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Kailyn: Kail Smash!

Message added by OtterMommy

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The thing with Chelsea is that I imagine that the conversation about what is and isn't being filmed would have been pre-determined and civilized.  The way that she talked to her producer and crew was really polite and friendly.  Randy probably advised Chelsea to sit down with her producer and establish the boundaries, e.g. we won't film the wedding but we will provide exclusive access to the photo album (I think that only one photo went on social media).  When one of the film crew asked why the wedding wasn't being filmed, it suggested to me that they had already had the conversation but were repeating it for the cameras.  

Kail seemed fine with filming the divorce scenes until the day when she threw a fit and swore her head off at everyone.  Yeah it was kind of underhand for MTV to then go and film Javi talking but they hold all the cards and want a good storyline.  That's what happens in reality TV. 

Anyway, Chelsea's producers probably weren't thrilled that they couldn't have the wedding but that seemed pre-planned.  In contrast, Kail went off her nut at everyone and backflipped about what could and couldn't be filmed. If Chelsea had thrown her camera crew out of a dress fitting she would have got a bad edit too. 

  • Love 7
  On 1/15/2017 at 11:59 PM, DangerousMinds said:

Chelsea often seems to get a pass for this same kind of complaining and need for "privacy."


Seriously asking, no snark. When has Chelsea complained? And I mean complain such as how Kail, Leah, Adam, and a few others have busted MTVs balls over privacy and editing? 

Just because Javi's scenes aired after Kail said she did not want to accept his call on camera does not mean that was the order it was filmed.

Edited by GreatKazu
  • Love 7

Chelsea was asked why she wouldn't film or show her dress.  You could tell she was annoyed she had to say again so that it would be on camera that she wants some things to be private and only for her.  She's likable and explains it better, but it's the same kind of deal.  

IMO, Kail wasn't flipping out because she is a control freak and wants to control everything.  She seemed to freak because she was under the impression that the divorce convo was not gonna be something that was filmed.  She didn't know they filmed Javi's conversation about her conversation.  It seems very much in the same kind of mentality of Theresa and Brandon not only not wanting to be filmed, but not wanting a recap of their conversations to be filmed.  I'm gonna be Team Kail on this one because I think she wanted to protect her children, especially Isaac, from seeing their divorce unfold on TV.  

I call bs on this one. She was already filmed at that point hopping out of her SUV and giving confirmation to radar online that she was getting a divorce. (In those torn black pants while carrying her Starbucks and smiling) https://www.google.com/amp/radaronline.com/photos/kailyn-lowry-divorce-photos-javi-marroquin-no-ring-teen-mom/amp/

This is very close to the time they are airing now. She can not control what Javi decides to discuss with his friends and she told the camera crew she was done filming for the day. What else are they going to do? Go film conversations with Javi.  They can't make him talk about something they had no clue was going on, UNLESS she had already confirmed it with, oh let's say, radar online. 

According to her Instagram on July 8 her and Sterling are filming for MTV. :| She had already talked about it on camera (to Radar) in May. Javi is shown coming home Aug 1st.  So the episode we watched appears to be June/July. In this picture it looks just like the outfit sterling was wearing on the episode.  Kail just wanted to be a crappy person that day. She wasn't in control and MTV was questioning her. She knew she looked bad and threw a fit. Let the boys talk to Javi.  Isn't that what she usually does anyway.

Edited by Mkay
  • Love 7

I don't ever recall Chelsea snapping rudely at her producer and yelling "I don't want to talk about it" "I am done filming for today" and adding "fuck" in there in front of children as an added bonus, as we just saw Kail do in the last episode.  I don't like Chelsea (because she's a moron) but I don't think we have ever seen her behave like a heinous asshole to the crew and throw a temper tantrum like some of the others have.

  • Love 10

I see where Kail is coming from.  YMMV.    I think it's a good and smart move to not want the exact conversations filmed while this is happening.  I wish Kail made more moves like this.  She and Javi are both assholes and say really horrible shit to one another.  To not have those moments Memorexed for everyone including her child to see, I get it.  She should do it more.  IMO.  

  • Love 1
  On 1/16/2017 at 1:58 AM, GreatKazu said:

Seriously asking, no snark. When has Chelsea complained? And I mean complain such as how Kail, Leah, Adam, and a few others have busted MTVs balls over privacy and editing? 

Just because Javi's scenes aired after Kail said she did not want to accept his call on camera does not mean that was the order it was filmed.


Agreed, there is a difference between stating that not everything is filmed, and bitching about editing after something airs that didn't go your way.

  • Love 2
  On 1/16/2017 at 1:19 PM, shelley1005 said:

I see where Kail is coming from.  YMMV.    I think it's a good and smart move to not want the exact conversations filmed while this is happening.  I wish Kail made more moves like this.  She and Javi are both assholes and say really horrible shit to one another.  To not have those moments Memorexed for everyone including her child to see, I get it.  She should do it more.  IMO.  


I don't disagree with this idea but what is so strange is that she doesn't want these moments preserved for her children to see but she doesn't mind them seeing her labia surgery.  I mean, it's her life so she can do what she wants but I'm just confused about her choices.

  • Love 3

I think Kail thinks it is worse for her children, especially Isaac, to see them ripping each other apart, calling each other names and Javi discounting that Isaac is his child.  I think she wanted to be able to have a frank and honest conversation with Javi that their marriage is over and not to have Isaac be able to watch it on tv.  For me, I agree that has more long term damage than seeing a surgery of her lady parts.  Even though, I'd shield any and all children I had from both.  And this stand from Kail is also moot because she and Javi won't be able to control themselves.  She tried, but neither of them can do it.  I mean, we've seen the clips of Javi yelling at her in a car about the divorce and her spreading her legs for everyone to see.  Isaac sees it all.  He's not a baby.  Javi and Kail, those two are going to destroy each other.  I was just impressed that for a moment she tried to do something different.  Too bad it was fleeting.  

ETA: I also recognize that Isaac sees ALL of Kail's horrible behavior as well.  He sees her yelling at Jo for sweatpants.  He sees her calling Jo a shitty scumbag of a dad.  Kail could benefit from always putting her child first, not just this one time.

Edited by shelley1005
  • Love 1

But for every episode so far, she hasn't talked to Javi.  Their conversation has been short.  He's talked to the kids.   So why not pass the phone to the kids instead of throwing a fit and cussing the camera crew. It's not like they have had deep conversations about life in front of the crew yet.  She brought it on herself.  The dramatic hang up the phone twice instead of "here kids it's Javi." 

  • Love 8

Frankly, as much as I appreciated Kail not talking to Javi on the phone while on camera at the behest of the crew, she did not do that BECAUSE of the kids. She said at least twice she was afraid to talk to him on the phone. The girl always has a plan, except when she doesn't.  Her plan was to avoid talking to him. 

I think Kail was avoiding a confrontration. I believe she was avoiding other things as well. Not getting into that as it is moot. It is not the details, but the end result. The end result is, this marriage was doomed from the start and it has now run its course. Kail's plan was to get benefits. She got what she needed. Time for her to move on. 

Edited by GreatKazu
  • Love 5



I have so many questions re: the car seats.  Javi got a new car. Did his old car not have car seats or at least bases in them?  If he had car seat bases, why couldn't he just move them from old car to new?  If he never had them, does that mean they always took Kail's car everywhere? And if so, why can't he drive the kids in Kail's car, if that's what they always did? It seems like Kail is just being a difficult asshole for no reason.  How is this good for the kids?

  • Love 3

I think Kail was avoiding having a confrontation on camera.  Props to her for that.  She had no idea how he'd react, especially given his BS with Dr. Drew at the reunion, of her telling him it actually is over and she never rescinded the papers she filed before.  

And IMO it also was for Isaac.  However, YMMV of course.  

  On 1/16/2017 at 5:04 PM, poopchute said:



I have so many questions re: the car seats.  Javi got a new car. Did his old car not have car seats or at least bases in them?  If he had car seat bases, why couldn't he just move them from old car to new?  If he never had them, does that mean they always took Kail's car everywhere? And if so, why can't he drive the kids in Kail's car, if that's what they always did? It seems like Kail is just being a difficult asshole for no reason.  How is this good for the kids?


Many service members sell their vehicles before a long deployment.  I did.  Then, you come back and buy a new one.  Oh... the dumb things I did in the military.

Javi had time to buy (lease?) a new $45K truck.  Why couldn't he go buy some carseats?  Kail was being needlessly difficult but who knows how long Javi has been on leave at this point.  It takes 15 minutes to run into a Target and buy carseats.

  • Love 3
  On 1/16/2017 at 5:14 PM, CofCinci said:

Many service members sell their vehicles before a long deployment.  I did.  Then, you come back and buy a new one.  Oh... the dumb things I did in the military.

Javi had time to buy (lease?) a new $45K truck.  Why couldn't he go buy some carseats?  Kail was being needlessly difficult but who knows how long Javi has been on leave at this point.  It takes 15 minutes to run into a Target and buy carseats.


That's what I'm saying...did he sell the car seats/bases with the vehicle?  When I sell a car I remove my personal belongings first.  

While I get what everyone is saying, re: car seats...maybe they only had one set as a couple, so for Kail to not even let him use them in the car to drive them to day camp was beyond bitchy. She had just complained about how much work it was to get the kids and dogs fed and drive them to camp in time for her 1 pm class, why not let Javi (who I detest) buckle them into his truck for one drive to school? She was just being unnecessarily bitchy, IMO. He had nowhere to go..his first day back from deployment..I'm sure they could've figured out a way to switch it back this one day. Let the man take the kids to camp, get yourself an extra 30 minutes for starbucks, then get the carseats back later. Jeez. She's so cunty.

  • Love 11
  On 1/16/2017 at 9:49 PM, sunsheyen said:

While I get what everyone is saying, re: car seats...maybe they only had one set as a couple, so for Kail to not even let him use them in the car to drive them to day camp was beyond bitchy. She had just complained about how much work it was to get the kids and dogs fed and drive them to camp in time for her 1 pm class, why not let Javi (who I detest) buckle them into his truck for one drive to school? She was just being unnecessarily bitchy, IMO. He had nowhere to go..his first day back from deployment..I'm sure they could've figured out a way to switch it back this one day. Let the man take the kids to camp, get yourself an extra 30 minutes for starbucks, then get the carseats back later. Jeez. She's so cunty.


This x a million. And for as much as Kail complains about being soooo stressed out as a single mother, why the fuck did she add four dogs to the mix? I know the Rottie belonged to Javi, but why add three more creatures to feed, walk and clean up after? In the words of Mama Dawn, that don't make no sense. She's just going to be a miserable hag in life no matter what. It's kind of funny though to see Javi getting a heaping dose of karma, especially for the way he trashed Jo. Now he gets to see what life is like when you're on Kail's bad side. Buckle up, vagina lips, because it's going to get bumpy!

  • Love 14

You pretty much hit the nail on the head, Maharincess. 

Having seen how reluctant Kail has been to talk to Javi on camera about the divorce and the preview of their car side confrontation, I'm starting to think Kail is really worried about whatever ammo Javi has or thinks he has. She has a big mouth and a huge ego, usually she is more then willing to meet someone head on and tell them off if she feels she is being cornered. She has shown her ass, literally and figuratively, again and again on camera without thinking about the consequences. I noticed in the preview when Javi  threw the adultery at her for once her big mouth didn't work. She looked like a deer in the headlights. I've never seen that out of her that I remember. Considering how nasty she has been in the past to others, I don't feel sorry that Javi is being a nasty bitch right back to her. That's karma for you.

  • Love 9

What an absolute bitch she was in that clip. Typical Kail. She can cry me a river at the "betrayal" of MTV. They didn't betray her. She threw a tantrum and they turned off the camera. Who the hell is she to have a comment about Javi being filmed talking about it if he chose to do that? It's not like she hasn't talked on camera about divorce before. If she chose to talk about something on camera that someone else (Javi, Jo, whoever) didn't want her to, would she care? Would she be reasonable? Of course not. She'd say "Tough shit." Well, Kail, "Tough shit."

  • Love 10
  On 1/16/2017 at 10:51 PM, poopchute said:

So if they only ever had one set, did Javi never ever drive them anywhere? I feel like we have seen him driving with the kids in the car.  So why couldn't he just drive them like he always had?  It just doesn't really make sense and it seems like Kail created a problem where there was none.


Either the kids outgrew them or the car seats are in his parents' vehicle (I'm sure his mother still watches the kids on the daily) or Kail threw them away because they had a smidge of dirt on them.  Regardless, Kail was being Kail.  Hopefully Javi knows better than to wear sweatpants around her when she's in one of her moods.

  • Love 10
  On 1/17/2017 at 12:03 AM, CofCinci said:

Either the kids outgrew them or the car seats are in his parents' vehicle (I'm sure his mother still watches the kids on the daily) or Kail threw them away because they had a smidge of dirt on them.  Regardless, Kail was being Kail.  Hopefully Javi knows better than to wear sweatpants around her when she's in one of her moods.


How long was he gone?  It doesn't seem like he was gone long enough for them to both need new car seats.  I obviously don't know what kind of car seats they have but so many today grow with the kid or at least snap into a base that is compatible with more than one seat so you don't need a new base every time. Just seems like maybe it's not the best financial decision to be buying four new car seats and bases every few months.


Count me in with the rest of you about Javi and Kail being a couple of bitches.

Choosing which one is the worst or whose sins are bigger is laughable. It is no contest. It is like choosing who is worst? Charles Manson or Susan Atkins. Bonnie Parker or Clyde Barrow. Javi is an emotionally abusive jerk while Kail is a manipulator and user who was physically abusive to both of the fathers of her children. There would be outrage if it was Jo or Javi who had ever laid their hands on Kail.  Kail is part of the whole emotional abuse cycle herself.  Kail's abuse no doubt stems from her childhood wounds and insecurities she hasn't dealt with.  She didn’t learn healthy coping mechanisms or how to have positive, healthy relationships. Likely, the same holds for Javi. When people are on the receiving end of a fist, they don't care what you endured growing up.

It doesn't even matter that Kail has broken it off with Javi because her kids are still stuck with her as a parent, and she will continue this cycle with the next guy. It would be great if Kail would just avoid relationships altogether, but I know that won't happen. Until she gets herself into some professional therapy, she will repeat the same patterns with the next guy who will be playing father to her boys.

Kail is acting like Jenelle in that peak preview about the car seats. Grow the fuck up you miserable bitch. Hand over the car seats. Yeah sure she is all about not wanting conflict in front of her kids. What a fucking joke. There she is creating conflict in front of her kids about fucking car seats.

Edited by SPLAIN
  • Love 12
  On 1/16/2017 at 11:43 PM, shelley1005 said:

I do feel sorry when I see anyone be emotional abusive on the show.  I can't wait until Javi is just a side note on this show.


Karl is physically and emotionally abusive.  I never think any woman deserves abuse but she's not some innocent person here, she abuses just as much, if not more than Javi.  Just the way she tried to keep Isaac from a father who obviously adores him was abusive not only to Jo but to her son as well.   Karl gets back what she gives, and then some.  

Karma, Karma, Karma.  It is already biting her in her fake fat ass and I can't wait until it takes another bite. 

  • Love 10

I'll personally be hoping this version of karma aka someone being emotionally abusive to someone else doesn't take another bite.  Just my opinion, of course YMMV.  

Hopefully soon Javi will be relegated to the role of Jeremy or Adam or Nathan or any of the other not OG dads and I'll only see him and his controlling shaming behaviors every once in a blue moon.  It's unfortunately he and Kail decided to have a child or he could be gone forever.  Thank goodness Kail was smart enough to not agree to have another baby with him.  Phew.  Girl can make a smart choice every once in a while.  

  • Love 1
  On 1/17/2017 at 1:48 AM, shelley1005 said:

I'll personally be hoping this version of karma aka someone being emotionally abusive to someone else doesn't take another bite.  Just my opinion, of course YMMV.  



Yeah, that's not what I said.  Nowhere in my comment did I say anything like that.  Karma acts in many different ways.  I did not say I wish Karl would be abused.  

As abusive as Karl is to other people, she can't be surprised when it comes back to her. 

Edited by Maharincess
  • Love 6

When people talk about karma, I don't think it means "Kail abused someone else therefore she deserves to be abused".  It is more along the lines that you can't treat others like dirt under your foot and expect them to go out of their way to help you.   Kail has consistently belittled and talked down to others so it really shouldn't come as a shock when someone like Javi snipes back. 

I like to think as karma as paying it on.  If I treat other people nicely and help out, it will be repaid in some way.  If I treat others with rudeness and aggression, I will get the same in return.  Kail, unfortunately, is the latter.  Kail wants to treat people one way (badly) and be pampered in return. It doesn't work like that.  

(Fun story, I was catching the bus on the way to the airport from Rome and someone told me it was only 5 euros.  I got on the bus, handed over my 5 and the driver told me it was actually 7 and didn't have a single other coin on me.  I was borderline in tears because the bus driver didn't have great English, it was early and I was miserably sick when the nice guy behind paid for me.  I constantly remind myself of his kindness and I hope that good karma went his way!)

  • Love 13

I don't personally see Javi's controlling behavior as sniping back.  I am glad they are done with each other because that relationship was doomed from the beginning.  I just couldn't stand watching him try to control everything that happened in his house and tantrum when he couldn't.  The way he told Kail who she could talk to and when, how he demanded to always read her phone, how he discounted her child when it was convenient to punish her, etc.  It is classic emotional abuse.  I hope that it ends or at least I no longer have to witness it.  Of course, they still have a child, so they can't just Bye Felicia each other, unfortunately.  

Yeah remember when Javi threw a temper tantrum because Kail talked to Jo on the porch and Javi said another man shouldn't be crossing his property line while he's not home?  I can't wait for him to have to stand across the street to discuss Lincoln if Kail's new man isn't home at the time.  I also hope he is prepared to be always dressed in business casual attire while at home on weekends in case Kail decides to come for pick up 20 minutes early like she did with Jo.  And if Kail wants to take Lincoln on "family vacation" during Javi's time, or on Father's Day, hope he's going to be okay with that too, since he had no problem complaining about how unreasonable Jo was being for wanting to see his own son on Father's Day.  

  • Love 13

  When people talk about karma, I don't think it means "Kail abused someone else therefore she deserves to be abused".  It is more along the lines that you can't treat others like dirt under your foot and expect them to go out of their way to help you.  



Karma and how most people think of it is pretty obvious:

- Hinduism, Buddhism. action, seen as bringing upon oneself inevitable results, good or bad, either in this life or in a reincarnation: in Hinduism one of the means of reaching Brahman.

- Theosophy. the cosmic principle according to which each person is rewarded or punished in one incarnation according to that person's deeds in the previous incarnation.

- fate; destiny.

The second one is the one most of us think of when we mention karma.

As if we want to see anyone here be abused. That's why all of us have pointed out at one time or another how we fear for the participants such as Amber and Jenelle.

Kail can't go around brow-beating people, talking down to them, being disrespectful, playing with their emotions and expect them to not have a reaction to how they are treated and how their feelings are being dismissed. Look at how well that worked out for Kail as a person growing up with people around her who treated her as such.

Kail was treated like shit by family, therefore, she treats family like shit.  No one cared for Kail's feelings when she was exposed to different guys who played the role of father to her.  That is the message now being passed on to Isaac. He needs to just get over it.

  • Love 9

I personally feel that not expecting people to go out of their way for you is different than either deserving or causing emotional abuse by your partner because you happen to be a big ol' bitch.  That's where I choose to see this differently.  I think Javi should have left a long time ago.  I would have championed him.  Instead he tried to control Kail in her household and when she wouldn't be controlled, I feel that he punished her and sometimes Isaac for it.  That isn't karma nor okay nor something caused by Kail.  It's emotional abuse.  Doesn't discount the abuse Kail has flinged upon others IMO to point it out.  I get that many see it differently and I respect that.  This is how I see them which is why of course, YMMV.  

Edited by shelley1005
  • Love 2

Kail can't go around brow-beating people, talking down to them, being disrespectful, playing with their emotions and expect them to not have a reaction to how they are treated and how their feelings are being dismissed. Look at how well that worked out for Kail as a person growing up with people around her who treated her as such.


This^^^ is what I think most of us mean when we are talking about Kail and Karma. There is also the saying the like attracts like. Javi can be a controlling, passive-aggressive asshole and Kail is a controlling, abusive user. It isn't a shock that they attracted each other and that is on both of them for pursing the relationship and making it the toxic place it became. Hell, I've said the same think about Jenelle and her losers: I don't want her to be abused or scared of or by them, but I see how Jenelle being a terrible person makes her seek out and date terrible people.

Certainly that doesn't mean Kail should take Javi's crap. I just think most of us are willing to call Kail equally on her very shitty behavior to others and logically point out how it contributes to the fights and toxicity that follow her relationships. Javi deserves to be called out as well but I just don't see why all the fault has to be piled on him either. It takes two to tango, after all, and Kail has never been a shrinking violet who sat back and took people's shit. That is both a credit to her and one of her worst traits imo.

Anyway, that's all I will say on this topic. It has become a circular discussion and I don't have much more I can say on it.

  • Love 9
  On 1/16/2017 at 9:49 PM, sunsheyen said:

...She was just being unnecessarily bitchy, IMO. He had nowhere to go..his first day back from deployment..I'm sure they could've figured out a way to switch it back this one day. Let the man take the kids to camp, get yourself an extra 30 minutes for starbucks, then get the carseats back later. Jeez. She's so cunty.


That is exactly what I was thinking.  I said it out loud, "you are so cunty!"

  • Love 9
  On 1/17/2017 at 6:40 PM, heatherchandler said:

That is exactly what I was thinking.  I said it out loud, "you are so cunty!"


She can't not be a petty bitch. 

It's really awful that she has to learn these lessons about boundaries and the inevitability of change by subjecting her kids to heartbreak.  

"Javi's your daddy! Oh wait, he's not. Now, he's not your daddy. But maybe he'll throw you a bone if he's not mad at me and I'm not mad at him."

  • Love 10



She won't even let Javi throw his mail out in her trashcan.  Why is she like this???! She goes out of her way to be the biggest bitch asshole possible and I am sure later in the episode we will see her complaining about Javi's attitude.  I just don't understand how someone can be such a heinous raging asshole ALL of the time?!

  • Love 13
  On 1/17/2017 at 10:05 PM, poopchute said:



She won't even let Javi throw his mail out in her trashcan.  Why is she like this???! She goes out of her way to be the biggest bitch asshole possible and I am sure later in the episode we will see her complaining about Javi's attitude.  I just don't understand how someone can be such a heinous raging asshole ALL of the time?!


oh, I've seen couples who are hell-bent on punishing one another for a long-ago infraction like it's their job.  it's very nice and not at all awkward to witness IRL....

  • Love 6
  On 1/17/2017 at 10:05 PM, poopchute said:



She won't even let Javi throw his mail out in her trashcan.  Why is she like this???! She goes out of her way to be the biggest bitch asshole possible and I am sure later in the episode we will see her complaining about Javi's attitude.  I just don't understand how someone can be such a heinous raging asshole ALL of the time?!


What a B****!! They so should have aired this.  She is ignoring everything related to this episode when every other week she is promoting the new episode on twitter.  People are slamming her about the car seat issue but this, even more petty.  Gah!  I can't stand her. 

  • Love 7

Oh, but Kail and Javi are so much better off not being together!!  [heavy sarcasm]

Together or not, they have a child together. They will continue to interact. She can never be without being in bitch-mode. Now, if it were Javi doing this to Kail? *facepalm* Please, we know he would be torn to shreds. But, Kail does it, and apparently it is Javi's fault.

  • Love 9

I'm surprised MTV didn't air that.  Shocked really.  

It wasn't as bad as I thought it was gonna be.  I could see being annoyed at Javi sitting down like he still lives there.  She wanted him out, so she bitched him out the door.  It made me laugh.  And IMO the I have to go to Starbucks line is code for...I'm not talking about this with you on camera.  

Good girl getting the keys.  If not, Javi would definitely be in that house being his usually controlling, demanding self.  I can't believe he gave them back.  Good on him for not grandstanding there.   

Edited by shelley1005
  On 1/17/2017 at 10:05 PM, poopchute said:



She won't even let Javi throw his mail out in her trashcan.  Why is she like this???! She goes out of her way to be the biggest bitch asshole possible and I am sure later in the episode we will see her complaining about Javi's attitude.  I just don't understand how someone can be such a heinous raging asshole ALL of the time?!


Sorry, I'm too busy to talk about the end of our marriage and our shared child and your unofficially adopted son who I have encouraged to call you "daddy" and our potential child custody issues because I have to go to Starbucks. 

  • Love 13
  On 1/17/2017 at 11:24 PM, shelley1005 said:

It wasn't as bad as I thought it was gonna be.  I could see being annoyed at Javi sitting down like he still lives there.


Someone correct me if I'm wrong, but I thought Javi was on the mortgage for the house? For the old one as well? I could swear someone found that info. In the case that he is on the mortgage, technically I would think he does have a right to be there as long as he isn't causing disruption or harm to anyone. He might even have still had to the right to live in the house until ownership of the house is settled in the divorce.

Kail's hostile behavior screams to me that she has something to hide. My ass she is worried about her and her kids privacy; she's worried what is going to come out of Javi's mouth.

  • Love 22
Message added by OtterMommy

Please remember that it is against Primetimer policy to publish home addresses, links to home addresses, or other personal information of anyone--on or off the screen.

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