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Season 2 Discussion


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When I was 9 years old, this girl told me she would give out Halloween candy to everyone but me because her family didn't give candy to black people. I'll never forget the look on that bitch's face when I told her I was calling the police and a lawyer on her and her ugly mother. It's the same look that Danny's ugly father had when he saw how deep Amy's family rolls.

I got tears in my eyes when I read that. I'm so fucking sorry you had to go through that. I can't believe somebody would teach their kids such hate.

Your response was fantastic! That kids parents raised her wrong, but yours raised you right.

Again, I'm sorry.

There were a lot of hispanic people in my old neighborhood and on Halloween my next door neighbors always made little bags of candy. They had a bowl of candy bags for white kids that had a lot of good stuff in them. Then they had a bowl for "other kids" that had a cheap sucker and stale gum from the previous Halloween.

They hated anybody who wasn't white and heterosexual. Their daughter is marrying a black woman. Love it.

I hate people sometimes

Edited by Maharincess
  • Love 6


I might not be so cranky if the network hadn't decided to toggle this show, the one I wanted to watch, with the the live shots of the insufferable Theresa Caupto running around, squealing, in some woman's front yard.

THIS. And I love how Theresa says "do you have a mother figure who could be your mother, grandmother, aunt, sister, cousin, friend, hairdresser, psychiatrist, or favorite waitress?" which pretty much covers all the bases, in terms of typical Jonathan Edwards fraudulent fishing. Sorry mods, I don't mean to get OT here! 


Mo and Dani. In Venice, I dated a young Egyptian Muslim named Mohammed, whom I also nicknamed Mo. (Well, "dated" is not really accurate. More like "booty-called for rec sex" because he was GORGEOUS but no way in HELL was I going to put up with his sexist-pig ways, and no way in hell was his community going to accept an American woman 20 years older than him). Anyway, I have a soft spot for the show's Mo. I don't know about Tunis, but in Egypt, you don't get married for love. You have arranged marriages between families and more of a dowry system. So that he equates marriage with making a match for money--that's not that unusual in that culture. So if Dani misled him about how much money she had, that's on her.  ( I noticed the fancy bedroom set too, though it was probably bought at Rent-A-Center and is about to be repo-ed). I'm not defending him entirely. He does talk to her as if she's chattel.  (A piece of whining, puling, quivering, blubbering annoying as fuck chattel, but chattel nonetheless.) Still, I can't help but feel sorry for his "stuck" ass.


Justin and Eveline--so bored with them, I was wishing Teresa Caputo would come back in and rudely interrupt with one of her class-A-Felony-fraud prognostications. My description of that date? THE HORROR, THE HORROR! As someone else posted,  hot air balloons are terrifying AND boring. And those things are LOUD. They not only involve terrifying heights, but near-proximity gas flames. And I noticed that--what is his name again (Justin, Jason--something with a "J"; I'm too bored to care)--didn't even bring a bottle of champagne. Doesn't he know you're supposed to bring a bottle of Veuve, so you can get toasted while re-arranging the deck chairs on the Hindenberg? Does no one have money on this show?   What with the all you can eat buffets, and a birthday present of a hot air balloon conspicuously sans champagne or picnic basket, I feel like the whole crew is on an austerity budget.  I guess they don't have the budget of shows like"The Bachelor". or "Real Housewives"  I mean--not even a single final rose on that balloon date? I happen to know you can get them at 7-11 for $3.99


Chelsea and Yamir--She is automatically disqualified in my book for her tendency toward "terminally rising inflection" also known as "upspeak", you know, when every statement sounds like a question? And like, she's a self-centered, stringy-haired, overly entitled, annoying hipster-type? I know, right? Ugh. 


The one person who really won my heart though? Cassia. I don't think she is as spoiled as everyone thinks. I think she's out of her element and miserable. And who can blame her? Jason reminds me of guys that you find out later are serial killers: flat affect,  cold and detached, a complete cluelessness as to how to even imitate being human. I don't think he's a sociopath. He's not smart enough to be one. I think he completely lacks social skills and emotional intelligence, and worse, the insight to even see he lacks it. RUN CASSIA RUN!

Edited by venezia54
  • Love 11
Danielle has been living her life in survival mode for so long she doesn't even remember how to dream.

Her problem isn't that she can't dream. It's that she can't face reality. Paying her bills, providing a stable home for her children, and holding down a job should be her highest priorities right now. But clearly they aren't. She was far more concerned about Mohamed leaving than she ever was about moving him into the house with her impressionable young daughters. It is very telling that the first time she showed any concern for her daughters was actually thinly veiled concern for herself, a la "my daughters were upset all day, worrying that you were going to stand ME up."

As for Mohamed, he's screwed.  The longer he stays with Danielle, the more entangled he gets in her situation, and the harder it will be to extricate himself.  When he finally ends it, either before or after they marry, it will be uuuuuugly. And the longer he waits, the uglier it will be.

  • Love 10

Did anyone catch the bonus clips?




Angie (Danielle's friend who helped her make instant potatoes) apparently divorced her Egyptian husband, left Islam, and isn't too optimistic about the Dani/Mo union either.


Between the crossed eyes and the inappropriate smile, my skin just crawls.  I find it irritating that you can tell that no matter how much people try to use reason and logic with her, she's just set on doing what she wants to do.  Children, job, finances, family, integrity and self respect be damned. 

  • Love 6

I was literally creeped out watching the bonus clip of Danielle's friend Angie trying to talk some sense into her.  Danielle's nutty, creepy vacant, google eyed stare and her "almost" about to laugh, smirky smile was downright scary.  Who smirks like that when someone is trying to offer you some heartfelt advice?


And while I appreciate that Angie has been through a rough time and seems to have a good heart, dayum gurl, that hair style is NOT a good look for you. 

  • Love 4

Remember Amy and Danny met at a Bible college. Its program has some simliarites to the Duggar's ATI. For Amy's family to be able be able to send her to an expensive program abroad they must be from the upper level of their church community. It makes me upset that they met at a Bible college and share the same faith and belief system yet Danny's dad disapproves? Would he rather have a white finace that has had a kid out of welock, purple hair and is atheist? I see Danny's family like the Dugars in another way. It is fine for Danny to go to bible college abroad, do missionary work, convert anyone to Christianity but don't marry them. There is a very sick wrong movement amoung some of these "Christian" groups to be having large family to be God's white army.


My neighbor's son went to South Africa on his LDS mission and returned to marry a young lady from there. Her close family was able to come here to see her marry in the temple. The son went back and they lived in South Africa for her to finish grad school. They just moved back here. She is lovely, so bright and professional. He works selling cars. It hurts to see her having babies and not using her degree living in her in laws basement while her husband spent 2 years on a mission , has a few college credits and sells cars but they seem happy and in love and both have strong faith.

Edited by silverspoons
  • Love 1

[standard IANAL disclaimer, but I recently went through the green card process for my spouse] Here's another fun fact about Green Card laws. If you've been married for less than 2 years when your green card is approved, you actually get a provisional green card. Stay married past your 2 year anniversary, and you can apply for it to become a permanent (10 year renewable) green card. Get divorced before your 2 year anniversary and the green card gets revoked and you have to leave. Get divorced after your 2 year anniversary and you keep your permanent green card and get to stay.

  • Love 6

Would he rather have a white finace that has had a kid out of welock, purple hair and is atheist?

Based on my experience, YES! On a personal note, when my sister had an out-of-wedlock baby with a man with no formal education who worked as a janitor, he was welcome to the family with open arms. However, when my mother found out that my brother was dating a medical student whose parents were born in Japan, that was a full-blown crisis. Word-for-word, she used the same language as Danny's father, going on and on about the trials and tribulations that mixed race children have. Basically, if you slap some garish make-up and streaked wig on Danny's father, you get my mother. For people like this, race trumps everything, including education, life choices, appearance, etc.

  • Love 6

Justin and Eveline--so bored with them, I was wishing Teresa Caputo would come back in and rudely interrupt with one of her class-A-Felony-fraud prognostications. My description of that date? THE HORROR, THE HORROR! As someone else posted,  hot air balloons are terrifying AND boring. And those things are LOUD. They not only involve terrifying heights, but near-proximity gas flames. And I noticed that--what is his name again (Justin, Jason--something with a "J"; I'm too bored to care)--didn't even bring a bottle of champagne. Doesn't he know you're supposed to bring a bottle of Veuve, so you can get toasted while re-arranging the deck chairs on the Hindenberg? Does no one have money on this show?   What with the all you can eat buffets, and a birthday present of a hot air balloon conspicuously sans champagne or picnic basket, I feel like the whole crew is on an austerity budget.  I guess they don't have the budget of shows like"The Bachelor". or "Real Housewives"  I mean--not even a single final rose on that balloon date? I happen to know you can get them at 7-11 for $3.99

To be fair, I think the hot air balloon ride was early in the morning. And it might be a unique element of this area (I don't think it is common in Colombia). So I can understand them not having champagne, I would probably prefer to toast with coffee. :)

To be fair, I think the hot air balloon ride was early in the morning. And it might be a unique element of this area (I don't think it is common in Colombia). So I can understand them not having champagne, I would probably prefer to toast with coffee. :)


It was part of a winery tour thing I think.  It was on the side of the balloon and it looked like the trip went over vineyards.  It was probably part of a wine tasting thing that they just didn't show.

  • Love 1

When Justin and Evelin met with his mom, I got the feeling that he wasn't as opposed to family being at their "elopement" as he originally let on.  He seemed to get a kick out of his fiancé and mom working to change his mind, and smiled more during that meeting than he has on all the other episodes combined.  I found him much cuter and more likeable in this episode.  Also, watching a sunrise from a hot air balloon is awesome, and I'd be more than happy to receive that as a surprise gift.  Justin did good! 

  • Love 4

I was looking at the picture of Dani's bedroom that is part of the episode summary and was first struck by the creepy dolls that are taking up the whole dresser. What's up with that? And I think they might actually be expensive! Why would she waste her money on that? Then I noticed the stuffed animals at the end of the bed. Seems like way too many childish things for an adult bedroom. And finally I noticed the bed itself and the dresser, which seem pretty nice and actually nicer than what I would imagine Dani would have. And then I wonder why am I even interested in this?!?!?

  • Love 9

I swear, there's a new one of these things every day.

What is DIAF?

Die in a fire.


I'm no fan of Danny's dad... but like I've said before, he seemed to come around.  His last talking head, he said "she honestly gets along with everybody, there's just something that strikes the heart"  


I mean I cannot excuse his earlier behaviors and perceptions, but hey, if he is starting to change his thinking based on how great Amy and her family are, that is a good thing.  And there has been a lot of hate towards Danny on these boards, but props to him for not seeing color, despite that it seems he was raised that way, and choosing love.  He may not be able to stand up to his father the way most of us would like, but he clearly didn't allow his father's bigoted opinions affect how he views people.. he chose Amy for her obvious intelligence, poise, beauty, and charm.


And who knows how much is editing.  I hated Daya at first and was convinced she was a user.  But after seeing the last 2 episodes and their facebook pages, I'm not so sure anymore.  Maybe she is a great actress and is putting up a front for immigration to think she's here for the right reasons.  Or maybe she was cranky and pms'y after a long flight and wasn't herself at first. 

  • Love 5

Cassia and Jason--    Every time I look at Cassia I want someone to kidnap her and give her an emergency makeover.  That crazy ombre-effect hair is driving me nuts-- it's like an oil spill in a wheat field.  The winged eyeliner is maddening too.  I mean, she's no model, but if she got some decent hair and makeup she'd be a pretty girl.  Even as she is now, she's too good for Jason whose flat affect and elderly appearance creep me out to no end.  I think some of these guys (such as this massive ahole)  who "import" foreign wives think that once they get them here they don't need to be attentive or make romantic gestures because the act of "rescuing"  a poor woman from her awful country should be sufficient to earn him a lifetime of gratitude, sex on demand, and housekeeping services without having to exert any further effort.  That or they think that a women from foreign countries automatically have lower romantic/material standards than all those"spoiled" American women who have caught on that they are undateable loser douchebags.


Jason and Evelin-- Meh.  I think she's a nice lady.  I give him credit for making a romantic gesture.  I just think he comes off awkwardly on camera. Their relationship is probably the least problematic and therefore the least interesting.


Amy/Danny:  He knows she's the best woman he'll ever "get" so he wants to rush to the altar.  She's too naive and inexperienced to realize HOW MUCH BETTER she can do than milquetoast Danny who is probably her first serious relationship.  Sigh.  I hate watching her make this big mistake with her life.


Brett/Daya:  Excited to see her go off on the MIL next week  (judging by preview clips)!


Mo/Danielle:  Okay, so if the INS supposedly cares about fraud, how the hell did Mo not get weeded out  by them already?  This case is just one huge-ass red flag.  Anyhoo...I hope they don't EVER consumate their marriage...the thought of them doing it is so gross...


Yamir/Chels:  Bad career move, Yamir.  Poor guy, you should have stayed in Nicaragua, made money off the band while it lasted, and THEN come to the states when that short-lived fame dried up.  I don't know if Chelsea is selfish-- maybe just dumb?

Edited by Gianthambeast
  • Love 2

The only reason I ragged on his El Camino is because it's in such sad shape. That's a car that classic car enthusiasts would be crucifying him for letting it get into the condition it's in. All that's missing are some fuzzy dice and those old man wooden roller ball seat covers.

But it's really not in sad shape. There appears to be no rust, and for the original paint, it looks fantastic for its age. As does the interior, if you can look past the missing door panel. All I can see that it needs is the door panel, the trim that goes around the bed, and maybe a new coat of paint or liner in the bed, though if he hauls a lot of crap in it that may not be a priority to him.

I'm around classic car enthusiasts all the time (and we're members of a car club) and I can't think of anyone who'd rag on Jason. I wish like hell our current project (a '50 Chevy) looked half that nice! And, um, ran. lol

I hate defending that doof, or an Elkie in that horrid 70s baby shit brown color that was so popular! But it's really not a bad car.

  • Love 1

I'm into cars too.  Specifically old Mustangs of the 64 1/2 and the 65 Fastback variety.  His car could be a great project car to restore.. I agree that the body is everything, especially as a Mustang enthusiast... the best thing you can find is a non-rusted body that you simply need to mechanically restore.  But Jason's is not a great car to be tooling around in, and worse, jamming your father and fiancee into.  I've lived in SWFLA.. you simply do not ride around in a car without air conditioning.  And then to jam 3 people in the tiny front seat of an El Camino?  Just no.  Make it your side project... and at least have another car with some room and air conditioning to use otherwise.

  • Love 2

The more I watch Yamir and Chelsea, the more I feel like there is a missing puzzle piece. I still don't understand why they chose to leave. The show isn't giving them much exposure, it isn't giving him a chance to sing, and it isn't giving him a chance to shine at all. Was he going to be fired anyway, and they negotiated this? Are both of them that naive? I just don't get it. 

The more I watch Yamir and Chelsea, the more I feel like there is a missing puzzle piece. I still don't understand why they chose to leave. The show isn't giving them much exposure, it isn't giving him a chance to sing, and it isn't giving him a chance to shine at all. Was he going to be fired anyway, and they negotiated this? Are both of them that naive? I just don't get it. 


They made him out to be a big star in his country, but really, I don't think he had this great career there.   It's a poor country, and even his highest "pop star" success there, wouldn't amount to much of anything, especially in terms of what we have here in the USA.

  • Love 10

I wondered about that too. I'm thinking that "biggest pop star" there doesn't exactly carry the same meaning that it might here. If that's even factually true and not hyperbole for the show.

She referenced not being able to take hot showers and whatnot, so I'm thinking if he were a big (and well-paid!) star, that would not have been a problem.

They made him out to be a big star in his country, but really, I don't think he had this great career there.   It's a poor country, and even his highest "pop star" success there, wouldn't amount to much of anything, especially in terms of what we have here in the USA.

That makes sense GracieK. But even if his career wasn't going to go anywhere, why not give it a fair chance, and let him get out of his system? She is young (25?) and so giving that a year makes more sense than giving a year in a small town with no real prospects for either of them. But they left at such an inopportune time in terms of his career, and now he probably will only be able to sing as he slaves away at the meat packing plant.

  • Love 1

That makes sense GracieK. But even if his career wasn't going to go anywhere, why not give it a fair chance, and let him get out of his system? She is young (25?) and so giving that a year makes more sense than giving a year in a small town with no real prospects for either of them. But they left at such an inopportune time in terms of his career, and now he probably will only be able to sing as he slaves away at the meat packing plant.


I suspect that his career isn't the big deal TLC is making it out to be.. and the rush of coming to the US was their application to being on this show.  They were selected to be on the show, and really couldn't marry that with the demands of his boy band.  They both probably understand that the biggest success of his band in that country would never pay as much or bring the type of exposure as the smallest tv program in the US.  They seem rushed because they are working on TLC's programming schedule.

  • Love 3

The smirk on Jason's face when Cassia was sitting in the auction barn bewildered... I wanted to knock him out.

He is extremely condescending to her feelings. He constantly acts bewildered that she would be upset and it gives me shades of that misogynistic "these women are just so emotional, hardyhar" type of thinking that makes me want to slap him. Cassia's feelings of sadness over leaving home are completely normal and he should be doing everything in his power to understand where she's coming from and make it easier on him.


I honestly can't believe that these two will get married. 

  • Love 3

US tourist visas are very difficult for Russians to get. If Amy's family is wealthy enough to pay for all of those family members to come to the wedding, that makes them more likely to be granted a visa.

Heh, my Lithuanian family is prevented from visiting (by Lithuania) due to having good jobs.  One is a pediatric epidemiologist the other is a...guess you'd call him a game warden and master carpenter.  They will only allow them to visit separately and not as a couple, for fear they won't come back.  


I'm deaf, used to be hearing.  Sometimes when I watch tv i make up voices in my head.  Dani's is just perpetual whine.

Edited by Eater of Worlds
  • Love 6

You've got it dead on.  That's pretty much all she does is whine, and giggle inappropriately.

Dani wins with the whine, but Brett's giggle takes the cake.


PS, I see Yamir has joined the moob party... Too little, too late. Not to be mean, but those other guys in the band were little En Cinco (you like what I did there?) cuties. I do not find Yamir at all attractive, and I have a general fondness for Latino guys. He just looks like he has BO... I dunno.

  • Love 2


Brazil is not a backwater, impoverished wasteland. Surely, Cassia has had opportunities for success and happiness?


I've never posted on this show, but I had to interject.  For the most part, Brazil is a terrible place to come from for those that don't have money. 


The tourist spots are gorgeous, but just outside are the favelas.  Dangerous slums. Full of gangs and poverty.  Ruled by drug lords.







Not to say that Cassia lived in one of these, but I sure wouldn't want to live anywhere near one. 

Edited by Drogo
  • Love 5


I'm no fan of Danny's dad... but like I've said before, he seemed to come around.  His last talking head, he said "she honestly gets along with everybody, there's just something that strikes the heart"  


I mean I cannot excuse his earlier behaviors and perceptions, but hey, if he is starting to change his thinking based on how great Amy and her family are, that is a good thing.  And there has been a lot of hate towards Danny on these boards, but props to him for not seeing color, despite that it seems he was raised that way, and choosing love.  He may not be able to stand up to his father the way most of us would like, but he clearly didn't allow his father's bigoted opinions affect how he views people.. he chose Amy for her obvious intelligence, poise, beauty, and charm.

Racists like Danny's father do not change overnight. When he had Amy alone during the initial meet-up, he was able to say whatever he wanted because she's a sweet young woman who wouldn't speak to him like the trash he is. With Amy's family there at the rehearsal, he was severely outnumbered. I could tell Amy's mother would hand his ass to him if she had to.

  • Love 13

My dislike of Jason knows no bounds!  Does he really think that a 20-something girl would enjoy riding in that hot car, jammed between Asshole and his dad, sitting for five hours while they bid on a bunch of junk, and eating at early-bird specials at buffet restaurants to be fun and entertaining?  Cassie may not be a 10 on the scale, but she for sure do better than the boring, hoarding of junk, humorless, clueless, insensitive jerk she gave up everything to come to the U.S. for.  I just hope she realizes it before she's tied down to the dynamic duo of Jason and his dad.

Edited by parisprincess
  • Love 5

I made a comment last week ep that Chelsea is a hipster. She really is... Yamir and Chelsea just seem so different and at the end of the day I don't think they can get past this. They are young now but major life perference may cause issue towards there marriange.


I just see Chelsea working in a non profit somewhere in Portland. Yamir working in night scene more city base, just major difference and don't see them making scarfice and may hold grudges.

  • Love 1

PS, I see Yamir has joined the moob party... Too little, too late. Not to be mean, but those other guys in the band were little En Cinco (you like what I did there?) cuties. I do not find Yamir at all attractive, and I have a general fondness for Latino guys. He just looks like he has BO... I dunno.

I'll need to watch closer next time - I tend to multitask when I watch these shows, simply because they don't hold my interest and I just wait for the bits that I've read the most snark about such as the closed-door conversation between Dani and Mo.

Doesn't surprise me that Yamir along with Mo would gain weight after moving to the States and changing diets. I'm sure that their calorie intake has skyrocked while their physical exertion has plunged. [snip]

Edited by cooksdelight
Posting information from Social Media and Links thread
  • Love 1

I wondered about that too. I'm thinking that "biggest pop star" there doesn't exactly carry the same meaning that it might here. If that's even factually true and not hyperbole for the show.

She referenced not being able to take hot showers and whatnot, so I'm thinking if he were a big (and well-paid!) star, that would not have been a problem.


Yamir and Myla Box were in fact a big deal in Nicaragua, not sure if they are anymore


They of course would not in any way or shape resemble anything in the U.S. but they had their fans, their music, their presentations in clubs and what not.


Chelsea as part of a misionary group had to cater to the truly poor in Nicaragua so she probably was in areas were hot water was not a commodity and why would it be? Nicaragua's average weather is very high and they are almost in perpetual spring/summer all year long, people over there mostly take cold showers, but of course that in american standards would equal a state of extreme poverty.


Whether Yamir career here is nothing compare to the one he had in Nicaragua is not the point IMO, he had a career, he was working on something that he was passionate about and that fullfilled his dreams, it is not like Chelsea had anything waiting for her here, something like a JOB or even a job offer, she could have easily married there, stayed and travel to visit her parents every so often, and once the boy band was done, then they could have come to the U.S with a regular visa and not a K-1 visa.


Yamir was not only the lead singer, he was also the composer of their songs, that is why when he left basically the band was done. The manager as nasty as he was in the delivery was spot ohn when he told Chelsea that she was a manipulative liar, she is the one who convinced Yamir that his musical career from there could translate over here and have the same level of success when that is high;y unlikely and the manager knew that, that something like real facts was not about to get on the way of Chelsea doing whatever she wanted and getting her needs met first.


Not everybody or everywhere has to enjoy or share the same living standards as the U.S. poeple all over the world live in poorer places and yet they manage to have a happy life mainly because they work to live and not live to work. Comparison like this are just not fair.,

  • Love 13
I'm afraid Chelsea might be afflicted with FTL ~ failure to launch. A career in nonprofits can be ambitious but you can also turn it into a dead end if you want to.


I agree. Everyone I know who has done Peace Corps, Vista, etc, says it's a gig best suited to younger twenty somethings, because it's hard works and you know that you are going to be broke, like eating ramen and needing multiple roommates broke. My guess is that Chelsea started off wanting to save the world, but is now having a hard time envisioning herself doing anything else. 

  • Love 1

I agree. Everyone I know who has done Peace Corps, Vista, etc, says it's a gig best suited to younger twenty somethings, because it's hard works and you know that you are going to be broke, like eating ramen and needing multiple roommates broke. My guess is that Chelsea started off wanting to save the world, but is now having a hard time envisioning herself doing anything else. 


I think you're right-- someone who's all idealism (which goes with her hippie vibe) but no pragmatism. 

  • Love 1

Regardless as to the relative condition of the El Camino as a possible restoration project...I mean, it didn't look comfortable. No AC in Florida? and scrunched between Jason and Dad...not comfortable.

Oh, absolutely. It smelled like a producer setup, having them all 3 jammed in there with the footage of a miserable Cassia. Look how it got us all talking. Hopefully Cassia will be able to get her own car once she can legally drive, and the El Camino can just be Jason's.

I can't feel completely bad for Cassia. Jason is a knob, but she was pulling the same diva princess nonsense when she was still in Brazil. She wants 100% focus all the time. But she does seem to genuinely care for him, for some reason. I think they'll be married a few years and then she'll meet someone flashier.

I'm over Chelsea and Yamir. They're both dumb. He will not be famous in the US. She will swan around and never actually do anything.

And yes, it's nice that they can speak in Spanish to each other, but she didn't learn it for him, it was a product of the volunteering she was already doing.

I actually think Justin is the best with the language. Back in the first episode, it was obvious that he was trying to throw in some Spanish, even though he wasn't fluent. None of the others seem to have even learned a word of the different language.

Amy and Danny are like a million other religious couples who marry too young. The odds are very stacked against them. I hope that they manage to grow together instead of apart. It can work, but it's not very promising.

Dani and Mo are the bestest. They are both such horrible people that to see them together as a "couple" is just delicious. Not physically of course, I'm refusing to think about that. She couldn't be honest if she were on fire. And he's not nearly as clever as he thought he was. They are both engaged in a very slow motion game of chicken, and the joy is in wondering who will swerve first.

  • Love 8
I also noticed he jumped off the bench, it was too high to step down, and immediately turned away no thought of his fiancée who in a dress could certainly used a hand down


I have yet to see him open a door for Amy or seat her before he seats himself. For some reason, I expect a guy like Danny, who is so old fashioned in his views about sex to also have old-fashioned, gentlemanly manners. But I guess unlike premarital sex, there's no sin attached to letting the lady open her own damn car door.

Edited by sleepyjean
  • Love 2

Remember Amy and Danny met at a Bible college. Its program has some simliarites to the Duggar's ATI. For Amy's family to be able be able to send her to an expensive program abroad they must be from the upper level of their church community. It makes me upset that they met at a Bible college and share the same faith and belief system yet Danny's dad disapproves? Would he rather have a white finace that has had a kid out of welock, purple hair and is atheist? I see Danny's family like the Dugars in another way. It is fine for Danny to go to bible college abroad, do missionary work, convert anyone to Christianity but don't marry them. There is a very sick wrong movement amoung some of these "Christian" groups to be having large family to be God's white army.

Almost wish that Danny was smart enough to bring home some white tattooed with purple hair, upside down hanging crosses and major piercings just to punk him and then say.. oh yeah.. no THIS is my real financee, and then introduce sweet Amy. Not that there is anything wrong with tattoos, purple hair, etc.. but it would have been hilarious to give racist dad a heart  attack.  (I'm a mean person.)

My thoughts on the show. Posted late but still:

You think that Mo would have gone to a lawyer when he arrived to the States and not the day of the wedding.  I loved the lawyer’s response “there’s a lot of fraud”. I lmao

The girls Dani, don’t give a flying rat’s ass if he leaves. Actually they may help him pack. The only thing they care is that you stop blubbering like an idiot.  The one daughter saying she wasn’t going to come home if Mo wasn’t going to marry Dani. Of course not, cause then she would have to take care of mom. The one with the purple hair is the only one that wants to be on camera in my opinion. The rest look very uncomfortable with the camera crew.  I agree with posters that Dani is playing Mo and Mo is playing Dani. Both want something – she a fairy-tale and arm candy. Him – a green card. Everything else (i.e. Dani’s debts) is getting in the way of their goals. But I look at the house and I don’t see much there. Where the heck is she spending cash? Collections? Well only a few stuff here and there, nothing excessive. Gambling? Shopping channel? TLC would have smoked it out for storyline.

Jason/Cassia. The photo of all three in the front with Cassia in the middle in the el Camio was priceless.  Cassia’s pout was awesome. Why did she even come to the estate sale in the first place and not stayed back home?  She intruded on Jason’s time with the wife.. ummm I meant dad. I think Cassia likes the fact that Jason doesn’t have a 9-5 job. She wants someone to be there for her 24/7. What she really need was more of a sugar daddy who has some serious cash than someone like Jason. 

Fry voice/Yamir. Meh. Really get a life and move out of mom and dads. Get a job.

Like the fact that Daya had fish lips to man up and get a place of their own. Good girl. Hopefully they find friends under 50.

God I love Amy’s mom. Mom, just take your daughter away from those rednecks!  I’m hearting Danny’s mom.  “She will be our… my daughter in law.”  

Evelin and Justin. Meh. Who cares.

What are they drinking at Amy’s and Danny’s rehearsal dinner?  Looked like mojitos? 

This season was better than last. I hope they have #3 in the works with even more train wrecks.

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