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Except Chelsea (and Cole)


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I read this today: http://radaronline.com/exclusives/2014/09/chelsea-houska-new-boyfriend/

I know there are rabid Chelsea fans out there. (I'm not one of them. I find her soooo annoying.) Anyway, all I kept thinking was, "What's wrong with this seemingly educated guy that he is involved with Chelsea?" What can they possibly have in common, or talk about? Maybe he's rebounding from a serious relationship breakup. I dunno...(Shrugs)

Why?......Why does she insist on talking in that nauseating baby voice. I just cringe when she starts up. I think doing that tends to dumb down the children. Kailyn always speaks to her boys with firmness,love and her true voice. I give her credit for that. Also kailyn is serious about her college studies. I think Chelsea dad is a dentist. He has held her hand and continues to hold her hand through every decision. He is always the first person she calls whenever there is an issue. I think both her little girl and Farrah's girl are bratty. Farrah is even more nauseating w the baby talk. Ugh! I wish these ladies would tone down the makeup. Doesn't Chelsea have a best friend to take away her eyebrow sharpie? Seriously I have seen photos of Farrah and Chelsea wout makeup and they look so much better.

  • Love 6

Coming from a guy's perspective, Cole leaves me scratching my head. I mean, Chelsea is a decent girl and out of all the single moms on these TV shows, I'd say, hands down she would be the best pick for any decent dude thinking of even being with a single mom. And having Randy as a father-in-law wouldn't be too bad.


But getting married? Dude what are you thinking? You've got your whole life ahead of you! So much poontang out there to collect in this day and age. Fire up the Tindr and go at it. Cole is pretty good looking. He has a stable job I suppose, in something like traffic control specialist (maybe a little like civil engineering but working on roads). He's like that All American dream for some American girls, especially those from the Midwest. Personally, if I had his good looks, I'd spend more of my time sowing my wild oats and building on my education instead of spending time with a single mother + kid, not to mention having to deal with the Adam drama.


Randy must be happy, because Cole just fell out of the sky and answered his prayers... somebody please keep Chelsea from dating another loser! 


Last thing, I will never understand the attraction some of you women have for Maci's ex Ryan... especially now that he's older. I guess for women he's the male equivalent of what a bimbo is for men. The guy is dumber than a pack mule and more boring than a pet lizard under a sun lamp. Now he's just older and uglier. A lot of the guys that peak in high school sure do have a tendency to fall apart physically as they approach their 30s.

Edited by BabyDaddy
  • Love 1

Sorry, didn't mean to be so vulgar and use poontang. 


Yes, not all men want to chase multiple women. I was that guy as well. Now in a 18 year relationship and still happy. Maybe it's the midlife crisis self-evaluation coming up, but reaching the age of 40, I can tell you, there are occasions where I do sometimes wonder if it had been better if I had spent more time dating different women, just to experience life more fully. Who knows, maybe it would have been worse.


But as an older guy, if I was his father I would be telling him too cool things down a bit and keep options open. He could wait until 32 years old (now he's like what, 25?) to settle down.

Edited by BabyDaddy

He's like that All American dream for some American girls, especially those from the Midwest. Personally, if I had his good looks, I'd spend more of my time sowing my wild oats and building on my education instead of spending time with a single mother + kid, not to mention having to deal with the Adam drama.

Cole is a good looking guy, but I get the impression that he hasn't dated a lot of girls or had a serious relationship prior to Chelsea. He comes across as very shy. As far as settling down, you have to factor in that they live in the middle of nowhere and people in rural areas tend to marry young. Leah and her family are the perfect examples. She's twice divorced at 23.

I hope Chelsea and Cole make it, but the cynical part of me is doubtful. Not because either of them are bad people but because I think they're rushing into it a little bit. Time will tell.

  • Love 3

Sorry, didn't mean to be so vulgar and use poontang.

Yes, not all men want to chase multiple women. I was that guy as well. Now in a 18 year relationship and still happy. Maybe it's the midlife crisis self-evaluation coming up, but reaching the age of 40, I can tell you, there are occasions where I do sometimes wonder if it had been better if I had spent more time dating different women, just to experience life more fully. Who knows, maybe it would have been worse.

But as an older guy, if I was his father I would be telling him too cool things down a bit and keep options open. He could wait until 32 years old (now he's like what, 25?) to settle down.

Not all guys think the same. And, there is a difference between guys and men.

  • Love 6

I may be wrong but I thought I read somewhere that Chelsea is Cole's first "serious" girlfriend. So there is that. Plus, not everyone wants or needs to date a million people. Some people want to find someone they love and are compatible with and are happy to settle down with them, even at a young age. Some people are family oriented and don't have a problem taking on an already made family. Happiness isn't guaranteed no matter what path you take, so I say to each his own. Time will tell if Chelsea and Cole make it. 

  • Love 4

I believe Cole is 27 years old. Depending on when they get married, he might be closer to 28. I think he's had plenty of time to "sow his wild oats" IF that was something that interested him. When I see Cole and Chelsea together, I see pure happiness. Everyone meets that special someone at a different time in their life. I was 28 when I married my husband. I felt completely satisfied with the dating I had done up to that point and was absolutely ready to settle down. Eight years later, I have no regrets. I think Cole and Chelsea are just about the only couple on these shows who I don't think either rushed into things or got married (are getting married) for the wrong reasons. I wish them a lifetime of happiness. 

  • Love 8

She is really starting to grate with this Cole insta-daddy thing. Before Cole was in the picture, Chelsea's desire was for Adam to step up and be a good father. Now it is for him to just go away since she figures she's got a dad for Aubree. She even said that.


The more I thought about it, the more I thought about the nerve she has saying that. She's grown up with an involved, loving biological father. Why would she think Aubree wouldn't benefit from that? She's already got a relationship with Adam. I don't know that Aubree gaiins or loses from that. I think his impact on her life is probably mostly neutral, which isn't really a good thing. But how would she feel if he just disappeared out of her life forever so Cole could take over?  I think she'd be scarred by that. Abandonment is some pretty crappy stuff for kids to deal with.

  • Love 3

That's the best part, we aren't married and have no plans to be anytime soon.

We get along great, we may have a small argument once a year, we make each other laugh like nobody else can and it just gets better and better every year. If we get angry we ask ourselves if what we're angry about will matter in a week or a month, 9 times out of 10, it won't so we drop it.

My daughter and her friends were talking about people getting their significant others names tattooed, all of her friends said they wouldn't do it and my daughter told them that me and her dad had each other's names tattoed and her friends said "your parents are different". I don't want to make it sound perfect because it's not but it's pretty damn good. It's just about finding that right fit, I just found mine when I was young.

We also moved in together ten days after we met.

The best part was when I took him to meet my brother right after we got together, I told him that my brother was protective of me and hated every guy I had dated. My brother opens his door, grabs my boyfriend and starts hugging him. Turns out he had been good friends with my brothers when we were growing up and had spent the night at our house a bunch of times.

I was also a teen mom, in an abusive marriage and was a widow by the time I was 21. There's not a lot of young men who would take that on. He took us on 100 percent and has been the best daddy and now grandpa that my kids could ever hope for.

Sorry to be so off topic. I'm proud of my relationship, we've put a lot of work into it and I just wanted to show that all relationships that start at a younger age don't always end badly.

  • Love 10
more than half of couples marrying at that age do regret it, so hopefully they don't set a date too soon. No need to rush.


I'm not a statistical expert, but I'd think more than half of married people, period, regret it - since it so often ends in divorce. I don't think rushing is necessarily an age thing, but a societal thing. People are all about instant gratification these days. Want it, get it. It's about status - and when everyone else is married, you better hurry up and pick someone too. I think this applies to people of all ages, as I know those who got married later in life and still ended up unhappy. Too many. People don't use much discernment when choosing, and they often give up too easily. Again, instant gratification. Gotta make myself happy, right now, this minute. 


At any rate, Chelsea and Cole started dating a little over 18 months ago.If they're planning a fall wedding, they'll have been together 2 years.  I think that's a good amount of time to take to get to know someone and decide if marriage is in your future. These other girls have a dude moved in after 2 months and married by 4 months. I don't think Chelsea is rushing it at all. 

Edited by ghoulina
  • Love 5

Petty Rant Warning!!!!

Chelsea is by far the most likeable mom on TM2.  However....

1.  That baby voice....stop it!  I'd rather hear nails on a chalkboard.

2.  Baiting Aubree.  Example:  "Don't you love it when Coley goes to the pumpkin patch with us?"  or "Aubree, your dad spends a lot of time on his phone, doesn't he?"  (Those aren't actual quotes, but she's said similar things).  We all know Adumb is a piece of garbage, but don't put your daughter in the middle.

3.  That hair!  Fire-engine red hair ain't working for ya, Chels.  And while you're at it, please at least attempt to brush it every once in awhile.

4.  The excessive make-up.  Less is more.  The smoky eyes, thick eyeliner and tons of foundation...it's just too much.

5.  The red plaid lumberjack hat....ugh!  Enough said.

6.  Lastly, what the heck happened to her upper lip?  Did she get fillers?


Ok, rant over :)

  • Love 7

Chelsea did get lip filler, yes, and it's throwing her face off. 

I think when Chelsea tones down her makeup and has that natural looking reddish brown hair, she's a very pretty girl. I understand wanting to look good on tv, but these girls are going overboard with the drag queen contouring and smoky eyes. Heavy makeup looks very harsh in natural lighting.

  • Love 5
23 hours ago, Phoebe70 said:

Petty Rant Warning!!!!

Chelsea is by far the most likeable mom on TM2.  However....

1.  That baby voice....stop it!  I'd rather hear nails on a chalkboard.

2.  Baiting Aubree.  Example:  "Don't you love it when Coley goes to the pumpkin patch with us?"  or "Aubree, your dad spends a lot of time on his phone, doesn't he?"  (Those aren't actual quotes, but she's said similar things).  We all know Adumb is a piece of garbage, but don't put your daughter in the middle.

3.  That hair!  Fire-engine red hair ain't working for ya, Chels.  And while you're at it, please at least attempt to brush it every once in awhile.

4.  The excessive make-up.  Less is more.  The smoky eyes, thick eyeliner and tons of foundation...it's just too much.

5.  The red plaid lumberjack hat....ugh!  Enough said.

6.  Lastly, what the heck happened to her upper lip?  Did she get fillers?


Ok, rant over :)

Yes, I think her and Kail both got them while filming the reunion this weekend.  Those both also got new frenchie puppies.  

Chelsea has went back to what looks like a natural brunette hair color and I really, really like it on her.  So much better than the red color she had.  Now, if she will just tone down the makeup.

  • Love 1
5 minutes ago, Mkay said:

Yes, I think her and Kail both got them while filming the reunion this weekend.  Those both also got new frenchie puppies.  

Chelsea has went back to what looks like a natural brunette hair color and I really, really like it on her.  So much better than the red color she had.  Now, if she will just tone down the makeup.

I feel like Chelsea's look might be deliberate;  like she's kind of going for "glam tomboy." 

At very least, she's one of those who is never seen without makeup (maybe I *should* be like that, but I'm lazy...who actually knows?)  In the past, she'd have some ratty bun on her head and be wearing horrific sweats with a face full of contour.

  • Love 3
On 4/18/2016 at 2:42 PM, Maharincess said:

I'm not offended but you did say it and I don't agree. I also think it's a snobby thing to imply.

I'm off this merry merry go round now. It's giving me a headache.

No, I did not. Not a "merry go round," just pointing out that that is not factually what I said. I said that a certain depth of critical thinking skills is difficult to obtain without the extensive reading, writing, and breadth of study required by college. You can, but it is difficult simply because you're unlikely to do it. 

For what it's worth, I think Chelsea is a good person who isn't very bright, is nice and friendly, and has found her soulmate. I also don't mind the voice and don't know why it matters that much. 

I don't think you NEED college or a career, but I would personally hope she modeled something to Aubree that she cared about deeply besides part-time work (I don't know that we can call that a "career" yet), being on TM, and getting married. Whether that means volunteering, becoming an activist in some way, having a passionate hobby, taking classes or getting a degree, starting a business (for which she would need more training), or developing her career, I would hope that she gets involved in something meaningful besides looking cute and loving Cole. Cole seems great and Chelsea won't be a bad mom if she never does any of those things, but she is so into Cole/the "perfect" family image that I do hope she models more depth to her daughter at some point, and that it isn't always all about Cole and finding the perfect man. He'll always let you down even if it's just in a small way. Hopefully that will subside a little after the wedding and when Chelsea feels a bit more secure and mature. 

  • Love 5
40 minutes ago, SPLAIN said:


I agree with the comments about how Chelsea has made such a better choice this time around. She could have easily fallen into a pattern like Jenelle, but then Chelsea does not have the issues that Jenelle does. 

I don't think she could have. Would that everyone on the show could have a Randy. Her mom seems pretty great and stable too. This show is basically a study in how upbringing affects your own parenting. 

  • Love 3

Chelsea chose a loser named Adam even though she had her parents in her life. Those same parents are still in her life. This is about growth and Chelsea learning from her prior choices IMO. Many young people can make bad choices in life and make better choices in life as they grow up whether they have a stable family life or not. 

I am not here to post statistics or dig up links to back up my opinion. I am merely pointing out how Chelsea could have easily latched on to another loser such as one who may be with her for the MTV fame or have issues that are not obvious. There are different kinds of losers. Adam is just one example. 

  • Love 5

Somewhat, yes. And partly just not being 16-18 anymore. Many people get with "bad boys" or "bad girls" at that age. They just usually don't wind up pregnant/impregnating someone (but many have unprotected sex and could). That wasn't a wildly bad choice or the result of mental illness. Her support system played a big role in the development of her self esteem in failing to accept further bad treatment. 

Of course, now she's perhaps gone a bit too far with it and starting to put Cole on a pedestal for Aubree, but I assume that will subside in time (and Adam could always get his shit together?....maybe?).

  • Love 1

Well, it was not that long ago Chelsea hooked up with Adam. There was not that much time from her last hook-up with Adam to when she began dating other guys.  I recall Randy still trying to invoke his words of wisdom to her. Chelsea was not always receptive, and this was just two years ago.  

I stand by my opinion that Chelsea could have chosen another loser. He may not have been on the level that Adam is, but the possibility existed. Even the brightest women make questionable choices. 

  • Love 4

At least twice now, Chelsea has mentioned to Cole her desire for pregnancy immediately after the wedding. He gives her an incredibly unsure, uncomfortable look, shifty eyes and all. Due to his body language, I expect him to say "maybe not right away" or "I think we should have some time as a newlyweds first" but NOPE. He agrees "I think that's a great idea" I find this hilarious. 

  • Love 10

I would think the same, except after watching them for 2 seasons, I think that's just Cole's on camera demeanor. No matter WHAT she brings up, whether it's babies or going on vacation, he has this nervous, unsure look on his face. At first I thought he wasn't as into Chelsea, or thought things are moving too quickly. Now I think he's super aware of the cameras catching his every reaction. Some people eventually adjust to them, but not everyone does. 

  • Love 4

I kind of feel that ALL of the new boyfriends/girlfriends/spouses are only around their "love" because of MTV, so Leah is not alone in that. The only exceptions to this, in my opinion, are Cole (probably because Chelsea waited so long and didn't go for just anyone and because she actually has things to offer aside from MTV fame), Miranda (she has put up with way more than anyone could expect to!) and possibly Gary's wife Christina (I like what we've seen of her, mostly. She has tried to include Amber in Leah's life by texting her when she didn't have to.Signs point to that she loves Gary, and Leah, a lot. She's pretty quiet.)


I think Leah blew her chance at real, legitimate love with someone forever when she lost Corey. I think he loved her in a way she won't find again. Ever.

Edited by Rebecca
Typos and then I added a little bit more about why I think Miranda and Christina are true in their feelings for their TM partners.
  • Love 12
19 minutes ago, ghoulina said:

I don't know....I agree that Chelsea's makeup is too heavy, but I'm a SAHM and I always style my hair and do my makeup every day. It's not for anyone else. I have fun doing it and just makes me feel better to be "put together". I get the impression Chelsea really enjoys makeup. Hopefully with time she'll tone it down a bit. 

Bless you!  omg when I'm home I look worse than Jo!!! 

  • Love 7
1 hour ago, neatoburrito said:

I often wonder why Chelsea bothers troweling on 2lbs of make-up just to sit in her lounge with her pets. Does she think Pete's gonna judge her if her contour isn't on point?

I would put makeup on if I were on TV too.  Not that much though.  She looked really cheap on the after show.  She had her boobs hanging out and they looked suspiciously fake. 

  • Love 4

Am I getting this right?  Adam pays $150/mo. for child support and he's bragging about that and how he takes care of his kid? I almost pay that much for a kid's piano lessons!  Everything he says about what he pays for just goes in one ear and out the other for me - him claiming he pays "double" because he gives Chelsea child support and has to buy a bed?  Please.

  • Love 7

My brother -and he does not speak to me anymore because I'm the only person in the "family" who sees he doesn't lay fucking golden eggs and calls him out on his BS- did not pay CS for his oldest daughter, who is now 20, for what reason, I don't know, he's given many and they're all bollocks, and he refuses to pay any for his second daughter because "her bitch mother's got a better job than me, for fuck's sake." 
He gets away with this because he's in the UK, his ex-gf has never filed for support and never tried to claim government benefits. He's extremely missing the point and doesn't see either of his girls. One of the reasons he gave for not seeing the youngest was his ex-gf's family hates him. Hmm, wonder why?! OUR idiotic parents are VERY offended by this and act like he's the victim. 
He reminds me of Adam, but his youngest daughter has no idea he's a shithead because her mother says nothing at all about him, good or bad, and she has a dad: her mother's husband. She knows my brother exists, but she has a frigging dad already.
Sorry for the rant. 

  • Love 6
19 hours ago, GreatKazu said:

Adam gripes about paying $150 a month in CS while bragging about his dogs $500 toys. Priorities.

Not only that but he has 2 pure bred English Bulldogs, that's about 4000 dollars worth of dogs right there and seeing one of them was a puppy I'm sure he didn't adopt through a rescue.  On top of all of that, English Bulldogs tend to have a lot of breathing and other medical issues which means very high vet bills. 

He's an idiot. 

  • Love 4
On 4/26/2016 at 9:20 PM, Katt said:

I liked your comment, Leighroda, then realised how hypocritical I am! Our daughter's name is Laura and we've been calling her Lolly since she was about 18 months old and she's 16 now. :-o

I think that's a great nickname,  since it is a sweet treat or candy makes it a really cute nickname. 

My son is 30 and I still call him Bubs, that's what my daughter called him the day he came home from the hospital and it stuck. My daughter is 32 and I still call her Sissy Lou. 

  • Love 3
4 hours ago, Maharincess said:

Not only that but he has 2 pure bred English Bulldogs, that's about 4000 dollars worth of dogs right there and seeing one of them was a puppy I'm sure he didn't adopt through a rescue.  On top of all of that, English Bulldogs tend to have a lot of breathing and other medical issues which means very high vet bills. 

He's an idiot. 

You know, I really can see him taking it personally if he has to take a dog to the vet. His sense of entitlement is sickening! I really want to know if his parents think he's in the right when he spews his crap on television. 

Edited by Katt
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