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S15.E05: Without a Clue

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Erin is so tiresome. If you have a problem with Jenna, then go and talk to her, stop trying to triangulate it with everyone else. Erin deciding that she doesn't want to be friends with you is a real "nothing of value was lost" situation.

Rebecca Minkoff is like a black hole on screen, all the energy just gets sucked out whenever she's there.

As an unabashed Clueless fan, loved Jessel's party.

Edited by Steph J
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I found it odd that a woman turning 41 wanted to dress like a teenager from a movie for her birthday. More surprising to me is that her and Pavit are still together. They don’t seem to have anything in common. 
I did smile at Jenna dressing like the dad. Good for her. 
I liked Sais scenes with her family but could do without the ashes and jokes. I feel like it’s been done before. 
Erin is full of shit. First off if she’s really mad at Abe, she needs to tell viewers why and stop talking about their bit coin. Otherwise being so shitty to him does not look good.  Then she’s suddenly mad at Jenna for getting together with Sai . For no reason whatsoever. She gossips about it until Jenna finally comes up to her and then Erin blames Brynn. At least we were spared the typical screaming at the end. I like that Jenna doesn’t do that.
Brynn can stay at a spray tan appointment for the rest of the season. I’m sick of her and her baby sexy talk to other women. She’s annoying and an asshole. 

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I'm confused. In the Hamptons, Brynn apologized to Sai and they agreed to move forward. But now Brynn's calling Sai a 'troll living under the Brooklyn bridge' who owes her an apology? Brynn;s always hating on someone and driving division yet when someone calls her on it, she starts crying & plays the victim. It's repetitive & boring.

Erin is 100% right that Bryn purposely cause the rift with her & Jenna. However, why didn't she just tell Jenna directly that she was hurt and missed their friendship? Telling everyone but Jenna was so high school, fitting I guess for the theme of the party.

Speaking of, Jessel may be the most vapid and uninteresting housewife ever. There's just no there there.

More Racquel please. 

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Erin girl you gotta get your jealousy in check cause that look last night was UGLY... I'm gonna go around and tell everyone I'm not friends with this person even if she doesn't know we are beefing instead of telling her ... WHYYYYY is she more friends with Brynn then me **stomps* foot its not fair I'm the nicer friend she should like MEEEEE better i should be the one she jokes with the most SHE should be a better friend to me (she literately sounded like a child) .. then all the sudden it wasn't Jenna she was mad at it was Brynn .. she is a freaking loon.. and that whole party scene kinda proved it.. God love Abe cause if shes this nuts ON camera I cant fathom what shes like OFF camera it would be exhausting

Edited by Keywestclubkid
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Jessel's first outfit was hooker like and unflattering which is the bigger crime of that look...never a reason for ill fitting clothing when you (say) you have that much money. 

Jessel tells us they spend $1000/month on egg storage, that should be birthday gift enough. Pip the Husband has a talking head about how much BS birthday gifts are, I hope Jessel's bar is low.

Jenna was hilarious with the phone and dressing like the dad. It is funny how little Jessel is filmed at her own party, pushed aside for the stupid fight Erin is having with Jenna that was not a fight. 

Did any of the women actually buy anything from Alice & Olivia?

Jessel's second look from the waist up must have been when Cher had to impersonate a 41 year old in shul, call her Sylvia and have her complain about the brisket. The last look was fine, nothing crazy but you know she had to hurry and change before the cameras went down.

That party needed Ramona and Sonja.






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36 minutes ago, SweetieDarling said:

because they're clueless too?

The only reason I remember when this show is on is because it's trash night. This has got to be the most boring uninteresting group of people Bravo has put together. 

Hence the need for Ramona and Sonja because you know Ramona will say the wrong things to the wrong people and Sonja will drink too much and dance on a bar and or her dress will fall off. And yes, because they are clueless.

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1 hour ago, Baltimore Betty said:

Hence the need for Ramona and Sonja because you know Ramona will say the wrong things to the wrong people and Sonja will drink too much and dance on a bar and or her dress will fall off. And yes, because they are clueless.

That's true. That would have made the episode more entertaining to watch. And we'd get the bonus of Ramona dancing

Edited by SweetieDarling
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Sai’s new house is huge and gorgeous, but I don’t like her remodeling style. Just not my thing. The black and white spackled bathroom was jarring to my eyes. Then the beige-peach bedroom looked like a different house.  I can’t get into any scenes she’s in because she’s so aware of the camera. Not that she looks directly at it or anything, but everything she says sounds rehearsed. Plus, I don’t watch trash tv for family or sad stuff. I don’t want to hear about her mom’s ashes or Jessel’s eggs ever again. Shut the damn door already. 

Nice backhanded compliment about Ubah’s paintings. Something like “I don’t think any art is bad, so I appreciate Ubah’s paintings” 🤣. I actually didn’t hate her Art. There were way too many of them, and they were repetitive,  but I can see how one colorful piece on a white wall would brighten a room and fit nicely. 

Loved Clueless. Great theme for a party.  



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37 minutes ago, Pi237 said:

Being Erin’s friend seems like a lot of work. She’s just never happy with anyone.  

Loved Jenna’s outfit and accent, but did she ever put the phone down? Lol 

now think of poor Abe married to her.. or god forbid those kids that are never gonna live up to any expectation she has

Edited by Keywestclubkid
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Oh, Lord...seeing these 40-year old unimaginative, tedious bores lumbering around trying to conjure some of the exquisite and enchanting charm of Clueless is embarrassing. The only one who is interesting is Jenna F Lyons, and I just ff past the other ones. LOVE that JFL came as the dad. She ALWAYS makes them look like the hicks that they are----and she's not even trying, which is HILARIOUS. 

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1 hour ago, Thumper said:

I hope she didn’t pay a lot for that pink skirt with the heart in front.  It looked all puckered and lumpy in back.

I don't think that was the skirt.

If Jessel hated the nightgown Jenna gave her because she looked like a Christmas tree then the pink skirt made her look like an overstuffed pink pleather ottoman.

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Erin is annoying. Why did she even go to the party if she is going to bitch the entire time.

Jenna was funny at the party. Prob the best part of the patty lol.

Erin would be so much work to be friends with.

Pavit & Jessel seem like they are barely friends lol.

Sai still seems mean.

Not sure why Rebecca is even on the show.

Ubah is so annoying. Even more annoying this season then last season.

Another boring episode tho. These ladies drama is not entertaining.

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Vapid vapid Jessel. Season one went to her head and now I’m not sure she’s ever coming back down to earth. The woman is in her 40’s and dressing like a slutty teenager. The others actually looked like clueless characters while she just tried to show off her figure and pose for photos. Absolutely idiotic. 
Jenna cracked me up as the dad and her ongoing phone shenanigans thru out the party. She commits and has a sense of humor. I just adore her. Also enjoyed her at the business meeting. I’d watch an entire show about her and her three business’s any day of the week. 
I actually liked the scene with Sai and her hubby at the garden center. They have a nice vibe together. Her redone bathroom was absolutely hideous. Keep seizure sensitive folks out of there! She should take note of Brynn and Jenna’s home interior designs. Both do a beautiful job. The ashes scene perhaps may have been best as an off camera event? Just seemed a bit too personal but that’s me. “She knows I love her” quips Sai in an utterly petulant refusal to be vulnerable on camera but leaves her poor young son sobbing? And her getting after her aunt for laying in the bed in “day clothes..?” As opposed to night clothes? Does Sai only lie on the bed in pajamas? I have a hard stop on shoes on the bed. It begins and ends there. 
Rebecca is actually an utter bore. “Does this headband make my nose look big?” No, but your lack of personality makes me sleepy!

I usually FF thru all things Ubah. I can’t stand her or her voice. But I enjoyed the Raquel shade about her juvenile art. It’s a hard pass on anything Ubah is shilling. I would not bring her energy, art, or hot sauce into my home. 
I’m definitely using the spray tan excuse next time I have to leave an event early. What better way to tell your host you think their event is garbage? 😉

Edited by Crazydoxielady
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5 hours ago, RealHousewife said:

New York City. Unique women. They get into fights. Why am I not more entertained? 

I think they should film the editors. They seem to have more fun, and they seem wittier.


(I am not including Jenna in this assessment. I would watch her doing anything.)

Edited by hoodooznoodooz
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11 hours ago, RealHousewife said:

New York City. Unique women. They get into fights. Why am I not more entertained? 


The problem with this show is, that when you strip away the extraneous spats, the basic storyline is that the children (most of the cast) are all competing for Mom’s (Jenna) attention and she doesn’t really care about what they do.  I would like to learn about any of their work but that would require more effort from production. 

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2 hours ago, janiema said:

The problem with this show is, that when you strip away the extraneous spats, the basic storyline is that the children (most of the cast) are all competing for Mom’s (Jenna) attention and she doesn’t really care about what they do.  I would like to learn about any of their work but that would require more effort from production. 

Jenna is only interested in them up to a point. They are ridiculous.

It was reported she initially didn't want to participate in a second season. Imagine if we were left with the rest of the women (except for Racquel who is interesting). 

I liked the theme party except for Jessel's outfits and attitude (she thinks she is a big star). Her husband is far more likeable than her.

Erin has to reveal more about why she is so angry at Abe because I'm going to start feeling sorry for Abe, and I don't necessarily want to do it. 

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