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S47.E02: Epic Boss Girl Move

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Castaways begin to gauge how much they can trust their tribemates.  Tribes must wind their way to victory in the challenge to earn safety and fishing gear.  Then, a castaway risks getting caught red-handed with important information in the game.

Main episode discussion thread.

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Two shocking Tribal Councils in a row!  But at least this one, unlike last week's, was shocking in a good way.  Well done, Tuku.

Later, T.K.  It's good to want to push your tribe to do better, but you can do so in a far more respectful manner than that.

Pissed that Sam's willing to let Andy float by now, though, just because he told him one thing.

Edited by Rodney
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After what 47 seasons...as hard as it is to believe the casting crew must be scraping the bottom of the barrel for applicants. How else would you explain the collection of goons that make up the green team. So many catty, manipulative or just plain morons on that team. The only one with any redeeming value is Anika but that's only because she's one of those rare people who is totally hot when her hair is down and not when it's up.

 Man, if they literally have to babysit Andy why did they go and make all this trouble for themselves by keeping him and don't get me started on someone dumb enough to rehide a clue. When Andy was trotted out at the challenge you could tell everyone was thinking about the other tribe was "Ya'll is stupid."

Back to the casting woes you've got TK not only digging his own grave after a Challege but gilding the lily by going off by himself to give people the chance to plot his demise and then we have Gabe toasting his immunity idol...just because?

I would swear on a stack of bibles Tianna and Kyle were not in the season premiere. Anyway, I've never seen anyone as crushed as Kyle to realize he's at the bottom of the pecking order. The look on his face walking away with his torch was just sad.

Speaking of sad...I say this as someone who likes and is rooting for Sue as I like her dynamic with Gabe...there is something sad about her as someone whose youth has slipped away, and she appears to have taken several artificial steps to preserve it. But again, I like her and would be happy to see her in final 3.

Caroline though is just blah and a dud and not very bright or trustful from what we saw tonight.

To conclude....  Teacher says an angel gets its wings every time Jeff says "New Era" (and no not for a minute do I believe he saw the rice theft...I'm sure he had an earbud telling him all about it from some sunburned Production Assistant)


Edited by North of Eden
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19 minutes ago, North of Eden said:

How else would you explain the collection of goons that make up the green team. So many catty, manipulative or just plain morons on that team. The only one with any redeeming value is Anika


19 minutes ago, North of Eden said:

Anyway, I've never seen anyone as crushed as Ryan to realize he's at the bottom of the pecking order. The look on his face walking away with his torch was just sad.

I’m confused…isn’t Anika on yellow, not green?

And Kyle was the one walking away knowing he wasn’t in on the vote? Not Ryan?

I’m with you on Jeffy…he talks about “eras” more than Taylor Swift does.

Edited by Arkay
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Why did Gabe play his idol? It should have been pretty clear that Gabe wasn't the target unless everyone suspecting or knowing he had an idol caused him to play it. 

Still can't stand the Gata tribe or Rome from Lavo. So much for hoping that Gata would lose again. Hopefully they do next week.

As for Tuku, I like the alliance with Sue, Caroline, and Gabe. So long, T.K.



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44 minutes ago, North of Eden said:

Caroline though is just blah and a dud and not very bright or trustful from what we saw tonight.

She is a "wounded bird".  Not sure where the hell Gabe came up with that description. 

29 minutes ago, Arkay said:

I'm confused…isn’t Anika on yellow, not green?

Yeah, there is no green, only red, blue and yellow.  To be fair, I think there's a fair amount of green mixed in on the yellow buffs. 

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18 minutes ago, TVFan1 said:

Why did Gabe play his idol? It should have been pretty clear that Gabe wasn't the target unless everyone suspecting or knowing he had an idol caused him to play it.

Didn't Gabe have the idol that was only good for one tribal council?

Or, if not, maybe the fact that everyone was suspicious of him made him play it here as a sign of good faith.

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1 minute ago, OutOfTheQuestion said:

Didn't Gabe have the idol that was only good for one tribal council?

Or, if not, maybe the fact that everyone was suspicious of him made him play it here as a sign of good faith.

I'm pretty sure he had it for three tribal councils. I remember him getting to the final task about making it good until the final 5, but decided against doing the final task.

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Paraphrasing but:

Jeff to the yellow tribe: Wow, you won! That's different!

Jeff to the blue tribe: Wow, you lost and have to go to tribal. That's different.

It's the second episode, Jeff! Calm the hell down.

I'm glad a different team lost. The last few seasons have had one tribe implode while the other two stayed whole, so this is good.

Apparently, there's a Genevieve hiding somewhere. I swear it.

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Lots of egotistical players this season.  Gabe has an idol for three, now two TC. I thought  he was going to use it on Sue, because  he second guessed TK going.When Jeff asked him are you playing  this for yourself,  he definitely  thought about for a quick minute,  then said yes. 

Sam, don't  play your idol for Andy, that would be dumb. 

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1 hour ago, Arkay said:


I’m confused…isn’t Anika on yellow, not green?

And Kyle was the one walking away knowing he wasn’t in on the vote? Not Ryan?

I’m with you on Jeffy…he talks about “eras” more than Taylor Swift does.

Yeah Kyle  thanks. How to keep the name straight this early!

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42 minutes ago, TVFan1 said:

Why did Gabe play his idol? It should have been pretty clear that Gabe wasn't the target unless everyone suspecting or knowing he had an idol caused him to play it. 

Still can't stand the Gata tribe or Rome from Lavo.

I think that he played it in case he, Sue, and Caroline couldn't get Tiyana to flip.  However, the fact that he must've thought that he was the target rather than Sue shows just how out of touch with the tribal dynamics he is.

I actually don't mind the Gata girls.  Rachel seems to have a good head on her shoulders, and Anika and Sierra are nice.  But Sam is definitely already getting too big for his britches for someone who only got a one-Tribal-Council-only idol.  And the less said about Andy, the better.

I actually like everybody on Lavo except Rome, so that means Aysha, Teeny, Genevieve, Sol, and Kishan.

Tuku?  T.K. was the only one I couldn't stand on that tribe, so I'm glad that he's gone (though I give him props for taking his blindside so well).  I do like Tiyana, Sue, Caroline, and Kyle, though.  Gabe . . . is a bit much sometimes, but I don't hate him, at least.

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40 minutes ago, Quilt Fairy said:

She is a "wounded bird". 

Oh, right, Gabe considering Caroline and Sue to be “wounded birds.”

Meanwhile here is Sue, not just a pilot but the owner of a flight school. While Gabe is still fantasizing that he’s Indiana Jones or something.

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1 hour ago, Tango64 said:

I also wondered why bags of rice? Why waste so much food instead of using sand?

I'm not a fan of wasting food but the minute they said 'bags of rice' and 'gotta get it through that hole' I realized that any team that carelessly let the bag get soaked was going to have serious problems getting the bag through the hole because rice expands when wet. Sand gets heavy (as does rice) but it doesn't blow up. I think that's why they used rice. Torturing hungry castaways was just a bonus.

So glad TK is gone. He seems to have no self-awareness at all.

If Jeff keeps going on about new eras and how radically different the younger players are than times past it is going to be a very long slog.

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1 hour ago, Steph Sometimes said:

Apparently, there's a Genevieve hiding somewhere. I swear it.

And someone named Sol.   Who knew.

I would have named this episode "The Further Adventures of Addled Andy:  Episode 2 Where Andy Throws Away a Free Idol."  What an idiot.

(And if Sam thinks he can control Andy to his advantage it will probably blow up Sam's game totally.  I mean he couldn't even successfully babysit the guy for an hour).

Oh yeah.  TK going was indeed satisfying though we had to sit through tons of very annoying TK footage to see WHY it would be such a satisfying moment for us viewers.

Edited by Skooma
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Goodbye, TK! You took Nike's "Just Do It" a bit too seriously. Maybe take some of that "winning energy" of yours and teach a CrossFit class where people pay to be treated like that. 

Okay, well last week I posted that I couldn't understand why everyone on the red team didn't want Rome around and were complaining about him searching for idols. I get it now. He is a LOT. 

However, the ultimate worst player continues to be Unhinged Andy. Again, you got rid of Jon for a person gets his fee-fees hurt if you don't tell him he's the bestest boy at coconut cracking. Also, DO NOT save him. Andy telling you one thing does not mean he's suddenly trustworthy. 

Damn, Peachy. Let a girl pocket some rice. Don't blow her spot like that. 

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It seemed to me blue tribe lost the challenge because TK was pulling too hard at the wrong time on his rope; every time they lost a ball it seemed to be down to him. He annoyed me in the first episode, so it was good to see him go tonight. Plus I am more interested in Sue. Good on him for leaving well...

That was a super boring episode. At least we have those Beware Advantages out of the way and needn't soak up any more time with all of that repetition.

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It seems that they don't find individual people for the show rather than characters that they distribute to each player. I just can't believe that TK had no idea that his behavior was annoying and that other people had their own free will. I can't believe Rome really believes everything he says and that he has no idea that this behavior may annoy people. It seems they found two people and told them, you take the role of the annoying leader, you take the role of the cocky jerk, ok now go play survivor.

I regret being so harsh on Sue, she was a queen who made all the correct moves. I don't agree with people changing their bodies this way, but other than that, as a player she was excellent.

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There's a Sol?  A Genevieve?  

Calling the women "wounded birds" was really offensive.  There is nothing we've seen of them that make me think they are pathetic and helpless.  

Thank goodness Tiyanna went with her gut and voted TK out.  I was very surprised she made the obvious choice of getting rid of the annoying gnat that made everyone tense and snippy.  So often the show does a bait and switch where someone else is blindsided (like last week).

4 minutes ago, SummerDreams said:

It seems that they don't find individual people for the show rather than characters that they distribute to each player.

Yes.  Gabe, Andy, and Rome all seem like the same person to me so far.

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Also I'm disappointed with Aysha if she didn't search her bench for an advantage unless they have told them that they don't use these anymore. I didn't like that she didn't participate in the challenge. Maybe she doesn't do well in water but I don't think she was the weakest player in the tribe.

They keep giving the same edit, 3-4 players are shown a lot and others don't even get a small talking head. We'll get to merge and we'll be like "wait, there's a Genevieve or a Sol?".

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1 hour ago, Haleth said:

Calling the women "wounded birds" was really offensive.  There is nothing we've seen of them that make me think they are pathetic and helpless.  

Yes, I liked Gabe until he said that, but his thinking  just proves that those two are the true wolves in sheeps clothing.

Baby-faced, sweet Caroline seems to be a smart, under the radar player, and savvy business owner Sue is an alpha wolf.  She's a smart older woman, literally dressed from head to toe in a young stripper's body.

I want to know more about Sol, The Strong Man.  He's amazing to watch.

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Sue reminds me of Culpepper's wife, Monica. With the looks. Also much like all the Houswives cast. Lol. But she's rocking the game. And did Gabe say 'wounded birds' or just his 'little birds'? Is he more trying for a GoT/HoD reference? I don't mind him. And now his idol is back in hiding to be found again??? Wonder if it will be same BA? 

Glad TK is gone. Couldn't stand to listen to his BS for several weeks. 


Hate the tribe with Andy. But maybe Sam is onto something by keeping him around...like Boston Rob with Philip. Every season I say similar but they never do it and end up cutting the 'Philip' pretty early on. These young'ins can't tolerate the coo coo very well. And they are the generation of tolerance. Odd.


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What surprised me the most was Gabe playing the idol on himself.  Maybe he felt too many people knew he had it (Sue and Carolyn), or maybe he wasn't as confident in his allies and that they wouldn't vote him out knowing he had an idol.  I felt for Kyle-hopefully he can recover.  With his backstory (he's the one who was in many foster homes I think) he would probably have allied with anyone who asked him, so maybe he'll form bonds with someone else on his tribe.

Andy continues to be exhausting and a loose cannon.  But, with the looks he gave the other tribes at the challenge I almost wondered if last week's 'meltdown' was actually strategy:  look at me, I'm not a threat...  And, this was one time the surprised looks of the other tribes made sense when they saw who survived tribal council.

Jeff, Gata lost ONE challenge having WON the very first one as they got off the boat.  So, there's no long history of them losing and going to tribal council.  Additionally, Tuku lost the first challenge off of the boat and the challenge in this episode, so they have more of a history of losing than does Gata.  Don't oversell it-wait for the season to catch up with your narrative.

And just STOP with all of the 'new era' stuff.  I wonder how many viewers prefer the 'new era' to original Survivor.  That would be interesting to find out.  Jeff so oversells the 'new era' stuff that I would imagine it's a lot like 'fetch'-it isn't going to happen.  

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1 hour ago, SummerDreams said:

Also I'm disappointed with Aysha if she didn't search her bench for an advantage unless they have told them that they don't use these anymore. I didn't like that she didn't participate in the challenge. Maybe she doesn't do well in water but I don't think she was the weakest player in the tribe.

Sue better never sit out a water challenge (unless it has to do with diving underwater and untying things). She has built in flotation devices.

Edited by KeithJ
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1 hour ago, SummerDreams said:

I think the logic was that if they went to rocks, he would be safe.

Well, that would certainly let his 'ally' Carolyn (and Sue as well) know that he wasn't willing to endanger himself while selling a tie vote to others.  I would be less inclined to trust him in this scenario.  Good insight SummerDreams

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1 hour ago, seacliffsal said:

Jeff so oversells the 'new era' stuff that I would imagine it's a lot like 'fetch'-it isn't going to happen.  

I have no idea what he’s talking about with this “new era” stuff. The game is basically the same it’s been since the beginning. 

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3 hours ago, seacliffsal said:

Well, that would certainly let his 'ally' Carolyn (and Sue as well) know that he wasn't willing to endanger himself while selling a tie vote to others.  I would be less inclined to trust him in this scenario.  Good insight SummerDreams

I think they would do the same in his shoes.  If they didn't they would be stupid beyond belief.  You don't fall on your sword for someone in your first tribal council.

Besides he knew they had the fourth vote either this round or, if a tie, then in the second round they get BEFORE rocks.  Whatshername, had she not voted with them the first time would definitely have voted with them the second time to avoid rocks and a 33% possibility of elimination for herself. 

(Up from 25% because Gabe played his idol for his own safety first of course but also to put her -- if she stayed with TJ -- and TJ's wingman up to 67% possibility of going out instead of 50% ensuring his side having the odds thus pressing the point it would be wise to break over to his side asap).

And they made it clear to her that their side would go to rocks if needed via the footage we saw tonight so she knew she really has no choice.

2 hours ago, Haleth said:

I have no idea what he’s talking about with this “new era” stuff. The game is basically the same it’s been since the beginning. 

New Era is code for touchy feely contestants with endless sob stories to tell us and no true blue old school long term alliances anymore.

And no more "survivor" stuff but endless product placement super big feast rewards every other day in a season with almost 2 weeks less days in it then original Survivor.

Finally, enough " dumb luck" factors --a million idols, advantages, disadvantages, perks, punishments, double votes, no votes, pass around a vote yadda yadda -- to choke a horse making the game non-strategic in the end. 

In other words the Dumb Down Era.

Edited by Skooma
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So far I hate them all. Except Kyle who reminds me of Dewey from Malcolm in the Middle and who uttered that forlorn little "no" when TK stood up to leave. And Tiyana who seems to be playing a smart game. Voting out TK could be bad for the tribe in terms of challenges, but not for her personally.

Anika needs to close her mouth once in a while. Not as in, "stop talking," but as in physically close her mouth. It's always hanging open as if she's stupefied by shapes and colors.

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Rome, finds idol box, opens idol box, explains to audience: "When I opened the box, it said the idol was only good for one tribal council! But I had the option of doing something else and getting and idol good for three tribal councils!"

Gabe, finds idol box, opens idol box, explains to audience: "When I opened the box, it said the idol was only good for one tribal council! But I had the option of doing something else and getting and idol good for three tribal councils!"

Sam, finds idol box, opens idol box, explains to audience: "When I opened the box, it said the idol was only good for one tribal council! But I had the option of doing something else and getting and idol good for three tribal councils!"

We get it already, show.

Edited by iMonrey
Sam not Andy
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Survivor "Idol Chatter" Test

You have found an idol, your next step is...

A. I need to tell someone right away!

B. I need to leave it out where someone else can find it while I decide whether to open it.

C. Since I found it with someone, I need to determine who they will tell and thus who I should tell.

Kudos to Sam on this one.

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9 minutes ago, iMonrey said:

Rome, finds idol box, opens idol box, explains to audience: "When I opened the box, it said the idol was only good for one tribal council! But I had the option of doing something else and getting and idol good for three tribal councils!"

Gabe, finds idol box, opens idol box, explains to audience: "When I opened the box, it said the idol was only good for one tribal council! But I had the option of doing something else and getting and idol good for three tribal councils!"

Andy, finds idol box, opens idol box, explains to audience: "When I opened the box, it said the idol was only good for one tribal council! But I had the option of doing something else and getting and idol good for three tribal councils!"

We get it already, show.

Too funny but Andy never got to say those lines.  He was too scared to untie  the first item that lead to the box.  And didn't Teeny read Rome's instructions?

But loved your point.

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1 hour ago, Skooma said:


New Era is code for touchy feely contestants with endless sob stories to tell us and no true blue old school long term alliances anymore.

And no more "survivor" stuff but endless product placement super big feast rewards every other day in a season with almost 2 weeks less days in it then original Survivor.

Finally, enough " dumb luck" factors --a million idols, advantages, disadvantages, perks, punishments, double votes, no votes, pass around a vote yadda yadda -- to choke a horse making the game non-strategic in the end. 

In other words the Dumb Downed Era.

And this all saddens me.  They also have pre-cut bamboo and palm fronds and yet they barely do anything with them.  And, in no way, 26 days just does not lead to the endurance, perseverance, and strategic moves that we saw in the earlier seasons.

And yet I watch...

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1 minute ago, seacliffsal said:

They also have pre-cut bamboo and palm fronds and yet they barely do anything with them. 

I was thinking something similar last night when everyone was so excited about the reward being fishing gear. We haven't seen anyone fish on this show in years.

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16 minutes ago, fishcakes said:

I was thinking something similar last night when everyone was so excited about the reward being fishing gear. We haven't seen anyone fish on this show in years.

Well one guy stomped a crab to death on the beach in this episode at least.  😂 🤣 😂

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Thank goodness we don't need to hear TK's "Bros" anymore. That was painful.

Sue reminds me too much of Tamra Judge from Real Housewives of Orange County to take her seriously but I really want to like her so I am pushing myself to get over it. 

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2 hours ago, seacliffsal said:

And this all saddens me.  They also have pre-cut bamboo and palm fronds and yet they barely do anything with them.  And, in no way, 26 days just does not lead to the endurance, perseverance, and strategic moves that we saw in the earlier seasons.

It was always during those last two weeks that you'd see the ones with true grit excel and another defining moment would be the inevitable rain storm before their shelter was finished.  We never see that now.

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7 hours ago, Lamima said:

And did Gabe say 'wounded birds' or just his 'little birds'? Is he more trying for a GoT/HoD reference? I don't mind him.

He said "wounded birds."  Honestly, I would very much "mind" someone who would condescendingly, patronizingly think of somebody as "wounded" when he has no proof of that.  It was quite a bit arrogant of him, really.

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I’m pretty sure I heard TK say “I’m banging your vibe bro”   I have no idea what happened after that because I couldn’t believe anyone, knowing they are on broadcast tv, would utter that sentence.   When my mind finally untwisted from hearing that nonsense I shouted “good riddance” when they voted him out.   I found it interesting that despite every third word being “bro” when he was with the tribe, he didn’t say it once in his departure speech.   I don’t get it but I’ll just assume it’s another mystery of life I just don’t understand.

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6 hours ago, Skooma said:

Well one guy stomped a crab to death on the beach in this episode at least.  😂 🤣 😂

Is the meat still edible after that? (This is a serious question; I know nothing about shellfish)

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19 hours ago, Arkay said:

Oh, right, Gabe considering Caroline and Sue to be “wounded birds.”

Meanwhile here is Sue, not just a pilot but the owner of a flight school. While Gabe is still fantasizing that he’s Indiana Jones or something.

On the other hand, Gabe was keen to work with Sue episode one, enjoying her company, and saying older people had a lot of experience and knowledge to pass on, or similar. He stuck by her this episode and came up with a plan to keep her in, despite her being an easy target for a first out, care of her age. He could have sat with the majority, instead he played the two other men and got Sue and Caroline to approach Tiyana, which was smart. He may have called them "wounded birds", as in easy targets from the ruling so-called majority's point of view. Because if he had stuck with that alliance, rather than faking his part in it, Caroline would naturally be the next one out.

I like Kyle, so hope blue can reshuffle and not lose any more tribals for a while.

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2 hours ago, eel2178 said:

Is the meat still edible after that? (This is a serious question; I know nothing about shellfish)

If you cook it immediately it will be fine, but crab and some but not all other shellfish develop toxins quickly after they die, which is why you have to buy them live. And also why when I want a whole crab, I buy it already cooked from the fish market because I can't stand the idea of dropping a living one into a pot of boiling water.

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Watched it on DVR. Had to rewind due to napping. Once again, I am low energy. Also, I don't think the General Tso's Chicken helped. I think that I'll watch this show "live" next week and record The Challenge. Truth be told, I don't think I'll come out a winner either way.

I'm just not caring. The bit when the woman pocketed loose grains of rice during the Immunity Challenge was funny. Next season, watch players stab bags and sort through packing peanuts to get what they need to continue.

Finally, someone rejects the Beware Advantage. Too bad it was Andy. Also too bad he changed his mind hours later and found it gone.

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4 hours ago, violet and green said:

On the other hand, Gabe was keen to work with Sue episode one, enjoying her company, and saying older people had a lot of experience and knowledge to pass on, or similar. He stuck by her this episode and came up with a plan to keep her in, despite her being an easy target for a first out, care of her age. He could have sat with the majority, instead he played the two other men and got Sue and Caroline to approach Tiyana, which was smart. He may have called them "wounded birds", as in easy targets from the ruling so-called majority's point of view. Because if he had stuck with that alliance, rather than faking his part in it, Caroline would naturally be the next one out.

I like Kyle, so hope blue can reshuffle and not lose any more tribals for a while.

In the first episode he said that he wanted to work with the old person who has wisdom and so on, but in this episode he showed his true colors and said that he sees Sue and Caroline as wounded birds and if they are in the final three, he has the win in his pocket. How the hell does he know on day 4 that he would win against them? They haven't shown any of their gameplay yet. Is it maybe because they are women and Sue is older? (wink wink 😉)

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1 hour ago, SummerDreams said:

How the hell does he know on day 4 that he would win against them?

I don't really care what throwaway remarks he makes in a confessional - I'm just glad that we didn't end up with the blue tribe being male dominant, and minus Sue. Quite happy for Gabe to go next, if need be.

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16 hours ago, iMonrey said:

Andy, finds idol box, opens idol box, explains to audience: "When I opened the box, it said the idol was only good for one tribal council! But I had the option of doing something else and getting and idol good for three tribal councils!"

Andy didn't find the box at Gata.  Sam did.

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