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S32.E09: A Celebration of Taylor Swift

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2 minutes ago, Kristi800 said:

Didn't Charity wear those pants last week?

Finally, Alyson gets to wear a fun outfit and thank goodness she won over Harry. Why is he still here...and please make him go away!! 

She wasn’t in shape to wear it when she started…and remember that horrible teapot, or whatever it was, outfit Sasha put her in for Disney week?   But now, when they show her original intro in the gold and then current her, it looks like the before and after for a weight loss program. .  

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Harry going home. Thank goodness!

21 minutes ago, Annber03 said:

Hahaha, I was just telling my mom about that :D. Didn't LL Cool J say something like, "...you sing that song in your car, don't you?" after that performance :p? 

It was Jimmy Fallon (he also said in his bedroom). I just went to watch it again and found a video of him actually singing it in a car (a promo for Ballers). 😄


Edited by ams1001
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She wasn’t in shape to wear it when she started…and remember that horrible teapot, or whatever it was, outfit Sasha put her in for Disney week?   But now, when they show her original intro in the gold and then current her, it looks like the before and after for a weight loss program. .  

But even the outfit she wore for the contemporary last week was not good. Her confidence has increased and that's helped as well. Her hair looks great. 

Praise Be! The tree is gone! 

I didn't think Charity was going home.

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I'm so pleased with the results because I couldn't stomach the idea of him hoisting the Len Goodman Mirrorball Trophy. 

And Harry, in that dance-off, finally did a dance worthy of this show. Week one of the show, but it was something. I genuinely believe that anyone who wants to learn to dance can. I can't speak to the pace of that learning but eventually, everyone gets there. Harry is just the slowest learning to ever be on the show. 

I did think it was unfair that Ariana got the part of the song with barely any music while Xotchil got the meat of the song and ceiling confetti. A very telegraphed result.

There was a moment in Charity's AT where she did that flip and as she landed you could see her face in full cheer mode. She has to break that completely if she's got any real shot at this. It was so jarring. 

I'm glad Jason had a strong night. I liked Ariana and Xochi's work. I'm glad Alyson had fun and brought her hot husband Alexis for me to look at. 

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The Taylor Swift phenomenon is a totally mystery to me. Maybe I'm just old. It feels like she has a genie and she wished to be the most famous person in the world and have everyone be obsessed with her but for some reason the spell didn't work on me. Shake it Off is literally the only song of hers I know.

Shocked that Harry actually, finally went home. The judges have been scoring Alyson like she's on the same level as Harry and it really pisses me off. I did notice her first dance was a little off at the beginning but no way in hell did Harry deserve higher scores than her.

{tinfoil hat/on} Maybe it's Alyson getting the votes, it's almost as if the judges are trying to get rid of her because they're worried she'll bump someone else like Ariana or Xochitl. 

Speaking of Xochitl, it seems like we hear this same story every season with the Disney kid or other child star. One or both parents give up their job to move to LA so their kid can pursue an acting career. That does not seem healthy. I can guarantee, if I had told my parents I wanted to be an actor, neither of them would have given up their job and moved with me to LA and driven me to auditions. They would have said "That's nice honey, finish school then do whatever you want." 

Don't get me wrong, it's great to support you kid's dream, but not at the expense of your own life. So does Xochitl support her parents now? Was that their goal all along? Frankly, I think her career has a limited shelf life. I hope she's investing wisely.

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Jason was really on fire tonight, except that in his rehearsal package he doubled down on that hat that I hate. The thing is, it makes him look goofy, and he isn’t goofy on the dance floor in the least. 

I also voted for the first time tonight, but not because I’m a Swifty. I wanted Alyson to make it to the semis, and Jason to make it to the finals, so I split my votes between them. 

So glad Harry went home tonight. Somehow I always find something that I urgently need to look up on my iPad whenever he is on the dance floor. 

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11 minutes ago, iMonrey said:

The Taylor Swift phenomenon is a totally mystery to me. Maybe I'm just old. It feels like she has a genie and she wished to be the most famous person in the world and have everyone be obsessed with her but for some reason the spell didn't work on me. Shake it Off is literally the only song of hers I know.

The only songs I could list, if I had to, are Shake It Off and Mean (the latter I know from Glee). I recognized a couple others (though one of them took me until a few lines in before I realized I'd heard it before). I could not tell you their titles.

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2 minutes ago, iMonrey said:

Don't get me wrong, it's great to support you kid's dream, but not at the expense of your own life. So does Xochitl support her parents now? Was that their goal all along? Frankly, I think her career has a limited shelf life. I hope she's investing wisely.

Zendaya and Jordan Fisher are two that come to mind that were Disney and have strong careers. Jordan is now killing it on Broadway and I think he was an adopted child, but had strong support. Zendaya  of course has a very long career ahead of her and by any account the had the most successful acting  career of any contestant from DWTS 

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1 minute ago, crowceilidh said:

As predicted Jason gets the redemption narrative.  He buys into it seemingly genuinely and once again I wanna know how much the celebs know.

I really wasn't sure if Jason was going g to get this redemption. The show was giving him whipping boy status for such a long time I thought his fans were supportive but were really starting to drift to others.  Usually the show does the redemption arc for a couple of weeks but this underscoring felt like half the season.

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57 minutes ago, ams1001 said:

Harry is fun to watch? Okay..

Aaargh.  So far only Billy Porter called him out on what he is.  I don't even see this "fun."  I think he had basically one section where he even attempted the jive and that was during the side-by-side.  Meanwhile, Alyson did more but even the camera work tried to hide the discrepancy.  

Shaking your butt isn't quality dancing at this stage in the game. Harrumph.  


17 minutes ago, boyznkatz said:

Thanks, Swifties!!

Ha.  If anyone could do it, it's the Swifties.  I knew he might be in trouble when I read he followed Scooter Braun and not Taylor.  


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This was certainly a shocking elimination for me, but obviously in the best possible way. I really did think Harry was at LEAST locked in for semis, so seeing him go now is relieving. I can now be truly happy with whatever outcome, because I like all five left and think they all have something to offer.

Despite this being Alyson's weakest week since the first one, she's come a LONG way and even her weakest dances are a step up from her first couple of weeks. I blame Sasha's choreography and the slowed down tempo of You Belong With Me. I feel confident to now say that Alyson can do SO MUCH better than what she was given. And listen, I like that Alyson did that handstand, but Sasha did NOT have to have her hold it for as long as she did. We get it, she can now live up to your gymnastic standards, Sasha! I now expect a cartwheel in next week's dance! 

But still, I am very glad Alyson survived this week. I really thought she was going home. 

Ariana is very technically good but there are some weeks I don't quite connect. She really is a beautiful dancer and she did lovely work with Pasha this week. I'm glad Pasha's gotten the chance to prove himself with Ariana.

Jason's comeback week! Hooray! I loved his dances this week. I'm very glad he's finding his rhythm again. I could really see him putting in the work on stage. He was really focused on making sure each move was correct.

Harry did marginally better, but 8s were a bit much. At least he got some ok'ish scores for his final week. I will say, he has really improved. Week 1 Harry, hell, even Week 6 Harry couldn't have moved the way he did tonight. I do think the Team Dance was his breakout dance. Ever since then, it seems like he at least improved in a couple of areas. I do think that, with him having ZERO musicality, he did what he absolutely could and I'll take any sort of improvement....along with his elimination, obviously.

Charity is very technically good but, yeah, there's really no performance when she dances, so there's no connection whatsoever. That's her issue and I think it's safe to say she's not going to get it. It's a shame, because she performs the dances very well and she's great to watch when zoomed out, but she seems so disconnected when she dances, it's as if she's not there. She's the one who I WANT to love but I feel like she has walls up. She had a couple of dances in the past where it felt like she was connecting, but then she goes back into Pageant Presence.

Xochitl is such a joy to watch; she has such a spirit when she dances that is infectious. She can truly perform and it's always so much fun to watch her add her own flair in each dance. Val has also been killing it in the choreography this season. He's obviously had past partners, even just last season, who have done well. But he seems to have a different spark with Xochitl that has awakened a new side to him with his choreography. His dances this season have been consistently filled with content.

I agreed with the choices for the dance relay winners. 

Overall, besides bad covers and Alyson having bad choreography, it was a great night.

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I went back and watched Jason's AT because I was so nervous for him I really just held my breath until the scores. On re-watch that was  incredible in terms of chemistry and execution. Jason freaking rules as the best student of dance. He took every note, every nuance from Pasha and came correct. So the ladies, all in the semis need to perfect the technique because Jason is doing it. 





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1 hour ago, Linderhill said:

at long last our DWTS nightmare is over!  don't let the door hit you on the way out Harry.  I think I saw him pinch his nipple in the background of one of the interviews.

I caught him smelling his armpits twice during Xochitl’s interview with Julianne. Well, my mom was the one to first see it and she was cracking up. No sure if he was purposely camera hogging or what, but there he was. 

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1 hour ago, Andiethewestie said:

I went back and watched Jason's AT because I was so nervous for him I really just held my breath until the scores. On re-watch that was  incredible in terms of chemistry and execution. Jason freaking rules as the best student of dance. He took every note, every nuance from Pasha and came correct. So the ladies, all in the semis need to perfect the technique because Jason is doing it. 





I did the same! I needed to see him again. He still looks under the weather, but then he did say he was nervous tonight. Shake it off, shake it off. I really want to see him win.

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