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Except Chelsea (and Cole)


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I think Kail read somewhere that "open concept" is a phrase that the rich and fancy use so she probably throws it around whenever she can to let people know she's "arrived". She reminds me of those pretentious House Hunters wives who refuse a 6,000 sq. ft. house because it doesn't have enough room to entertain.

Hoity asshole. I'm still surprised she even wears shoes.

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I would like to challenge Chelsea to work on her "nonchalant face."  Tip: Chelsea, when you or your group of friends are interrogating Aubree about her dad, if she gives you a response that reflects Adam in a bad light, don't give Aubree (or your friends) a silent and knowing look.  Aubree can figure that look out.  It's saying something without actually using words.  Be nonchalant.  It is a good thing for Aubree's self-esteem to feel that no matter what, her father loves her. A positive spin can always made.  Adam doesn't show up to a game? "Well, your dad loves you, and I know he wanted to come, but he probably had to work."  Adam doesn't visit with Aubree while on his weekend, and leaves her with his parents? "Well, I'm sorry you didn't get to see your dad that much, but at least you got to spend a lot of time with grandma and grandpa, and I'm sure they loved that!"  Adam was supposed to call, but didn't? "Aubree, I think your did call.  My stupid phone was off!"


My little sister had similar issues with her dad, but had a very loving stepfather.  As an adult she's figured everything out.  Kids aren't stupid, but while they are small they need to feel that they are incredibly loved.  They want to believe that.  Aubree doesn't need to have the baggage of feeling she doesn't have her father's love.  The bottom line is that Adam may just be too immature to understand what he's doing, but I do feel that he does love her. 


Aubree is going to love Cole as long as he's good to her, so there's no need to pit Adam and Cole against each other, but it unintentionally makes Aubree feel like she's not good enough for her father to love her. 

  • Love 8

So, I found this.  http://www.inquisitr.com/2426795/are-chelsea-houska-and-adam-lind-of-teen-mom-2-feuding-on-facebook-and-twitter/


Chelsea is allowing Adam more time? 


And just because I know you all were dying for it, here is the link to Adam's Instagram.  https://instagram.com/adamjoelind/

Edited by Mkay

Scrolling through Adam's Instagram, I noticed a pic of Aubree at school and her last name on her place card was "Lind." That's interesting because I thought Chelsea had it switched back to Houska.

Also looking through Chelsea and Adams Instagram I'm starting to think that the link I posted Adam was once again lying to look good. Those comments are gone and Chelsea was asking where they were. Hmmmm

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Scrolling through Adam's Instagram, I noticed a pic of Aubree at school and her last name on her place card was "Lind." That's interesting because I thought Chelsea had it switched back to Houska.

I think a few seasons ago we also saw her last name as Lind. I also thought her last name was Houska and Chelsea made a big deal of it on her 16 & Pregnant. But, I think someone explained she never officially changed it...

So, I found this. http://www.inquisitr.com/2426795/are-chelsea-houska-and-adam-lind-of-teen-mom-2-feuding-on-facebook-and-twitter/

Chelsea is allowing Adam more time?

And just because I know you all were dying for it, here is the link to Adam's Instagram. https://instagram.com/adamjoelind/

A link for booking information? Like, for the police?

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Now Lindsey Graham can add another method to his video about how to destroy a smartphone...crash it with Adam Lind's nude photos.

"Everyone's hating on my pics I take and the things I do ... But ya know what I don't take them for ur liking or approval they are for my journey through my success in the gym and life so I can show Aubree and Paislee what I was to what I am today..."

He could at least put a speedo on then, yeesh. I know I didn't need to see my parents naked to see how their exercise program was going.

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Or Janelle. Doesn't she have a history of telling her men she will take care of then financially? If I remember right, Cole has a pretty good job and with the way Leah blows thru money, I doubt she has much.

Eta: Cole has a job working as a "traffic contol specialist" which I think is a fancy way to say he pretty much does road construction or maybe works for the state/county maintaining roads. (Not bashing, my guy works construction and makes enough for me to be a SAHM). I

Edited by hunneytot
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I'm pretty sure that I read an article that said that Cole is a college graduate and he does something with traffic light systems. Forgot the source but it could be plausible, it is possible to be a bit of an air head and graduate from college. Or it was just a piece of pr.


edit: here's a link calling him a college grad http://radaronline.com/exclusives/2014/09/chelsea-houska-new-boyfriend/


I think it is possible that he is a college grad and is in a decent career field. Maybe because he just started out and is possibly at the bottom of the ladder he isn't making a lot of money? It isn't unusual for recent college grads to struggle for a few years. To be honest, Chelsea wouldn't be where she is now if the only money coming in came from her job.  I agree that if he was just a gold digger he would've probably tried to move in earlier with Chelsea and made his small screen debut much earlier. I really hope he isn't a gold digger, in any case.

Edited by HeySandyStrange
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Traffic Controll Specalist can mean a lot of things. Without the number after it (TCI, TCII, and so on) and what City department he works for its impossible to know if he's counting cars for $10 and hour or an engineer making $100,000 a year.

I will say that if Cole were a gold digger I think he would have gotten his ass on TV sooner. Weren't they dating last season too, but Chelsea just kept it off camera because they weren't serious yet? I'm on the fence. This blind could be true, you really never know and I kind of feel bad for these girls that they always have to wonder about why the guys in their life are there. Or it could be some nasty rumor that Adam started because it kind of sounds like the type of BS he would spew.

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I'm leaning towards counting cars for $10 an hour. If he was pulling in decent bucks he probably would have had his own place versus being in an apartment with a roommate. The cost of living in Sioux Falls can't be all that much. Either way, as long as he's working, I'm not going to hate.

As far as being a college grad, that can mean anything these days. The media was running stories about Jenelle "graduating" from college, so the criteria is pretty low.

  • Love 4

I'm leaning towards counting cars for $10 an hour. If he was pulling in decent bucks he probably would have had his own place versus being in an apartment with a roommate. The cost of living in Sioux Falls can't be all that much. Either way, as long as he's working, I'm not going to hate.

As far as being a college grad, that can mean anything these days. The media was running stories about Jenelle "graduating" from college, so the criteria is pretty low.

I agree with this. I just hope he is STILL working. I see he is hawking supplements on Instagram cashing in on Teen Mom fame like all the others. Cole seems way more harmless than most, but he isnt shying away from the attention/lifestyle as much as is being promoted.

  • Love 2

I agree with this. I just hope he is STILL working. I see he is hawking supplements on Instagram cashing in on Teen Mom fame like all the others. Cole seems way more harmless than most, but he isnt shying away from the attention/lifestyle as much as is being promoted.

I agree. I think Chelsea has long gotten the good edit because you need to have one semi-success story in the pile full of trainwrecks, however it wouldn't surprise me if Cole goes full-on camera whore next season. Fame is a hell of a drug.

Edited by BitterApple

I agree with this. I just hope he is STILL working. I see he is hawking supplements on Instagram cashing in on Teen Mom fame like all the others. Cole seems way more harmless than most, but he isnt shying away from the attention/lifestyle as much as is being promoted.


He has over 220,000 followers on Instagram, obviously most from Teen Mom.  He apparently likes posing with dead animals he just killed and he loves going to the gym.  Poor Chelsea can't get away from gym rats.  At least he's not posing nude.  So gross Adam.

  • Love 2

I'm leaning towards counting cars for $10 an hour. If he was pulling in decent bucks he probably would have had his own place versus being in an apartment with a roommate. The cost of living in Sioux Falls can't be all that much. Either way, as long as he's working, I'm not going to hate.

The term counting cars brought back memories. When I was in college doing my undergrad accounting degree, my first summer job was for a major lender in commercial auto financial services. I summered in Due Diligence, and traveled to hot, horrible places counting cars in 100+ degree heat at auto dealerships that had applied for loans.

It was a nice paying job as a kid, and the airline miles/hotel points were a really huge perk at that age.

  • Love 3

I'm not sure I know what a traffic control specialist is. I'm familiar with an Air Traffic Control Specialist position, which is essentially an Air Traffic Controller and while it doesn't require a degree, it is a very specialized job that requires very intensive training. Many controllers come straight out of the Air Force. Is there an equivalent position for ground transportation?

...Adam was supposed to call, but didn't? "Aubree, I think your did call.  My stupid phone was off!"...

I agree with everything that you said apart from this bit. I don't believe in placing blame on yourself for something that someone else did wrong, particularly when they repeatedly do wrong.


An alternative option: "Aubree I'm sure you dad wanted to call but just got really busy. I know he loves you very much and I'm sure you will talk to him soon."

  • Love 4

I would like to challenge Chelsea to work on her "nonchalant face."  Tip: Chelsea, when you or your group of friends are interrogating Aubree about her dad, if she gives you a response that reflects Adam in a bad light, don't give Aubree (or your friends) a silent and knowing look.  Aubree can figure that look out.  It's saying something without actually using words.  Be nonchalant.  It is a good thing for Aubree's self-esteem to feel that no matter what, her father loves her. A positive spin can always made.  Adam doesn't show up to a game? "Well, your dad loves you, and I know he wanted to come, but he probably had to work."  Adam doesn't visit with Aubree while on his weekend, and leaves her with his parents? "Well, I'm sorry you didn't get to see your dad that much, but at least you got to spend a lot of time with grandma and grandpa, and I'm sure they loved that!"  Adam was supposed to call, but didn't? "Aubree, I think your did call.  My stupid phone was off!"



I very much agree. In some instances though, it is best that Chelsea not lie or fabricate anything either to Aubree. For example, Aubree will approach her mom and say, "Daddy didn't call me back." A simple hug can do wonders. It sends a message that Chelsea feels for her daughter without having to lie to her that Adam was probably busy or some other bullshit. Sometimes parents need to just listen to what their kids say without having to "fix it". If Adam continues on this path, he will eventually disappoint Aubree to the degree that he disappointed Chelsea. Aubree shouldn't have people "fix it" time and time again because of Adam's stupidity. Let the chips fall where they may. Unfortunately, children are going to deal with disappointments in life. Some of them will get it from their parents. Aubree will need to learn how to cope and deal with the BS her dad will send her way. It can't be softened up or fixed for her. It just helps her to know that she has a mother and other family members who are dependable and loving. Let Adam paint that picture of himself to his daughter without any interference from Chelsea and company.





Aubree is going to love Cole as long as he's good to her, so there's no need to pit Adam and Cole against each other, but it unintentionally makes Aubree feel like she's not good enough for her father to love her.

Edited by GreatKazu
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I agree that Chelsea shouldn't make excuses or cover-up for Adam. I just wish she would stop promoting Cole as a replacement every time Aubree expresses disappointment in her father. There's no guarantee Cole is going to be around forever and given how young they both are, the odds aren't in Chelsea's favor. Let Aubree and Cole have a friendship but focus on the constants who love Aubree and are going to be there no matter what; Chelsea, Lois Griffin, Randylicious, Rita and their other family members.

  • Love 2

I agree that Chelsea shouldn't make excuses or cover-up for Adam. I just wish she would stop promoting Cole as a replacement every time Aubree expresses disappointment in her father. There's no guarantee Cole is going to be around forever and given how young they both are, the odds aren't in Chelsea's favor. Let Aubree and Cole have a friendship but focus on the constants who love Aubree and are going to be there no matter what; Chelsea, Lois Griffin, Randylicious, Rita and their other family members.

This too.


I wish Cole hadn't moved in. I am one of those who feels some relationships need to be tested to see where they are going and sometimes living together is one sure way of learning how the other person really is. When it comes to children being in that household, I have to take a step back on that idea only because children should not be exposed to an adult who will play the role of step-parent until there has been a commitment by the two adults, whether they are engaged or married. For all I know, maybe Cole and Chelsea have discussed marriage and are planning on it. Chelsea was able to keep Cole on the down low for quite some time before revealing they were dating. She might be keeping it quiet that they have plans to be engaged soon. Who knows.

Edited by GreatKazu
  • Love 5

This too.

I wish Cole hadn't moved in. I am one of those who feels some relationships need to be tested to see where they are going and sometimes living together is one sure way of learning how the other person really is. When it comes to children being in that household, I have to take a step back on that idea only because children should not be exposed to an adult who will play the role of step-parent until there has been a commitment by the two adults, whether they are engaged or married. For all I know, maybe Cole and Chelsea have discussed marriage and are planning on it. Chelsea was able to keep Cole on the down low for quite some time before revealing they were dating. She might be keeping it quiet that they have plans to be engaged soon. Who knows.

I agree with what you wrote other than that chelsea kept cole under wraps. He didnt show up on tv until 7 or 8 months into their relationship but chelsea started tweeting about him and posting pictures within 3 months of seeing him at the gas station...so like 2 months after starting to date. I am old so maybe 60 days is a long time :).

I agree with what you wrote other than that chelsea kept cole under wraps. He didnt show up on tv until 7 or 8 months into their relationship but chelsea started tweeting about him and posting pictures within 3 months of seeing him at the gas station...so like 2 months after starting to date. I am old so maybe 60 days is a long time :).

That is what I meant - the time it took for him to be shown on television.

Cole graduated from the University of Sioux Falls in 2012 with a degree in business administration & entrepreneurial studies. He works for Dakota Traffic Services. http://teenmomgossip.com/photos-who-is-chelsea-houskas-new-man-cole-deboer/

He was on USF's soccer team. If you google "Cole DeBoer" and "soccer," you'll get links to old articles about the soccer team and Cole's performance in different games, etc. Seems he was a good player and a good teammate.

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That is what I meant - the time it took for him to be shown on television.

It was very easy to keep cole off the tv for 8 months because mtv had finished filming the 2014 season right before they started dating (finale was shown in oct) and the 2015 season wasnt shown until july. As soon as the filming started during their relationship cole became a part of the mtv teen mom show.

I think the stories about chelsea taking it slower than the other girls is that cole is the first guy other than adam to be shown on the show with chelsea. Not that she is taking it slow with cole. She had him all over her social media right away. And starting in nov with aubree and cole too.

  • Love 4

Patience, Lemons! It took Adam many years to pose naked on social media.

Adam probably had to post now or never as he isn't aging well. He's in a hurry to do that porn with Farrah too.

Left shot is from a year ago when one of his myriad estranged ladies claimed he was using illegal steroids. Adam today looks as if he could have fathered the younger Adam on the right.


Edited by cheatincheetos
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