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Except Chelsea (and Cole)


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56 minutes ago, Birdee said:

One of these days that POS is going to mess with the wrong woman and his ass is going to wind up dead (whether she shoots him or a dad/brother/whatever tracks him down and beats him I'm not sure). I'm not saying it'll be a huge loss for humanity, but it will tear up his daughters.

Yes- and my hope would be that the woman did not end up in prison for murder/manslaugher for defending herself against the POS. I have a family member that was in a similar situation many years ago, domestic violence victim who defended herself against her husband and was found guilty of manslaughter- granted it was the 80s and we know more as culture about DV now but still. I also think of that poor girl, forced into sex trafficking, raped and is in prison for killing her rapist! 


Im still in Disney (yay I love it) and I have seen a lot of teams and coaches- figuring the gods have shined on me that I haven’t run into Jenelle. 

  • Love 14
3 hours ago, Birdee said:

One of these days that POS is going to mess with the wrong woman and his ass is going to wind up dead (whether she shoots him or a dad/brother/whatever tracks him down and beats him I'm not sure). I'm not saying it'll be a huge loss for humanity, but it will tear up his daughters.

The courts and judges give these assholes too many chances.  Revolving damned doors.

  • Love 12
2 hours ago, Scarlett45 said:

Yes- and my hope would be that the woman did not end up in prison for murder/manslaugher for defending herself against the POS. I have a family member that was in a similar situation many years ago, domestic violence victim who defended herself against her husband and was found guilty of manslaughter- granted it was the 80s and we know more as culture about DV now but still. I also think of that poor girl, forced into sex trafficking, raped and is in prison for killing her rapist! 


Im still in Disney (yay I love it) and I have seen a lot of teams and coaches- figuring the gods have shined on me that I haven’t run into Jenelle. 

I'm sorry to hear that. I was assaulted in college and I have a concealed carry permit now ( I know it sounds cliche, but a restraining order is only a piece of paper and I wish these girls would arm themselves somehow--pepper spray, taser, self-defense classes, something!). Luckily, the courts to tend to view things differently now and I can't imagine with Adam's track record anyone will be surprised when something violent happens to him.

  • Love 16

I am so sorry @Scarlett45 to hear about your family member. That is fucking pissing me off just reading about it. Victims are terrorized. There is a reason DV laws have changed and "terrorist threats" are now one of many charges an abuser can face. 

5 hours ago, Birdee said:

I'm sorry to hear that. I was assaulted in college and I have a concealed carry permit now ( I know it sounds cliche, but a restraining order is only a piece of paper and I wish these girls would arm themselves somehow--pepper spray, taser, self-defense classes, something!). Luckily, the courts to tend to view things differently now and I can't imagine with Adam's track record anyone will be surprised when something violent happens to him.

A restraining order AND carrying a weapon is the best thing to have in these matters. A restraining order means there has been enough reason for a judge to order a person to stay away from the victim. When that restraining order is violated, it allows the courts to handle the situation differently than one who never files a restraining order. There is a pattern and the courts will know you needed to protect yourself. 

  • Love 11

@Birdee and @GreatKazu thank you for your kind words. My cousin served her unjust sentence and unlike most of the women she met she had a loving family to come home to, both of her parents still alive, she didn’t have to worry about the well being of her children and she was able to put it behind her. Had she not defended herself she would probably be dead at his hands. 

She now spends her free time helping other young women escape domestic violence and speaks to young ladies getting out of prison. A wonderful person. 


Thats one of the things that scares me most about these Adam types. They aren’t just “assholes” or “bad boys”, they are VIOLENT CRIMINALS, and anyone who thinks they won’t turn on them one day is deluded. Perhaps Paislee and Aubree are doing ok because Adam was never their caregiver. 

  • Love 11
10 hours ago, Scarlett45 said:

Yes- and my hope would be that the woman did not end up in prison for murder/manslaugher for defending herself against the POS. I have a family member that was in a similar situation many years ago, domestic violence victim who defended herself against her husband and was found guilty of manslaughter- granted it was the 80s and we know more as culture about DV now but still. I also think of that poor girl, forced into sex trafficking, raped and is in prison for killing her rapist! 


Im still in Disney (yay I love it) and I have seen a lot of teams and coaches- figuring the gods have shined on me that I haven’t run into Jenelle. 

Men who stalk, abuse and harass women get a slap on the wrist. Victims who shoot their abusers receive way harsher sentences. Still this way even now. 

  • Love 14
2 hours ago, guilfoyleatpp said:

Men who stalk, abuse and harass women get a slap on the wrist. Victims who shoot their abusers receive way harsher sentences. Still this way even now. 

Let's not forget, females are capable of being abusers as well. Teen Mom features THREE female abusers - Jenelle, Kail, and Amber. Only one of them has served time behind bars for her crimes. One of them abuses the court system with claims of fake abuse. 

@Scarlett45 I am happy to read your relative returned to family and most importantly, her children who lost out on so much precious time with their mother. I applaud her for all she is doing since her release. She could be wallowing in pity. Instead, she is helping others. Bless her. These idiots on this show could learn something from her. 

Edited by GreatKazu
  • Love 9
1 hour ago, MyPeopleAreNordic said:

I saw on Reddit that Adam is out of jail again......

I am terrified for Stasia that Adam is going to kill her. He should not have been let out.  I hope I'm wrong, but I'm really getting bad vibes about this whole thing.

Yes, it is terrifying. The Ashley reported it and @druzy posted the information up above. I fear for her because she is the only ex-girlfriend who has gone through with a restraining order and is standing firm against him. He surely has no fucks to give about the courts either. He has been giving them the middle finger for years now. 

  • Love 12
7 minutes ago, GreatKazu said:

I posted that photo of Chelsea on this thread somewhere. It was several months back. I love this photo because it really does show how much Aubree looks just like her mother when Chelsea was young. Thank goodness is right. 

I thought it might have been posted before but couldn't remember. I forgot to post the pic of Cole I found too. I hope this one hasn't been posted yet but for those that didn't see it the first time, presenting adorable baby Colee!


I think I agree with whoever said Watson looks like Randy the most. It might have been you @GreatKazu

  • Love 6
On 12/8/2017 at 1:51 PM, Birdee said:

I'm sorry to hear that. I was assaulted in college and I have a concealed carry permit now ( I know it sounds cliche, but a restraining order is only a piece of paper and I wish these girls would arm themselves somehow--pepper spray, taser, self-defense classes, something!). Luckily, the courts to tend to view things differently now and I can't imagine with Adam's track record anyone will be surprised when something violent happens to him.

Not a cliche - it's so true. My grandfather was a police officer (died before I was born, so I can't pick his brain), but I also have lots of friends who are in law enforcement or married someone who is in the field and they all tell me it's true. Unless you're in an extremely dangerous situation, the victim is shit out of luck, even with a piece of paper from the courthouse.

What I find offensive and archaic, as I've experienced it, is that if you've been physically assaulted and the bruises don't appear within ten minutes/when the cops show, unless you have an open wound, are bleeding or have something super obvious damages (broken bones, missing teeth), the abuser isn't even charged. In my experience, it was literally as if nothing happened. I remember thinking "Why did I even call 911?" Honest to God, it was pointless. I asked the responding officer "what happens tomorrow when the bruises emerge?" I was told to head down to the police station and file a report. I was beyond frustrated! If anyone here knows why this is, I'd love to know please.

My twin brother is essentially a mix of Ryan & Jenelle, except he doesn't have kids. He was the one who assaulted me one evening last year because he was pissed off about the color of the sky or something equally as stupid. I laid into him as hard as I could because I don't play.

If there are any psych students and/or clinicians who need a case study, I can hook you up!

  • Love 9
1 hour ago, Bridget said:

What I find offensive and archaic, as I've experienced it, is that if you've been physically assaulted and the bruises don't appear within ten minutes/when the cops show, unless you have an open wound, are bleeding or have something super obvious damages (broken bones, missing teeth), the abuser isn't even charged. In my experience, it was literally as if nothing happened. I remember thinking "Why did I even call 911?" Honest to God, it was pointless. I asked the responding officer "what happens tomorrow when the bruises emerge?" I was told to head down to the police station and file a report. I was beyond frustrated! If anyone here knows why this is, I'd love to know please.

Same here.  The whole thing was ridiculous and I got to spend the next day in the ER, pissing blood.  I'm out of that situation now, for many years, but if I had to do it again? I wouldn't have bothered calling.  

  • Love 8

Thankfully, the laws regarding DV have changed. I know in the police in my city and the sheriff's in my county are to take a report and/or arrest the person if someone says they were assaulted. They do not need to see an injury. Hopefully, that is changing all across the states. 

Restraining orders do help depending on the situation. Some abusers will abide by a restraining order. They fear going to jail and won't do anything to the victim. Others may violate it in such a way that is not physical. Restraining orders help when a situation would not be taken seriously otherwise. When you have someone like Adumb who is an abuser AND an addict, it is almost guaranteed that they will violate a restraining order. Then, you have the abuser who is bent on bringing harm to their victim at all costs, restraining order or not. 

I had a restraining order on someone. I am glad I did because when he violated it, the courts were more pressed to do something about it than if I didn't have it. When that person left me a note or paged me* using numbers for codes, I was able to contact the police and they took a report. When that person was seen walking near my car, the police were on him quickly and they took him in. That would not have happened WITHOUT a restraining order. 

*back when pager/beepers were the thing

I am glad Stasia has the restraining order. Without it, chances are Adumb would not have been arrested. 

Edited by GreatKazu
  • Love 12
7 minutes ago, TeeMo said:

Poor Britnee! I mean first to know your husband is a predator, and then to have it splashed on the internet because of the popularity of TM2. 

I hope Britnee drops his ass like a hot potato. If this is the first time he’s been caught he’s done it before. Get out now Britnee!

  • Love 17
20 hours ago, ghoulina said:

So gross. It's awful enough to have your husband cheat on your, or attempt to cheat on you. But to find out he's trying to get with little girls would just make me sick. I hope she's got a solid head on her shoulders and stays far far away from that dude. They've been married about a year, did she have any kids?

I've looked at Britnee's Instagram before it was deleted, and I don't recall seeing pictures of her with a kid. She should have no problem getting a quickie divorce and she's a registered nurse, so at least she has a good job to support herself. I remember seeing pictures of her college graduation, and Chelsea, Cole and the kids were in attendance. I feel horribly for her though. As you said, being cheated on is bad enough, but your husband trying to solicit teenagers? I can't even imagine. 

Edited by BitterApple
  • Love 16

The story about Britnee's husband blew up on reddit a few days ago. Apparently Britnee is currently pregnant, hopefully she isn't too stressed. Also, some redditors looked up her husband's SM and found some blatantly racist and trans/homophobic shit. It made some question why Britnee, Chelsea, Cole and the rest of their friends (Chels friend Chelsea Grace even liked one of his very racist posts) hung with someone who was pretty suspect before the predatory behavior came to light. My reasoning is that they are a bunch of cloistered, white, comfortably upper-middle class young folk in a pretty conservative part of the country, I don't expect any of them to be "woke" or deep thinkers or to pay attention to social matters. Hopefully Britnee drops this asswipe like a ton of bricks.

  • Love 19
5 hours ago, druzy said:

I'm cracking up over this. Jenelle gets her half dozen, mug shot sporting ex boyfriends saying how crazy she is. And, Chelsea get's a nice, average story of how they met and got together. Nice shade there, MTV. I feel really sorry for the kids at the swamp because you know Jenelle is insanely mad about this and they're all paying the price. 

  • Love 19

The Jenelle special was bad enough. Now this? 

These specials really need more than just a rehash of scenes. How about adding in all the deleted scenes and stuff that never made it to camera? 

"Love at the Pumps" has me laughing. 

What's next? Leah Messer: Druggie and Driving...wait, that could be a combo special with Ryan. 

  • Love 10
On 12/16/2017 at 11:21 AM, GreatKazu said:

The Jenelle special was bad enough. Now this? 

These specials really need more than just a rehash of scenes. How about adding in all the deleted scenes and stuff that never made it to camera? 

"Love at the Pumps" has me laughing. 

What's next? Leah Messer: Druggie and Driving...wait, that could be a combo special with Ryan. 

They are leading us up to the wonderful New Years Eve Balloon Massacre Party Special.  

  • Love 16

I like Chelsea but I doubt I'll watch because boring. But I'm all about Mtv making this special because you know Jenelle is gonna be watching and taking notes on how to single-white-female-up her Chelsea copying. And she'll be so pissed that they got a love story special with "good editing" and she got The Ex Files. I can almost hear the "MTV, why are you so mean to meeeee?!!!!! Leave me aloooooone!" cries from The Land already.....

  • Love 10
On 12/24/2017 at 7:19 PM, MargeGunderson said:

Why can’t they get that poor child some age and size appropriate glasses? My grandpa wore those in the early ‘80s.

I agree and also...with Allie having problems  with walking  .. falling down etc...why the  heck do we keep seeing the poor kid  ( even in playgrounds with  climbing frames etc).....with  bloody "flip flops"  on her feet????? These cannot help her problem!!!!  

  • Love 4

Hahahaha, I love that Germy posted that picture of bacon. I wonder if Leah came over later so he could slap her with it? 


Not loving the gun photos. I have owned guns throughout my whole life and have no issues with them, generally. However, I agree with the red flags concerning gun safety. Also, if you want to start getting your kids guns and teaching them to shoot, go for it. But keep the pics off social media. It just garners too much unneeded attention. 

  • Love 15

Did Addie get two pink rifles? That seems a bit excessive.


Also, I love one of the comments on Jeremy's tweet from Captain Amiraca (to whom I will give the benefit of the doubt and assume the misspelling is intentional)- "You don't live here so don't worry about, us who are intelligent and know how to properly shoot and teach our children the safety of it young will handle our own"...


Us who are intelligent indeed.

Edited by Tatum
  • Love 13
4 minutes ago, Tatum said:

Did Addie get two pink rifles? That seems a bit excessive.


Also, I love one of the comments on Jeremy's tweet from Captain Amiraca (to whom I will give the benefit of the doubt and assume the misspelling is intentional)- "You don't live here so don't worry about, us who are intelligent and know how to properly shoot and teach our children the safety of it young will handle our own"...


Us who are intelligent indeed.

Someone close to Captain Amiraca needs to take his twitter or instagram away.  My grandma had a saying about people like that. . . "An empty wagon rattles the loudest." lol

Addie got two of the same rifle, just each one in a different pink design.  I'm thinking Keystone gave the rifles to Jeremy for the SM advertising.

I'm not a fan of brightly colored guns; especially for children.   Guns should be traditional/muted/camouflage coloring that reflects the seriousness of their capabilities/purpose.  Nothing about them should ever be toy like.  That's simply my opinion though, of course.

  • Love 13
7 hours ago, ghoulina said:

Hahahaha, I love that Germy posted that picture of bacon. I wonder if Leah came over later so he could slap her with it? 


Not loving the gun photos. I have owned guns throughout my whole life and have no issues with them, generally. However, I agree with the red flags concerning gun safety. Also, if you want to start getting your kids guns and teaching them to shoot, go for it. But keep the pics off social media. It just garners too much unneeded attention. 

He is trash and so are his posts. No class whatsoever.

  • Love 5

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