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Except Chelsea (and Cole)

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On 6/25/2016 at 8:08 AM, HeySandyStrange said:

Depends. For people who aren't well-off and have to feed a few mouths, healthy foods like fresh fruits and veggies can actually come out as more pricey then just buying bulk junk food like chips.  Of course, education and environment comes into play with making smart food choices. Which is probably why Leah, despite having more then enough money, doesn't buy better food. Sucks because she could afford to feed the girlses and herself a really healthy diet if she wanted too.

Wait, that's gravy?! I thought it was grits or cream of wheat. If it is the kind from a jar, no thanks. I prefer the country gravy you mix from the package.

Yeah...food politics are really complicated. I honestly wonder if Leah even *knows* what nutritious means. A lot of people really, really don't. And many can't afford it or have access (there are certainly places with no grocery stores), though she obviously could and does. So the MTV money makes me confused, because those things don't apply to her except the education and experience. Does she just feed her kids what she ate growing up? Does she legitimately not understand? What's weird is that yes, she's lazy, but handing your kids an apple, a banana, or cheese and crackers is actually easier than making that breakfast, and about the same level of effort as cracking open a soda or opening a bag of Cheetos. So there's got to be something else going on besides just laziness. It's really shocking to me, but I wasn't raised how she was. Do people like this just think "this is how I done got fed so it's good enough for ma girlses," like they obviously do with things like spanking and ignoring a child's disability? Do they think things like "healthy food" are liberal propaganda? 

Edited by Lm2162
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59 minutes ago, Lm2162 said:

Does she just feed her kids what she ate growing up? Does she legitimately not understand? What's weird is that yes, she's lazy, but handing your kids an apple, a banana, or cheese and crackers is actually easier than making that breakfast, and about the same level of effort as cracking open a soda or opening a bag of Cheetos.

I think you pretty much hit the nail on the head about Leah and her lack of nutrition knowledge. She feeds her kids and herself what she ate growing up, despite the fact she could do much better food quality wise. To give Mama Dawn some credit, she was a teen mom raising three kids on her own without (according to Leah) the aid of foodstamps/WIC. So on top of not having much knowledge, Dawn probably couldn't afford the best food.  And we all know Leah is not the brightest nor the most curious person in the world. She's the type to stick with what she knows and not expand her horizons. It is really surprising that Leah managed to stay so thin even before the advent of the pillses. I guess she was blessed with a fast metabolism, which hopefully the girlses inherited or else they are bound to have some weight problems a few years from now.

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On 6/13/2016 at 11:46 AM, neatoburrito said:
On 6/18/2016 at 11:43 PM, Mkay said:

Never have I ever been in the middle of anything (especially sweaty) and decided on a new set of selfies. I hate my own picture and may have only taken 5 in my life! It's crazy to me the amount of pictures some people take of themselves.  She thought she looked good in these, too I bet. 


I once read something that said it should be a law that for every 5 selfies a person takes they should be made to read a book. 

Leah would never take another one.  

I will never understand taking a picture of one's self.  I would feel like a complete idiot. My daughter has a friend that takes at least 5 to 10 pictures of herself every day and posts them to social media.   She will make the stupidest faces in them.  Why? I don't get it.  Is it raging narcissism or raging insecurity? 

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Oreo (Leah's sister Victoria) posts a ton of selfies that all look exactly the same. I don't get it. You didn't change from the last picture an hr before. 

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Re: Leah and food

In rural areas, especially in the baby boomer generation, processed food is seen as a status item because when they were introduced, only the middle class and above could afford it. Even now, there is a sense of pride for me in being able to afford name brand soda and chips because for a long time I could not. Some of that may play into this. 

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5 hours ago, GreatKazu said:

Jeremy did not seem to believe Leah's story about Adderral having left the house only to be taken home after being found by the police.

I don't know why they bothered showing that when they let Leah wash over it like it was just Jeremy shit stirring. Maybe that IS why;  they thought people would believe that BS and it would get her off the hook. FFS. 

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3 hours ago, Christina87 said:

I love how this story only made it into unseen moments, but backpack gate was suuuuch a big deal!

Likely because of lack of MTV cameras. MTV was around for backpack gate, which was nothing to even be concerned about. MTV just happened to be there filming after Addy gate.

Jeremy mentioned painting the walls. I could not help but think Leah left the house dirty, with marks on the wall due to crayons and markers, and Cheetos' prints all over.

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Randy is like an overgrown teenager. I don't know any middle aged man who goes bar hopping and gets drunk with his kids. As for Chelsea, she sure isn't going to make 300k a year waxing eyebrows twice a week at the spa, so I'm calling shenanigans on her wanting to quit the show.

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The vibe I get is that Chelsea doesn't enjoy being filmed, but every time she says she's quitting they up her salary by about $50K. I wonder if Chelsea is trying to build up a nest egg and will quit for real the minute she hits her goal.

I think production might have reached a salary cap on these girls. The Ashley reported last time that one of the girls would not be re-signing (who clearly has since reconsidered) and instead of offering more money production was looking at either bringing in a substitute mom or just doing the show with 3 girls.

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On 6/3/2016 at 8:21 AM, BitterApple said:

Chelsea has always been spoiled and lazy. If she didn't have MTV money she'd probably be living off Randy right now. I like her, but she's never had to hustle or bust her ass for anything in her life. It took her years just to finish a freaking GED. I think the main reason she wants to have kids so quickly with Cole is it gives her an excuse not to work.

This is not directed at you personally. I have seen this posted a few times by others as well.

I am not sure what having to hustle or not having to hustle has to do with anything.  Maybe I am reading something else in these comments about her lack of hustle. 

I am reminded of two cousins telling me their stories about how they had to work at the age of 12 with their parents during the summer. They worked the fields picking produce. They have gone on and on about their hard work, having to do this and that kind of work during their teen years every summer. The working hours were long, conditions were bad, etc. They had newspaper routes, and other odd jobs. Then, when I mentioned receiving a weekly allowance for doing chores at home while growing up, they would tell me I had it made, I was spoiled, and I was "daddy's rich girl". Mind you, they were not being cruel when they said it, but it deeply bothered me and I let them know it. 

I did not have to hustle as a teen. It is not my fault my parents established themselves with a business and ensured they were financially stable before they had us kids. They did not want us kids to have to do back-breaking work. They wanted us to focus on our education. Earning allowance and doing chores around the house instilled responsibility and taught me the value of money. I ended up having a parent dealing with a severe illness during this time.  This meant I had to do a lot more things around the house. I took on ALOT. But  in the eyes of the two people I mentioned above, because they did back-breaking work and had a work ethic, somehow they forgot I had my own struggles and that I was dealt a certain card in life just like them. My dad depended on us kids to get things done around the house. This work ethic followed me into adulthood.

Chelsea could be one entitled person if she was in fact a spoiled child. I do not see her as entiltled. I know some entitled teens who grew up to be very spoiled and materialistic people. I do not see Chelsea surrounding herself with several cars and other expensive items. She rarely goes places such as vacations. A concert here and there, but that is about it. I do not see her being lazy. She may have been a sloth years ago getting her GED, but she does not give off any lazy attitude currently. Her scenes may be boring to some, but to me, she just does not have drama at home. Leah is definitely lazy and has no work ethic. She has no goals or plans beyond getting her monthly child support checks and MTV money while shoving sugar and junk food down their throats. Cate and Tyler are another example of laziness. Chelsea definitely is not in this group.

Chelsea currently works part-time. As was mentioned many times before for Leah and Kail, they are SAHM for the most part because they can afford to be home. The same holds for Chelsea.

Women are allowed to be home with their kids if they can afford to. Chelsea seems to enjoy being a mom. For so long now, mothers have been shamed for not having a job or career outside of the home.  There is a big difference between the kind of person and parent Chelsea is versus the kind of mothers like the ones I mentioned above.

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3 hours ago, Tatum said:


The vibe I get is that Chelsea doesn't enjoy being filmed, but every time she says she's quitting they up her salary by about $50K. I wonder if Chelsea is trying to build up a nest egg and will quit for real the minute she hits her goal.


Randy said in the interview that Aubree's college was taken care of. I think, more than any of the girls, Chelsea has used this show to her advantage - to set her up for the future. I wouldn't be surprised if her home was paid off as well. 

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4 hours ago, GreatKazu said:

This is not directed at you personally. I have seen this posted a few times by others as well.

I am not sure what having to hustle or not having to hustle has to do with anything.  Maybe I am reading something else in these comments about her lack of hustle. 

I am reminded of two cousins telling me their stories about how they had to work at the age of 12 with their parents during the summer. They worked the fields picking produce. They have gone on and on about their hard work, having to do this and that kind of work during their teen years every summer. The working hours were long, conditions were bad, etc. They had newspaper routes, and other odd jobs. Then, when I mentioned receiving a weekly allowance for doing chores at home while growing up, they would tell me I had it made, I was spoiled, and I was "daddy's rich girl". Mind you, they were not being cruel when they said it, but it deeply bothered me and I let them know it. 

I did not have to hustle as a teen. It is not my fault my parents established themselves with a business and ensured they were financially stable before they had us kids. They did not want us kids to have to do back-breaking work. They wanted us to focus on our education. Earning allowance and doing chores around the house instilled responsibility and taught me the value of money. I ended up having a parent dealing with a severe illness during this time.  This meant I had to do a lot more things around the house. I took on ALOT. But  in the eyes of the two people I mentioned above, because they did back-breaking work and had a work ethic, somehow they forgot I had my own struggles and that I was dealt a certain card in life just like them. My dad depended on us kids to get things done around the house. This work ethic followed me into adulthood.

Chelsea could be one entitled person if she was in fact a spoiled child. I do not see her as entiltled. I know some entitled teens who grew up to be very spoiled and materialistic people. I do not see Chelsea surrounding herself with several cars and other expensive items. She rarely goes places such as vacations. A concert here and there, but that is about it. I do not see her being lazy. She may have been a sloth years ago getting her GED, but she does not give off any lazy attitude currently. Her scenes may be boring to some, but to me, she just does not have drama at home. Leah is definitely lazy and has no work ethic. She has no goals or plans beyond getting her monthly child support checks and MTV money while shoving sugar and junk food down their throats. Cate and Tyler are another example of laziness. Chelsea definitely is not in this group.

Chelsea currently works part-time. As was mentioned many times before for Leah and Kail, they are SAHM for the most part because they can afford to be home. The same holds for Chelsea.

Women are allowed to be home with their kids if they can afford to. Chelsea seems to enjoy being a mom. For so long now, mothers have been shamed for not having a job or career outside of the home.  There is a big difference between the kind of person and parent Chelsea is versus the kind of mothers like the ones I mentioned above.

I think the thing regarding Chelsea regarding her lack of hustle is that she was living off of Randy, her father, while not doing anything "productive" to make herself independent besides collecting a check from Teen Mom. Had Randy been footing the bills but she was enrolled in a 4yrs university/grad school, getting great grades AND raising Aubrey I don't think people would comment. Raising your child (even as a single parent) and going to school part time while your father foots the bills is NOT a life of struggle/effort. I'm not mad at Chelsea for it, not every teen mom's life is a "struggle", especially if their parents have means and don't mind supporting them. But Chelsea was never going to be the "hard working entrepreneurial type". I'm sure she loves, respects and appreciates her father, and no she doesn't demand he provide luxury goods and vacations- nor should she, he was providing her with her entire lifestyle. Chelsea isn't a bad human being but she's not ambitious  


Had she not gotten pregnant with Aubrey she would puttered around at school until she met a nice guy who would support her. Not luxuriously mind you but support her. Not a luxury many women have in 2016, especially ones who are single moms. 

I understand where your coming from. I was often called a spoiled little rich growing up, because I didn't have an after school job. Never mind my mom paying someone to provide care to my elderly grandfather and my serverly mentally handicapped sister would've been 3x as much as I made making minimum wage so it was MY job to care for them after school and some weekends while she worked. But people didn't notice (or care) about that. 

Edited by Scarlett45
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Chelsea could be one entitled person if she was in fact a spoiled child. I do not see her as entiltled. I know some entitled teens who grew up to be very spoiled and materialistic people.

The thing is, if we are going by spoiled and entitled, Chelsea isn't the only one who is. I view Leah and Jenelle as both being spoiled. Neither of them had jobs when they were 16 and pregnant (and haven't really worked since), Leah admitted to being "Mommy's little princess" despite being one of three to a former teen mom, and Jenelle was being well taken care of by Barb's deli job.  Both white trash queens are more spoiled and entitled then Chelsea. Kail wasn't spoiled but she certainly has an entitled attitude about herself, thinking that her crappy childhood entitles her to everything she wants.

I'd also like to point out that one can have had indulgent parents who "spoiled" them and still turn out okay. I see Chelsea as one of these. She doesn't brag as much as the others, doesn't throw her money around, and I doubt she is with Cole because he well keep her in riches and luxury. She hasn't bought a million houses, cars, or vacations. She doesn't do drugs and neglect her child. Considering she is spoiled, I'd say she is doing good in life.

I will admit she has had a very nice set of circumstances in her life, her stable, educated, financially secure family being first and foremost. I do think things would've turned out much differently for her if, say, she was raised by Mama Dawn. Chelsea is a sweet girl, but she isn't much brighter or more ambitious then Leah, and I would've hated to see her go down the Leah path of self-destruction because of bad role-models in life. The least I can say is, that judging by her current actions, Chelsea seems grateful for what good things she has in life. I have a hard time seeing that from the rest of them.

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I may be remembering this incorrectly, but, when TM2 started, I think Randy handled Chelsea's MTV money for her. So, possibly not every time she put her hand out was he personally paying for whatever it was. This may have started in a later season, though, because I also seem to recall Chelsea squandering money on Adam. Buying him parts for his shitbox car, which he seemed to care more about than Aubree, and certainly more than Chelsea.
And I still don't get why Leah was thought of as some sort of princess by her mother. She's not pretty, smart or useful. lol

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9 minutes ago, Katt said:

And I still don't get why Leah was thought of as some sort of princess by her mother. She's not pretty, smart or useful. lol

Hey, she was thin, a cheerleader, had crunchy 80s hair, with her pick of the Holler's most eligible high-school graduates, and poised to have a trailer of her own with a pack of kids before she was 21. In Mama Dawn's eyes, that was probably more then enough to make her Princess, nay, QUEEN of the Boonies. See, low standards can even make you royalty in some parts, lol.

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Leah tweeted that she wants to open a "fast food fruit and veggie drive thru".

I don't even know where to start with this piece of idiocy. 

I guess it would have to be drive thru, because she herself would drive right on thru over to McDonald's.


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2 hours ago, AhFillAck said:

Leah tweeted that she wants to open a "fast food fruit and veggie drive thru".

I don't even know where to start with this piece of idiocy. 

I guess it would have to be drive thru, because she herself would drive right on thru over to McDonald's.


...fruit stands? 

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7 hours ago, AhFillAck said:

Leah tweeted that she wants to open a "fast food fruit and veggie drive thru".

I don't even know where to start with this piece of idiocy. 

I guess it would have to be drive thru, because she herself would drive right on thru over to McDonald's.


You know, the funny thing about that is I was just thinking how cool it would be if there was a grocery store drive thru option when I am in the car with two sleeping kids and desperately need to buy stuff to make dinner. Entirely impractical though.

Leah? While I agree with you people liked to be inconvenienced as little as possible, when it comes to things like produce, that bruises and spoils easily, people like to pick out their own items. I would not trust the 14 year old at the drive thru to handle this. To say nothing of the inventory turnover, and the overhead costs associated with an already lower profit margin to begin with. But this is all moot- Leah is never going to get off her ass and do anything with this grand idea. Even manning a fruit stand would be way too much effort for her. This is merely another reminder/anvil to let people know she and her kids are healthy eaters.

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I think Chelsea is one of those people who was raised with money, but taught that having money doesn't define you.  She's never an asshole about it, even now with the TM money.  Chelsea is probably the most restrained in spending of all of them (except for maybe Cate and Tyler, but, in general, spending money means moving around, sooooo)... Her vehicle is nice but not ridiculous, and as far as I can see, she only has one.  Her house is very nice, but since we know Aubree already has a college fund, a house is a reasonable expense- it is a stable place to put your money (unlike Escalades, vacations and tattoos).

Randy makes a good living.  How was he supposed to react when Chelsea got pregnant?  Make her work at McDonald's just to prove a point?  She had a very young child and was a young mother.  I don't see anything wrong with him paying for things so she could remain at home.  

She got her shit together, which tells me a good work ethic was instilled somewhere along the line.  She just so happened to choose a career which didn't involve an eternity in school (and the money it costs).  Nothing wrong there.

I'm one of those people who could say, I worked for everything I have, and I'd hang out with Chelsea any day.  

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Yes, admittedly Chelsea got off to a slow start with maturity and responsibility, dragging her feet on completing her GED, stopping and starting a few different cosmetology programs before settling on the skin services, and most appallingly, continued to sleep with Adam, at times unprotected, alienating her father and her close friends, all of whom were helping out with Aubree far more than Adam was.

She was also 19 or 20 at the time. 

Over the last 6 years, she has gotten her certification, held down a job (part time, but that could always change), been in a steady relationship that did not involve intentionally getting pregnant, lived within her means, paid her taxes, set aside money for her child's education, purchased one house, and most important- has continued to be Aubree's primary caregiver, unlike all her TM2 counterparts.


Yes, Randy supported her in the early years when she was not making very good decisions. But she seems to have her head on straight now. Chelsea is never going to be a brain surgeon or a CEO of a fortune 500 company. But she has a house that is probably mostly paid for, a fiance with a job, probably a fair amount of savings in the bank- if she wants to work 2-3 days a week as a hobby job while spending the bulk of her time raising her kids, she and her father have made financial choices that enable her to do so.

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Most of the stuff she posts on social media seems like an attempt to prove people wrong in what they say about her. We say she's lazy, suddenly she's "THAT kind of mom" who takes pictures of her kids playing from inside the house plays out in the garden with her kids. We say she feeds them sugary crap, suddenly Addy's feasting on straight-up lemons instead. We say they don't get breakfast, she posts a table full o' breakfast. We say her house is a mess, cue pictures of a freshly vacuumed room (no doubt the only vacuumed room). We say she generally eats a ton of junk, suddenly she's yearning for a fresh fruit and veggie drive-thru... nice try Leah but we know that icing is a food group over at the MesserSimmsCalvert household.

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10 hours ago, AhFillAck said:


Leah tweeted that she wants to open a "fast food fruit and veggie drive thru".

I don't even know where to start with this piece of idiocy. 

I guess it would have to be drive thru, because she herself would drive right on thru over to McDonald's.



This is just more of Leah's attempts to detract from cans of burned ravioli, entire cans of frosting eaten by a 2-year-old (but at least she was at the table), fast food eaten on pots and pans, the endless parade of soda cans (that Cory clearly had the editors photoshop in), etc. 

Fruit and Veggie drive thrus? It's called nature. Stick in one place long enough that you can grow your own. We do a veggie garden every summer and we currently have apple, pear, plum, and aronia trees/bushes growing on our property. Ah, but that would take too much work, I suppose. 

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Also has she never heard of a store? A place where you can take home fruit and vegetables, in exchange for money? Granted it's not as quick as a drive-thru but she has enough time on her hands. Maybe the effort of peeling and chopping is too much for her. Or maybe she thinks drive-thrus are the only places you can get food from. Probably the latter, it's Leah. 

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11 hours ago, AhFillAck said:

Leah tweeted that she wants to open a "fast food fruit and veggie drive thru".


Lol, in a region where people put Mountain Dew in baby bottles? Yeah, Leah, good luck with that.

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Plus, isn't it possible already to get healthy food from a drive thru? I love the salads at chick fil a, and it only has freaking 200 calories. I believe most of the fast food chains have healthy items also, but Leah I'm sure has never read that far down the menu. 

Seriously, her tweets look like they were written by a 7-year-old, because she thinks we're so dumb. 

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Kind of off topic...I wonder, if Chelsea had gone to a university, if she would have gotten over Adam quicker. It seems like she often delayed her GED studying/testing because she was exhausted and distraught by adam's drama, and would say stuff like, "forget it. He's being mean. I can't study anymore or take that test tomorrow." I wonder what would have happened if she'd been more motivated and just said, "screw him. I'm not looking at my phone or thinking about him for the next 3 hours while I'm studying these passages." Then, if she had gotten the GED done quicker and used that momentum to move on to college, community or university, she likely would have naturally met a whole lot of decent, nice guys. Even if she didn't end up with one, she could have seen that there were way better guys out in the real world than Adam. The beauty school seemed to mostly be women and gay males, so I wonder if she held onto Adam that long partially because of her life situation. She also seemed to have a lot of free time to think about him and what he was doing, which she wouldn't have had as a college student. Can't really change anything now, and I don't think she's cut out for university, but just wondering...

Edited by Christina87
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To me, Chelsea always seemed like someone who really struggled with school. Maybe an undiagnosed learning disability, maybe ADD, maybe just having a harder than average time catching on to things and perhaps falling behind in school, but she seems like someone who probably had to work really hard just to get passing grades. I think a 4 year degree, even without a child or deadbeat boyfriend, would have been a stretch for her. I also don't think she's really disciplined and probably didn't have very good study skills (and there are some very smart people who breeze through high school, don't develop study skills and then struggle in college, so I am not calling Chelsea stupid).

I think a career in cosmetology is always where she would have ended up, and she is the type who would want to be a stay at home mom if financially feasible. In other words, I think Chelsea is living a life similar to what she would have lived without either TM2 or even a teen pregnancy. She just has a nicer house and more money in the bank. 

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I don't think of Chelsea either as benevolently or as harshly as some do. She had privileges the other girls never had in their wildest dreams, not just financial but emotional and familial. So starting from there, that informs everything she has done. That isn't her "fault," but it's worth noting. She started at a much higher baseline. 

She did display a great deal of lack of discipline...this happens to a lot of kids, but it seemed extreme with her as she regularly skipped cosmetology classes, didn't study for the GED and partied instead, etc. Yes, some college age kids do do that (though many don't). She also isn't bright enough to just pass anyway despite a lack of studying, so she needed more discipline than average, but had far less. If she'd been a minimum wage single mom working for her survival, or without family support or a dad-provided apartment, maybe she wouldn't have skipped...or maybe she would have, and she'd have lost her job and her ability to feed herself that month. Being able to flounder around not picking up a GED book was an enormous luxury. But her biggest luxury was being able to call Randy or her mom for emotional support. Leah had Mama Dawn and no dad, Kailyn had a mom who kicked her out, no parents, no money, and the basement of a guy who dumped her when her child was an infant, and Jenelle had no dad and a lifetime of watching abuse and dysfunction unfold around her. Does that mean nothing they would ever do would ever be their fault, no, but it sure did make Chelsea's options seem like a great deal. Chelsea didn't have the same level of trauma to deal with AND had the luxury of working out the trauma she did have (the divorce, Adam) slowly, with a paid for apartment and stable family members.

That said, she hasn't been unwise with her money or men like many of the other girls have. She seems to be a naturally kinder and less selfish person and I don't see her as a materialistic or spoiled person. Some of that is due to personality and choices, but some is still due to her middle class environment, which encourages home ownership and a stable marriage with an employed guy as markers of high status. Her particular environment also seems to have a fair amount of "traditional" family structures. In Jenelle's, Leah's, and Kailyn's worlds (though Kail really straddles the line between both), "high status" means something different...trips, material items, cars, etc. Jenelle and Leah in particular, and of course most especially Jenelle, have taken this to great extremes, being hugely irresponsible and acting out in various ways, never figuring it out or making solid attempts to stabilize, at least not yet. So while all of them do have some choices, those choices don't operate in a vacuum. Chelsea might not have ended up just like Leah or Jenelle because that doesn't seem to be in her DNA, but she'd almost surely be a Kailyn or simply have more kids, welfare, and a lot more sexual partners/potential baby daddies if she'd had to work to survive or hadn't had good role models. At the very least, even if she made every good choice, she would have had a hard time adjusting from poverty to wealth, Iike the other girls have. Chelsea moved up the ladder financially and socially...the others shot up from the ground like a rocket. That's got to be confusing. So no, it's not her fault and she deserves credit for what she has done. I also like her the most. But looking at it objectively, it's hard to compare and say she'd have turned out the same no matter what.

Edited by Lm2162
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32 minutes ago, Chicken Wing said:

Chelsea didn't really have to struggle with anything or bust her tail to get by, near as we can tell, but that doesn't mean she's spoiled. It's not either/or.

Right. And we really can't distill anything to one factor. It's not ultimately about someone's personal choices OR ultimately about someone's environment and background. It's both and always will be, no matter how attractive binary thinking can be. 

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I like what someone a few posts up said about her having the time to work through her issues (Adam and divorce), which the other girls didn't, and I think this is a huge part of why she didn't end up in a rushed marriage / relationship with more kids. I wish she had been in real therapy the whole time, though, because sometimes having too much free time to think can make it worse. She reminds me of a friend whose family is wealthy, and she works part time jobs "for fun," never taking them seriously (though I do admire her working when she literally doesn't have to). However, through the years, she has been pulled into a looooot of drama with guys, and I'll get upset texts about it all throughout the day. It would be great for her to have something to take her mind off these troubles, or be in therapy, as I think it would have been for Chelsea!

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Chelsea had her own struggles. She dealt with an abusive boyfriend, and still continues deal with him, and she had to deal with her parents divorce. Not all teens have to endure such traumatic moments in their life. Chelsea's life changed when her parents divorced. That in itself can be a struggle for any young person. 

On Demand has the 16 & Pregnant episode of Chelsea. She mentioned Adam calling her a "whore" and how he posted that demeaning comment on his Facebook. He was mad at her for daring to have a social life. She is shown in another scene where she mentions wanting to go out with friends to an event. Adam tells her she cannot go after she asks his permission. Clear signs of an abusive relationship. No young person should be asking permission from their partner if they can go out with friends. Chelsea is shown in another scene where she tells her dad how Adam has pushed her to get an abortion. Adam was flip-flopping with the idea of her getting an abortion, but then other days he was content with her having the baby. Typical mental abuse at its worst. When Chelsea talks to Adam about him changing his ways and not being "mean" to her anymore, he quickly turned the tables and said she is the one who is mean. As I posted before, typical abuser tactics. He makes me sick. There is no good in Adam. There is no progress, no change. I question anyone who thinks this bastard deserves pity or second chances. 

Edited by SPLAIN
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I think this show illuminates how in denial people can be. If Adam (and some others) was a normal person, who did not have his bad behavior documented since age 16, he could claim he is a good person who is doing the best he can, and Chelsea is mean, etc. Some people might believe him. As it stands now, there couldn't be more evidence, past or present, that Adam is a terrible father, yet he continues to claim he is decent. 

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If MTV filmed his wedding, I would absolutely FF through it. Nay, I would boycott the episode entirely.

Edited by Katt
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Another thing that happens to so many teenage girls: they are brainwashed into thinking the guy will change. The transformative power of their love. It's everywhere: songs, movies, magazines, tv shows, books. There is something addicting and intoxicating about this "bad boy" ("he's not bad, he's just hurt") who shows you his vulnerability and his need -- you get a glimpse of it and you think it's because of you, and you want more, and soon your ego is deeply invested in it. We all want to believe we are special. So so many young girls get seduced not so much by the guy himself but by this dynamic.

I had several "bad boy" boyfriends in high school. I thought it set me apart, made me a step above my girlfriends who had "boring" boyfriends. If I'd become pregnant, I could easily have gotten really sucked into some imagined storyline about how we were meant to be together. The pressure on young girls to have a high status boyfriend is intense, and if you're not the popular type who dates the prom king, you might go for the bad boys, the forbidden fruit, the ones your girlfriends are a little afraid of. Like the whole Twilight thing. Everybody wants to believe they are Bella.

However tough it was when I was their age, that pressure has just gotten worse and worse. It takes a LOT of guts to withstand it. So maybe in the past, girls from "broken families" or girls with absent fathers were more likely to get sucked into it, but not anymore.

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