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Season 2 Discussion


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I'm on the fence with Daya after this episode.


I didn't like her initially, but I understand a little of her crankiness at the airport now that I've seen a little more of her.  Maybe she wasn't happy he brought his mom?


She seemed genuinely happy with the "meal" he set out for her, although she seemed a little annoyed that he served her wine.  If her stone appears "dusty", then it's likely imperfect.  Hopefully he didn't get taken for a ride.


I totally agree about Danielle.  She is a stage 5 clinger and I think Mohammed may have gotten more than he bargained for.  She seems like the type to stalk him after he leaves her and shoot him, or kidnap him.  I just see Misery scenarios all around.  I am impressed with how many times he says "thank you" though.  She was clearly trying to get him to change his mind about sleeping with her, and she said something like "well, this is the couch, since you want to have sex after marriage you'll have to sleep here" and his answer was a very flat "oh yes, we'll have to get married soon, thank you for that."


And yes, her son seems slow.  Mohammed as already established his intellectual dominance over that entire family.  I felt so bad for that kid, he clearly wants to be the big man protecting his mom, but he got punked in pool by Mohammed in front of everyone.


Truly, if this trainwreck was only happening to Danielle I would be fine with it.  A 41 year old woman should know better.  She wants a guy that wants her for her wonderful personality, but I think there are men with wonderful personalities that live in her area.  But none of them that look like Mohammed would give her the time of day.  So, her focus is on the physical and superficial with him.  If he had been a nice 50 year old man from Tansania she wouldn't have given him the time of day.  I only worry for her children, because when he bolts she is going to be a mess.


I don't hate Mohammed anymore than I hate the beautiful women from foreign countries with depressed economies that are picked up by American men.  He seems like a nice enough guy, and so I'm hoping that he is just using her for the green card and doesn't leave her broke.  And honestly, I think if he just continues to hug her and hold her hand, he may not have to have much sex with her.




Word to all this. I don't feel sorry for Danielle. It's a tradeoff. Mohammed gets a green card and a new life in the U.S. if all goes well. Danielle gets attention from a younger man who wouldn't otherwise look at her twice, and Mrs. in front of her name, which she obviously wants. I feel sorry for her children, though. What a mess to drag teenage girls into. And I agree that Mohammed appears to have a higher IQ than Danielle and all of her family added together.


In regard to the other comments about Brett and Daya:  Those who have mentioned RESPECT have nailed it. Daya doesn't appear to respect Brett, and without that, a relationship won't survive. Like others have said, I have been in relationships with nice, sweet men whom I couldn't respect and I walked all over them. I'm not proud of that, but now that I'm older and wiser I won't put myself into another such situation.

Edited by Intocats
  • Love 4

I agree with someone who posted that Justin's reluctance to avoid introducing his family is a red flag, but a red flag of what? Either he's a commitment-phobe who hates introducing anyone to his family as serious intent or his family doesn't care or want him to find anyone and sabotages things or his family is so dysfunctional that it brings him pain to see them no matter the circumstances. Based on the first episode, I would have  picked commmitment  phobia. In this episode, I would pick 2 or 3.  If it is 2 or 3, I hope he and new fiance are happy together.


I don't like Chelsea. I had very little sympathy for her when she was "put on the spot" by his manager. You're engaged.  You're moving your fiancee to your hometown far from his home and culture.  He's a public figure in his own home. You're filing a federal claim (telling the government that you're engaged and they should let your man in the country.) Engagements are generally public announcements, even in small towns, where engagements are often announced in the local paper. And oh yeah, you really don't want anyone to know  you're engaged? Don't go on a show called 90 Day Fiance. Seriously you're mad at the manager for announcing to his fans he's engaged when you're letting an international audience of people whom you've never met you know? 


Amy's fiance looked a little like Matthew Crawley (Downton Abbey).


I get the feeling Danielle has many strange relationships over the course of her life. 

  • Love 5

I'm on Team Gabriel. What is the rush??? The group is just releasing a new album!!! That needs to be supported with interviews, performances, and maybe even a tour. Leaving right now is awful timing that will hurt the group and Yamir. Why can't Chelsea travel back and forth for a while?? What does she do for a living? It can't be anything too intense living so far from a major city and if she is able to take time off to do volunteer work. Is she a teacher? Well, then it should be easy for her to get a teaching job in another place or even in Nicaragua (even if it takes some time to arrange). As it is, she is asking Yamir to give up everything - his country, family, language, career, etc. If she stayed in Nicaragua, they would be able to make enough money that she could travel back to see her family and friends in the US often. 




There has been nothing shown to us to indicate that they did not, in fact, discuss these options when they made the decision to move here, though. They could very well have done so. I really don't think that A) we are getting the whole story, or B) that Chelsea is a bully who is forcing Yamir to leave all he holds dear to follow her to the US. I haven't seen any indication that she unilaterally stated that they had to move to the US or ELSE. Yamir is a grown man, and I'm guessing he had some say in the matter. Maybe it was his idea. Its his life. If he wants to move to the US and try and make it here, there is no reason why he shouldn't. In the end he needs to do what's right for him.


Gabriel behaved very badly and I can't figure out what he hoped to accomplish with that bitchy little act. So far he's tried to win Yamir over by writing a scathing letter to the woman he loves, calling her a manipulator and a liar; and publicly humiliating him. I think Yamir is right to run, and fast, away from this guy. 


  • Love 2

I don't like Chelsea. I had very little sympathy for her when she was "put on the spot" by his manager. You're engaged.  You're moving your fiancee to your hometown far from his home and culture.  He's a public figure in his own home. You're filing a federal claim (telling the government that you're engaged and they should let your man in the country.) Engagements are generally public announcements, even in small towns, where engagements are often announced in the local paper. And oh yeah, you really don't want anyone to know  you're engaged? Don't go on a show called 90 Day Fiance. Seriously you're mad at the manager for announcing to his fans he's engaged when you're letting an international audience of people whom you've never met you know?


I don't like Chelsea either, but I do think Gabriel had ulterior motives for announcing Yamir's departure the way he did. Normally, management would release a statement to inform fans of a group disbandment or a member departure. It wasn't necessary to make Chelsea stand up at a fan event. The focus should have been on the group. All Gabriel did was hurt a young man who didn't do anything to him. I keep flashing back to how hurt Yamir looked and I just don't think Gabriel had good intentions. I think that Gabriel has reason to be concerned about Yamir, but I no longer think that his intentions are as pure as I did the first episode.

Edited by trimthatfat
  • Love 1

Brett has six siblings (and works every day with two of them) and  couldn't find acommodations for Amy closer than 45 minutes away?  Is there a reason why he can't also live there, even if it's crashing on the living room sofa?  Also, his two best friends appear to be a couple, just like Lou and T (not that there's anything wrong with that).  


As for Gabriel, naturally the scenes of him laughing and smiling contrasted with Chelsea's melodramatic tears are gonna make him look like a big meanie, but what exactly what was he supposed to say at this "press conference"; that the group will be working on another album or giving performances in the future?  Because, no, they will not.  What news was there to deliver except for the lead singer's impending departure and the presumed demise of the band; are they going to continue to record songs via teleconference?  Frankly, Chelsea seems to me the most manipulative and self-serving of the whole bunch at this point.  And she's not "all that"; she's just the first natural blonde he's ever met.


Did everyone catch the blurb stating the five of Daya's aunts married American men and moved here?  She's a seasoned professional.  And, yes; the dog turned tail and ran; can't fool a dog.  Ha!

  • Love 3


As for Gabriel, naturally the scenes of him laughing and smiling contrasted with Chelsea's melodramatic tears are gonna make him look like a big meanie, but what exactly what was he supposed to say at this "press conference"; that the group will be working on another album or giving performances in the future?  Because, no, they will not.  What news was there to deliver except for the lead singer's impending departure and the presumed demise of the band; are they going to continue to record songs via teleconference?

From what I know of the music industry, a seasoned manager would not wait until a fan event unveiling a new album to announce that a member was leaving. I find it very hard to believe that this was the only opportunity to inform fans and the press that Yamir was leaving. Anyways, I guess my opinion is irrelevant because the situation already happened and whatever damage that may have been done to Gabriel and Yamir's relationship as a direct result of the fan event has been done. I wonder if Gabriel went to the wedding.

Edited by trimthatfat

Brett has six siblings (and works every day with two of them) and  couldn't find acommodations for Amy closer than 45 minutes away?  Is there a reason why he can't also live there, even if it's crashing on the living room sofa?  Also, his two best friends appear to be a couple, just like Lou and T (not that there's anything wrong with that).  


As for Gabriel, naturally the scenes of him laughing and smiling contrasted with Chelsea's melodramatic tears are gonna make him look like a big meanie, but what exactly what was he supposed to say at this "press conference"; that the group will be working on another album or giving performances in the future?  Because, no, they will not.  What news was there to deliver except for the lead singer's impending departure and the presumed demise of the band; are they going to continue to record songs via teleconference?  Frankly, Chelsea seems to me the most manipulative and self-serving of the whole bunch at this point.  And she's not "all that"; she's just the first natural blonde he's ever met.


Did everyone catch the blurb stating the five of Daya's aunts married American men and moved here?  She's a seasoned professional.  And, yes; the dog turned tail and ran; can't fool a dog.  Ha!



From what I know of the music industry, a seasoned manager would not wait until a fan event unveiling a new album to announce that a member was leaving. I find it very hard to believe that this was the only opportunity to inform fans and the press that Yamir was leaving.


I wonder if it might be a little different in Nicaragua.  I'm not sure who was at the event, maybe the press was there, maybe it was members of the various Mya Vox fan clubs.  It might be hard to distribute the information to the true fans if they don't have a lot of access to modern technology.  And if it was the die hard fans in attendance it was a more personal way to find out about it.  I certainly understand for some larger latin american countries like Mexico, Brazil, Columbia it would probably work a lot like the US,but it may be different.


And who knows, maybe the die hard fans will be rushing to get the new album if they think its their last, perhaps at some point it will become some sort of collector situation.


I'm still not entirely sold on this not being part of some plan Gabriel is in on, but even if she is in on it, Chelsea may not like having to be Yoko.

Loved the pool playing scene with Danielle's son. Mohamed acts confused by the rules and then goes on to clear the table. Son says something like, "He's done this before."


Yes, I'm sure he has.

Actually, Mo said something to the effect that "the rules might be different here"; he never claimed (that we saw) that he'd never played pool before.  Of course, Dani's paranoid son took it that way, but...  Again, my sympathies lie with Mo here; I almost suspect a reverse scam of sorts.

  • Love 2

Just for anyone interested, if Brett lives in Snohomish, WA, there is a 99% chance he works for Boeing.  Depending on his job, he should be making decent money and he is probably only paying around $500 a month in rent since Snohomish real estate is not expensive.  So Daya may have hit a small jackpot there.


As far as the Tunisian May/December relationship, I'm fascinated.  As others have posted, there are several websites about the Tunisian 'Bezness' and this story fits perfectly.  I've wasted hours reading stories of women who have fallen for men like this and have lost everything.  One site even posts a gallery of photos of men to watch out for.  If you want to waste some time, check out Tunisianloverrats.com.


  • Love 4
Chelsea's constant vocal fry got on my last nerve.




Oh gosh, yes, it's so annoying. I want to slap her. There were other times when she spoke fairly normally, so that fry is just laziness.


I liked the Jonas Brother guy we met this week - he has a very cute look and he seems very sincere and genuine. I hope things work out for him.


And I want to know if Daya's ring is real too. I'd love it if it turned out to be CZ. Not that there's anything wrong with CZ if that's what you want, but don't give it to a girl and pretend it's a diamond. But it sounds as if it's a cheap diamond, with inclusions that are visible to the eye.


Danielle and Mohamed make my skin crawl - she because she's all over him like a rash and he because he's such a creep. Nothing good will come of this.

  • Love 3

I kinda felt sorry for Brett in the beginning but now I just want to slap him into the middle of next week for being such a ninny. He's gonna get shit on but he seems like such a dumbass that he probably won't notice.

Sorry to be so negative. Maybe it's his lips that are getting to me.

I really don't know what Chelsea's rush is to get back to Illinois. In Nicaragua she might enjoy some celebrity status. She keeps repeating how much he is sacrificing and you'd follow the person you love but I don't see her doing that. I'd much rather hear here speak Spanish anyway. Her voice is annoying in English. And yes I also call bs that there is no running water in the country. Like another poster said I wonder what Chelsea does for a living. What is it with these grown ass people expecting their parents to support them?

  • Love 8

Maybe I'm misunderstanding but why would somebody walk all over a guy or not respect him just because he's nice?! I don't understand that. To me the disrespect should go to the people who are walking all over a nice guy.

Danielle was working my nerves the way she kept clinging to Mohamed. I bet he's never been happier to have his religion as an excuse for not having sex with somebody who looks like his granny.

  • Love 2

Maybe I'm misunderstanding but why would somebody walk all over a guy or not respect him just because he's nice?! I don't understand that. To me the disrespect should go to the people who are walking all over a nice guy.

Danielle was working my nerves the way she kept clinging to Mohamed. I bet he's never been happier to have his religion as an excuse for not having sex with somebody who looks like his granny.


I think, like someone else said, its something you have to go through with a guy like Brett to understand.  It's not just that he is a nice guy, as someone posted above, there are certain guys that just have an invisible "kick me" sign on their back, and Brett is one of those.  They aren't nice, they are, for lack of a better word, simpering.  And they can be passive aggressive.  He could have made it to the airport on time, he has been looking forward to her visit for months, but he couldn't leave a little early? He has picked a particular woman probably so he can be a constant victim, and so people can always pity him.  I can't respect that.


He is the type of guy that wants the world to look at his situation and say "gosh, he is such a nice guy, why is she such a bitch to him?" and so he sets up these situations where he knows she is going to get mad, but to the outside world it just looks like she is just mean.  I would not be at all surprised to find out that they had spoken about how she doesn't like wine, but he decided to get wine anyways, because then she looks like a bitch for not wanting it after he put out a nice dinner.


Although I agree about Mohammed, I think he will be able to mostly get out of sex after they are married, but he will have to have sex with her at least once.  And since I don't think devout Muslims drink liquor, he is gonna have to be stone cold sober when it goes down.  But for the most part, I think if he just gives her hugs, and kisses and is out with her in public, I don't think she will push for lots of sex.

  • Love 7

I still don't understand treating a person badly just because you can though. That's just mean in my opinion.

If a person doesn't like how another person is, just leave. Don't treat that person like shit just because you can.

Just because somebody is wearing a "kick me" sign, doesn't mean you have to kick them.

Just my opinion.

Edited by Maharincess
  • Love 5

I still don't understand treating a person badly just because you can though. That's just mean in my opinion.

If a person doesn't like how another person is, just leave. Don't treat that person like shit just because you can.

Just because somebody is wearing a "kick me" sign, doesn't mean you have to kick them.

Just my opinion.

Thats not it though, you're not treating them bad just because you can, they are sometimes on the look out to set you up to be upset with them.  And then you're the bad guy, and thats how they like it.  They want to look like a victim, and for the most part they are nice, but there are times when they are passive aggressive, and will push you so that they can claim victim status.  


Saying "just leave" paints it in very black and white terms, and I don't think its a black and white issue.  No one ever has to ever be mean or ever act any certain way towards anyone else, but I understand that sometimes people know exactly what buttons to push, and they push them with abandon, and then start crying when they want to be a victim.


I assure you Brett has made it on time to things.  He probably knows that tardiness drives Daya up the wall and pushes all of her buttons.  She seems very particular.  She is already in a stressful situation, coming here all the way from another country, she is jet lagged, tired, adrenaline pumping.  So he can't push off a little early so he doesn't end up being half an hour late?  But he probably knows it pushes every button she has, and so he shows up late and now she looks like a bitch because she is upset, and pissy about the flowers.  But when you're already tired, jet lagged, and now pissed that someone decided to pick you up half an hour late (and by the way, did he text or call to even let her know?  it didn't look like it to me) they are going to not be in the frame of mind to be grateful for some flowers that frankly aren't even the ones you said you would get!  For a particular girl, who has told you she likes roses, and to whom you have said you are going to get roses its gonna rub them wrong.


And to me, those people do deserve to be kicked, because thats not just them being nice, thats them being sneaky so they can curry sympathy.  

Edited by RealityGal
  • Love 5

Maybe I can settle the debate. :)

I've known people like this guy who in spite of themselves, they are a human doormat. They are so earnest to please, they will literally do anything to accomplish that. Daya may not yet be concious of the fact that he's like this, or she may have picked up little hints here and there. Remains to be seen.

But, sticking with the topic of the episode, I think Daya is going to be a handful for Brett. And probably his roommates and daughter. Then again, I think the daughter may be able to handle Daya where her father cannot.

  • Love 2
I know for damn sure they must have jewelry appraisers in the Philippines. Why not have it appraised before going through the trouble of packing up your life and moving across the world for a 'mark' you think might not be worth it?


Depending on how devious you might think Daya is, she might've switched stones before she flew to the States...

I DVR'd "My Online Bride," but haven't watched yet....looking forward to it!!


I definitely don't get the sense that Myla Vox is the N'Sync (or NKOTB, depending on your age) of Nicaraugra.  I'm guessing Gabriel can find another Yamir pretty easily.  But if Chelsea has a good command of the Spanish language, I would definitely think she could find a job and they could stay there for awhile...maybe even afford hot water! 


Thats what I was thinking, Yamir is a little long in the tooth for boy band status anyways.  Didn't they switch up members of Menudo as soon as they got facial hair?

Maybe I can settle the debate. :)

I've known people like this guy who in spite of themselves, they are a human doormat. They are so earnest to please, they will literally do anything to accomplish that. Daya may not yet be concious of the fact that he's like this, or she may have picked up little hints here and there. Remains to be seen.

But, sticking with the topic of the episode, I think Daya is going to be a handful for Brett. And probably his roommates and daughter. Then again, I think the daughter may be able to handle Daya where her father cannot.


LOL, well you're the mod and I can tell you're getting tired of this topic.  So I will say one last thing in defense of my ex and perhaps other guys like Brett and then I think I'm done.  I do think that my ex behaved this way almost subconsciously (not absolute and always, but almost) because I don't think he was a bad person per se.  I remember when I first met him he basically told me that he didn't really have any friends and was estranged from most of his family.  I thought it was so strange, because he seemed like such a nice guy.  I don't have a ton of friends but a lot of that is by choice.  I know he wanted friends, but  I think his behavior ran off most of the people who would have been friends with him, and maybe some of his family members (although that situation was already weird, so that may not have been his fault).  I look at Brett, and I notice that there don't seem to be many male friends around, so far, it seems like he has his mother, the older women who are his roomates, and an older woman from work.  I think those are great, but I might have expected to see one male friend in the mix, but I'm not sure how many men want a friend who has some of the character traits Brett has.


ETA: I do think Daya may have found her match in Brett's daughter, it looks like the little girl locks her out with the sliding glass door.

Edited by RealityGal
  • Love 3

Doormat nice guys...been there, done that. Got bored and moved on. I like a guy who challenges me (intellectually and other ways) at least sometimes, not just a yes man. And if you find yourself with a guy like that it is easy to take advantage. So I get it. I just can't imagine a woman having a kid with a guy like Brett. *shudder*

  • Love 3

Chelsea's excuse is lame. Some places don't have access to hot water, but what is so hard to get a shower head connected to electricity? I have been to a few places in Central America and the options for hot water are there unless they are living in a small town and that is not the case they appear to be in Managua a city and if Yamir is a pop-star I don't see why he would not have hot water. I have also lived in for extended times in Guatemala and that was never an issue unless I was in a cheap hotel and I elected not to pay for a hot shower. Bahh. Chelsea is selfish.

  • Love 2
I agree with someone who posted that Justin's reluctance to avoid introducing his family is a red flag, but a red flag of what? Either he's a commitment-phobe who hates introducing anyone to his family as serious intent or his family doesn't care or want him to find anyone and sabotages things or his family is so dysfunctional that it brings him pain to see them no matter the circumstances.

There's a bonus video on the TLC site where Evelin explains how important it is that Justin tell his mother first. (And tell her NOW). He agrees, then goes off to meet his mother, who asks him point blank if he's seeing anyone. He brushes the question off and she says something about how he'll meet someone when he doesn't expect it. He vaguely says he might have someone in mind, but mother - strangely - has no reaction to that statement. Later Justin says he just didn't feel it was the right time to tell his mom. His argument is that he only wants to explain his relationship once. So despite the face that Evelin has explained numerous times that she doesn't want to be sprung on his family like a surprise, he really doesn't care. He's going to reveal her to the crowd like he's pulling a rabbit out of his hat, because to do it otherwise would be irritating to him. What a prince. (But what do you expect of a guy who clips his toenails on the coffee table/footstool then sets a plate of food there and starts eating?)


... she's just the first natural blonde he's ever met.

Ok that made me laugh out loud


I'm on the fence with Daya after this episode.

I'm not. She was nicer to Brett than what we first saw, but the fact that she brought up her dissatisfaction with the ring not once, not twice, but three times before the end of the first day tells me everything I need to know about her.

Oh gosh, yes, it's so annoying. I want to slap her. There were other times when she spoke fairly normally, so that fry is just laziness.

Sorry to veer off the topic of this specific episode, but vocal fry/creaky voice is not laziness. Most people aren't even aware they're doing it, and it almost certainly isn't on purpose on her part. It's usually caused by dropping into one's lower vocal register, although it can be done at any pitch. I'm a linguist and I've studied up on vocal fry, partially because I do it (but wasn't aware I did it until I started studying it!) and I disagree with the stereotypes that go along with it. It's prevalent among young women in the US, but it doesn't mean you're lazy/dumb/whatever. Not by a long shot.

  • Love 2

It started as mostly a Pacific Northwestern-y thing, spread down California from there, got picked up by young female celebrities, and basically spread from there -- through those celebrities being on TV and in movies talking like that, essentially. It's associated with the Kardashians sometimes, but it's certainly not something that they originated.

  • Love 1

Vocal fry or no, it was what she was saying that annoyed me. The two of them and their refusal to acknowledge that - while they have a perfect right to follow their bliss and do what they want - they have seriously f-ed up some other people's situation. So no, not everyone is all about being happy for Chelsea and Yamir.  Yes, Gabri was pissed and behaved like an ass. That's what people do when you screw with their livelihood.  Suck it up and move on. Watching her go all victim-y and "poor us" just made me dislike her.

  • Love 1

Actually, Mo said something to the effect that "the rules might be different here"; he never claimed (that we saw) that he'd never played pool before.  Of course, Dani's paranoid son took it that way, but...  Again, my sympathies lie with Mo here; I almost suspect a reverse scam of sorts.

Yes, I rewatched and that's what Mohamad said. However, then Corey (?) explained the very basics of pool, and Mo stood there and nodded as if he were listening carefully to the instructions. That's why the scene was so funny. At least Corey figured out what had happened.


I don't feel sorry for either Mo or Danielle. They both have motives. Mo will win on smarts unless Danielle gets him in a Vulcan death grip first. 

  • Love 3

Yes, Gabri was pissed and behaved like an ass. That's what people do when you screw with their livelihood.  Suck it up and move on. Watching her go all victim-y and "poor us" just made me dislike her.

I could believe that if this was Gabriel's first and only shot at a decent career. But it isn't. I am sure he's not hurting for money or livelihood that badly. He'll find someone else to sing for Myla Vox. If these sentiments had come from one of the other group members I could understand it more cos they are probably in similar situations as Yamir, poverty wise. But to me it felt like Gabriel as a producer or manager or whatever he is, he's overstepping some boundaries. And he did it in a very douchey way. Yamir's an adult and if he really wanted to stay in Nicaragua I am sure he would....and if he's that dumb to let Chelsea potentially dupe him, then he kinda reaped what he's sown.

  • Love 1

I'm not saying they destroyed his career, but he makes money from them and I'm sure some of the shine on his reputation comes from managing this group.Yamir's actions have threatened that. While Yamir didn't come across as some insane talent that is irreplaceable, it's not as easy as calling the boy band hotline and ordering up a replacement member. Yamir's departure has created major difficulties for Gabri and the rest of the group. On top of that, the group is Gabri's creation, so I'm sure he's taking it personally that Yamir is leaving at this critical time, for some half-assed plan to go off to America, get married, and do...nothing productive. That's why Gabri is angry, and resentful, and that's why he did what he did.

  • Love 5

Danny's so young and naive, and I feel for Amy. How many books can you read and BTW, did he leave her a computer to use at least? 

I would imagine she brought her own computer.  


Could be. And she wants him "caught on camera" as the jeweler tells them it's fake.

I found it interesting that he asked "so what would you do IF it was fake?" or whatever he said.  


Yup. I'd guess that there were at least a couple of prison inmates in the mix. Also, restraining orders (against Danielle).

Her son also said that she had been taken advantage of MANY times.  This isn't her first rodeo. 


I really don't know what Chelsea's rush is to get back to Illinois. 

Could it be that she is getting to the point where she has to leave?? I dont know anything about Visas or whatever but aren't most of them only for a certain time period?  Perhaps she has to leave and Yamir doesn't want to be without her so the only option was to go back to Illinois. 


I've read articles about the vocal fry phenomenon and still have no idea what it means. I didn't notice anything unusual about Chelsea's voice, tbh.

I had no idea about this either.... still don't have a clue lol

  • Love 2

In defense of Yamir and his "boy" band, they DID say that this is the first time such a phenomenon has hit that country, so obviously they would not be expected to hold to the same standards of professionalism or accomplishment as a Western (or even another Latin) band; likely, "public relations" wouldn't be as sophisticated as they are in the US, either.  Was Chelsea planning to sneak him across the border with no one noticing?  And Gabriel did say that Yamir was the most "respectful" (or was it "respectable"?) member of the group, as well as the lead singer and best-looking of the bunch, so obviously that's a huge hit to both the band, which is now essentially defunct I would imagine, and the manager himself.  They were the "break-out group," but were apparently doing well enough to have performance footage available and an album being produced and were going places. 


Until Femme Vocal Fry came along, that is!  That baby voice of hers isn't "laziness"; it's pure manipulation.  If it's anatomical, then the vocal chords of the female member of the species must've undergone a dramatic change in the past 20 years, because neither I nor any of my contemporaries spoke this way, yet nearly every 20-something woman living today does, along with the very annoying and equally inexplicable up-ending of sentences and the addition of "so" before answering every question (even on NPR; shudder). 


Anyway, Gabriel has got that one's number, and it's not 33 1/2...

Edited by joanofarch4
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Daya was complaining that the stone looked "dusty." That's more likely to be a low-grade diamond than a decent CZ. I think Brett bought what he could afford, and she wanted more. However it turns out, Brett's in the doghouse. 

And so's the dog, 'cause he sure ain't comin' in the house with Daya there (by mutual agreement, it looks like).

"I haven't seen any indication that she unilaterally stated that they had to move to the US or ELSE."


Yamir did say that he "needs her every day" and doesn't want to "lose her," so I'm assuming there was an ultimatum delivered - he clearly doesn't want to go for any other reason - plus some sexual (as well as vocal) manipulation going on there.  As I asked earlier, can't he get a groupie to sleep with him?  He's apparently being besieged by them on every street corner, which is a likelier explanation for Chelsea's hurry to emigrate than the fictional lack of hot water and creature comforts there where, again, she obviously chose to go and stay for a considerable period of time without pay.  As for her "career," the show stated that she was volunteering as a child care worker, so I'm assuming she's one of a growing number of 20-something college grads qualified to support themselves but who instead are being fully supported by their parents while globetrotting and finding themselves.  Or, as in this case, finding Yamir.

Edited by joanofarch4
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Have you ever seen a couple where you think they just don't belong together (even if they are in love/married, etc)? That is how Chelsea and Yamir seem to me. I have no rational explanation but for me, they just aren't a couple that "goes together" - its strange.


Its kind of like Walter White's brother-in-law, Hank, and his wife. I could just never picture them as a real couple.


My favorite couple on this show is Mohammed and Danielle. I can't wait to see what will unfold between them. I do feel terrible for her kids though. I like the fact that there are different perspectives here on her motivations- the needy, not-that-bright woman who is just looking for love and is being scammed, or the cougar who just wants a young hottie and knows that he just wants a green card.

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Daya was complaining that the stone looked "dusty." That's more likely to be a low-grade diamond than a decent CZ. I think Brett bought what he could afford, and she wanted more. However it turns out, Brett's in the doghouse. 

This is almost exactly what I said to my husband when we saw that scene. A diamond that looks perfect and is too large/ostentatious for the person's income is what telegraphs a fake; not dust, cloudiness or flaws.


Daya is a jerk, but I think Brett will be miserable with her for life rather than be single, get therapy to figure out why he is so insecure and build a relationship with a suitable partner.

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This is almost exactly what I said to my husband when we saw that scene. A diamond that looks perfect and is too large/ostentatious for the person's income is what telegraphs a fake; not dust, cloudiness or flaws.


Daya is a jerk, but I think Brett will be miserable with her for life rather than be single, get therapy to figure out why he is so insecure and build a relationship with a suitable partner.

I replaced my uncomfortable thick wedding band with a fairly thin gold band of smallish CZs. It looks real, and I love its wearability. So much for romantic me--and my husband isn't sentimental. I'd rather have a house and an occasional vacation than a gigantic diamond I'd never want to wear on a city subway. 


I hope Daya is just concerned that Brett got cheated on the ring. Well, I hope that's what this is all about. Brett needs to wipe that stupid look off his face and wise up.

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