AnimeMania February 28 Share February 28 The Yellowjackets attempt to spin a hundred suspicions into proof; coach Scott has an existential meltdown; Jeff embarks on a crusade to make things right as Shauna is forcibly committed to some me time. Premiere Date: February 28, 2025 Paramount+ Premiere Date: March 2, 2025 Showtime 9pm 2 Link to comment
Anela February 28 Share February 28 In the present: I guess the wilderness chose. In the past: fuck Shauna! 8 Link to comment
Brn2bwild February 28 Share February 28 Did I miss something about why Shauna hated Coach Ben so much? Other than that he wasn't there to help her during delivery and he was horrified by their cannibalism? She above the others seemed determined that he should die. Melissa in the past timeline seems unhinged, so I can definitely see her taking revenge on Shauna in the present. I don't think Shauna killed Lottie in the present, but I could see Callie putting two and two together and thinking Shauna killed her because they were both in New York. 6 Link to comment
Thalia February 28 Share February 28 (edited) I started this last night and picked it back up this afternoon and just finished. In my opinion at least this was the best episode of the season and for the first time in two weeks I can't wait to see what happens next. Last night I stayed up until after midnight ET because of the speculation over whether the group's Gilligan's Island Resort was real or some kind of group psychosis, and someone had questioned what Ben would see. Turns out they really did build the nice straw huts and Elly May Akila had happy woodland creates to love and stroke and eventually butcher and eat. But I went back and looked at episode one again and everything was a tad nicer and cleaner and prettier -- including the girls. However, that was probably because, with the exception of Shauna, they were getting ready for their Wilderness party that evening. The trial was much more interesting than I thought it would be and it was definitely Coach Ben's best episode. His testimony was really compelling and Misty is wasted as a nurse. The Personal Injury Bar is missing a star! 1-800-Call Misty Billboards would be everywhere. I love Jeff more and more every episode. He was so funny and sweet with the residents. Also with the idea that he could find the same cat. I thought it was odd when he emphasized "You went to NYC?" to get the cat, but now know it was make sure he knew and we knew that she was in the area where Lottie apparently died. But I'm not sure that either Tai or Shauna killed Lottie, although both had a motive. They certainly are building Melissa's character up in the 90s, and Shauna does have someone following her around. Re: Melissa Spoiler The pre-show previews showed Hillary Swank will be in the show at some point. I feeI like I read where the showrunners said she wouldn't be a Yellowjacket but even if I did, I can see Swank as a grownup version of the actress playing Melissa. Did I miss Travis being drunk? Edited February 28 by Thalia 5 Link to comment
Anela February 28 Share February 28 Travis was just sitting there. He could have been drunk, and just not acting any different. I'm disappointed in the way they've treated Lottie. I don't even like her, but it's like they didn't know what to do with her, as an adult. 5 2 Link to comment
BitterApple February 28 Share February 28 (edited) 25 minutes ago, Anela said: I'm disappointed in the way they've treated Lottie. I'm assuming the writers know where they're going with the adult timeline, but to me, it felt like Lottie's death was a tad premature. We barely scratched the surface on why she's interested in Callie, and then boom!, she's dead. I am curious as to who Lottie was planning to meet when she was rehearsing her apology in the mirror. I wonder, are we going to get flashbacks, or is this it, the character is done? It'll be interesting to see how Shauna reacts. That's twice now that she's kicked a friend out of the house only for them to end up dead. Jeff charming the pants off the seniors was hilarious. The actor playing Ben has given two magnificent back-to-back performances. I'm trying to come up with a scenario where the girls let him live, but it's not looking good. It pissed me off that the guilty verdict came after Shauna bullied everyone into it. I also don't understand why nobody brought up the fact that Ben saved Van, Shauna and Akilah from the poison gas in the cave. It would've been a checkmark in his favor that he didn't want the girls dead. Edited February 28 by BitterApple 10 1 Link to comment
Anela February 28 Share February 28 I don't understand why they didn't bring him up saving them, either. He could have saved himself, and let them die. 8 Link to comment
Thalia February 28 Share February 28 1 hour ago, Brn2bwild said: Did I miss something about why Shauna hated Coach Ben so much? Other than that he wasn't there to help her during delivery and he was horrified by their cannibalism? Altho Mari is the complainer and Designated Bitch among the girls, Shauna seems the most enraged over their situation. And with the exception of Travis, she has suffered the most traumatic losses of the group -- Jackie and the baby. Maybe it is as simple as she needs someone to blame for everything? Ben was the authority figure of the group and despite the fact that the girls quickly started ignoring his orders, the part of Shauna that is still a young girl may find it easy to focus on the adult who didn't save her baby. I don't believe they said what the penalty would be if Ben was "convicted of his crimes." Hopefully it won't be death, but I am not sure how they can put him in "jail" that is any worse than what he's already living through. If they still believe that the Wilderness Chooses, theoretically he shouldn't be first up to be turned into Coq au Ben. Cornish Game Ben? 8 1 Link to comment
WaltersHair February 28 Share February 28 I love Coach. I'm trying to think of another situation where your life depended on defending getting stuck in a dead end job. Almost everyone faces that dilemma at one time or another, and Shauna, of all people, is seeing that now as an adult with herself and her husband. Jeff can do no wrong, however. The golden atmosphere ruined some of the drama of the trial for me. Almost everything else over the seasons has used dark or harsh lighting to accentuate the situation. I guess it could have worked if the area was a little more intimate. I think a few things are going on in the adult timeline that are not related, though they seem to be related. I think the targeting of Shauna is different from Lottie's death. They made a point of showing Lottie going to a bank for money and she took everyone's money when they entered her cult. Lots of suspects there. Shauna's feels more personal. Never thought I'd like Misty Effing Quigley. 7 Link to comment
Anela March 1 Share March 1 Lisa comes up in talk on reddit, every so often. The girl that Natalie bonded with, at Lottie's cult. I don't know if Shauna would go out of her way to murder Lottie like that. I doubt that Tai or Van would have, either. I can't believe Van entertained Tai for that long, when it came to killing a stranger. They've done a 180 with her, too. She seemed into it, at the end of season two, and now she's the voice of reason. 4 Link to comment
Brn2bwild March 1 Share March 1 (edited) As an aside, I enjoy watching Van and Tai in both timelines, but it feels like watching two separate couples. I have trouble reconciling smug, self-serious Younger Tai with the more irreverent, slightly goofier Older Tai from this season. Same with strong, impassioned Younger Van and more delicate Older Van.* I realize some of this is about showing the gap between the younger version and the older version and how they got there, but I have no problem making the connection between Younger and Older Nat or Younger and Older Misty. Older and Younger Shauna seemed more separate too, but this season they seem more connected. * Lauren Ambrose has a stronger physical resemblance to Liv Hewson, but IMO the absolute perfect casting for Older Van would have been Sarah Snook. Edited March 1 by Brn2bwild 7 Link to comment
Quickbeam March 1 Share March 1 Young and older Misty are the whole show for me. Not only the physical resemblance but the way their personality plays out. The actors are terrific. 6 4 Link to comment
JenE4 March 1 Share March 1 (edited) 17 hours ago, Brn2bwild said: Did I miss something about why Shauna hated Coach Ben so much? Other than that he wasn't there to help her during delivery and he was horrified by their cannibalism? She above the others seemed determined that he should die. Melissa in the past timeline seems unhinged, so I can definitely see her taking revenge on Shauna in the present. I don't think Shauna killed Lottie in the present, but I could see Callie putting two and two together and thinking Shauna killed her because they were both in New York. Granted, I kept dozing off, so I know I missed parts of the show. But I wonder whether Shauna goaded the group into voting guilty because Misty had a pretty compelling reason why she might be guilty. Better to get them all decided on Coach’s guilt before they start thinking too much about how Shauna was the one who detected the fire and woke them all up and played the hero. Now, I tend to think that Coach Ben was guilty because they had a scene of him standing on the porch next to the door holding an axe staring at the cabin, right before the next scene of the fire. Yet, Shauna’s actions could be read as someone trying to cast blame to save themselves. Or…she just realized they would be voting all night unless someone tried to sway people into changing their votes. Yet, it was odd that the votes were in reaction to her, rather than evaluating the evidence. But maybe this is just another ploy to be the leader if she can get 2/3 of the girls to follow her directives. Since I dozed off, did we see Van and Tai kill that man, or are we to assume they followed him to his apartment *bad things happened* and then they had a celebratory pretzel and carriage ride? I think it’s bonkers that the adults are suddenly killing for The Wilderness. But I think this is more evidence that it’s psychological—or really, religious—not mystical. We’re watching a religion being created in real time. It’s no different from early peoples fighting against the elements and sacrificing to their gods for rains to come. To support their superstition/religion, they’re reading meaning into everything—even today. I liked how they even showed Shauna’s husband on a smaller scale buying into the karma—do good things for good things to happen vs the girls killing to stay alive. It was a nice parallel to show how it’s not necessarily an uncommon way of thinking and it typically has the best of intentions—but it can go waaaaay off the rails once you start hunting down humans to take a life to keep your life. Meanwhile Shauna is taking a shortcut swapping out a cat. I think that’s similar to Ben—doesn’t really matter whether it’s the same cat or Ben actually started the fire, as long as we have a stand-in to take on the karma, whether it’s meant for them or not. This was different from Van and Tai making sure they followed the card; It decides, not them. ETA: I think we’re never going to get a clear answer on “the spiritual mysteries” in terms of science vs supernatural because it’s really about religion. So there’s always going to be that speculation of blind faith vs lack of proof. There might be a scientific explanation such as the gasses but also the other side of the coin with the shared vision. Are you a true believer like Lottie or a skeptic? These girls are just clinging to whatever they can to survive. It’s interesting that they all moved away from these beliefs once they returned home, but suddenly they’re going back to the rituals—the Wilderness, their god, has followed them back home. Now, for an atheist/agnostic like me, I view this as all in their heads, a religion and set of rituals of their own making, born out of a way to survive. But for someone who is religious in their own life, I’m curious whether this is more proof of the mystical because if your god is everywhere, of course their god is. Or, am I the only one viewing it this way? Edited March 1 by JenE4 7 Link to comment
Black Knight March 1 Share March 1 (edited) 2 hours ago, JenE4 said: Since I dozed off, did we see Van and Tai kill that man, or are we to assume they followed him to his apartment *bad things happened* and then they had a celebratory pretzel and carriage ride? Van talked Tai out of it once they were at his door. I was a little suspicious that since Tai told Van to meet her in an hour, she might have gone in and killed him, but when Van's hand started shaking later and I saw Tai's reaction then (no tinge of "WTF? I just killed someone to keep you healthy, why didn't it work?"), I knew the guy was still alive. For now, anyway. Oh, this episode was intense. I saw a vague headline spoiler about a major death and went in assuming that this was it for Ben. I was really mourning him after Steven Kreuger's awesome monologue...and then it turned out to be Adult Lottie! Holy shit! I don't have any theories yet on who killed her, but I'd really like to know what she was doing at the bank. 16 hours ago, WaltersHair said: The golden atmosphere ruined some of the drama of the trial for me. Almost everything else over the seasons has used dark or harsh lighting to accentuate the situation. I believe they're going for a Midsommar effect for this summer. It's working for me. I found it creepy to have this trial taking place in this atmosphere. The dark/harsh lighting of winter makes everything terrible seem more commonplace in a way. Like bad things are supposed to happen in winter, but now we're seeing that summer wasn't all sweetness and light either. Never did I think I would root so hard for Teen Misty. And again, Steven Kreuger just killed that monologue. I especially liked how Ben was genuinely emotional but also quite crafty - it reminded me of the clever way he manipulated Misty in S1 so that she wouldn't poison him again. He had listened to Misty's point about not saying certain kinds of shit. In his own way, he does know how to survive. I was really surprised there was no cross-examination of Ben by Tai. I had such dread when he finished his testimony for Misty that Tai was going to get up and destroy him. I guess the show wanted Shauna to be the driving force. I was so happy to see Jackie in this episode too, and her scene with Shauna in the freezer was amazing. Shauna/Jackie scenes have always been among the show's best. What a beautiful cat Shauna found - I was kinda hoping the Sadeckis would decide to keep the kitty so we could see it again, but given that bad things tend to happen to animals on this show, it's for the best. I'm going to have to rewatch much to process. Edited March 1 by Black Knight 6 Link to comment
overtherainbow March 1 Share March 1 Teen Shauna is becoming more and more unbearable. But I love how Jackie's ghost is adult Shauna's conscience. 5 Link to comment
Black Knight March 1 Share March 1 (edited) Of course, the interesting thing about that is that Jackie isn't a real ghost, but a manifestation of Shauna's mind. So Shauna has some semblance of a conscience. Not much, though. I liked when "Jackie" said something about still being the most interesting thing about Shauna. Maybe during Shauna's time in the woods, she felt like she was starting not to be overshadowed, especially with Melissa encouraging her on all Lady Macbeth-ish, but when she came back she settled into a boring life. So being boring is still a real fear of hers. That reminds me of a key line, the one about what they did out there and what they did when they got back. So they didn't just agree to stay quiet and go on to live regular lives, they did another bad thing. I've already seen speculation that they murdered another survivor who did want to talk, but I think this also could possibly be in support of the theory I've always liked that they left someone behind in the woods. I want that to be the case so much because the thought of someone having still been out there is just so deliciously chilling. Edited March 1 by Black Knight 3 Link to comment
Anela March 1 Share March 1 I have multiple tabs open, and accidentally refreshed the episode discussion thread on Reddit, after I’d decided I’d wait until morning to watch it. I saw someone post “she looked dead” so I knew it wouid be a woman, and that it would end with a death. 2 Link to comment
BitterApple March 1 Share March 1 1 hour ago, Black Knight said: Of course, the interesting thing about that is that Jackie isn't a real ghost, but a manifestation of Shauna's mind. So Shauna has some semblance of a conscience. As screwed up as Shauna is, I definitely think there's a hint of conscience buried somewhere. Her entire marriage to Jeff feels like a penance. She could've gone on to college and had a career like Misty and Tai did, but instead she settled for the exact life she never wanted. Ditto for suffering through the annual brunch with Jackie's parents. If Shauna didn't still feel some guilt, she would've cut it off years ago. With regards to the potential bad thing the girls did when they got back, I'm hoping they left someone behind too. We've already seen them murder, so another death wouldn't be quite so shocking. Abandoning a teammate in the woods is way more diabolical and intriguing. 5 Link to comment
Cosmocrush March 2 Share March 2 7 hours ago, BitterApple said: With regards to the potential bad thing the girls did when they got back, I'm hoping they left someone behind too. We've already seen them murder, so another death wouldn't be quite so shocking. Abandoning a teammate in the woods is way more diabolical and intriguing. I’m thinking if they left someone behind it might be Ben. 5 1 Link to comment
Jordan61 March 2 Share March 2 I am not feeling this season at all, and if/when they kill off Coach Ben, I'm out. 3 Link to comment
AstridM March 2 Share March 2 (edited) 8 hours ago, Jordan61 said: I am not feeling this season at all, and if/when they kill off Coach Ben, I'm out. Yes, I think I might be with you on this one. It’s just a bridge too far 😢. Edited March 2 by AstridM 1 Link to comment
Black Knight March 2 Share March 2 (edited) I've been assuming ever since Ben didn't die of gangrene early in S1 that he would be killed and eaten, so that happening to him wouldn't turn me off the show. We saw a girl murdered and eaten in the opening sequence of the series and last season we saw them try to murder and eat Natalie, who has the kindest heart of anyone except maybe Laura Lee (RIP). But he does still seem like a good candidate to be someone left behind in the woods, and I don't know, it seems to me there's a reason the writers didn't just kill him in this episode if they're going to kill him. It would be more than a little anti-climactic to have his execution take place in a different episode than his trial. Edited March 2 by Black Knight 5 Link to comment
snarts March 2 Share March 2 32 minutes ago, Black Knight said: I've been assuming ever since Ben didn't die of gangrene early in S1 that he would be killed and eaten, so that happening to him wouldn't turn me off the show. We saw a girl murdered and eaten in the opening sequence of the series and last season we saw them try to murder and eat Natalie, who has the kindest heart of anyone except maybe Laura Lee (RIP). Completely different scenarios IMHO. For the opening sequence all we knew was the show's premise, a teenage girls soccer team survived a plane crash in a remote area. We knew nothing about how or why they might succumb to cannibalism. Last season began to lose focus, again IMHO, yet I could still understand how utter starvation might drive them to consider cannibalism. However, killing Ben at this juncture is nothing but premeditated cold blooded murder. They seemingly have food, are strong & healthy enough to play physical games. Watching them take part in murdering & eating their coach would render them irredeemable in my eyes, especially since I'm already bored by the pacing, darkness, re-casts & meandering plot. 3 1 1 2 Link to comment
threebluestars March 2 Share March 2 I keep thinking it's Lottie that burned the cabin because she wanted them living in the wilderness and being closer to it. 7 Link to comment
Affogato March 2 Share March 2 1 hour ago, snarts said: However, killing Ben at this juncture is nothing but premeditated cold blooded murder. They seemingly have food, are strong & healthy enough to play physical games. Watching them take part in murdering & eating their coach would render them irredeemable in my eyes, especially since I'm already bored by the pacing, darkness, re-casts & meandering plot. Yes, if they kill Ben, that’s a problem for me. 6 Link to comment
Black Knight March 2 Share March 2 If they kill Ben, it's because most of them believe that Ben tried to kill them. It's not that I think this is the right way to handle that, because as it happens I don't agree with capital punishment precisely because the innocent may be executed, but nor should this motivation be overlooked. They're not looking to kill him for some trivial reason. Attempted mass murder is a pretty serious crime anywhere. Is their opinion that he tried to kill them partly out of bias because they already resent him for various things, like judging them and abandoning Shauna during childbirth? Sure. It's what's wrong with the American justice system in general that the girls chose to copy with their mock trial, although it's ironic that here the defendant is a white guy and most of them don't know he's gay. The show has mostly leaned towards making viewers believe Ben didn't set the fire, which invariably colors opinion about what the girls (and Travis) are doing somewhat. I don't believe he set the fire either; I lean towards it either being Other Tai or a total accident. But as a thought experiment, let's say that we know Ben is actually guilty, that he did deliberately set the fire with the intention of killing all those girls and Travis. I don't really see executing him in those circumstances as some kind of bridge too far beyond what we already know they've done, even though it's not how I would personally handle the situation. (If I'm going to oppose capital punishment because of the risk that innocent people might get executed, I can't make exceptions for "But I really think that this particular person did it".) 4 Link to comment
Wicked March 2 Share March 2 I feel like the fact that they are foreshadowing so much that they are going to kill Ben means they are NOT going to kill Ben 5 Link to comment
AstridM March 2 Share March 2 (edited) 1 hour ago, Black Knight said: If they kill Ben, it's because most of them believe that Ben tried to kill them. It's not that I think this is the right way to handle that, because as it happens I don't agree with capital punishment precisely because the innocent may be executed, but nor should this motivation be overlooked. They're not looking to kill him for some trivial reason. Attempted mass murder is a pretty serious crime anywhere. Is their opinion that he tried to kill them partly out of bias because they already resent him for various things, like judging them and abandoning Shauna during childbirth? Sure. It's what's wrong with the American justice system in general that the girls chose to copy with their mock trial, although it's ironic that here the defendant is a white guy and most of them don't know he's gay. The show has mostly leaned towards making viewers believe Ben didn't set the fire, which invariably colors opinion about what the girls (and Travis) are doing somewhat. I don't believe he set the fire either; I lean towards it either being Other Tai or a total accident. But as a thought experiment, let's say that we know Ben is actually guilty, that he did deliberately set the fire with the intention of killing all those girls and Travis. I don't really see executing him in those circumstances as some kind of bridge too far beyond what we already know they've done, even though it's not how I would personally handle the situation. (If I'm going to oppose capital punishment because of the risk that innocent people might get executed, I can't make exceptions for "But I really think that this particular person did it".) Do most of them truly believe he tried to kill them, though? Does New Jersey have the death penalty? I don’t support it, regardless. For what it’s worth, I wouldn’t have blamed him for actually being guilty of burning the cabin down, after he saw what they planned to do to Natalie (and then did to Javi). I’m undecided about whether he did it or not. But maybe he should have. Edited March 2 by AstridM 3 Link to comment
Anela March 2 Share March 2 I did think that he set it, until someone brought up Other Tai. 2 1 Link to comment
sistermagpie March 3 Share March 3 On 3/1/2025 at 8:22 AM, JenE4 said: Yet, it was odd that the votes were in reaction to her, rather than evaluating the evidence. But maybe this is just another ploy to be the leader if she can get 2/3 of the girls to follow her directives. I thought Jen voted because she was afraid of Shauna, but Lottie, Travis and Akilah changed their votes because The Wilderness gave them a sign. On 3/1/2025 at 12:07 PM, overtherainbow said: Teen Shauna is becoming more and more unbearable. But I love how Jackie's ghost is adult Shauna's conscience. Not just conscience, which is interesting. Because she also seems to goad her by calling her a loser. Like in this ep she basically told her she was pathetic for not doing something about whoever was trying to hurt her, which was maybe meant to make us think that she hunted down Lottie and killed her too. But most of what Jackie was doing was putting her down in that scene. 3 Link to comment
Armchair Critic March 3 Share March 3 For me everyone has become unlikeable, don't know how much longer I will keep watching. 4 Link to comment
Brn2bwild March 3 Share March 3 I don't want the girls to kill Ben, but at the same time, this is a group that eventually kills and eats their own for sport or ritual, as shown in the pilot. In order for them to get there, they have to get much, much worse as a group. If the show starts pulling punches and having people be spared and tries to make it so Pit Girl's death was accidental or somehow not the girls' fault, then the showrunners will get lambasted with complaints that this show is all hype and no real substance. As terrible as it is to see the mob forming at the end of this episode, it's also something that unfortunately has to happen for them to get to the Pit Girl phase (at that point roughly six months away). 7 Link to comment
Chaos Theory March 3 Share March 3 (edited) I did not expect the death of a main character this early in the season. All bets are off now. One angry Shauna. I can see her in the teen timeline growing in power with her red hot anger over Natalie’s tempered approach. I get Shauna and her motivation. I don’t need to like a character to find them interesting and Shauna and her red hot anger looking for an outlet is something I understand. Plus at least in the teen timeline these girls were always going to get more “unlikeable” as time went on. It is just that kind of show. They were always going to turn on each other. The only thing that really matters is the audience understanding why. And as for me I 100% understand why every single one if the girls acts the way they act. The adult timeline is a little more complicated but it all comes down to all that trauma none of them has dealt with coming out in dangerous and deadly ways. It is always nice to see Dead Ass Jackie again. Not sure what is going to happen to Ben but not really sure he has much of a storyline left. Tai and Van in the adult timeline continue to be both adorable me and scary, I love this show. Edited March 3 by Chaos Theory 5 Link to comment
Chaos Theory March 3 Share March 3 Heck at this point the person who started the fire could be Shauna and I wouldn't be surprised. But I am now guessing it is either Travis or the girl who is now Shauna's girlfriend....just to give Shauna some more trauma. Because on Yellowjackets trauma is like potato chips. You can't have just one. 1 1 6 Link to comment
tennisgurl March 3 Share March 3 (edited) Misty missed her calling as a lawyer, she actually did a good job during Ben's trail, if it wasn't for Shauna's bullying she would have won the case. Steven Krueger is giving one Emmy worthy performance after the next, I am so worried about where this is going. I really do not want him to die and be next on the menu, but I fear that this is where things seem to be heading. Shauna is getting worse and worse, especially in the past where she is clearly starting to take over as the leader/head mean girl. She decided that Ben was guilty and didn't want to hear anything else, even though it seems more likely now that it was someone else or some freak accident, especially now that we know about the gas in the area. Does she actually think that Ben did it or is she just projecting all of her hurt and anger at everything onto him? Or did she start the fire? Its weird that no one brought up Ben saving Van, Shauna and Akilah when he could have left them to die to avoid being caught? Isn't that a pretty good indicator that he doesn't want to hurt the girls? It feels weird to kill Lottie now like this, I feel like the show has never really known what to do with her as an adult. I am starting to worry that the the writers are spiraling in the adult parts of the show, it seems like we keep starting things and not finishing them. I thought the same thing about Nat dying, it felt pointless when she had so much potential as a character. My favorite thing in the present timeline was definitely Jeff bonding with the elderly while trying to fix their families karma. What a keeper. I love seeing Jackie again. Edited March 3 by tennisgurl 6 Link to comment
Black Knight March 3 Share March 3 As far as Natalie's death goes, wasn't that because Juliette Lewis wanted off the show? She found playing Natalie to be very hard on her. 17 hours ago, sistermagpie said: I thought Jen voted because she was afraid of Shauna, but Lottie, Travis and Akilah changed their votes because The Wilderness gave them a sign. Yeah, I think Lottie decided that The Wilderness was either saying Ben was guilty, or at least that It wanted Ben. And Travis and Akilah followed her cue. Before that, it seemed 50/50 on the verdict. BTW, the recast of Gen seems pretty bad so far, in terms of looks. This is the first actor cast I haven't been able to buy at all as a teenager, even if I squint. And it's not like Gen is a big part that demands a stellar actor, so you'd think it wouldn't have been hard to cast someone who comes off younger. Jasmin Savoy Brown played a trial attorney on the short-lived For The People series back in 2018-2019, so it was funny to see her playing a lawyer again here. Lottie's death was shocking in how early it came, but she was clearly Up to Something. My guess is that we'll get backstory throughout the season, so they're still doing stuff with her character, to explain how and why she was murdered. It may be that when we learn all the backstory, at that point the character will have run its course. 2 Link to comment
sistermagpie March 3 Share March 3 1 hour ago, tennisgurl said: Does she actually think that Ben did it or is she just projecting all of her hurt and anger at everything onto him? Or did she start the fire? Seems to me like it's just projecting hurt and anger. I feel like the idea of her starting the fire seems like a twist for twist's sake, but all her behavior says she's not behaving rationally and just lashing out at everyone she can. I assume there's a parallel between Misty focusing most on Shauna potentially starting the fire (which is believably because of her being this way) and everyone presumably suspecting Shauna of killing Lottie, someone she was also angry at who then ended up dead after she was in New York. Plus Shauna's already got to be ramping up to be paranoid and defensive again given what people are doing to her. She refused to admit to Misty she was wrong about her brakes as well. It seems like Shauna's experiences have led her to believe she only has two choices: invisible nothing or furious Valkyrie. The only time she seems to feel like she has any power is when she's raging and violent. When she's just stewing she feels invisible and weak--and sort of makes herself that, like with Jackie and in her life now. I did love Misty casually telling her why she thought rice pudding duty would be terrible for her and Shauna's unexpectedly not finding it terrible, and how it all centered on Shauna doing food prep, a job with whom she has a complicated relationship! 5 Link to comment
TimWil March 5 Share March 5 Since the very first episode the actress playing Young Misty has looked way more like Natasha Lyonne than Christina Ricci to me. Maybe it’s the hair. And there are often times when certain facial expressions of hers remind me of Mia Farrow. 1 1 Link to comment
Black Knight March 6 Share March 6 Christina Ricci's never had hair like this before this role AFAIK, whereas Natasha Lyonne has come a lot closer with hair. So it's totally understandable to think of Lyonne over Ricci if guided by hair. The similarities between Ricci and Hanratty are more about vocals and general vibes. Lyonne would have done well as Misty, as she's a really good actress, but I'm not sure she would channeled that vibe quite as well. Misty focusing on Shauna during the trial is interesting. She's not one to be well tuned into other people, because she does not have empathy, yet she read Teen Shauna pretty well in terms of her frustration about not being chosen leader. She's routinely overlooked herself and finds that frustrating, so she's able to recognize that in Shauna - and she also knows from her own personal experience how extreme her behavior has been in such situations, like destroying the flight recorder or kicking Ben's crutch out from under him. 7 Link to comment
Colorado David March 9 Share March 9 shauna is the queeen of deflection, nothing is ever her fault. you didn't sleep with your best friends bf, you didnt eat your best friend, you mercilessly wiped out several rabbits and murdered an innocent man. nah you're quality, no negs here. sheesh people. and i thought she was evil on Last of Us, nah not a candle to our dear shauna. Link to comment
AstridM March 9 Share March 9 1 hour ago, Colorado David said: shauna is the queeen of deflection, nothing is ever her fault. you didn't sleep with your best friends bf, you didnt eat your best friend, you mercilessly wiped out several rabbits and murdered an innocent man. nah you're quality, no negs here. sheesh people. and i thought she was evil on Last of Us, nah not a candle to our dear shauna. What? Link to comment
Colorado David March 9 Share March 9 sorry got snide Link to comment
Cotypubby 22 hours ago Share 22 hours ago This season has really not been doing it for me. Finally caught up on this episode and I don’t know how much longer I can watch. Pretty much everyone other than Misty and Ben are just horrible people, Shauna is the worst. In both timelines. It’s just no longer entertaining to watch these characters. 1 Link to comment
BitterApple 21 hours ago Share 21 hours ago 1 hour ago, Cotypubby said: This season has really not been doing it for me. Finally caught up on this episode and I don’t know how much longer I can watch. Pretty much everyone other than Misty and Ben are just horrible people, Shauna is the worst. In both timelines. It’s just no longer entertaining to watch these characters. Stick it out, it gets way better! Link to comment
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