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  1. If Jill "is on Wifi today", as if that's an unusual occurrence, why is she posting birthday wishes to someone she lives with on the internet? One who presume that he has the same unreliable internet she has, and will not see the message until the next time they have connectivity. Of course, we all know that is an untruth-I live near a major US city, where the military signal school is located, and I have less reliable internet/phone/wifi than the missioncationeers do. Also, who is that man that Jill is kissing in that picture? Sure does not look like the Derick of today....
  2. MicksPicks- it's not just you that is shocked cursive is no longer taught. My first encounter with the phenomenon was when I was in a mixed university course (both grad students and undergrads - I was one of the grads). This was the capstone class for the teaching program for high school and middle school history teachers, and every undergrad was a senior. A group of them asked to borrow my notes (which I wrote in a notebook) and then DEMANDED I type and email them the notes, since they could not read cursive. Grading their exams was a problem, too, as these prospective teachers could barely print either. Props for Ben and his legible penmanship. Kudos to the 12 year old girl whose letter he copied.
  3. I'm actually in awe that the production company apparently has not caught one of these seizures on camera-they caught the night vision bear, and bears in the woods and random crew members, but no seizures? Not that I want to see that-my nephew has a seizure disorder, and he NEVER looks as 'good' as Billy does after an episode. NEVER. Maybe it's just the family's general lack of grooming standards, but BB always looks exactly the same after a seizure as he does when he is 'working', eating, failing at boat.... I could be mean and say that the doctors in Alaska can't find any thing wrong with Billy because there is nothing wrong with him other than an aversion to working, but I'll just say that maybe his problems are not diagnosed because he did not go to a doctor. Since Bush People are wary of modern technologies, doctors, lawyers, bears, other people, telephones.....
  4. I must have missed that part-of course, I had a room full of elementary school kids at the time, all complaining that the interwebz was blocking their silly game sites....
  5. But Billy's sooper sekret siezures can only be treated in Seattle! That's why they had to leave their dump-stead, I mean "homestead" in Browntown. Because Billy could not be treated in Alaska! Because he might die and stuff! Too bad their fradualating selves cannot be banned from collecting dividends from the fund in the future.
  6. It would be my dream for this to happen, not because I dislike Cora, but because then Robert could remarry and have a son-thereby knocking Mary out of her position as "mother of the heir"!
  7. Reading leghumper comments makes my head hurt. The wanton misuse of punctuation! The rampant abuse of the exclamation point!! The sickening fawning!
  8. Maybe Melanie has custody of her son on weekends, with the father having him the rest of the week, because she IS a nurse and may work crazy hours at times. So rather than her kid being raised by a babysitter, he lives with his dad. We'll see. Alexei is cute, but Loren gives us Jewish girls a bad name with her voice, and her attitude, and her self-centeredness. Of course, this Jewish girl married a Roman Catholic of Irish descent (2 kids, 14 military moves, and 20 + years), so who am I to talk.
  9. Yokosmom The camera was on a timer. But, still, a very elaborate plan to do away with one's self. Just like last season's episode with the female pilot.
  10. Hey, my son is an adult Boy Scout! He made Eagle, turned 18, and graduated HS. He has a plan for his life, to be an HVAC technician, but needs a boot in the bum to follow through. Currently, he is at his grandmother's house, helping her after surgery, and attending meetings with the troop that he started his journey to Eagle with 8 years ago. But my son is not creepy looking like the Dillard boys-unless you force his autistic self to smile, then he looks like he belongs on the post office wall with the other most wanted.
  11. Tricare Prime (the healthcare plan service members have) is free for active duty military and their families. You can elect to have Standard or Extra for your family if you want a particular civilian provider (different coverage, has co-pays and out of pocket costs). It is not a civilian rumor- AD US service members don't pay for healthcare, it's not taken out of their pay. They do pay for dependent dental coverage, which is deducted from pay, as is SGLI for the service member and spouse (not kids). This is straight from the Tricare website. I never had anything for healthcare deducted from my military pay when I was AD, and my husband's current leave and earnings statements have no deductions for Tricare medical. That said, Jo should contribute to Isaac's expenses, but the insurance issue is moot-except for dental, Javi does not pay anything for it, unless the military has changed significantly since the last new enlistee I talked to enlisted in 2013,which is after Javi enlisted anyhow. And regarding the private school thing-most pre-schools are fee based aren't they? They were when my kids (one of which is an autistic HS graduate, and the other is a HS junior)-we paid for pre-k back at the turn of the century. Now, if Kail sends Isaac to a private school for K-12, that is something that both parents need to discuss, and put it in writing so the parent with physical custody cannot unilaterally decide to enroll the kid in a school that costs 3,000 or more per year (what kindergarten cost at the Catholic school we sent my son to), and then demand the other parent pay up. My sister did this for her oldest-it was in the CS order that she would attend private school until she (my niece) decided that public school was her choice. As Leah would say, the schools where they lived were 'not well'. Jo just needs to suck it up, pay a lawyer, and go to court to get a formal CS agreement. With EVERYTHING spelled out-what share of expenses each parent is responsible for, what both parents have to agree on before the costs are shared (private school, cosmetic dentistry, $300 sneakers, overseas trips...)
  12. Oh, the life insurance on Isaac and Lincoln is even more ridiculous a claim for Javi to throw out there. The military AUTOMATICALLY insures the kids for 10,000 each FOR FREE and has since November 2001. EVERYONE in the military with kids has this coverage, and it applies to stepchildren living in the home as well as bio and adopted kids. He can insure Karl's life for 100,000 for the cost of $5.00 a month. So, as with the Tricare coverage, SHUT IT JAVI! It's fucking free! Unless, of course, he never put Isaac into DEERS (Defense Eligibility Enrollment Reporting System) - which I cannot see Karl allowing, since she was all about the benefits.
  13. Honestly, I was thinking Javi was low ( very low) level admin. He still should have to pull duty some weekends, though- my husband did all the way through his career (he retired as senior enlisted). His last weekend duty (check in new arrivals, make sure no one dies in the barracks, etc) three weeks before his retirement. Eh, I guess if they only film at certain times, Javi can request his 30 days of leave for filming purposes... Those ugly ass tatts still bug the hell out of me. I haven't seen ink that ugly on a service member in over a decade when I was co-located with an infantry unit before the Army tightened up on their tattoo regulations.
  14. That's his Basic Training portrait. Everybody gets one taken, and usually the uniform is a jacket that sort of fits, and the shirt is really a dickey. With the tie pre-tied and closing with Velcro (or snaps in my day). I have one of me from my time in basic in 1994. The flag in the background, and lack of rank insignia (or any insignia) is a dead giveaway. Now that it appears that Javi's enlistment is not up for a while, I still wonder what he does...I know shift workers in the AF, and they don't have the slack schedule that he seems to have (my husband just retired out of a Joint Services base where shift work happened). The military only gets 30 days of leave per year, and even for 4 day weekends (federal holidays, etc) and downtime, you still were limited in how far you could travel without taking leave, and his supervisor would need to know where he was if he wasn't in town (this is for recall purposes-you have to be able to report for duty <even on a day off if needed> within a certain time frame). And his tattoos- those might prevent him from being eligible for reenlistment. The AF has really tightened up their tattoo restrictions, and the only ones that would possibly be grandfathered in are the ones he had BEFORE he enlisted.
  15. Now I feel self conscious- when I smile my whole face scrunches up worse than Amy's does. So does my daughter's (she's 17 and I am 43). Guess we should just not smile anymore ; ) Of course, unlike Amy, we don't do it on purpose...it just happens.
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