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Kailyn: Kail Smash!

Message added by OtterMommy

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9 hours ago, beesknees said:

I know RE: my own custody order that I am not allowed to move further than 150 miles without my ex's okay even if it is for a new job, or getting married, etc.  I highly doubt Karl's gonna be able to pick up and move to L.A. for work.

What would be interesting is that if Kail wanted to move to LA....I could see Jo being a lot easier to convince to relocate since I think he'd like being close to that lifestyle as well.  Kail could also make the case that since Javi is in the military and could have to move at any time, that she should be allowed to make her family where it is most convenient for her.  And a judge would probably go along with that.  Good luck down the line Javi.  

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I wonder how the typical spouse of a deployed enlisted person feels about Kail. My guess is the hate burns long and hard.

1. the MTV money

2. They're still pretty close to family and get LOTS of help.

3. the suppressed (kinda) glee when she found out Javi was getting deployed

I noticed she doesn't seem to have relationships with the spouses of other deployed airmen. I wonder how common that is?  My cousin is an army wife with two small kids and I know she got very close to others around the base in her same situation when her husband was deployed.  They would help each other out with watching kids, etc.

On paper, Kail might have her shit together more than the others with almost being done with a 4 year degree and the fact that her kids seem to be taken care of and she reads to them, etc.  But I still don't like her. I just don't think she's a nice person. I think she uses people and has an inflated sense of self. (And she probably used to be my favorite way back when. I was impressed she was working part-time at the office supply store and had it in mind to get some trade school training. But I really think this fame and money changed her and not in a good way. She was never without flaws, of course. (Are any of us?)  But this person now is just beastly to me.

Edited by lilmarysunshine
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On May 26, 2016 at 7:15 PM, SPLAIN said:

Out of all the Teen Moms, Katie (S3) is my favorite. She is not an abuser. She is not a liar. She was never racially insensitive. She chose to go to college rather than find a guy to bully and get him to marry her. She tried to keep a good. relationship with her child's father, but he failed in that department. She was all about college and working full-time without bitching about how hard she has it. 

Katie does have her shit together. Actually, a number of 16 and pregnant girls (okay, 2-3) went on to finish school and work several jobs at once in order to provide for their kids. One girl in particular really impressed me because she researched a certain college grant she was eligible for that had some kind of work study component, applied for it, wrote the essays required, won it, then worked out a budget with her mom and baby daddy in order to afford it (she was paid for work study but less than her other job, so had to do some planning). I wish teen mom had picked up those girls. Granted, throwing six figures at girls who had already shown questionable judgment wasn't smart, but maybe one of these girls would've used the windfall for something other than tattoos, cars, and vacations. 

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5 hours ago, FlowerofCarnage said:

MTV has previews for the finale up. Apparently, Javi wants a divorce because Kail doesn't want anymore children. According to him, "he doesn't see a future for them." Kail says that she wants to graduate and have a career. As much as I despise Kail, I say good for her.  

Kail does not want anymore kids with Javi. That does not mean she does not want anymore kids with the next sucker.

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While I don't think the kid thing is the actual reason for the divorce (it's just a symptom of a larger problem), I do think Kail might actually be done. I know there was a lot of talk about her marrying Javi for the benefits, and that may have been true at the time. But I do see the girl trying to hustle now and be the provider for her kids. I don't think she needs him anymore, and I don't see her trying to lock down another man in the same way either. She is one of the more intelligent, rational mothers - even if she is a cold, manipulative, controlling wench. I can see Leah and Jenelle trying to have kid after kid with every guy they hook up with. But I actually do believe Kail when she says she wants to try and have a career and is done having kids.

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1 hour ago, Fosca said:

I can see her not wanting any more kids.  She just had all that plastic surgery; any additional kids might ruin that new booty and waist.

The Hulk eats like a pig. She loves her junk food. Give it time.

If Kail finds herself not in the kind of job she seeks,meaning one that can pay her big bucks, she may turn to her old habit of seeking someone who can help support her.

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18 hours ago, FlowerofCarnage said:

MTV has previews for the finale up. Apparently, Javi wants a divorce because Kail doesn't want anymore children. According to him, "he doesn't see a future for them." Kail says that she wants to graduate and have a career. As much as I despise Kail, I say good for her.  


3 hours ago, GreatKazu said:

The Hulk eats like a pig. She loves her junk food. Give it time.

If Kail finds herself not in the kind of job she seeks,meaning one that can pay her big bucks, she may turn to her old habit of seeking someone who can help support her.

They're following each other on instagram so make they're making up

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3 hours ago, GreatKazu said:

The Hulk eats like a pig. She loves her junk food. Give it time.


Yeah, her body, her money, her decision, but I find it absolutely ridiculous to have plastic surgery at 23 and then eat like shit. Maybe she couldn't have gotten the ass she paid for, but she could have slimmed down on her own by just changing her diet. She should be eating healthy anyways as an example to her kids.

  • Love 8

Kail already has a new man, JP Brown. The guy she brought to the reunion show. 


 He was on last weeks episode he was the one with her and her other friend in NYC giving her gooey eyes and both of them couldn't hide their smiles when discussing how her marriage is doing. 

She snapchatted him in her house at like 11pm making s'mores a few weeks ago and brought him to the beach:


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1 hour ago, Lm2162 said:

If every adulterous person in the military was kicked out, there would be very few left! Happens constantly. Both military personnel and their spouses. 

During my first deployement at Bragg we had a guy in our unit (who was married mind you) date a girl from the battalion we were assigned to. It was mostly ignored until he got her pregnant. And because of that our group got questioned about what we knew and our own relationships with others. i think the most he got was an article 15 because I saw him a few years after that and he was still serving. 

Its basically upto the commander if they wanna pursue any action.  I wasent too happy about getting questioned over someone who couldnt behave himself.

Edited by jadecorleone
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Kail saying she wants to be a host.. unless she plans to do the bar tour like Farrah and co. I don't see that working out very well for Kail. She's not attractive enough (even with all the surgery) to be a tv host. And I doubt there are very many opportunities for hosting jobs in Delaware. Now she has two baby daddies to fight her for custody and since Jo just moved to DE I highly doubt he would be perfectly fine with her moving to CA. I know Javi would NEVER let her do that and I doubt kail would abandon either of her sons.  Her saying she wants to focus on herself for once. Um when has she NOT focused on herself and her own wants and needs? Lol

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33 minutes ago, kira28 said:

Kail saying she wants to be a host.. unless she plans to do the bar tour like Farrah and co. I don't see that working out very well for Kail. She's not attractive enough (even with all the surgery) to be a tv host. And I doubt there are very many opportunities for hosting jobs in Delaware. 

Harsh but 100% true, I'm afraid. She might be able to be like the traffic reporter on the local Dover fox affiliate Monday mornings, but she's not going to do a red carpet show. I'm a gargoyle myself, you just have to lean into it and do something you can do. I can do lots of things...Kailynn's going to realize she can be on TV, but she can only do so as an MTV property. 

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Yeah, my cousin currently works as a weekend anchor at a local affiliate in another state. She put together a portfolio and sent it everywhere, and she just moved to wherever she got an offer. Worked a couple years in one state, sent out more clips, got a new job in another state. Of course, it didn't hurt that she has "the face" for TV, but she also has that TV type of personality/demeanor. I have to agree that if Kail wants a job as an on-air personality her best bet is to stick with MTV, where she's already a known property. I'm not sure anyone else would be interested.

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I would wager that she will get a production type job with MTV, who are headquartered in NYC, especially if she's particularly close to a producer over there. 

Her celebrity might give her a shot at an on air gig or two, but the competition for those is fierce and everyone is right, she doesn't really fit the mold...looks or personality wise. 

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21 minutes ago, guilfoyleatpp said:

I would wager that she will get a production type job with MTV, who are headquartered in NYC, especially if she's particularly close to a producer over there. 

Her celebrity might give her a shot at an on air gig or two, but the competition for those is fierce and everyone is right, she doesn't really fit the mold...looks or personality wise. 

Why would MTV want to deal with her when she isn't making money for them, though? In other words, she goes from a property that generates revenue directly to a tangential "used to be star" who is just an overhead line item? Once you get off the airwaves, you're in "the business." Do you think she's going to take a $50K a year job. when she's made so much more in the last couple of years? That's why I think her degree, the pursuit of which is commendable, is pointless. No one's first job anywhere in any industry pays $300K a year, that's like international arms dealer consiglierie sort of level. She'll be working from a totally warped perspective, and producer friend or not, when it comes down to it, to pay one person X and the other 2X or more to do the job with an indiscernible difference in quality (she's not going to be doing investigative journalism, she's going to be saying "Nice shirt, The Weekend, who do you think will win best kiss tonight???"), no one in their right mind goes with the 2X candidate. And that's presuming she'll deign to take $100K a year. For what, one, two events.  

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I can see Kail getting a job behind the camera. She might not have the face or personality to be a host but as someone who worked behind the camera for 10 years, she would actually do quite well in a news or media director job, or a producer. They tend to be a bit full of themselves, ruthless, and willing to step on people to get shit done.  

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On 5/31/2016 at 7:38 PM, FlowerofCarnage said:

MTV has previews for the finale up. Apparently, Javi wants a divorce because Kail doesn't want anymore children. According to him, "he doesn't see a future for them." Kail says that she wants to graduate and have a career. As much as I despise Kail, I say good for her.  

I call total bullshit on that. They had to come up with something for TV. Saying that Kail's a nasty, cheating shrew might cause her crazy "you are my hero" followers on social media to see who she really is. Instead, let's come up with something that will endear her even more to her legion of fans and sell even more books, candles and whatever other junk she peddles.

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I knew more than a couple girls who were in front of the camera when they were young. After those gigs were up, they transitioned to behind the scenes with the help of a mentoring producer. 

It is what happens. 

She certainly won't get the salary she's getting now, not at first, but nothing is going to pay her as much as a regular, well rated series. That's the business 

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Message added by OtterMommy

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