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Kailyn: Kail Smash!

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3 hours ago, MargeGunderson said:

I think it's a combination of immaturity and the scale of the money. God knows I wasn't great with money at their ages, but since I didn't have a lot I couldn't be extravagant with it. I might have spent money on a Dooney & Burke purse (don't judge, it was the early 90s!) but that's about as frivolous as I could get. These girls have so much "disposable income" to fritter away. I do think Kail will regret it later in life, but Jenelle and Leah will just bitch about not having any money in the future and never make the connection between all the spending today and saving nothing for tomorrow.

It's so true about the maturity. Even though Kail had such a disadvantaged upbringing and maybe now is spending freely to somehow make up for that without seeing that at some point the flow of cash will stop, she was young when the show began so she was never truly independent and responsible for paying rent, utilities, food, transport and working a job that didn't pay much. It's living that life for a bunch of years that teaches you to be frugal when you come into serious cash because you know what it was like pre-windfall, or it motivates your ass to go to college, actually finish, and get a degree in a field that pays actual money. I know Kail is getting a degree in some type of media communications, but she strikes me as ultra lazy and entitled. I almost think she chose that major because she thought she knew it all already because she has been on TV and will resent having to do shitwork and pay her dues. She will think she already has because she's "famous." That fall will be hard and frankly, I can't wait for that to happen to her smug ass marshmallow pouty face. 

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1 minute ago, DangerousMinds said:

Kail may be many things, but I don't think lazy is one of them.

I guess I should have just said entitled. I really didn't mean lazy in the sense that she is on the couch all day (like some other teen moms are) but more that she expects everything to be given to her and would be offended if she had to expend effort that she didn't feel like she should have to expend because she is Kail.

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I still scratch my head when I hear of Kail deciding to get a degree in media. Does she think that she'll automatically be invited to host TV shows just because she was on "Teen Mom 2"? She has no personality to speak of, no emotion in her voice (besides anger and annoyance), no charisma or anything that can translate to "successful media personality". I remember Maci expressed an interest in hosting duties and MTV allowed her to host some "Teen Mom 2" after-shows. However, she was so bad and bland at it that they gave her the boot and replaced her. I'm not sure why these girls think they can have a career in media when they don't have any natural talents that can help them. Just because they were on this crappy show doesn't mean immediate success in the future.

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I don't see why Kail didn't keep going with dental hygiene. I think she is meticulous to detail and a hard worker, which would make her great at that career! She would also probably get Fridays off to spend with her kids. That is one of those careers that starts at like 55K, too. Media communications pays nothing unless you happen to hit the big time. Kail has the connections, but not the personality, so I don't see a lucrative career for her as a sure thing. Most communications new graduates toil away for a small news station for like 22K, and most work behind the scenes. I think she should have gotten a degree with more earning potential, and then also tried her hand at media, since her foot's in the door. If she truly seemed to love communications, I would feel differently, but I think she loves whatever she can do to quickly get ahead. 

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Agreed that she should've stuck with the dental hygienist route. It seemed like a really good job for her, something she really liked and excelled at. Then she got bitten by the fame bug and decided, "Hey, I'm on TV! People would LOVE to see more of me!" Keep dreaming, Kail. Maybe Sports Authority will take her back when this show ends for good.

Edited by geekamonggeeks
Because "would" and "will" are two different things
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Obviously Kail was bitten by the fame bug after the TM2 fame really "hit", so to speak, and probably wants to keep some of the fame via a media career. She's imagining MTV or some other lightweight news show/network will hire her on as a personality, but the rest of us know she'll be lucky to work production on the local news program where ever she ends up. She should've looked at Randilicious as a career role model-man certainly had the good life before MTV entered the picture, all due to his lucrative work in the dental field. If Kail had worked at it she could've been a Dental hygienist or even a full-blown dentist and had her life set for whenever TM2 was cancelled. Bet that will be something she regrets whenever she gets to that point. Funny, I always considered Kail one of the smarter and most pragmatic of the teen moms (not saying much, I know), but she  sure has made some bone-headed choices in the last few years.                                                                                                                                                                                                                

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I think a lot of wannabes underestimate just how hard interviewing and hosting can be. I remember watching a segment where a reporter was interviewing a race car driver about his charity. You could tell it was one of those deals where his involvement was in name only because he couldn't answer one question as to what the organization was about. The poor reporter had this look on her face like "are you fucking serious, your PR guy couldn't give you a cheat sheet?" as she struggled to keep things moving. You really have to be fast on your feet when things go to shit.

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22 minutes ago, poopchute said:

OMG you are a mother stop posting your ass on the Internet!! What is the purpose of the 2nd pic? Was there a caption?  I don't understand!!

The 2nd one was on her snapchat. No caption. 

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I actually think Kailyn is a hard worker, just VERY immature. My dad grew up extremely poor and once he made it big he developed a gambling problem. Now he hasn't gambled in years (thanks to Gamblers Anonymous), and luckily he had enough that it didn't set him too far back. It's really common in people with unstable, impoverished backgrounds not to know what to do with all that cash once they get it. Hence Kail's current state of affairs. 

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All these pictures taken in bathroom mirrors (and Kail is hardly the only perpetrator) make NO sense to me.  On the one hand, it probably simulates being with these people in person, because they're always looking down at their phones.  But always in the damn bathroom--it's so utterly lacking in any, uh, I don't know what word I'm looking for.  "Aesthetic," but that makes it sound like I have high-brow expectations, and I don't.  Even "taste" is more than I expect.  I can't say they're "pointless" because there definitely is a point--to show her butt.  That's her prerogative, but why does it have to be among deodorant and toothbrushes and dirty towels?  Is there no longer a middle ground between this and Richard Avedon?

So that's what we've come to:  photos are now either a reflection of someone looking into their phone in a bathroom, or if it's their face, it's from two feet away.  At least this should make teaching "quantity vs. quality" in school a little easier.

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1 minute ago, Lm2162 said:

And oh Lord, that article -- he's waiting to release the secrets in *a book?* How convenient. I can never decide which one of these famewhores I hate more. 

You know, if either one of them would stop playing the blame game about their own faults and owe up to their mistakes, I might gain a modicum of respect for them. But really, Javi blaming the entire breakdown of their marriage on Kail's (admittedly ridiculous looking) plastic surgery? Okay, dude, so he's trying to tell us it isn't his fault he was led by his dick and his manly ego into a ill-fated marriage to a woman he barely knew? That his own pettiness, jealousy, and passive aggressiveness didn't play a part in all of this? GTFO, Javi. OTOH I'm sure Kail will be whining about how controlling and suffocating Javi was without a mention of her own controlling, abusive behavior. I really can't with these people, sometimes.

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They are literally releasing dueling divorce books. That is happening, y'all.

"She got a bigger butt and now she a ho who hos it up, had nothing to do with my aggressive pursuit of a single mom at age 20 or our mutual love of emotional manipulation" - Javi

"He wanted me to be a third time baby mama and I was like nah women's rights, brah; the general shittiness of our marriage and behavior wasn't a factor" -- Kail

Edited by Lm2162
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It disgusts me how quickly kail and the rest of these dumb girls jump into relationships and reproduce and then break up and basically destroy their kids lives or at the very least cause a lot of upheaval.  I realize kail was married but geez.  Her relationship with jo didn't survive so age dates a guy for a few months rushed into marriage had another child pushed Issac to call javi dad and was planning on having  a third child with him if the miscarriage story is true.  Then all of a sudden she wants to be single.  I get that he didn't treat her very well after she lost the baby but omg there r children involved so before u go fucking their lives up why don't u pause a moment abd try to work things out.  But nope their partners r disposable and on to the next that they will get knoxjed up by.  I would think that given kails childhood she would want to give her children a stable life.  I'm not advocating staying in a relationship that involves physical abuse or infidelity but in most of these girls cases they cause the break up of the relationship.  Leah cheated on two husbands.  Kail ellegedly cheatedcheated,  Janelle is just a psychopath... 

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I have to say that unlike Leah's situation, Kail's husband seems equally ridiculous. Leah and Corey rushed into things, but Leah cheated. With Jeremy and Javi, though, they both seemed really into the "fame"/"girl on TV" aspect. Those marriages as a whole were ridiculous...the dudes are ruining their kids' lives too. Of course, it starts with just using a damn condom. #condomsareyourfriend #dontbenatural #beprotected

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On her snapchat are lots of videos tonight of Kail and her stupid friends doing gymnastics flips and cartwheels in a hotel bar, elevator, and the hallway of this hotel. I get furious when I'm in my room and people are loud and obnoxious. My heart was already racing watching that. I would have popped my head out and told them to grow up! 

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20 hours ago, configdotsys said:

According to the article linked, Javi is going to give the "real" reason they divorced in a book. That certainly calls into question the whole miscarriage/have more babies or else thing we were fed.

I call pre-bullshit on whatever Javi says too. The real reason is that they both suck and it was inevitable, regardless of who cheated or texted or looked at the other's texts or got plastic surgery or said abusive shit or whatever...they're both emotional abusers.

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2 minutes ago, Lm2162 said:

I call pre-bullshit on whatever Javi says too. The real reason is that they both suck and it was inevitable, regardless of who cheated or texted or looked at the other's texts or got plastic surgery or said abusive shit or whatever...they're both emotional abusers.

Haha. I like that: calling pre-bullshit. I was going to put at the end of my post: "Or, Javi is going to take a page from Kail and just write any bullshit he wants into a book because who can say if something happened or not."

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I don't mind the occasional selfie. I think it's okay to think you look really cute one day, or have a new outfit you want to show off. But to post them day after day after day is just WAY too self involved for my tastes. Kail is clearly insecure and needs the likes and comments for validation. 

I have no idea what she's meaning by the "fuckboy magnet" Tweet. Yikes. 

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2 hours ago, ghoulina said:

I don't mind the occasional selfie. I think it's okay to think you look really cute one day, or have a new outfit you want to show off. But to post them day after day after day is just WAY too self involved for my tastes. Kail is clearly insecure and needs the likes and comments for validation. 


Plus, you know each selfie she posts is probably like, take # 127. I bet she spends a good 20 min a day snapping pics of herself until she finds one she deems instagram worthy.

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1 hour ago, Tatum said:

Plus, you know each selfie she posts is probably like, take # 127. I bet she spends a good 20 min a day snapping pics of herself until she finds one she deems instagram worthy.

100%. Meanwhile one of her six dogs is shitting on the kitchen floor.

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On August 9, 2016 at 1:30 PM, Christina87 said:

I don't see why Kail didn't keep going with dental hygiene. I think she is meticulous to detail and a hard worker, which would make her great at that career! She would also probably get Fridays off to spend with her kids. That is one of those careers that starts at like 55K, too. Media communications pays nothing unless you happen to hit the big time. Kail has the connections, but not the personality, so I don't see a lucrative career for her as a sure thing. Most communications new graduates toil away for a small news station for like 22K, and most work behind the scenes. I think she should have gotten a degree with more earning potential, and then also tried her hand at media, since her foot's in the door. If she truly seemed to love communications, I would feel differently, but I think she loves whatever she can do to quickly get ahead. 

I think Dental Hygiene was probably a much more demanding program than communications (not to diminish communications, but I think Dental Hygiene requires more math and science). I say this as someone with a liberal arts/social sciences dual degree who originally wanted to be a dentist but couldn't hack organic chemistry, so I'm not knocking communications or Kail. While I doubt she would have had to take Organic Chemistry for Dental Hygiene, I'm pretty sure that program requires much more science and math. It definitely would have been a better degree to get as far as the job market. I can't tell you how many unemployed and underemployed communications majors I know. I work in Higher Ed & I've heard countless times that communiations, business, and psychology undergrad degrees are like a certain part of the human anatomy - everyone has one. Unless you're going to grad school, good luck. 

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How the fuck does she have time to stand around looking at herself in the mirror snapping pics for hours every day? She has two kids. Oh wait! Isaac is probably with Jo and Lincoln is with Javi at his mom's or maybe he's got himself a sweet, new bachelor pad. Personally, I think her new ass looks ridiculous and the too tight shorts make my ass hurt just looking at them. What's she going to do when giant asses aren't the hot trend anymore? Go on Snapchat and have herself un-Brazilian Butt Lifted?

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4 hours ago, DangerousMinds said:

I blame the Kartrashians.

Me, too. Another trendy body thing that will add to the hilarity of their old lady bodies when they hit their 70's and 80's.  I laugh my ass off when I think about the female population of assisted living/nursing homes when this generation gets there. Imagine a bunch of little, old ladies covered in tattoos that look nothing like they did when they were on young, plump skin. Giant, bolt on boobs that gravity doesn't drag down, duck lips on saggy, wrinkled faces and now, giant asses covered in thin, wrinkled skin. 

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I'm not body shaming because what she had injected and implanted is not "body" - It's 3M or Dow Chemical.  Her ass looks ridiculous. One day she will not be able to afford the maintaince work and she will look even worse.  Have fun with "fuck boys" now because one day you'll wake up and be 39/40 and curse yourself for what you've done to your body. 

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