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Kailyn: Kail Smash!

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Is she trying to brag that she woke up looking good or something? Because girl looks rough. That face definitely looks like it's been slept on. Small animals could live in that hair and who the everloving heck sleeps in what appears to be a mesh bathing suit??? 

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6 hours ago, TaxNerd said:

What about a new SUV every other year?  $2k sneakers? TWO houses?  Kail's priority is flash, not experiences.

I'm shocked her budget allows her to buy food, let alone any travel.

If you follow her on Snapchat, you'll see she also gets Starbucks everyday. 

Now, I love Starbucks and when I was kid-less I did go there three times a week or so, before (what was then) my long commute to work. Now with kids, I go once a week or sometimes once every two weeks, and I worry that's excessive. Some of my friends judge that I go to  Starbucks once a week or once every other week because I have kids and can make coffee at home. (Most friends and family with whom we exchange gifts give me Starbucks gift cards for Christmas and my birthday, so there's a couple months out of the year where I'm not spending any of my ) 

Kail'a daily Starbucks runs on Snapchat make me feel like I am soooo fiscally responsible and I wish I could point her out to my friends who judge my Starbucks habit to prove I'm not that bad (but then I'd have to out myself as someone who watches TM to people not on this board....)

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She has posted other pics.  This was a boat ride. She posted dinner one night with hula dancer and fire dancers entertainment.  A waterfall, a few beach pictures, a hike. That type of stuff. 

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2 minutes ago, Pdxblonde said:

That's a lot of cellulite for someone her age. 

I don't think so. Some girls have cellulite at puberty (even if they are thin), other older heavier women don't have it. I think Kail has a nice figure. Some of her outfit choices are questionable and her personality can be lacking but i think she looks fine in photos like these. 


On September 9, 2016 at 6:52 PM, MyPeopleAreNordic said:

If you follow her on Snapchat, you'll see she also gets Starbucks everyday. 

Now, I love Starbucks and when I was kid-less I did go there three times a week or so, before (what was then) my long commute to work. Now with kids, I go once a week or sometimes once every two weeks, and I worry that's excessive. Some of my friends judge that I go to  Starbucks once a week or once every other week because I have kids and can make coffee at home. (Most friends and family with whom we exchange gifts give me Starbucks gift cards for Christmas and my birthday, so there's a couple months out of the year where I'm not spending any of my ) 

Kail'a daily Starbucks runs on Snapchat make me feel like I am soooo fiscally responsible and I wish I could point her out to my friends who judge my Starbucks habit to prove I'm not that bad (but then I'd have to out myself as someone who watches TM to people not on this board....)

You get your Starbucks as often as you like!! I'm sure your bills are paid and your children are provide for so you're allowed your luxury/indulgence of Starbucks (if that's what you want). 

The criticism of the Kail's of the world is that every single thing is "their indulgence" and they probably haven't saved for a rainy day. 

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14 hours ago, Scarlett45 said:

I don't think so. Some girls have cellulite at puberty (even if they are thin), other older heavier women don't have it. I think Kail has a nice figure. Some of her outfit choices are questionable and her personality can be lacking but i think she looks fine in photos like these

I could be wrong, but I was under the impression cellulite is genetic and has little to do with age/weight. So Kail really might not be able to do anything about it, even if she works out like crazy and gets treatments for it.


damn some of u guys really hate Kail!...lol. Her new body looks good, certainly better than before. The selfies are a bit much but thats what most 20 something year olds do now.

I don't really have a problem with Kail or some of her selfies. My problem is that girl's head has gotten too big for the room and she thinks she is hot shit now. I've never been the biggest fan but she used to have some work ethic and seemed to want to be a decent mom. Now she is vacationing every other week, majority of it sans kids, flaunting her ass in every other picture, and acting like she made the big time now. That kind of behavior seems more fit for a teenager then a women in her 20's with two small children. It's a little late for her to play carefree young coed, since she decided to become a mom young. She can get all the plastic surgery in the world and I still will think she is unattractive, just because of her personality and attitude.

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I don't care about the cellulite, some of us have it and no matter the weight, it doesn't go away. My snark is that out of all the pics (& you know they took a million), she chose to snap one that has one high butt cheek and one low. Has her surgery settled that lopsidedly already? I'd be pissed about that if I were her. 

Her kids are fed, clean, well dressed, and if she has the means to vacation, go for it. I know it's not cool to count someone else's money, but damn, it's going to be a shock when these checks stop. I doubt she's using points, miles, or credit card rewards for these trips. Sister is gonna be in a world of hurt when Myrtle Beach is the only ocean she can see.

i can definitely see Kail making the reality circuit tour post TM.  I can't wait to see Surly Jo and fame whore Javi on an exes show.

Edited by sunsheyen
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At 24, I barely weighed 100 pounds. I was always tiny, until I hit 30. Even in high school at 98 pounds I had cellulite. I'm not knocking that. Like others have said she has let it all go to her head. The fake butt pictures, she seems flashy, it's all gone to her head. Joe can't walk around in sweats but everything she does is fine. ? Money has definitely changed her. 

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3 hours ago, EDTV said:

damn some of u guys really hate Kail!...lol. Her new body looks good, certainly better than before. The selfies are a bit much but thats what most 20 something year olds do now.

I'll say it. I don't like her.

This is a snark board after-all. Sunshine and rainbows are not the norm around here. LOL

I don't like people who put fake restraining orders out on the other parent just to get back at them. Keeping your child's father away from the child you share for two weeks is a shitty and disgusting thing to do.

I don't like bitches who cry domestic violence against the father's of their children when nothing of the sort ever happened.

I don't like her for claiming to be a victim of DV when she is the aggressor and the one who has been physically abusive to her partners.

I don't like hypocrites.

I don't like liars.

I don't like so-called parents who defy court orders, especially those court orders that affect their children.

I don't like her for wanting to keep her child away from his father by trying to move away to another state.

I don't like her for jumping into marriage, which again affects her child, only because she wanted benefits.

I don't like bitches who use their children as pawns.

She is selfish. She is self-absorbed. She is self-centered.

There is more, but that is enough for me.

For the record, she doesn't look good. Her right ass cheek is hanging low.

Just because a lot of 20 somethings do something, doesn't make it a good thing. There are 20 somethings who text and drive. I guess if that is the norm, it is okay if Kail does it? Now that I think about it, I think she does. She has been shown on her phone while driving.

Edited by SPLAIN
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I don't think her butt is actually lopsided. I think she is standing in such a way as to put more of her weight on her left leg rather than right in that pic.  

Of all the possible pictures she could post - why choose that particular one? Surely its possible to get a better shot of her ass than that one?  That is what confuses me.

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Her kids are fed, clean, well dressed, and if she has the means to vacation, go for it.

Well, so are Jenelle's kids (or at least the one she actually has custody of) but we criticize her all the time for doing exactly what Kailyn is doing: dumping her kids to do on vacation after vacation. I will admit, out of the two Kailyn is the better mother (not that that is much of a feat) and her children are not just left with random strangers but with loving family members, but still. Yet Kail seems to think she is so above Jenelle, going by all the shade she throws at her, yet isn't acting much differently with her lucky TM2 lottery. She is wasting her money, acting immature and entitled, and growing very arrogant, just like Jenelle and Leah. I used to have slightly higher hopes for her, since she was the one taking care of her kids, working and going to school.

Speaking of school, has she graduated already? Because I wonder how she is fitting school into her busy schedule. I was hoping at least one of the girlses (other then Chelsea) would get a job or some kind of career just to have something else but pointless drama to watch in the next seasons.

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Jenelle doesn't just dump her kids to go on vacation, she dumps them when she's home. Kaiser basically lives in his crib, high chair, playpen. If he's feeling ill, he can expect to be dumped in his crib, with tears rolling down his food stained face, so Jenelle can go sit on the front porch and not hear him while she peruses Tinder. 

I think Kail seems to leave a lot, but at least when she's home she interacts in a meaningful way with her kids. I think Kail has the potential to be a great mom, but she is often petty with her baby daddies and has gotten a bit too full of herself. Jenelle never had any potential, she is dead inside.

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On 9/9/2016 at 1:21 PM, Mkay said:

WARNING!!! This one may cause you to hurl or lose your eyesight.  



I forgot to comment on this mess.

Geez. That face. That nose looking huge on the end there and those fake lips to match. Her face looks like it is just protruding in that photo. Whoever mentioned manatee, you were spot on.

A manatee caught in a fisherman's net is what that photo looks like to me.

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I don't really think Jenelle and Kail are comparable at all. Kail is, in her own way, a spiteful and mean witch, but she clearly loves her boys and attempts to care for them. Kail leaves her kids with family who are capable, willing, and feel joy in caring for them. They have not been physically or emotionally left to fend for themselves. Finally, when she's home with them she's a caring and loving mother. She interacts in them ways that are meaningful and nurturing. She doesn't feed them and then lock them up in a dark like we've seen Jenelle do to Kaiser. 

I think she's a flawed parent but everyone is. Her relationships with their fathers leave a lot to be desired but she's improved with Jo over the years. I don't think Kail, while imperfect, and in many ways a heinous person, is in anyway comparable to Jenelle as a mother. 

Edited by evilmindatwork
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I agree that Jenelle is pretty hideous as a person and a mother, and I don't think Kail is as bad on a personal level as Jenelle. I'm more thinking that she (like Jenelle) has let the fame and money go to her head and has lost some perspective. I used to have more hopes about Kail because she seemed to have the most brains and hustle out of the girls. But she seems to have embraced social media fame and the Kardashian lifestyle to an extant. I'll admit to being disappointed about that, and I still maintain that she is acting as if she is above it all. I hope it is just a phase and once the fame and money is gone she wises up and keeps on with her real career plans, because otherwise I see her as ending up as another washed up reality show star like the rest of them.

Edited by HeySandyStrange
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Oh, forgot to add to my list above about my dislike for Kail. She has made racially insensitive comments. That is why she will always be at the bottom of my list, right above Jenelle. I don't take kindly to people like her who take issue with people who don't look like her.

Just wait until Kail can no longer control her boys and they develop their own way of dressing. She will flip. The boys are an extension of her and therefore, they have to look perfect. If they look Latino or dress like a "homie" or whatever she said a few seasons back, then they are an extension of Jo, and that is not perfect.

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7 hours ago, EDTV said:

damn some of u guys really hate Kail!...lol. Her new body looks good, certainly better than before. The selfies are a bit much but thats what most 20 something year olds do now.

Most 20 something mothers of two children Or 20 something year olds who aren't responsible for two children and should be setting an example for them?

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On ‎9‎/‎9‎/‎2016 at 7:52 PM, MyPeopleAreNordic said:

If you follow her on Snapchat, you'll see she also gets Starbucks everyday. 

Now, I love Starbucks and when I was kid-less I did go there three times a week or so, before (what was then) my long commute to work. Now with kids, I go once a week or sometimes once every two weeks, and I worry that's excessive. Some of my friends judge that I go to  Starbucks once a week or once every other week because I have kids and can make coffee at home. (Most friends and family with whom we exchange gifts give me Starbucks gift cards for Christmas and my birthday, so there's a couple months out of the year where I'm not spending any of my ) 

Kail'a daily Starbucks runs on Snapchat make me feel like I am soooo fiscally responsible and I wish I could point her out to my friends who judge my Starbucks habit to prove I'm not that bad (but then I'd have to out myself as someone who watches TM to people not on this board....)

I love my iced venti skinny vanilla lattes, too...but omg they cost almost $6! I don't think I could justify every day, but it's the best sometimes treat!!

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21 hours ago, Mkay said:

At 24, I barely weighed 100 pounds. I was always tiny, until I hit 30. Even in high school at 98 pounds I had cellulite. I'm not knocking that. Like others have said she has let it all go to her head. The fake butt pictures, she seems flashy, it's all gone to her head. Joe can't walk around in sweats but everything she does is fine. ? Money has definitely changed her. 

I remember this pic of Mischa Barton's cellulite in US weekly.  at the time the girl weighed like ten lbs soaking wet.  Made me feel much better about myself LOL

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19 hours ago, SPLAIN said:

Oh, forgot to add to my list above about my dislike for Kail. She has made racially insensitive comments. That is why she will always be at the bottom of my list, right above Jenelle. I don't take kindly to people like her who take issue with people who don't look like her.

Just wait until Kail can no longer control her boys and they develop their own way of dressing. She will flip. The boys are an extension of her and therefore, they have to look perfect. If they look Latino or dress like a "homie" or whatever she said a few seasons back, then they are an extension of Jo, and that is not perfect.

Let's be fair. I don't think she said "homie." I think she said "thug" or "gangster." Lolllll

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20 hours ago, SPLAIN said:

Oh, forgot to add to my list above about my dislike for Kail. She has made racially insensitive comments. That is why she will always be at the bottom of my list, right above Jenelle. I don't take kindly to people like her who take issue with people who don't look like her.

Just wait until Kail can no longer control her boys and they develop their own way of dressing. She will flip. The boys are an extension of her and therefore, they have to look perfect. If they look Latino or dress like a "homie" or whatever she said a few seasons back, then they are an extension of Jo, and that is not perfect.

That is my number one reason as to why I don't care for her. For her to make racially insensitive comments while simultaneously using POC for come ups pisses me off to no end!

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1 hour ago, FlowerofCarnage said:

That is my number one reason as to why I don't care for her. For her to make racially insensitive comments while simultaneously using POC for come ups pisses me off to no end!

I agree.

At least with growth and maturity, and sometimes help from an outside source such as therapy, some people can change their ways, their outlook, and their behavior. People, like Kail, rarely, if ever, change. They'd have to believe they are wrong and there is one thing Kail has an extreme hard time doing: admitting she is ever wrong.  I just can't with her. 

Kail won't ever fix that anger problem of hers.


Out of this group we have Kail who has defied a judge. She filed a phony restraining order.  What else? Then, there is Jenelle who has a shitload of assault charges and violating probation, etc. And of course, there is Leah who has been an addict, didn't follow through with court orders and such.  Chelsea is batting 300.

Edited by GreatKazu
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2 hours ago, GreatKazu said:

I agree.

At least with growth and maturity, and sometimes help from an outside source such as therapy, some people can change their ways, their outlook, and their behavior. People, like Kail, rarely, if ever, change. They'd have to believe they are wrong and there is one thing Kail has an extreme hard time doing: admitting she is ever wrong.  I just can't with her. 

Kail won't ever fix that anger problem of hers.


Out of this group we have Kail who has defied a judge. She filed a phony restraining order.  What else? Then, there is Jenelle who has a shitload of assault charges and violating probation, etc. And of course, there is Leah who has been an addict, didn't follow through with court orders and such.  Chelsea is batting 300.


I agree that Kail has demonstrated absolutely zero remorse for anything she's done, and in fact frequently tries to rewrite history.  While her anger problem and racially insensitive remarks are concerning, her filing phony domestic charges will make her a forever hosebeast to me. That maneuver had far more victims than just Jo and Isaac (namely any truly battered woman that faces suspicion of lying thanks to people like Kail), not that she gives a shit.


For something like that, the fact that she hasn't done it again is not enough for me to think she's changed.  Javi should consider recording every encounter between himself and Kail if there are no impartial witnesses in the room. I am absolutely not joking about that.

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On Sunday, September 11, 2016 at 0:56 PM, SPLAIN said:

 If they look Latino or dress like a "homie" or whatever she said a few seasons back, then they are an extension of Jo, and that is not perfect.

It's rather hilarious when you consider Jo's background versus Kail's. You'd think Kail was Manor Born with the way she puts others down.

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37 minutes ago, Tatum said:


I agree that Kail has demonstrated absolutely zero remorse for anything she's done, and in fact frequently tries to rewrite history.  While her anger problem and racially insensitive remarks are concerning, her filing phony domestic charges will make her a forever hosebeast to me. That maneuver had far more victims than just Jo and Isaac (namely any truly battered woman that faces suspicion of lying thanks to people like Kail), not that she gives a shit.


For something like that, the fact that she hasn't done it again is not enough for me to think she's changed.  Javi should consider recording every encounter between himself and Kail if there are no impartial witnesses in the room. I am absolutely not joking about that.

Amen! Well put.

Most definitely Javi should be careful. History repeats itself and we all posted at one time or another that Javi will one day face the same wrath that Jo endured. Javi is an ass in his own ways, but he sure doesn't deserve to be accused or charged with any crime the way Jo had been. No one deserves to be accused of any crime. It is why I have such a hard time believing many of Kail's claims in her book, what she says in interviews and on camera. I don't feel bad for not believing her. She has brought that upon herself. Females have lied about rape and domestic violence and it sure as hell makes it damn hard for the true victims of these crimes to come forward and to be believed.  

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^^^^ and thanks to the internet, that picture will last forever!!  Why would anyone ever post such a pic of themselves on-line??  I'm old enough to remember getting photos developed at the local drug store - none of the bad ones would ever end up in my photo albums!!  And now everyone has digital pictures- so even less of an excuse to ever post a bad picture of yourself.

Although, now that I think about it- its Kail's way of trying to get people to post "ohhhhh you don't look so bad!!!!!" (beg for people to deny that she looks super fug in that pic)

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8 minutes ago, ChristmasJones said:

^^^^ and thanks to the internet, that picture will last forever!!  Why would anyone ever post such a pic of themselves on-line??  I'm old enough to remember getting photos developed at the local drug store - none of the bad ones would ever end up in my photo albums!!  And now everyone has digital pictures- so even less of an excuse to ever post a bad picture of yourself.

Although, now that I think about it- its Kail's way of trying to get people to post "ohhhhh you don't look so bad!!!!!" (beg for people to deny that she looks super fug in that pic)

Yeah, she doesn't really think she looks like shit. NO ONE posts pics they hate of themselves on social media. If you have a good sense of humor, you might pick out an unflattering shot of yourself to show people sometimes to make them laugh, but that's different than posting on a forum where you have thousands of followers, particularly while wearing a mesh one piece. She posted that because the angle and the blurred edges makes her mid section look pretty trim.

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She probably likes how thin she looks in the picture. The fog on the left side of the picture meets the seam down the middle of that leotard thing she's  wearing. The side of her torso she has tilted back seems to almost disappear. That's the only thing I can see she might be impressed with. Or maybe that she can stand upright? She looks like she had a rough night before and is either still drunk or her head is pounding. I mean, that's usually what I felt like whenever I woke up looking like that at her age. It's not the most attractive look. 

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I feel a little bad for Kail because I have some of that Northern European/Scandinavian-esque stockiness going on, though I've never been as large as her and I'm a bit more proportional. Even at my thinnest, my calves are big and my shoulders are broad. But man--she does CrossFit, supposedly tries to eat healthy, and that's her natural body shape (minus the implants)? I know she's had kids, but she looked like that before, too. I would imagine it's very hard to lose weight after 2 kids, but yikes, some people just don't have naturally attractive body shapes. 

Now I feel super mean.

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4 minutes ago, Lm2162 said:

I feel a little bad for Kail because I have some of that Northern European/Scandinavian-esque stockiness going on, though I've never been as large as her and I'm a bit more proportional. Even at my thinnest, my calves are big and my shoulders are broad. But man--she does CrossFit, supposedly tries to eat healthy, and that's her natural body shape (minus the implants)? I know she's had kids, but she looked like that before, too. I would imagine it's very hard to lose weight after 2 kids, but yikes, some people just don't have naturally attractive body shapes. 

Now I feel super mean.

I feel like she isn't doing herself any favors with the way she dresses.  She can afford a stylist, for heavens' sake, or at least try to dress in more flattering clothes.

Edited by teapot
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1 hour ago, teapot said:

I feel like she isn't doing herself any favors with the way she dresses.  She can afford a stylist, for heavens' sake, or at least try to dress in more flattering clothes.

Exactly. The key to looking good is dressing for your body type. I'm short and I have short legs, so skirts that hit right at the knee or below aren't good on me. They just make me look shorter. Things like that. Learn what flatters you and embrace it. Not everyone can wear every item of clothing. It won't ruin your life to say goodbye to the yeast infection shorts. 

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48 minutes ago, ghoulina said:

Exactly. The key to looking good is dressing for your body type. I'm short and I have short legs, so skirts that hit right at the knee or below aren't good on me. They just make me look shorter. Things like that. Learn what flatters you and embrace it. Not everyone can wear every item of clothing. It won't ruin your life to say goodbye to the yeast infection shorts. 

I know right? I see young girls all the time that are heavier on bottom wearing these tight shorts that look like the buttons could pop at any minute from the strain, and the fabric is stretched as far as possible so that the pockets are completely distorted and I just think- how can that possibly be more comfortable than just going up a size?


I get it- I once cried in the dressing room of JC Penney at age 16/17 when the size I wanted was too small to fit right (I'm short and an apple shape, making the waistband my frequent worst enemy). I was really depressed.  I did not, however, yank it shut anyways and walk around with half my gut hanging out. But I guess these girls subscribe to the Kim Kardashian rule- if it says size ABC and you can squeeze into it (however awkwardly)- then you are size ABC.

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4 hours ago, Lm2162 said:

"I feel a little bad for Kail because I have some of that Northern European/Scandinavian-esque stockiness going on, though I've never been as large as her and I'm a bit more proportional. Even at my thinnest, my calves are big and my shoulders are broad. But man--she does CrossFit, supposedly tries to eat healthy, and that's her natural body shape (minus the implants)? I know she's had kids, but she looked like that before, too. I would imagine it's very hard to lose weight after 2 kids, but yikes, some people just don't have naturally attractive body shapes. 

Now I feel super mean."

(The quote box won't go away)

I'm sure your figure is/was lovely. I don't think Kailyn is stocky at all (she could use better fitting clothes though). I think she looks like a regular young woman (not very thin or large). 

Perhaps Kailyn is attracted to Latin men because as a rule they like a little more "thickness" to their women. It's been my limited experience that white women face a LOT more pressure to conform to one type of beauty than women of other races too. 

Kailyn has been known to say racially insensitive things (I was appalled when they were in reference to Jo and thus her own child Issac), but oh she appreciates the beauty ideals when they suit her. She's just "ugh". 

Edited by Scarlett45
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5 hours ago, Tatum said:

I know right? I see young girls all the time that are heavier on bottom wearing these tight shorts that look like the buttons could pop at any minute from the strain, and the fabric is stretched as far as possible so that the pockets are completely distorted and I just think- how can that possibly be more comfortable than just going up a size?


I get it- I once cried in the dressing room of JC Penney at age 16/17 when the size I wanted was too small to fit right (I'm short and an apple shape, making the waistband my frequent worst enemy). I was really depressed.  I did not, however, yank it shut anyways and walk around with half my gut hanging out. But I guess these girls subscribe to the Kim Kardashian rule- if it says size ABC and you can squeeze into it (however awkwardly)- then you are size ABC.

Okay I was thinking about this the other day, doesn't it HURT to wear clothes that small??! I know we will all suffer for fashion once in a while but every day?!!

what got me thinking about this is that I belong to a plus size fashion group in Facebook, and so many of the poster were talking about fabric irration, rashes etc, and these women were my size or smaller (I'm 5'7 and a size 16W-18W depending on the cut), and I have never had these problems!

I think some women buy their clothes too damn small and that's not just a "big girl" problem either. Kailyn is not big by any means, if she went up a size or had her clothing altered she would look more sophisticated. 

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Kailyn is all about showing her body regardless of how uncomfortable she may feel or whatever rashes she brings on. She is drawing attention to herself. Same reason she has nipple rings. She is sending a message out there to certain people.

Also note, not a scarf in sight. 

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What happened to no more babies and focusing on her career. ?

34 minutes ago, GreatKazu said:

Kailyn is all about showing her body regardless of how uncomfortable she may feel or whatever rashes she brings on. She is drawing attention to herself. Same reason she has nipple rings. She is sending a message out there to certain people.

Also note, not a scarf in sight. 

Isn't that because she got her double chin fat sucked out and put in her butt? Hahaha those scarfs were awful. 

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I'm not trying to body shame, but she looked freaking TERRIBLE at the MTV Awards according to the pictures, like 30lbs heavier. Maybe she lost a bunch of weight. But it's really obnoxious to say "I woke up like disssssssss" looking banged up. Why not take a picture of yourself on the toilet, it's got the same level of appeal. 

Edited by Uncle JUICE
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