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Season 2 Discussion


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Not to mention how devastating this move will be to the careers and lives of Yamir's "less responsible" band mates, manager, and fans; because the American girl (who, fortunately, speaks Spanish) is - what did he say  - shapely?  Has he no groupies?  Yup; I'm in it for the crazy.


Brett's friend was slowly repeating the words "meet her?" because she doesn't want to meet her and was trying to come up with an excuse not to.  I was in the same position; my friend did the mail-order-bride-from-China thing and supposedly felt "betrayed" when I expressed the sentiment that he was cra-cra...  Needless to say, we didn't remain friends for very long after that.  The interesting thing is that all of the friends who secretly thought he was crazy but kept their mouths shut about it and made nice with her are still friends with them and, yes, they are still married!  SMH

Edited by joanofarch4

1. Brett's fiancee Daya is an absolute pill. If her greeting him at the airport is any indication that man is in for a world of hurt.  Upon first seeing him at the airport she doesn't run into his arms, embrace, kiss him, she doesn't even smile. He embraces her. She doesn't even return his hug or kiss him on the check. The first words out of her mouth are "my bags are over there."


2. Mohammad finds her looks perfectly 'acceptable.'  Isn't that how every potential bride longs to be described by her prospective fiance? 


3. NOT A BALDWIN, just seemed to get grosser and grosser as the episode progressed. It all took a turn for the worst around the bedroom scene. Hey why don't you hop on the bed. Ready for bed. Let's get naked. There were some guttural noises in there too.


1. I noticed the body language, too. She seemed almost pissed that he was even there (wasn't he 30 minutes late or something)? Then the half-assed thank you for the flowers? Chick knows she has a simp, so she is doing the bare minimum to keep him.


2. Someone upthread said Danielle looked slow and I can't help but wonder if that is true. It seemed liked her eyes were crossed under those thick glasses and she spoke with a strange cadence.


3. This is why I don't always fault the "foreigner" as the one with the ulterior motive. Yes, some may come here  with dollar signs and designs on a better life (hey, Daya and Mohammed!), but I also think guys like Phallic Baldwin and Mike from last season are thinking that just being an average American guy is enough to secure a docile, obedient wife who will acquiesce to anything. Including taking a turn at being Molly Maid and getting her legs in the air within 24 hours of stepping off the plane.

  • Love 5


But, in the meantime, please God keep her teen daughters safe. To invite a 26 year old male stranger into your home, when you have vulnerable teen girls there is, to me, the height of lunacy, bordering on neglect.

I don't have one ounce of pity for Danielle.  She deserves everything she's inevitably going to get.  The ones I feel and FEAR for are her teenage daughters!  Seriously - you have no idea if this man is a rapist or God knows what! 


Mike and Aziza appeared to be getting along waaaaay better than I imagined.  Re-watching their season yesterday, I had almost forgotten how cringe worthy their interactions were. 


Pao was a disappointment.  I liked her the best but now it seems like she's over the whole thing and maybe wasn't sincere to begin with? 

As far as Mohamed, I also heard in the previews that he said her appearance was "acceptable".


In all fairness, I have a feeling one of the producers asked Mohamed if he found Danielle’s appearance acceptable.  He seemed defensive, so I have a feeling that wasn’t the first time someone broached the subject.  This whole situation makes me sad, because I don’t believe it will end well.


There is a very good reason why 34 year old, gainfully employed, fairly good looking Justin is unattached.  I hope Evelin runs like the wind. 


At first, I gave Daya the benefit of the doubt, because I thought she was just irritated by the cameras.  However, based on her demeanor she seems to be a really horrible person.  I hope the women around Brett will talk some sense into him.

  • Love 2

Danielle's daughters are already worried she'll fall into depression if things don't work out. Sounds like a pattern they are used to. She's 41, divorced, and looks to be pretty depressed already. This young guy is what she's got all her hopes and dreams pinned on. Disaster ahead.

She already seemed prone to a breakdown just in the process to pick Mohamad up from the airport. I can't imagine the devastation she will display if/when he leaves her for someone younger and prettier, and probably without 3 teenage daughters. He's no perfect 10 himself.
  • Love 3



Her daughters also seemed so depressed.  I mean to be making a poster for your mother's new, much younger fiance?  Danielle mentioned how much she loved what she did even though it paid so little and my heart broke.  She seemed to not have full mental capacity.   Does she have any friends?  Anyone who would sit her down like Brent's Dorothy and tell her that boy is only after her GC and her money?  In his video chat he talked about loving America, not her...


Frankly, something tells me these young girls have had front row seats repeatedly to their mother's foolish, emotionally driven decisions. I find it surprising her brother and sister-in-law were supportive of her bringing that man into her home. No one is thinking of the children, clearly.

  • Love 6

I missed the first 15-20 minutes of the where are they now episode. I feel like all the couples looked about as precarious and iffy to me as when I last saw them when S1 ended, although I feel maybe slightly better about Alan and Kirylam. Color me surprised that out of all the couples, I thought they would be the ones most likely to conceive within the 1st year.

Russ & Pao - Dude seems to love his Home Depot orange shirts. Who told him that was a good look? Pao has an amazing figure and her makeup looks a lot better this time around. Were some of the walls in their bedroom black?Yikes! I still don't know what to make of this couple but good for Pao for getting him to move away from his family and buy a home. Found it odd how Russ was complaining Pao was so very, very busy and wasn't spending enough time with him. What is stopping them from spending time together? His job? Her shoe sketching, hanging with friends, decorating the new house, modeling, what?

Edited by cooksdelight
Quoted post edited.
  • Love 2

Danielle's daughters are already worried she'll fall into depression if things don't work out. Sounds like a pattern they are used to. She's 41, divorced, and looks to be pretty depressed already. This young guy is what she's got all her hopes and dreams pinned on. Disaster ahead.

That's exactly what I thought, too. I'm betting she's sent quite a lot of money to quite a lot of losers. This one just wanted to take a ride on the Green Card Express before dropping her completely. Her poor kids.

  • Love 5

Mr. Bachelor gym teacher bugged me a lot too. He doesn't want a wife, he wants a maid and sex-bot. That bullshit of "I need to watch the game, here's the dirty dishes and my washer/dryer. Have fun!" pissed me the hell off. Also the immediate, "Hey here's my bed, let's get naked!" the moment they walked into the house. Ugh. I hope she runs. I know I'd be done right there and be asking producers where my return ticket was.

  • Love 5

Russ & Paola:  Paola is extremely gorgeous and Russ is extremely insecure. Dude has a panic attack if she even thinks about going anywhere without him.


Well, Paola is a little spitfire, so I think Russ bit off more than he can chew with that one.  If it's true that she's going back home for two months to work on her shoe line, I don't see them making it in the long run.  She's too independent and he's too needy.

  • Love 2

Mr. Bachelor gym teacher bugged me a lot too. He doesn't want a wife, he wants a maid and sex-bot. That bullshit of "I need to watch the game, here's the dirty dishes and my washer/dryer. Have fun!" pissed me the hell off. Also the immediate, "Hey here's my bed, let's get naked!" the moment they walked into the house. Ugh. I hope she runs. I know I'd be done right there and be asking producers where my return ticket was.

She should have run the second he admitted his family had no clue he'd gone overseas for a wife. Way to set your future spouse up to be the center of a very awkward situation.

  • Love 4

I'm sorry but I was too distracted by Danielle to pay attention to, or enjoy the rest.


My heart broke for her children.


Sure, a hugely overweight, divorced, grown-ass, lower middle class wage earner with three teens ought to know better than to waste money hauling herself to Tunisia to meet up with some stranger 15 years her junior, and closer in age to her children than to herself, then waste even more money bringing him over as an immigrant and a thus take on an extra financial dependent that she doesn't need.  Sure, he must have told her all the "right things" that she wanted to hear, but she must have stupidly gobbled it up and I can't forgive her.  I have little patience for those that are willing to delude themselves into a fantasy at the expense of their children's psychological and material well-being.


When I saw one daughter brushing the hair of the weepy mother, and the way the poor things were emotionally wrapped up in their mother's absolutely ridiculous and avoidable drama, it reminded me of something called emotional incest where young children are put into the position of being some needy parent's spousal substitute.  They end up knowing way too much about the parent's adult life, and it becomes their job to be that adult's emotional crutch, center, and support system... way before they are ready, and often at the expense of their own emotional needs being taken care of.  I hope I'm wrong.


It also reminded me of the hoarder shows, which were tragically comic with the cranky adults, but were unwatchable when there were children living in bed bugs and filth.


I just hated to see those teens getting dragged into this nonsense, bearing the weight of their mother's tears and anxiety, playing second fiddle to some age-inappropriate Romeo in Tunisia, at a time of their lives when they need to be loved, taught solid values and guided into adult independence.  It was very painful to watch.

  • Love 14

I don't get TLC so I didn't know of the existence of this show until our local paper ran a story about a couple named Jason and Cassia who would be on the show.  Did they make the cut?  Nobody seems to have mentioned them in the thread.




The article also briefly mentions Chelsea of Galesburg and her band member boyfriend Yamir.  

It looks like Danielle is actively defending her choices, judging by the comments at the end of this article! http://starcasm.net/archives/292220

Gosh! If that's really her responding as Dani, Danielle has some real problems, in my opinion.

I somehow missed last night that she has a 21 year old son, in addition to her three teen girls. So her fiancee is only 5 years older than her boy?

During Danielle's THs and other scenes from her home, I thought the decor looked colorful and cheerful, though the size of the place seemed claustrophobic to me (from what I could make out). Then, in the scene when the family departed the house for the drive to the airport, the brief glimpse of the exterior that I caught did make the house look very small.

So now I'm wondering about sleeping and living arrangements, as they affect the teens. What are they exposed to, what do they see or hear regarding Mother and fiance? The whole situation is making me mad.

The body language by both Danielle and Mohamed in that official TLC photo says it all to me.

  • Love 2

If I were Danielle's kids I would be freaked out. Especially since we are finding out now that her fiance is only 5 years older than her son? Oh hell no. I don't care how attractive someone would be, I would not want to date anyone who could (in theory) be into one of my kids. Just in the same way I would not want to date a man in my father's age range. Just....ew.

I sincerely hope for both of their sake Mohamed runs back to Tunisia, and can't go through with it. Even if he does marry her it's not a guarantee for citizenship (is it?) and that's gonna be one hellish 2 year waiting period if he's not really into it. And of course she will end up emotionally destroyed by the end. I mean, from that Starcasm article you can just tell....she's clinging for dear life.

Edited by fliptopbox
  • Love 1

Right, and granted I know nothing about a halal diet, but I am guessing that it's not easily obtainable in their small town area in the midwest. It's probably not an Islamic hotspot. Is she planning to convert after marriage? Is he? I am not sure an Islamic/Christian union would work out well, as far as how the beliefs mesh. But it seems like she's very into her shiny new toy and won't give it up. Also, I read she supposedly has sent money to other men besides Mohamed. So what happened to those guys? Did they just disappear one day?

Edited by fliptopbox
  • Love 1

 I feel really sorry for Danielle . It seems like she devotes a  lot of time taking care of her Kids and the people in the group home where she works. She is just looking for someone to take care of her for a change, Too bad she could not find someone at a Church or on line here in the States who maybe has some of the same back round or things going on in life as she does. 


The young man who is going to be living in Galesburg is in for a big shock and adjustment. I am from a town in the far norther part of Illinois and Galesburg is a quite little down. It is gong to be a big change.


What can I say about Daya and Brett- Gosh that women is just nasty Complained that she did not get Roses and then it the Previews saying that she needs to get the ring looked at so she knows its real. Run Brett Run. Maybe his gal friends can knock some sense into him and her to the curb.


I did not see them in the show last night but it the previews there is one guy who says that his Fiance has a bad temper and he will have to watch out for that. In the clip they show her pushing /knocking the camera out of the way.


At least I will have something to watch while my Husband watches his Si Fi shows ..

  • Love 2

I am curious too about Yamir and his reason for leaving Nicaragua. He's in a (I guess) very successful band, or boy group. Why would he leave a seemingly successful life there to uproot and move to the midwest where he not only doesn't speak the language, but he's cutting off his (probably very decent) income? Why not have her move there and then marry, and go back and forth so he can continue his place with the band? Then they can always settle down later, once his boy band dreams are over. Have they said what she does that is so important she needs to stay in Illinois? I only caught the last 40 mins or so, and I guess I missed some initial setups.

  • Love 3

He seems to be totally entranced by her, and he's never left the town he lives in so going anywhere sounds like a grand adventure to him, I suppose.

Really? How does a successful band make money without touring and live shows? I am suddenly lost. I was under the impression his band was more like N'Sync or Backstreet Boys. You know, huge. At least the way they spoke about it. I just thought he was unknown outside of South America, but had been outside of Nicaragua.

Wow. After reading the comments from that Starcasm article I Googled "Tunisia bezness". Who knew there was a whole industry based on taking advantage of older desperate women? Danielle is so screwed. I was praying for her that Mohammed would do her a favor and stay "lost" in NYC.

Let's hope it is only American money that interests him, and not young American girls

  • Love 5

I got the impression that Yamir was adopted or had no family? The manager seemed more like he was a father figure and said something about Yamir needing a good relationship in his life. I think the manager seemed happy Yamir had found love but not happy of his choice of leaving. I'm not even sure it was about the money. I think there is more to his back story. Hopefully TLC will actually tell it and tell it honestly.

  • Love 1

I don't have one ounce of pity for Danielle. She deserves everything she's inevitably going to get. The ones I feel and FEAR for are her teenage daughters! Seriously - you have no idea if this man is a rapist or God knows what!

I agree. In this day and age, there's no excuse for that shit. The "catfish" thing is all over the internet, there's a documentary and television series about it and Dr. Phil seems to do a show on women getting scammed by men on the internet every week.

How can she really think that he came here just to marry her? I'm not one to talk shit about other people's looks but...come on! He's a decent looking, young guy. I'm also not buying her being 41. I'm 49 and she looks a lot older than me.

She'll get what she deserves when he cleans out what little money she has and runs as soon as he gets his green card, but how could anybody do this to their teenage daughters?!

She has spent a total of ELEVEN days with this man. She has no clue what kind of person he is.

She works and he won't be able to for a while, so while she's at work, will he be home alone with the girls all day? I really hope they have an involved father who's going to put his foot down.

Her sobbing and carrying on at the airport was so disgusting to me. If I were her daughter, I would have been so embarrassed.

Edited by Maharincess
  • Love 7

New to the show too, never heard of it two days ago and watched all six episodes in a day (I had time to spare). It's so much better than Married at First Sight !


I'm gonna be harsh : I have no sympathy for Danielle. Because if he's obviously in it for the green card, she just bought herself a boy toy, as Justin bought himself a sexbot maid (but Justin is worst because Evelin isn't aware she's just that. Yet.). 


But hey, in our world, offer always meets demand it seems. Mohamed's willing to sell himself to have a better condition, she's willing to pay the entry fees.

I don't buy for a minute her act or even that she is a little slow. I don't think she believes genuinely in his love for her and I think she's fully aware of the terms of the contract : she pays his ticket, his meals, she gets the perks of an escort, they go on tv to make some extra cash and bye in two years, no hard feelings. At best, she knows it but she's in love and hope he will grow to love her but the premise is still the same : she bought him.


At least I hope because, except for them to be actors, the other credible alternative would be too sad and I'll resent TLC for turning a fun show into a one-way ticket to depression ! It's a thing to entertain doubts like in season 1 with Aziza and Mike (I least, I had the biggest doubts with them) when a single adult with no strings is concerned, it's another to exploit something that would be a tragic situation for a woman and her children. I like mocking and loathing TLC's "stars". I don't want to feel truly sorry for them and feel uncomfortable watching. Real social misery isn't something that TLC should ever touch : they are not qualified to do it well.

Edited by Pollock
  • Love 2

Yay! So glad this show's back. :)


I'll rank the couples from the least side-eye-able to the most.


1. Yamir and Chelsea definitely seem like they've been able to form a real relationship after falling in love. I'm sure it helps that they've spent more than 11 days together like some of the other couples, which was possible for them since she was working in Nicaragua. I think they're legit, just young and dazed by love rather than thinking pragmatically. I'm still uncertain why exactly they're going to the U.S. Pop stars have a short shelf life, and IMO, it would behoove them to "tough it out" in Nicaragua while they can. However, I'm not exactly sure what it means to be the biggest pop star in Nicaragua. I mean, if he's never even been out of the country...Well, the biggest fish in Nicaragua is swimming in a pretty small pond I suppose. I do think the manager really cares about Yamir, but damn! He shouldn't have written Chelsea that letter. Way to drown out your message and get the lovebirds to completely ignore your very legitimate concerns about Nowheresville, IL.


2 & 3 (Tied because I'm still reserving judgment on both.) Studley PE teacher and Colombian girl (can't remember names) started out fine for me--they actually met in person while he was on vacation instead of it starting as some weird internet thing. Not that I have anything against using the internet to meet people to date, like Match or OkCupid, but some couples seem to be using the internet to find a fantasy. So at first I thought this couple sounded like a good match--relatively close in age, both decent looking people, met in person, etc. But then he pulled out that stupid, macho Kitchen Queen crap. It seemed so weird, so I'm hoping it was played up for the cameras or outright scripted. I'm reserving judgment on that. Oh, and the fact that he hasn't told his parents yet is odd.


Brett and Daya: He was obviously looking for a certain "type" or he wouldn't have gone on the international dating website. But at least he was fairly honest about that. He doesn't seem like a bad guy, just a dufus. Daya was certainly shown being an ass on camera. However, she'd just flown 12? 14? hours to a new country and the person who was to meet her was an HOUR late. Did she even have a working cell phone to be able to contact him? I regularly fly across the Pacific, and I can't say I'm Miss Mary Sunshine at the end of the trip either. Especially when you add hours to my trip by being late! So I'm reserving judgment on her too.


Danielle & Mohammed: How the hell can she not see that it's a scam?! I think it speaks to her absolute level of desperation and loneliness, and possibly to her instability. I don't want to make it sound like thinner men can never be attracted to larger women, but at some point we all have to be pragmatic about our looks and options in life. Add in a lower income, three teens, a large age gap, and a non-exciting Midwestern locale, and she's living in Delusionville. But more than being sad for her, I'm also disgusted and mad because she's a mom to three young women who have to live with this mother as their role model. Who is modeling nothing but unhealthy thinking and unstable emotional health. Gah! I hope those girls' father or grandparents (if they're capable adults) see this show and get those girls away from her. The only reason I'm not sure how long Mo will stick it out is because I'm not sure of the laws. Does he have to stay married for a certain number of months/years before he can convert his K1 into a permanent green card or get citizenship? Because that's how long he's going to stay with her officially. But he's going to be chasing after other women (or men...hey, who knows?) in a hot second.

  • Love 8

Yay! So glad this show's back. :)


I'll rank the couples from the least side-eye-able to the most.


1. Yamir and Chelsea definitely seem like they've been able to form a real relationship after falling in love. I'm sure it helps that they've spent more than 11 days together like some of the other couples, which was possible for them since she was working in Nicaragua. I think they're legit, just young and dazed by love rather than thinking pragmatically. I'm still uncertain why exactly they're going to the U.S. Pop stars have a short shelf life, and IMO, it would behoove them to "tough it out" in Nicaragua while they can. However, I'm not exactly sure what it means to be the biggest pop star in Nicaragua. I mean, if he's never even been out of the country...Well, the biggest fish in Nicaragua is swimming in a pretty small pond I suppose. I do think the manager really cares about Yamir, but damn! He shouldn't have written Chelsea that letter. Way to drown out your message and get the lovebirds to completely ignore your very legitimate concerns about Nowheresville, IL.


2 & 3 (Tied because I'm still reserving judgment on both.) Studley PE teacher and Colombian girl (can't remember names) started out fine for me--they actually met in person while he was on vacation instead of it starting as some weird internet thing. Not that I have anything against using the internet to meet people to date, like Match or OkCupid, but some couples seem to be using the internet to find a fantasy. So at first I thought this couple sounded like a good match--relatively close in age, both decent looking people, met in person, etc. But then he pulled out that stupid, macho Kitchen Queen crap. It seemed so weird, so I'm hoping it was played up for the cameras or outright scripted. I'm reserving judgment on that. Oh, and the fact that he hasn't told his parents yet is odd.


Brett and Daya: He was obviously looking for a certain "type" or he wouldn't have gone on the international dating website. But at least he was fairly honest about that. He doesn't seem like a bad guy, just a dufus. Daya was certainly shown being an ass on camera. However, she'd just flown 12? 14? hours to a new country and the person who was to meet her was an HOUR late. Did she even have a working cell phone to be able to contact him? I regularly fly across the Pacific, and I can't say I'm Miss Mary Sunshine at the end of the trip either. Especially when you add hours to my trip by being late! So I'm reserving judgment on her too.


Danielle & Mohammed: How the hell can she not see that it's a scam?! I think it speaks to her absolute level of desperation and loneliness, and possibly to her instability. I don't want to make it sound like thinner men can never be attracted to larger women, but at some point we all have to be pragmatic about our looks and options in life. Add in a lower income, three teens, a large age gap, and a non-exciting Midwestern locale, and she's living in Delusionville. But more than being sad for her, I'm also disgusted and mad because she's a mom to three young women who have to live with this mother as their role model. Who is modeling nothing but unhealthy thinking and unstable emotional health. Gah! I hope those girls' father or grandparents (if they're capable adults) see this show and get those girls away from her. The only reason I'm not sure how long Mo will stick it out is because I'm not sure of the laws. Does he have to stay married for a certain number of months/years before he can convert his K1 into a permanent green card or get citizenship? Because that's how long he's going to stay with her officially. But he's going to be chasing after other women (or men...hey, who knows?) in a hot second.

Your post nailed it. Obviously more will be revealed in the coming weeks but I  have a feeling PE teacher and Danielle are going to be almost cringe-worthy to watch. Hopefully PE teacher gets put in his place, cos his girl will realize his role for her and call him out. If I flew halfway round the world to be the maid/sexbot oh hell no.  Danielle seems like she's going to hang on to the delusion that Mohamed loves her as long as she can. She seems like the type who could find her man in bed with another man and still say he loves her. You know the type. We all know one.

  • Love 4

If my boyfriend had been an hour late picking me up after a flight from the Philippines, without a very good reason which was the case here, I would have been on the next flight home, roses or not.  Brett seems really wrapped up in himself and his mommy figures.  He's renting a room in other people's houses and paying child support, he's not exactly a prize.  The least he can do is be at the airport one hour EARLY.  I hope she marries him, gets her green card, divorces, works hard, buys herself a house and marries someone else.

  • Love 8

As a teacher, I was really appalled at how the PE teacher conducted himself on tv. He works with third and fourth graders? And as a parent I would never want my kids to be in his class. I also don't think he's as hot and a catch as he thinks he is.

I feel like Danielle is being taken advantage of. I wouldn't think she would pass a psych screen. She doesn't seem capable of making good decisions and you can see how her daughters have to play parent with her. I would really be concerned she might do something drastic if this falls through. It looks like she has a son too who doesn't live with her?

  • Love 5

The K-1 visa process is pretty complicated in order to weed out green card scams. Of course, it doesn't always work out that way, but it's not a slam dunk process. My inner skeptic wonders if all of these stories are real. Some of these people could be actors for all we know. 

Oh, now BradandJanet; yes, it's "The Lying Channel," but leave us with our illusions, at least!

Edited by joanofarch4
  • Love 3

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