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S28 E11: The Finale


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3 hours ago, Riplet68 said:

One thing I've loved this season (and Gerry's women also) is that there is no where near as much overly made up women - we've seen natural, let it go hair, and I think even some either make up free, or very minimal. 

It can sometimes take a lot of makeup to look natural but I do agree that there have been some great looks on this season when it comes to hair and makeup. 

2 hours ago, Jaundiced Eye said:

Did I hear right? Before Joey introduced Kelsey to his family, did he describe her as silly? So silly? Seems like an odd thing to say about your intended.

I think he used it as a synonym for goofy as in they can be silly together.  They showed a bit of that during the spa date.

1 hour ago, WatcherUp2 said:

That's probably the least acrimonious rejectee talk with the Bachelor on AFR that I can remember

I know people didn't love when Joey shut things down with people but in the end, I do think it lead to the women taking the hint and not being blindsided when they're let go which is why so many still have positive feelings towards him and their time with him.

1 hour ago, JenE4 said:

Wait, Gerry and Theresa get a trip to Italy. Someone else got a freakin down payment on a house, but Joey and Kelsey get…an all-expenses paid trip to Jasper National Park. Um. Okayyy.

My thoughts exactly except Jasper National Park was pretty gorgeous. 

1 hour ago, JenE4 said:

Did Rachel just find out it’s not her?!? She looked pissed shaking her head and seemingly yelling at someone when they introduced Daisy as Bachelorette.

I don't think she was mad.  I think she was just confused. I suspect she had potentially heard that Jen was the bachelorette or that Daisy wasn't and was surprised when they brought Daisy out on stage. 


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3 hours ago, kristen111 said:

As a Mother, she’s thinking of all the things that Joey has to be aware of, like will she hear a baby cry at night .. things that go along with someone who has a hearing problem.  I think anyhow.


3 hours ago, kristen111 said:

As a Mother, she’s thinking of all the things that Joey has to be aware of, like will she hear a baby cry at night .. things that go along with someone who has a hearing problem.  I think anyhow.

Yes I can understand that but with  Kelsey's mother dying from breast cancer that's a big concern too.  She will need to be very vigil.  Breast cancer runs in families.

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Producers really shit the bed with the Bachelorette pick. I'm sure Jenn is lovely (though when they announced her, I was like, "Who?!"), but they literally had an audience pick for the entire season (Maria - and I say that because she seemed very popular on social media/in the Bachelor hashtag). Why wouldn't they pick someone the viewers are excited about? Unless Maria turned it down, it doesn't make sense. 

And Daisy saying no on camera had to have been planned. They aren't going to announce a Bachelorette without having her signed on the dotted line. They're not going to say, "Okay, let's ask Daisy, but if she says no then #2 you're up!" 

I'm rooting for Joey and Kelsey. They make for such a sweet couple. 

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18 minutes ago, funnygirl said:

Producers really shit the bed with the Bachelorette pick. I'm sure Jenn is lovely (though when they announced her, I was like, "Who?!"), but they literally had an audience pick for the entire season (Maria - and I say that because she seemed very popular on social media/in the Bachelor hashtag). Why wouldn't they pick someone the viewers are excited about? Unless Maria turned it down, it doesn't make sense.

It makes a lot of sense if you're a producer.  Maria is very popular but they need to deliver a season of television and need a lead reliable enough to make that happen.

Maria's unpredictability could make for some great television but I have to imagine her threatening to walk away twice when things got hard would make them nervous about making her the main character. They don't want another Clare season on their hands. 

18 minutes ago, funnygirl said:

And Daisy saying no on camera had to have been planned. They aren't going to announce a Bachelorette without having her signed on the dotted line. They're not going to say, "Okay, let's ask Daisy, but if she says no then #2 you're up!"

Oh definitely.  I think Daisy was probably their top choice.  This finale seemed edited to launch her season more than it was to celebrate Joey & Kelsey which is pretty typical.  Since the new season starts filming really soon, they already knew Daisy wasn't going to be the Bachelorette.  I think they wanted her to come on stage to explain why she said no because they knew people would be rooting for her and not to make it seem like she was saying no in real-time.

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13 hours ago, DEL901 said:

Shot O’clock?   I think she is going to be a lot different as the lead than she was as a contestant.   Not sure if I like this new party girl personality she is showing us a glimpse off.  

The party girl persona seems like a put on. Not saying she doesn't enjoy a party, but PA school is no joke, I don't think she has the time to be a party girl. 

Also, drinking is not a substitute for an actual personality so if that's her hook, it's gonna be a dull season. She's beautiful so I'm sure the guys will be lining up at first, but if there's not much else going on, the relationships won't get far.

Maria could well have been a production nightmare with her capricious ways, but she would definitely be entertaining. After 2 back-to-back Right Reasons seasons where the lead seemed to find someone they genuinely wanted to be with, I could do with a palate cleanser of a slightly nutty girl keeping a group of guys on their toes.


Agree.  And Joey did the impossible.  He started out as a nice guy and ended as a nice guy.  He didn’t lose his lustre.   And he picked a great F3.   All were nice too.  

I remember being unimpressed at his selection as Bachelor, but as I can no longer even remember who else was a possibility, I guess I wasn't super attached, lol. Likewise, I was unimpressed by Charity's selection the previous year, but again, can't remember who I was rooting for.

But in both cases, I ended up liking them more as leads than I did as contestants, which is unheard of, they both came off well throughout.

And in Joey's case, it was noticeable from the very beginning that not only was the group of girls populated with more natural looking faces and hair than usual, it was quickly obvious that he gravitated more toward the least plastic surgeried, obvious hair extension types. Do they ask the leads for their type ahead of time?  


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16 hours ago, Diana Berry said:

He did everything but flat out tell her to pack her bags.  I really didn’t like the coldness but is it better to do it that way than be blindsided at the final rose?  Guess so.  

I would take Joey's closed off reaction to the upcoming boots any day. I'll never forget the season where the guy (took me a solid 10 mins to locate his name in my brain space, but it was the Gabby/Rachel season) pulled out all the stops with each family and in every fantasy suite and had the exact same "I'm in love with you" vibe with every one of the final 3. That was cruel and no one could blame them for each thinking of course they were the one.

Much kinder to give some kind of clues so they can prepare not to be chosen, he was able to convey it without breaking his contract. I don't think there was anyone at all who left completely blindsided, except maybe for that dummy Jess who tried to strong arm him into a 1-1 without realizing she didn't have the standing to do so, but that was on her. 

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Ok, I'll admit that I didn't watch "The Golden Bachelor", so I only know those couple golden ladies who appeared late in this Bachelor season, theoretically giving advice to the latest crop of hopefuls.  In reading about various Bachelor stuff, Susan's always referred to as "fan favorite" from her Golden days, and I really can't see anything that would cause that in my admittedly brief exposure to her.  Just the opposite, in fact.

Between her appearance in Mexico and last night's finale, I'm waaaay over her already, so I'm wondering if I'm missing something or has she actually always been this annoying?  Granted, the shoe-polish black hair, shockingly-white super-bleached capped teeth (dentures?) and heavy make-up are her personal choices and she's obviously entitled to them, but I was over her overly dramatic expressions and fame-whore persona within seconds of viewing her.  She just comes off as being so "on" the whole time, and it appears as if she's auditioning for something.

Like I said, I didn't watch her original show, so maybe she's the greatest thing since sliced bread and I'm totally off-base, therefore I was curious in the opinions of more seasoned viewers.

Having nothing to do with that, I was stunned by how miserable (and mighty pissed!) Rachel looked whenever the camera landed on her.  Methinks she was obviously there on a command performance and is still way too hurt/angry/sad about being dumped to even try to fake it.

Edited by lgandkihei
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Daisy and Kelsey riding together to the Final Rose Ceremony was pretty baller. It's clear from seasons past these women develop very genuine friendships despite the weirdness of the situation so to see Daisy put her feelings aside and support Kelsey was so sweet. 

Happy for Kelsey and Joey, they both seem very smitten. I've been watching this show since season 1 and I think Joey has definitely been the best Bachelor this show has ever had and came off the show being as well liked as he was when he started; I can't recall that ever happening before.

Jenn for Bachelorette? Meh. I knew it wouldn't be Maria, but I thought Lexi would have been a better option after Daisy. The "shot o'clock" seems producer driven, and I guarantee you will be the theme for her season. In fact, I predict her tagline will be something like "This time around, she's calling all the shots." 

Edited by Ivana Tinkle
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1 hour ago, lgandkihei said:

Susan's always referred to as "fan favorite" from her Golden days, and I really can't see anything that would cause that in my admittedly brief exposure to her.  Just the opposite, in fact.

Totally agree. I watched GB and would be hard pressed to pick out a favorite. Susan is just too much. 🙄

I’m in this age group and I don’t have any friends who dress and act like these “ladies”. My friends are much too classy to act like these GBs… including Gerry. 

I can forgive young people who haven’t found themselves. But watching seniors beg for love is just a turn off. Desperation doesn’t flatter anyone. 

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20 hours ago, LakeGal said:

This season did not have the final 3 women staying together.  They did not show them going on overnight dates with Joey while the others waited for them to return home.  It is nice to see them all care about each other.  

So true. It's amazing how classy this season was after all the past train wrecks. I really believe getting rid of Mike Fleiss has been a game changer. Joey and the women (except Sydney and Lea) really set a high bar which will be hard to follow.

I agree, too, with a previous comment about how naturally lovely the women were. For years there were so many contestants with the same color ombre hair that we had trouble telling them apart, or we could count on everyone having crazy blonde hair extensions, boob jobs, and tarantula eyelashes. I hope the franchise continues to favor this natural look to reflect and affirm what real women look like.

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On 3/25/2024 at 8:40 PM, Riplet68 said:

HIs family looked way more tired with Kelsey's visit.  Did they really film these on the same days? This sames to be something new. I thought they went on a date, than went to meet the folks.

They sure made it look like they were on the same day, but I can't actually believe they would do that.  

7 hours ago, Ivana Tinkle said:

The "shot o'clock" seems producer driven, and I guarantee you will be the theme for her season. In fact, I predict her tagline will be something like "This time around, she's calling all the shots." 


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11 hours ago, ljenkins782 said:

Maria could well have been a production nightmare with her capricious ways, but she would definitely be entertaining. After 2 back-to-back Right Reasons seasons where the lead seemed to find someone they genuinely wanted to be with, I could do with a palate cleanser of a slightly nutty girl keeping a group of guys on their toes.

Jenn could be that.  You never know. 

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8 hours ago, MissPriss said:

I watched GB and would be hard pressed to pick out a favorite. Susan is just too much. 🙄

I’m in this age group and I don’t have any friends who dress and act like these “ladies”. My friends are much too classy to act like these GBs… including Gerry. 

I can forgive young people who haven’t found themselves. But watching seniors beg for love is just a turn off. Desperation doesn’t flatter anyone.

I didn't watch GB either. It looked like a game show host choosing from a bunch of Real Housewives wannabes. No thank you. In theory I was interested but in seeing it happen it was just really too uck for me.

When Joey was talking to Daisy that last date I kept waiting for him to finish with, 'It's not you, it's me'.  That was honestly a terrible date. Good for him though for cueing her in on his selection so she could handle it gracefully. That was class.

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Daisy is a very special girl..  Who didn't love her.  I hope she doesn't end up in Bachelor In Paradise.

As for Susan she is a bit much but I notice everybody loves her.  I think she's a good person.

The Golden Bachelor girls have discovered life after death with this show.  Hair and makeup, travel, paychecks, podcasts.  Yesterday they were only growing older but today they are front row Bachelor Nation!  Dream big.


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Daisy looked stunning in her red dress! That's a "fuck you, take care" dress if I've ever seen one! She's a lovely girl and I really liked how she ended it on her terms before Joey could call it quits right in front of her- super classy and bold.  When she held her head up high and walked herself out, I was so proud of her.  She didn't go into hysterics or sob in the rejection van, she took it like a champ.  Go Daisy! 🙂💖  Kelsey looked super pretty in her dress and she has great hair! Put that girl on a Pantene commercial! 🙂 

    It looks like Jen is the new Bachelorette- bring on the fuck boys in ill-fitting suits, cocktail party fights, hot men crying 😢🔥, sexy make outs, abs, semi-nude sports group dates 😉, ambulance 🚑 sirens, pre-dinner sob stories, and bromances! 🙌💯😄 MEN, MEN, MEN! MONDAY, MONDAY, MONDAY!! 🙌👧🌹👱‍♂️👨👨‍🦰👨‍🦱👨‍🦲

Edited by Hip-to-be-Square
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On 3/26/2024 at 3:28 PM, lgandkihei said:

Ok, I'll admit that I didn't watch "The Golden Bachelor", so I only know those couple golden ladies who appeared late in this Bachelor season, theoretically giving advice to the latest crop of hopefuls.  In reading about various Bachelor stuff, Susan's always referred to as "fan favorite" from her Golden days, and I really can't see anything that would cause that in my admittedly brief exposure to her.  Just the opposite, in fact.

Between her appearance in Mexico and last night's finale, I'm waaaay over her already, so I'm wondering if I'm missing something or has she actually always been this annoying?  Granted, the shoe-polish black hair, shockingly-white super-bleached capped teeth (dentures?) and heavy make-up are her personal choices and she's obviously entitled to them, but I was over her overly dramatic expressions and fame-whore persona withing seconds of viewing her.  She just comes off as being so "on" the whole time, and it appears as if she's auditioning for something.

Like I said, I didn't watch her original show, so maybe she's the greatest thing since sliced bread and I'm totally off-base, therefore I was curious in the opinions of more seasoned viewers.

Having nothing to do with that, I was stunned by how miserable (and mighty pissed!) Rachel looked whenever the camera landed on her.  Methinks she was obviously there on a command performance and is still way too hurt/angry/sad about being dumped to even try to fake it.

Thank you for that.  I don’t understand the fascination with Susan and Kathy either.  Both are utterly annoying.  Plus, I think the Golden Bachelor thought so too and picked a quieter simple lady to be his wife.  Not some eager overly botoxed big mouths who are desparate to be on tv in any capacity.   Just my opinion of course, as some viewers love them.

Edited by kristen111
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12 hours ago, WatcherUp2 said:

I was discussing the show with Mr. Watcher, and mentioned that Jesse Palmer already has as about as good a track record of good couples as Chris Harrison did in all his years of hosting. Anyone have statistics?

Love your title “Mr. Watcher”.  Cute.

13 hours ago, Jeanne222 said:

Daisy is a very special girl..  Who didn't love her.  I hope she doesn't end up in Bachelor In Paradise.

As for Susan she is a bit much but I notice everybody loves her.  I think she's a good person.

The Golden Bachelor girls have discovered life after death with this show.  Hair and makeup, travel, paychecks, podcasts.  Yesterday they were only growing older but today they are front row Bachelor Nation!  Dream big.


I hardly noticed Miss Kathy Newface.  Lol.

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15 hours ago, Hip-to-be-Square said:

 I was so confused when Daisy and Kelsey were in the car together- I thought, "Are they a 2 for 1 deal? Is this a collaboration with TLC's Sister Wives?" 😅.  

I seriously thought he would pick Maria, as he let her go pretty quick.  I thought it would be a real twist for the show.  Apparently Joey and Network thought she was a little nuts.  Or a lot nuts.  Oh well.  She handled it very well considering.

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I think that Daisy clearly handled the end in a very mature way.  She was helped by the fact that Joey couldn’t lie to save his life but still…a lot of others would have missed the anvils dropping everywhere during their date.

But it doesn’t make me love her.  She very thoughtfully managed to make the final rose ceremony and the finale about her even though it was Kelsey’s day and Joey and Kelsey’s night.  She reminded me of a bridesmaid or best man  announcing their engagement at their friend’s wedding dinner because they “wanted to add to the festivities.” And since Daisy “chose” herself it was even better for her.  Jenn got 5 minutes or something as a result.

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1 hour ago, kristen111 said:

I seriously thought he would pick Maria, as he let her go pretty quick.  I thought it would be a real twist for the show.  Apparently Joey and Network thought she was a little nuts.  Or a lot nuts.  Oh well.  She handled it very well considering.

I thought he'd pick Maria too! Why do they keep saying that every season will be the "most dramatic finale ever" 😅? Nothing shocks me anymore. 

Edited by Hip-to-be-Square
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1 hour ago, Hip-to-be-Square said:

I thought he'd pick Maria too! Why do they keep saying that every season will be the "most dramatic finale ever" 😅? Nothing shocks me anymore. 

You are so right.  What was so dramatic?  Nothing, that’s what.  A little too much with Daisy too.  The only drama I saw was Daisy not the next Bachelorette.  I really didn’t see Joey all over Kelsey throughout the process or did I miss something?  I didn’t see head over heels.  Everything too drawn out.  They are really milking this show.  But, the viewers in the audience are loving all this.  Whatever.

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21 minutes ago, kristen111 said:

You are so right.  What was so dramatic?  Nothing, that’s what.  A little too much with Daisy too.  The only drama I saw was Daisy not the next Bachelorette.  I really didn’t see Joey all over Kelsey throughout the process or did I miss something?  I didn’t see head over heels.  Everything too drawn out.  They are really milking this show.  But, the viewers in the audience are loving all this.  Whatever.

The audience members are like trained clapping circus seals or something- all of their expressions are so exaggerated and hilarious 😆.  The dropped jaws, the sobbing, the crazed clapping, the teenage screaming- it's a lot to take in.  There was a girl in the audience who started crying before Joey was even talking 😅! Joey was so busy making out with different girls, that I couldn't even gauge who he was more attracted to.  Nothing shocks me in this series- unless a Bachelor decides on Hometowns that he wants to run away with a girl's hot mom, I'll continue to smirk whenever Jesse says that it's "the most dramatic finale ever"! 😉

Edited by Hip-to-be-Square
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On 3/25/2024 at 9:21 PM, JenE4 said:

Daisy’s hair was frizzy this whole episode from the Mexican humidity. Her hair and makeup are professionally done and perfectly polished. And that dress! Wowzas!

Did anyone else notice the roses were switched for daisies?

Didn't watch the last part of the show and was surprised to read here that Daisy turned down being the Bachelorette. Not a fan of Jen and won't be watching her season. 


‘Bachelor’ Fans Notice Something Unusual About Daisy Kent’s ‘After the Final Rose’ Set (msn.com)

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22 minutes ago, Hip-to-be-Square said:

The audience members are like trained clapping circus seals or something- all of their expressions are so exaggerated and hilarious 😆.  The dropped jaws, the sobbing, the crazed clapping, the teenage screaming- it's a lot to take in.  There was a girl in the audience who started crying before Joey was even talking 😅! Joey was so busy making out with different girls, that I couldn't even gauge who he was more attracted to.  Nothing shocks me in this series- unless a Bachelor decides on Hometowns that he wants to run away with a girl's hot mom, I'll continue to smirk whenever Jesse says that it's "the most dramatic finale ever"! 😉

You need to remember that a lot of the reaction shots are filmed before anyone comes out on stage and then inserted wherever they like.  They literally have someone going “look shocked”, “laugh” etc.  

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21 minutes ago, DEL901 said:

You need to remember that a lot of the reaction shots are filmed before anyone comes out on stage and then inserted wherever they like.  They literally have someone going “look shocked”, “laugh” etc.  

Ooh that's a good point 🙌💯! I didn't know that audiences are instructed to have certain reactions- no wonder the reactions always look so forced!

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I was in the audience for a local morning show and yes, the audience is not only coached on how to react, there are "coachers" who are at each section with signs telling the audience what to do.  

"Look shocked!!"   "Laugh a lot!!"  "Clap loudly!!"  "Look sad!"

We were instructed to make huge whooping noises before the host even walked out.

It was a fun experience, and I recommend it!

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5 hours ago, call me ishmael said:


But it doesn’t make me love her.  She very thoughtfully managed to make the final rose ceremony and the finale about her even though it was Kelsey’s day and Joey and Kelsey’s night.  She reminded me of a bridesmaid or best man  announcing their engagement at their friend’s wedding dinner because they “wanted to add to the festivities.” And since Daisy “chose” herself it was even better for her.  Jenn got 5 minutes or something as a result.

I get what you're saying, but I respectfully disagree. The finale is about everyone who is still on the show at that point. This was as much Daisy's journey as Kelsey's still. Joey could just as easily pulled Daisy to him and said "No, Daisy, you're wrong. It's you! You're the one I want to spend my life with". And the audience would have been crying and clapping for Joey and Daisy. Daisy should, and did, what was best for Daisy. Just as Kelsey and Joey did what was best for them. 

If fans thought it was too much about Daisy, that is the fault of production and editing, not on Daisy. They could have told Daisy that she couldn't go to Kelsey's room. Or at least not filmed/aired that part. They could have said they have to take separate limos, etc. Could have cut out showing Daisy walking away by herself...I'm sure they have plenty of extra footage of Kelsey and Joey they could have used, but this is the story they wanted to tell. 


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Confession time: 

1) This was the first time I'd given in to temptation and checked a spoiler.

2) Unfortunately, the spoiler was from Reality Steve.

3) Unfortunately, this was the 2nd time in history (according to him) that Reality Steve's spoiler was wrong and he changed it just before the finale with a flurry of excuses and self-justification.

4) Unfortunately, I only read the original spoiler. I told myself that it wouldn't affect my interest in the season or the forum but, admittedly, it did.

5) I watched my DVR copy of the finale fully expecting a Joey/Daisy proposal/pairing. In an odd way, I suppose I created my own mini-season of blissful ignorance.

6) Despite the obvious, frequent and weighty evidence that Daisy was on her way out including statements and insight from Daisy herself, I convinced myself that it was the usual surfeit of red herrings. Despite Daisy having the dreaded opening slot at the finale I even convinced myself that Joey was going to have a most dramatic ever change of heart and that all the sturm and drang in his shirtsleeves (as previewed in the first episode) with crew & cameras visible were an indication that he was going to 'flip' at the last moment.

7) RS' claim - or excuse - was that having the finalists travel in the same vehicle led to his flawed spoiler. A plausible theory but it prompts questions and speculation about his sources and how they came/come by their information. He claims not to obtain knowledge from insiders ie crew but that may be a smokescreen to protect them.

On the other hand, consider this scenario:

a) RS determines where the finale will be held, specifically where the cast members are staying.

b) RS contacts the property or uses other means to determine the dates and duration of the stay, already knowing a general timeframe.

c) With a bit of modest financial persuasion, RS gets one or more sources among the resort staff who inform him of comings and goings and, crucially, the timing and movements of the finalists ie who goes first and who goes second (assuming this corresponds to the order of their arrival on the beach). This eliminates any need for sources among the crew, allows RS to truthfully say he doesn't rely on spoilers from the crew and allows for anonymity/secrecy from resort staff who are hiding in plain sight as they go about their jobs.

d) Since the finalists left at (roughly) the same time the sources were either unable to identify the winner or guessed or simply got it wrong and passed on the erroneous information. Good luck for ABC and bad luck for RS or have the producers finally devised an effective means of counterespionage? To be fair, RS corrected it later but that may have been because he checked with other sources as airtime approached and he discovered he was wrong.

8) At any rate, I watched the finale with a fool’s confidence. I was like a rube who finds a counterfeit $100 bill in a Vegas casino and bets it on one hand at the tables. I have no chance of winning AND I will end up in worse shape either way when they examine the currency.

As for the outcome, I reckon Joey was a bit of a coward and took the safer option. From my admittedly limited viewing of the season (the first few episodes and the finale) I detected a great deal more chemistry with Daisy especially in close quarters. Kelsey was unexciting…a compromise of sorts in several areas. I’m not suggesting Daisy’s (past) health problems and (present) hearing issues were the deciding factor but I’m not categorically ruling them out as part and parcel of his thought process either.

Edited by Rainsong
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On 3/27/2024 at 7:26 PM, Hip-to-be-Square said:

Ooh that's a good point 🙌💯! I didn't know that audiences are instructed to have certain reactions- no wonder the reactions always look so forced!

I read an article a few years ago about someone who was there. She said this was the case. It's all fake. 

I like that Daisy walked herself out and didn't start sobbing and acting devastated when Joey confirmed he wasn't picking her. Refreshing change. 

Rainsong, I'm kind of glad to hear RS was wrong. The guy can be arrogant! 

Edited by Sweet-tea
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3 hours ago, Sweet-tea said:

I read an article a few years ago about someone who was there. She said this was the case. It's all fake. 

I like that Daisy walked herself out and didn't start sobbing and acting devasted when Joey confirmed he wasn't picking her. Refreshing change. 

Rainsong, I'm kind of glad to hear RS was wrong. The guy can be arrogant! 

She should have chosen either different shoes or practiced walking in them a little more. Those long Bachelor camera scenes of people walking away are a staple and she was walking like a linebacker in a dress.

Joey giving her such obvious clues gave her the time to compose herself. Since I don't really enjoy the scenes of someone gushing their feelings only to be shut down seconds later, I appreciated this approach.

From an editing perspective, the season was a bit of a surprise, I didn't clock Kelsey until they were down to like 5 people. Daisy's story came through even with all of the Maria vs house drama that occupied so much time, but the most thought I gave to Kelsey was thinking that she and Lexi looked like sisters.

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21 hours ago, ljenkins782 said:

From an editing perspective, the season was a bit of a surprise, I didn't clock Kelsey until they were down to like 5 people. Daisy's story came through even with all of the Maria vs house drama that occupied so much time, but the most thought I gave to Kelsey was thinking that she and Lexi looked like sisters.

I thought Joey had more physical chemistry with Kelsey but figured he would pick Daisy. I was pleasantly surprised he chose Kelsey. I never really warmed to Daisy. 

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I prefer not to be spoiled, and I think RS is an obnoxious asshole. I remember reading his site after the finales and he was so insulting to anyone who did not believe he was the oracle of truth.

The only time I recall finding out in advance what RS said the conclusion would be was Desi’s season, and he was wrong.

As to audience reaction, as a New Yorker I’ve been to quite a few shows. David Letterman, Jimmy Fallon, some game shows, Celebrity Jeopardy with Alex Trebek at Radio City.

There are “applause” signs and a hype man who comes out to tell the audience how to ramp up the reactions.  I haven’t been to a reality show finale but clearly the audience is instructed to act over-dramatically. Gasps and eyerolls and hands clasped to mouths and waving signs that they were given at the show.

I like Daisy and if she were really such an attention hog, she would have taken the Bachelorette role.

I think Jenn is beautiful and I’m happy to have an Asian lead and that is it.

If her shtick is to act like a freshman sorority girl, I’m going to retch.





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An actual miracle has taken place, I like Joey even more at the end of the season than I did at the start! I always liked Joey and spent half the season waiting for him to show a fuckboy side or to lose his personality and became boring, but that never happened. He stayed sweet, engaged with the women, empathetic, funny, and cute the whole time, it really does say something good about him that none of the women had anything but nice things to say about him even after they lost out on the final rose. I suspected that he would end up choosing Daisy but am happy how thins turned out, I think that Daisy had the right idea. Joey and Daisy certainly had a real connection but I think they both saw each other as someone who worked better on paper than in practice, while Kelsey and Joey just had this great spark. They seem like a really cute couple, I hope that things go well for them. 

Daisy certainly showed a ton of class, I love that she got to bow out with grace and dignity, as rough as it must have been on her. She and Kelsey riding to the final rose together was not something I expected, but it was lovely to see. I really liked all three of the finalists, they all seem very nice and the lack of drama between them was so refreshing, you really did feel like they saw each other as friends and not just the competition. In general it was great to see a season with so little drama, instead of pointless fighting and producer mandated drama, instead lots of people actually having fun and being pleasant. Wild!

The show so desperately wanted Daisy as their next bachelorette, but I can respect that she wanted to take time for herself outside of Bachelor Nation. Jenn seems nice, not sure how she's going to be as Bachelorette considering I hardly remember anything about her besides being pleasant and pretty, I feel bad that she was clearly their second choice. I didn't really think they would pick Maria, but I wort of wish they had, it would certainly have been a very different sort of season. 

Edited by tennisgurl
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On 3/26/2024 at 3:37 AM, kristen111 said:

I’m more interested in how the Golden Bachelor and Teresa are doing.  Plus, Susan and Kathy are very invested in the Golden Bachelor and this show.  Go away already, lol.

Gerry and Teresa went from being  engaged on TV to being married on TV to announcing they are divorcing. Again, on TV.

  • LOL 4

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