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Kailyn: Kail Smash!

Message added by OtterMommy

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4 hours ago, CofCinci said:

I feel bad for Javi's mom. She watched Isaac every day he wasn't with Jo while Kail was at school. How could you not just love that sweet kid?

Sad. It seems she is now sticking it to the Marroquins by keeping Isaac from them which is why Jo is now suddenly fit to have Isaac in his care. Kail is playing ping pong with those kids and that is not acceptable. 

  • Love 14
6 hours ago, shelley1234 said:

I'd feel for Javi's family since it's always gnarly to be caught up in a divorce with kiddos involed...if this trash didn't teach Lincoln to say puta and think it was the funniest thing ever.  Nah, they can pound sand.  

I think the kids are used to hearing terrible language unfortunately.  We have seen Kail yelling variations of "fuck" in front of her kids this season so who knows how awful her language is when she's not being filmed.  I don't know how she thinks that's appropriate.

  • Love 8
34 minutes ago, shelley1234 said:

I'll agree to disagree.  Teaching a child to swear and then encouraging him to use it is pathological.  They are sick fucks.  

We have no idea if Javi's parents taught or encouraged the kid to call Kail a Puta.  Kail is a big fan of cultural misappropriation. I wouldn't be surprised if the child heard his own mother calling people Putas.  From what I've seen on Javi's people - they're far from sick fucks.  They're supportive, loving people who invited Kail and her son into their extended family with open arms.  Or, if the kid overheard Javi's family calling Kail a Puta, that's on her because she dumped her kids off with them at every opportunity.

  • Love 20
2 hours ago, CofCinci said:

We have no idea if Javi's parents taught or encouraged the kid to call Kail a Puta.  Kail is a big fan of cultural misappropriation. I wouldn't be surprised if the child heard his own mother calling people Putas.  From what I've seen on Javi's people - they're far from sick fucks.  They're supportive, loving people who invited Kail and her son into their extended family with open arms.  Or, if the kid overheard Javi's family calling Kail a Puta, that's on her because she dumped her kids off with them at every opportunity.

Yes, they have been "good enough" for Kail to use as constant babysitters.  They are a very tight-knit, loving, supportive family.  That's something Kail literally knows nothing about.  

The only sick fuck in this scenario is Kail- using people and then dropping them, tearing loving people out of her children's lives, swearing in front of them constantly.

  • Love 17

As for 'puta', while it is possible Lincoln heard and learned it from the adults around him, possibly Javi's family, I sort of doubt he was taught to call Kail that. Kids have big ears and pick up a lot, even when you think they can't hear or aren't listening. They may have been calling anyone puta, including Kail. I'm not saying it is exactly appropriate, but I think most of us sinners out there have talked about people we don't like in the privacy of our own home. I can only imagine the kind of crap Javi's family had to put up with and witness over the years from Kail. I'd probably let loose too if I had to put up with the level of arrogance and nastiness Kail spews. Again, not saying it is appropriate to say those things around the kids, but sometimes emotions take over when you see people you love being treated like crap. I give Javi's family credit for not pulling what the Messer clan would've and putting their drama on the interwebs. Considering that they have a way more legitimate bitch imo about Kail then the Messer's ever did about Corey, I give them serious props on that.

  • Love 9

Javi's family laughed at how funny it was that they taught Lincoln to say puta.

I never saw such a scene play out. When were the Marroquins shown laughing about the puta comment?

I blame Javi for being the one who said it to Kail and Lincoln picked up on it. He was quick to blame his dad, but he likely put the blame on his dad to deflect his wrong-doing. That doesn't mean I am implying Javi's dad used the word against his wife or any female in his family. Households sometimes use colorful language and foul language when having adult conversations. Just ask Kail. She has no problem cussing up a storm in front of her kids.

Between Kail's foul mouth, foul behavior, her racially insensitive comments and Javi being a prick while all of this plays out in front of the boys, there is plenty of blame to go around. There are no winners here and there are no bigger fuckers than Javi and Kail who are responsible for the examples they lead for their children. Javi should not have laughed about the puta comment and he certainly should have nipped it in the bud the minute that little boy said it. The boys will learn that females are putas (from their father AND mother) while feeling insecure about their ethnicity and heritage because they should be looking and acting white while pointing out that POC have nappy hair.

Edited by GreatKazu
  • Love 13

Meh, swear front of our 5 year old now and then. It's how we talk. College educated, Chaucerian links, blah de blah blah. I mean, I try not to and I'm more successful at it than my husband, who is also coincidentally the stay at home parent. We don't swear around other people's kids, though. That's not cool. 

Our kid knows they are grown up words and children aren't to use them.  He came home scandalized and sad the other day when his new friend said "shit" while they were at lunch. 

There are definitely some words we don't use around him, mostly the derogatory to women ones (bitch, puta, see you next tuesday). 

I did laugh hysterically when Lincoln started saying "Puta."  That shit is funny. 

  • Love 15

Oh, I was ROTFL when Lincoln said puta. Out of the mouth of babes. 

My husband and I sat down with our children when they were young and we went over all the bad words. We told them they will be hearing them from different people for various reason. Once we let them say the words and got them to understand the meanings behind each word, it took away the shock value. We explained to them we'd rather they find better words to explain themselves when they are angry or hurt. It also helps to lead by example. That is not to say as an adult I don't use those words because obviously I do, but only when adults are around as I have shown here. I assume you are all adults? lol

  • Love 6
2 hours ago, MissMel said:

I have no doubt everybody, including Kail, laughed when Lincoln first said it.  She just didn't laugh when he said it on camera, she got pissed.  Javi covered for it and blamed his off-camera Dad.   

I don't believe a word that either Kail or Javi says at all.  They are both asshole liars.

The fact that Kail has no problem putting others down for not being white, I am sure she has referred to other females as puta or see you next Tuesday.

  • Love 9
27 minutes ago, shelley1234 said:

Usually, I just go by what was actually said.  


10 hours ago, shelley1234 said:

  Teaching a child to swear and then encouraging him to use it is pathological.  They are sick fucks.  

But, did we watch or hear anyone in Javi's family teach and encourage Lincoln to swear?




7 hours ago, heatherchandler said:

Yes, they have been "good enough" for Kail to use as constant babysitters.  They are a very tight-knit, loving, supportive family.  That's something Kail literally knows nothing about.  

The only sick fuck in this scenario is Kail- using people and then dropping them, tearing loving people out of her children's lives, swearing in front of them constantly.

I agree. Kail is the biggest mutherfucker of all.

Edited by SPLAIN
  • Love 11
5 minutes ago, shelley1234 said:

I heard Javi SAY his dad did it.  And laughed like a jerkbag.  

But, we didn't hear Javi's dad actually admit to such a thing. Only Javi stating it was his dad's fault. Apparently Javi is a liar. Javi is a liar about the things he claims about Kail. Why doesn't the same hold about his father? If he is a liar, why should he be believed regarding that remark?

Edited by SPLAIN
  • Love 8
2 minutes ago, SPLAIN said:

But, we didn't hear Javi's dad actually admit to such a thing. Only Javi stating it was his dad's fault. Apparently Javi is a liar. If he is a liar, why should he be believed regarding that remark?

Right, we don't know what actually happened.  We were not there.  Javi's family is good and they are kind people.   Who doesn't come from a good, kind family?  Kail.

I agree with whomever said above that Kail has a foul mouth and has been shown on camera to use racially derogatory terms.  If those kids are speaking inappropriately, I am sure it is due to Kail.

  • Love 5

I'm sure Javi said he did it.  It was his dear ol' daddio.  Not gonna just decide it is Kail....cause.  

Javi's family did it.  I also didn't see Javi's family complaining later they didn't or even Javi saying later (in his many Snaps or Instagram lives or tweets) when he hated Kail that he made it up to protect her puta teaching ways.  So yeah, they said it, they taught him, they did it.   Grandpa used his grandson as a potty mouth toy.  *shrugs*  

And as we're continually told by the powers that be to stop going round and round.  I'm out.  I know what I heard and what Javi said.  Peace.  

  • Love 4

Without the benefit of watching it play out on screen, I won't even take Javi's word that it was his dad's fault. That's a punk ass move on his part. Javi surely called Kailyn that word on occasion or two during some argument or he might have yelled it out as she went out the door to be with her "friends". Javi calls it like he sees it.

I guess in the future when Javi says Kail did something or said something I will believe him since what he says about his dad must be the truth.


12 minutes ago, heatherchandler said:

Right, we don't know what actually happened.  We were not there.  Javi's family is good and they are kind people.   Who doesn't come from a good, kind family?  Kail.

I agree with whomever said above that Kail has a foul mouth and has been shown on camera to use racially derogatory terms.  If those kids are speaking inappropriately, I am sure it is due to Kail.

ITA.  I think IF the family did have any fault for Lincoln having said such a word, Kail would have been on it in a heartbeat. She would have told Javi her boys would not be allowed to be around them. She would have blasted that on camera for all to hear. She would have mentioned it on her social media. But she never did. Instead, all she mentioned was it being Javi's fault. I would check her social media for her comment, but I don't want to scan through all of her mess.


Javi's family laughed at how funny it was

This never happened.

Edited by SPLAIN
  • Love 11

I searched for that video earlier and couldn't find it, either. It seems to have been scrubbed from the internet.

I don't see it as Javi shuffling blame to his father to make himself look better, because Javi found it funny. Kail blamed him and he laughed and was saying how his dad taught him that, hardy har-har. Not, "My dad taught him that and it was wrong. Lincoln, don't say such things." He found it humorous and not offensive.

Javi admitted on national television, and without shame, that he blamed Kail for having a miscarriage. He has accused her of cheating, suggested on social media that Kail used drugs in front of the kids, and has been an arrogant, chauvinist, petty little man-child. He found Lincoln saying "puta" funny, and would have said to Kail, "Oh, lighten up! It's all in good fun!" if he had taught him to say such a thing. He laughed when Lincoln repeated it, and probably laughed every time Lincoln said it, which is why he kept repeating it. 

There is no purpose in trying to decide who is worse when it comes to parenting, Kail or Javi, because they both suck. It's like trying to decide who is worse between Nathan and David. Javi's mom stepped up to the plate and helped take care of Isaac and Lincoln when she didn't have to, but even if she was a horrible person, Kail would have used her as a babysitter. She left Lincoln with Suzy when she knew Suzy was still drinking. She's like Leah in that she would leave the kids with anyone if she needed a moment to meet up with a man.

  • Love 3

Javi implied drug use but never put blame directly on Kail. He could have been pointing the finger at her boyfriend. 

I have the episode where Lincoln called Kail puta. Javi laughed. He said his dad taught Lincoln. To me, that is beside the point. Javi had a chance to correct the child. He didn't. The details don't matter. What is important is, the kids have been hearing a lot of adult talk and watching their parents fight. Neither parent is leading by example. They are both assholes. Scorecard be damned. Time for these two pricks to get their shit together, get their heads out of their asses and put the needs of these boys first. 

  • Love 14

The fact that a family member taught him to say "puta" and other family member(s) laughed about it is the least of the worries I have for Lincoln (and Issac) as far as issues with his family's dynamics. I'm way more concerned about how Kail is going to use to boys as pawns against Javi and his family and how she'll eventually try to replace Javi as daddy with her next guy (like she did with Isaac, Javi, & Jo).  I'm also way more concerned about the fact that his mother has a temper and has gotten violent with her partners in the past. And Javi certainly isn't modeling positive relationships for him with his manipulative, controlling BS. Really, the kid saying "puta" is benign compared to real sh*t he's going to go through with his parents/family. 

Edited by MyPeopleAreNordic
  • Love 19

Isn't it relatively normal for kids to pick up swear words and sort of test it like Lincoln was doing? I really doubt Javi meant that his dad was intentionally teaching Lincoln to shout "PUTA" at the top of his lungs at home. He probably used it around him without thinking. Kail and Javi were fine with Javi's parents watching the kids, and they likely know that his family is doing them a favor and to nitpick about smaller things like that would come across as ungrateful when at the end of the day they were getting free one-on-one childcare from people who love their grandkid.

  • Love 12
1 hour ago, swishandflick said:

Isn't it relatively normal for kids to pick up swear words and sort of test it like Lincoln was doing? I really doubt Javi meant that his dad was intentionally teaching Lincoln to shout "PUTA" at the top of his lungs at home. He probably used it around him without thinking. Kail and Javi were fine with Javi's parents watching the kids, and they likely know that his family is doing them a favor and to nitpick about smaller things like that would come across as ungrateful when at the end of the day they were getting free one-on-one childcare from people who love their grandkid.

My mother likes to tell the story of me around three years old yelling "sommanabitz!" ( son of a bitch ) when I bonked my head while a washer repair man was over. No one taught me, lol. Now, someone purposely taught Lincoln "puta" of course that's wrong.

I agree with others though that it is a minor point in the face of Javi's mother and or sisters giving free childcare to Kail. Also, Kail didn't seem that upset, either. She seemed to be more upset when Jo cut Isaac's hair and dressed him in a nonwhite fashion. Also, she had no issue with dropping f- bombs in front of her kids. Or storming upstairs to hit Javi while proclaiming, "I'm going to fucking knock him out" in front of three year old Isaac.

  • Love 6

Long time teacher here. Yes, kids Lincoln's age pick up swear words easily. It can be hard not to giggle when a toddler says a bad word, so how adults react is key. A smart adult is going to say to the child not to say the word, it isn't kind. Then the adult needs to refrain from using the word. If the child says it again and again, a short consistent time out is effective. I always tell my kids at school if they have not heard me say the word they can't say it in our room.

I think Javi's parents have shown themselves to be good to and for Lincoln, so I'll give them a pass and move away from Putagate.

  • Love 18
5 hours ago, swishandflick said:

Isn't it relatively normal for kids to pick up swear words and sort of test it like Lincoln was doing? I really doubt Javi meant that his dad was intentionally teaching Lincoln to shout "PUTA" at the top of his lungs at home. He probably used it around him without thinking. Kail and Javi were fine with Javi's parents watching the kids, and they likely know that his family is doing them a favor and to nitpick about smaller things like that would come across as ungrateful when at the end of the day they were getting free one-on-one childcare from people who love their grandkid.


The thing is, Kail did not nitpick about the puta word. Even when Lincoln said it again on camera in the car, Kail did not care. We discussed it because it was brought up. 

Kail had no real care about it. Just like she did not care about the physical abuse she was committing upon Javi. Just a normal day in the life of Kail. 

Edited by GreatKazu
  • Love 11
7 hours ago, MyPeopleAreNordic said:


The fact that a family member taught him to say "puta" and other family member(s) laughed about it is the least of the worries I have for Lincoln (and Issac) as far as issues with his family's dynamics. I'm way more concerned about how Kail is going to use to boys as pawns against Javi and his family and how she'll eventually try to replace Javi as daddy with her next guy (like she did with Isaac, Javi, & Jo).  I'm also way more concerned about the fact that his mother has a temper and has gotten violent with her partners in the past. And Javi certainly isn't modeling positive relationships for him with his manipulative, controlling BS. Really, the kid saying "puta" is benign compared to real sh*t he's going to go through with his parents/family. 


Right? My word, it's just a....well...word. I try not to curse in front of my kids and I correct them when they do it. But Lincoln certainly isn't the first toddler to say a curse word. And his parents aren't the first to laugh about it. It happens. Javi has done some shitty things, but this doesn't phase me at all. I'd say the same if it were Kail who taught/laughed at the word. I just don't care. 

I'd rather they show some concern about the emotional well being of these boys during such a harsh transition in their lives. 

  • Love 11
7 minutes ago, CofCinci said:

It was a comp'd trip for the series.  Originally Javi and his family were to join - but the trip got cancelled with the divorce.  So -- she brought along her friend and her friend's mother to watch the kids while they partied.  

Right. That was the Disney trip MTV was supposed to film when Javi came home. This trip might be the same thing for the next season when they film for season 8. 

Here is the story. Being that it is Radar, and we know Radar is on Kail's favorites list on her phone: http://radaronline.com/celebrity-news/kailyn-lowry-javi-marroquin-marriage-troubles-deployment-trip/

Edited by GreatKazu
  • Love 2
10 minutes ago, shelley1234 said:

The vacation was while Javi was still deployed, but whatevs...I don't really care who pays for it.  It's still a vacation with the kids....as there have been others, sounds like she's planning another one.  Kids seemed to have fun on that vacation and saw her on the scenes with her kids quite a bit.

If it was a vacation for her kids, she would have left the dildos at home.

What mom packs vibrators for a week vacation?!!!

Edited by CofCinci
  • Love 4

I know of many many moms who also regularly masturbate...even when....gasp...on vacation!  She wasn't going to town on her lady bits while with Lincoln and Isaac, so not sure why that's an issue other than shaming a woman just because she is a mom for wanting to take care of her sexual needs.  I know that a large segment of the population still thinks it should be taboo especially for women...and it should never be spoken of, but I feel differently.  

  • Love 7

Speaking of shaming women:




I think Javi's parents have shown themselves to be good to and for Lincoln, so I'll give them a pass and move away from Putagate

We know they have been good family to the boys. Not many step-families take kindly to other people's children, but the Marroquins have certainly shown massive amount of love for Isaac regardless of who the bio parents are. Kail has taken advantage of that relationship. She used them when it benefited her. Now, she has no use for them and is giving them the shaft.

  • Love 9

Many people shame folks for sex related things.  I not a fan when anyone does it.  I happen to think having a healthy relationship with one's vibrator is something more women should have.  We had a day here a few years back where a company gave away thousands of free vibrators.  Many people were outraged.  Not me.  Go stand in line, get one and be happy (pun intended).  

  • Love 6
57 minutes ago, shelley1234 said:

I know of many many moms who also regularly masturbate...even when....gasp...on vacation!  She wasn't going to town on her lady bits while with Lincoln and Isaac, so not sure why that's an issue other than shaming a woman just because she is a mom for wanting to take care of her sexual needs.  I know that a large segment of the population still thinks it should be taboo especially for women...and it should never be spoken of, but I feel differently.  

Masturbate all you want. Until the cows come home.  Beat it like it owes you money -- but maybe don't do in the hotel room you share with your two children as they struggle through the changes to their family.  Maybe focus on their needs instead of your own for a week. 

Jo can't even wear sweatpants in her presence. Imagine if it viral that he or Vee's vibrator went off at customs? You know what shit she'd pitch?

Vee has started to post about wedding planning on social media. Watch Kail fuck with Vee's special day. 

Edited by CofCinci
  • Love 20
58 minutes ago, CofCinci said:

Masturbate all you want. Until the cows come home.  Beat it like it owes you money -- but maybe don't do in the hotel room you share with your two children as they struggle through the changes to their family.  Maybe focus on their needs instead of your own for a week. 

Jo can't even wear sweatpants in her presence. Imagine if it viral that he or Vee's vibrator went off at customs? You know what shit she'd pitch?

Vee has started to post about wedding planning on social media. Watch Kail fuck with Vee's special day. 


  • Love 4

I personally doubt that Kail went to town with her vibrator with her two children in the room.  So, I have no issue with her taking her vibrator with her on vacation.  

I also think the idea of her having and using a vibrator has nothing to do with her failing as a parent.  I know many many parents who can still focus on the needs of their children and still get their vibrator buzzing in private moments.  I consider it health TBH. 

  • Love 6
Message added by OtterMommy

Please remember that it is against Primetimer policy to publish home addresses, links to home addresses, or other personal information of anyone--on or off the screen.

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