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Fashion Police - General Discussion

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I've watched Fashion Police from beginning to end maybe two times. I found it to be nothing but un-funny, snarky jokes and general bitchiness, the worst coming from Joan Rivers who I have found distasteful for the last 20 years. Even knowing that Melissa is one of the executive producers is enough reason never to watch this shallow show. I can't stand Melissa Rivers and never could. I enjoyed watching her dramatic meltdown on the Celebrity Apprentice. I laughed so hard watching her stomp around angrily in her big black boot.


The only person that I could actually tolerate for more than five minutes on that dreadful show was Kelly Osbourne. When I heard Kathy Griffin was joining the snark pack, I knew that I would NEVER watch the show again, she's just plain obnoxious.


This show could have had some redeeming qualities if it didn't sink so lowdown and dirty. With the right people, it could actually have been something halfway good.

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I'm not understanding why there seems to be a running undercurrent of either bashing Joan -- who is dead -- or somehow making Melissa a bad guy in a situation that no one knows anything about.


What we DO know is that Melissa and her son have endured a lot of loss in the last 6 months.  How they choose to deal with it or not deal with it no one's business, but as human beings we should all know that it is difficult to deal with, whatever the case, however it plays out.


Perhaps Melissa IS on board with everything happening at E! -- and she is the producer of FP, so why not have a say?  I don't care who is in charge.   I'm sure Melissa does not want to HAVE to deal with it because she has got other things going on.  She is friends with G, at the very least, and I'm sure she didn't want any tension or problems with G, nor with Kathy (her mom's friend), nor with Kelly (who adored her mom) or George.  It's a tricky situation to be in for any of the people involved. 


I'm just saying that having to deal with the situation at FP (however it is being dealt with, and whoever is responsible) while still coping with the loss of your mom (and also best friend), the loss of your working partner (Melissa and Joan worked on a lot of projects together), the loss of your son's grandmother, and helping your son get through it all is probably not something anyone would really want to go through.  Who welcomes workplace conflict and making hard choices while grieving?  You may welcome work to get your mind off of things, but I don't know of anyone who invites extra stress into their lives when they are already coping with loss.


Edited by Sherry67
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I lost any respect for Joan Rivers and her schtick when, for several years, her act consisted of ripping on Elizabeth Taylor for how fat she was. Joan had a pathological hatred of fat and fat people, which came through in this show.


Agree 100%. Whenever that Glee actress was at an event, Joan always called her Precious, as if there are only two heavy black actresses anywhere in the world. Weight was constantly brought up.

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As someone who has been up and down, and up and down, and up again on the scale and in clothing size, I could not care less that Joan made fat jokes.  It doesn't bother me.   The actors and singers who are overweight hear it from people in daily life, I'm quite certain.  They get turned down for roles and jobs because of their weight.   Joan was just one more person to comment.  The question is, how many comedians/comediennes, radio talk show hosts, etc., do not make fat jokes or indirect jabs?  Many of them do.  


And, believe me, living in Los Angeles -- where so many people are so image conscious -- you find that people who are overweight are giggled about, talked about, discriminated against and ridiculed.  Sure, it doesn't feel great if someone thinks they can walk up to you and just start telling you where on your body you should be losing weight (when you never asked for their opinion), and they should shut their traps, but that's the way of the world.


The fact that famous people make comments about folks who are heavy doesn't bother me.  They have enough scandals, problems and things going wrong in their lives that people (we at home) feel free to comment about, so it all balances out.  Everyone comments on everyone and says negative things about everyone in some way or another (including here, on this board).

Edited by Sherry67
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Sherry67, to be honest it sounds like you are talking mostly about me (at least with the Melissa part, if not the Joan bashing).


To start with Joan (who I haven't really been addressing in my posts)... Joan being dead does not magically make her an angel.  People do that.  They try and sanctify people who are gone simply BECAUSE they're gone, but being dead doesn't change who someone was when they were alive.  In most it imparts a need to be respectful, but if we're being totally honest that's for the benefit of the survivors (the friends and family) more than the dead person.  And regardless, the show DID work under Joan and of course we have to recognize that.  I personally do, and liked the show under her, although I never could totally forget how flat out mean (and out of bounds) she was on The Celebrity Apprentice and so always kept that in the back of my mind when watching her on Fashion Police.


And just like Joan being dead does not magically make her an angel, Melissa being bereaved does not magically make her an angel.  Is she a bad guy in this situation?  Of course we don't know. As I said upthread, with the silence from her how COULD we know?  But at the same time, just like we don't want to paint her as the heavy with no proof, it also seems a bit much to me to totally dismiss the idea just because she's going through grief and loss.  We've all seen those in our lives, but more importantly we've all OBSERVED it in others, and I think it's fair to say most of us have seen people who take the losses nobly, people who take them in silence, people who grow from them, people who shrink to nothing under them, and... a percentage of people who's outlet under suffering is to vent, misbehave, rage, or other things that might not seem to make sense.  You say "I don't know of anyone who invites extra stress into their lives when they are already coping with loss"?  Well I have, and I bet many reading this have at some point in their lives.  Some people become a worse version of themselves under that kind of stress and not a better one. It's not the default reaction, and I'm not claiming any special insight into Melissa's situation or special knowledge, but I also can't be roundly dismissive of the possibility either.  Again, we just don't know.


Melissa's grief deserves sympathy, but not carte blanche. It's not "making her into a bad guy" to suggest the mere possibility she's involved, and admit there's no more proof of it than anything else.  But one thing that IS a fact is that she's the Producer on the show, and from things we've seen and heard over the years a fairly hands on one, so I think it's reasonable to believe that if we're hearing about on-set conflicts, he-said/she saids about who said what or supported what jokes, and a lot of people leaving the show, that Melissa is in the middle of it all--even if we can't know in what role or with what responsibility.

Edited by Kromm
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This article from Vulture says Melissa Rivers is definitely not in charge:




I wonder if quitting the show hurts Kathy Griffin's career in any way. I mean, on the one hand, people admire that she seems to be standing up for some sort of personal moral principle. But on the other hand, if you're a producer of some new TV show, and you're looking around to cast it, are you so quick to hire someone who might just up and quit you after a few episodes (and leave your show in a shambles) because she decides it's "not a good fit" for her? It seems to me her action creates a situation in which producers would be very cautious about hiring her.


But I'm sure she thought all that through.

Edited by Milburn Stone

Actually if you read the quote carefully, it doesn't say she isn't in charge.  It says "Melissa [Rivers] is a producer, not a leader; she can’t get control of the situation."


That's a statement about someone's ability, not about their level of power or authority.


Yeah, that's a telling statement. You're right. Leadership is a capacity, not a position. They may have misspoken in saying that, but that's what the words actually convey.

I agree with you, Kromm, and would only say that when I used the words "in charge," I meant exactly what you mean by capacity. I wasn't even thinking about her job title, or where she is on the organizational chart. I was thinking about her ability to be in charge, even if she owns the E! network lock stock and barrel. Colloquially, we will commonly say that a given incapable CEO or COO is not "in charge" even if when the job title says otherwise, and this is the sense in which I used the phrase.

Edited by Milburn Stone

I don't know why I even care about this crap since I don't even watch FP, but I am genuinely flummoxed about Kathy Griffin's reason for leaving.  She was on Howard Stern this morning and I listened to a good part of the interview and Howard seemed confused as well.  I've always liked Kathy but in the interview this morning she literally made no sense and kept talking in circles.  Howard was like something isn't adding up here.  I wish she would just say "hey I just don't want to do this anymore this type of forum just isn't for me."  Saying she's quitting because she doesn't like to make fun of other celebrities is ridiculous as she's made her career out of this very thing which is completely fine in my book.


This morning she said the producers wouldn't let her say nice things about celebrities and wouldn't let her pick best and worst dressed.  I find this hard to believe.  I watched the show a few times when Joan was on it and although they made fun of people if someone was wearing something they liked they would always say that as well.  It wasn't ALL negative.  And each panel member would also pick their best and worst dressed and then Joan would have the final say.  Howard called her on this and she really didn't have an answer.  Again, if she just doesn't want to do the show anymore because it's just not her bag, that's understandable.  But if you want to come up with an explanation it should at least be reasonably believable.

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I don't know why I even care about this crap since I don't even watch FP, but I am genuinely flummoxed about Kathy Griffin's reason for leaving.  She was on Howard Stern this morning and I listened to a good part of the interview and Howard seemed confused as well.  I've always liked Kathy but in the interview this morning she literally made no sense and kept talking in circles.  Howard was like something isn't adding up here.  I wish she would just say "hey I just don't want to do this anymore this type of forum just isn't for me."  Saying she's quitting because she doesn't like to make fun of other celebrities is ridiculous as she's made her career out of this very thing which is completely fine in my book.




Which is why I think Kathy has done herself some damage. If her reasons for leaving made just a little bit of sense, you could say that her leaving her producers and network in the lurch wasn't entirely a capricious decision. But since her reasons make no sense, it appears that her leaving them in the lurch was an entirely capricious decision. If you were a network, would you roll the dice on her now, knowing the same could happen to you?

Edited by Milburn Stone
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I have some unpopular opinions and observations to air~

I only became a FP regular 2 years ago because I got dvr, and I FF'd through most of Joan's wisecracks and the slap sticky stuff she so loved to do. She was a living legend, and blazed a trail through my childhood that was awesome. I adored her because I got to know her when the censors kept some of the crass in check, and I felt traitorous when I hated the 21st century anything-goes-for-a-vagina-joke tedium this show was soooo OTT infamous for doing.

OTT as a formula will only work with a fierce showman, so of course the format had to change.

With the Kathy/Brad/Kelly/Guliana version, i was enjoying the show immensely! I was hoping for more photos and discussions in each episode, but was not speeding through so much. I love Kathy's SueAnn Nivens grin as she throws the camera to the next talking head!

Speaking of my generation, I don't know avant couture from haute guarde (haha) but I did believe Brad. And I don't get Kelly's clothes, but believed her take on what's tailored or not working with styling, hair, makeup. And I love what G wears, and can't stand her schtick. I kept hoping she would leave.

IF it's true that TPTB wanted to have "writers" promoting the OTT agenda?! (Writing G's crack about the pothead hairdo) adding skits?! Geez I have no hope for this program.

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I don't think Kathy has done any damage to herself.  Kelly left in a huff, without giving a statement to cover her ass, basically.  She guest hosted on The Talk for a few days and refused to talk about her reason for quitting which said there is much more going on.  Kathy's reason for leaving is not believable and further supports that.  People in the business, who would hire either of them, know there is more to the story.  No harm, no foul.  


Kathy mentioned on The View that there was a very narrow road to follow.  There is a formula and that is that.  She could not see that when she took the job,  They told her they would mold the show around her and blew a lot of smoke to get her.  They did not deliver on their promises. It makes sense that she does not want to talk more specifically about the situation.  

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I don't think Kathy has done any damage to herself.  Kelly left in a huff, without giving a statement to cover her ass, basically.  She guest hosted on The Talk for a few days and refused to talk about her reason for quitting which said there is much more going on.  Kathy's reason for leaving is not believable and further supports that.  People in the business, who would hire either of them, know there is more to the story.  No harm, no foul.  


Kathy mentioned on The View that there was a very narrow road to follow.  There is a formula and that is that.  She could not see that when she took the job,  They told her they would mold the show around her and blew a lot of smoke to get her.  They did not deliver on their promises. It makes sense that she does not want to talk more specifically about the situation.  


This makes sense to me too.

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I kind of see where Katy's coming from re: her resignation. She is catty in her way in her stand up, but it's never, or hardly ever, mean spirited. And she's always saying she's afraid of confrontation with people she's made jokes about, like Whitney Houston and Renee Zellweger, both of whom confronted her in uncomfortable ways. I'd say she more "pokes fun" rather than be malicious. She's a self deprecating sweetheart, basically. One who's worked very hard for a very long time to get where she is today.

However, she also says she never apologizes for her comedy and maybe the direction the show runners wanted her to take came with what she considered too many opportunities to step on fragile toes. Look at the folderol over the remarks by GR. Kathy would never apologize for that and didn't since she's the one who said weed and Guiliana just repeated it.

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As I watched the new FP, I noticed that everyone was quite witty.  I figured it was because they left the humor to Joan and were now breaking out of the mold.  Now that I know they hired writers for this new incarnation I get why.  I am sure this did not sit well with Kathy as she was hired under the premise that she would be the comic.  This figures into the tension that hangs in the air.  

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I don't think Kathy has done any damage to herself.  

I'd say "not yet".  Even with a few lame confusing interviews under her belt, she's likely still on the side of things where if she shuts her mouth now, and lets Melissa and Guiliana finish burying the show when they try to do it on their own, then nobody will remember the stupid shit she said and she'll start finding work again in a year or so.


Getting back to the show though, I find myself wondering if lets say... Mario Cantone magically shows up on the next show.  or Aisha Tyler. Or Lisa Lampenelli. I could see Melissa trying to slot people in one episode at a time, using it like an audition, then "keeping" anyone who gets a good response.  Which given how bad the situation is, if she does that, may in fact not be the worst idea.

Edited by Kromm
she's likely still on the side of things where if she shuts her mouth now,


And change her act because that is why I find it so disingenious, her act has always been about talking smack about celebrities bodies or things that weren't about their actions, so it just seems such a weird line in the sand to draw when it wasn't necessary, she simply could have said "hey, I have said worse things than Guiliana and no one gave a crap (well except for when I kept making comments about what I think is Seacrest's sexuality which helped lead me to being fired from E! the first time), I just thought the show was going to be different and my comedy would fit in better. It didn't work out and now that there is a transition period it seems like a good time for me to leave so the show can restructure without me."

...her act has always been about talking smack about celebrities bodies or things that weren't about their actions, so it just seems such a weird line in the sand to draw when it wasn't necessary...


Agree. It's the holier-than-thou crap that isn't washing.


And here's why I'm back to thinking she's harmed herself. With the holier-than-thou crap, she's not only saying the show's not right for her. She's badmouthing the show. She's saying, "This show does something wrong that I don't want to be a part of." She's turning people against the show, implying the show is not right for the latest 2015 attitude. What show-of-the-future wants to risk getting badmouthed by her two months after she begins for the sin of giving her a job?


She's gambling that enough fans will embrace her for "finding religion" to outweigh the damage she's doing. If only the "finding religion" part were more believable.

Edited by Milburn Stone

There was much I respected about Joan -- her work ethic, her talent and what she brought to the table, fashion-knowledge-wise to FP. However, I got tired of her jokes and the mock shock/horror from the rest of the panel. Fat jokes are cheap laughs, as far as I'm concerned, and I never really found them funny, no matter who the target was. I have to say, when she held Lena Dunham up as a poor example for young women simply because she's overweight, I was kind of done with Joan. I don't understand how a very successful young writer is a poor example simply because she's overweight, and I was disappointed that Joan would use that as a reason to call Lena Dunham out (I can't stand Girls, for what it's worth). Frankly, I think Joan should have shifted in her chair a bit and taken note of the dangerous level that Guiliana's weight had devolved to, if she wanted to use weight as an example for women. IMO, starving yourself is a much poorer example to set. (And I know we don't know that's what's going on with Guiliana, but it sure has that vibe to it.)


So, while I was sorry about Joan's death because it seemed like it was so unnecessary and early, despite her age, I can't say I miss the cheap shots she took. I didn't watch this version of FP because I'd grown tired of the whole routine and I didn't see how it would get any better without someone with some actual fashion knowledge like Joan had.


Taking six months to re-boot is a good move. Maybe they'll get someone on that is adept at mixing some humor and fashion analysis. Surely there has to be someone out there.

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This Gawker article is chock full of speculation, anonymous sources, etc.

But according to a source close to the show who spoke with me on the condition of anonymity, Griffin's gig was "doomed from the start." She alienated her co-panelists, demanded the termination of some of the show's longtime employees, and was otherwise "obstinate"—and her current redemption tour is face-saving attempting, something seemingly corroborated in her email plea for a public showing of support from her celebrity friends over her supposedly brave decision to exit the E! staple ("I am asking for your support via Twitter, etc. IF you are comfortable. I admire you & your work and hope that you can stand by me").
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As for comics having writers, all/most of the big names do.  My mother was a comedy writer for Phyllis Diller, she had many.  Joan was an exception, she wrote all of her own material.

She may not have used them for her stand up, but she absolutely used writers on Fashion Police. Before she died, the Writers Guild was in the process of expelling Joan for preventing the Fashion Police writers from unionizing and failing to pay them overtime.

The show had a very strange vibe with Kathy there. The format was the same, but it was clear Kathy wanted a lower key energy. I think it was mostly a disconnect on what both parties wanted for the show.

Yeah, I remember the thing about the Writer's guild. It was quietly in the news the year before Joan died and got pushed down out of attention by all the lauds for her after her death.


Again, not the deny her talent, but it's that same old thing where when people die a lot of their misdeed apparently die with them.  Joan wasn't really a nice person (nor is Melissa).  She was just funny, sometimes ridiculously so.

I have some unpopular opinions and observations to air~

I only became a FP regular 2 years ago because I got dvr, and I FF'd through most of Joan's wisecracks and the slap sticky stuff she so loved to do. She was a living legend, and blazed a trail through my childhood that was awesome. I adored her because I got to know her when the censors kept some of the crass in check, and I felt traitorous when I hated the 21st century anything-goes-for-a-vagina-joke tedium this show was soooo OTT infamous for doing.

OTT as a formula will only work with a fierce showman, so of course the format had to change.

With the Kathy/Brad/Kelly/Guliana version, i was enjoying the show immensely! I was hoping for more photos and discussions in each episode, but was not speeding through so much. I love Kathy's SueAnn Nivens grin as she throws the camera to the next talking head!

Speaking of my generation, I don't know avant couture from haute guarde (haha) but I did believe Brad. And I don't get Kelly's clothes, but believed her take on what's tailored or not working with styling, hair, makeup. And I love what G wears, and can't stand her schtick. I kept hoping she would leave.

IF it's true that TPTB wanted to have "writers" promoting the OTT agenda?! (Writing G's crack about the pothead hairdo) adding skits?! Geez I have no hope for this program.

I liked Joan Rivers pretty well through the years, but honestly the past couple of years, I really wondered if she was suffering from dementia at times.  The raunchy humor got raunchier, and seemed repetitive and just vulgar for no reason.  I've loved Kathy Griffin for years, and I was pulling for her to make this gig work.  


I thought the very first show with Kathy was odd and felt somewhat uncomfortable, but the succeeding weeks seemed much better to me.  I thought they had a pretty good chemistry, with Giuliana and Brad sort of on one side of the issues and Kathy and Kelly on the other, and it all seemed pretty balanced. But I had a sense of a power struggle between Giuliana and Kathy that I can't quite put my finger on.  To me it seemed as if Giuliana felt that with Joan gone, she was in charge of things, and I'm quite sure Kathy felt that with her having been hired to take Joan's spot, she was in charge. There wasn't anything overt that I can point to, just a vibe, mostly from Giuliana.  


I think the format of just-for-the-big-events may be the best way for the show to get back to some sense of itself.  In fact, I had assumed that was what it would be and was quite surprised they were trying to go back to weekly shows.  This all does show how hard it can be to fill the shoes of someone as iconic as Joan Rivers!  

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A link to a story on Peter Dinklage appeared on another site I follow, and it prompts a question/frustration I had with many of Joan's favorite joke targets. He was one of them. For reasons I never understood, she'd target random people for horribly out of context (and, for me, unfunny) insults that always felt misplaced in this show.

ETA the question: did they have some history that merited her jokes about him? Well, maybe not "merited, " but made him a target?

Edited by RealityCowgirl

My take is that it all boils down to Melissa. While Joan was alive, the rest of the cast and crew grudgingly tolerated her participation as executive producer and sometimes panelist. Now with Joan gone, no one wants to deal or be bossed around by the untalented, coattail riding likes of Melissa Rivers. (I have no use for her, can you tell?!)

Edited by Juneau Gal
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I haven't been a fan of Fasion Police, nor was I a fan of the Joan/Melissa red carpet for the Golden Globes. Usually when I saw them, I changed the channel quickly. I supposed it's because I've seen Joan Rivers over the past 40 years, since her Johnny Carson days. In the begininng I found her to be entertaining (notice I didn't say funny) because she was new, she was ambitious and she was kissing Carson ass big time. So she went easy on the cutthroat virulent hate filled dialogs as she regressed into once she achieved some degree of fame. It seemed that the richer she got, the more nasty and vulgar she felt she had the right to be. Tearing people down in order to feel superior isn't my idea of comedy. She was too acidic for me. As for Melissa, I remember when she was born. It was like a new royal had graced the universe with her presence. She was over-indulged and coddled by her overbearing mother all her life. Melissa has been a lamprey eel that attached itself to the belly of a shark for free food and transportation. On her own, Melissa has never done anything to speak of and she's following in her mother's footsteps as far as plastic surgery goes, she has admitted to breast enlargement, nose job and botox.


Melissa has been hitting all the talk shows in NY.  In the past week, I've seen her on three of them so far and the week is still young.. She's pushing her book about her mother, The Book of Joan in which she has a memorable quote;  "My whole life cannot be about my mother's legacy". Melissa Rivers will always be inextricably linked with her famous mother because that's all Melissa had to offer, that she's the daughter of Joan Rivers. She can milk that for perhaps ten years or more if she's lucky. Eventually the next generations coming up won't know who Joan Rivers is or care.

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Listen to Melissa's interview with Howard Stern (I found it on you tube) -- they talk about the whole Fashion Police fiasco and it is pretty clear something went down with Kathy G (and I am saying that as a huge Kathy & Joan fan).  They haven't spoken since the last taping of FP and I found that sad considering how close Kathy and Joan were supposed to be.  


Melissa also talked about how G & K fight like sisters.

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I obviously have zero inside knowledge, but fuck you, Melissa. She's the producer of the damned show, so it's beyond stupid and insight-less for her to blame Kathy -- Kathy! -- a minor player who came on and by most accounts, simply did the job she was given in a fun way. It seems like Melissa is blaming Kathy for quitting, but it's Melissa who created and fostered whatever toxic work environment there was. Look into your own heart, Melissa, if you're hell-bent on protecing your sainted mother's reputation.


Also, shut up, Giuliana.

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I think Melissa has always ridden her mother's coattails, and now that she's gone, she needs to write a book about her and go on talk shows and spread gossip while trying to appear in charge. Didn't she hire Kathy, or at least say, "Eh, sounds good, hire her." Kathy did nothing that Joan wouldn't have done, and frankly, I think Joan would have made the pouchoulli joke, without hesitation. Years of fat jokes and pussy jokes, yes, Melissa, your mother always took the high road, just like you're doing now.

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Melissa, like your mother always used to say "Grow Up"!  You should learn to take responsibility for your own fuck ups. If the people you hired for FP didn't work out, it's YOUR fault, not theirs. Just because you were in a hurry to add more $$$$$ to your bank account, doesn't mean you get to blame everyone else for the show's failure.

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I think what Melissa was saying is when Kathy left, she said in her statement something about the premise of the show (shaming people for their bodies, etc) was "not her" and wrong.  Her statement made it seem like she was above all that, when in reality Kathy has told her share of "fat" jokes, etc.  The statement attribited to Melissa was taken out of context (as most sensational quotes are).  It seemed like Melissa thought that by Kathy putting down the show she was dissing Joan since it was her baby.  That's what I got from it as someone who is not invested in any of these people.  It really did seem like Kathy bailed on a sinking ship to save herself. 

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