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Season 2 Discussion


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I was afraaaaaid you'd leeeeeeeeeeeeeave meeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!!!<br /><br />Sorry.<br /><br />I missed my "fix" last night. I would happily pledge money to see Mo coming up with reasons he can't have sex all the way up to ONE day after the green card. Poor guy. I talk about these two all the time as if they were relatives. Here's the only good thing about them not having a segment - I get to go to sleep without feeling rotten for enjoying them so much, and I don't have to pray for forgiveness or ask God to be with the starving pygmies in New Guinea.

  • Love 4

Oh, and I am loving Amy. She is precious, her mother is precious, the wedding gown segment was great. Definitely Team Amy. <br /><br />Couldn't believe the ratty comment the dad made about interracial marriages in the US. I'm sorry...what??? Surely that is cut-and-paste made for TV. How incredibly archaic!!! I'd love to have been a fly on the wall when that for-real convo happened. If Danny doesn't man up, this forum will blow sky high. Amy is the all-around fave.<br /><br />Chelsea: please just STOP. She says she's been away from her parents for 10 years with college and then her volunteer work. (Volunteering as what?). Ten years is a long time to be returning and get so immediately attached to home base, don'tcha think? There's just something so over the top "story line"ish about that whole deal. What did they THINK would happen when they came to America. Can they possibly be so truly dumbfounded (mentioned again last night) that The MylaVox days are over? I think not, but then I think this whole thing is a publicity gig with a cash payout. I bet they end up back in Nicaragua. Other posters are dead on saying she was in love with the idea of being with a pop star - not so in love with the "star" himself. I want to shake her. They always say they are so "busy" acclimatizing Yamir to the U.S. What does that even mean??? I wondered too why Chels wasn't in the studio helping him to communicate. How much better would that have gone if Lucy had been in there supporting Ricky? There's just so much setup in their segments. Yamir ALWAYS looks like a deer in the headlights during the TH bits. Oh Yamir. Yamir, Yamir, Yamir. If you go thru with this thing, yours is going to be a very long road indeed.

  • Love 1

I feel like I understand Justin a little better now. I still think he's a tool (King of the bedroom, my ass), but I get him more now.


I think Justin is from one of those families where the members want to believe they are close, and if asked, will say that they are close, when in reality, they hardly spend any time together, don't particularly like each other, and aren't very supportive, caring, or engaged with each other. They aren't really in each other's lives, yet when something big happens, like a marriage, all of a sudden it's "family family family" and everyone wants to be involved and have an opinion. 


And as is common with these kinds of families, there's the one member who isn't all that interested in maintaining the fiction. Justin is that guy. He's not used to having his family in business, doesn't want them in his business, and he resents their sudden intrusion and interest in his life. Especially so because the brother and his wife are using "we're family" as an excuse for their rude, judgmental, intrusive, and otherwise obnoxious behavior. On top of that, the mother is trying to guilt him into a closer relationship with his brother, even though she knows deep down you can't make people feel something they don't. There's a reason why they aren't close, and her wanting things to be different doesn't make it so.


It's kind of fascinating to see the brother and his wife go into victim mode. They can't believe Justin doesn't want their input, doesn't want them at the wedding, etc. Yet if they had any self-awareness at all, they'd see the obvious: Justin doesn't particularly like his brother, isn't very close to him, doesn't value his opinion, and doesn't care for his wife. And all of it is pushing Justin even further away.


Evelin, meanwhile, is from one of those families that actually is close. (I assume, although we haven't seen any homesickness or tearful video chats with her family.) She doesn't understand the way Justin's family operates. She just wants Justin's family to be as close as hers, and wants to fix it. It's a little arrogant actually, when you think about it, thinking she she knows how they should be and that she can walk in and fix a family dynamic that's been in play for 30+ years. I hope if they do get married, she lets it be and isn't on him all the time, trying to fix it.

  • Love 5

I was put off when Amy said 'Your sisters are making such a big effort' and Danny said 'Yeah, a BIG EFFORT'.  I always seems like he feels she's a lesser being and should be grateful for what she gets.  I do think it was really nice of the sisters but it was fun for them as well and Amy deserved it since Danny puts in no effort at all.  If he wants to know what a BIG EFFORT is, that's leaving your family and your way of life to be with his skinny ass.  I just don't see the attraction.  He must have been really different when he was on his own in Australia.


Holy crap did I miss Dani and Mo!  I need a whole hour every week...for eternity.

  • Love 7

I really hope that Justin and Evelyn elope and then RUNNNNN back to Columbia to have a huge wedding and then live there 4evr and ever. Justin is a gym teacher (I think?) and he if he moves to Columbia, he could possibly get a job teaching English or phys. ed there. Evelyn could be close to her loving family and be a dance teacher again. I think her family would really embrace him and welcome him. He could have his beautiful wife with her incredible cheekbones and a brand new family. His family ... who cares? 


I wish Amy has selected the first wedding dress she tried on - the one with the spaghetti straps and detailing on the back. It was soooo pretty. With all of her new Sisters-in-Law and their Pinterest ideas, I think she'll have a beautiful wedding. 

  • Love 4

I'm not feeling the warm-and-fuzzies for Amy's bridal shower, which is usually an hour or two some afternoon.  Naturally, THIS family has to rent a whole ginormous house (how much did that cost?) and then not even use the dining room or kitchen, but instead spread out a big, fancy dinner in their beloved rural wilderness (which Amy doesn't love, being a city gal; why not a trip into Philly if they had to drag it out for an entire weekend?).  Even without the cringe-worthy intrusive interrogation and somewhat sadistic bridal games, it's like this big octopus of a family has to draw Amy into its codependent lair with it's many arms and tentacles.  Kudos to Cassia for wearing snakeskin!

  • Love 4

I'm not feeling the warm-and-fuzzies for Amy's bridal shower, which is usually an hour or two some afternoon.  Naturally, THIS family has to rent a whole ginormous house (how much did that cost?) and then not even use the dining room or kitchen, but instead spread out a big, fancy dinner in their beloved rural wilderness (which Amy doesn't love, being a city gal; why not a trip into Philly if they had to drag it out for an entire weekend?).  Even without the cringe-worthy intrusive interrogation and somewhat sadistic bridal games, it's like this big octopus of a family has to draw Amy into its codependent lair with it's many arms and tentacles.  Kudos to Cassia for wearing snakeskin!


They rented the home for the weekend so I assume they made use of the rooms of the home throughout that time.

  • Love 1

So true. Chelsea must give some now after yamir gave up so much for her. Also I hope the African American producers hook him up with modern Spanish producers and Chelsea cud have translated for him. He should have called her to translate.

I hate Justin sister in law. They wonder why they eloping. Jennifer your a fake asshole bith. Look how rude and closed minded u are. I fell in love with a guy overseas and we love each other 14 years later. Was very hard. Ur brother don't need ur judgemental shit.  They fell in love thousands of miles apart and  have had to spend a lot of money traveling, international long distance, and she had to leave everything, her family, job friends, everything behind to come be with Justin.. people don't do that for nothing.. not even for a fucking green card .  and why you asking her if she has kids?  what the fuck kind of question is that.... Jennifer and Husband of jen,  you both really need to see how rude you both have been.. I hope rather then be defensive you actually see it from their view , that they are in love, and when your in love you will follow that love to the end of the planet if I quote Chelsea... I am so mad at you jenn.   it was so bad and hurtfull how you grilled her....pisses me off as a person who has been there.

Edited by David sey
Low key – it makes me feel a certain way that this show has had its fair share of interracial relationships between Asian women/ white men and ethnic/cultural intermarriage between Latino women and white men, but as soon as someone who probably has a few drops of black blood shows up somebody has a fucking problem with. Maybe it is a coincidence but it bothers me.



Especially when the person with "a few drops of black blood" is the SAME COLOR as said Latina and Asian women.  WTF people!  Amy is my color and I'm black and people ask me "what are you?"  


I wonder why Danny's dad lives in Texas?  Does the rest of the family live there?  

Maybe it was just my TV, but Yamir sounded really bad when he was signing. The woman producer was following script, but the look on her face said it all. 

I don't know why you would do a semi-rap when you're career has been in boy band music.  Boy bands do not rap. You couldn't tell what his voice was like at all from that audition.  I was horribly disappointed.


See, thats the thing.  I haven't seen the episode, but it seems like Jason feels like he is going for a "dry wit and delivery", but it comes off very potential serial killer to me.

That's exactly what he's going for.  He's just not very good at it. 


For those wondering what kind of music Yamir was performing, it's reggaeton. 

That makes so much sense now!  I remember he even mentioned that's what he was doing but I have never heard of the word "reggaeton" before so I wasn't sure if he was speaking english or spanish.


I kind of understood what Brett was saying. I have a friend who is very lenient with his daughter when she visits during the summer because he wants her to have good memories of their time together. Therefore, he's not as quick to punish her for fear of appearing too strict to her. However, I also think Daya had a point. Since she is spending the bulk of her day caring for the child, some boundaries and discipline need to be set in place. I do think Brett's daughter was acting up a little because 1) she's with a stranger and wanted to test the limits, and 2) she was likely bored out of mind in that house. That house is primarily occupied by two older women as well as Daya and Brett, so it's not like there's the luxury of a dedicated play space. Once they went to the park and to the lake, she brightened up and was very sweet to Daya. She also seemed to enjoy the craft activities, like coloring, when Daya set that up.

This kind of parenting drives me nuts.  I think it's ok for Daya to feel overwhelmed and express concern because she's the primary caregiver in this situation. I can't believe Brett pretty much said he didn't like disciplining his daughter when she's with him.  I bet her mother LOVED hearing that.


Oh, I forgot. Chelsea was on the trip. The shot was then Yamir going into the studio alone. Sure.

I get why Chelsea didn't go with him... but at the same time.. WHY did she not??? The dude hardly speaks english and it probably would have helped if he had someone to translate for him especially when he got a bit stuck.  

Especially when the person with "a few drops of black blood" is the SAME COLOR as said Latina and Asian women.  WTF people!  Amy is my color and I'm black and people ask me "what are you?"  


I wonder why Danny's dad lives in Texas?  Does the rest of the family live there?  

I kinda wonder that too.  To me it seemed like the rest of his family (all of his brothers and sisters) live in PA in the same area.

  • Love 1


To me, Mom's face and words personified the terrible effects of living with and knowing the immorality of racial bias and discrimination. Mom broke down in two separate interviews/THs. And I don't believe her tears had much to do with happiness for her daughter or with sadness for losing her daughter to a new marriage and life in a faraway country.


THIS. The race issue on this show is REALLY pissing me off, particularly since no one (on the show) is calling it out for what it is RACIST BS. Amy and her family are so gracious and polite, they are not saying anything (or it's being edited out) about how repugnant those beliefs are.


I can't believe the clips from next week that show the dad saying: "this type of marriage is not accepted here." This is typical of perceptions of racist douchebags that their racist beliefs are shared by most others. I mean I know racism still abounds around the world, but Barack Obama is the democratically elected president of the US and he just so happens to be a biracial man married to a black woman. That has to mean something about growing "acceptance." It is shameful that the show/people allow this kind of bigotry to happen without calling it out. Thankfully, the rest of Danny's family doesn't seem to be showing these attitudes (except for the ridiculous 'speak African' ignorance). 


ALSO, who was the token black girl at Amy's bachelorette? She looked like a minor, not in any way in the same age group as his sisters. It just made me wonder.

Edited by Beebee111
  • Love 2
THIS. The race issue on this show is REALLY pissing me off, particularly since no one (on the show) is calling it out for what it is RACIST BS. Amy and her family are so gracious and polite, they are not saying anything (or it's being edited out) about how repugnant those beliefs are.



I'm kind of confused as what you mean by calling it out?  What should somebody say on TV?  In most reality shows, people don't call others out, in fact in life, people don't call each other out.  


To me it speaks volumes that the dad lives in Texas; maybe he's been banished there or something.  Maybe some of the family doesn't want to have anything to do with him, so he stays in Texas.   And if he said, "this type of marriage isn't accepted here" WTF is that supposed to mean?  What "here" is he talking about?  The mother of the President of the United States was a white woman, his father was a black man.  Black people marry white people in Texas, so unless the dad is talking about a tiny corner of his own brain, the man is a jackass.  And if "dad" is my age (fifty-ish) then he really needs to take a seat and not get up.

Edited by Neurochick
  • Love 1
I can't believe the clips from next week that show the dad saying: "this type of marriage is not accepted here."


I know, right?  Way to make all of us look like filthy, disgusting racist scum.  And the self-righteousness of feeling superior to 75% of humanity with God's approval on account of his pasty complexion, because he identifies with religious fundies and instills virginity worship in his offspring.


  • Love 5


I'm kind of confused as what you mean by calling it out?  What should somebody say on TV?  In most reality shows, people don't call others out, in fact in life, people don't call each other out.


What I mean is on one on the show has explicitly said Danny's dad prejudice is ignorant or offensive or downright wrong, as if it is Danny's dad who needs to be catered to or treated with kid gloves. Amy and her mom have behaved so graciously in the light of what has been shared with them. Of course, this may just be the editing - and they may have voiced stronger objections which the editors chose not to show because it interfered with their story line.


I agree with you that people often just let bad behaviour (sexism, racism, homophobia etc. etc. etc.) slide without challenging or questioning it but I don't think that makes it right. JMHO. YMMV.

  • Love 4

It wouldn't surprise me if all this boils down to when Danny's father finally makes his entrance is a "you know you might encounter some opposition from some people, and you should be prepared for that."  In other words, much ado about nothing, as is TLC's wont!  For we all suspect that Danny would, for whatever reason, seize upon any roadblock he could find to throw up between himself and poor Amy.

  • Love 3

I think the Amy story makes me the most sad. I kind of want her to say "You know, maybe we aren't ready to get married just yet." If she wants to stay in this country, I'd love for her to come on her own visa (H1 or student visa for graduate studies) and explore and meet some interesting and progressive people. I sincerely want good things for her, especially since she seems very sweet, poised, well-spoken, and intelligent. I'm not sure if Danny and this life is what will make her happy and fulfilled. I hope she is one of the few that decides not to get married, or if they do, that he matures after marriage.

I have to give Daya a little break.  Who knows how much interaction she's had with children in the past.  A day after she meets Brett's daughter, she's left to care for her and, although she hopes they can bond immediately, doesn't realize how much time it actually takes.  In her TH's, she appeared to be serious about making it work, but it wasn't until she had that talk with Brett that she realized she needed a different approach.  I was really glad to see that it worked out in the end and that Cassidy seems to enjoy being with her now.  As for Brett, in spite of his stupid remark about jail, he did comfort Daya and was encouraging to her.    

Not only that, I don't know about the Philippines, but my parents are foreign, and I can tell you, they were/are totally confused by the more forgiving American style of parenting.  What they were used to was a much more disciplinarian style, and I think with the way they raised us, they would have been confused if we had locked the door on them on purpose.  Thats just not how we were raised, children always showed respect to adults.  They didn't do a lot of talking back.  Daya may not be used to a child like Cassidy.

  • Love 6

What I mean is on one on the show has explicitly said Danny's dad prejudice is ignorant or offensive or downright wrong, as if it is Danny's dad who needs to be catered to or treated with kid gloves. Amy and her mom have behaved so graciously in the light of what has been shared with them. Of course, this may just be the editing - and they may have voiced stronger objections which the editors chose not to show because it interfered with their story line.


I agree with you that people often just let bad behaviour (sexism, racism, homophobia etc. etc. etc.) slide without challenging or questioning it but I don't think that makes it right. JMHO. YMMV.

Yeah, this has sort of annoyed me too.  When Danny first told Amy, he almost told her in a tone where it was like "don't worry Amy, its not your fault for being black, its okay, don't feel bad about the fact that you're black and my dad won't like you"  instead of saying "listen, my dad is a complete racist jackass, please don't blame me for the racist loins from which I have sprung."

  • Love 7
I don't know why you would do a semi-rap when you're career has been in boy band music.  Boy bands do not rap. You couldn't tell what his voice was like at all from that audition.

Based on the little bit of performing we saw Yamir do on the show, and the two Myla Vox videos I watched on YouTube, that exact sort of "semi-rap" is exactly what Yamir did with Myla Vox, except it was limited to short bursts here and there (as opposed to a whole song.) If I remember correctly, when he performed at the Myla Vox event, all we saw him do was go "boom boom." I don't think he actually sings.


It was sad watching Yamir audition for two people who probably haven't worked with a successful talent in 40 years, don't know jack about reggaeton, and have absolutely nothing to contribute to his career.  Surely Chicago is big enough that there's some sort of pop music scene, but maybe they couldn't find anyone with legit industry cred who was willing to be part of the show. TLC is rapidly becoming the Jerry Springer of networks. I can't blame anyone for turning them down.


I find myself disliking the Chelsea/Yamir situation less. I'm not necessarily falling in love with the two of them, but my anger is lessening as it becomes more and more obvious that it's not so much selfishness as immaturity and a major lack of foresight.  These two didn't think any of this through. At all.  So now reality enters the picture, and here is the rude awakening. Myla Vox is over? Oh no! Move away from my parents? Oh no! Do anything at all besides sit in my parent's basement? Oh no!


Having said that, I didn't hear Chelsea refuse to move to Chicago. I heard her say that after being away for a long time, she missed her parents and didn't want to move again. And her parents probably missed her too. Those are perfectly legit feelings. However, now she has to balance those feelings against a loved one's dreams and wants and desires. It will be interesting to see if she loves him enough to be selfless. And it will be interesting to see if his career is important enough for him to push the issue with her.  So far, he's been completely passive about everything.

Edited by sleepyjean
  • Love 2

I guess I'm not understand the pearl-clutching over saying that Danny seems like he might be gay.  There are tons of speculation about "straight" reality show men who appear to swing the other way.  Danielle's husband from the most recent episode of RHoOC comes to mind.  And one need only to head over to the Vanderpump Rules forum to see endless speculation on Jax's and Tom Sandovahl's sexual orientation.  Of course, there are many more--that's just off the top of my head. I don't recall anybody being up in arms about those conversations. 


Personally?  I could give a rat's ass if he's straight, gay, bi, transgender or what-have-you.  He's a tool at any sexual orientation.    

  • Love 11

I guess I'm not understand the pearl-clutching over saying that Danny seems like he might be gay.  There are tons of speculation about "straight" reality show men who appear to swing the other way.  Danielle's husband from the most recent episode of RHoOC comes to mind.  And one need only to head over to the Vanderpump Rules forum to see endless speculation on Jax's and Tom Sandovahl's sexual orientation.  Of course, there are many more--that's just off the top of my head. I don't recall anybody being up in arms about those conversations. 


Personally?  I could give a rat's ass if he's straight, gay, bi, transgender or what-have-you.  He's a tool at any sexual orientation.    

Seems like Danny's in line with the Duggars about possible homosexuality, it just blows peoples' minds that it might be a possibility. It might tarnish their reputations among their church! *clutches pearls*


Frankly, I hope he is gay. That's the only real excuse for him not treating Amy exactly how she deserves to be treated. He acts like he's utterly terrified of her, doesn't worry about her needs at all, gives her his emotional scraps, and couldn't give a fuck less if she were even around. He might not think acting that way is a big deal, but I can tell you that she certainly will, especially if it doesn't change. He might have a nice family, but that isn't going to make up for him ending up being a crap husband.

  • Love 1

Just wondering what Chelsea does for a living, if anything, or does she just volunteer? She claims to have 10 years of college under her belt. I just wonder what her degree is? I think Chelsea and Yamir are counting on the TLC exposure to push him to pop music stardom. I think once this season has ended and his lofty music goals haven't panned out, they are doomed as a couple. He will grow to resent while as he wakes up at 5am to scrape ice off the car to get to his shift at the meat packing plant.


Jason and Cassia... You guys crack me up with your descriptions of Jason. Turtle eyes....rheumy eyes....Hahah! Spot on! I wonder if Cassia is ever going to get that 2 toned monstrosity of hair fixed before her wedding. Yes, she's pretty from the neck down. She has the body type that can wear any outfit and look great. But because of her dingy teeth, 12 inch long dark roots and creepy eye makeup, she just looks dirty to me and like she has bad breath too. 


Daya was too "in your face" to Cassidy when they first were alone together. I would've got an arts and crafts type project, sat at the kitchen table and told Cassidy if she'd like to do an art project too that she was welcomed to join me. Then, just do some small talk as you paint and go from there. A little bit each day. 


Amy really is lovely. My DVR cut off during next week scenes with Danny's dad, so I missed exactly what he said about mixed marriages. I really hope Danny and his siblings stick up for Amy if dad is rude to her. Luckily he lives out of state so Amy won't have to deal with Dad all the time. 

The thing with Danny and Amy is, she seems so mature and carries herself like a grown woman and Danny could pass for a 12 year old with that skinny body and haircut. I'm rooting for them though and they have the best chance at a decent relationship.


Justin (?) and Evelyn....He seems like he's afraid of confrontation and he's learned to steer clear of family functions for the most part. He needs to grow some balls with bro and sis-in-law vader and tell them to butt out of their wedding plans. Mom can come to the reception. If family is so important to Evelin, they should just eventually move back to her country, because once they are married, they won't be having family dinners with his family. There's a lot of underlying dysfunction there and it will surface soon enough. 


Mo and danielle...maybe the TLC people needed a break from her whiny clinginess. From my own experience with a K-1 visa. After marriage, you have to wait 2 years to apply for a green card and that process is not cheap either. I wonder how they'll afford that? Also, we haven't heard about Moe's family in Tunisia. Who wants to bet no one is flying in for the wedding?

  • Love 1

He needs to grow some balls with bro and sis-in-law vader and tell them to butt out of their wedding plans.

He's lost that opportunity, every time he announces loudly that they are going to ELOPE on the beach. I can see sis-in-law now, up in the crow's nest or the lifeguard station, binoculars glued to her eyes, then screaming loudly "THEY'RE THERE!!!!!!" and the entire family making a stampede for the ceremony.

  • Love 2

Did anyone think that Darth Vader - aka sister-in-law Jen - might be a drunk? Watching the pool party clips and the dinner party clips over again she has that exaggerated way of speaking that drunk people do when they are trying to hide how plastered they are. Something is just not right with that woman. God bless Evelyn for handling that barrage with grace. 


I think that Justin really does love Evelyn. It seems like he was very sincere last week when he told his brother she makes him a better person. Plus, when they interact and the camera catches them "off guard" it seems like he's his genuine self with her. I hope it works out for them. 

It's funny that Jason and his dad have several dogs. I fully expected to see a bunch of cats perched up on top of the various levels of plastic tubs.

Oh I'm sure the cats have all died in that death trap of a garage.  I've seen enough Hoarders to know that there are probably a good 5-7 dead cat bodies in that mess, probably a few raccoons not wiley enough to make it out, and most certainly a nest a rodents, the money will be on whether they are mice, rats or something a little more exotic.

  • Love 2

Oh I'm sure the cats have all died in that death trap of a garage. I've seen enough Hoarders to know that there are probably a good 5-7 dead cat bodies in that mess, probably a few raccoons not wiley enough to make it out, and most certainly a nest a rodents, the money will be on whether they are mice, rats or something a little more exotic.

Poor kitties :(



Did anyone think that Darth Vader - aka sister-in-law Jen - might be a drunk? Watching the pool party clips and the dinner party clips over again she has that exaggerated way of speaking that drunk people do when they are trying to hide how plastered they are. Something is just not right with that woman. God bless Evelyn for handling that barrage with grace.

I think that Justin really does love Evelyn. It seems like he was very sincere last week when he told his brother she makes him a better person. Plus, when they interact and the camera catches them "off guard" it seems like he's his genuine self with her. I hope it works out for them.

She just looks and talks like an ugly former sorority girl way past her prime. As I mentioned previously, she has danielle arms.

  • Love 3

Hi-- first time poster! Love the snark around here and thought I'd get in on the action. :)


I don't know what it is about this show-- maybe I find a strange appeal in the sensations of horror and outrage some of these people inspire in me. 


Danielle of the massive Tharms(thigh-arms):    I guess what bothers me about her is her total lack of self-awareness.  She has nothing to offer a young attractive guy other than a green card-- does she get that?  Ordinarily I would feel bad for her, but her obliviousness just makes me feel like she deserves whatever she gets. 


Evelin/Amy: sweet, lovely women who need to wake up and realize they are way too good for the men they are with (kinda like Pao and Kirylan (sp?) last season), but who will prolly go to the altar  like lambs to the slaughter. 


Daya/Cassia/Mo:  Individuals willing to indenture themselves to FAR less attractive partners for material gain.  We'll see how long they can tolerate this arrangement.


Brett:  Ewww.  Weak, bumbling, physically repellent with his gargantuan, bright-pink earthworm lips.  I shudder every time he comes on screen.  How did he ever manage to convince one woman to breed with him, let alone TWO?

Edited by Gianthambeast
  • Love 5

I'm pretty sure Daya just thinks "instamom" is another word for "stepmom". Every time she uses it, "stepmom" would make just as much sense ... I blame Mr. Liverlips for introducing her to this stupid fake word.

I just adore Daya...


Liverlips just kills. He was bumbling around about how Daya is a girly girl, etc., when she is self-described tomboy. He clearly has no concept of anything. I did noticed; however, that Daya seems to have brought more clothes along than anyone else. I am yet to see her in a repeat outfit.

  • Love 1

I just adore Daya...


Liverlips just kills. He was bumbling around about how Daya is a girly girl, etc., when she is self-described tomboy. He clearly has no concept of anything. I did noticed; however, that Daya seems to have brought more clothes along than anyone else. I am yet to see her in a repeat outfit.

All I can say, is don't ever let me ever get on a reality show, or on any regular TV show, because I probably would insist on wearing something different every day too.  I went through a three month externship without wearing the same dress twice.  Me and Daya....we don't play.

  • Love 6

I'm fairly confident that the clip of Danny's Dad will be revealed as yet another TLC set-up when we see the entire conversation.


Here's my worry for Amy:  is she an only child?  Do we know much about her background or religion?  The lovely, kind, group of women and Danny's sisters may be over the top appealing to her.  Like, more than even her future husband.  She may love being brought into a group and truly feeling a part of something.  It's just too bad that she couldn't have found the same situation to fulfill that need at a college sorority or a local church group.  Ugh.  I'm sorry that with Danny it needs to be a package deal. 

  • Love 3

Amy is an only child.  She and Danny have shared religious beliefes (Christian, possibly evangelical/Pentecostal, not Mormon) because they met attending a Christian college in Australia.  I feel like I read somewhere that it was associated with Hillsong Church - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hillsong_Church


If I had to make some assumptions, I would guess her parents are upper middle class and probably well-educated (i.e. money didn't seem to be a problem in her mom coming to the US, only the Visa).


In addition to Danny's 50 siblings that showed up for dinner, there were a few friends sprinkled in there, including one interracial couple.  So I'm hoping Amy has developed more of a support system there than just his sisters.  I'm also hoping that she's really not sitting around in that house alone every day!  There are seemingly enough friends and family in the area to arrange outings and visits and events to keep her busy at least some of the time.  They all seem very welcoming of her, unlike Justin's family. 

All I can say, is don't ever let me ever get on a reality show, or on any regular TV show, because I probably would insist on wearing something different every day too.  I went through a three month externship without wearing the same dress twice.  Me and Daya....we don't play.

I was totally that way in high school... would go all year without repeat an outfit... so vain!


Then, in college, I Febreezed the same pair of jeans for probably an entire year... classy.


I think Daya really could have done a lot better than Count Chocula there... she puts herself to together well, and seems to be quite educated. Brett, on the other hand, does not seem to earn enough money to even rent his own apartment (I'd have maybe looked into this with a ladyfriend coming to spend 3 months, plus my small daughter...) - and I believe he said something to his mom as he was walking out the door that he was going to school... So, let's think, he goes to class for a couple hours, then works for 8, he basically leaves Cassidy with "Instamom" for 12 hours.

I was totally that way in high school... would go all year without repeat an outfit... so vain!


Then, in college, I Febreezed the same pair of jeans for probably an entire year... classy.


I think Daya really could have done a lot better than Count Chocula there... she puts herself to together well, and seems to be quite educated. Brett, on the other hand, does not seem to earn enough money to even rent his own apartment (I'd have maybe looked into this with a ladyfriend coming to spend 3 months, plus my small daughter...) - and I believe he said something to his mom as he was walking out the door that he was going to school... So, let's think, he goes to class for a couple hours, then works for 8, he basically leaves Cassidy with "Instamom" for 12 hours.

Girl, I know where you are coming from.  I'm in my last year of law school (allegedly, fingers crossed!) and I tell people, "half the time I look like I just crawled out of a trash can, and the other half of the time I look like I smell  like I just crawled out of a trash can"


But man, when I was working, and when I was at that externship....it was so different!  I quite literally have a closet full of dresses, and its not even a lie.  Hopefully I can get to wearing them again, because I miss feeling cute.


Yeah, I just can't with his situation.  First off, who the hell has their daughter in bed with a stranger?  And maybe he doesn't feel she is a stranger, but to that little girl she is. Second, how cheap is he to not even spring for a day camp for her so she can be around kids her own age?  I wouldn't be surprised to find that he crunched the numbers and figured it was cheaper to fly Daya here than to pay for a month worth of babysitting care and a hooker.

  • Love 3

Girl, I know where you are coming from.  I'm in my last year of law school (allegedly, fingers crossed!) and I tell people, "half the time I look like I just crawled out of a trash can, and the other half of the time I look like I smell  like I just crawled out of a trash can"


But man, when I was working, and when I was at that externship....it was so different!  I quite literally have a closet full of dresses, and its not even a lie.  Hopefully I can get to wearing them again, because I miss feeling cute.


Yeah, I just can't with his situation.  First off, who the hell has their daughter in bed with a stranger?  And maybe he doesn't feel she is a stranger, but to that little girl she is. Second, how cheap is he to not even spring for a day camp for her so she can be around kids her own age?  I wouldn't be surprised to find that he crunched the numbers and figured it was cheaper to fly Daya here than to pay for a month worth of babysitting care and a hooker.

Dirt bags of the world unite... I worked at corporate for the last 8 years, so I dressed nice, but as soon as I had the opportunity to ship out to a satellite office? Ba-boom, back to bumming it on the daily. Of course, I kept a few suits for meetings and travel and so forth. But I love wallowing in my neon hoodies and camouflage slippers (don't judge).


I don't know if I dreamed this up, but I thought he worked at Boeing, in the assembly plant or something.. I've got to think they make at least decent money. Heck, I have friends with factory-type jobs who drive new trucks and have big screen TV's... in THEIR OWN HOMES... smh... A lot of good candidates for Extreme Cheapskates on this show

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I think Daya really could have done a lot better than Count Chocula there... she puts herself to together well, and seems to be quite educated.

And speaks perfect English. I wonder if her age has anything to do with it? She's almost 30 isn't she? I wonder if it gets more difficult after 30 to hook an American, or at least one who is relatively young, assuming many of the guys are looking for something they can't get here, chiefly a woman who is younger, better looking, more "trainable", and much more willing to do all of the cooking/cleaning/caretaking.

  • Love 3

And speaks perfect English. I wonder if her age has anything to do with it? She's almost 30 isn't she? I wonder if it gets more difficult after 30 to hook an American, or at least one who is relatively young, assuming many of the guys are looking for something they can't get here, chiefly a woman who is younger, better looking, more "trainable", and much more willing to do all of the cooking/cleaning/caretaking.

Still... if I were in Daya's shoes, I would much prefer a 40s-50s doctor or lawyer to Liver Lips... no way could that be more repulsive. Kids (if any) would be mostly grown, no 300# lesbians tromping through the halls at all hours of the night. Oh, and lest we forget, a diamond with a little better grading than I2.

  • Love 5

Chelsea only went for volunteering because she had exhausted all possible alternatives and run out the string on educational options (although, heaven knows, "children" today can keep that going till they're 50, with a little finessing) -- hence the ten-year degrees in, no doubt, women's studies or international relations she'll never use.  Know the type; the latest trend.


Yes; Jennifer is drunk.  I have no problem whatsoever with a couple getting married privately on a beach in a meaningful, simple spiritual ceremony with the bride barefoot in a thrift-shop muslim dress (maybe Chelsea's dad can talk her into this).  Invite the family to the reception and save thousands!  But no: don't announce your "elopement" ahead of time.


Guilt-ridden parent-friends who fail to discipline their children are turning sociopaths loose on society in alarming numbers.  Go, Daya!

Edited by joanofarch4
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Still... if I were in Daya's shoes, I would much prefer a 40s-50s doctor or lawyer to Liver Lips... no way could that be more repulsive. Kids (if any) would be mostly grown, no 300# lesbians tromping through the halls at all hours of the night. Oh, and lest we forget, a diamond with a little better grading than I2.


While I think a doctor or lawyer may be hard to find (and if you know where the good, single ones are, PM me their stomping grounds!) I know if I were Daya or Cassia, I would be tempted to be strategic.  Find some dopey sucker like Brett or Jason to pay for my trip over here, and then as soon as I step foot in the US, I would get online and start trying to trade up.  There are guys looking for overseas love, but they have a lot of women to choose from.  If you're actually in the United States and you can more easily physically meet them, it has to be easier than trying to meet men when you are physically in another country.


Especially Cassia, I can't imagine she will be happy to live in Shady Pines with Jason's dad until he dies.  Getting sneezed on and riding around in a sweltering hot El Camino with no AC.  I know some people have mentioned that she is happy to have someone to boss around, but to me, she seems like the type of woman that thinks she is hot enough to be bossing around a better looking man or at least one with more money.  And while her teeth are a mess, she has a great body, and the makeup, fried hair and wardrobe that screams "town hooker" can be fixed (although, I suspect you have to pry her crop top/micro mini skirt from her cold, dead hands).  


As for Daya, Brett is just icky.  Maybe she likes having Cassidy around so she doesn't have to have sex with him.  Blerf at the thought.

My guess with liver lips (whose name I can never recalls) is that he pays monster child support to Cassidy's mom. Doesn't he just strike you as the type of a guy who would get totally raked over the coals in a divorce? He may make good money, but my guess is it is all going to support the kid.

I wouldn't be shocked to learn that she makes more than him and may have ended up having to pay him palimony.  He just strikes me as "the guy who never gets promoted" at work.

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Chelsea only went for volunteering because she had exhausted all possible alternatives and run out the string on educational options (although, heaven knows, "children" today can keep that going till they're 50, with a little finessing) -- hence the ten-year degrees in, no doubt, women's studies or international relations she'll never use.  It's the latest trend.


Yes; Jennifer is drunk.


You're making a couple of big leaps there.


According to Chelsea's linkedin profile, she was in college for four years, 2006 – 2010, and studied Spanish Language and Literature and Music Business. Not the most marketable degree, but no different from the millions of other liberal arts grads out there. It looks like during college she studied abroad in Chile, and when she came back, she held a job while still in school. After graduation, she joined the Peace Corps and went to Nicaragua. She was with the Peace Corps for a year, then stayed on in Nicaragua with a regular job for almost another full year. And now she's

working at AmeriCorps Vista in Galesburg.(Just got the job this month)

Which I guess tells us the outcome of the "let's move to Chicago" discussion in this week's episode. But my point is, she's no slouch. She got her degree, while holding a job and then did the Peace Corp thing, which is both admirable and no walk in the park. Looking at her work/education record, she doesn't appear to be a lazy leech on society.  Possibly her parents are supplementing her lifestyle in the form of money and/or free housing, but at least she's productive.


As for Jen, we've only seen her briefly. She's mean, intrusive, and rude for sure, but I don't understand how that equates to being drunk.

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On another forum there was an interview with a man that does this type of match ups.  He explains a lot about the "Fiance' Visa".  You can't come over on one and then switch partners.  Lots of rules and he said it is very stressful as he went thru it himself.  One of the biggest problems is that even though the sponsor has to visit the finance's home at least once in a two year period, the couples haven't lived together and we all know what a surprise that is.  Plus, the stress of knowing you have to be married in 90 days and he said that goes by real fast.  Lipstick alley.

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