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Season 2 Discussion


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The sound was ridic.  I turned the volume way up and we still couldn't hear.  I know Yamir could understand ENglish, but wouldn't it be easier if Chelsea read her vows in Spanish?


I was feeling sort of sorry for Mo since I feel Dani is an A-1 manipulator, but dude, don't leave for 3 days and then show up and be taking advantage of the newly paid for electricity and sucking up that AC and using that internet.  Stick with her with the lights on and off!


Justin and Evelin... Snore Bore.... seriously.  


Cassia's black hair updo with a blond bun was not the best look.   I think Jason put her engagement finger on as her wedding ring.   I mean, I just did the same thing, but we got married at city hall and now have rings that we secretly wear (long story).


She deserves better than Jason.



Can't wait for NYC!

  • Love 2

I'm really surprised that Brett' s mom split. Not very farsighted of her. What about ever seeing her granddaughter again? Did she think of that? Bad form and bad manners, in my opinion.


It wasn't Dawn's decision to leave; Daya told Brett he had to chose between them, so he chose her.  


I cried all the way through Justin & Evelin and Chelsea & Yamir's ceremonies.  They looked so happy. 


I think the only reason Mo came back was because Dani managed to scrounge up the money to have the electricity turned back on.

Edited by Adeejay
  • Love 1

Man that whole situation with Dani and Mo was a tease. I didn't even really understand wtf happened. And then Hogwarts daughter started talking apparently she knew it was going to happen. I was confused. 


Jason.. my god Cassia isn't a blow up doll.. yet he still acts like he is marrying her body. She has more personality than anyone else that horrid town.

Edited by EggoWaffles
  • Love 4

It wasn't Dawn's decision to leave; Daya told Brett he had to chose between them, so he chose her. 

But it was still Mother's decision to leave; she wasn't uninvited. Once her son told her the wedding would go on as planned, Brett' s mom should have swallowed her pride and accepted her adult son's decision.

I'm not a supporter of burning bridges, especially when children are in the mix. Meddlesome in-laws are spoiled pains in the asses, imo.


  • Love 9

I thought Evelin looked stunning. The resort and the beach venue were beautiful. I'm beginning to wonder if they realy had a problem with Evelin, because the  whole thing smells like a set up to be on TV. Whatever, I don't care, I thought their wedding was great. 


Cassia's dress was cut down to her vejayjay and I saw side boob. Combined with the poodle hair was not a good look. Jason sounded like an ass before and during the wedding. He is going to protect her honor? Are we in the freaking middle ages? Dad's had on her bare back creeped me out. 


Chelsea's skirt was ill fitting and didn't look right with the top. And she couldn't take off her other cheap ass rings on her wedding day? I thought the wedding was nice and Yamir is clearly smitten. 


I felt bad for Brett and Daya. I thought it was shitty of his mom not to show. I didn't care for their venue with teh fake columns and fake flowers, but at least their guests, with the exception of the two roommates actually dressed up for the wedding. 

  • Love 8


Chelsea's skirt was ill fitting and didn't look right with the top. And she couldn't take off her other cheap ass rings on her wedding day? I thought the wedding was nice and Yamir is clearly smitten. 



I immediately said the same thing!!  It's your wedding day.. you don't need, nor should you have, your left hand loaded up with rings.  We get that you have a certain hippie style, but leaving those rings on was just tacky looking.  Let your wedding ring stand out when you are exchanging rings and saying your vows.

  • Love 4

I'm glad it's been mentioned here about the terrible sound, I thought something was wrong with my TV.

I thought Cassia's makeup was a big improvement over her usual cat eye eyeliner. The dress looked good on her but it was kinda hoochie, which is how she always dresses anyway so it was fitting. Calling Jason her best friend...sad.

I liked Daya's dress and she looked nice. Not smart of the mother to not show up, like someone mentioned she might not get to see her granddaughter now.

Justin and Evelin's wedding was nice. She looked beautiful and I loved those huge glasses. I wish Justin would have shaved , wore a tie, and had a better fitting suit though.

I felt bad for Chelsea that her mother waited until the last minute to finish her dress. She dud look nice though and her and Yamir were so happy. I hope all goes well for them.

I think Mo came back to use the Internet. Something was definately wrong that he didn't want to be filmed.

I can't wait until the reunion next week and listen to Mo and Dani lie and make excuses that everything is peachy keen with them.

  • Love 2

Ok first off, for us the sound was really off like the background music was incredibly loud and we could barely hear them speaking especially Chelsea and Dani and sometimes Eveline (sp?)  I'm sure they are going to back pedal next week and try to cover up all this stuff between Dani and Mo. This will be interesting to watch....


Thank you, I thought I was going nuts or there was something wrong with my hearing.  What a wackadoo episode this was.  I'm going to catch it again on the rebound at 11 and post then.  I still loathe Mohammed.  What a jackass (that's kind).

  • Love 1

Danielle continues to confound. When her sister came over, they were sitting on a sofa that looked straight out of Goodwill, but 5 feet behind them is a huge Apple Mac. Clearly she has no idea how to handle money. Short haired daughter spoke the truth when she said she assumed they would get married and Mo would take off. 


And what is up with Dani and her sister and the leg and ankle tattoos and capri pants. So nasty.  

  • Love 11

Evelin's dress looked carved out of hard plastic.  Perfect fit for their boring nuptials.


I was kind of surprised that was what she went with after seeing some of the beautiful dresses she tried on.  But I guess it was breezy and fitting of a beach wedding.  Her options were also probably limited due to the time constraints.. she likely had to purchase off the rack.



Cassia's dress was cut down to her vejayjay and I saw side boob. Combined with the poodle hair was not a good look. Jason sounded like an ass before and during the wedding. He is going to protect her honor? Are we in the freaking middle ages? Dad's had on her bare back creeped me out. 



To be fair to Jason's dad, there weren't too many places he could've placed his hands during a hug, and not have been touching bare skin.  That dress!  But, somehow, it suited Cassia's style.


I liked all the weddings, but I'm a sucker for them.

  • Love 1

* Chelsea and Yamir: Once again, Chelsea was in desperate need of a good hair-washing and a scrubdown with a big, soapy brush.  She's a nice-looking girl, but that scraggly hair makes her look somewhat dirty and unkempt.  Would an updo have killed her?  Also, why didn't she take off the extraneous rings during the ceremony so that her special moonstone creation could shine through?  As for her dress, um . . . yeah.  I sure hope that wasn't the intended end result of mom's handiwork.  When I saw the tablecloth-covered haystacks that served as seating at the wedding, I thought, "Of course!"  Yamir melted me into a puddle of goo when he called Chelsea his "sunflower of the north."  All snark aside (for once), that was a beautiful thing to say.  I really do like him a lot.  I'm a sucker for sweet boys who love their mamas.  I hope he gets to do what he wants to do in life instead of just going along with whatever Chelsea wants to do.


* Jason and Cassia: Jason is still a cheap, disrespectful, selfish, socially backward ass.  He seems like the kind of guy who would blow up and do very scary things when he's drunk and/or angry.  This travesty doesn't quite reach Mohammed/Danielle levels, but I would bet my life on it not lasting,  Cassia's hair looked absolutely horrible at the wedding.  Her starkly ombre hair looked awful in an updo.  On the upside, her makeup was much improved, but still very 1980's, with every feature highlighted.  I was just happy for the cat-eye to have a much-deserved day off.  Jason's poor dad tried as hard as he could to not touch Cassia's bare back, but with a dress like that, what could he do?


* Mohammed and Danielle: Danielle creates such a weird guilt issue for me.  On one hand, it's more than obvious that she has developmental and emotional issues.  The last thing I want to do is snark on someone who can't adequately defend themselves, but she has a house full of minor daughters!  I loved that the one daughter who always speaks for the rest basically said, "We don't give a shit whether he's here or not."  Danielle seems to have this deluded fantasy that the girls are sitting around, crying and pining over their daddy like they're a close-knit family going through a tough divorce.  Give me a royal effing break.  As for Mohammed leaving, I have no issue with that.  Yes, that arrogant fuck only came to America for the green card and did/does not love Danielle, but still.  This little endurance test certainly blew up in his face, didn't it? 


* Evelin and Justin: Still one big "meh" for me.  I never could convince myself to care about these two, although I do think Evelin is a genuinely nice girl who deserves happiness.  I'm just not sure that she'll find that long-term with Justin.


*Brett and Daya: These two still repulse me.  Married or not married- who cares?  The most important person in that scenario is Cassidy.  

Edited by SuzyLee
  • Love 5

It was bothering the hell out of me that Chelsea spent 50% of her segment crying about her dress trying to work a stupid curling iron... and then when she was standing at the altar her hair was haystack straight. I was like "DUDE what gives? Was the curling iron for you nether regions??" What was she doing that whole time "getting ready".. go help someone you ditz.

  • Love 3

Yamir acts like he is 12 years old.  Both he and Chelsea act like they are in puppy love.  Also did not like her tacky jewelry but then again she picked an old clunky cocktail ring for her wedding band so... guess it's not a surprise.  Was surprised that the ceremony and vows weren't in both Spanish and English.


The sound for me was uneven.  Music was way too overpowering.


I liked Evelin and Justin together.  Nice that his family and sis-in-law were all well behaved.


Wish Daya and Cassia ditched their bad hair for their wedding days.


Cassia was more covered up than I had imagined so... ummm... good job?

  • Love 2

The one thing that confuses me about Chelsea's wedding ring is it seems they went a cheaper route and didn't just get gold bands so I wonder if the band on her ring is actually gold. If not and it's sterling silver or such I can't see it being around 30+ years from now. That ring is meant to be an accessory, not an everyday piece. Wedding rings get beat up if you wear them daily.

  • Love 3

Boring yet beautiful weddings. Cassia & Evelin both looked pretty (in the face - there is no way I'm co-signing that mess on Cassia's head)

Danielle continues to piss me off. She's disgusting and the more I see of her apartment the more I believe it stinks. Shitty, stained furniture, broken switch plates, broken blinds, dirty door frames .. The list goes on.

Add to that the fact that she's getting one utility after the other cut off - ugh.

I'm so tired of her incessant blubbering about "the girls". They LITERALLY met this man less than 3 months ago - they don't give a fuck.

Quit your shit and clean your fucking house - it's not like you have a JOB.

  • Love 17

Those rings on Chelsea were the worse.  Well, maybe the semi-translucent skirt.   At least have it lined or something.


I mean, I want to hate Mo, but I am sure he didn't come to the U.S. thinking that he would be living without electricity!  People leave their countries and move to the U.S. for stable utilities.  


Dani was making it about the kids when she knows it's not about the kids.  She looked better in the previews.   That comment was my good deed for the day.  

  • Love 5

I didn't have any problems with the sound. Sorry for the many who did.

In a few of Chelsea's THs, she looks fuller-faced and slightly heavier. Expecting?

I'm a newlywed, and I've been maid of honor and bridesmaid (and flower girl) in almost two dozen weddings in the last several years. What I learned along the way is everyone has her own sense of style, his own concept of fun, their own wishes for what makes THEIR perfect wedding.

I liked all the weddings we saw on this show. I'm happy when the principals are happy. To me, the couple's dreams and visualizations are the only ones that matter.

P.S. It looked to me like one of Danielles daughter's was helping Mohamed use the internet? She didn't seem put out by him at all, though she looked surprised when the TLC cameras walked in.

Edited by sleekandchic
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