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Kailyn: Kail Smash!

Message added by OtterMommy

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Hispanic in the house here. "Papi" in our language, translates into "Dad", "daddy" or something similar. So, yes, Javi is referring himself as "daddy". Nothing unusual, especially in a Hispanic household. It can be used from one spouse to another, a friend, or a parent to a child, as a term of endearment. With  a couple who are being romantic and/or sexy, they would use the term as well.  The word "Mami" would be the female equivelent.  I am sure Kail calls him "Papi" to infer the lover that he is to her and as well as being the father in the house. I am certain in Javi's mind, he is using it to refer to himself as the father of the household. Referring to Isaac as "Papi Jr." may be because Kail refers to Isaac as "Papi" as well. As for what she calls Javi when she is pissed, which is about 90 percent of the time, I am sure she calls him a list of names such as asshole and bitch.


IMO, I do believe that post to Isaac comes off bad. Normally, I wouldn't see it that way, but seeing how Javi and Kail keep trying to shove Jo out of the picture as if he doesn't exist or was merely a sperm donor, that comment Javi posted really bothers me. It is those fucking little digs like that, that make them so irritating as fuck and come off so delusional if they think they are going to succeed in removing Jo from their lives. When push comes to shove, Jo don't play that shit.

Edited by GreatKazu
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Thanks McKay.  So then, Javi must have been called that in his household growing up. Now, this is real interesting. Kail doesn't like that he refers to himself as "Papi". Could it be Ms. KKK hates it because it is in reference to his Hispanic heritage, something that he was likely called since he was a little boy by his parents? What then should Javi be called instead in her house? Refer to the last sentence in my first paragraph above about Kail calling him names.

Edited by GreatKazu
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That makes way more sense now that you explain that.  I live in Australia and while I'm surrounded by people who are Chinese, Korean, Italian, Vietnamese and British, I have next to no experience with Latino/Hispanic communities.  I just always thought that Javi was calling himself a weird version of 'Papa' all of his own creation which sort of fitted into my assumption that he isn't the sharpest tool in the shed (he married Kailyn for a start).  Still bugs me that he keeps trying to take the father role from Jo.  If it was a situation where Jo wasn't in the picture, I wouldn't care as much but Jo is in the picture and he should be respected as Isaac's father. 

If Jo weren't in the picture, I would actually find Javi wanting to fill in the father role for Isaac very endearing. But as we all know, Jo is in the picture and Javi's needs to fall back and respect that. I wonder how much of Javi's attitude toward Jo is Kail's doing? You can't tell me Kail didn't paint Jo as the evil incarnate to Javi when they first started dating.

Edited by FlowerofCarnage
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I hoped Jo and Vee would be smarter than that.

Who wants to be that Janet and Eddie are probably relieved that Jo moved out before he knocked up another girl. Lol.

At least this one probably won't need to live in their basement. Even if she did, I would hope that Vee would have enough sense to follow their rules including the dating one. At the very least, I don't think she would be stupid enough to flaunt her new relationship on Facebook after conning Jo into driving her to her date.

  • Love 4

I'm really looking forward to the staged reenactment of Kail finding out (because if they showed the real one, they would probably have another Amber-Gary situation). I predict her pretending (unconvincingly) to be happy but then lecture Jo about the upheaval and changes he is creating in Isaac's life. Because Kail moving every twenty minutes, marrying Javi and having another child didn't add changes.

  • Love 8

Vee finally roped (or tricked) Jo into it, huh?

One cannot rope or trick the willing. That is akin to saying Kail or Leah are pushed into sex and having babies.

We used to have someone that shared links all the time. I suspected she had some kind of arrangement with the tabloids. Wonder what changed? I searched for the user a few days ago but couldn't quite recall the screen name.

You are thinking of JerseyGirl, I think. She was always getting the new episode threads started and such.

Edited by GreatKazu
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It appears Javi and Kail are thinking of moving, purportedly because the neighborhood is lousy with "fans" roaming around trying to catch a glimpse of them.  I wonder if there is more to the story, perhaps financial.



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Just when i thought Javi couldn't get anymore creepy, he goes and does this:




Someone said that Lincoln looks like the kid from Pet Cemetery.  LOL

Oy Vey.  Cute little trophy.  Being voted "Best Tattoo of the Day" at a Baltimore tattoo convention is like being voted Employee of the Week at a Fresno Burger King.

  • Love 9

It appears Javi and Kail are thinking of moving, purportedly because the neighborhood is lousy with "fans" roaming around trying to catch a glimpse of them.  I wonder if there is more to the story, perhaps financial.




The kid in me was hoping their home was being egged and toilet paper was being strewn about their property.

  • Love 1

It appears Javi and Kail are thinking of moving, purportedly because the neighborhood is lousy with "fans" roaming around trying to catch a glimpse of them.  I wonder if there is more to the story, perhaps financial.







Right.  She must have millions of fans like Tyler. uh huh.

  • Love 1

Someone said that Lincoln looks like the kid from Pet Cemetery.  LOL


Oh my gosh, he does! So scary. I would have nightmares if I woke up to that arm in the middle of the night. And I love Lincoln, he's one of the cutest little tots on these shows. But damn. 


Portraits are risky. Even super good tattoo artists don't always get them right. I'd never get a portrait of my kids on me, I'd rather just get something that symbolizes them. 


Right.  She must have millions of fans like Tyler. uh huh.


"Fan'". They keep using that word. I do not think they know what it means.

  • Love 5

I think Kailyn will also be secretly jealous that she doesn't have a daughter to bond with over their feminine beauty and charm.

I can also see her being a Team Boy kind of mom. I think everyone knows those parents that are kind of absurdly proud of having only boys or only girls, as if it was something they had control over. I totally get being proud of and happy with the kids you have, but Kail is someone who will use anything she can to feel superior to others. Since she has two boys, she'll be all about carrying on the family name, and raising good men. She'll be full of snide remarks about how Jo and Vee's daughter will be an awful teenager, as if boys are never difficult teens, and girls are never complacent teens.

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Message added by OtterMommy

Please remember that it is against Primetimer policy to publish home addresses, links to home addresses, or other personal information of anyone--on or off the screen.

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