from today's episode posted.

I feel trolled because they aren't going to do Samtrick. Ron isn't going to remove Silas from Sam's ass. Also without Patrick, Sabweena doesn't have a story or purpose on this show.

Samtrick would have been 1000x better than Purina or SiAmbien but I feel it's to late with the rumored returns.

  • Love 1

I disagree; I think Sam & Silas may continue to be technically together,  but I think Sam & Patrick will have an affair that they will hide from everyone.


They wont do anything physical until the same ep that Robin & NuJason return.  


And id be willing to get WinstonWolf's salary that in order to facilitate KMc's exit, Robin will catch Samtrick in the act and just leave town.


I feel trolled because they aren't going to do Samtrick. Ron isn't going to remove Silas from Sam's ass. Also without Patrick, Sabweena doesn't have a story or purpose on this show.


Ditto.  I think they'll tease Sam & Patrick but never actually have anything happen.  Oh wait, maybe they'll kiss (or have a drunken ONS if I'm really lucky) right before Robin returns with nuJason.



I think Sam & Patrick will have an affair that they will hide from everyone.


I wish.

IF they do have Patrick cheat on Robin (It's not as if he hasn't cheated before!), in his mind, he'll rationalize it as a good* reason and won't be asking for Robin's forgiveness/blame her for it.


*The first time he cheated, well, he'll probably think, okay, Robin being in Africa, even after I said it was okay, but I was really lying, and just wanted a reason to jump Lisa's crazy ass bones, wasn't a good reason; but here, and now? Well, she "chose" to go save Jason**, so I have every right...


**And he damn well KNOWS this isn't a good reason because he's met Victor and he KNOWS Robin had no choice in leaving, and the fuck should know that she probably can't leave where she's at right now, either.


No one will convince me otherwise; that Robin is basically a hostage, and that that douchecanoeratbastardprickofafuckwit was just bound and determined to trash Robin's character worse than Guzasshole ever did, so the Disney Princess could look PERFECT and better. No dice.

  • Love 4

I don't need Patrick to cheat on Robin.  Since RC wrote her out so shittily, he should build on that & have Patrick actually ask for a divorce from Robin.  Then it's not cheating.  But Ron likes things messy, & he likes things plot-pointy.  So we'll get the cheating story IF Sam is allowed to think about something other than Silas for more than five minutes.

  • Love 3
No one will convince me otherwise; that Robin is basically a hostage, and that that douchecanoeratbastardprickofafuckwit was just bound and determined to trash Robin's character worse than Guzasshole ever did, so the Disney Princess could look PERFECT and better. No dice.


Feel free to be my spokesperson, GHScorpiosRule! It saves my fingers valuable typing time!

Edited by WendyR72
  • Love 1

Feel free to be my spokesperson, GHScorpiosRule! It saves my fingers valuable typing time!


Why thank you, Wendy, I'd be honored! Though I'm on the barge, I still have me hand binocs and keep an eye on things. And I don't consider myself a member of Kimberly's "Cult" but a loyal fan who watched her grow up, and go through so many, many tragedies, and rarely ever have any happiness I think she/Robin gets a bum rap and it makes me want to just come out and defend her. I was SO upset when I saw on Entertainment Tonight, that GH was going to give Stone full blown out AIDS, because I thought that Robin and Stone were just so damned adorable and Robin was finally happy. Though they did a great job with the storyline; it gutted me, and showed us just how talented of a cast this show had, I was also very, very sad. Stone is the only guy who ever put Robin first.

  • Love 2
And I don't consider myself a member of Kimberly's "Cult" ...


Robin getting brainwashed by a cult would have been a more pleasant choice than the story they've written for her for a while now. 


It's hard for me to get too jazzed about any of Robin's pairings.  Stone was pretty, but didn't have much of a memorable personality.  I missed a lot of the early Jason / Robin stuff ... and then the sight of Jason passively sitting back while Carly ruined his relationship with Robin really turned me off.  Patrick held promise early on, but he turned out to be a passive waffler in his relationships just like Jason.  And the writers seemed to want to dull Robin down, so they could write scenes where Patrick basically tells her to lighten up already.  Which was annoying.   


I wouldn't have minded them trying out Robin and Jax after Brenda's "death."  Robin deserved to be pampered by the nice, charming rich guy for a while.


Also without Patrick, Sabweena doesn't have a story or purpose on this show.


If the showrunners go with Samtrick, they have Carlos waiting in the wings for Sabrina.  My guess is Gabriel/Sabrina will become a big couple next.


I disagree; I think Sam & Silas may continue to be technically together,  but I think Sam & Patrick will have an affair that they will hide from everyone.


They wont do anything physical until the same ep that Robin & NuJason return.


And then, even if Robin catches Patrick in the act of fucking around on her, it will somehow be her fault the relationship broke up.

Edited by yowsah1

Who is Gabriel?


I think she means Carlos; as Gabriel was Sabrina's baby, no?

Robin getting brainwashed by a cult would have been a more pleasant choice than the story they've written for her for a while now. 


If that douche had stuck to the set up he created, Robin being held hostage, tortured and kept from her family, and had writers capable of having writing a story of how Robin's return, her PTSD affected her, and actually have her talk about what she went through and deal with it with Anna, Patrick and Kevin, that would have made for a great storyline. But alas, by the time Robin came back, I'd already seen what a hack he and his writers were so was more surprised, nay, shocked, that GH Espionage was so very good. 


I thought Stone had a fine personality. Who knows what would have happened had he not died? Maybe Robin wouldn't have become a Sonny apologist?  Maybe she and Stone would have broken up? What if the accident that birthed Jason Morgan still happened? But it's all moot at this point.

Samtrick could be a dramatic gold mine.  Patrick is the only person on the show who knows that Sam's husband is alive.  That's built-in drama.  The stories practically write themselves.  Sam and Patrick grow closer, but Patrick resists the growing attraction because he knows about Jason.  Sam gets frustrated and angry and begins to turn to someone else (Dante? hell, even back to Silas?), which makes Patrick feel jealous but also guilty because he's keeping information from Sam.  Maybe Patrick finally gives in, maybe he doesn't.  Jason returns, drama ensues. 



You know this scenario could be a dramatic gold mine IF the characters involved actually were dramatic. As it is I think Dante is the only one of the bunch that could pull some drama and NuJason if the rumors are true.

As it is Patrick and Sam are about as dramatic as an old gym sock looking for its mate. About the only positive thing about them is Patrick is one step above Silas in emotional range and that's NOT a compliment. Sam and Patrick resisting attraction would probably consist of blank looks sighs and hands shoved in pockets. Argo and Sam just don't scream drama to me one ioda, they scream nap time.. zzzzzzzz.

Edited by stacey
Inappropriate nickname
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