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Kailyn: Kail Smash!

Message added by OtterMommy

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Yes. They ought to be cut off from the luxury funding; cut off, like the sleeves of Nathan's shirts.

Cut off like the way Karl cut off Javi's balls.



"Take that, Kailyn! I beat you to another product endorsement!"

This contraption reminds me of the opening scene in Mommy Dearest, where Crawford sleeps in all kinds of wraps overnight trying to fend off aging.

Love that campy movie!


I can't believe companies are still making chin straps. They have not been shown to be effective. It would be better if Karl were to use that around her mouth instead of her chins.

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Javi and Kail are such famewhores. I rarely use that term, but for these two, it fits.

I agree, but I put Javi's levels of famewhoreness WAAAAAY above Kail's. Kail signed on for a new show that could have been a "blink & you missed it" flash in the pan for all she knew. I don't believe that Javi would have looked twice at Kail had it not been for the show...and I'm not saying that as an attack against Kail's appearance or anything, I've just never seen an ounce of true chemistry towards the other from either of them.The stars in Javi's eyes were just that...he was STARSTRUCK. The stars in Kail's eyes were BENEFITS, and learning that she is bi leads me to believe she figured she could have the best of both worlds...someone with boy parts & labia lips.

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I agree with you bitter-apple (1. The first time I write your name it corrected to butter apple 2. It absolutely would not let me make it one word, I think autocorrect is getting a little big for their britches). Tattoos are not my thing, there is no picture/word/phrase that I want to have in my body permanently, I change my mind or circumstances change, my ex boyfriend however was a tattoo enthusiast, I'm pretty sure if you just said hey to him on the street he would tattoo your name on his body (he has a lot of cover ups too for ex girlfriend names, luckily I never let him put my name) that being said, I have absolutely no problem with another person getting tattoos, but that is just awful. Normally when you get a big piece like that it takes planning and commitment to make it work, that just looks like Kail and Javi went out to lunch and passed a tattoo parlor on their way home and were like "it's been a couple weeks, wanna get a new one?" And they flip through the book and they are like "oh it's almost Halloween lets do a graveyard" so he finds a little open space and that's where it goes. Kail is going to have to learn the hard way that as she ages nature probably won't be kind and her sleeves she has now are going to look like deflated party balloons when her arms start sagging as all of our arms do (except for Michelle Obama and Madonna, they'll probably stay cut till the day they die).

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Kail is the queen of "doing now, regret later" mentality.


How much of that money for the tattoo could have gone to Isaac's private school education? It reads that Javi isn't done with that back tattoo. Fuck! There's more to that monstrosity?


From the hashtag, it sounds like the tattoo is inspired by Burton's Nightmare Before Christmas, so maybe it's the cemetery where Jack Skellington goes to be alone with his thoughts.


Compare to the rickety fence in this NB4C tattoo;




With so many people like Adam Lind who are out of space for more tats but probably want more, I wonder when they'll start some kind of skin-stretching fad to make more space. It would look like the patients on 600 Lb Life who lose a lot of weight and need skin reduction.

Edited by cheatincheetos
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Compare to the rickety fence in this NB4C tattoo;


Now see, that is how the fence should look. Javi's fence tattoo looks like toothpicks. The whole tattoo on Javi is just so shitty and way too much. A smaller one, like in that pic you posted, is much, much better.



Kailyn and her minions. No, not the fanatical ones on social media.

Kinda ironic, dontcha think? She chose her kids to be minions! Well, of course she did. She is raising them to be her followers.

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He just needs a long haired wig to complete the picture and distract from his face. (I'm not normally this mean, hot flashes make me bitchy, well more bitchy)

   I think that Kail "encourages" (shake, shake shake shake) Javi to do a lot of these photo stunts, like the one where he was kissing a guy last year.


I guess the stricter policy against tattoos that the military adopted last year doesn't apply to Javi because he enlisted already?

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So on the teen mom 2 Instagram there is a video question to Kail if her dogs can do any tricks, so she pulls a pizza from the top of her fridge and places it on her counter and walks away and says her dog will take it, mind you the dog is on eye level with the counter... I don't so much think it's a trick, especially when my 20 lb 1 year old dachshund does the same thing (her nickname isn't captain naughty pants because she listens well).

  • Love 4
So on the teen mom 2 Instagram there is a video question to Kail if her dogs can do any tricks, so she pulls a pizza from the top of her fridge and places it on her counter and walks away and says her dog will take it, mind you the dog is on eye level with the counter... I don't so much think it's a trick, especially when my 20 lb 1 year old dachshund does the same thing (her nickname isn't captain naughty pants because she listens well).


Um, so her dog steals food? This is a trick? Someone hand my beagle a blue ribbon!!!!

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Kail started letting the masses add her on Snapchat and despite my better judgement I added her. So far she's delivered adorable videos of Lincoln so I'm satisfied. That boy is just too cute for words.

I can't think of Kail and dogs without remembering her "THE DOGS HAVE TO GO OUTSIDE JAVI" meltdown and the pivitol "I JUST GOT SO MAD I HIT HIM" moment. Between that and the fights in early season 6 I'll never take their declarations of marital bliss seriously. It's all a sham.

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Message added by OtterMommy

Please remember that it is against Primetimer policy to publish home addresses, links to home addresses, or other personal information of anyone--on or off the screen.

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