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Kailyn: Kail Smash!

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3 hours ago, HeySandyStrange said:

On top of the TM2 money she gets that most teen, single moms could only dream of making, there is the fact that Kail has a two very involved fathers and a crap ton of loving family on both sides for her boys. I doubt many single mothers could say the same, and as I stated above, she hasn't shown much appreciation for that fact in the past.

I do think Kail will manage to get a job and take care of her family once the show is gone, but I foresee reality hitting her hard. I think she believes the adoring fans who will readily buy her books and other crap will be around forever, but the hustle is going to be a lot harder once she is a former D-List reality star and has to work a real 9-5 for much less then she is making now.

Kail sure won't be making the kind of money she is pulling in now. I keep thinking Kail thinks she will get a job from MTV.

I remember how back in the days when some people would get small gigs here and there with MTV such as hosting some event or having their own show such as Eric Nies from Real World New York. He hit it big during that time. I then think of Kit Hoover from Road Rules 1. She is now co-hosting Access Hollywood and appears on various shows. The thing is, Eric and Kit have something that Kail doesn't have - personality and they know how to talk to the camera and the audience. Kail has the constant sour puss on that fat face of hers. She has zero personality. She has no sense of humor. She doesn't have a face for the camera no matter how many times she has the chins sucked out of her. She is beginning to look like a Kardashian with the whole fake body and the gigantic fake, busted-looking lips. Overall, she is a turn-off.

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I remember watching Kit in that Road Rules season and she was very charismatic and likable. And she worked her way up through ESPN, IIRC. 

$150K for some years does NOT mean they are set for life. Particularly when their lifestyles are so relatively extravagant. (Plus I'm assuming they have managers or agents who get a cut, etc.)  I gotta agree with whoever mentioned young people today in Amber's thread, I think. We stayed almost 20 years in our "starter" house. These people upgrade in like a year or two and think they need 3500 sf with two toddlers.

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On 9/28/2016 at 5:10 PM, HeySandyStrange said:

Wow, Kail's "friend" reminds me of that chick from Europe that styles herself like Barbie, with a little less plastic surgery and just as much makeup. She has that doll like, dead-eyed, plastered on make-up look that is borderline creepy.  You can't tell me that gal isn't trying to get something with her association with Kail, she is posing and preening on her intsagram like she's just waiting for her big break. I guess that the hangers on goes with Kail's new Kim K. inspired lifestyle.

haha i have to give her props tho she is strong af. Hang clean 165 is pretty impressive. If she wants IG love she just needs to post more lifting pics in booty shorts she will get way more hangerons that way

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What mature person wants hangerons? Is that a necessary thing in life? Is that what a supposed mother of two boys should be aspiring for? Kail's fans seem like 12 year olds.

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I think Kail could possibly realistically get a job at MTV, but only behind the scenes. I wonder if her degree is giving her any experience with camera work, production, etc. People in that line of business usually have type A personalities, and I think she is naturally type A, but has become slightly less ambitious since the easy money started rolling in. I think when TM2 ends, the hustle will return, but as many have stated, reality will hit her hard. I really hope her degree has focused on behind the scenes work, because that's the only area where she may realistically have a foot in the door with MTV. 

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The thing is a full-time job at MTV probably involves working in either LA or NYC (most likely).  I don't know that she can just pick up and move her kids around like that.  Those are both expensive places to live and they don't want to follow her around like that, I'm sure. 

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4 hours ago, GreatKazu said:

Kail has the constant sour puss on that fat face of hers. She has zero personality. She has no sense of humor. She doesn't have a face for the camera no matter how many times she has the chins sucked out of her. She is beginning to look like a Kardashian with the whole fake body and the gigantic fake, busted-looking lips. Overall, she is a turn-off.

Exactly.  TV hosts are usually chosen for their looks as much as anything.  Kail has surgery which is clearly fake - strike one.  She has massive tattoos all up her arms and legs - strike two.  And she has a "face for radio" as my mother would say - strike three.  

Plus TV hosts are supposed to be bouncy, able to make other people feel comfortable and able to take a joke.  Kail doesn't have the brains to be a serious interviewer (e.g. in politics) nor does she have the happy-go-lucky personality of an entertainment host.  And I'm guilty of this but Kail doesn't let other people finish a sentence and that just wouldn't fly in TV land. I can just see any attempt at humor falling straight down and dying a painful death on the floor. 

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2 hours ago, Christina87 said:

I really hope her degree has focused on behind the scenes work, because that's the only area where she may realistically have a foot in the door with MTV.

I'll bet getting a production job at MTV is hard, though, with a lot of highly qualified people eager to work for them. Kailyn may possibly have the pull to get a job with MTV, but she'll have to work extremely hard to keep it. Once she isn't able to earn MTV money by starring in TM2, she is pretty expendable, I'll wager. I'm guessing behind the scenes production work is going to be much more demanding and less lucrative then what she was hoping for, and she still has to have some kind of pleasant personality when dealing with the talent and other team members. Going back to an earlier discussion we had in this thread, she probably should've stuck with dentistry.

Edited by HeySandyStrange
Can't make sense anymore lol
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10 hours ago, ChocolateAddict said:

Exactly.  TV hosts are usually chosen for their looks as much as anything.  Kail has surgery which is clearly fake - strike one.  She has massive tattoos all up her arms and legs - strike two.  And she has a "face for radio" as my mother would say - strike three.  

Plus TV hosts are supposed to be bouncy, able to make other people feel comfortable and able to take a joke.  Kail doesn't have the brains to be a serious interviewer (e.g. in politics) nor does she have the happy-go-lucky personality of an entertainment host.  And I'm guilty of this but Kail doesn't let other people finish a sentence and that just wouldn't fly in TV land. I can just see any attempt at humor falling straight down and dying a painful death on the floor. 

since when does being fake and having tats disqualify one from MTV?...lol. if anything that gives her a leg up!

Kail is not ugly either. thats harsh. she actually has a great smile and She looks nice when she gets made up and her hair done.

Edited by EDTV
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I don't think Kail is ugly either but she's not TV pretty.  Most of the MTV hosts, especially the women, are model pretty. Kail is attractive enough for real life but women aspiring to be in front of the camera, in a professional capacity, are expected to be gorgeous. I think that Nessa girl who hosts the after shows is dating an NFL athlete. Idk about you, but I don't think Tom Brady is calling Kail anytime soon. 

Edited by evilmindatwork
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14 hours ago, EDTV said:

I could def see Kail working for MTV, maybe hosting a show like that hottie Nessa =). Or maybe on those "code" shows? I forget.

Does anyone know how much those shows pay? Is that a full time job for people like Nessa or just something they do on the side? Even the on air "talent" might be a lot less than what Kail is used to getting. Believe I have heard from multiple sources that MTV is notoriously cheap. I mean right now, Kail doesn't draw a salary directly from MTV right? MTV pays the production company and the company negotiates pay with their reality folk, right?


  I do believe Kailyn's constant self promotion is an investment in her "brand" (tm Maci) but I don't really see her being successful. Other than plastic surgery, nothing about her really stands out and she's not very pretty. Average at best for regular standards and below average for Hollywood standards.  Just my opinion.

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4 hours ago, EDTV said:

since when does being fake and having tats disqualify one from MTV?...lol. if anything that gives her a leg up!

Kail is not ugly either. thats harsh. she actually has a great smile and She looks nice when she gets made up and her hair done.

I agree. Manatee's can't help how they look. I have seen better looking manatees.

Karl is ugly because of her racist attitude. No amount of plastic surgery or injectables can erase that kind of ugly. 

27 minutes ago, ChristmasJones said:

After being the "star" and the "talent" on TM for all these years... I'm guessing Karl would think working behind the scenes at MTV is below her...

This. Karl would expect to be the center of attention.

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16 minutes ago, BitterApple said:

Ness is dumb as a box of rocks and a horrible interviewer, so it goes to show how far looks can carry you in the entertainment business.

I don't know anything about her  and haven't really seen her host anything.  Never really stick around to watch the after shows so can't comment on her intelligence  ¯\_(ツ)_/¯.  All I know is that she's conventionally pretty in a way that Kail definitely isn't. MTV probably looks for savvy, emotionally intelligent producers, just look at Heather and the girl that produces Catelynn, they know how to push everyone's buttons-- for hosts they just want a pretty face. 

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58 minutes ago, SPLAIN said:

I agree. Manatee's can't help how they look. I have seen better looking manatees.

Karl is ugly because of her racist attitude. No amount of plastic surgery or injectables can erase that kind of ugly. 

This. Karl would expect to be the center of attention.

I'm hispanic and I'm not the least bit offended by Kail, nor do I think she's racist.

I don't even think most people know what a racist really is anymore to be honest. That word gets thrown around wayyyyy too easily. I think we've all said racially insensitive things in our lifetime, that doesn't make us all racists. 

She's married two hispanic men and dates black men apparently. Have a hard time believing she's racist. I often wonder, are people really "offended" by words? Or does it just give them something to protest against, something to be outraged about? I've personally never been offended by a strangers words toward my race. They are just words after all.

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15 minutes ago, EDTV said:

I'm hispanic and I'm not the least bit offended by Kail, nor do I think she's racist.

I don't even think most people know what a racist really is anymore to be honest. That word gets thrown around wayyyyy too easily. I think we've all said racially insensitive things in our lifetime, that doesn't make us all racists. 

She's married two hispanic men and dates black men apparently. Have a hard time believing she's racist. I often wonder, are people really "offended" by words? Or does it just give them something to protest against, something to be outraged about? I've personally never been offended by a strangers words toward my race. They are just words after all.


I don't know if Kail is a racist or not. She has made some racially insensitive comments, but I think what is sticking out in most commenters' minds is when she said 'little white boys don't wear their hair like that' or something to that effect. It was interpreted (by some) as Kail thinking it was a bad thing if her biracial kids looked biracial.

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19 hours ago, SPLAIN said:

What mature person wants hangerons? Is that a necessary thing in life? Is that what a supposed mother of two boys should be aspiring for? Kail's fans seem like 12 year olds.

hey hey hey i never said nothing about maturity! :-P

Edited by yogi2014L
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She's married two hispanic men

@EDTV What other guy did she marry? As far as what we know, she married one guy. She never married Jo.

People can be racially insensitive and have negative thoughts about different races and still be around those who are not of the same race. I think of those people who are racist, but then they claim they have black friends or Hispanic friends therefore, they are not racist.  I don't think anyone called out Kail for being straight out racist. She has made some insensitive comments that are deeply disturbing. There is a difference.

I am Hispanic, but I don't have to be a certain race or heritage to be offended by one's racial insensitive comments. One should find her comments to be outrageous regardless because it is a peek into what is really brewing inside her head. People don't just blurt out things like what Kail has said such as black women having nappy heads without having it being nurtured. It is Kail's way to show her superiority over someone she clearly sees is beneath her. It may just be seen as a bad comment about hair, but it was clearly meant to demean, degrade and show some dominance. It is also revealing a truth about Kail.  At the very, least Kail has bias towards people.   

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6 hours ago, EDTV said:

since when does being fake and having tats disqualify one from MTV?...lol. if anything that gives her a leg up!

Kail is not ugly either. thats harsh. she actually has a great smile and She looks nice when she gets made up and her hair done.

I'm not saying that Kail is ugly, I agree that she can look nice when she smiles and has her make up done.  But people who do TV have to be more than just "nice", they have to be model worthy and stand out.  Kail (like most of the population, myself included) does not have a model face.  

Today TM2 isn't really a big enough brand to get Kail a cushy job on MTV- as other people have noticed the demographic is aging out and the girls aren't teenagers any more.  Besides, she has never been the most likable girl on the show.  As far as reality TV stars go, no one is lining up to get Kail, Jenelle, Chelsea or Leah for appearances or autographs on a regular basis.  Neither the TM2 name or her own is enough to land a hosting gig. 

MTV is brutal, they don't owe Kail a job (nor is she entitled to one) and they will inevitably go with the young, pretty, model who can deliver lines with a happy smile and isn't tied down with two children.

The unfortunate reality is that Kail isn't the type for hosting which is just life.  I'm not the type for modeling or pure maths or dancing or art but that is just life too.  Kail has good employment options outside of hosting if she puts her mind to it, if she got over her pride I could see her working behind the scenes at MTV.  

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21 hours ago, EDTV said:

I'm hispanic and I'm not the least bit offended by Kail, nor do I think she's racist.

I don't even think most people know what a racist really is anymore to be honest. That word gets thrown around wayyyyy too easily. I think we've all said racially insensitive things in our lifetime, that doesn't make us all racists. 

She's married two hispanic men and dates black men apparently. Have a hard time believing she's racist. I often wonder, are people really "offended" by words? Or does it just give them something to protest against, something to be outraged about? I've personally never been offended by a strangers words toward my race. They are just words after all.

I never called her out as racist. I called her out for her racist attitude. Reread my post.

What I think gets thrown around too much is Kail and her humpty dumpty ass. That shit needs a bulldozer to carry around. Kail is trying too hard trying to look like Khloe Kardashian.

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46 minutes ago, Tatum said:

Is that for real? I mean, those two pics are taken in a short time period?

I tried comparing them. I even thought maybe the hair is different. I really don't know. 


The other day day I posted one of her snapchat pictures and I could have sworn it was photoshopped along her booty.  The bedskirt looked off. I blamed it on myself looking for something wrong. Maybe she is? I haven't seen either picture before. 

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Her hair does look longer in the second pic. However- if these pics were truly taken some time apart, and Kail really had lost somewhere between 30-40 pounds (estimating, but I have a pretty good eye) then that floral dress would be absolutely drowning her. It is very fitted in the first picture. If these were taken at two different times, she either owns the dress in 2 sizes, or had it professionally tailored when she lost weight. Her shoulders also look very narrow in the first pic- losing weight wouldn't change that. Maybe it's not photoshop though- she might be using an angled mirror and she is standing more sideways in the first pic than the second. And the lighting is softer.

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On 10/2/2016 at 9:14 PM, Christina87 said:

I think Kail could possibly realistically get a job at MTV, but only behind the scenes. I wonder if her degree is giving her any experience with camera work, production, etc. People in that line of business usually have type A personalities, and I think she is naturally type A, but has become slightly less ambitious since the easy money started rolling in. I think when TM2 ends, the hustle will return, but as many have stated, reality will hit her hard. I really hope her degree has focused on behind the scenes work, because that's the only area where she may realistically have a foot in the door with MTV. 

To me, Kail is unattractive in a huge way. There is no genuine-ness to her. She consistently comes off as a sourpuss and a big baby and just reeks of that. She has said some disgusting things and it's obvious that she feels she is above being called on anything just because she's Kail and had a rough upbringing. She needs to get over herself and get off the "Poor me" train. 

I don't think in a workplace of any type she would be able to get along with colleagues if they were above her and she was not permitted to do things her own way. 

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I don't think that's the same day. The darker color on the top of her hair is much larger in the one on the right. There's not nearly as much brown in the one on the left. I know she's in a darker environment, but it's just blended better in that picture. There's a HUGE contrast in the other one. That dress may be just one of those clingy types that will form to your body. I had a top like that that I wore while pregnant and it bounced right back after I had the baby. 

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1 minute ago, ghoulina said:

I don't think that's the same day. The darker color on the top of her hair is much larger in the one on the right. There's not nearly as much brown in the one on the left. I know she's in a darker environment, but it's just blended better in that picture. There's a HUGE contrast in the other one. That dress may be just one of those clingy types that will form to your body. I had a top like that that I wore while pregnant and it bounced right back after I had the baby. 

I don't know...that dress looks tight in the bust area in the first pic. I don't think Kail's second pic breasts would fit. There just appears to be more material around the neck and shoulders of the second dress than the first. I do agree her hair looks pretty different in the pictures though.

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8 hours ago, Mkay said:

Not sure what is going on. Explain this to me. Are two people tweeting about Karl?

Second, I clicked on the Twitter name HoldMyFoot and a conversation about Kail and yeast infections appeared.Whoa!

LOL can someone help me to understand all of this. 

Edited by GreatKazu
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I remember when those photos first surfaced; I'm pretty sure they really were taken the same day. But this is why you always see Kail in the exact same pose in her bedroom mirror. Got to give the girl respect for one thing: she knows how to pose well for her Instagram photos. She knows which angles make her body look good. Turned sideways to get the flattest tummy and the most curve from the T&A, arms back to make them look thinner, and head down in shadow or behind her phone so you can't see the chins. It's always the same damn pose for that one reason.

She's actually taught me a lot about how to pose for my daily Instagram/Snapchat photos that I post consta--oh, wait...nvm.

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1 hour ago, Vandy10 said:

I remember when those photos first surfaced; I'm pretty sure they really were taken the same day. But this is why you always see Kail in the exact same pose in her bedroom mirror. Got to give the girl respect for one thing: she knows how to pose well for her Instagram photos. She knows which angles make her body look good. Turned sideways to get the flattest tummy and the most curve from the T&A, arms back to make them look thinner, and head down in shadow or behind her phone so you can't see the chins. It's always the same damn pose for that one reason.

I thought some of the fat from her chin was injected into her butt as part of the surgery, or was that just rumor?  If it's true, you can in fact still see her chin... just in a very different location. :)

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4 hours ago, Vandy10 said:

I remember when those photos first surfaced; I'm pretty sure they really were taken the same day. But this is why you always see Kail in the exact same pose in her bedroom mirror. Got to give the girl respect for one thing: she knows how to pose well for her Instagram photos. She knows which angles make her body look good. Turned sideways to get the flattest tummy and the most curve from the T&A, arms back to make them look thinner, and head down in shadow or behind her phone so you can't see the chins. It's always the same damn pose for that one reason.

She's actually taught me a lot about how to pose for my daily Instagram/Snapchat photos that I post consta--oh, wait...nvm.

Awesome!! So it's real.  

Damg, I've been taking my selfies all wrong! ?

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11 hours ago, GreatKazu said:

Not sure what is going on. Explain this to me. Are two people tweeting about Karl?

Second, I clicked on the Twitter name HoldMyFoot and a conversation about Kail and yeast infections appeared.Whoa!

LOL can someone help me to understand all of this. 

I don't really "get" twitter, but here is what I have pieced together:


-¯\_(ツ)_/¯ - is a twitter account that mocks the teen moms, mainly Kail and Jenelle

- Kail bitched on her own Twitter that US Weekly called her fat

-@briican commented on Kail's twitter page that thousands of girls want to look like Kail, so if anyone doesn't like Kail's body they are crazy (because thousands of people feel one way, that precludes any dissenters, I guess)

-¯\_(ツ)_/¯ commented to @briican that Kail's body is a work of photoshop, and not reality

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In slight defense of Kail, everyone who makes a living off Instagram filters and photoshops the hell out of their pictures. People are just selling lies these days, like all the girls who claim their bodies are a result of 310 Shakes and Flat Tummy Tea, rather than lipo and fat grafting. It's one big scam. "I just LUV these sugarbear hair vitamins! My hair is so long and thick! Just conveniently ignore all my clip-in extensions and use code BitterApple20 for a 10% discount today!!!!"

Edited by BitterApple
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Kail's body is not reality. It is one big, fat (no pun intended) lie.  To then use filters or photoshop only means she is still not content with what she sees in the mirror. Filters and photoshop can't change the ugly that exists on the inside.

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8 hours ago, Vandy10 said:

I remember when those photos first surfaced; I'm pretty sure they really were taken the same day. But this is why you always see Kail in the exact same pose in her bedroom mirror. Got to give the girl respect for one thing: she knows how to pose well for her Instagram photos. She knows which angles make her body look good. Turned sideways to get the flattest tummy and the most curve from the T&A, arms back to make them look thinner, and head down in shadow or behind her phone so you can't see the chins. It's always the same damn pose for that one reason.

She's actually taught me a lot about how to pose for my daily Instagram/Snapchat photos that I post consta--oh, wait...nvm.

Yes. This. I have a family member that posts (I kid you not) about 10 selfies a day all about how she's lost weight and eating right. She looks tiny as hell in those photos like 110-115 lbs. Then her grandma comes along every few days and posts one where she's not doing the super pose and she's easily 50 pounds heavier. I laugh my ass off every time it happens.

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@Birdee LOL, that's awesome! I have Body Dysmorphic Disorder (BDD) so filters would not help me, cos like, I'd know they're filters, FFS, and if I ever took a photo I wasn't disgusted by, I'd naturally assume the camera had build-in filters. Last time I posted a photo of myself was in about 2008 and that was just to shut certain family members up, as I live in the USA and they're either in the UK or NZ and I haven't seen most of them for at least 15 years now. (Posted complete with a newspaper of the day so they knew I wasn't dead. lol)
Kail, though, is at a fair disadvantage for not being hired as an anchor anywhere, as she has made herself known to be a liability with her tactless remarks on SM or TV on a variety of subjects.

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On 10/5/2016 at 8:43 AM, Tatum said:

I don't really "get" twitter, but here is what I have pieced together:


-¯\_(ツ)_/¯ - is a twitter account that mocks the teen moms, mainly Kail and Jenelle

- Kail bitched on her own Twitter that US Weekly called her fat

-@briican commented on Kail's twitter page that thousands of girls want to look like Kail, so if anyone doesn't like Kail's body they are crazy (because thousands of people feel one way, that precludes any dissenters, I guess)

-¯\_(ツ)_/¯ commented to @briican that Kail's body is a work of photoshop, and not reality

Thanks for clearing that up for me.

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Ewww, I know it's irrational because it's just like kissing, and they are probably her kids or her own old ones (but if that's it, dude throw them away), but touching toothbrushes grosses me out, I don't like mine to touch anything.

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