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Kailyn: Kail Smash!

Message added by OtterMommy

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Are we sure Javi isn't in the Air Force Reserves? It could explain why he's home a lot. I knew someone in the reserves and he didn't work every day.

I really don't know what his job is, but I always thought he was full time (enlisted? Is that the correct term) because I've never heard of anyone in the reserves having to move to be near a base. As for the filming schedule, lots of military I know work off/on type scheduled. Things where they might work 3, 12 hour shifts and then have 4 days off. I always just assumed they film around his schedule.

  • Love 1

I went to a military website and found this: 


First Name: JAVI
Middle Name:
Active Duty Status As Of: Sep-25-2015


On Active Duty On Active Duty Status Date
Active Duty Start Date De-18-2012              Active Duty End Date Still Serving Status Service Component              Air Force Active Duty 

This response reflects the individuals' active duty status based on the Active Duty Status Date




Left Active Duty Within 367 Days of Active Duty Status Date

Active Duty Start Date N/a                Active Duty End Date N/a              Status NO                      Service Component N/a



Upon searching the data banks of the Department of Defense Manpower Data Center, based on the information that you provided, the above is the status of
the individual on the active duty status date as to all branches of the Uniformed Services (Army, Navy, Marine Corps, Air Force, NOAA, Public Health, and
Coast Guard). This status includes information on a Servicemember or his/her unit receiving notification of future orders to report for Active Duty.

Mary M. Snavely-Dixon, Director
Department of Defense - Manpower Data Center
4800 Mark Center Drive, Suite 04E25
Arlington, VA 22350
Department of Defense Manpower Data Center Results as of : Sep-25-2015 08:38:26 PM
SCRA 3.0

On Active Duty On Active Duty Status Date
Active Duty Start Date Active Duty End Date Status Service Component
Dec-18-2012 Still Serving Yes Air Force Active Duty

This response reflects the individuals' active duty status based on the Active Duty Status Date
Left Active Duty Within 367 Days of Active Duty Status Date
Active Duty Start Date Active Duty End Date Status Service Component

This response reflects where the individual left active duty status within 367 days preceding the Active Duty Status Date
The Member or His/Her Unit Was Notified of a Future Call-Up to Active Duty on Active Duty Status Date
Order Notification Start Date Order Notification End Date Status Service Component

  • Love 4

McKay: Javi's first name is Jose. Javier is his middle name. Would that make a difference in that information?



Air Force Reserve is part-time. So you can live off-base but still have a number of assigned days to work. The person I know in the Reserves had certain assignments here and there, but lived with his girlfriend in his own apartment. Plus you still get BENEFITS! which is why Kail married Javi to begin with.


Edited by GreatKazu
  • Love 1

Is this Javi's brother? Seriously, Kail wanted to join the Air Force???


Oh man, just picturing Kail flying a B52 armed with nukes when she's having a bad day...

I love that she basically says they just went and recklessly bought paint, with no plan for it. Once again, Kail is a financial wizard.

They're called swatches, Kail, you budding Warren Buffet. They're free at Home Depot.

  • Love 4

I wonder if Jo is not working now because he's trying to find a 9-5, Monday-Friday type of thing.

When Kailyn told Jo "You're gonna have a baby so you better get it together." I thought, "Yeah, get it together like Wailyn did. Why don't you push Vee to join the military too!"

I could swear Jo exactly said the opposite thing. He said he does NOT want a 9-5.


LOL @ second part of your post.

I think the entire cast of Teen Mom 2 needs to accept the fact that the TM money won't always be there. If one is in need of more money to pay private tuition costs, they should also consider cutting back on their own expenses especially if they didn't inquire with the other parent about putting their bio child in a private school to begin with.


Again, is there anything that shows that these two have gone to court yet?


Jo just bought a house. He did it and likely did it by saving his TM money. Not sure what the cost of his house was, but if he is pulling in a decent amount of TM money (nothing close to the girls) he most likely put down a huge down payment. He also has his parents who probably gave him some money towards the house. Latino families tend to help their children with such financial decisions by giving them money towards a down payment on a house as a gift. I saw it all my life growing up. It was given as a wedding gift or after a baby has joined the family.

  • Love 5

I noticed that Sterling uses cheap ass stuff for her bedroom - aliexpress, all made in China (the pictures).  Bed Bath and Beyond comforter - I've heard that they're pretty shoddy quality. I think it's worth it to spend a little more on your bed stuff since you're going to be sleeping in it nearly every night.

I agree! And for some reason I thought her family had money ... Or was "connected" in Hollywood? Certainly, she could afford a comforter from Macy's.

  • Love 3
GreatKazu, on 16 Sept 2015 - 7:02 PM, said:GreatKazu, on 16 Sept 2015 - 7:02 PM, said:GreatKazu, on 16 Sept 2015 - 7:02 PM, said:GreatKazu, on 16 Sept 2015 - 7:02 PM, said:GreatKazu, on 16 Sept 2015 - 7:02 PM, said:GreatKazu, on 16 Sept 2015 - 7:02 PM, said:GreatKazu, on 16 Sept 2015 - 7:02 PM, said:GreatKazu, on 16 Sept 2015 - 7:02 PM, said:GreatKazu, on 16 Sept 2015 - 7:02 PM, said:

Except, these two have not gone to court for any sort of modification or re-evaluation in 3-4 years. Isaac wasn't in private school. Kail is the primary custodial parent. She knows she can make whatever decisions she wants regarding Isaac. There is the moral side of things where Kail should discuss with Jo what his view is on how they should raise Isaac, but Kail chooses not to. Kail would never ask Jo what are his thoughts on private school. Jo probably found out what school he was attending the week before he started.  Kail chose NOT to vaccinate Isaac. That wasn't a decision she made with Jo. She is the one who chose to have Isaac in the NoH8 campaign with his photo plastered on posters and photos. She didn't ask Jo, she just did it. She chooses his haircuts and becomes Hulk when Jo dares to have a different hairstyle for his son. We heard her racist rant about how "white boys" should look.


I think that maybe Jo may be confused regarding what the terms  "Primary Custody" and "Primary Placement" actually mean.  Many people confuse the two and they are two very separate issues.  Kailyn for sure has "Primary Placement" of Isaac.  Isaac physically lives with Kailyn for the bulk of the calendar year.  So, yes, Kail would be the parent with primary placement.


However, because Jo is an involved father in Isaac's life and because Jo is current on his monthly CS payments I cannot for the life of me believe Karl is the parent with "Primary Custody" of Isaac as well.  "Custody" issues govern decision-making items/topics for Isaac - braces or no?  Private school vs. public.  Religious matters.  Medical decisions.  What attorney or judge would not allow Jo "Shared Custody" with Kailyn in order to weigh in on Isaac's needs?  I just don't get that.  Jo's not a deadbeat dad, MIA, incarcerated, or given up his parental rights and completely checked out.  I can't imagine Jo NOT having shared custody with Kailyn.  A guy'd have to be pretty much of an eff-up in order for a judge to award sole custody to the mother on top of primary placement.  I mean ....


If Jo does have shared custody he can veto/nix things like pricey private schools and the like.  Jo needs to sit down with an attorney, re petition for shared custody as well as shared placement, 50-50% right down the middle so he can have a voice in Isaac's life without Karl making unilateral decisions for their son and letting Jo know what's going on after the fact.  In Jo's case ignorance is not bliss.  Its costing him dearly, financially and otherwise.  He needs to take the reigns and get some control.  Heck, Jo probably does have shared custody of Isaac (decision-making power) and doesn't even understand that.   Time for Jo to pull out his paperwork and re read some shite.  He's got a new baby on the way and if he doesn't marry Vee, Jo will be going through all of this again with a new baby mama.  He'd better stop assuming "this and that" and get educated.

Edited by beesknees
  • Love 2


You can see Javi in his formal military uniform in that photo on her living room wall on the left.

That's his Basic Training portrait.  Everybody gets one taken, and usually the uniform is a jacket that sort of fits, and the shirt is really a dickey.  With the tie pre-tied and closing with Velcro (or snaps in my day).  I have one of me from my time in basic in 1994.  The flag in the background, and lack of rank insignia (or any insignia) is a dead giveaway.


Now that it appears that Javi's enlistment is not up for a while, I still wonder what he does...I know shift workers in the AF, and they don't have the slack schedule that he seems to have (my husband just retired out of a Joint Services base where shift work happened). The military only gets 30 days of leave per year, and even for 4 day weekends (federal holidays, etc) and downtime, you still were limited in how far you could travel without taking leave, and his supervisor would need to know where he was if he wasn't in town (this is for recall purposes-you have to be able to report for duty <even on a day off if needed> within a certain time frame).


And his tattoos- those might prevent him from being eligible for reenlistment.  The AF has really tightened up their tattoo restrictions, and the only ones that would possibly be grandfathered in are the ones he had BEFORE he enlisted.

Edited by cissyboo1
  • Love 2

I was wondering if Javi had switched to reserves so I looked at the global AF address book and he is active duty.  If I remember correctly his tech school was like supply ordering or something like that.  So I definitely can see him having a Mon-Fri 7-3 kind of position.  Not all AF jobs are shift work, honestly just a small percentage.  Pretty sure Javi is getting all holidays and family off days, etc so basically he is part of the chair force.  Also I wouldn't make too much into that he hasn't been deployed (i.e. somewhere else).  AF is starting to deploy people in place which basically means you just do your job and none of the email, training, etc.  So yeah I totally don't find Javi's time on screen and AF duties to be in conflict.


As for Jo I just get the feeling like there is some missing piece that isn't being talked about.  Like Jo started college or something.  I think they wanted to make a story line but there is a simple explanation.

  • Love 3

Honestly, I was thinking Javi was low ( very low) level admin.  He still should have to pull duty some weekends, though- my husband did all the way through his career (he retired as senior enlisted).  His last weekend duty (check in new arrivals, make sure no one dies in the barracks, etc) three weeks before his retirement.  Eh, I guess if they only film at certain times, Javi can request his 30 days of leave for filming purposes...


Those ugly ass tatts still  bug the hell out of me.  I haven't seen ink that ugly on a service member in over a decade when I was co-located with an infantry unit before the Army tightened up on their tattoo regulations.

  • Love 1


As for Jo I just get the feeling like there is some missing piece that isn't being talked about.  Like Jo started college or something.  I think they wanted to make a story line but there is a simple explanation.

That is a great point. Even if he isn't in school, I do agree there is a major chunk of the story that we aren't hearing or being shown.


I think that maybe Jo may be confused regarding what the terms  "Primary Custody" and "Primary Placement" actually mean.  Many people confuse the two and they are two very separate issues.  Kailyn for sure has "Primary Placement" of Isaac.  Isaac physically lives with Kailyn for the bulk of the calendar year.  So, yes, Kail would be the parent with primary placement.


However, because Jo is an involved father in Isaac's life and because Jo is current on his monthly CS payments I cannot for the life of me believe Karl is the parent with "Primary Custody" of Isaac as well.  "Custody" issues govern decision-making items/topics for Isaac - braces or no?  Private school vs. public.  Religious matters.  Medical decisions.  What attorney or judge would not allow Jo "Shared Custody" with Kailyn in order to weigh in on Isaac's needs?  I just don't get that.  Jo's not a deadbeat dad, MIA, incarcerated, or given up his parental rights and completely checked out.  I can't imagine Jo NOT having shared custody with Kailyn.  A guy'd have to be pretty much of an eff-up in order for a judge to award sole custody to the mother on top of primary placement.  I mean ....


If Jo does have shared custody he can veto/nix things like pricey private schools and the like.  Jo needs to sit down with an attorney, re petition for shared custody as well as shared placement, 50-50% right down the middle so he can have a voice in Isaac's life without Karl making unilateral decisions for their son and letting Jo know what's going on after the fact.  In Jo's case ignorance is not bliss.  Its costing him dearly, financially and otherwise.  He needs to take the reigns and get some control.  Heck, Jo probably does have shared custody of Isaac (decision-making power) and doesn't even understand that.   Time for Jo to pull out his paperwork and re read some shite.  He's got a new baby on the way and if he doesn't marry Vee, Jo will be going through all of this again with a new baby mama.  He'd better stop assuming "this and that" and get educated.

It would be interesting to know what the exact agreement was with their case. What has been put out there is, Kail has primary custody. I assume that means primary physical custody because there is no reason for Jo to not have any input on how his son is raised. Except, there are many examples of how Kail has decided how to raise Isaac without consulting Jo. She is not fulfilling her end of the agreement but, we all know what happens should Jo decide to style or cut Isaac's hair a different way. Hulk is ready to bolt to the courthouse because Jo just should not be doing anything of the sort. 


Kail did mention in an interview that certain things are to be revealed to the other parent per their custody agreement, except Kail forgets that it works both ways, not just Jo:


  • Love 1

Cultural excuse, my ass. GTFO.  Javi is jealous, period.  I have two relatives who are married to men who are not the fathers of their children. There is not "cultural" shit being thrown around. They know the fathers will be around for whatever reason and sometimes those fathers will be around their home when they aren't there. They highly respect those men as the fathers of those children.


There is a difference between a guy that is sniffing around your wife at your house and a guy that is the father to your wife's child. Get the fuck over it, Javi, you fucking idiot.

  • Love 6

Hey Big Poopi, what part of your culture tells you it is okay to impregnate someone before marriage?

Not to defend Javi, cause I don't care for him, but I think Kail and Javi were married in a small civil ceremony before he left for basic training. I don't think think she was pregnant yet when they legally wed. I think she got pregnant between the first wedding and her big spectacle Aquarium wedding (at which she was seven months pregnant or whatever). I seem to remember Kail being all self-righteous about being married before having her second baby, but I could be imagining that.

But yeah....he can miss me with his whole traditional/macho culture excuse for why Jo shouldn't be in his house when he's not around. We know it's because Kail has cheated on significant others (Jordan) with Jo even with a camera crew there as witnesses. We know from Kail's book he suspected at one point she was cheating on him with a female friend & they had a huge fight. We know - and Javi knows- Kail can't be trusted.

Edited by MyPeopleAreNordic
  • Love 5

Not to defend Javi, cause I don't care for him, but I think Kail and Javi were married in a small civil ceremony before he left for basic training. I don't think think she was pregnant yet when they legally wed. I think she got pregnant between the first wedding and her big spectacle Aquarium wedding (at which she was seven months pregnant or whatever). I seem to remember Kail being all self-righteous about being married before having her second baby, but I could be imagining that.

But yeah....he can miss me with his whole traditional/macho culture excuse for why Jo shouldn't be in his house when he's not around. We know it's because Kail has cheated on significant others (Jordan) with Jo even with a camera crew there as witnesses. We know from Kail's book he suspected at one point she was cheating on him with a female friend & they had a huge fight. We know - and Javi knows- Kail can't be trusted.

Oh, thanks for the correction. :-) I forgot about the civil wedding ceremony. The old episodes are sometimes just a blur. There are things that I clearly remember about Kail Kong and Javi. Some things I don't. I forgot that Kail had to get him down the aisle first. Shortly thereafter is when she did the "oops" with the birth control. Or, as she stated how they weren't trying to not become pregnant.


Wishing all the best to Jo and Vee's new baby. I imagine Janet is extremely happy over this grandchild.


Kail of course is not about to let this moment pass:


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Vee has gone on social media stating that it's not an engagement ring.

Am I the only one shallow enough to be annoyed when girls (especially those in long term relationships) wear what could quite possibly be an engagement ring on their left ring finger?  It seems like a combination of wishful thinking, and attention seeking, like they really really really want someone to ask if they're engaged.



LoL could Jo possibly look any angrier? Dude, it's ok to soften up and SMILE while holding your baby girl.

Jo just doesn't ever seem to look very happy in pictures, or on camera.  I'm going to assume that he's more pleasant in real life, since Vee seems like a sweet, fun loving girl.


Anyway, congratulations to them both!  Their baby girl is beautiful!

  • Love 6

I'm glad Kail could be an adult about this.  So what do we think Isaac will have to do today to prevent him from meeting his sister?  An important emergency soccer practice?  Did he just take up the oboe and need to have a lesson today?  Maybe it's national brother appreciation day, and he needs to spend this October 5th and every October 5th onward with Lincoln?

  • Love 8

Do adults do promise rings? I've never heard of anyone outside of high school...wait, I just remember the group we're talking about. Yup, it could totally be a promise ring.

Most definitely. And yes, I have seen adult females do the promise ring thing. They call it a commitment ring. It is the pre-engagement ring. lol

I'm glad Kail could be an adult about this.  So what do we think Isaac will have to do today to prevent him from meeting his sister?  An important emergency soccer practice?  Did he just take up the oboe and need to have a lesson today?  Maybe it's national brother appreciation day, and he needs to spend this October 5th and every October 5th onward with Lincoln?

LOL oboe.

  • Love 3

I don't know, I really can't fault Kail for not saying anything about the new baby on social media. If I was in the same position I might send a congratulatory text to my ex, but I wouldn't be gushing about it on Twitter. IIRC, Chelsea was equally as bitchy about Paislee.

Yeah, I have to admit that I'm not sure there is etiquette about what to say when your ex has a baby with someone else. Are you supposed to say or do something? And if so, what and why? I know they claim to be friendly for Issac's sake, but come on. They're not friends. I don't think my sister and her husband did anything when his ex had a baby. Other than asking his son about the new brother when they had him next, they pretty much acted like it was non of their business. And they definitely didn't harbor and ill will or jealousy, but it really wasn't their life.

  • Love 2

Well your sister and her husband and probably normal humans who aren't tweeting and instagramming every stupid detail of their lives. I think in Kail's case, since she's always responding to bullshit things on Twitter and she knows many people are watching this stuff, it would be nice to just post a congrats. People would actually think she had a moment of not being an asshole. She obviously cares what people think about her. I dunno, I think it's weird to basically ignore it when she takes the time to respond to trivial things they say/post but then has nothing to say about this.

  • Love 4
Message added by OtterMommy

Please remember that it is against Primetimer policy to publish home addresses, links to home addresses, or other personal information of anyone--on or off the screen.

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