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Season 2 Discussion


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You're making a couple of big leaps there.


According to Chelsea's linkedin profile, she was in college for four years, 2006 – 2010, and studied Spanish Language and Literature and Music Business. Not the most marketable degree, but no different from the millions of other liberal arts grads out there. It looks like during college she studied abroad in Chile, and when she came back, she held a job while still in school. After graduation, she joined the Peace Corps and went to Nicaragua. She was with the Peace Corps for a year, then stayed on in Nicaragua with a regular job for almost another full year. And now she's

working at AmeriCorps Vista in Galesburg.(Just got the job this month)

Which I guess tells us the outcome of the "let's move to Chicago" discussion in this week's episode. But my point is, she's no slouch. She got her degree, while holding a job and then did the Peace Corp thing, which is both admirable and no walk in the park. Looking at her work/education record, she doesn't appear to be a lazy leech on society.  Possibly her parents are supplementing her lifestyle in the form of money and/or free housing, but at least she's productive.


As for Jen, we've only seen her briefly. She's mean, intrusive, and rude for sure, but I don't understand how that equates to being drunk.

I give Chelsea props for serving in the Peace Corps.  I just feel bad that Yamir screwed himself over so royally career-wise.  There is no way he will have comparable success in the music industry here. As to the Justin/Evelin situation, while that Jen is a total bitch,  it's  mainly Justin's  total thoughtlessness that has created this awkward position for Evelin.  It was up to him to be making proper introductions to his family a long time ago and not keeping his fiancee under wraps like some deep, dark secret. Nor did he stand up for her when she was being subjected to his SIL's spiteful interrogation.  Who lets somebody they supposedly love get treated that way? Run Evelin! 

Edited by Gianthambeast
  • Love 3

Late to the party, as I have to watch online and it was only uploaded onto the site I use in the UK this evening.


I loved Amy's scenes this week - I thought the sisters and friends were so sweet to her and I really loved the effort they'd made for her bachelorette party. It was also lovely to see Amy with her mum, and all her scenes this week seemed very genuine rather than staged.


I thought the 'locking Daya out' scene was staged and that the conflict with the child was played up for drama. Brett is an idiot. A repulsive idiot.


I wasn't really watching with the NotAlexBaldwin and Evelin storyline but was listening to it while I did something else. The sister-in-law is a prize bitch. I can't believe she's only acting that way for the cameras.


Yamir is adorable, and could probably do better for himself than that entitled, plain-Jane, fry-voiced hippie. I wanted him to kill it at the audition, but I found it painful to listen to. From the looks on their faces, so did the producers.


As for Jason and Cassia - I LOL'd when he took his dad outside to tell him he was going to propose at the shark tank at the aquarium "because that's how I roll". Yeah, dude, you're so edgy and hardcore, with your poochy belly, moobs and old-man clothes. Cassia looked skanky at the aquarium, and I'm sure people seeing them together would think he'd rented her for the day, or the hour. And that ring had the teeniest diamond - you could tell she wasn't impressed "That's so ... pretty!" rather than the "Wow! That's gorgeous!" one would hope would be the reaction to an engagement ring.


I was pleased to see the pool has been cleaned, and I hope there weren't too many dead turtles lying on the bottom. I'm sure there's a few dead possums in the garage though, and the odd snake hiding in a corner.


I missed DaniMo this week ... but was not disappointed by the preview for next week - Dani hanging on Mo's arm delivering bad news of some kind ... Can't wait!

  • Love 7
As for Jason and Cassia - I LOL'd when he took his dad outside to tell him he was going to propose at the shark tank at the aquarium "because that's how I roll". Yeah, dude, you're so edgy and hardcore, with your poochy belly, moobs and old-man clothes. Cassia looked skanky at the aquarium, and I'm sure people seeing them together would think he'd rented her for the day, or the hour. And that ring had the teeniest diamond - you could tell she wasn't impressed "That's so ... pretty!" rather than the "Wow! That's gorgeous!" one would hope would be the reaction to an engagement ring.



This cracked me up because Cassia looked skanky and Jason looked like an old man/serial killer.  I didn't even see a diamond in that ring.  

  • Love 2

Not only that, I don't know about the Philippines, but my parents are foreign, and I can tell you, they were/are totally confused by the more forgiving American style of parenting.  What they were used to was a much more disciplinarian style, and I think with the way they raised us, they would have been confused if we had locked the door on them on purpose.  Thats just not how we were raised, children always showed respect to adults.  They didn't do a lot of talking back.  Daya may not be used to a child like Cassidy.

Well said. My parents are not American and locking a parent out of the home, talking back, or ignoring them pointedly when asked a question would have met with serious discipline in my household. Cassidy seems like a normal child and her behavior was pretty age-appropriate, but I do think it's important to instill the idea of respect in a child early on. I also think Daya genuinely wants to connect with Cassidy and that it did hurt her feelings that things did not go well in the beginning.

  • Love 3

I think the couple with the best chemistry is Justin and Evelin. They seem the most physically comfortable with each other.  Not sure if they are compatible or anything.  Can definitely understand why he wants to elope but I feel bad for his mom.


I think most of these couples are doomed because they don't KNOW each other.  Plus you can see that some are there and willing to do what it takes to get the green card or be supported financially.  It's a no lose situation for them I guess. 


I have not seen previous series.  Have any of the couples gotten married and stayed together?

I have not seen previous series. Have any of the couples gotten married and stayed together?

Yes, all four got married and are still together. They have discussion threads here, by name, and I think TLC may have some video of them on their site. Three of the couples did a reunion-type of show, letting us know what they are up to now. One couple declined, as they said the editing they received left a lot to be desired.

Well said. My parents are not American and locking a parent out of the home, talking back, or ignoring them pointedly when asked a question would have met with serious discipline in my household. Cassidy seems like a normal child and her behavior was pretty age-appropriate, but I do think it's important to instill the idea of respect in a child early on. I also think Daya genuinely wants to connect with Cassidy and that it did hurt her feelings that things did not go well in the beginning.

Cassidy came off as bratty to me. But it's probably because I wasn't raised by American parents, and if I ever disrespected an adult like that when I was her age, serious things were to follow.

I think it was the same with Daya when she was a child. Cassidy genuinely supprised her. I did not agree with liverlips one bit when he compared said he didn't want her summer to be like prison, I thought he was letting the kid walk all over him.

  • Love 2

Liverlips.... LOL.... he is standard fare for a father who doesn't get to see his child most of the year. They tend to overindulge so that the child will beg Mommy to let her go see Daddy more often. What he doesn't realize, based on his comments during this episode, is that he is creating a monster who will play one parent against the other unless some boundaries are set.

  • Love 3

On another forum there was an interview with a man that does this type of match ups.  He explains a lot about the "Fiance' Visa".  You can't come over on one and then switch partners.  Lots of rules and he said it is very stressful as he went thru it himself.  One of the biggest problems is that even though the sponsor has to visit the finance's home at least once in a two year period, the couples haven't lived together and we all know what a surprise that is.  Plus, the stress of knowing you have to be married in 90 days and he said that goes by real fast.  Lipstick alley.

damn, the us government are a bunch of haters!

  • Love 1

I felt for Daya the most this episode (Amy notwithstanding).


She's in a really tough spot:


- stepmom the day after she comes to a new country

- stepmom ON TV - trust that EVERY move she makes/is broadcast is being nitpicked to death by baby momma.

- stepmom to LiverLip's kid

- stepmom ALONE to LiverLip's kid - so basically unpaid nanny


She's in a lose-lose-lose situation when it comes to this bratty little girl.  Being a stepmom is tough under the BEST circumstances and this poor woman has been given nothing but the worst. 


You mean to tell me 'ol LiverLips couldn't take a few days off to stay home with them ?   The kid is there to see HIM and spend time with HIM - sure Daya is a welcome addition - but it's HIM she wants to see; so Daya faces the brunt of that aggression only to not be backed up in any type of discipline else it seem like prison. 

  • Love 5

You mean to tell me 'ol LiverLips couldn't take a few days off to stay home with them ? The kid is there to see HIM and spend time with HIM - sure Daya is a welcome addition - but it's HIM she wants to see; so Daya faces the brunt of that aggression only to not be backed up in any type of discipline else it seem like prison.

Yes, I've wondered what Brett would be doing with his child if Daya didn't exist? The GrannyRoomies work at the same plant as he does, so they wouldn't be available for babysitter duty.

And I don't think his mother lives close by? Or, perhaps, she has her own life and career?

Is this the first time Brett has had summertime 30-day visitation with Cassidy? I wonder how long he and Chanel have been apart? Surely, he had to have made childcare arrangements before, right?

I'd hate to think the gigglylicious Brett went and got himself a Filipino bride expressly because he needed a nanny? Gave her a industrial-grade diamond with a nice black polka-dotted inclusion, a bed for three and access to her own washer/dryer as payment in full? Yikes.

I agree that Daya picked up the term, "instamom," from the idiotic Brett. He's got his head in his ass in more ways than one.

I gotta keep reminding myself that OF COURSE there is something not right with all the Amercan betrothed we see on this show! If they were kind of average, on the prowl American guys, they would at least be dating in their own communities. The fact that they had to go to extremes shows me that they're deficient in one way or another. Social skills, outrageous expectations, unreasonable requirements for so-called "traditional" wifely duties..... Look at Danielle setting her hopes on the type of physical specimen she'd never attract in America, for example. Or, Jason and the bikini model? Reedunculous!

Looking for love in all the wrong places....

Edited by sleekandchic
  • Love 4

12 minutes in, and a few things....


1. Daya - your threats to call Brett when Cassidy acts up are misplaced.  That little girl is not scared of her father the way you and I would be.  She could give, not even one shit about whether or not you call her dad, because her dad...is a wimp.  Look forward to always being the bad guy with that little girl, because Brett will run off and leave her with you at the first possible moment so he doesn't have to be anything other than "fun dad" and he will always leave you to do the heavy work.


2. Justin's SIL Jennifer - first off, I actually do think she may be a drunk, they were showing footage of her from the family BBQ when he first brought over Evelin and there is something about the way she talks, its slow enough and belligerent enough to come off very drunk-y.  Like she has to wade through her mind to come up with someone to say to match her level of drunken belligerence.  Almost like a slowed reaction time due to alcohol.  And when she does do an action it seems so affected and over the top.  She also had that same thing going, but to a lesser degree, when they were doing their TH in front of the apartment complex before they went in.  second, how long has she known Justin, why is she so super hurt that she won't be involved in his wedding.  She clearly doesn't like Evelin so why does she want to insert herself? So she can throw out angry looks,talk shit and sabotage things?


3. Justin's SIL and brother - giving Evelin the third degree is not going to get you a wedding invitation.  And I don't think its so much the questions, but they are asking like she owes them answers.  I think they could ask the same questions with a different tone, and it would come off much better.  How the two of them are shocked that he is going to elope is beyond me.  For one, even if his family wasn't acting like jackasses, it is only 90 days to plan a wedding.  Its much easier for them to get married under the 90 day window and then plan a huge reception/party afterwards when they have the benefit of time.  Second, with the way you're acting why would he want either of you there?

and by the way, WTF is up with Justin's brother and SIL going in the same shirt?  weird, she probably dresses him.

  • Love 2

There are much nicer ways to get to know someone than Justin's brother and SIL showed, which tells me they are either really dense, don't care about Justin or his feelings, and just don't give a shit. For instance, WHAT was all of the interrogation about whether or not she had children all about? Is there some sort of family trust fund that Justin will get a bigger chunk of if he suddenly has a family?

  • Love 3



4. Yamir's meeting - I don't want to be a cynic, but I'm smelling a setup.  These two producers seem like great people, but they have worked with Stevie Wonder and Tom Waits.  I know that music can be appreciated and loved by different people, and people can love different styles of music, but it doesn't seem like they would know the ins and outs of reggaton and how to even promote such an artist or how to really produce the best album for a reggaton artist.  I don't think his audition went terrible, especially if he was using another track, but their time is precious, and why would they spend it on an artist whose music they may not be able to really help shine?


5. Brett - yes, you are absolutely right, Cassidy is not used to someone else being around, or you having a girlfriend.  Thats why I wonder why you chose the worst possible way to introduce both of those things to her.  Instead of taking Daya out for day or two to where Cassidy's mother lives and letting Cassidy meet her naturally, you instead chose to introduce your child to your fiance by simply putting them in the same bed and forcing them to spend most of their time together for a month.  For the month that YOU are supposed to be spending with YOUR child.  The only person who didn't consider Cassidy's feelings was Brett, nor did he consider Daya's feelings, he only considered Brett's feelings.  


5b.  Brett - And typical Brett style, he is bound and determined to make himself a victim of everything.  Yes, he set up the worst situation for everyone involved, but now Daya is put in the position of being an uncaring bitch when she wants him to discipline Cassidy.  And if he goes and talks to Cassidy, guess who he will blame for him having to be "mean dad"...oh thats right, that can all be placed on Daya.  He is such a victim of everything, what is he supposed to do?  Make her stay in a prison?  How about, you let her go to daycamp a few days a week so she can make friends and she isn't stuck with a total stranger all day?  How about take a few days off from work to smooth things over?  Nope, the only solution that will work is the one that makes Daya out to be a bitch, and Brett out to be the suffering victim.  Because when he tells the story, it won't be that Brett set up an awful situation, it will be that Daya just isn't being understanding towards his child.  He is such a monumental loser.  

There are much nicer ways to get to know someone than Justin's brother and SIL showed, which tells me they are either really dense, don't care about Justin or his feelings, and just don't give a shit. For instance, WHAT was all of the interrogation about whether or not she had children all about? Is there some sort of family trust fund that Justin will get a bigger chunk of if he suddenly has a family?

Thats the thing, I know if he were my brother I would have many of the same questions, because I know how it looks, and I wouldn't want to see either of my brothers get taken advantage of.  So I would have those questions, but there is a way you ask, and a tone you can use.  Unless you think someone is beneath you and they don't deserve your respect you don't come right out and start interrogating them.  


LOL, yeah, I'm wondering what the pot of gold they think is at the end of the rainbow for Evelin.  He is just a PE teacher, its a good job, but he isn't exactly rolling in the dough.

and might I add.  It may take time for Cassidy to get used to Daya, but that doesn't excuse being bratty and rude.  Of course it does to Brett, because he doesn't want to have to be "the bad guy."

  • Love 2

Interesting preview for next week.


1. the formal introduction to the racist father in law - I'm not sure if Texas is a separate country, but interracial couples are everywhere and doing just fine.  And not for nothing, but I think the racism and apartheid exist in South Africa, and it can be quite a bit worse, so I'm sure Amy is ready.  But, by all means, if you want to alienate yourself from your child and potentially from your grandchildren by being a racist, have at it old man.


2. What in the world does Dani spring on Mo next week?  I can't wait!

  • Love 4

Poor Evelyn will be so sad living with Justin with no genuinely close family around. I really hope they visit Columbia often or just move there. I wish Justin understood how much she needs a close knit family in order to be happy. That is a pretty big difference in values, IMHO - as big as religion can be to some couples. 

I hope thats not the case, for her sake.  Because someone like Jennifer will see Evelin's desire for a close family as a weakness she can attack.


She can either influence his brother to stay away, or make sure to make every family gathering unpleasant for Evelin.  Everyone else in that family appears happy to let Jennifer be a bitch, and they are probably just happy that they aren't her target.  I think Jennifer knows, to some degree, that if she pushes to hard with Justin, he will just say "fuck it" and stay away, because he doesn't seem to need them.  But if she knows that Evelin really wants a close family dynamic she probably figures she can be as mean as she wants and Evelin will keep coming back because family is so important to her.


I'm happy that Evelin is inviting Justin's mom dress shopping.  Maybe they end up just inviting mom to the ceremony.  I wouldn't want Jennifer around, because a wedding is supposed to be a happy and joyous day, and she just seems like a black cloud of negative energy.

  • Love 1

Jason reminds me of a cartoon turtle; his eyes don't open all the way.


Yes! Thank you! I noticed the weird eyes thing right away, but couldn't put it into words. He definitely gets his eyes from his dad. His dad has the same hooded, wide-set eyes but God just took it a step further with Jason. When he has his glasses on, he's not half bad. He takes them off, his eyes are a little creepy.


I think someone offered to pay Liver LIps & Daya for each time they say "instamom". What the hell was their problem with that word?

Edited by ShaNaeNae
  • Love 2

She can either influence his brother to stay away, or make sure to make every family gathering unpleasant for Evelin.  Everyone else in that family appears happy to let Jennifer be a bitch, and they are probably just happy that they aren't her target.  I think Jennifer knows, to some degree, that if she pushes to hard with Justin, he will just say "fuck it" and stay away, because he doesn't seem to need them.  But if she knows that Evelin really wants a close family dynamic she probably figures she can be as mean as she wants and Evelin will keep coming back because family is so important to her.


Jennifer seems the type of woman who marries into a family and then dominates it.  I have a friend (Linda) whose SIL did the same thing.  Linda was the only daughter and had a very close relationship with her mother.  Her brother's wife came into the family with the expectation that she would usurp Linda.  Although this woman had a close relationship with her own mother, she would complain that Linda's mother liked Linda more than her.


While I still find Brett a little repulsive, he's improving.  He now stands more upright, doesn't convulse with giggles every five seconds, and his voice has dropped an octave.  I still think Brett is Cassidy's father via artificial insemination. 

  • Love 2

Jason's brother and SIL are probably the worst people on earth. I could not BELIEVE the questions Jen was asking. With that smug smirk, like she was Alan Dershowitz scoring a legal point in the courtroom.


Or Barry Scheck - How about THAT Mr. Fung!


It's funny that Jason and his dad have several dogs. I fully expected to see a bunch of cats perched up on top of the various levels of plastic tubs.


I usually fast forward through their scenes because I find them difficult to look at.  I did see the scene in the garage with the bins.  Jason's father opened up one of the bins and started cooing about his "girls" or "babies".  For a moment I was horrified, and thought he was storing some living creature in those bins.  I then realized he was talking to the dogs.

I began to feel some sympathy for Justin.  I was Evelin at one time.  My late MIL was a controlling abuser who verbally and physically abused my husband (but not his brother or step-sisters).  I'm not saying Justin was abused, but I saw lots of shades of my late MIL in his mom.  The weeping.  The "my kids are all I have".  The "I just want everyone to get along" (when in reality, she doesn't).  She didn't like me.  My mother recognized early on he had been abused and invited him to live with them rather than return home (he had no choice - she got him kicked out of college - she emptied his account that held his student loan money and he couldn't pay the tuition).  That incensed her.  She initially sweet talked me and wanted me to go to college in her area and the two of us could live with her.  I didn't want to live where she lived and was happy where I was.  When I could see that I was the cause of some strife (before I knew the full story), I wanted him to make nice with her.  I wanted him to maintain the peace and the family dynamic.  I would prod him to go visit her when he didn't want to (it was a long drive and would involve a weekend).  I would prod him to call her when she was upset.  When the full picture emerged, I stopped doing that.  It made me worse in her eyes, but I stopped caring.


Absolutely, he should elope.  And not tell them where he's getting married.  My mom grew so weary of his mother interfering in our wedding plans that she said she'd give me money and we should just elope (and I'm an only child).  She threatened to show up on our honeymoon and annoy us by knocking on our door, etc.  I lied to her about where we were honeymooning.  She behaved so badly at the rehearsal that the minister tossed her from the church.  She didn't show up for the dinner and stiffed my parents for the bill.  She behaved badly at the service - the minister didn't ask if anyone wanted to say why we shouldn't get married.  She made faces at my dad.  Most of my wedding photos have me looking very upset and trying hard to smile.  She tried to trash the reception too.  She made a huge spectacle of herself.  My dad threw her out.  She told my husband it wasn't too late to go home with her.  He told her to go to hell.  They didn't speak for 3 years after that, and she continued to make him miserable until he learned to stand up for himself with years of therapy.  She died 7 years ago.


So I would plead to Justin that he open up about their family dynamic to Evelin - good, bad, or otherwise.  If he doesn't, he may grow to resent her for trying to keep the family happy.  I wish them luck.

  • Love 5

Jennifer seems the type of woman who marries into a family and then dominates it.  I have a friend (Linda) whose SIL did the same thing.  Linda was the only daughter and had a very close relationship with her mother.  Her brother's wife came into the family with the expectation that she would usurp Linda.  Although this woman had a close relationship with her own mother, she would complain that Linda's mother liked Linda more than her.


While I still find Brett a little repulsive, he's improving.  He now stands more upright, doesn't convulse with giggles every five seconds, and his voice has dropped an octave.  I still think Brett is Cassidy's father via artificial insemination. 

Its really the most humane option isn't it?


Sucks about your friend....yikes, what did she end up doing?

  • Love 1

I'd hate to think the gigglylicious Brett went and got himself a Filipino bride expressly because he needed a nanny? Gave her a industrial-grade diamond with a nice black polka-dotted inclusion, a bed for three and access to her own washer/dryer as payment in full? Yikes.


He purchased her, lock, stock and crappy ring.  My question is whatever happened to the other golden girl that he was having some heart to heart with in episode 1 or 2 before Daya came over? She was all gung ho about how she hoped that Daya wasn't using liverlips for the green card. How about liverlips not using Daya as a built in babysitter and bedwarmer!?

  • Love 3

I just can't with Brett. He had to time Daya's arrival for the one month when Cassidy is visiting, then throw them together in a bed in a house where 2 other people live? And Cassidy's mom is a dope for allowing that. She doesn't know what kind of person Daya is, and now is caring for her child?!


I'm telling you, Brett is a professional victim.  He isn't new the game on how to put himself into a piss poor position and then blame anyone around him when difficulty inevitably arises.


 Of course he had time to make better arrangements, but he didn't want to, he wanted to save money and put himself in the position to be pitied.  I wouldn't be surprised if Cassidy's mom is just as shocked at the sleeping arrangement as everyone else.  He probably either misrepresented, or she really didn't even think to ask because it seems so ridiculous.


Trust me, when Brett tells the story, its never going to be gee, I should have done a better job in making arrangements and its the reason why problems have developed, its going to be to blame Cassidy "I'm not sure why, but she just acts up with Daya and won't accept her" even though, a child visiting YOU for the summer has every reason to be disappointed that you've basically stuck her with an adult stranger she doesn't know for a month and she gets no alone time with you.  I still don't think the child should act out, but her feelings are justified.  


Or, its going to be to blame Daya, "gosh, Daya just isn't very understanding, she is just a little girl and she is trying to get used to the situation, but Daya is being so mean to her"  Nevermind that Daya flew over to the US to be with you, which is stressful enough, but now you have her playing full time Nanny to a chlid she doesn't know, and who has been set up to hate her.  Cassidy probably does, and could easily see Daya as the reason she doesn't get to spend more time with her dad and get him all to herself and blame Daya for that.  But of course, even though Brett set up that situation, it would never be his fault.


He is an asshole.

  • Love 3

There is something that strikes me as off about Justin and Evelin's story. He's too weird for me and seems forced when he speaks. The way he emphasizes words is just bizarre. Any time he says Elope, it just sounds odd. Even in the preview thing where he says "See deleted scenes and more at…." there's some weird affect going on there.


I think he's an asshole from day one with his King of the Bedroom bullshit. If he was that willing to be brutally honest with Evelin when she first got there by showing her the washer/dryer and dishes in the sink, and the expectation that she be a cleaning lady, then it's very hard to believe that he just could not get himself to say, "Look, my family is a little cuckoo and not very nice…" rather than act all weird about Evelin meeting them, telling her nothing, and then pushing into a dysfunctional environment with no warning whatsoever.  He showed zero regard for the "love of his life" by doing that. He has no emotion about him at all. Whether he is saying what the weather is or professing his love for Evelin it all comes out as flat, unattached, emotionless and robotic.


Evelin seems like such a nice gal.


I can't stand Danny simply because Amy is such a sweet person and I fear after they marry, he will expect her to bow to the man's wishes. He seems truly unconcerned about Amy in any way and does not look like he is having fun with her or fighting off lust. He looks blah. Inexperience with women does not make one completely detached when one enters your life. On the contrary, it would seem he would want to spend every waking moment with her or we'd see in his face that he was desperately trying to "control himself" around her. We see none of that. Just bland, sandpaper pecks on the mouth and no chemistry at all.


Liver Lips and Daya deserve each other. You never get a second chance to make a first impression, Daya. The luggage thing at the airport and the whole ring fiasco makes her a Class A Bitch in my book and that won't change.


Jason and whatshername are just meh.


I love in the preview how Mo says to Dani "We lost everything." What did he have? For that matter what did she have?

  • Love 2

My favorite scene was the one with Jake's baby son, when Justin and Evelin announced their engagement, trying to get elbow-deep into the plastic bag of grocery store doughnuts.  He's such a little pooh bear that he didn't know they most likely tasted like crap.


My least favorite scene was Amy speaking, and crying, with her mother on the phone because she missed her and because she was by herself in the countryside due to the simple-mindedness and selfishness of Danny's prissy ass.

In this episode Amy said "In order to get married in Danny's church" couples are encouraged to go through counseling as if she weren't quite used to it.  Based on her statement, I wondered if Danny and Amy were actually of the same faith or if, due to the different countries, churches of the same faith handled things differently or if this was an extra, invasive service offered by prissy Danny's church.


And listening to that swept hair goober whine about the responsibility of being Amy's sole friend and relative in the U.S. made me think that marriage is the last thing that should be on his mind.  If he couldn't see far enough into the future to realize that's a role that he'd have to handle once she showed up in the U.S. then he shouldn't have asked her to leave her country.  But I suppose if you can get a good-looking woman to shift countries for you then that goes a long way toward deflecting inquiries and suspicions about your real sexual interests--heh, heh.  Oh, lame Danny.

  • Love 1

In this episode Amy said "In order to get married in Danny's church" couples are encouraged to go through counseling as if she weren't quite used to it. Based on her statement, I wondered if Danny and Amy were actually of the same faith or if, due to the different countries, churches of the same faith handled things differently or if this was an extra, invasive service offered by prissy Danny's church.

Danny comes off as Evangelical to me and those churches tend to be local congregational and not headquarters denominational when setting up rules. We know they meet at Hillsong the Australian mega church linked to the largest U.S. Pentecostal denomination the Assemblies Of God.

And speaks perfect English. I wonder if her age has anything to do with it? She's almost 30 isn't she? I wonder if it gets more difficult after 30 to hook an American, or at least one who is relatively young, assuming many of the guys are looking for something they can't get here, chiefly a woman who is younger, better looking, more "trainable", and much more willing to do all of the cooking/cleaning/caretaking.

Actually it gets harder to hook up Filipino. There being no divorce means there are no local Brett's available to try marriage again. Just the older never married who remained single and widowers.

My favorite scene was the one with Jake's baby son, when Justin and Evelin announced their engagement, trying to get elbow-deep into the plastic bag of grocery store doughnuts.  He's such a little pooh bear that he didn't know they most likely tasted like crap.


My least favorite scene was Amy speaking, and crying, with her mother on the phone because she missed her and because she was by herself in the countryside due to the simple-mindedness and selfishness of Danny's prissy ass.

When you're young, it only has to be sweet to be a winner.  I shudder to think of the things I used to think were tasty.....pixie sticks are at the very top of the list.  Those were really just sugar in a tube, no aromatics, no subtle undertones or notes of flavor, no richness, just sugar, slightly flavored, very colorful.

I don't feel comfortable speculating that Justin had an abusive childhood with his mother. IDK...that just doesn't seem right to me given how little information we have about his relationship with his mother.

As I said in my post, I wasn't saying that Justin was abused.  I was just saying there was a lot of simiarity between her and my husband's mother, who was extremely controlling.  The controlling/drama issue would explain why he had a turnstyle at his bedroom door (per his friend in the first episode).  I've spoken to two girls that my husband dated before me, and they took off because his mother created too much drama.  I had to stare down both step-sisters and their spouses the first time I went to his house to meet his family, and I was grilled by both of them.  She'd tell my husband that he needed to talk to his brother and tell him to get his life on track.  Then after he'd say something to his brother and we'd leave, she'd tell his brother that she didn't know where my husband got off talking to him that way.  He's only reconnected with his brother in the past year or so.  He tried to reconnect with the step-sisters, but that's a whole other level of dysfunction and we had to finally stop dealing with them.


She didn't physically hurt my brother-in-law, but he recently said she messed with his life in the same way - he could never hold a girlfriend for long.  His mom would chase them all away by playing the same games.  That's why I said I would hope that Justin would open up to Evelin IF there is any weird family dynamic going on so that she stops trying to play the peacemaker because it generally doesn't work.  If I had money, I'd bet it that everything that was said at Justin's dinner was discussed with the mother beforehand.  And it was reported right back to her afterward.


Just like my husband moving in with my family rather than go home, Justin getting married means he's no longer in someone else's control, be that his brother, his mother, or someone else.  It will be interesting to see how this plays out.

Edited by funky-rat
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The whole family is letting Jennifer be their representative, ambassador and mouthpiece.  The mother didn't chastise Jennifer, she chastised Justin.  Justin is clearly uncomfortable with all of them. They are a rotten bunch.  I really do wish Evelin would put a sock in it with her "family is important" and her savior complex.

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I think a big part of Danielle was too lazy to invest herself in a real relationship, where you have to be honest, connect, impress in some way by being successful, funny, or kind. She chose instead to go to a site where men would immediately pretend to fall over themselves for her attention, knowing that they were doing it for a green card. She new the hope for a green card was her ace because she has nothing else. I don't feel sorry for her at all. This was her plan. This was what she was looking for. This is what she found. Someone beholden to her for the green card. She's over the moon.  It has worked out for her as she intended.

  • Love 7

The whole family is letting Jennifer be their representative, ambassador and mouthpiece.  The mother didn't chastise Jennifer, she chastised Justin.  Justin is clearly uncomfortable with all of them. They are a rotten bunch.  I really do wish Evelin would put a sock in it with her "family is important" and her savior complex.

Yeah, something is just off with them - not sure what - but something isn't right.  And she'll continue to try to play the peacemaker until she no longer feels that she's the root of the cause of this, and that may take some time.  I hope things even out before she decides she's had enough and takes off.  It sucks being the one that gets the brunt of a family's ire, even if it's not deserved.

  • Love 4

I think a big part of Danielle was too lazy to invest herself in a real relationship, where you have to be honest, connect, impress in some way by being successful, funny, or kind. She chose instead to go to a site where men would immediately pretend to fall over themselves for her attention, knowing that they were doing it for a green card. She new the hope for a green card was her ace because she has nothing else. I don't feel sorry for her at all. This was her plan. This was what she was looking for. This is what she found. Someone beholden to her for the green card. She's over the moon.  It has worked out for her as she intended.

Exactly.  I couldn't have said it better, she wants all the reward with as little effort as possible.


Its pretty much a contract with equal consideration.  Mo brings youth, good looks, a degree of intelligence.  Danielle brings financial support and a green card.  I think they both knew the score going in, so to me, she is just as much, if not more of a con than Mo, because to date, he has kept up his end of the bargain, and she has not kept up with the financial support. Without the green card + financial support Mo is clearly out of her league.


And its not just because she is overweight, a lot of men like women with curves, and men from the middle east most especially (from my experience).  But she is sloppy looking.  She always looks messy, and its not due to her being overweight.  I've met many overweight women who take great care with their appearance, and they look great.  She always looks messy.  She knows full well that a man who looks like Mo, at his age, with a reasonable amount of intelligence, is not going to truly be interested in an sloppy overweight woman, 15 years his senior, with 4 daughters, barely making ends meet and can barely speak English. She just doesn't want to put in the work and effort it would require to be the type of woman that can attract a man she wants, so, like you said, she took the route that required the least amount of effort.

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