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S19: Sadie Robertson: Daughter of the (Duck)Dynasty

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No one’s saying that Sadie has to go on a tirade about how awful her grandfather is. A simple “I don’t always agree with what my family has to say, but he’s still my grandfather and I still love him,” would do plenty. I also come from a family that doesn't believing in airing one's dirty laundry in public, but you know, if my family were to publicly say something that I completely disagreed with on such a fundamental level as gay rights, I would at the very least make it very clear that I had my own views on the subject. She’s had numerous opportunities to distance herself from her grandfather’s remarks and has refused to do so. And as far as judging her based on her family goes? She’s on this show because of her family’s brand; do we really think TPTB wasn’t banking on this controversy to get people talking? She’s capitalizing on her family and the controversy, so it’s perfectly fair for her to be associated with everything that entails.  


And yes, she’s young. I’m not writing her off as a lost cause. It’s entirely possible that she’ll grow up and ~evolve or whatever. And when that happens, I’ll be more than happy to accept that. Until then, though… nah. People aren't being unduly harsh. It’s not like I’m telling her to go DIAF, I’m just saying that I want her off the show. 


I think at this point I would have just preferred it if TPTB had simply ignored the controversy altogether. I mean, hell, they didn’t bring up Tom Delay’s issues, right? It annoyed me that they brought her on the show in the first place, but don’t make it worse by making it impossible for me to ignore. But then that would have defeated the purpose of bringing on Sadie to begin with, I guess.


God, at this rate they’re gonna bring one of the Duggars on next season. FML.

Edited by galax-arena
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I don't see how these statements are any less bigoted than what her grandfather said. No, I don't agree with his opinion (but it was his opinion, and he's entitled to it, no matter how much I think it stinks). But Sadie CAN dance, and she's working hard every week. So why not applaud her efforts? And why bash her for something she didn't even say? She said last night she loved her grandfather, and that his statement would not tear the family apart. Fair enough. I certainly have not agreed with every statement members of my family have made, but I love them anyway. I'm just grateful I live in a world where I'm not judged for everything my grandparents ever said.

Agree.  She is young and a part of a family.  But she is not responsible for what all of them say.  I don't understand this vitriol against her on a dance show for her family's opinions and statements.  Hell....I considered myself a Dem at that age because my parents and grandparents were!  :-)

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Sadie is just adorable and I loved seeing her family on the show last night.  I admire her for standing by her family.  She seems to be a sweet, level headed young lady.  I hope that she makes it to the finals.  And kudos to her for mentioning her faith.  It is part of who she is.  


Sadie and Mark are a great pair.

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My issue is the show and/or her family is not allowing her to participate on the show as an individual. It is hard to objectively judge her as an individual on her own merits as a dancer when so much emphasis is being placed on the family. I know stars come with baggage, good or bad, but it is usually of their own making.

My guess is the family is happy to get publicity for their own show by showing up in full costume in the audience, packages, and even getting on stage. DWTS is happy if Duck viewers tune in and help DWTS's ratings. The problem is we are asked to judge Sadie and not hold her family against her, while her family and the show seem more than happy to exploit her connection to the rest of the family.

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I'm having no problem judging Sadie's performances.  I believe the show brought Bristol Palin on for many of the same reasons they brought Sadie on (or Chaz Bono, for that matter).  They hope that drama and controversy will help the ratings .  I watch this show because it's cheesy, entertaining, and I love dance.  I choose not to be manipulated by the producers' agenda. 


I found Bristol completely lacking in ability to dance, surly in attitude, devoid of performance skills and personality, and thoroughly unlikable.  I wanted her off my TV as quickly as possible...for those reasons only.   I find Sadie to have a lot of natural ability, a positive demeanor, lots of sass in her performances, and I'm thoroughly enjoying watching her routines.  I hope she makes it to the finale...for those reasons only.


Everything else?  Meh and whatevs.

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I don't know that people are holding Sadie responsible for what her grandfather says, but it wasn't 2 years ago - it's a constant ongoing thing with him.  His last offensive comments have been within the last month.  But it is very hard to separate her from her family, since she makes no effort to separate herself from them.  She didn't need to bring her father, uncles and grandfather on stage.  They served no purpose except to annoy people who aren't fans.  And quite honestly, I would have preferred she not bring up her grandfather at all than to dismiss his remarks as if they were no big deal.  Saying Happy Holidays instead of Merry Christmas 'upsets' some people.  Homophobic, racist, misogynistic comments tend to enrage and disgust people.  And when those comments cause viewership of your show to drop from about 13 million to 4.3 million, that's more than 'some' people.  That casual dismissal of his offensive comments I do hold Sadie responsible for.


That was my main issue with it too, but I think "casual dismissal" is the most generous way to interpret what she was saying. She tried to make it sound like her family, and her grandfather in particular, were victims of the media who are waiting for them to mess up so they can come after them, and she ended the segment by saying that her family are Christians and they'll always do what's right and "what God says to do." To me, that sounded like a tacit endorsement of her grandfather's beliefs. 

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The problem is we are asked to judge Sadie and not hold her family against her, while her family and the show seem more than happy to exploit her connection to the rest of the family.

This. Also, she never would have been anywhere near this show if it weren't for her family and that show. But she's a reasonable dancer and I was willing to overlook the awfulness of her family as long as she kept the focus on her dancing. Now that she herself brought up the controversy (and then casually and superficially dismissed it), well - all's fair, honey. I still don't know who thought last night's reintroduction of the whole debacle was a good idea, or how that would possibly help her win her any additional votes, since those who watch DD are likely already voting for her. She seriously needs better handlers. If nothing else, you would think Mark would be less stupid about shooting himself in the foot, but then again this is the same man who dressed her up in a freakin' duck costume, so who knows.

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And the answer to the question:  "how long will it take for Mark to dress her up in  a duck costume?" has now been answered.  4 weeks!  Did anyone win?  < lol >

Yeah, I caught that too but I was trying to ignore that since it almost sounded like she was parroting something someone had told her.  I wanted to laugh at her analogy.  The quarterback is the most important player on a team - shut him down, and you shut the whole team down.  She and her family are just pretending on a 'reality' tv show that is a hit on cable because it's cable but wouldn't last one season with those numbers on a regular network.  Way to be self-important.

Oh wow - I actually had to check the urban dictionary to find out what "DIAF" meant.


It's memorable story week. In her short life, the most memorable event was the start of the DD show and how the sudden fame flipped her life around being in the glare of media attention. Any slipup, people, the media, will pounce. She recognizes that her grandfather is "very opinionated" and said things that upset people. There was no need for her to re-state the issues. There was no need for her to take ownership and apologize for her grandfathers words and beliefs. There was no need for her to list out the issues and state her opinions or agreement/disagreement on each. She simply recognized the controversy and stated that, for her, the bottom line is he's her grandfather, she loves him, and family, to her, means loving and caring for each other.  I think she handled it tackfully and extraordinarily well.  I would hope most people could "hate the sin" without also hating the granddaughter of the "sinner".


As for her family being around, first, she's underage so she's required to have a parent/guardian with her at all times that she's on the show, in rehearsals, etc. Second, the family is a cast of characters of a reality show. Of course they're going to show up.


As for the "duck costume", I thought it was a beautiful costume.

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Who knows what else she said. I imagine she said more and it was edited. I don't know how it can't be considered bigoted to hold the beliefs of her grandfather against her. You just lumped her in with those you disagree with. She's on the show to dance not appease those who don't like her family. She's seventeen and whether she stays with family's beliefs for the rest of her life or runs to Hollywood on the day she turns 18, she's dancing not giving Larry King interviews.


I found the dance to be fun and unique. Considering this show is practically ancient, seeing something new is refreshing. Unique and technically sound don't usually go hand-in-hand. I enjoyed Shawn Johnson during All Stars for the energy Derek infused into their dances. I have zero dance experience so I just want to enjoy the dance. The only dance I enjoyed more last night was "The Carlton."

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Edited/deleted my earlier paragraphs because, you know, I think we're going around in circles. I think people have already addressed/refuted the argument of how fair it is to hold Sadie's family against her. No one's going to change anyone's mind. Some people are okay with it, some people aren't. I think we're beating a dead horse. I'm really not apologetic about the way I feel, and my guess is that others on both sides feel the same way, so there's no point in regurgitating the same thing. I will just continue to hope (fruitlessly, I'm sure) that she gets the boot, and others will hope that she makes it to the finals. And then we can bitch about the results and forget everything once the season's over. C'est la vie. 


I found Bristol completely lacking in ability to dance, surly in attitude, devoid of performance skills and personality, and thoroughly unlikable.

Well, sure, everyone appears to be a ray of sunshine compared to Bristol. ;) I'd rather Derek win than Bristol, that should tell you something, hehe. 


ETA: Sorry for the multiple edits...I hate the quote boxes. 

Edited by galax-arena
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I wouldn't be surprised if her bringing up the controversy was the producers idea. I also think bringing the uncles on stage may have been Mark or the producers idea. I don't trust this show when it comes to showing truthful stories or rehersal packages. They like to create drama, scandal, talk etc. Even if she did I don't think it's a big dea. If they had danced I would have had a bit of a problem.


It would be a mistake to think this show had any scruples. 

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Considering that Sadie's dance this week has over a million views on the official DWTS channel, I think it's safe to assume that this girl is going nowhere.  The only person with more views is Alfonso (2.3 million and counting), but that is for obvious reasons.  The Carlton has been posted everywhere.  Sadie's to my knowledge not so much.  Then after them there is a huge drop off and Bethany has the third highest amount of views, but has yet to break 100k.    So love her or hate her, I'd be shocked if this girl isn't in the finals.  

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I think unless something really crazy happens the Fnial 3 will be a combination of Alfonso, Sadie and either Bethany, Janel or Lea. Lea so far has the judges but I don't know how big her voting base is and Janel seems to be a mixed bag for viewers, just like some feel they don't connect with Bethany. So I think it will be a matter of which of those three has the bigger voting base when it comes down to it. But I definitely see the mirror ball coming down to Alfonso and Sadie and with no telling what Mark will put out in the end, an Alfonso win is not a sure thing. 

The show has had plenty of other minors on and not put their parents or guardians front-and-center.  They wanted the controversy from the "slip-up" [eye-roll] and the Fake Hillbillies provide it!

It's interesting that she talked about her grandpa the bully on the same week that Bethany talked about bullies...

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As much as I dislike Golden Boy, I am looking forward to seeing Sadie's performance tonight.  I'll just ignore the fact that he is a part of it, lol.

I really wonder how she's been doing all week. Golden Boy has been silent about her except for 2 tweets that mentioned her. Both of those tweets were about himself being a "country boy".

I do understand the idea Sadie shouldn't be blamed for her grandfather's words. I'm thinking part of the problem is that there are many, many people who vote for her as a kind of political support of her grandfather's/otherfamilymember's views. I know this because people have told me they are voting all their votes for Sadie for this reason. A kind of payback. It isn't terribly unusual for the dancing stars to receive or lose votes for such reasons, but it is kind of irritating. 

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Sadie isn't blamed for her grandfather's bigotry; she's blamed for sharing his beliefs (or arguably for not willing to contradict his beliefs, but IMHO that's six of one/half a dozen of the other). This is, incidentally, why it's not bigotry at all to judge her for this. Bigotry is judging an individual on the basis of a perceived belief's of the individual's group identity rather than on the individual's actual actions/behaviors. Sadie is being judged on her words and her actions.  


I will give her props for her dance skill, and I will have no problem with her being in the finale because she's a solid dancer, but I will never vote for her. IMHO, homophobia is not some minor character flaw like stubbornness or not always supporting one's competitors. 


I loved the duck costume, too. Mark did a good job with it. 

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I wonder if it was Sadie's choice to bring up what her grandfather had said. It almost felt to me like she was answering a question from the producers about his comments. Either way, I liked how she didn't say if she agreed or disagreed with his comments, just that she supported her family. When I was young I was always taught that right or wrong, you support your family. If you disagree with them or think they were wrong then you handle that in private, but publicly you always stand by your family. The way I see it is that no matter what she said, there would be no way that she could make everyone happy. If she said that she didn't share her grandfather's beliefs then yes, some people might start to like her but her family would be upset with her. For someone who's so close to their family that's a big deal. If she came out and said that she agreed with his statements then she'd have her family's support but, well, we all know what happened earlier. By not stating her own beliefs nothing really changed for her, she still has her family and the people who hated her earlier because of her family still do. That's really not a position anyone should be in, let alone a 17-year-old.


With that said, I really like watching her dance. I had no idea who she was, I though she and her family were on a show about being duck farmers...is that even a job? She's shown herself to be a hard working person with a great personality. I haven't seen anything that comes off as bratty or standoffish or anything that's usually seen with the younger stars. She does look a bit awkward when she dances, but I can forgive that since she always makes the dance look easy and like so much fun. No matter what her family believes, I really think they did something right with raising her. I'm really excited to see what Derek does with her tonight.

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I don't like watching her dance. She isn't a good dancer by any stretch, she's gangly and awkward. She can keep time to the music, fair enough, but If it were any other contestant she would have been marked accordingly, arms and legs all over the place, ass shaking instead of proper hip action, but because she's some touchstone of controversy she's been overscored every week, so these loons and quackers think she's something great when she's barely competent.

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I don't like watching her dance. She isn't a good dancer by any stretch, she's gangly and awkward. She can keep time to the music, fair enough, but If it were any other contestant she would have been marked accordingly, arms and legs all over the place, ass shaking instead of proper hip action, but because she's some touchstone of controversy she's been overscored every week, so these loons and quackers think she's something great when she's barely competent.


Considering Bethany and Janel have gotten higher scores some/most weeks, I don't see how Sadie can be seen as being overscored.  She has yet to get any sort of perfect score, when 3 other couples have already achieved that.  Four if you consider that Lea would have gotten a perfect score last week if it were up to the judges.  Not to mention all of these people have glaring technical deficiencies, so in that regard Sadie is no worse off than the others.  Outside of maybe Alfonso, who also has technical issues, who is exactly killing it in the technique department this season?  The judges have been glossing over the technical deficiencies of all of them, again, minus maybe Alfonso.   Now if you are talking about Afterbuzz where Sadie gets more love than some of the others, that's a different story.  But since they aren't the judges and film their show after voting is completed for a week, it's not like they really have an influence on the voting.


Can we also please refrain from labeling Sadie's fans as loons and quackers?  People are allowed to be fans of different people on this show without being labelled.

Edited by spanana
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Guys no more about Sadie's family. I know it got brought up on the show and I know I said I would allow discussion on this topic but I did say it would be limited. So please no more discussion about her family and their beliefs and especially no more calling posters or fans "crazy" because of their support. 

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Sadie's was my favorite dance tonight. Derek always does a good job of making his celeb look clean and focused in their movement and he brought that to Sadie this week which added with her natural exuberance made for a great dance. You can really tell that when Mark choreographs and coaches her he's not nearly as strict about the details of placement and movement so her dances so far though performed with good energy have come across as a little messy. Tonight I didn't notice that as much and I think it was because of Derek's choreography - he's much tighter with his transitions too so she didn't have any empty spaces to flail about as she sometimes does with Mark's choreography.

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What the hell was that intro package for Sadie? I know they joked about Derek Dynasty but that's exactly what it felt like - nothing but Derek horsing around with those who shall not be named, with barely any focus on the actual contestant. I don't understand why they keep playing up this angle - she's a good dancer. It's not like she's one of those contestants who would be cannon fodder without these stupid fan-base machinations (ahem, Michael - and even in his case we didn't see Witney randomly hanging around the NASCAR track). Why not just focus on her dancing??

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Sadie's dance last night didn't impress me as much as her others have.  I feel like the choreography didn't suit her body type, especially the more gymnastic moves. Her legs are too long to execute those moves cleanly and I think her partner needs to be taller to make that look good.    I would have rather seen more foot work.

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Sadie's was my favorite dance tonight. Derek always does a good job of making his celeb look clean and focused in their movement and he brought that to Sadie this week which added with her natural exuberance made for a great dance. You can really tell that when Mark choreographs and coaches her he's not nearly as strict about the details of placement and movement so her dances so far though performed with good energy have come across as a little messy. Tonight I didn't notice that as much and I think it was because of Derek's choreography - he's much tighter with his transitions too so she didn't have any empty spaces to flail about as she sometimes does with Mark's choreography.

I like Sadie but this wasn't a good routine for her, IMO.  I liked the routines she's done with Mark more. 

I don't think the issue was the routine. In my opinion it was a Charleston with all the flicks, kicks, hand movements and even the lifts. The problem was with the costume and her in flats (I'm not sure if that was because of her height in comparison to Derek or her not being able to fully execute the moves in heels), the ungainly/awkward look of her legs and arms were more pronounced. At points Sadie was almost channeling Olive Oyl.


I think the thing that's great about her, that is she goes big and throws her all into the performances, is what also may hurt her at times. That is, she's going so hard in the steps that it comes across a little awkward and not very delicate. It was still pretty good, don't get me wrong, and compared to say Jonathan's jitterbug was fairly clean but yeah there was an awkwardness about her movements at time that I think was just a result of her natural frame.

Edited by truthaboutluv
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I was just watching the George P and AfterBuzz interviews. Since Derek + Bethany are off to Sydney, Mark escorted Sadie through the interview gauntlet. 


Sadie was saying she had been working with Mark "since day 1" on what she calls "crazy feet" so Mark was kind of  "awww darn" that she got the Charleston in the switch. Sadie said she wants to learn hip hop. So the switch gave Derek the dance Mark wanted and gave Bethany the dance Sadie wanted. She said Mark's been working with her on arm resistance but Derek concentrated on drills and exercises for resistance and I think her arms did look better this week.  Last season, in week 10 (? or maybe it was 9?) each star was assigned their switch week dance, this time with their own partner and new choreography.  Hopefully they'll do that again this season.  Mark creates really fun Charlestons so I'll look forward to seeing a Sadie/Mark Charleston.


I think it was either too soon for Sadie to be doing lifts or the lifts were under-rehearsed (or maybe she hadn't built up the close confidence with Derek yet).  She pulled them off, but they weren't as smooth and confident as I'd like to see. I think she just needs more practice with lifts.

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I like Sadie but this wasn't a good routine for her, IMO.  I liked the routines she's done with Mark more. 

I agree with you.   Mark seems to have a better grasp of how to minimize the distraction of Sadie's unusually long legs and gangly adolescence.   Sadie also seemed to be having a lot less fun with Derek, both as her teacher and her dance partner.   I thought Sadie's faux charleston was utterly lacking in the joy and charm that would have been required to pull it off.   I thought Mark's choreography suited Bethany much better than Derek's choreography has been as well.   Bethany also seemed to be having a lot of fun for the first time (imo) during her routine last night.   

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I think Sadie's Charleston was cute and it takes a lot for me to say that since Golden Boy choreographed it.  I am not sure why  it has been said that the dance was not a Charleston.  What other elements should have been in it then?


The costume looked fantastic on her.  But as has been said, I am not sure why the pre-dance footage was all about Derek when Sadie is the one competing?

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The prepackaged videos are about everything but her  because she's an empty barn , god Zendaya was a year younger and could at least talk about her  tv show, her music,  her interests. And she didn't need Daddy and her family values (barf) in every freaking package - we didn't even see Zendayas Mom and Dad acknowledged on Camera until week 9. 

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For all the people saying Zendaya being too young ?  She was so much more mature than these idiotic 12 year olds.

Oh, I don't know -- I think they are pretty adorably real. I have a daughter near their age, and they sound much like my daughter and her friends when they're being silly. I floved Zendaya and really wanted her to win, and I think she's a better dancer than Bethany or Sadie, but I think their friendship is pretty darn cute:)

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I don't really get the cross-season vitriol...Zendaya, Bethany, and Sadie didn't compete against each other. Nobody said they were more or less mature than Zendaya, or better dancers. They all seem like relatively decent kids to me, with Zendaya being the best dancer of the three (but again, she competed like 3 seasons ago, so okay?) and Sadie having some beliefs that I don't agree with, but I'm willing to cut her some slack because she's young, and sheltered. She reminds me of some of my more conservative cousins - she has plenty of time to learn still. If she doesn't in a few years I might write her off then (though, will I be paying attention to her at all in a few years, probably not.) Personality wise, I'd say they all display somewhat similar levels of teenagerdom. 

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I personally like seeing teenagers that act like teenagers.  My biggest problem with Sadie is understanding what she says sometimes, but she and Bethany come across like relatively normal teenage girls.  I got a kick out of them going to town on Derek and Mark.  Also none of this is a dig at Zendaya, who I happen to adore, but I don't overly get why she and Sadie are being compared outside of the fact that she and Sadie were both minors when doing the show.  They also have had two extremely different upbringings.

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My biggest problem with the routine wasn't Sadie's dancing at all.  No it wasn't perfect but compared to everyone else she executed it much cleaner than other folks.  The music was SOOO distracting for the routine.  It was a weird combo.  I know they don't have control of the music chosen but it didn't really fit for me.  On the choreography end...I don't love this dance style.  There are only so many "move/steps" to the Charleston.  I felt like I was re-watching Derek & Amber's choreo from a few seasons ago.  


Glad this week is over and we can get back to regular dances again.

Apparently Sadie's uncle had a seizure earlier this week while hunting. TMZ and a few others posted the story today. He's recovering well but still in the hospital. It has to be hard for Sadie, especially since her family is so close.


Edit: I just got home and was going to post an article here for reference since I can't on my mobile phone and found this article that says the seizure took place on Sunday. That could explain a lot about Sadie's state of mind on Monday, like why she seemed a bit off and maybe even the crying after her dance.

Edited by Corazi
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I'm just now catching up on this season, and notice Bethany gives Sadie the stink eye everytime Sadie dances or her score is reviewed. Sadie comes off as very outgoing and polite, but very innocent, so what's the hate? 


I do wish they'd put her in some real ballroom heels instead of letting her get away with those flat jazz shoes every week, but she is an excellent performer.

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I'm neutral on Sadie (though I can't stand her family), but she kind of rubbed me the wrong way when she was practicing with Mark and asked him "This is fast--can Tommy Chong keep up?" and then answered herself, "Nope". It just seemed like such a bratty thing to do on camera; worry about your own damn self, girl.

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I'm neutral on Sadie (though I can't stand her family), but she kind of rubbed me the wrong way when she was practicing with Mark and asked him "This is fast--can Tommy Chong keep up?" and then answered herself, "Nope". It just seemed like such a bratty thing to do on camera; worry about your own damn self, girl.


I just replayed it:

Mark: It's gonna be quick.

Sadie: That's fast. Can Tommy Chong do that?

Mark: No.

Sadie: No.


I didn't see Sadie roll her eyes or act bratty.  She looked to the side for a moment, but she didn't make a face.

It sounded to me like Mark + Sadie were just recognizing that the timing was fast and would be a challenge for Tommy. IMO it's normal for them to mention team members when they're working on a team dance.  I didn't see any disrespect - I got the impression it was more like "oh boy, this is going to be tough on Tommy".

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I'm neutral on Sadie (though I can't stand her family), but she kind of rubbed me the wrong way when she was practicing with Mark and asked him "This is fast--can Tommy Chong keep up?" and then answered herself, "Nope". It just seemed like such a bratty thing to do on camera; worry about your own damn self, girl.


Her score for the team dance partly depended on Tommy's performance. IMO, worrying about only her own damn self would've been brattier than stating that Tommy would not be able to keep up with the pace of the dance. 


I like Sadie. I didn't expect to like her, and that's an understatement, but I like her. She could use some polish, but I think she shines regardless. I find her much more engaging to watch than Bethany and much more sincere than Janel. 

Edited by Stitsch
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