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8 minutes ago, BuckeyeLou said:

With the wind & waves on the Yacht trip, why didnt the crew bring Joan a blanket?!  It did not really look very fun.  

Man what an awkward, quiet date.

I feel like they’re setting Mark up to be the Golden Bachelor.

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Mark thinks the date went better than it did?

And they are setting him up to be the next Golden Bachelor...

It did seem like he was well liked. I do notice that Chock doesn't seem to have the closeness to the other guys. I still like Guy, he really seems to care about the others.

Edited by Armchair Critic
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On 10/10/2024 at 12:27 PM, hoodooznoodooz said:

I noticed that, too. But then, I still have to wonder how he managed to clean his clothing when he had cardboard in his shoe. 

I liked Pascal more this episode, when he said that he didn’t want to be more aggressive, in a group setting. Finally, I could relate to him. 

Jonathan looks good for his age, but I thought CK looked even better and was more charismatic. 

I would not feel comfortable kissing so many different men, with tongue! And, guys, please. If the camera captures tongue action, you need to rein it in.

But I will admit, I am a bit uptight. 

I have to cover my eyes.  Whenever she speaks, her tongue flicks out of her mouth.  It reminds me of those little salamanders that run around in Florida.  I think she made her lips wider.

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Aww, I liked Keith. He has a great all-around energy. I wouldn't mind seeing him as the Golden Bachelor down the line.

I feel the opposite about Chock. 

I think they're definitely setting Mark up for the next Golden Bachelor. IMO that's been the plan all along. Producers saw leading man potential ever since he was first introduced during Joey's Bachelor season. 

Edited by funnygirl
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25 minutes ago, funnygirl said:

I think they're definitely setting Mark up for the next Golden Bachelor. IMO that's been the plan all along. Producers saw leading man potential ever since he was first introduced during Joey's Bachelor season.

I think so, too, and to me he was the best- looking of the men this season. However, I wonder if he's just too quiet to carry the lead. He seems like a sweet man, and was very well -liked by the other men. Surprisingly, Pascal said he was his best friend in the house. I think Guy, also, is very nice and caring. He really teared up when Mark announced he was leaving. 

I honestly don't know who is Joan's final pick, but she seems to have the strongest bond with Chock. I just don't care for Chock,but hopefully Joan will be happy with whomever she chooses.


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I really  liked Keith, Joan said he reminded  her of John. I felt sure he'd  get a hometown. 

I didn't  see any chemistry  between  Mark and Joan, and like others,  I think he's being  set up to be the next Bachelor. 

Chock, back off. Has he totally  forgotten , that there are other men that would like to chat with her. I think I'd find him too clingy. 

Is Joan really  ready? She mentions  John so much, she still cries  over him. I'm just not sure, any guy could compete with him, will the man she chooses always come second. The F4, I can see her with Chock, and perhaps  Guy, although I haven't  seen  much of him. I've come  to like Pascal, but with Joan? I was watching  him, and I'm nearly 4 years  older than him, I don't  see him with her. 

I don't  know why I'm so invested  in the men, I just really  enjoy  their  friendships. 

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Chock was behaving at Lucky Strike as if Joan had already chosen him over the other remaining contestants. 

Mark was struggling on that yacht. I wonder how much more awkward it would have become without the scavenger hunt.

Joan seems very low-energy. Kind of passive, or on autopilot. Very polite but never animated. 

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I say Jonathon and Mark for co-bachelors!!!!! That would be so awesome!!

Mark is so good looking but cannot carry a show by himself, I think hes too quiet.

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8 hours ago, hoodooznoodooz said:

Chock’s father is still alive?

I believe Chock is only 60, although to me he looks older. His dad could conceivably be in his 80s.  

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I don’t know why they picked her.  She’s still grieving.  Is it the long blonde hair, or that shes tall and slim.  To me, she’s wearing clothes that a young woman wears.  I think the long fake hair and sexy gowns are not for her at that age.  Just my opinion.  I’m tall, thin, blonde, but would never wear gowns that scanty, but that’s just me.  Plus, I’m not for surgery on my face.   These men are going Gaga over her.  I think it’s the long hair.  She’s sexy.  That’s all, lol.

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Mark seems like a kind and sweet person but I agree with others that he might not carry the show very well.  Not only is he too quiet, he isn't quick.  He speaks SO SLOWLY--I would drown in my soup having dinner with him.  But I'm a New Yorker, so that may be more my problem.

Chock seems extremely controlling to me and his behavior at the bowling alley was not cool.  Major red flag, and I was not happy with Joan for not noticing.

Edited by Alexander Pope
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1 hour ago, Alexander Pope said:

Mark seems like a kind and sweet person but I agree with others that he might not carry the show very well.  Not only is he too quiet, he isn't quick.  He speaks SO SLOWLY--I would drown in my soup having dinner with him.  But I'm a New Yorker, so that may be more my problem.

Chock seems extremely controlling to me and his behavior at the bowling alley was not cool.  Major red flag, and I was not happy with Joan for not noticing.

THIS. I think Mark would be terrible as the Golden Bachelor! He looks great, but there's no "THERE" there, if you know what I mean. Also, he's not even sixty yet - how exactly is that "golden"?????

I think Joan walking Jonathan out makes him look more like a potential choice for the next Golden Bachelor - he is charismatic and good looking. But I think Joan saw that pic of his young kids and he immediately he moved into the "no" category. She has grandkids - he has young KIDS! I don't know that I could watch months of that neck tattoo.......

Chock is so gross. He talks like he has this in the bag. I find his behavior slick and overbearing. Her body language when he was breathing down her neck asking inappropriate questions on a group date with four other guys - just yuck! And all the other guys are crying and consoling Mark and Chock could not control his glee that someone else was leaving. I loathe him but I still feel like he's in first place right now.

Despite the news about Guy, I still really like him. At this point my top two are Guy and Jordan. I am baffled by her continuing to pick Pascal. Although he's been more low key and likeable the last couple episodes (look at him steaming his own shirt!) I just don't see them together. But even he would be better that that smarmy, cocky used car salesman vibe Chock......

Edited by Ilovepie
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Add me in to those who don’t like Chock at all. I don’t find him attractive or interesting and he is certainly behaving like he has it in the bag. I also feel like Joan isn’t ready for a relationship: she needs more time. I’m not sure she is right for this show in terms of personality either. 

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The main lesson I have gotten from this show is that older men really need more friends. As much as this show is about "finding another chance at love" it feels like what they really needed was a sense of community, much like in Golden Bachelor. Its hard to make friends as an adult but it seems like its even harder for men, they generally don't have as many spaces where they can really get to know each other, so its great to see so many of them really bonding and getting to work out a lot of loss that they have experienced together. 

I guess the real Golden Bachelorette was the friends we made along the way. 

Joan is so low energy, I think she's a nice person and is lovely (even with the obvious plastic surgery) but I am still not sure she's totally on board. I guess its part of the point that she talks about her deceased husband a lot and still cries a lot, but I am still not sure she is totally ready for this. 

Mark really blew it on that date, it was hard to witness that much awkward silence. Joan is already pretty quiet, the last thing she needed was someone who couldn't bring any energy to the party. He really has been out of the dating game for a long time if he thought he nailed that date. 

Chok seems to think he has this in the bag, I don't love how smug he is. 

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1 hour ago, tennisgurl said:

The main lesson I have gotten from this show is that older men really need more friends. As much as this show is about "finding another chance at love" it feels like what they really needed was a sense of community, much like in Golden Bachelor. Its hard to make friends as an adult but it seems like its even harder for men, they generally don't have as many spaces where they can really get to know each other, so its great to see so many of them really bonding and getting to work out a lot of loss that they have experienced together. 

This is so true!!! Mr. Ilovepie is 54 years old and he rarely talks to any of his old friends, let alone gets together with them. It's hard to witness. I do think women make more of an effort than men, although next week I am going away together with my college roommates for the first time in decades (we all graduated 1993/1994).

Mark seemed more affected at having to leave the mansion than having to be parted from Joan, and Charles was equally saddened by the loss of the mansion community. I am glad they all found their true soulmates - each other! (Except Chock who is in this for himself and the girl only. I swear he's the type that gets on a reality show and says "I'm not here to make friends").

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I’m trying to remember if Joan ever talks about being married again, or just about finding love. I agree with others that I doubt she’s looking for an engagement - find someone interesting then take it slow!

Re Chock, not my cup of tea, but he may be understanding Joan’s needs best at the moment. She’s talked about wanting to be seen and validated, but I think she really means she wants to be prioritized. After being a support for so much of her life, perhaps she wants to be primary right now. No longer a cog in other’s lives, but top banana in her own. She doesn’t want to be defined as widow-mother-grandmother, which could be why she went on The Golden Bachelor. Her role as mother obviously was most important and she dodged a bullet there for sure. But it did pull her back into her support role.

So at the bowling alley, if she wasn’t fine with Chock monopolizing her (although a lot of that could just be editing), she had the freedom to get up. I think it’s great that the men have bonded and allowed themselves to open up and be vulnerable, and it’s a fun premise for a reality series.

But Chock does seem really invested - he actually returned after his mother’s passing. Granted the mother had her second husband at her side and it was not a surprise, but still. I spent decades knowing I was second in priority to my MIL so it must have been flattering for Joan to realize he returned even under those circumstances. A lot of the guys are now pushing their relationships with their mothers/children/grandchildren to show their sensitivity, but not necessarily getting Joan to feel that she would be a priority moving forward. They want to be validated themselves, not validate Joan, as it were.

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7 hours ago, Alexander Pope said:

Mark seems like a kind and sweet person but I agree with others that he might not carry the show very well.  Not only is he too quiet, he isn't quick.  He speaks SO SLOWLY--I would drown in my soup having dinner with him.  But I'm a New Yorker, so that may be more my problem.

Chock seems extremely controlling to me and his behavior at the bowling alley was not cool.  Major red flag, and I was not happy with Joan for not noticing.

You are right on all counts.  Chock is very conceited.  Him monopolizing Joan on the boat was not nice.  Who dos he think he is?  New Yorkers think alike.   Queens, then Long Island for me.

2 minutes ago, kristen111 said:

You are right on all counts.  Chock is very conceited.  Him monopolizing Joan on the boat was not nice.  Who dos he think he is?  New Yorkers think alike.   Queens, then Long Island for me.   Met my hubby at Con Ed .. married since then forever.


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Every time I look at Chock I see Bing Crosby's face.

And I don't like Bing Crosby's face.

It's sad seeing these guys go. I like how validating and nurturing Joan is to these guys and I think that's what they like about her personality. They feel "seen" as some have said. But then I don't always see the reciprocation. Some of them seem so starved to be listened to, it becomes all about their feelings, not hers.

Joan has talked about her husband and family some, but I can't recall too much else. Marc could have easily had her open up on the boat, but didn't - it could have just been nervousness. 

Still kills me how quickly every guy on the show has fallen so deeply in love with Joan. They all know close to nothing about each other, and yet . . . 

Joan doesn't look like she's having much fun though.


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I could see them pushing Mark as the next Golden Bachelor.  I can see the hype now over a former Bachelorette's father now having his own "journey" and chance at love.  He is quiet yes, but what really does Joan bring to the table other than her body and looks?   Nothing. She is not personality plus with any spark that I've been able to see.  No great witty sense of humor... nothing.  She's as bland as white bread with no butter.  And I LOVE bread.  

I still see a Daniel Craig-Patrick Duffy mix-up when I look at Chock. He is giving Joan attention and showing he's really in to her.  I think she wants that.    But... maybe they're showing so much of him with her and less of the other men with her to throw us off who she really picks.  They've done that before.  Guess we'll see! 

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6 hours ago, tennisgurl said:

The main lesson I have gotten from this show is that older men really need more friends. As much as this show is about "finding another chance at love" it feels like what they really needed was a sense of community, much like in Golden Bachelor. Its hard to make friends as an adult but it seems like its even harder for men, they generally don't have as many spaces where they can really get to know each other, so its great to see so many of them really bonding and getting to work out a lot of loss that they have experienced together. 

I guess the real Golden Bachelorette was the friends we made along the way. 

Joan is so low energy, I think she's a nice person and is lovely (even with the obvious plastic surgery) but I am still not sure she's totally on board. I guess its part of the point that she talks about her deceased husband a lot and still cries a lot, but I am still not sure she is totally ready for this. 

Mark really blew it on that date, it was hard to witness that much awkward silence. Joan is already pretty quiet, the last thing she needed was someone who couldn't bring any energy to the party. He really has been out of the dating game for a long time if he thought he nailed that date. 

Chok seems to think he has this in the bag, I don't love how smug he is. 

Yeah, the group friendship is clearly the best part of this experience for both them and the viewers. I cracked up when they were all in the pool together and the plane deliberately flew over to show them Joan and whoever was on there with her and they all did the obligatory point upward and then went straight back to swimming. On the younger version, someone would have been pouting or furious at having the date shoved in their faces and it would have produced a meltdown, but these guys just do the bare minimum of producer-prodded nonsense and go back to hanging out. 

And for those who are grieving or even just divorced, it's been such a rare opportunity for them to talk about their relationships with people who've been through it too, it's genuinely nice to see. 

I'm not sure Joan is ready either and if not, hopefully she won't pull a Gerry and go through with it just to have it flop months later. And as much as it's been good for the guys to have space to talk and process, it probably is for her as well. If her friends still have their husbands, there's probably a feeling of not being able to talk about her grief too much. 

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Joan reminded me that, after the one-on-one dates, the guys all go back to the mansion and hang out and bond. Joan goes back to no one, maybe an assistant producer, makeup artist, hairstylist, wardrobe consultant? That must be difficult. 



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Chock has been giving me bad mojo vibes since the beginning, but it wasn't until this episode that I realized what it was: he never breaks eye contact with Joan, which makes him look like a predator. Not a sexual predator, but just purely animal kingdom style, like he's eyeing his next meal. It feels so invasive and unduly intense (lovebombing might be the term) towards a person he's known for just a couple weeks. And I can't tell if they actually have "chemistry" or if he's just going in for face-sucking and she's too polite to resist.

The possessive monopolization of Joan during bowling was disgusting. What a creep. And when Guy pointed out how Chock had his arm around her and Joan was snuggled in, I thought they cut to a scene of Joan with clear distance between her and Chock. Was she trying to move away a bit? Can't blame her one iota.

Out of who's left, Guy's personal deal with his ex-wife sounds a bit unsavory, Pascal just seems unlikely to leave his home & business and have an actual relationship, so maybe Jordan is a dark horse. Bonus is that he "seems" the youngest of all if them (but I wouldn't be surprised if he were to prefer a woman younger than Joan).

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