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How To Speculate w/o Spoilers: Hiding the Ball

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I could see Bonnie, if they paint it as her realizing Sam might not have been guilty, then killing Rebecca to avenge Sam.

They have really not explained the Sam and Bonnie relationship. I have a hard time seeing Annalise keeping around Sam's ex-lover. So I figured it was more Bonnie had maybe obsessive loves feelings for Sam, and that coupled with hero worshipping Annalise could lead her to snap. I really hope the explain Bonnie's connection to Sam and Annalise next season.

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There was some speculation here that Wes might be Nate's son, but today while watching the episode, I had an epiphany and now I'm 99% sure that he is actually Annalise's son, whom she gave up for adoption, at a point in time before she got rich. That's just the kind of show this is and it explains why he got into school with sub-par grades, why Annalise put him into the inner circle despite his bad performance and why she would cover up him killing her husband.


After seeing the episode with Annalise's mother, I am inclined to agree.


  • Annalise got pregnant from being raped by Uncle Clyde.
  • Annalise gave up the baby for adoption.
  • The baby (if it is Wes) might have been adopted at birth or soon afterwards.
  • Wes was raised to believe that the woman who raised him was his birth mother.
  • If the adoption was closed, Annalise might have found a way to finagle information about what happened to the baby she gave up.


I'm not sure whether Annalise suspected or knew that Wes was the child she gave up for adoption prior to meeting in the classroom. Maybe seeing him reminded her of the boy she gave up and decided to investigate (and maybe got Frank to help. LOL)


If this is true, then I doubt that Wes has any idea he was adopted.


Wes would be devastated to discover his true heritage. That would mean that he killed his stepfather (Sam).


I wonder whether Annalise's mother knew about this baby? There were no references to a pregnancy or a baby in that episode. 

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I'm not all that excited about next season.  I really don't care who killed the psychopath (she displays enough feeling not to be a sociopath).  At this point, they're just playing ring-around-the-rosie with the Murder 4.  And the Case of the Week isn't enough to keep me motivated.  I'll watch the first ep or two, but it's going to have to get more interesting real fast.

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I really hope Wes is not the lost baby. I see it as she didn't look twice until he found out about Nate. She then put him in the group to keep him quiet. Then he was the puppy and as such, useful. Then he got obsessed with Rebecca and the secrets he was finding out started tumbling over each other. He's the real loose cannon of the group and she's done a really good job keeping him close enough to control as much of the crazy he instigates as possible. I have to agree with Bonnie- those four are idiots and this all goes back their stupid actions. Annalise may favor Wes because they've shared so many secrets the others couldn't know but I don't see anything that makes me believe it has to be more than that or that she singled him out.

Speaking of Bonnie, my spec is that she's Sam's stepdaughter from his first marriage. If he was there through a big chunk of her childhood that would explain why there are hints of a familial bond there between Bonnie, Sam and his family. But she wouldn't actually be his child so the makeout and sexual undertones would just be creepy rather than actual incest. She said he kissed her because he thought that's what she wanted. I'm guessing they went back and forth across that line a lot and from what I saw of Bonnie, I doubt she could even track the difference between wanting her stepfather/family and wanting Sam to want her like his girlfriends. She's got the longing eyes down but she's just never seemed romantically jealous to me, dealing with Lila or Annalise. It was more like she wanted to be special to him and be the one he shared all his secrets with. Which is a very very creepy dynamic on its own.

As for Annalise, if Bonnie was Sam's stepdaughter then Sam's affair with her broke up Bonnie's family. I think that could explain Annalise's obligation to keep her around even though she doesn't like her. Sam insisted and Annalise was doing penance. My spec is that Bonnie came to Middleton to go to law school if not earlier, and has worked for Annalise since she graduated. That's why she has such little experience and NO confidence. How could she? And if Bonnie's family is as crazy as Frank implied, that's why Bonnie stuck around her stepfather and his new family even when Annalise treats her like shit.

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  Bumping it up with some of my unspoiled spec for the season 2 murder case, which is that the two siblings who are accused of killing their wealthy parents are not only guilty of that crime, I wouldn't be surprised if they're having an affair, the brother had killed the aunt who testified against them nor that one of them shot Annalise.

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Pure speculation based on casting, the head of the household staff (or all staff in cahoots) killed the parents.  I say this only because I recognized the actress (Bonnie Friederecy) as the General from the tv show "Chuck". I've got to believe she is there for more than just that small one-off appearance.  

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I agree, I think she killed the couple, not the kids.

My guess is Asher had some sort of drunk driving incident that either killed or permenantly disabled the girl and his dad helped cover it up. Maybe the prosecutor is her sister?

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Wasn't Wes born in...I want to say Haiti? Maybe it was just his mother. I think he was telling Rebecca about all this at some point, but I might have been tuning out their scenes... Anyway, with Michaela being adopted, maybe the writers won't want to go to that well again with Wes. I'll go with the theory that someone Annalise successfully defended in the early 2000s was involved with Wes' mother and her suicide (that will turn out to be a murder).

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I think Wes is the child of someone she knew. I think she was supposed to take care of him or watch out for him and she didn't. I'm guessing she quickly got an opportunity that benefited her and she left the promise behind until she found out he had applied to Middleton or he joined her class. Now she's going into overdrive to make up that's resulting in the creepy sexual/maternal vibe. Maybe there are supposed to be some parallels between Wes and Annelise's screwy abusive inexplicably maternal relationship with Bonnie.

I don't think any of the K4 killed anyone. I think they were there and probably didn't stop it when they could because they are idiots.

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I don't think any of the K4 killed anyone. I think they were there and probably didn't stop it when they could because they are idiots.

You mean this time around, right? Because Wes totally thwacked Sam last year. Ah, good times...


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I think Wes being Annalise's bio child is too obvious. I'm going with - he's Eve's.


That was my first thought too.  It would help explain the creepy as hell sexual attraction/yet mothering impulses Annalise seems to have towards Wes, in that she sees Eve in him (hence the creepy, maybe almost unconscious sexual attraction) but also sees in him the son of someone she loves, so she also feels maternal. We always have to remember Annalise does not do normal relationships.

Edited by pennben
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Wes can't be Anna's kid, she's soooooo pervy on him. Unless that's like some weird subliminal thing Viola Davis does and everyone's too uncomfortable to mention it or something. I think she lied, frankly. Cuz that's the answer that will get Eve to stop digging and a suitable lure for future favours. Not sure he's not somehow connected to her at all though but I don't think he's her son. I keep getting S1 flashbacks where Doucheface says something like 'maybe he's her secret love child' and Michaela bite's back with "Yeah just cuz they're both black they must be related."


Now, who shoots Annalise? The show is clearly setting up a situation where ANYONE could be a suspect but I'm cancelling out Nate and Bonnie for being too obvious. Also Nate comes to pick the gang up so it couldn't have been him, he also sounds like he has some inkling of what's going on. Who does that leave? Phillip, Wes and Eve. Why Eve? Dunno. Something strikes me just as ever so slightly psycho-girlfriend about her. Philip is an obvious choice, maybe too obvious and I'm not sure Wes is at that point. I'm also don't think Laurel would be backing him up if he shot her.


Who shoves Saint off the balcony? Bonnie? Probably. Likely even. Alternatively it could be Asher, he looks pretty shaken up in the car. Then again why wouldn't he be if he just saw his Bon-Bon shove someone off a roof? She was also covered in blood. Annalise's blood? Saint's blood? Unless Saint was bleeding before she went splat that would mean she was either beaten or tortured or shot or something. Dunno, probably Annalise's blood. Maybe Saint went crazy from being constantly one-upped, shot Analise, Bonnie went all ride or die on her and shoved her off the roof? But that has nothing to do with the Hapstalls so nah.


Speaking of the Hapstalls. What happens to Olly-Wolly-Poo? I don't think he dies. Connor isn't busted up enough in the flashforwards. Which means! Either 1) they haven't found him yet or 2) they have found him and he's relatively okay. I'm going with 2. Why? Because he's trying to stop Annalise's bleeding. I don't think he would have done that if he was still actively mad at her. So I think she does something (or, more likely: send Frank to do something) and gets Oliver back.


But yeah. No real clue what happens in the mansion or why everybody's there. Though I suppose if Phillip is involved it might explain why. But mostly clueless. There are a lot of wiggly, wiggly threads. Like why Catherine was covered in blood. And why Caleb was taken out or was never in his home. Or how Nate's involved. IT SHALL BE A GLORIOUS CLUSTERFUCK.

Edited by Fredward
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For the DA and Annalise and the Keating staff to be there at the Hapstall mansion, I think it means either a new crime has been committed, or new evidence has led to a warrant to search the premises (again) or arrest someone. Annalise and Co could be there to discuss the case, but the DA won't show up at the mansion again unless she has official business. And it's at night. They're not there for anything routine, like a deposition (which they'd do at the office, anyway, not at home). Unless the DA was killed somewhere else and then dumped at the mansion to frame the Hapstall kids for having done it, something else major is going on already, even before the DA gets killed or Annalise gets shot.


Oliver can't be dead, because if he is, Connor will unravel completely, and confess everything, and that unravels the whole show. Unless someone murders Connor to keep him from confessing, but I don't think the show wants to lose one of the most popular characters and relationships it has, so I'm hoping that doesn't happen either.


I think if Wes were her son, Eve would not have said Annalise was a good person for protecting him. Unless maybe Wes was the product of a rape, and Annalise gave him up for adoption because of that element, but is now trying to protect him because she knows that his origins are not his fault.


I do think Asher is going to do something drastic to redeem himself or prove to Bonnie that he's worthy. Whether he actually commits violence, or just confesses to it to protect someone else, I'm not guessing.

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Speaking of Bonnie, my spec is that she's Sam's stepdaughter from his first marriage. If he was there through a big chunk of her childhood that would explain why there are hints of a familial bond there between Bonnie, Sam and his family. But she wouldn't actually be his child so the makeout and sexual undertones would just be creepy rather than actual incest.

If she was under aged and he was sticking his tongue down her throat as her stepfather then that's sexual abuse and therefore, illegal.


This show is one trip and I'm throwing my hands up and just keeping my eyes glued to the screen. 



Now what he was doing with Lila was creepy, with his old ass, since she was I believe over twenty one, but just barely and she wasn't family blood nor a  stepchild. But creepy nonetheless. 


I think Wes being Annalise's bio child is too obvious. I'm going with - he's Eve's.


But the way Famke played Eve in that scene, it didn't seem like she was playing it as her story. She seemed detached from it, ,meaning, she knew about him but knew about him as being something close to Anna's heart not hers.


Annalise seems like a good candidate to me.  Possibly when she went downstairs to talk with Rebecca and release her.



I think this is the one thing we will never see on this show, blood on Anna's hands. She's the puppeteer, she moves all the chess pieces around and shit happens, but she'll never pull the actual trigger. 


Exception, unless she decides to kill herself.

Edited by represent
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Good points, possibilities, about why the DA would even be there. It can't be that they're serving a warrant, because then the cops would have been there.

So spitballing here. I'm betting Sinclaire was up to something shady, because I honestly can't think of a legit reason for her to bet there at night on her own. She has demonstrated a completely OTT drive for getting something on Anna, and specifically a fondness for recordings of her. The Hapstall sister has taped the K5 without their knowledge before. So how about Hapstalless is listening to the recordings and spots something off. She tries to negotiate a deal with Sinclaire to get herself off for her parents' murder by turning whatever it is over. Caleb lets AK and crew know, they bust in, and things go badly wrong, which is why they are now trying to pin the events of this evening on Hapstalless and hide them from Caleb. They've cut her loose as a client, and are no longer trying to get her off, but actively discredit and frame her. Would explain Frank's actions with her. Although he could be running a parallel scheme that was independent of whatever happened in the murder mansion, but the other version ties into things we've already seen better.

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Miscellaneous thoughts:

Pretty sure:

1) Connor at least has reason to believe Ollie is ok by the time of the flash forwards because he's too calm.

2) Sinclaire was either unconscious or dead when she goes over the balcony. Doubt AK and crew dragged an unconscious or dead Sinclaire to the Hapstalls', so I guess that means she was there of her own accord and for her weaselly ways.

Could picture:

1) Someone trying to stop Sinclaire, and it ending in her being coshed. (Hell, I've wanted to cosh her a couple of times this season, and I'm not on the receiving end of any of her crap.) How about Asher, who she's pushed around a lot this season? He's been close to breaking once or twice and doesn't have the advantage of other interns to back him up like the M4 have with each other. And then Bonnie tries to cover it up for him by dropping her off a balcony.

2) Connor getting a clue and/or conscience and trying to bail on whatever stupid thing they've done this time, prior to Anna's getting shot. The likelihood of this increases if the person screwing up this time is not one of the M4, because any new charges against any of them increase the likelihood of a deal being made and that person flipping on the rest. So Asher, Nate, the Hapstalls or the cousin are fair game, but (probably) not AK, the M4, Bonnie or Frank who know the score.


Whose blood is on the Hapstalless?

Is Frank framing her for something? If so, what?

Why is Nate cool with Anna again? Is he faking that to cover for something he did?

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After this episode, I'm throwing my hat in the ring for Eve shooting Annalise. Simply by process of elimination and prior history: Wes killed Sam over trying to defend Rebecca ("love"). Annalise is going to do something else that Eve isn't going to like and Eve is going to snap. Also because I think to have one of the Keating 5 involved in yet another murder is pushing the (already meager) limits of believability, but having it be some random person (like Philip or one of the Hapstalls) doesn't make sense either.


But Eve showing up again, and expressing her hope for a happy future, just means that Annalise is going to end up disappointing her again and I just wonder if it could be a bridge too far this time.


If it absolutely has to be a Keating 5 person, I'd vote Connor. Clearly a crime of passion, and he's been the most vehement in his openly questioning Annalise this season.

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It's a bit like playing Clue... They're cheating a bit by having murders be non-premeditated; it makes it a lot harder to predict whodunnit.

So I'm going with:

Asher (with Bonnie and Caleb tied for second choices, and Frank and Anna a distant third) thwacking Sinclaire,

Connor trying to leave to report it,

Bonnie (or Frank) covering it up by throwing her off the roof terrace,

Wes the low-rent gangsta getting gunsy on Connor's ass,

kerfuffling ensuing, during which Anna gets shot by accident,

probably by Connor (with Wes as a close second)

And they're trying to pin it on Ms. Hapstall. (Who probably started it all by trying to cut some weird secret deal in the dead of night with Sinclaire? Yeah, why not?)

...or Asher isn't party to the Sinclaire sitch, that's (Frank, Bonnie or Caleb) instead, but he's the one who accidentally shoots Anna during the fallout post DA drop. Hard call given the absence of malice aforethought. (Well there's an overabundance of malice, but not quite murderous in nature, I'd say.)

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This is my theory if the Wes being Annalise's son theory doesn't stick

Maybe during the earlier years of her law practice, Annalise represented Wes' mother regarding a case (maybe she murdered Wes' father). Annalise loss the case which would mean Wes' mom would be spending a lot of years in prison. She couldn't deal with that, so she committed suicide.

Edited by Chrissytd
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Pure speculation based on casting, the head of the household staff (or all staff in cahoots) killed the parents.  I say this only because I recognized the actress (Bonnie Friederecy) as the General from the tv show "Chuck". I've got to believe she is there for more than just that small one-off appearance.  


Pardon me quoting myself.  I'm going back to there was a reason Bonnie Friederecy was cast.  Because I have literally no idea what is going on, I'm going back to play around with my original thoughts. 


My new theory....the prosecutor (Sinclair) is the illegitimate daughter of the head of the household staff (Friederecy) and the Hapstill father that was murdered. Why do I think this?  They are both redheads (that's my rock solid link:)).  So, the prosecutor's mom killed the Hapstills, maybe in a rage that they decided to not leave anything to her daughter or put the incest child in the will or she found out she was sleeping with a man who was sleeping with his own sister (who knows).  She then tells the daughter who takes over the case and tries to close it so her mother is out of danger.  Why would the prosecutor go so crazy hard on this case?  Then, why would she accept such ridiculous deals in such a high profile murder case unless she wanted it closed/needed it closed to protect someone? Her panicked call with someone when Annalise walked in tonight was with her mom, telling her everything is falling apart in the case, so it will still be an open case and their secret could be exposed (as well as suspicion cast their way).


Okay, I just read my last paragraph, it is preposterous, but that's what this show does to me!

Edited by pennben
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Here's my theory.


I think Philip killed the Hapstills, his parents when he found out his mother and father were brother and sister; that could drive anybody over the edge.


One thing I'm wondering, what happened to Philip?  He's not seen in any of the flash forwards.  


Remember when Michaela goes to her apartment and Caleb is there, with blood on his shirt?  That's not Annalise's blood, that's probably Philip's.  Maybe Caleb kills Philip, Catherine shoots Annalise; Sinclair sees everything and that's why the gang has to cover everything up.  

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Here's my theory.


I think Philip killed the Hapstills, his parents when he found out his mother and father were brother and sister; that could drive anybody over the edge.


One thing I'm wondering, what happened to Philip?  He's not seen in any of the flash forwards.  


Remember when Michaela goes to her apartment and Caleb is there, with blood on his shirt?  That's not Annalise's blood, that's probably Philip's.  Maybe Caleb kills Philip, Catherine shoots Annalise; Sinclair sees everything and that's why the gang has to cover everything up.  

Why would Philip have killed Hapstall Mom though? She isn't his biological mother or really anything to him except for his biological father's wife.

I think it's quite a stretch though to say that finding out your biological parents are siblings is enough to drive anyone to murder said parents + father's wife.


I've also been wondering about Philip. Wouldn't surprise me if he turns out to be another dead body. Or maybe he shoots Annalise.


How do you know that's not Annalise's blood on Caleb's shirt?

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I think perhaps Phillip did oil the Hapstalls, dad for being dad and the wife because she was there. I think Catherine hid the gun to help him out because they've maybe met a few times, as family, and she feels sorry for him.


I'm sure they'll hold good with their promise to show who shot Annalise, but I'm guessing it will be someone we don't know the motive for. The second half of the season may deal with that.


I'm guessing the ADA is there with something somewhat shady, as the phone conversation Annalise walked-in on paints her a very desperate right now.


Unlike last year, I think the second half will pick up after a time jump as Annalise in a hospital wouldn't work for very long.

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My vote (full disclosure I've never liked the Wes is her son idea and I'm going to be really annoyed if the writers use it because it makes no sense) is that Annalise worked on a case that somehow involved Wes (e.g. working on his parent's divorce... I don't think that's what it is but something like this) and now feels responsible for him and how he turned out. It would explain why Eve thinks she's a good person for protecting him. Maybe she had something to do with his mother not getting the help she needed and committing suicide or something or other. I think there's more to how much she knows about him than just having investigated all the students.

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Why would Philip have killed Hapstall Mom though? She isn't his biological mother or really anything to him except for his biological father's wife.

I think it's quite a stretch though to say that finding out your biological parents are siblings is enough to drive anyone to murder said parents + father's wife.


I've also been wondering about Philip. Wouldn't surprise me if he turns out to be another dead body. Or maybe he shoots Annalise.


How do you know that's not Annalise's blood on Caleb's shirt?


Not a stretch if Philip was unstable to begin with; finding that out could put someone over the edge, people have committed murder for less things.  Maybe he killed Mrs. Hapstall because she was there.


I don't think it's Annalise's blood on Caleb's shirt because when the gang ran out of the house, Caleb wasn't there; he was in Michaela's apartment; if Annalise had just been shot, how did Caleb get to Michaela's apartment so fast?  Also how did Michaela know he was there?  


But with this show you never know.

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Not a stretch if Philip was unstable to begin with; finding that out could put someone over the edge, people have committed murder for less things.  Maybe he killed Mrs. Hapstall because she was there.


I don't think it's Annalise's blood on Caleb's shirt because when the gang ran out of the house, Caleb wasn't there; he was in Michaela's apartment; if Annalise had just been shot, how did Caleb get to Michaela's apartment so fast?  Also how did Michaela know he was there?  


But with this show you never know.

I didn't say it wasn't enough to push certain people over the edge, but I took issue with the statement that it would be enough to push ANYONE to murder.

That's a good point though about Caleb not being there. I think that maybe because the M4 first ran and hid in the woods and then were picked up by Nate, it could have cost them some time. Or perhaps Caleb was involved in something earlier (e.g. Sinclair's murder) and then went to Michaela's since it was a safe place to stay, and she said she would meet him there, but then events happened and AK was shot and the plan kind of went awry?

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Pardon me quoting myself.  I'm going back to there was a reason Bonnie Friederecy was cast.  Because I have literally no idea what is going on, I'm going back to play around with my original thoughts. 


My new theory....the prosecutor (Sinclair) is the illegitimate daughter of the head of the household staff (Friederecy) and the Hapstill father that was murdered. Why do I think this?  They are both redheads (that's my rock solid link:)).  So, the prosecutor's mom killed the Hapstills, maybe in a rage that they decided to not leave anything to her daughter or put the incest child in the will or she found out she was sleeping with a man who was sleeping with his own sister (who knows).  She then tells the daughter who takes over the case and tries to close it so her mother is out of danger.  Why would the prosecutor go so crazy hard on this case?  Then, why would she accept such ridiculous deals in such a high profile murder case unless she wanted it closed/needed it closed to protect someone? Her panicked call with someone when Annalise walked in tonight was with her mom, telling her everything is falling apart in the case, so it will still be an open case and their secret could be exposed (as well as suspicion cast their way).


Okay, I just read my last paragraph, it is preposterous, but that's what this show does to me!


Love Pennben's take on this.


In support of (some version of) this theory, I offer two items - one, the little bit of character weirdness where Asher didn't want to hook up with a wasted Bonnie last year paid off with the date rape reveal, so if DA Smugface seemed weird on the phone... maybe there's a reason? (Writers we can trust! What a novelty!) Anyway, it'd help to explain her totally OTT flat out going for Anna and the conviction of one or the other of the Hapstalls. (Motive... maybe DeadDaddy Hapstall, who clearly couldn't keep it in his pants, was having an affair with the housekeeper? Maybe Smugface is a legal heir? Philip wouldn't be, because IIRC he was adopted which severs his rights to inherit.)


And two, this little exchange from the last ep:

Asher: Don't you guys have like a million servants?

Katherine: We fired everyone after Sandra leaked that photo.

Wherein the servants and specifically the housekeeper are recalled to mind, but didn't need to be. Dun dun dun dun: Chekov's household staff!

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Yeah, I am thinking DA Smugface is all up in this in more than just a quest for justice   Did she start going hardcore against Annalise after Annalise took over the Hapstall case?  I don't recall the timing ... If she did then that explains a lot.  She was busy trying to get Annalise any way she could to get her off this case? 


With that in mind, I wouldn't be surprised if Smugface is the one that shot Annalise because Annalise copped to whatever her personal involvement in all of this is.

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With that in mind, I wouldn't be surprised if Smugface is the one that shot Annalise because Annalise copped to whatever her personal involvement in all of this is.

I thought that Smugface was killed before Annalise was shot. It seems like the K4 are still walking around the house fairly casually after they see her body fall, but once they see Annalise bleeding on the floor, they hightail it out of there. Or am I confused on the timing?

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So: what did Eve and Annalise do to Wes/Christophe's mother? Maybe it was an immigration thing, and his mom killed herself rather than be deported. Or, maybe there was some kind of abuse going on, and Wes/Christophe's father was the one who killed her, and Eve/Annalise had refused to represent her when she came to them for help getting a protective order. Or maybe Wes killed his mother, and E/A just felt bad for him because they don't know he's guilty, and he's just a little kid.


The thing about Caleb flipping on his sister is bothering me. He was willing to plead guilty and go to jail for 30 years to protect her not so long ago. So if he's lying about finding the gun, and is himself implicated in some way, then what changed his mind now? It makes it seem like he's not lying. But who on this show doesn't lie? Maybe the cobbler.


If Nate had gone to steal the info off Sam's computer, instead of sending Rebecca to do it, there's a good chance Nate would have wound up killing Sam. So he's not really as innocent as he likes to think he is.


Frank seems to be the only person who feels no guilt or turmoil about all the killing. And we know less about his backstory than we know about any other character. Even Laurel was saying maybe they should all just go to jail. I have to speculate that whatever brought Frank into Annalise's employ (and made him feel he owed it to Sam to kill on Sam's behalf), it's something really horrible. He's becoming such a stereotype and one dimensional while everyone else is more layered. But I haven't been ale to imagine what his story could be, which would change that.

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I speculate that at the end of this season, the Keating 5 are each either in jail, a mental institution, or in a country with no extradition. We switch to Annalise in class welcoming a group students to the Fall semester. Jump cut back to the house/office where she tells Frank and Bonnie she has already picked out her 5 new ones and all three smile, clink their wine glasses, laugh, and twirl their mustaches as the camera pans to the blind justice statue and fades to black. 

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Wasn't Wes born in...I want to say Haiti? Maybe it was just his mother. I think he was telling Rebecca about all this at some point, but I might have been tuning out their scenes... Anyway, with Michaela being adopted, maybe the writers won't want to go to that well again with Wes. I'll go with the theory that someone Annalise successfully defended in the early 2000s was involved with Wes' mother and her suicide (that will turn out to be a murder).


A have a theory about Wes. I shared it on twitter, but since I rewatched the first half of this season yesterday, I'll plant it here. Wes's mother was somehow involved in the David Allen situation. Maybe she had information or something. I don't know. A few things stuck in my mind; 1) The episode with the stalker exhusband there's a line where someone says, "you can't make someone commit suicide". Then a few episodes further we see Asher's dad commits suicide when the DA leaks info about his shady involvement in the David Allen trial. We then see the flashback with Annalise & Eve watching young Wes/Christophe being interviewed after she has committed suicide. Much like Annalise & Sinclair's machinations indirectly caused Asher's dad to kill himself, something Annalise & Eve did back then cause Wes/Christophe's mom to kill herself.  It was that guilt that lead Annalise to go into therapy and how she met Sam her therapist she later married.

If she was under aged and he was sticking his tongue down her throat as her stepfather then that's sexual abuse and therefore, illegal.


This show is one trip and I'm throwing my hands up and just keeping my eyes glued to the screen. 



Now what he was doing with Lila was creepy, with his old ass, since she was I believe over twenty one, but just barely and she wasn't family blood nor a  stepchild. But creepy nonetheless. 


But the way Famke played Eve in that scene, it didn't seem like she was playing it as her story. She seemed detached from it, ,meaning, she knew about him but knew about him as being something close to Anna's heart not hers.


I think this is the one thing we will never see on this show, blood on Anna's hands. She's the puppeteer, she moves all the chess pieces around and shit happens, but she'll never pull the actual trigger. 


Exception, unless she decides to kill herself.

I could see Sam being Bonnie's stepdad, but I think there is something more to Bonnie's story. I'm also interested to hear Frank's backstory. Especially since he appears to be the family henchman for both Sam & Annalise. My guess it has something to do with how his dad ended up in a wheelchair.

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My guess it has something to do with how his dad ended up in a wheelchair.

If that's really his dad, I still think that whole family was a prop. My goodness, his "family" just seemed so very off to me.



The cobbler lies. The cobbler always lies. (Low-fat my ass...)



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A have a theory about Wes. I shared it on twitter, but since I rewatched the first half of this season yesterday, I'll plant it here. Wes's mother was somehow involved in the David Allen situation. Maybe she had information or something. I don't know. A few things stuck in my mind; 1) The episode with the stalker exhusband there's a line where someone says, "you can't make someone commit suicide". Then a few episodes further we see Asher's dad commits suicide when the DA leaks info about his shady involvement in the David Allen trial. We then see the flashback with Annalise & Eve watching young Wes/Christophe being interviewed after she has committed suicide. Much like Annalise & Sinclair's machinations indirectly caused Asher's dad to kill himself, something Annalise & Eve did back then cause Wes/Christophe's mom to kill herself.  It was that guilt that lead Annalise to go into therapy and how she met Sam her therapist she later married.

I don't follow your logic here - can you explain how these scenes led you to the idea that Wes' mom was involved in the David Allen case?


I thought Annalise was in therapy because of the sexual abuse.

And the flashback we were shown with young Wes was ten years ago. Eve said that her and Annalise consulted on a federal case ten years ago, so I'm thinking it was definitely post-college - it sounded like there was a gap in their relationship between law school and that federal case in which they didn't see each other, but I could be interpreting that incorrectly.

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Hey i'm new hear just finished watching season 2 :)


just wondering if anyone can tell me why Annalise hate Boonie so much? just cause she had hots for Sam or is there deeper issue there?


I think Annalise saved Boonie from her dad that why Boonie feel she owes Annalise and deserves be treated that way but other than Sam thing don't get why Annalise hates her

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Annalise and Bonnie have something of a complicated relationship. We don't know how they met, but there have been strong hints that Annalise helped Bonnie recover from sexual abuse. In one of the flashbacks from late in season 2, we saw Annalise telling Bonnie that Sam could help Bonnie through counseling, and we saw one of those counseling sessions a couple of episodes ago.


As for why Annalise is so cruel to Bonnie sometimes, that's a question that writers haven't fully answered yet. Bonnie clearly feels grateful to Annalise for helping her, but earlier in this season, Bonnie was furious that Annalise told Asher about the abuse Bonnie had suffered as a child. But they seemed to sort of reconcile when Annalise was shot and Bonnie was taking care of her. They seem to have the type of relationship where they can be cruel to each other one day and supportive and kind the next. 


That's why I'm curious to see how their relationship began. We know why the Frank/Annalise dynamic is the way it is. I hope the writers tell us in season 3 how Bonnie and Annalise's relationship has evolved over the years.

Edited by Gillian Rosh
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My predictions for this upcoming season, plus my hopes/wishlist:

Annalise's Stalker: I'm going with either Catherine or Wes' new girlfriend. I assume that Catherine will make some sort of reappearance during this season. It depends on whether they want it sooner rather than later. If not her, then Wes' girlfriend. Her being the new character and on the outside of this? It can't be just for Wes/Laurel to have some drama in their life. Maybe she's even helping Catherine out.

The New Corpse: It'll be either Nate, Bonnie, Wes, Frank, or Eve, I think. If they really want to shake things up and kill off a major character, it could either be Bonnie or Nate. I'm unsure that they'd kill Wes off, unless the actor wants to leave the show. I don't think Frank would cause THAT much of a reaction from Annalise, but things could change this season. And it all depends on if Annalise is acting or not. If we take it at face value, it's probably Nate or Bonnie. Maybe Eve, if they want to kill her off. But her reaction would be a tad extreme in public for a student, so that's why I'm leaning toward an adult. 

Although, I'm going to throw an out there character: Oliver. Seeing as he's starting to work for Annalise and him and Connor are broken up, they can have him and Annalise get closer (in a mentor/student type way) and that could explain the adverse reaction. But I'm honestly doubting that it's him. Just an idea. 

Who it probably isn't: Asher, Michaela, or Laurel. Judging from the dummy that they used for the corpse, they would already know who the body is (Shonda usually has a pretty good idea of the twists before the season starts) and it looks like a taller person under the sheet, and maybe a little muscular. Asher/Annalise are also not close at all. They both have some ill feelings toward each other so I can't imagine she'd be upset at his death. They'd have to come up with a pretty damn good explanation for that reaction for Asher. 

Also, what I'm predicting is that Annalise was in the house shortly before it went up in flames. Actually, it's possible that she knows exactly who was in that house and had a small list of who could be dead. 

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Long range speculation. These are all just random theories that fleetingly crossed my mind. Parking them here because they aren't episode specific, but looking at the season as a whole.

I wonder if we will see the return of Charles Mahooney and/or his mother? The mother appeared to be one tough cookie. It appears that someone on the board is being manipulated to fire Annalise, perhaps she is the one behind it.

I'm beginning to think the new DA is behind those flyers. Perhaps she has long been envious of Annalise. Not only does she want Nate, perhaps she wants to destroy Annalise.

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Not sure if previews count as spoilers  so I'm just linking.  Clip for this week's episode.

My guess is Bonnie gives him a hug. I hope she convinces him to return. I also think we're seeing a stringer more take charge Bonnie this season. Since Annalise appears to be spiraling out of control Bonnie becomes stronger, more take charge. I also think this week is when Laurel gets pregnant. Timeline wise I'm guessing we are a month away from the fire so she could be early enough in the pregnancy that she doesn't even realize it yet.

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I don't think Laurel knows yet either, which just makes Meggie's breach of confidentiality even crappier. That's mainly why I don't think she's pregnant yet in the main timeline. Laurel's smart and observant. She's not one to just let things ride normally. I think if she was 8+ weeks along, she'd have noticed something and found out by the time of the fire.

I think Annalise set the fire, or at a minimum, knew it was going to happen. With the memories and life she's had there, I can understand why she would want to burn it all down and start over. She only made it a few hours there sober before the memories overwhelmed her. That said, no way she did it herself. Maybe that's why she's crying- she got Nate to do it and somehow, he didn't make it out. She was too clear headed and prepared with a plan for it to randomly be Wes IMO. I think whichever man Laurel was secretly meeting at the house, they got out and know what really happened.

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