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Kailyn: Kail Smash!

Message added by OtterMommy

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8 minutes ago, ghoulina said:

The issue here, for me, is that Kail is a hypocrite. She clearly likes a certain look for herself at times, but then she yells at her ex for getting her son a "non-white boy haircut". She wants to wear dreads, but then calls someone else's hair "nappy". She's just all over the fucking place, which makes her come off as not a very genuine person at all. 

I take that to mean she appreciates the aesthetics of some culturally significant trends, but if they are going to negatively reflect on her in some way (ie the junior league soccer moms at Isaac's private school are snickering over Isaac's haircut), well, she wants no part of that.

  • Love 7



I don't understand how Kail has a problem with Javi showing up an hour early unannounced.  He learned that from her, last season when she and Javi rolled up to Jo's an hour early with no warning and then she screamed at him on his own property while Javi filmed it.  How is this different?  It's only okay when she does it?  I also note that she is wearing sweatpants in this scene.  Again, confusing.  Why can't Jo wear sweatpants?  But she can wear them?  

  • Love 18

I think Kail had spent the first year of Isaac's life dreaming of a two-story house with a husband, couple of dogs and big car.  She fought Jo for custody all the way because she wanted the picture perfect life with a mom and dad, which was why she encouraged Isaac to call Javi "dad".  She wanted the 2.4 kids and big living room to decorate to her Pinterest heart's content. 

But once she got it, she realised that actually it's a fair bit of work to be a wife and mother.  She didn't like being tied down to another person which was why she encouraged Javi to ship out.  She didn't like being a practical stay at home mom so she tried to turn herself into a MILF. She's found out that the picket fence dream isn't as much fun as she thought it would be because she can't go out and party or bring home guys or do college life.  

She's realised that the kids are "holding her back" in want for a better phrase so now she is foisting them off onto others (Jo, Javi's family) so that she can go on vacation or have the dick of the month over.  

  • Love 13
1 hour ago, poopchute said:



I don't understand how Kail has a problem with Javi showing up an hour early unannounced.  He learned that from her, last season when she and Javi rolled up to Jo's an hour early with no warning and then she screamed at him on his own property while Javi filmed it.  How is this different?  It's only okay when she does it?  I also note that she is wearing sweatpants in this scene.  Again, confusing.  Why can't Jo wear sweatpants?  But she can wear them?  

Because Kail is the definition of double standard (of course, we all know that!) She's the only one allowed to show up an hour early to pick up Isaac, then scream because he isn't packed and ready and then denigrate Jo for wearing sweats in HIS house on a Sunday afternoon. Javi shows up early to drop Lincoln off and finds her with another guy and he's supposed to just tuck his tail, cower and back away. Picture what would happen if she showed up early to drop Lincoln off and found Javi with a woman after he'd told her he was somewhere else? She'd scream loud enough to be heard in in the next county, make fun of the woman and refuse to let him have Lincoln.

Oops....Edited to move other part of post to the right thread.

Edited by lovesnark
  • Love 9
8 hours ago, ghoulina said:

Kail has made disparaging remarks about both black and Latino cultures before - yet those are the partners she seems to seek out. I think she has this weird thing going on where she only wants to be with guys she sees as below her. SHE wants to aspire to be this suburban-successful WASPY soccer mom, but she'd never date a guy like that. She's way too insecure. She needs to be top dog in the relationship. 

5 hours ago, Birdee said:

I think this is it. I think she wants guys who, in her mind, will be excited to be dating a white girl. She thinks they will want to show her off to her family and friends, because "hey, not only is she white, she rich too! Look at her sweet SUV, Starbucks habit and Pinterest house. You don't find girls like her in our neighborhood!" It's definitely not OK, but if she was trying to date an upper-class white guy who had grown up with money, he'd see right through her nouveau riche shit and she wouldn't be able to handle that.

YES I absolutely agree with both of these posts.


22 hours ago, shelley1005 said:

Leah didn't say anything either.  Don't think it says anything about either of them.  I mean, responding to the ugly racist shit is just not worth the time.  It's there, it's here, it's everywhere.  And seemingly it's not going away anytime soon.   

I think it says a lot about both of them.  I think all of the racist stuff she has said prior to this says more, though.  She is vile.


3 hours ago, GreatKazu said:

This is it right here. The more she tries to distance herself from her mother, the more she comes off just like her. The only difference is, Kail is not an alcoholic, however, she has an addiction to having dick. It is one thing to have a healthy sex life and be in control of that sex life, it is another to be on the prowl for the next guy because she is not a true independent person who sees guys as her cushion and source to provide her with certain needs outside of the bedroom.

I also agree with the most recent posts about Kail thinking she is above everyone and guys who are Black or Hispanic look upon her as the ultimate girlfriend because of her race. She believes the stereotype that Black men and Hispanic men settle for their own kind, but their desire is really a white female. Kail tries to fit in as you see how she went after the ethnic look with her fake ass, the lip injections, and the one time she tried the dreadlock look: 


Holy crap - is this photoshopped??  She looks ridiculous.


2 hours ago, guilfoyleatpp said:


ETA: It's also an accomplishment to end a relationship with dignity and demonstrate respect for your partner even though you're no longer in love with them...ESPECIALLY if you have a child together. Karl should not be proud of the way she's handled the split with Javi. She's being immature, petulant, short sighted, selfish...all the things we expect of her.  Prove you're grown, girl.  Show more class and less ass.

Wow - yes you said it!

  • Love 5
25 minutes ago, lovesnark said:

Because Kail is the definition of double standard (of course, we all know that!) She's the only one allowed to show up an hour early to pick up Isaac, then scream because he isn't packed and ready and then denigrate Jo for wearing sweats in HIS house on a Sunday afternoon. Javi shows up early to drop Lincoln off and finds her with another guy and he's supposed to just tuck his tail, cower and back away. Picture what would happen if she showed up early to drop Lincoln off and found Javi with a woman after he'd told her he was somewhere else? She'd scream loud enough to be heard in in the next county, make fun of the woman and refuse to let him have Lincoln.

As sad as the clip of Babs and Jace being told about the breeder being pregnant again is, I had to laugh at Jace saying "Another one?" like he's just over all of it. Jenelle's lameass excuse for not telling her mom about being pregnant made me laugh. Even though Barb already knew she was pregnant, Jenelle tells her she couldn't tell her because they hadn't had their ridiculous photo session until the night before. The look on Barb's face says it all. Like "Bitch, I knew you were knocked up two weeks ago. A stupid photo of you and the creep isn't necessary"

Dang, it hasn't been formally announced and she has already come up with 3 different reasons why she lied... I'd respect her decision to keep it secret a fraction more if she'd pick a reason and stick with it.

Random question, I'm too lazy to actually research, but is the dress she wore when showing Babs the land the same one she wore in the target pictures that started the pregnancy rumors? Have we ever officially figured out if she was pregnant at that point and miscarried or if she was pregnant the whole time? I can't keep up (I watch a couple shows having pregnancy arcs along with real life) but I feel like I remember the still pregnant at target storyline was the timeline that made the most sense.

ETA: I just realized this should probably be in Jenelles thread, but I was answering a post here... SORRY!

Edited by leighroda
  • Love 4

Exactly... there are 2 sides to every story, she's mad because we aren't taking her side as gospel. I can only speak for myself, but the general feel I get on this board is that nobody thinks Kail or Javi are 100% right (for the most part) the truth is usually in the middle, but she wants to bash Javi (and Jo sometimes) no questions asked.

  • Love 17

Kail acts as if we do not know she goes to school, tends to her boys, and all the other things she pointed out. So what if the show does not air those things more often. Kail chooses to continue with the show. She is a slave to MTV. She sets herself up for the positive and the negative attention she receives. She revealed nothing in that rant. Same ol' shit.

  • Love 10
28 minutes ago, GreatKazu said:

Kail acts as if we do not know she goes to school, tends to her boys, and all the other things she pointed out. So what if the show does not air those things more often. Kail chooses to continue with the show. She is a slave to MTV. She sets herself up for the positive and the negative attention she receives. She revealed nothing in that rant. Same ol' shit.

Ex-freaking-actly! She only gets to go to college, have a "brand" and businesses, and play SAHM all at the same time because she is a star in MTVs 3-ring circus. She wants her cake and to eat it to, but that's not how it works when you put your real life on TV for a hefty sum for yourself. Maybe if she had a little humility and self-awareness people wouldn't be hating on her so much, but those are both 4-letter words to her right now.

Edited by HeySandyStrange
  • Love 8
11 minutes ago, HeySandyStrange said:

Ex-freaking-actly! She only gets to go to college, have a "brand" and businesses, and play SAHM all at the same time because she is a star in MTVs 3-ring circus. She wants her cake and to eat it to, but that's not how it works when you put your real life on TV for a hefty sum for yourself. Maybe if she'd so a little humility and self-awareness people wouldn't be hating on her so much, but those are both 4-letter words to her right now.

Yes, yes, and yes!

She cries foul like a Kardashian. Kail gets paid six figures. Spare me you trifling bitch. 

  • Love 8

My eyes are bleeding, I don't know where to start...

1) nobody ever doubted that she cares for her kids up until the last couple of episodes... in fact to most I think that's what kept her out of getting "hated" so much, most people took her flaws in stride because it seemed her kids were well cared for... and I still think they are for the most part, but this fighting in front of them is a very serious issue and is clearly effecting Isaac negatively... so she needs to get over what we think and take care of that boy. 

2) how many times she said we can't judge... ummmmm ok... so you can judge anyone and anything but you put your life on a tv show and yet we can't judge because we don't know... what don't we know? Enlighten me. You can try to judge and shame Jo for wearing sweatpants...on a Sunday... in his own home... you can judge and entire race that your son is a part of whether you like it or not, based on a hair cut... but we can't make observations and form opinions (aka judge) based on information that you put out there. I know she doesn't control everything that is shown... but if it's so important we see you study, crack a book open, have it in the background for all I care. 

3) I'm going to preface this with the fact that I personally would never go on a reality show so maybe the argument I'm about to make is not valid, but let's assume for a second I did do a reality show... I'm not going to pretend it would be easy to go from making 6 figures doing practically nothing to an actual job, so I can understand why she does the show as a job and treats it that way BUT like I said in my previous point, she knows to a degree what is being filmed, she may not know how it will be edited but she's not as hopeless as she would make it seem... she could easily show us the seemingly boring parts, but she's the one who consistently picks fights with everyone in her life and lets the camera roll... even when the mtv cameras don't catch it she gets someone to record it to submit it. So she can lose me with the editing/privacy argument.

  • Love 11
8 minutes ago, lovesnark said:

Dear Kail,

Pointing out what a hypocrite you are isn't bullying. We know there are two sides to every story. But, your story has been a lesson in hypocrisy and the definition of a double standard since day one.

Remember when you chose to take Isaac away from Jo and move to Delaware for Javi's benefits? That move required a many hour drive for Isaac to see his dad. When you found out Jo had a girlfriend, you flipped out and insisted Vee not be with Jo when he picked up his son. Yet, it was okay for you to bring Javi or, when you didn't want to make the drive, have Javi do it for you. Double standard.

Remember when Jo moved to Delaware to be near his son and you forbid him from showing up at your house unannounced? You showed up at Jo's house an hour early, unannounced, to pick up Issac because it was convenient for you. You raged on Jo because he didn't have Isaac's things packed and at the door. Then, you had the audacity to rag on him for wearing sweatpants in his own home on a Sunday evening. Double standard and THAT'S bullying.

You say the 12 minutes we see you on TV doesn't tell the whole story. The story we saw was that you lied to Javi about where you were, had your new dick at the house while Isaac was there (I don't care who you're screwing but you need to keep that shit for when the kids aren't home) and got into  a screaming fight with Javi - in front of the kids - because you got caught in a lie and had a random dude around the kids.

You choose to put yourself on my TV and you get paid a shitload of money for it. If you don't like what people have to say about what YOU put out there for money, stop selling yourself to MTV.


The Viewers Who Watch So You Get Paid

I so wish I was brace enough to tweet this!! 

  • Love 4
10 minutes ago, lovesnark said:

Did you know she's a MOM? It's her excuse for everything.

As if being a mom is a get out of jail free card.

Oh, I lost my temper, but I'm a mom.

Oh, I had some strange dude over, but I'm a mom.

Oh, I yelled at my ex about wearing sweatpants in his own house on a weekend when I showed up earlier than I said I would.  I'm a MOM you haterz.

I got mad at my ex for not cutting my child's hair to my satisfaction and in a style I consider to be "ethnic."  But I a MOM, guys!

I left my vibrator at home when I went on vacation and laughed about it with my friends in front of the TV crew, knowing they would air it.  Hey y'all, I'm a mom.

I wear the same pair of ripped jeans 3x a week for 6 months. I'm a mom!

  • Love 12
7 minutes ago, lovesnark said:

I got a sample of Too Faced Better Than Sex mascara the last time I went to Ulta. I didn't like it. It was pretty clumpy and hard to wash off. Not washing off very easily shouldn't be a problem for Kail, though. In all those bathroom selfies she posts right after she wakes up, she's still wearing last night's makeup.


  • Love 4
9 minutes ago, guilfoyleatpp said:


Haha! When I was a youngster in my 20's, I had a lady at the makeup counter at Macy's tell me that never sleeping in makeup, washing your face and using a good moisturizer before you went to bed was the best anti aging advice she'd ever received. She was in her 40's and looked fab, so I bought some decent skin care products that day and have always done that. I rarely wear makeup anymore but the idea of not washing it off before bed is just icky. None of these TM2 girls think they're going to get old and Leah and Jenelle's skin already shows some neglect. I'm sure they spend tons of money on makeup, they need to spend some on some skin care products! Leah probably still has a couple hundred pounds of Mary Kay left, she should use some moisturizer!

  • Love 5
2 hours ago, lovesnark said:

I got a sample of Too Faced Better Than Sex mascara the last time I went to Ulta. I didn't like it. It was pretty clumpy and hard to wash off. Not washing off very easily shouldn't be a problem for Kail, though. In all those bathroom selfies she posts right after she wakes up, she's still wearing last night's makeup.



think it says a lot about both of them [Leah and Kail].  I think all of the racist stuff she has said prior to this says more, though.  She is vile.


Not to mention, Leah DENIED ever being in a relationship with Dues, so why would she say anything about a guy when she acted as if he did not exist? On the reunion show she said he was a friend. I love how these heifers lie through their teeth and then have the audacity to grasp their invisible pearls when they get called out. 

Edited by GreatKazu
  • Love 3

Nothing in Kail's diatribe addresses the comments she is receiving. She says that they don't show her getting her kids off to school or going to school herself, but what does that have to do with anything? How does that excuse her behavior? She was out of line. Full stop. End of story. Javi came early, was probably very disrespectful when he asked who was there, and Peach was probably interjecting herself into the matter, but Isaac, her son, said she was out of line. He was upset because of the way she was treating Javi, and he was upset because she said he can't go see Javi's house but Lincoln could. She brushed it off and put her son's emotional health all on Jo. 

When Isaac and Lincoln decide that they want to live with their dads, she still won't get that it's because she is an awful human being to people she claims to love. She'll blame Jo and Javi for letting the kids get away with things when she doesn't. Nothing is ever Kail's fault; she's a saint who goes to school and people say mean things about her on the internet. Poor, poor Kail. She's going to graduate from college but all we'll see is someone who assaulted the man she had cheated on Javi with, assaulted Javi, assaulted Jo, claimed Jo assaulted her to keep Isaac from him because she was mad that he wanted someone else, and treated the man who had just returned home from a war zone like he was a cockroach in his own home! But, how dare we comment on her behavior! We don't see everything! She goes to school! She get's her kids dressed every morning! She is Mother Theresa incarnate! We're all just jellus hatters!

  • Love 19

Plus, in addition to what we see on the show, we see A LOT about the rest of her life too, via her inane Twitter, Instagram, and Snapchat postings.  We see she has all the time in the world to take a daily picture of her ass, get Starbucks, take photos of the Starbucks in her BMW while driving, get vagina surgery and steam it online, go on vacation and have a manatee photo shoot, etc.  She is certainly not too busy to be tweeting about a potential Javi dick pic or "being petty" or "sipping the tea" and whatever else 14 year olds say on Twitter these days. We also do know she's in school because it has been shown numerous times on the show and Dr Drew always brings it up on the reunions.  Does she think an episode should be devoted to a full day of her classes?

Edited by poopchute
  • Love 10

Ooo, I would love to see Jo buy a nice house where he wants to live and his Delaware home was really just an investment.  Or completely short term.  Maybe he rents it out now?  Or sold it to a military family without a tv show.  Maybe he is making mature investments and making his money, from the show, work for him.  Taking advantage of this opportunity to not work for his money.  That would be pretty impressive.  

  • Love 2

After careful consideration, I decided to get back into school. Partially because I was bored, partially because I have an addiction to staying busy at all times and kicking myself for it later… but mainly because I want to beat the statistics for teen moms and show my kids a better life. So, what does a typical day look like with two kids and a full load of college classes? Here’s the play by play:

Interesting piece about Kail having to drive to New Jersey twice a week to drop off Isaac. I post "Isaac" because I am sure it isn't Javi living there. See the facts our sleuths find?


@Mkay Even though her paragraph starts out by mentioning she has two kids under five, she is referencing how her life was at that period of time (before school) and how her day by day life is today since being in school.  KKKail is none too bright with how she writes.


Kail had an opprtunity to set the person straight and call out their racist remark, but she did not. What does that say about her?

It says a lot. People, like me, would have called out that person or deleted the comment.


It's weird because Kail is super racist herself so I'm sure she doesn't note or care about other people being racist towards her boyfriend.


I think it says a lot about both of them.  I think all of the racist stuff she has said prior to this says more, though.  She is vile.

ITA. Leah wouldn't respond to the racist comments because then she would be revealing she has another man in her life, in her house, and in her bed. She wasn't about to let that cat out of the bag. She had to ignore the racist comments. Kail just leaves the comment on her Twitter and decided to be smug in her response rather than remove it. KKKail is vile x100.

Edited by SPLAIN

If someone posted a racist comment on my Twitter page or Facebook page, I would delete it.

@Mkay read my paragraph above. It seems clear to me KKKail is referencing to 2016 when she wrote about her school day and what it is like. She only referenced Isaac being 5 at the time when she was NOT in school. Hope that clears it up for you.

  • Love 1

That would work on Facebook where you control your wall, but not twitter.  It you COULD delete other people's tweets, but alas...you can't not.  Not how it works.  Only can delete your own.  *shrugs*  

And she referenced Isaac as 5 again when she was referencing the day to day....and having to drive to Jersey. 


 7 am wake up, dress the boys and brush teeth by 7:30, Get them to the table to eat breakfast, while they’re eating, I quickly get myself put together so that by time I come down I get shoes and coats put on to get Isaac, 5, off to school by 9 am. While we’re gone, my younger son stays with family until I get out of school around 1 pm. When I get home, both boys have to eat lunch, we play, take my 3 fur babies out, yes, 3 dogs. In between these activities are straightening up my house, any appts we have, and trying to squeeze in a workout at cross fit before dinner. Dinner is probably between 6-7 and the boys have to get baths around 7:30-8 pm and then put to bed. Once both the boys are in bed I thoroughly clean up the messes we made throughout the day and then sit down to do any assignments I need to for school. Mondays and Wednesdays my older son has swimming and every other week I drive to New Jersey to take my son to his dad’s house. Oh, and every 2 weeks add an 8 person film crew to my life.

Edited by shelley1005
  • Love 2

Still not how twitter works.  Still can't delete it.  Blocking doesn't delete it either.  It just makes it so YOU can't see it, but everyone else can.  And unless your twitter is private and hers isn't (as most people's aren't, especially celebrities even of the D List fashion)...it doesn't even stop the person from seeing her tweets and continuing to respond.  Twitter does a piss poor job of all of this.   

Edited by shelley1005
words no speak no good sometimes.
  • Love 4
21 hours ago, leighroda said:

3) I'm going to preface this with the fact that I personally would never go on a reality show so maybe the argument I'm about to make is not valid, but let's assume for a second I did do a reality show... I'm not going to pretend it would be easy to go from making 6 figures doing practically nothing to an actual job, so I can understand why she does the show as a job and treats it that way BUT like I said in my previous point, she knows to a degree what is being filmed, she may not know how it will be edited but she's not as hopeless as she would make it seem... she could easily show us the seemingly boring parts, but she's the one who consistently picks fights with everyone in her life and lets the camera roll... even when the mtv cameras don't catch it she gets someone to record it to submit it. So she can lose me with the editing/privacy argument.

Plus she and Javi play out all of the drama on social media, too. Something which she can control!

I know I'm old-fashioned but I find it particularly unseemly to cheat on a deployed spouse. I think cheating on your spouse is a shitty thing to do. Period. I don't think it is no biggie. But it is doubly shitty when the spouse is gone for 6 months because you pressured him to join the military.

  • Love 13
On 2/3/2017 at 4:34 PM, GreatKazu said:

Kail acts as if we do not know she goes to school, tends to her boys, and all the other things she pointed out. So what if the show does not air those things more often. Kail chooses to continue with the show. She is a slave to MTV. She sets herself up for the positive and the negative attention she receives. She revealed nothing in that rant. Same ol' shit.

If Kail wants them to air all the stuff, she needs to stop giving them the OTHER stuff. MTV is always going to side with drama. Stop engaging in so much drama and you'll have wholesome, boring scenes aired - ala Chelsea.

  • Love 18
1 hour ago, CofCinci said:

Kail is feeling the strain of being a "single mother" now that she doesn't have Javi's mother doing all the heavy lifting. 

And this constitutes the thing that irritates me the most about Kail and some of the other moms--she acts as if she has been "doing it on her own" this whole time when we have seen how much help she has gotten over the years--Jo, Jo's family, Javi and his family, her assorted friends, hell even drunk Suzi pitched in once in awhile.  I would've gained a lot of respect for her if in her blog post she mentioned the people that have helped her but instead she goes on a pity me rant. If she'd admit that she's gotten a lot of lucky breaks and has had good people helping her, it might turn some people's opinions around.

Of course this goes for Leah and Jenelle as well. Chelsea is one of the only ones who never really complains. She's had a lot of help but actually seems appreciative of it and doesn't play the victim. No wonder she is the most likable.

  • Love 21
Message added by OtterMommy

Please remember that it is against Primetimer policy to publish home addresses, links to home addresses, or other personal information of anyone--on or off the screen.

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